What pills can you take for sore throat during pregnancy?

Causes of sore throat

Sore throat is a symptom of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the soft palate and pharynx, which has the scientific name “pharyngitis”.
Almost always this complaint is a manifestation of an infectious process. In addition to pain, inflammation is accompanied by swelling and redness of the mucous membrane of the throat. Pharyngitis is a symptom of various diseases:

Bacterial throat infection. Most often, pharyngitis occurs against the background of the proliferation of opportunistic and pathogenic flora (streptococci, staphylococci). This infection can be caused by hypothermia or contact with an infected person. Bacterial infections are often accompanied by other symptoms - fever, chills, runny nose, cough.

Acute respiratory viral infections. In this case, pharyngitis occurs due to the penetration of the influenza virus, parainfluenza and other pathogens into the body. The disease has an abrupt onset, accompanied by the development of fever, pain in the eyeballs, a burning sensation and clear nasal discharge. Acute respiratory viral infections are transmitted by airborne droplets and can be contracted after contact with a sick person.

Tonsillitis. This disease is accompanied by inflammation of the tonsils, which increase in size and become covered with a white coating. Tonsillitis is caused by various types of microorganisms, most often the pathology develops after contact with an infected person. Inflammation of the parapharyngeal tonsils is called “angina”. Symptoms of tonsillitis include high body temperature, severe sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes in the head and neck.

Viral pharyngitis. When pathogens penetrate the mucous membrane of the pharynx, they cause dryness and soreness in the throat. Viral pharyngitis occurs due to a decrease in immunity after contact with an infected person. This group of diseases is not accompanied by fever, cough, or runny nose.

Specific infections. In rare cases, a sore throat may be a consequence of the proliferation of pathogens such as measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, and mumps. However, infection with these microorganisms is unlikely, since most people have strong immunity against them.

What medications can be used during pregnancy for throat diseases?

In short, only those drugs prescribed by the doctor are suitable. If during pregnancy it is not possible to contact a doctor, your throat hurts severely, treat

This condition will be helped by antiseptic solutions, because their effect is stronger than that of conventional folk remedies. Such drugs include: miramistin, furatsilin, chlorophyllipt. Let's look at how to properly use these remedies during pregnancy.


The drug was developed back in Soviet times and has stood the test of time. It has been scientifically and practically proven that Miramistin does not have a teratogenic effect on the fetus, so its use is possible at any stage of gestation.

The main purpose of miramistin is to fight microbes, as well as viruses and fungi. Tonsillitis, tonsillitis, ARVI are those pathologies for which Miramistin will be useful. For viral throat infections, the drug will also protect against the possible addition of bacterial flora.

Gargle up to four times a day; one gargle requires 10–15 ml of solution; no need to dilute.


Furacilin, which is widely used in surgery, is considered a reliable antiseptic. The disinfecting effect of this product is similar to the antibacterial effect. If your tonsillitis has worsened during pregnancy, or simply bacterial flora has affected your throat, you don’t need to rack your brains about how to treat it; try rinsing with furatsilin for a few days.

Of course, such a recommendation is suitable in the complete absence of an increase in body temperature in a pregnant woman and the presence of symptoms of general intoxication. In all other cases, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

To prepare the solution at home, you will need 0.5 tablets of furatsilin and 100 ml of lukewarm boiled water. The tablet must be completely dissolved in water. Gargle 3-4 times a day until the condition improves. Do not swallow the solution. Allergic reactions or other symptoms with the use of furatsilin are extremely rare.


This product is made from environmentally friendly natural raw materials. Chlorophyll extracts, which are isolated from eucalyptus leaves, are used as active ingredients. Therefore, if there is no allergy to this plant, the remedy will be simply irreplaceable in the fight against throat diseases during pregnancy.

In the pharmacy chain you can buy lozenges, spray and alcohol solution. To prepare a medicinal solution, use the alcohol form of the drug, diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10. You can gargle up to 5 times a day.

