How to properly treat acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections: drugs and folk remedies

Treatment of ARVI in children with folk remedies: how to cope with the disease on your own

November 17, 2014 | 4 comments | ARVI

Often, when a child gets sick with ARVI, the question arises: should he go to the hospital or treat ARVI at home? Some mothers believe that traditional medicine is considered the most effective treatment for ARVI. We will tell you in this article what exactly means can and should be used for children.

  • 2 How to defeat SARS on your own
  • 3 Traditional treatment of ARVI in children using herbal remedies
  • 4 Aromatherapy as a folk remedy for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children
  • 5 Let's summarize
  • 6 Video about the prevention of influenza and ARVI using folk remedies

Traditional medicine for the treatment of ARVI in children

Everyone knows the healing properties of rose hips. Take 6 tablespoons of dried rose hips and pour one liter of boiling water. The drink should infuse in a thermos for about two hours. Before use, the infusion should be strained using gauze. All the resulting liquid must be divided throughout the day. On the second day of treatment, make an infusion of three tablespoons of rose hips.

To treat a child for ARVI, it is best to use traditional medicine together with medications prescribed by the doctor.

To get rid of a child's runny nose, you can prepare nasal drops. To do this, take half a teaspoon of liquid honey, a tablespoon of warm water and a tablespoon of beet juice. All this should be mixed well. Place the resulting medicine in each nostril, 2 drops every 2 hours. The runny nose will go away within 24 hours.

Coltsfoot is perfect for treating ARVI at home. An infusion of it relieves inflammation. You need to pour three tablespoons of dry leaves and flowers of this plant into a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water. The infusion should stand for about half an hour. Give the child a quarter glass of warm infusion three times a day.

To ease a cough, you need to take an infusion of sage and milk . Pour one tablespoon of finely chopped sage leaves into a glass of milk. Boil the contents of the glass for several minutes over low heat, then strain. Boil clean milk again. Give the child a warm liquid to drink.

Vitamin C is very helpful in reducing fever in a child. Make fresh orange juice with lemon or grapefruit. The child will be happy to drink this medicine.

Treatment of a runny nose

Traditional treatment for colds is especially effective in the early stages of the disease. The onset of a cold is accompanied by copious runny discharge from the nose. A runny nose causes severe discomfort, especially in the first 3 days of illness. You can cure a runny nose at home using folk remedies. Treatment of rhinitis involves moisturizing the nasal mucosa. To do this, traditional medicine advises using inhalations, rinsing and nasal drops. But at elevated temperatures, thermal procedures are not recommended.

inhalation, instillation and rinsing to treat colds

Inhalations for the treatment of rhinitis

Inhalations help with a runny nose. Their effectiveness for rhinitis is due to the fact that medicinal substances quickly reach the nasal mucosa and have a therapeutic effect. Use a nebulizer device or a small saucepan or kettle for inhalation. The following inhalations effectively help with a runny nose:

  • With soda and essential oils (fir, pine, eucalyptus). Place soda in a container with boiling water (1 tsp per 200 ml of water). Then add 3 drops of essential oil to boiling water.
  • With chamomile or sage. Pour a glass of boiling water over 3 tbsp. l. herbs and leave for half an hour. Pour boiling water into the infusion so that the volume of the mixture is approximately 1 liter. Do inhalations over the pan for 10 minutes, inhaling alternately through your nose and mouth.
  • Inhaling fumes from chopped onions or garlic. Place the chopped vegetable on a plate and inhale the essential volatile substances of the onion or garlic.

    honey, lemons, garlic will help get rid of cough

Nasal rinsing for colds

Rinsing your nose is an unpleasant experience. But it significantly alleviates the patient’s condition with heavy nasal discharge and speeds up the recovery process. The following solutions are effective for rinsing the nose:

  • Water with iodine and soda. In 200 ml of warm water, add 2 drops of iodine and 1 tsp. salt and baking soda.
  • Sea salt solution (per 250 ml of water - 0.5 tsp of salt).

Nasal drops for colds

Nasal instillation is done in a lying position. First, turn your head to the left and drip the solution into your left nostril. Remain in this position for a couple of minutes. By analogy, instillation is carried out in the right nostril. Before the procedure, be sure to clear your nose of mucus.

  • Instillation of sea buckthorn, fir or cedar oil, as well as the juice of Kalanchoe, carrots, aloe, and beets (3-5 drops) are effective against the runny nose.
  • If you are not allergic to honey, you can use a honey solution for instillation (2 parts water to 1 part honey).

How to defeat SARS on your own

Garlic juice is perfect for nasal drops. Possessing an antimicrobial effect, garlic will quickly expel all infection from the child’s body. Every three hours, place one drop of juice into each nostril.

