How to cope with the flu during pregnancy: useful tips and tricks. Flu during early and late pregnancy. How to treat flu during pregnancy, what you can drink, medications. Profile

Many women experience colds during pregnancy. After all, the period of bearing a child lasts about 40 weeks, which means that it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid the cold when everyone around you is sick. Reduced immunity due to hormonal changes makes the body of the expectant mother very vulnerable, which is why the risk of contracting the flu or cold increases significantly.

During pregnancy you need to dress for the weather

Cold symptoms in pregnant women

Before telling what pregnant women can drink when they have a cold, the doctor must find out what exactly is bothering the expectant mother. Usually this:

  • severe headaches, general weakness;
  • increased blood pressure (observed in women who are prone to hypertension);
  • runny nose, swelling of the nose, difficulty breathing, frequent sneezing;
  • sore throat, difficulty swallowing;
  • hoarse voice;
  • barking or wet cough (if this symptom is pronounced, you should seek medical help as soon as possible, since coughing overstrains the muscles of the uterus, which is undesirable during pregnancy);
  • elevated body temperature.

You need to understand that these symptoms can indicate not only a cold, but also a serious viral infection, bronchitis, pneumonia, and acute pharyngitis. Therefore, you cannot postpone a visit to the antenatal clinic therapist.

If you feel unwell, a doctor should be called to your home

Clinical picture

The duration of the incubation period can be from 2-3 hours to a week. On average it lasts several days. Typical clinical picture of influenza in pregnant women:

  • An acute onset of the disease is characteristic.
  • The temperature rises sharply to 38.0 °C and above.
  • Severe symptoms of intoxication appear in the form of general malaise, weakness, chills, headaches, aching joints, muscle soreness, etc.
  • Catarrhal-respiratory symptoms are added. Complaints of a runny nose, dry and sore throat, a feeling of rawness or soreness in the chest area. A nonproductive cough and shortness of breath may occur.

A benign course of influenza is often noted. As a rule, the duration of the disease is from two to five days. At the same time, if a pregnant woman contracts the flu, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, this is fraught with serious consequences for both the woman and the baby. For example, if termination of pregnancy and premature birth occur during the height of an infectious disease, this can provoke the development of various complications:

  • Significant worsening of the flu.
  • Respiratory failure.
  • Obstetric bleeding (during childbirth).
  • Intrauterine fetal death.
  • Purulent-septic pathology after childbirth.

Both the lack of specific treatment when necessary and inadequate therapy for influenza can lead to serious consequences for a pregnant woman.

Risks in the first trimester

Clinical studies show that the influenza virus is most dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy (before the 12th week). During this period, biological processes associated with the formation of the child’s organs and systems occur. Any negative impact in the first trimester will provoke the occurrence of severe intrauterine pathology.

Regardless of the stage of pregnancy, influenza can lead to the following complications:

  • Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage).
  • Intrauterine fetal death.
  • Premature birth.

Such complications are associated with the direct embryotoxic effect of the virus and disruption of placental circulation, which occurs against the background of intoxication syndrome and high fever. It should be noted that in the case of a complicated course of influenza infection, the frequency of miscarriages is observed in 20-25% of cases.

Dangers in the second trimester

A severe or complicated form of influenza in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy can cause miscarriage or intrauterine fetal death. Some studies show that there is a connection between having the flu in the second and third trimesters and the development of birth defects of the central nervous system, cleft lip or palate, and heart abnormalities.

However, scientists believe that these problems are not caused by the effect of the virus on the fetus, but are most likely associated with high fever, which is a clinical manifestation of the disease. The thing is that the frequency of newborn children with birth defects decreases in women who took antipyretic medications prescribed by the doctor.

Threats in the third trimester

In the last months of pregnancy, women are most susceptible to infectious pathologies, in particular to influenza and acute respiratory diseases. In late gestation, the highest mortality rate among pregnant women from complications of influenza is observed. For a woman who falls ill in the 3rd trimester, the risks of intrauterine fetal death and premature birth remain quite high. In addition, the occurrence of congenital defects in the baby from various organs and systems cannot be ruled out.

A pregnant woman with the flu should be closely monitored by an obstetrician-gynecologist, an infectious disease specialist and other medical specialists.

What should pregnant women take for a severe cough and sore throat?

Not all lozenges, sprays and aerosols for inflammatory diseases of the mouth, throat and cough are safe for expectant mothers. Many of them can cause harm to the health of the fetus, so you should consult your doctor about taking drugs in this group.

If the cough is productive, wet, expectorants should be used; if it is dry, barking, bronchodilators should be used to reduce the number of attacks. You can use medications such as:

  • Sprays for sore throat Hexoral, Ingalipt. The first contains antiseptic compounds that reduce inflammation. It must be used for 3 days. The second contains oils that relieve sore throat. They are characterized by anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.
  • Spray Miramistin. It has a destructive effect on many viruses and bacteria and stimulates local immunity. A pregnant woman can treat her throat with medicine 3 times a day.

The best way to treat cough is inhalation. But when carrying out them, you can use only safe means, for example, Borjomi mineral water or saline solution purchased at a pharmacy. Pregnant women should not add herbs or hormones to the inhalation solution. The procedure is also contraindicated if body temperature is elevated.

For a runny nose and cough, you can take inhalations

Gargles are good for coping with a sore throat. Doctors allow them to be carried out in any trimester of pregnancy. You can gargle a sore throat with a solution of sea salt, soda, or herbal decoctions. It is important to prepare the composition shortly before the procedure. Its temperature should be about 36 degrees.

Cold remedies for pregnant women

Antiviral drugs for pregnant women

From the group of antiviral drugs, Grippferon can be recommended for a pregnant woman.

It contains interferon and has antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory effects. Can be recommended throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

And that's all you can recommend yourself from this group!

You may say, what about homeopathy, for example, Aflubin, Oscillococcinum?

Let the doctor decide this issue. After all, homeopathic medicines essentially contain poisons, even in high dilutions.

There is an opinion that they do not contain any active substance. This is mistake. Molecules of the active substance in homeopathic remedies are present up to the 12th hundredth dilution (C12).

Sore throat medications for pregnant women

There are two drugs in this group that can be safely recommended to pregnant women:

Lizobakt and Laripront.

Of course, their effect has not been studied on pregnant women either. It’s just that their composition allows us to recommend them to expectant mothers without much fear.

There is also a drug approved for use in pregnant women:

This is Stopangin: the instructions say that it can be recommended in 2-3 trimesters.

But I'm a meticulous girl.

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