It is convenient to lubricate the tonsils with an oil solution using ear sticks. Sometimes the tolerance of an oil composition is much better than an alcohol composition, and it remains on the throat mucosa for a long time.

Lizobact - antiseptic tablets for the treatment of the throat and oral cavity

A week-long course of lysobact eliminates the inflammatory process not only in the throat, but throughout the entire oral cavity. The product acts on viruses, bacteria, fungi. When using tablets, beneficial microflora is not destroyed. The drug is used for a week, 1 tablet 4 times a day.

Instructions for use of Lyzobact and its analogues.

Tantum verde - throat spray

The drug belongs to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and treats not only the throat, but also the oral cavity. If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, you can safely use Tantum Verde. More details about the indications can be found in the instructions for use of tantum verde. For sore throat, mucous membranes are irrigated up to 4 times a day.

Sometimes during pregnancy, a dry or wet cough appears along with a sore throat, then treatment becomes more complicated, and you need to think about how to treat such a duo. The appearance of a cough is dangerous due to complications such as tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. Therefore, antitussive treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after examining the pregnant woman (auscultation is required).

If the doctor is far away, then as an exception, without control, safe folk remedies and medicines during pregnancy are recommended. Let's look at them.

Seeing a doctor

When visiting a clinic, a pregnant woman is treated by a local therapist or general practitioner. In specialized medical institutions, acute pharyngitis is treated by an otolaryngologist (ENT). If a sore throat develops, the expectant mother is advised to seek medical help as soon as possible.

Colds can cause various pregnancy complications. With improper drug therapy, pathogens penetrate the placenta and infect the fetus. To prevent dangerous complications, the expectant mother should carefully monitor her health and not self-medicate.


It is important to remember that pregnant women should not take medications without a doctor’s prescription.

Most people with a sore throat go to the pharmacy and buy the usual cough drops, but they are contraindicated for pregnant women. If you don’t know what you can replace them with, buy Lizobact tablets. They do an excellent job of killing germs, eliminate pain when swallowing and are safe for pregnant women.

So, how can you treat a sore throat during pregnancy?

There are also products that can be used during pregnancy:

  • "Givalex";
  • "Faringosept";
  • Furacilin solution;
  • "Ingalipt";
  • "Kameton";
  • "Hexoral".

But even taking these medications should be discussed with your doctor, because the safest medications for pregnant women can be dangerous. Do not self-medicate.

Now you know how to treat a sore throat during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester.

Folk remedies

Before using any traditional methods of treating a cold, the expectant mother is recommended to consult a doctor. Some methods may have a negative impact on the development of the fetus and may also cause an allergic reaction.

The most famous folk remedy for treating a sore throat is drinking warm milk with honey. This drink softens the mucous membrane of the oropharynx and has an enveloping effect. To enhance the effect, the expectant mother can add butter to the milk. However, honey is a strong allergen and pregnant women should take it with extreme caution.

Chamomile gargle is a safe folk remedy used to treat pharyngitis. To prepare it, the expectant mother should pour a tablespoon of dry plant extract into a glass of boiled water. It is recommended to leave the resulting solution for 2-3 hours.

Attention! If any symptoms of colds appear, a pregnant woman should inform her doctor.

Treating a throat at home can be done with the help of other medicinal herbs - sage, mint, calendula. The listed plants produce an antibacterial effect and soften the mucous membrane of the pharynx. To prepare solutions, use dry extract poured with boiling water.

Another popular method for treating a sore throat is gargling with a solution of baking soda and iodine. This product has an antiseptic effect, causing the death of pathogenic microorganisms. However, iodine is a strong allergen, so expectant mothers should monitor their sensations.

Treatment of throat during pregnancy

As first aid during pregnancy, at the first signs of sore throat and sore throat (the doctor will tell you how to treat it later), it is allowed to use some traditional medicine methods. Let's look at them.