To cure influenza or ARVI in a child, chop three cloves of garlic and pour hot milk. Cover the container in which you are preparing the medicine. After 15 minutes, strain the liquid through thick gauze. The child needs to drink two glasses of this tincture during the day.

When your child shows the first symptoms of ARVI, prepare a cocktail of carrot juice and garlic. You need to drink this cocktail before meals for five days, half a glass.

Ginger tea with honey has a healing effect. Ginger has many properties, the list of which includes expectorant, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and tonic. In combination with the beneficial effects of honey, which can be listed for a very long time, we get a healing and tasty drink.

A few words about raspberries. Raspberries are one of the best folk remedies that bring down the temperature and make the child sweat. Sweat releases harmful toxins that accumulate in the body during illness. It is important to know that the most effective remedy is not jam. Use dried raspberry fruits, stems or flowers for treatment. Prepare decoctions and feed them to your child. No folk remedy will give a faster antipyretic effect.

Treatment of cough and throat at home in adults with folk remedies

Many of us take sore throats lightly. Just think, it’s congested and a cough has appeared. I’ll rinse with baking soda, suck some pharmaceutical candy, and everything will go away. This is the wrong approach. A sore throat is a symptom that can hide a very serious illness.

And if it is not treated properly, you risk developing a lot of complications, the elimination of which can take a long time. For example, tonsillitis can result in pneumonia for you or affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole. But first things first.

Diseases whose symptom is a sore throat.

Treatment of throat with folk remedies


Laryngitis can be acute or chronic. Essentially this is an inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa. It is almost always one of the symptoms of acute respiratory infections, whooping cough, scarlet fever and influenza.

Dryness, tickling, dry cough, after a few days sputum begins to be discharged, hoarseness of voice, or its complete absence, headaches and sore throat, slight increase in body temperature. With proper treatment, laryngitis can be cured in a week.

But if treatment is not taken seriously, laryngitis can become chronic. The recommendations that must be strictly followed to prevent this from happening are the same for everyone: complete rest of the larynx, up to absolute silence.

Smoking is strictly prohibited, as is drinking alcoholic beverages. Do not eat hot or spicy foods that irritate the mucous membranes. Warmed milk and Borjomi are beneficial.

Traditional treatment of laryngitis


  • Rinsing with a saline solution will “kill two birds with one stone.” Destroys bacteria and reduces pain. Heat a glass of water and stir a coffee spoon of table salt in it until completely dissolved. Gargle with saline solution five to six times a day. Use one glass of water per rinse.
  • Rinsing with a saline solution with the addition of juice from one lemon, in addition to destroying harmful microflora, will soften the symptoms of the disease. In the same way, dissolve a pinch of salt in a glass of heated water and add the juice of one lemon. Lemon water rinses should be done as often as possible throughout the day.
  • Everyone knows the properties of garlic that kill viruses and bacteria. Take advantage of them. To do this, separate one clove of garlic from the head, peel it, cut it lengthwise and put it in your mouth on both sides, closer to the larynx. Saliva will begin to flow, swallow it along with the garlic juice. The frequency of garlic treatment is three times a day.


  • Ginger can quickly relieve laryngitis. Cut the ginger root into thin slices and boil it in a small amount of water for ten minutes. Cool and strain. You should drink ginger infusion throughout the day.
  • Natural apple cider vinegar will kill bacteria. Gargle your sore throat with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of water three times a day. It’s a good idea, if your stomach allows, to drink a solution of half a glass of water and a spoonful of vinegar in small sips throughout the day.
  • Honey will soothe a sore throat. Eat it several times a day, one spoonful at a time. Drink herbal tea with honey and lemon juice - for one glass, for example, of chamomile decoction, add two spoons of honey and squeeze the juice from one lemon.

Honey and lemon

  • Inhaling the vapors of eucalyptus oil is very useful for laryngitis. To do this, heat the water, drop eucalyptus oil into it and inhale the vapors for ten minutes twice a day.
  • A very effective remedy is onion syrup. Finely chop four medium-sized onions and, pour a glass of water, put on fire. Wait until the mixture thickens. The syrup is ready. Add five tablespoons of onion syrup to a glass of water, stir in a spoonful of honey and a little lemon juice and drink in small sips.


It also has acute and chronic forms. In combination with acute respiratory infections, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, various infections and influenza. Symptoms accompanying pharyngitis: a sore throat, pain when swallowing, body temperature may be normal or slightly elevated.

With chronic atrophic pharyngitis, a dry cough and hoarseness are added. If chronic pharyngitis takes on a catarrhal and hypertrophic form, the patient, in addition to soreness, has a sensation of a non-existent foreign body in the throat. Viscous mucus accumulates in the throat.

The urge to cough is accompanied by nausea, sometimes leading to vomiting.

