How to cure a cold during pregnancy and its prevention

Common colds during pregnancy can be very dangerous. Most mothers are afraid of getting sick at the very beginning of pregnancy or just before giving birth. But it is worth remembering that even in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, a cold cannot promise anything good for either the mother or the fetus. Naturally, at this time the baby is much less susceptible to illness, but doctors still do not recommend contracting colds at this time. You should definitely consult a doctor at the first symptoms of a cold so that treatment can be started as soon as possible.

Features of the disease

A cold during pregnancy is more severe than in a non-pregnant woman.
This is explained by a physiological decrease in immune defense. Viruses that cause colds can easily pass through the placenta. In the first trimester, active formation of fetal organs occurs, and viruses can disrupt this process. The danger of colds during pregnancy is the high risk of premature birth. Intrauterine infection causes fetal hypoxia, which negatively affects the heart and blood vessels. A background is created for the addition of other, more dangerous infections.

"Viferon" for colds during pregnancy (2nd trimester)

During pregnancy, the mother's immune system is weakened. To restore its full functioning, you can take Viferon, which is completely safe for both the growing baby and his mother. With the help of this antiviral drug, you can not only strengthen the immune system, but also destroy existing infections. The forms of production of “Viferon” are suppositories (the composition includes interferon, vitamin C, tocopherol acetate and cocoa butter) and ointment (its components: interferon, tocopherol acetate, lanolin and petroleum jelly).

Cold symptoms

Symptoms of colds are as follows:

  • feeling unwell;
  • body aches;
  • temperature rise to 37.5-38 degrees;
  • sore throat;
  • runny nose.

Usually the disease lasts no more than a week. If the symptoms drag on and the high temperature lasts for a long time, this is a sign of complications.

What is the danger of influenza in the second trimester: consequences

All expectant mothers are afraid of getting the flu during pregnancy; the 2nd (as is generally considered safe) trimester is not a guarantee that the consequences of the virus will not affect the child. Even in the later stages, the flu can lead to infection of the baby. Although it is more difficult for viruses to cross the placental barrier after the first trimester, this possibility exists. The disease can affect the course of pregnancy, including termination.

Flu in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is dangerous for the health of the baby and mother due to its complications: if it is not treated in a timely manner or treated incorrectly, the consequences can be the most unpredictable. For example, a virus can cause damage to the placenta, and this will lead to growth retardation and oligohydramnios.

Treatment methods

Colds need to be treated at any time. The main principle of therapy is a minimum of medications. To influence viruses, only one agent is used - leukocyte interferon in the form of nasal drops or rectal suppositories. Symptomatic treatment is carried out using available methods whenever possible:

  • inhalations - steam or using a nebulizer;
  • gargling with a decoction of chamomile or sage;
  • rinsing the nose with saline solution;
  • fortified drink - fruit drink, tea with lemon, honey.

A woman needs to be protected from hypothermia, the room should be regularly ventilated. If the treatment used does not have an effect within three days, you need to consult a doctor.


General rules

  1. During epidemics, avoid public transport and places with a lot of people . But if you can’t avoid it completely, then when going to crowded places, lubricate the nasal mucosa with oxolinic or viferon ointment - these are safe antiviral agents.
  2. When you return home, rinse your nasopharynx and gargle with saline solution . You can also use herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula). If viruses have entered the respiratory tract, you will wash them away. For convenience, use special devices Dolphin, Aqualor.
  3. Take care of your immunity, and to do this, eat vegetables and fruits, which contain a lot of vitamins and microelements . In winter and early spring, take special vitamin complexes, but your doctor must select them.
  4. Dress appropriately for the weather, avoid hypothermia.
  5. Wash your hands often, especially thoroughly after coming home from the street.
  6. The room in which you spend time should be regularly ventilated, because infections spread faster in dry air.
  7. If someone close to you is sick, you need to have less contact with him, preferably using a cotton-gauze bandage.