Folk remedies

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the throat, medicinal gargles are used. We present the safest and most proven recipes for this purpose:

  1. Apple cider vinegar - a solution is prepared by diluting 5 ml of homemade vinegar in a glass of slightly warm boiled water. Rinsing is carried out with a frequency of 1 time every 2–3 hours.
  2. Sea or table (coarsely crystalline) salt - a slightly salted solution is prepared to treat the throat. The following dilutions are suitable: salt + water (5 grams + 200 ml) or (2.5 grams + 200 ml). More concentrated solutions increase irritation of the mucous membrane. Rinse up to 6 times a day.
  3. 3% hydrogen peroxide - some ENT doctors, if there is no allergy, advise rinsing with pure peroxide. But, during pregnancy, it is still better to play it safe and make the concentration of the solution weaker. We dilute peroxide as follows: 5 ml per 20 ml of water. Rinse three times a day.
  4. Beets - squeeze out beet juice, fresh each time, and gargle every three hours. For one procedure, take 10 ml of juice. If desired, the juice is diluted 1:1 with water.
  5. Garlic infusion is an excellent remedy for tonsillitis and sore throat. For a high-quality infusion, you will need to select three cloves (hard) of garlic and grind them using a garlic press. Pour the resulting pulp with hot boiled water (200–300 ml). We insist for about an hour. Rinse after meals three times a day. This method is allowed only if garlic is well tolerated.
  6. Chamomile infusion - a teaspoon of dried flowers is poured into 150 ml of boiling water, left for 40 minutes. You can gargle every two hours.
  7. Calendula infusion – pour a dessert spoon of flowers into 250 ml of boiling water. After 40 minutes, the infusion is ready for rinsing. 3-5 rinses per day are enough.

Important! Do not swallow medicinal herbs while rinsing. All herbal remedies for oral administration during pregnancy are prescribed exclusively by the supervising physician.

Some women are wary of taking citrus fruits during pregnancy, especially before the 3rd trimester, and this raises the question: can you still treat your throat, for example, with lemon, and how does this threaten the fetus?

There is indeed a lot of controversy about this. Some doctors say that a woman should receive all vitamins during pregnancy, others are wary of highly allergenic foods due to the risk of the baby developing allergies later.

As for gargling with lemon juice, there are no contraindications. It’s just that the juice itself is quite caustic and can cause throat irritation. Therefore, for gargling, it is better to use only juice diluted in half with water.

Lemon juice with honey - rinse solution

Pour a tablespoon of lemon juice into a quarter glass of warm boiled water and add 0.5 tsp. honey Stir the mixture and gargle three times a day. This remedy is especially effective in the presence of purulent plugs (white lumps), as well as purulent contents in the tonsils.

Lemon juice perfectly cleanses the upper layers of the lacunae of the tonsils, which allows the outflow of secretions from the deeper passages.

In uncomplicated cases, such as colds or hypothermia, the proposed methods in most cases bring a positive effect, and the use of medications can be avoided. If a sore throat is caused by bacteria, you will most likely have to resort to medications.

The best folk remedies for the throat during pregnancy


Safe medications approved for use during pregnancy include:


The drug is available in the form of a solution for topical use and a spray. Miramistin has a wide spectrum of action against pathogenic microorganisms, causing the death of the main causative agents of colds - staphylococci and streptococci. The drug does not irritate the mucous membranes of the inflamed pharynx.

When applied topically, the drug is not absorbed into the bloodstream, so it can only be used throughout pregnancy. Miramistin can cause side effects - allergic reactions to the components of the drug, manifested in the form of itching and skin rashes.


The active component of the drug is eucalyptus leaf extract. Chlorophyllipt has an antimicrobial effect against most strains of bacteria that cause acute respiratory diseases. The drug is available in the form of a solution for topical use and for oral administration.

The medication has a natural composition, so it is allowed to be used throughout the entire period of gestation. Eucalyptus leaf extract is a strong allergen and can cause swelling of the lips and throat, as well as skin rashes.


The active ingredient of the drug is the antibacterial drug Nitrofural. Furacilin is available in the form of powder and tablets for preparing a solution, as well as in the form of a ready-made medication for rinsing.

Furacilin is effective against many pathogens of acute respiratory diseases. The drug is also used in the treatment of fungal infections of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract.