Traditional treatment of pharyngitis

Herbal rinses

  • The antiseptic properties of herbs such as chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula and sage are recognized by official medicine. Therefore, it is recommended to gargle with infusions based on them. During the day, every hour, prepare infusions of ten grams of any of the above herbs, poured with a glass of boiling water. Wait until the infusion becomes warm, strain and gargle.
  • Garlic and honey syrup will help relieve pain. Peel and pass the garlic through a garlic press; you should have half a cup of garlic mass. Place it in a small saucepan and add honey, preferably buckwheat, so much so that the garlic is completely covered with it. Place on the stove, heat and leave on the fire until you get a homogeneous mass. If the syrup is too thick, dilute it with a small amount of clean water. Strain and take one spoon every hour. The pain will go away very soon.

Honey and garlic

  • Honey and garlic medicine can be prepared more simply. Mix half a glass of honey and half a glass of garlic, crushed to a paste, thoroughly and take one spoonful every hour until the medicine runs out.
  • Gargle with sea salt solution for five days to six times. In half a liter of warm water you need to completely dissolve a spoonful of sea salt.
  • Regardless of the form of pharyngitis, a remedy based on pine buds will help. Boil half a kilogram of pine buds in one and a half liters of water for twenty minutes. Remove from heat, wait until it cools, strain. Add a kilogram of any honey and ten ml of propolis tincture. For treatment, eat one spoon three times a day.
  • Every evening, brew tea from ten grams of rosehip petals and five grams of yarrow, brewed with a glass of water. Drink tea before bed with a little honey added.
  • In the morning, immediately after waking up and in the evening, before going to bed, drink tea from ten g of lemon balm, four g of plantain and six g of string brewed in a glass of boiling water. Single dose - fifty ml.


Sore throat, or tonsillitis, is an infectious-allergic disease in which the lymphadenoid tissue of the tonsils becomes inflamed. Infection of acute tonsillitis occurs by airborne droplets. Pathogens: streptococcus, staphylococcus, pneumococcus, adenoviruses and influenza viruses.


Symptoms of the course: chills, fever, pain and sore throat. Angina, in addition to acute, has several forms: catarrhal, lacunar, follicular, phlegmonous.

With lacunar and follicular sore throat, body temperature rises to forty degrees, muscle pain and joint aches, weakness. Phlegmonous tonsillitis is less common and is a complicated form of other tonsillitis.

In addition to all the symptoms already described, foul breath and increased salivation are added.

Sore throat is terrible for its complications; the most dangerous are meningitis, nephritis, cholecystitis, rheumatism, etc.

Traditional treatment for sore throat

Treatment with propolis

  • If you often get a sore throat, make and always keep propolis tincture on hand. Grind thirty grams of propolis and pour it into one hundred ml of alcohol. After two weeks you can begin treatment. Lubricate the throat and tonsils with the tincture several times a day.
  • Chew a small piece of propolis like gum three times a day. If you feel a burning sensation, it means the treatment will be effective.
  • Gargling with beetroot infusion is a very effective remedy for sore throat. Grate the beets on a fine grater, pour boiling water in an amount equal to the volume of beet pulp. After six hours, strain and squeeze the beets into the infusion. Gargle at intervals of two hours.

Rinse with beetroot infusion

  • Drink freshly squeezed juice from one lemon every day for three days. This remedy will help you heal much faster and prevent complications.
  • A compress from something that is always available in any kitchen. Take a handful of crackers, add a small amount of boiling water and add ten crushed cloves of garlic. After the crackers swell, transfer them to the prepared bag and secure it to your throat. If you apply the compress in the evening, you can leave it until the morning.
  • Cabbage leaf is a famous remedy for many diseases. It will also help with sore throat. You can simply tie a clean sheet of wool to the throat. And if you crush it and attach it to your throat as a compress, the healing effect will be even stronger.


  • An interesting treatment using walnuts. Carefully split the nut into two halves, remove the kernel and fill the shells with garlic crushed in the pulp. Place the shells at the base of the thumb from the palm side and secure with adhesive tape. Do the procedure in the evening and leave the nut halves until the morning.

Laryngeal edema

This is an inflammatory or non-inflammatory lesion of the larynx. Occurs due to trauma to the mucous membrane, can be caused by an allergic reaction, infectious diseases, disruption of the kidneys and cardiovascular system, neoplasms in the larynx.

Symptoms depend on the location where the swelling occurs and its degree. From mild discomfort to severe breathing difficulties.

For swelling of the larynx, hospitalization is required, since even minor swelling can increase in a short time and close the lumen of the larynx.

Ice for laryngeal swelling

  • Non-medicinal means to relieve swelling of the larynx are recommended to swallow a piece of ice, put a cold compress or ice on the neck. Distraction procedures: hot foot baths and mustard plasters. Limit fluid intake.