Immunomodeling interferons are indicated for prevention. They are safe, they will not be able to protect you from viruses completely, but they will effectively help the body resist them. Your doctor will be able to recommend a suitable drug.

flu during pregnancy

Girls, who had the flu during pregnancy? I’m 21 weeks, diagnosed with the flu, I’m in a panic, I’ve heard enough from my friends that someone’s child was born deformed after that, someone else had something else, and now I can’t find a place for myself from worries. How was it with your babies, were there any complications? experts

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Martynova Irina Viktorovna

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Don’t listen to anyone, I was sick for the fifth month. A completely healthy baby was born

The author, it is better, of course, to consult with a normal doctor. In any case, you will need an expert post-illness ultrasound more than once. Most likely everything will be fine, because... You've already had a decent amount of time.

I was sick in the second trimester (after 24 weeks, it seems. I don’t remember the exact period, almost 16 years have passed). The child is certainly not ***, but there was late teething (at 1 year and 2 months) and delayed speech development. As a result, the teeth are now very good, and the problems were corrected at the Logo Garden. A friend’s illness occurred in the first trimester. she was sent for an abortion, but she refused. resulting in late miscarriage. Because of the flu, there were some pathologies incompatible with life.

I had a high fever for 30 weeks, there were no complications, the doctor gave me alcohol drops and said they were better than antibiotics.

I don’t want to scare you, but I just went into premature labor when I got sick.

The author, it is better, of course, to consult with a normal doctor. In any case, you will need an expert post-illness ultrasound more than once. Most likely everything will be fine, because... You've already had a decent amount of time.

Well, at least read embryogenesis for starters. At week 21, all organs and systems of the fetus are already formed, they just continue to improve. I very much doubt that you have true FLU :))) Probably a banal ARVI. Viruses are supposedly dangerous for the embryonic cells in which they reproduce, but no one has established that viruses cause mutations in embryonic cells. All assumptions are hypothetical. Go to church, pray for the baby, take communion, everything will be fine.

I was sick for 5 months. In 1 day I tested all possible and impossible folk remedies. Every 15 minutes. I drank some animal fats, some fruit acids, other vitamins and poultices. Everything passed within a day. The first time I healed so quickly. This will not happen again! During the day I was constantly drinking something, steaming, heating! I listened to the advice of all my friends and strangers!

I had the flu at the very beginning of my pregnancy. You should have been referred to a perinatal center to see a geneticist to find out the degree of threat. If you took injections or medications during the flu, bring them to your appointment. We had hypoxia.

The most dangerous period is the 1st and 3rd trimester and it is not advisable to get sick during this time. you have 2. So don’t worry, everything will be fine

The most dangerous period is the 1st and 3rd trimester and it is not advisable to get sick during this time. you have 2. So don’t worry, everything will be fine

I had the flu in the 9th week, the highest temperature was 39.3, it didn’t subside for 3 days, I drank paracetamol, raspberry fruit drinks, tea with lemon, and didn’t eat anything. Afterwards, complications began, there was brown discharge, according to ultrasound, a small detachment began, chorion presentation. Now we are 13 weeks old, I am being kept in the hospital (The discharge has stopped, one of these days I will go to the perinatal center, I don’t know what they will say. Girls who had a similar situation, share your experience!

I had the flu for 14 weeks. I was diagnosed with an infection and given cefatoxime, glucose with ascorbic acid and ambrobene. on the 21st, labor began with contractions and water breaking. although when it all started it didn’t look like contractions, more like intestinal colic, that’s why I stayed at home, it was the weekend. when the ambulance brought me to the hospital, they immediately asked if I had the flu, because the waters were dark, although when they receded (I was wearing light clothes) I saw light waters. At 12 weeks they did PCR - everything was ok. In general, I’ll wait for the study of the placenta or whatever they brought there. Only my one and a half year old son saved me from a nervous breakdown. I blame myself for staying at home. I wish all mothers and children health. This is my third birth (my eldest daughter is 15 years old), I’ve always run like a horse, considering the phrase “Pregnancy is not a disease” appropriate. And now, we hope God will give us another baby, I’ll probably run to the hospital from every (sorry) fart.

my aunt had the flu in the 1st trimester. This was in 90. I gave birth to a boy, the heart is on the right, the liver is on the left, in short, the organs are not located that way. Naturally, it’s not down, but you can’t call it normal either. very unpleasant guy. but in those years they probably couldn’t examine it properly

I don’t want to scare the girls, but I know from my own experience that this is what the flu is like. ((((((((((In February I had the flu and in early March at the 30th week of pregnancy the movements stopped(((((((((((((It turned out that the flu gave complications to the placenta. As a result, intrauterine death of the fetus. (asphyxia) The whole pregnancy was perfect. And I don’t believe that the flu can be cured with folk remedies. I was treated with everything possible and all to no avail. So girls, know the flu during pregnancy is very dangerous, I just realized this myself!!