When used topically, the drug does not have a systemic effect, so it does not penetrate the fetus’s body. Due to this, rinsing with Furacilin solution can be used from the 1st trimester of pregnancy. In rare cases, use of the drug may cause nausea, vomiting, and skin reactions.


Rotokan is a combination preparation based on extracts of Calendula, Chamomile and Yarrow. The drug is available in the form of a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for rinsing. The drug has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Due to its natural composition, Rotokan can be used from the early stages of pregnancy. The drug may contribute to the development of allergic reactions such as urticaria and angioedema.


Lyzobact is a combination drug based on the antiseptic Lysozyme and vitamin B6. The drug causes the death of most strains of pathogens of acute respiratory infections, and the drug also promotes the healing of damaged pharyngeal mucosa. Lysobact is available in the form of absorbable tablets.

The drug has only a local effect; it is not absorbed into the general circulatory system. That is why Lizobact can be used from the 1st trimester of gestation. In rare cases, taking the drug can provoke allergic reactions and a feeling of numbness in the limbs.


The medicine contains the antiseptic Hexetidine and is available in the form of a spray and rinse solution. The drug destroys pathogenic bacteria and fungi, which are a factor in the development of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Hexoral does not enter the general bloodstream, so it is allowed at any stage of pregnancy. While using the drug, nausea, vomiting, and allergic reactions may develop.

Lollipops for sore throat

Lollipops for sore throat are a popular and easy way of treatment; they have many advantages:

  • quickly relieve pain and inflammation;
  • soften the mucous membrane of the throat;
  • prevent coughing attacks;
  • eliminate bad breath;
  • destroy pathogenic microorganisms;
  • well tolerated by children;
  • convenient for use in any environment;
  • pleasant to the taste;
  • affordable.

Indications for the use of lozenges for sore throat

Indications for the use of lozenges for sore throat:

  • dry or wet cough with ARVI and colds;
  • cough due to smoking;
  • tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis;
  • inflammatory pathologies of the mouth (stomatitis, gingivitis);
  • reflex cough;
  • preparation for examination of the pharynx, dental prosthetics.

Prohibited drugs

During pregnancy, the expectant mother is prohibited from using certain groups of drugs. Such medications are potentially dangerous to the child’s body.

Pregnant women should not use antibiotics. Many drugs in this group can cause congenital pathologies in the unborn child. Taking antibiotics is possible only if there are serious indications - sore throat, diphtheria and other specific diseases.

During pregnancy, a woman should not take vasoconstrictors Theraflu and Coldrex. They can contribute to the deterioration of placental circulation. Pregnant women should not gargle with Chlorhexidine-based antiseptics as they irritate the pharyngeal mucosa.

Expectant mothers are not recommended to use drugs based on Aspirin and Ibuprofen. These drugs can cause congenital abnormalities in the fetus. Also, Xylometazoline-based products - Strepsils and Septolete lozenges - are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Doctor Komarovsky: treatment and prevention of ARVI during pregnancy

Causes and symptoms of throat problems in pregnant women

Sore throat is a symptom, treatment depends on the diagnosis!

When considering the treatment of any pathology, it is important to carefully study its etiology. The causes and symptoms of throat problems in pregnant women are no different from similar ailments that appear in an ordinary person.

Most often, pain, soreness, redness and other discomfort in the throat are observed due to:

  • development of ENT diseases (sore throat, colds, flu, etc.)
  • local damage to the nasopharynx (abscess, formation of pustules or tumors, etc.)
  • allergic reaction to dust, certain substances, smoke and other allergens
  • foreign body entering the nasopharynx area
  • rarely – problems associated with damage to human internal organs (gastrointestinal diseases, lung pathologies, etc.)

Before organizing therapy, it is necessary to accurately determine the true cause of throat discomfort in a pregnant woman. If you make a mistake in determining the etiology of the disease, you can not only treat the pathology to no avail, but also cause extremely unpleasant complications.