Laryngeal stenosis

A very serious disease in which the lumen of the larynx narrows and can close completely, which can lead to complete cessation of breathing. Due to the high risk of death, at the first manifestations of stenosis, you must immediately call an ambulance.

Symptoms of stenosis - firstly, the breathing rate becomes noticeably slower, shortness of breath appears, and hoarseness appears. With stage 2 stenosis, oxygen starvation begins, the skin and mucous membranes acquire a bluish tint.

In the third stage of stenosis, the skin is pale, the pupils are dilated, breathing becomes rare, up to a complete stop.

Do not risk the lives of your loved ones - treatment only under the supervision of doctors.


Fringomycosis occurs due to fungal infection of the mucous membrane by Leptothrix. Formations appear on the mucous membrane that resemble thorns in appearance, which do not cause any sensation and are discovered completely by accident. In rare cases, there is a sensation of a foreign body in the pharyngeal cavity.

Rinse with soda solution

  • For treatment, traditional medicine suggests gargling with a soda solution five times a day: one spoon of baking soda per glass of warm water.
  • A good therapeutic effect is obtained by instilling five drops of the product into the nose: stir forty drops of alcohol tincture of propolis in fifty milliliters of water, drop five drops into each nostril and inhale through the nose so that the product gets into the nasopharynx. Gargle with the same solution for one minute and swallow the solution after gargling. You should be treated for one month three times a day.


An infectious disease accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The disease is slow-acting and is caused by the Frisch-Volkovich bacillus.

The main symptom is a severe cough, dry throat, and difficulty clearing mucus. With increased physical activity, breathing difficulties are felt.

Traditional treatment of scleroma

  • An effective remedy made from equal amounts of horsetail, lungwort and knotweed. Weigh twenty grams of mixed herbs and pour a glass of boiling water into them. After half an hour, strain and add boiled chilled water to a volume of three hundred ml. Drink one hundred ml before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Herbal infusions for scleroma

  • Drink heather infusion three times a day, a third of a glass. To prepare, brew one spoon of herb in three hundred ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for two hours.
  • Plantain infusion will also help. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of dry leaf and strain after thirty minutes. The infusion should be treated three times a day before meals, taking one spoonful.


Traditional treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children using herbal remedies

For children over five years old, you can safely use herbal remedies as a means of treating ARVI.

Mix 5 grams of dried raspberry leaves, 5 grams of oregano and 10 grams of chamomile flowers. Pour the herb mixture with 500 milliliters of water. After the tea has been steeped for one hour, it can be taken warm, 50 ml after meals.

Take 10 grams of St. John's wort and 5 grams each of bergenia root and elecampane root. Pour the mixture with 500 ml of water and boil for 20 minutes. The tea needs to steep for about one hour. You should also take 50 ml of tea after meals.

Take 5 grams of St. John's wort, mint, lemon balm and yarrow. Pour all 500 ml of cold water and boil for 5 minutes. Give your child 50 ml of this tea after meals.

Aromatherapy as a folk remedy for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in children

Aromatherapy is a good option for home treatment. In combination with taking decoctions, aromatherapy can speed up a child’s recovery without the use of synthetic drugs.

Before using aromatic oils, be sure to make sure that your child is not allergic to them. Otherwise, the consequences of such treatment can be very dire. It's easy to check oil for allergies: apply a drop of oil to your child's wrist. If allergy symptoms do not appear after half an hour, then you can safely use aromatherapy.

To create conditions that prevent the growth of viruses or bacteria, prepare a mixture of oils. In 50 milliliters of soybean oil, dilute cinnamon, eucalyptus, pine, naiolic and clove essential oils, 1 drop each. This mixture should be dropped onto a damp cloth or cotton wool and placed on the battery. When heated, the smell will spread throughout the room, killing all harmful infections in its path.

At the first symptoms of a cold, prepare a mixture of oils: 50 ml almond + one drop each of eucalyptus and clove. Apply the oils to your child's chest and area around the nose.

To gargle, use warm water with two drops of thyme or tea tree oil. Add a little more lemon juice and you will get the perfect solution that relieves sore throat.

Video about the prevention of influenza and ARVI using folk remedies

  • Author: Ulyana
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ARVI treatment and prevention
ARVI treatment and prevention

Treating a runny nose in a child with folk remedies
Treating a runny nose in a child with folk remedies

Treatment of the throat with folk remedies - 30 recipes!

Many of us take sore throats lightly. Just think, it’s congested and a cough has appeared. I’ll rinse with baking soda, suck some pharmaceutical candy, and everything will go away. This is the wrong approach. A sore throat is a symptom that can hide a very serious illness.

And if it is not treated properly, you risk developing a lot of complications, the elimination of which can take a long time. For example, tonsillitis can result in pneumonia for you or affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole. But first things first.

Diseases whose symptom is a sore throat.

Treatment of throat with folk remedies


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