I also had the flu when I was 5 weeks pregnant. I didn’t drink anything, the temperature was high for almost a week, I was afraid to take pills, I was afraid for the child. I walked like this for 2 weeks, then I registered (I was inexperienced with my first pregnancy), there the doctors heard pneumonia in the lungs as a complication. Of course, they prescribed an antibiotic... but they didn’t warn me about the consequences. It became easier right away.. I gave birth to a daughter.. I was discharged from the hospital and everything is fine. but then I noticed that she began to turn blue when she cried. at 5 months I found out that she had a congenital heart defect. ASD PDA in general went through all the circles of hell. girls be careful. if there are people at home who can infect you, drink aflubin to prevent the flu.

I remember how afraid I was of not getting sick, I did everything to avoid even catching a cold. I washed my nose with Dolphin almost throughout my pregnancy and it saved me. And then I also did procedures during breastfeeding, they simply saved me from viruses.

I was infected with the flu or a cold, I don’t know. I don’t seem to have a temperature, but I feel weak and dizzy. I’m 37 weeks pregnant, do you think there’s a threat to the baby?

got sick with the flu at 13 weeks with a high fever and a complication of pneumonia + antibiotics throughout the pregnancy, 7 incomplete courses (some 4 days, some 10) gave birth at 34-35 weeks because the right kidney was failing, natural birth 8 points child on the scale, completely healthy except for an inguinal hernia which was discovered a month ago.

It’s impossible to say that the flu was a complication for anyone, I had a threat already 12 weeks after the flu, and throughout the pregnancy there was a problem with the right kidney (so many antibiotics because of this) + ureplasma in the smear, and at 34 weeks rupture of the amniotic sac and kidney failure and also pre-eclampsia, since the protein in the urine from the 28th week was 3.4 g, but despite everything, I carried for another 6 weeks and gave birth to a healthy child, although even from the gastrointestinal tract they bet that the fetus would die.

Hello girls, give me some advice - at the very beginning of pregnancy I got sick with the flu and took tablets for the flu and plus received an injection of antibiotics, like ceftriaczone and novocaine, but before receiving the injections and taking the tablets, I did a test twice and I had no sign pregnancy (1 strip) And then a week passed and I found out that I was pregnant after taking a test. Now my heart is not at peace, I’m afraid of what and how it will happen now, I’m thinking about when I became pregnant during the flu or after.

Ceftriaxone is a very strong antibiotic, it causes complications in the auditory organs, so there is a high probability that the child will be deaf and mute or something worse. 3 months before pregnancy you should not take any antibiotics! My friend was treated for pyelonephritis with ceftriaxone and something else in the hospital, then it turned out that she was pregnant, the doctors said that she must have an abortion, otherwise the child will be disabled. After that, she has been taking birth control for 3 years.

Hello girls, give me some advice - at the very beginning of pregnancy I got sick with the flu and took tablets for the flu and plus received an injection of antibiotics, like ceftriaczone and novocaine, but before receiving the injections and taking the tablets, I did a test twice and I had no sign pregnancy (1 strip) And then a week passed and I found out that I was pregnant after taking a test. Now my heart is not at peace, I’m afraid of what and how it will happen now, I’m thinking about when I became pregnant during the flu or after.

I’m 11 weeks pregnant, they prescribed injections and an ambrobene solution, but the instructions say that you can’t drink it in the 1st trimester, tell me what to do?

I'm 10 weeks pregnant and I think I'm getting the flu, what should I do?

I was 20 weeks pregnant and got sick with the flu at about 10 weeks, at 19 weeks, I did an ultrasound and they said that I have a suspension in the amniotic fluid, the doctor prescribed treatment and now I’m sick with the flu again, what should I do?

I was 20 weeks pregnant and got sick with the flu at about 10 weeks, at 19 weeks, I did an ultrasound and they said that I have a suspension in the amniotic fluid, the doctor prescribed treatment and now I’m sick with the flu again, what should I do?