Confirming the diagnosis of a sore throat is quite simple - you just have to determine the presence of some symptoms. More precisely, the signs of damage to the nasopharynx are:

  • pain and sore throat
  • pronounced redness of the nasopharynx
  • the appearance of problems or discomfort in the process of breathing and swallowing

It is worth understanding that, even having correctly identified a health problem, it is not advisable for a pregnant woman to treat it without supervision from a specialist. Organizing therapy during pregnancy is an extremely responsible undertaking and cannot always be limited to taking medications against unpleasant symptoms and basic antiviral/antibacterial drugs.

That is why the only correct course of treatment for pain in the throat and the illness that caused it during pregnancy can only be organized by a qualified doctor. Remember this when deciding to self-medicate in such an interesting situation.

Therapy in the 1st trimester

In the early stages of pregnancy, all organs of the unborn child are formed, so taking medications may increase the risk of developing congenital pathologies. If possible, expectant mothers should avoid taking any medications.

For the treatment of sore throat in the 1st trimester, the use of local antimicrobial drugs is allowed. These include rinsing solutions Miramistin and Furacilin, Lizobact and Faringosept tablets.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman can use gargling solutions made from medicinal herbs. Also, the expectant mother is allowed to use preparations based on herbal ingredients - Rotocan and Chlorophyllipt.

Treatment in the second and third trimesters

How to treat a sore throat during pregnancy in the second and third trimesters? Dangerous risks to fetal life are reduced. Similar symptoms in the throat can appear with pharyngitis, tonsillitis and sore throat. During the second trimester, local therapy methods are used, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs are prescribed by the doctor. Only a doctor can determine the appropriate dosage for these periods, and he will also prescribe a treatment regimen.

During the third trimester, you can already take antipyretic and antiseptic drugs, as well as those containing paracetamol. But still, the main treatment is based on rinsing procedures in a more gentle manner. Just as in the early stages, you should not take warm baths or do various warm-ups - all this can lead to premature birth.

You should only use those pharmaceuticals recommended by your doctor to treat your throat, because some gargles and herbal sprays may contain immunostimulant substances that are prohibited for pregnant women.

When your throat hurts during pregnancy, what else can you treat?

Therapy in the 2nd trimester

In addition to the medications listed above, from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother can use other medications. For the treatment of pharyngitis, it is allowed to use lozenges Grammidin, Tantum Verde.

At this time, the expectant mother can take Dr. MoM lozenges, as well as Hexoral and Cameton aerosols. In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman is allowed to use Angisept and Neoangin tablets.

In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother should not take medications containing Xylometazoline. Women are also advised not to use anti-inflammatory drugs and vasoconstrictors.

Forbidden treatments

During such a crucial period of their lives, pregnant women should be extremely careful about anything that can get inside their body or cause harm to it from the outside.

In the second trimester of pregnancy they cannot:

  • use immunomodulators in the form of tinctures and decoctions of echinacea, lemongrass, ginseng, licorice, which negatively affect the cardiovascular system of the fetus;
  • independently, without consulting a doctor, choose and take painkillers, antibiotics and antipyretics;
  • carry out steam inhalation of the throat;
  • do hot foot baths;
  • install mustard plasters and heating pads.

Therapy in the 3rd trimester

In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother can use all the remedies allowed in earlier stages. Also, if indicated, a woman can take antibiotics from the penicillin group and anti-inflammatory drugs.

By the end of the pregnancy period, the expectant mother should stop taking medicinal herbs. When used after 36-38 weeks, labor pathologies may develop. Some herbal remedies can affect the contractility of the uterus, causing contractions to weaken or intensify.

What is prohibited for pregnant women with a sore throat?

It is already known that pregnant women should not undergo thermal procedures, but it is necessary to once again recall some important rules. So, during throat treatment, pregnant women are prohibited from:

  • hover legs;
  • install mustard plasters;
  • take a hot bath.

If the disease is already advanced and your voice is lost, then you should not try to cope with it yourself. Immediately go to an appointment with an otolaryngologist, because you will no longer be able to overcome the disease on your own. How to treat a sore throat during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester?

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