Are Doctor Mom Lozenges Possible for Pregnant Coughs?

Doctor Mom offers a number of drugs in various dosage forms, each of which can be used in the treatment of infectious diseases that include runny nose, cough, headaches and muscle weakness. Any of the drugs quickly relieves symptoms of colds and ARVI, but many still do not know whether Doctor Mom can be taken during pregnancy. To understand this, it is worth familiarizing yourself in detail with the composition of herbal remedies and the nature of their effect on the body. Products from the Doctor Mom line are available in the form of syrup, lozenges, ointments, and also a pencil. Some doctors prescribe Doctor Mom to pregnant women and rule out their negative effects on the fetus. Let's try to figure out if this is really the case.

Detailed information about the drug "Doctor Mom" ​​is here.

Cough syrup

Doctor Mom is recommended for use during pregnancy due to the naturalness of the composition. A complex of plant extracts allows you to effectively combat cough syndrome and poorly discharged sputum.

Each of the phytocomponents included in cough syrup helps eliminate inflammation, softens coughing attacks, and improves the discharge of bronchial mucus. During pregnancy, Doctor Mom syrup quickly relieves unpleasant symptoms of the disease and improves the general condition of the woman. The medicine should be taken three times a day; the dosage of the phytosyrup should be checked with your doctor.

Doctor Mom lozenges during pregnancy


  • 1 Doctor Mom syrup – what cough does it help with?
  • 2 Indications for use
  • 3 Release form and composition
  • 4 Instructions for use of Doctor Mom syrup
  • 5 Interaction with other drugs
  • 6 Side effects
  • 7 Analogs

Doctor Mom cough syrup is a fairly popular remedy that has been sold for many years. Being quite effective, it also tastes good, which children especially like. But always, before using a drug, you need to get as much information as possible about it.

As you know, each medicine is prescribed individually, depending on the type of patient’s disease and many other associated factors. Let's figure out which cough Doctor Mom syrup helps best with.

The syrup has a pronounced healing effect and can help with any cough. But it is considered especially effective in relation to dry, when sputum is extremely difficult to pass.

The therapeutic effect after consuming the drug becomes possible due to the herbal components included in its composition. They not only eliminate the unpleasant symptom itself, but also have an impact on the cause of its occurrence.

Taking the syrup dilates the bronchi, speeds up the removal of mucus and relieves irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat.

Since the remedy is complex, it can be used not only to treat coughs during colds, but also to treat any respiratory diseases. Including bronchitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis and laryngitis, which are caused by the characteristics of the profession.

Syrup is often used for infectious diseases to prevent complications. These include rubella, chickenpox, measles and scarlet fever.

The drug has an expectorant, bronchodilator, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect due to components that combine well with each other. That is why, in addition to treating cough, syrup can strengthen the immune system, relieve pain, eliminate the inflammatory process and quickly lead to a complete recovery.

The syrup in question is a rather thick liquid with a bright green color. Of course, partly to achieve this shade, absolutely safe dyes are used, but otherwise, this is the merit of plant components.

The liquid is distributed into bottles of 100 and 150 milliliters, after which it is placed in a cardboard package with a special measuring cup and in this form is delivered to the pharmacy.

In addition to the above components, the medicine contains others that form the consistency, appearance and taste: citric acid monohydrate, sorbic acid, glycerol.

Despite all the safety of the syrup and its availability for children, it is, first of all, a medicine, which means it requires compliance with the dosage. The instructions for using Doctor Mom cough syrup will tell you how and how much to drink.

First of all, after removing the bottle from the package, be sure to shake it and only then open it. If we are talking about adults (starting from 14 years old), then you need to drink the product 5 - 10 milliliters three times a day. A special glass is included for measurement.

As for the time of administration, it is advisable to use it before you decide to sit down at the table. This will lead to better absorption of the drug from the stomach into the blood. The average treatment period is about 5 – 10 days.

After this period, significant improvements can be observed. But if suddenly this does not happen, you should visit a doctor or extend the course a little. The maximum period of safe use is up to 20 days.

The manufacturer of the product itself claims that there is no need to give syrup to pregnant women, since appropriate studies have not been conducted regarding its effect on both the growing and female bodies.

But many doctors still prescribe it to their pregnant patients and explain this as a good herbal composition that cannot harm.

But during breastfeeding you should definitely avoid it, since it is unknown how the child’s body will react. Allergy development is possible.

For children

It is allowed to begin treatment with this syrup only from the age of three, since very young children may react poorly to herbal components.

But even if your child is over three years old and you decide to use syrup for the first time, be sure to do a test. To do this, give him literally a few drops of medicine and watch what happens for three hours. If no changes in the baby’s condition were noticed, then you can proceed to the normal dosage.

  • At the age of 3 to 5 years - 2.5 milliliters at a time and repeat three times a day.
  • From 6 to 14 years – 3 milliliters per dose and three times.


If you look at the official instructions, you can see that no cases of overdose have been recorded. This really speaks to the safety of the drug.

But still, excessive and too long-term use can lead to swelling, high blood pressure and pain in the heart due to the action of licorice, which is part of the drug.

As for the reaction when used with other drugs, there are no special restrictions here either, it is only important not to combine it with drugs that have a similar effect, that is, with those that also relieve cough. This can lead to disruption of the process of sputum waste, which is already liquefied.

Side effects

Of course, there are no completely harmless drugs, and everyone’s body is different, which means the reaction cannot be the same.

  • the appearance of dry mouth, which does not go away even after drinking plenty of water;
  • increased blood pressure and mild pain in the heart area;
  • various allergic reactions with rash, sneezing and other symptoms;
  • swelling of body parts, dizziness;
  • abdominal pain and disturbances in the functioning of the stomach.