I was sick with the flu at week 13, the temperature stayed 38-39 for 5 days. The condition, of course, was not very good; paracetamol was treated. As a result, she gave birth at 38 weeks, without any pathologies.

Good afternoon! Your advice is very important! I’m pregnant, 25 weeks, I recently had the flu for 5 days, I drank a lot of paracetomol, took papaverine and baralgin, my stomach and sides started to ache, I’m very afraid, should I do an ultrasound or should I calm down?

I had the flu or ARVI at 8 weeks. Severe cough. The temperature was only 37.5 for 1 day. I was treated with folk remedies. As a result, an ultrasound diagnosed a heart defect at 20 weeks. So now I know from my own experience how serious this can be.

Hello everyone, I am now in my third pregnancy. Now and in general during previous pregnancies, I suffered from the flu 5-7 times. But pah pah two daughters were born normal, I hope that the third child will be born normal despite my constant flu-like state.

hi all. I'm 12 weeks into my first pregnancy, I'm sniffling on the second day, weak and have a headache. I spray geneferon spray into my nose, and I work in a pharmacy and am constantly in contact with sick customers. It's also something scary.

Zdrastvuyce ya beremenno u menya grip ya bayus ,.pajalusto skajice mojet u kenya bic vikidish?shto delac..u minya priom k doktoru tolko cherez 7dney..

I got sick at 25 weeks of pregnancy and didn’t take anything other than paracetamol. on the third day of illness I woke up with terrible pain in my stomach and back, in the morning I went to the residential complex and they said that everything was fine, but the pain did not go away. what to do?

Dear mothers, with the flu, the risk of giving birth to a sick baby certainly increases, but even without the flu, sick children are born. I also had the flu or a cold during pregnancy - temp. high runny nose and complete malaise .. but I decided not to go to the doctor because from the very beginning I decided that I would not take medications and would not have an abortion either. As they say, I planted it and will water it, and HE will grow it Himself. what was left for me? I drank tea with lemon and honey and holy water. My blood pressure dropped so much that I literally couldn’t lift a spoon to my mouth! — the illness passed within a week. The child was born healthy. But my friend, at 12 weeks with the flu, went to the doctor and her poor girl was also scared of a freak and had an abortion. As a result, she cannot get pregnant at all. Doctors cat. patients are seen as people with their feelings and lives, little, more and more container work.

At the 3rd week I had bronchitis, I was admitted to the hospital, I was injected with penicillin for the 1st week, ceftrioxone for the 2nd week, the temperature lasted for a week, and I also took paracetamol. Then after discharge I had complicated sinusitis. At 20 weeks I managed to catch another cold. It didn’t affect anything, although I was very afraid.

Hello, I also have a cold: runny nose, headache, malaise. I take paracetomol, take Miramistin in my throat, eat a little onion (I don’t like it) and put on Viferon suppositories. I’m very worried about the baby, I’m 15 weeks. If anyone can give me some advice please

Fatina, I remember in the early stages I was treated incorrectly, I even took antibiotics and I had a miscarriage. Then it was impossible to get pregnant for half a year, and when I became pregnant, I tried not to get infected from anyone, but alas, I still had a runny nose and a sore throat. So I treated my nose with Aqualor Forte, washed it with it and everything came out, my nose began to breathe and the runny nose went away, and I gargled with soda and salt. Everything turned out okay, our little miracle will be born soon. By the way, since now there is a high probability of contracting ARVI or Influenza, I began to rinse my nose with Aqualor after I come home from crowded places.

Girls, this is nonsense, everything is by the will of Allah (God), as he says so it will be☺

What's the point of doing this ultrasound after 20 weeks? What if you go for an abortion if something goes wrong? Where is the guarantee that you didn’t make a mistake?

Girls fifth week of pregnancy, first pregnancy. It’s been a week since I caught a cold or the flu, I read it all, it became so scary (((I’m afraid for the child. I only drink tea with lemon and honey and drank acylosaccium for two days. Is it really that bad?

I’m 3 weeks pregnant with my first child) I got sick, like the flu ((at first I had a sore throat, then a cough appeared ((the temperature did not rise above 37, tell me what will happen to the baby

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