I'm tired of coughing, what to do, folk remedies

How to stop an attack

If a person has a coughing attack at night, it will last a long time. The reason is that all processes in the body have slowed down. As a result, the mucus does not resolve, and all the phlegm slowly accumulates in the respiratory tract. The patient lies motionless during sleep, which is why attacks begin to bother him at night. To prevent coughing from tormenting at night, the patient should change his position from time to time.

A regular glass of water, to which you add brown burnt sugar in advance, will help calm coughing attacks. Fresh air, which must be present in the patient’s room, will help overcome coughing attacks. Special air humidifiers help eliminate excess dryness in the room.

Healing herbal decoctions help overcome coughing attacks. Here chamomile and calendula have a positive effect.

If the cough is caused by an allergy, then it is necessary to take antihistamines prescribed by the doctor. Also read about the causes of nighttime sleep in children.

A common cold can trigger a non-productive cough. You can eliminate it using traditional methods. To soften the mucous membrane, you should take tincture of oregano. You can also drink tea with added ginger. This plant has a soothing effect on the throat. Before going on a night's rest, you can eat eggnog, in which honey is added instead of sugar.

Find out why sore throat is dangerous during pregnancy in the first trimester.

You can read about hypertrophic rhinitis here.

Causes and treatment of a sore throat: https://lechim-gorlo.ru/g/bolezni-g/pershenie/v-gorle-prichiny-i-lechenie.html.

Diseases that cause dry cough

  1. Bronchial asthma.

In this case, coughing attacks appear as a result of exposure to an irritating factor on nerve receptors (dust, air pollution, plant pollen). But it can also be caused by physical activity or exposure to cold air. In addition, it occurs after taking acetylsalicylic acid or other drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

A characteristic feature of this type is that it goes away quickly after taking the appropriate drugs used in the treatment of bronchial asthma (antispasmodics, glucocorticoids). A dry cough may be the only symptom of asthma.

  1. Interstitial lung diseases.

This is a very diverse and large group of diseases that include, but are not limited to, sarcoidosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, interstitial pneumonia, and drug- or factor-induced changes, toxicity, or interstitial changes in systemic connective tissue diseases. A painful cough can be one of the symptoms of lung cancer.

How to treat in adults and children

It is necessary to carry out therapeutic measures only after the doctor has been able to accurately make a diagnosis, determine the cause of the cough reflex, and also understand the type of cough: productive or unproductive. We also recommend that you read the instructions for use of Stodal.

Treatment of dry cough

To combat a dry cough, it is necessary to use means that would alleviate the patient’s condition, eliminate irritants and soften the mucous membrane. You can get instant but short-term results by using lollipops, rinsing with herbal decoctions, and saline solution. A popular remedy is the Breast Elixir. But before use, you need to read the instructions and find out how to drink the Breast Elixir.

For a longer-lasting effect, it is worth using medications that can relieve irritation and provide an enveloping, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Such drugs are Gerbion syrup based on plantain and Omnitus. Doctors also often prescribe sprays to treat the throat.

They contain the following components:

  • plantain leaf extract, which softens the mucous membrane from irritants and eliminates infection;
  • mallow flower extract, which has a softening and soothing effect;
  • vitamin C, which increases immune strength and improves the body's resistance to infection

It is necessary to use antitussives that suppress the cough reflex in the brain only with the permission of the attending physician. It is not always possible to use such drugs, since they have many contraindications and lead to various complications. A popular drug is Mucaltin. This is a cheap but effective remedy. Before using it, be sure to read the instructions, from which it will become clear whether to dissolve or drink Mucaltin, or simply consult a doctor.

As for Herbion based on plantain, it has only a local effect, does not affect brain function, therefore, can be used to treat any type of cough, both in children and adults. You can find out the approximate price and read the instructions for using Gerbion for dry cough here.

Inhalations over potatoes, based on herbs, menthol and eucalyptus oil, also help to cope with a dry cough and transform it into a wet one. With this treatment, it is possible to eliminate the spasm and facilitate the breathing process. But treatment with inhalations cannot be carried out when the cough is accompanied by a rise in temperature. Doctors often prescribe ACC.

Treatment of wet cough and sputum

To alleviate the patient’s condition, it is necessary to use drugs in therapy whose action would be aimed at thinning the mucus, promoting its removal, and, if necessary, increasing the amount of sputum. In addition, when treating wet cough, the medications used must have an antimicrobial effect. You can also read about inexpensive and effective medications by following the link.

Herbion based on primrose is an effective syrup for wet coughs for adults and children. Its composition is rich in the following components:

  • plant extract of primrose roots, thanks to which phlegm is liquefied and quickly exploited. Instructions for using Herbion for wet cough can be found in this article;
  • thyme extract, which eliminates spasms of the respiratory tract, facilitates expectoration, and has an antibacterial effect;
  • levomenthol, which has a cooling and antiseptic effect.

At the provided link you can read the instructions for using Bronchomunal for children.

Features of treatment for children

It is much more difficult to cure a cough in a child than in an adult. Therefore, it is necessary to know exactly what to give a child with a wet and dry cough, so that when using drugs you do not harm the health of the little patient.

This unpleasant symptom can be eliminated if you follow the following rules:

  1. At the very beginning of the illness, you need to provide the child with peace, comfort, and monitor the humidity in his room.
  2. Since a cough occurs along with symptoms such as fever, weakness, runny nose, and general malaise, complex therapy is indispensable.
  3. With a dry cough caused by an acute respiratory infection, the child may experience a gag reflex. Next, the cough becomes productive and sputum begins to be produced. At this point, it is advisable to give the baby expectorants.
  4. For dry cough, treatment should be based on combination medications that have a wide spectrum of action.
  5. For infants, all medications used must contain only herbal ingredients.