In addition, there is also a group of people for whom this drug is not suitable. So, if you have hypertension, kidney and liver problems, diabetes, hemorrhoids and serious stomach diseases, then it is better to find another remedy.

In case of pronounced negative reactions and deterioration of the condition, it is advisable to seek help from a doctor and, if possible, perform gastric lavage before the ambulance arrives.


This product does not have a 100% analogue, but you can try replacing it with something similar, which is also made from plant ingredients.

  • “Ospan.” Another syrup that includes dry ivy leaf extract and auxiliary components. The effectiveness of the drug in treating cough has been confirmed. Children over four years old are allowed.
  • "Herbion". Another good syrup, available in two types: based on plantain and primrose. These two herbs help quickly relieve both types of cough. Can be used from a very young age - from two years.

In addition to these drugs, the following are considered no less good: Pectolvan, Antitusin, Bronchicum and Ingafitol.

Of course, many believe that herbal ingredients are safer for health than synthetic ones. But currently there are a number of drugs based on chemical compounds that are in no way inferior to their herbal counterparts, and can also be used without fear.

  • "Lazolvan." A good, rather old drug, where the main active ingredient is ambroxol. Unlike herbal syrups, it can be given even to children under two years of age, but of course, observing the dosage very strictly.
  • "Ambrobene". Syrup, which also consists of ambroxol and some other excipients. Suitable for children aged two years and older, also suitable for adults. Has side effects.

To such products you can add “Mukaltin”, “Rengalin”, “Fluditek”.

"Doctor Mom" ​​is an effective, good remedy. But no matter how safe it may be, treatment should still be started only after visiting a doctor, especially when it comes to treating children.

Pregnant women are a special category of patients that require a more careful selection of medications that cannot negatively affect the development of the fetus.

In recent years, syrups are more often recognized as such medicines.

So that you can also use them at one or another stage of pregnancy, let's look at what is special about treatment with such drugs, and how expectant mothers should take them correctly.

First you need to understand what a cough is. Cough is understood as a reflex reaction of the body to the entry of any irritants into the respiratory tract.

These can be bacteria, viruses, fungi, allergens (for example, pollen), small objects, dust, aerosols, smoke. Coughing quickly clears the airways of these irritants.

By type it can be:

  • unproductive, not accompanied by sputum (this often appears when dust enters the respiratory tract, but can also be noted in the early stages of some diseases);
  • productive, accompanied by the release of sputum, by analysis of which it is possible to determine the type of disease that caused it.

Cough can be an independent symptom, but more often it accompanies various diseases. In particular, it is a manifestation of ARVI, influenza, bronchitis, as well as such serious illnesses as tuberculosis or pneumonia.

Since these diseases can have an extremely negative impact on both the mother and the fetus, if such a symptom appears, a pregnant woman needs to consult a doctor, undergo a full examination and select the appropriate treatment. This is the only way she can preserve her health and the health of her unborn child.

It is no coincidence that syrups are so often used to treat pregnant women at different stages.

They are one of the most gentle drugs that act directly on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.

Various drugs are produced in this form today, including antihistamines, antivirals, anti-inflammatory drugs, and mucolytics. Let's take a closer look at them.


  • Cough syrup Doctor MOM® is recommended for the treatment of acute and chronic respiratory diseases characterized by cough with difficult sputum. The complex of herbal components of the syrup has a gentle effect on the body, relieving coughs due to laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, and tracheitis.
  • Since clinical studies regarding the use of Doctor MOM® by pregnant and lactating women have not been conducted, the administration of syrup is not recommended for them.
  • The active components of Doctor MOM® herbal cough lozenges are extracts of ginger rhizomes, emblica fruits, licorice roots and levomenthol. This complex of components makes it possible to facilitate the separation of sputum in diseases accompanied by a dry cough.
  • Pregnant and lactating women are not recommended to use Doctor MOM® herbal cough lozenges, due to the lack of clinical data on the effects of lozenges on the body during this period.
  • The active components of Doctor MOM® Phyto ointment are nutmeg oil, camphor, turpentine and eucalyptus oils, thymol and levomenthol. This ointment is recommended for acute respiratory infections such as runny nose, nasal congestion, headaches and muscle pain.
  • The lack of data on the possible effects of the ointment on the body of pregnant and lactating women does not allow us to recommend an ointment in this category.


Not everyone knows whether pregnant women can use ointment as an auxiliary medicine for coughs and runny nose. You can take it during pregnancy. The complex of vegetable oils has a local irritating effect, promotes better mucus removal, and protects mucous membranes from the effects of pathogenic microorganisms. Along with this, the ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect.

It is also recommended to smear the medicine in the temporal region to eliminate migraine attacks.

Do not use Doctor Mom ointment during pregnancy if there is damage or irritation on the skin, in which case the drug will intensify the inflammatory process and cause a local burning sensation.

Is Doctor Mom safe for pregnant women?

Most expectant mothers encounter acute respiratory infections when carrying a baby, especially in the early stages, when immunosuppression occurs and the body’s defenses are seriously suppressed to maintain pregnancy. Most medications are contraindicated for pregnant women, but treatment is necessary. Doctor Mom is considered one of the harmless medications during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, which is actively used for the symptomatic treatment of colds.

Roller pencil Doctor Mom

If a pregnant woman is worried about nasal congestion and coughing attacks, then a pencil with phytocomponents will be a real salvation. It will relieve inflammation and have a local analgesic effect.

When applying the product to the skin, a fairly strong thermal effect is first felt, after which an analgesic and cooling effect is observed. The process of releasing the oils contained in the pencil occurs instantly, which provides a quick therapeutic effect.

When treating a runny nose, it is necessary to apply a pencil to the skin of the wings of the nose, for cough syndrome - apply to the chest, for headaches - rub into the temporal region.

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