Treatment of painful cough with laryngitis

Swelling of the larynx with laryngitis is also always accompanied by a similar illness. This disease can occur in different forms. The most acute is accompanied by difficulty breathing and lack of air. In this case, patients are prescribed hormonal drugs by injection as treatment. Most often, in acute forms of laryngitis, a one-time injection of Prednesalone is necessary. Milder forms are treated with antibiotics and antivirals. Attacks of painful coughing are relieved by using inhalations with Ventalin or Berodual.

Elimination after smoking (quit smoking and get rid of smoker's cough)

What to do if you quit smoking and have a cough? It is necessary to cure such a symptom as soon as it occurs, and not sit and wait for it to become chronic. Tobacco smoke affects the growth of cells that produce mucus. To relieve cough in a person who has stopped smoking, it is necessary to include in treatment medications aimed at thinning and removing mucus.

The simplest remedy for treating a smoker and exploiting the sputum located in the bronchi is milk. Thanks to it, it is possible not only to reduce the viscosity of sputum, but also to remove nicotine. But there are situations when the presented product is very difficult for a person to tolerate. Then it is worth replacing with other liquids. Any liquid contributes to the rapid dilution of sputum and its rapid administration. For this reason, former smokers need to drink as much fluid as possible during a coughing attack.

If you turn to traditional medicine, a remedy with onions and honey will help you effectively get rid of a cough. The onion must be finely chopped, add sugar in a 1:1 ratio. Fill the composition with water and place the container on the fire. Cook until the mixture becomes homogeneous. At the end of cooking, add a spoonful of honey and stir thoroughly.

You need to take the prepared medicine 3 times a day in the amount of a dessert spoon. With this treatment, it is possible to quickly reduce the viscosity of sputum and quickly remove it. If you take the medicine for a long time, you will forever forget what a morning cough is.

Why a child coughs at night but not during the day can be found in this material.

Features of the treatment of children's cough

If a child suffers from coughing or a strong persistent cough, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid complications. It is also important to ensure rest and bed rest, regardless of whether the temperature is elevated or not. Drinking plenty of fluids is necessary: ​​it will help relieve the symptoms of acute respiratory disease and rid the body of virus particles. Be sure to use antiviral drugs and immunomodulators prescribed by a specialist to strengthen the immune system.

Hot drinks will help relieve the condition. Warm milk with honey is suitable, you can add butter, as well as a variety of tea herbs. It is recommended to give decoctions to children only with a doctor’s prescription, so that there is no risk of an allergic reaction.

Among medications, experts prefer mucolytics based on carbocisteine. They have expectorant properties, are suitable for treating cough in children and are often found today in pediatric practice.

Effective folk remedies to prevent a cough from tormenting you

Traditional medicine also does not stand still and offers a large number of effective remedies that will eliminate this unpleasant symptom in a short period of time. The main advantage of alternative medicine is the use of natural ingredients that have a safe effect on the body of adults and children. You may also be interested in information on how to put cans on your back.

Burnt sugar

If you are tormented by coughing attacks at night, then you need to fry granulated sugar (1 tablespoon) in a frying pan, stirring it all the time. Add ¼ cup of water and aloe juice. Stir everything and consume before going to bed. How to prepare burnt sugar is described in detail in this article.

A recipe for aloe with honey is no less effective.

Sage decoction

If you want to ensure a restful sleep, then a decoction of sage can help relieve coughing attacks at night in an adult. To obtain it, you need to take a spoonful of herbs and pour a glass of milk. Place the container on the stove and bring to a boil. Wait 40 minutes until the medicine is infused. Use the product in the amount of a glass before going to bed at night. Before taking the decoction, you need to warm it up.

Radish juice for grinding

Radish juice helps eliminate coughing attacks. As a rule, this medicine is used when the cough reflex occurs due to chronic bronchitis. It is necessary to thoroughly rub the back and chest with the juice, and then wrap these areas with a warm scarf. Radish is actively used in folk medicine.

Effect of valerian

During a coughing attack, you must use the following remedy: add 20 drops of valerian to 100 ml of water. Drink the resulting medicine. After a few minutes the cough subsides.

The product can be purchased at a pharmacy and costs from 40 rubles.

Golden mustache

During a coughing attack, it is enough to simply chew a leaf of the presented plant. After this, the unpleasant symptom leaves the body.

Meadowsweet wine

If you have a sore throat or a severe coughing attack, then you should drink a small amount of meadowsweet wine. After this treatment, you will not have a cough for a long time. To achieve maximum effect, you should consume a tablespoon of this product every day.

To make wine, you need to take a glass container (1 liter) and fill it with meadowsweet flowers. Then take out these flowers and pour 3.5 liters of boiling water. Leave to infuse for a day. To obtain a more aromatic wine, you should wait 2-3 days. Strain and squeeze.

At this time, prepare this syrup separately: take ½ liter of water, 1 kg of granulated sugar and the juice of 2 lemons. Combine the prepared syrup with wine, place 10 raisins. Place the container in a dark place for 2 days. At the end of fermentation, drain off the sediment.

Pine buds

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, taking an infusion of pine buds will help. To teach it, you need to take the presented product in the amount of a tablespoon, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let sit for 30 minutes and then strain. As soon as an attack occurs, take a few sips of the prepared infusion. After this, the cough goes away immediately. We also recommend that you read the instructions for use of Rengalin tablets.

The video explains what to do if your child is tormented by a cough:

Using the recommendations presented, everyone will be able to find their own option for dealing with cough. It is very important to take care of treatment immediately after detecting this symptom. Otherwise, there is every chance of complications or the disease becoming chronic.

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