Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of one or more paranasal sinuses (maxillary, ethmoid, sphenoid and frontal).
Symptoms of sinusitis
According to the duration of manifestations of sinusitis, they are distinguished
- acute (up to 3 months),
- recurrent acute (from 2 to 4 cases of acute sinusitis per year)
- chronic (more than 3 months).
The inflammatory process often involves the maxillary sinus (sinusitis). In second place in frequency is inflammation of the cells of the ethmoidal labyrinth (ethmoiditis), then the frontal (frontitis) and sphenoid (sphenoiditis) sinuses. Manifestations of the disease depend on the age of the patient.
In young children, sinusitis is often not accompanied by any symptoms.
Sinusitis usually manifests itself as nasal congestion, mucous or purulent nasal discharge, and pain in the sinus area. Often the disease occurs with an increase in body temperature, symptoms of intoxication (weakness, headache, loss of appetite), swelling of the cheeks and eyes from the affected sinus, pain in the sinuses, profuse purulent discharge from the nose. Sinusitis most often develops after a viral infection, although there may be a period of general improvement between the viral infection and the symptoms of sinusitis.
The most common sign of the disease in all children, especially those under 10 years of age, is persistent nasal discharge. More often they are purulent, but they can also be watery. In young children, nasal discharge is often mucous or watery in nature. In some cases, parents notice that their child has bad breath.
Headache and sinus pain are the main manifestations of sinusitis in adults, and in children they are observed in one third of cases and are very rare in middle-aged and young children. In almost half of young children, acute sinusitis is accompanied by acute otitis media.
Diagnosis of sinusitis
Diagnosis is carried out by an ENT doctor.
The “gold standard” for diagnosing sinusitis in adults is the isolation of a large number of bacteria from the paranasal sinus during puncture.
This method is not recommended for diagnosing sinusitis in children. In children, the diagnosis is based on the manifestations of the disease and an ENT examination.
Additional methods for studying the paranasal sinuses include ultrasound, frontal and lateral radiography, computed tomography, and nuclear magnetic resonance. An informative method is endoscopic examination of the paranasal sinuses.
Treatment of sinusitis
In acute viral sinusitis, antimicrobial drugs are not required, and in patients with bacterial sinusitis, antibiotics are a mandatory part of treatment.
Antimicrobial treatment of the disease should be aimed at removing the pathogen (restoring the sterility of the sinus), preventing the development of complications and the transition of the disease to a chronic form. The drugs of choice for the treatment of sinusitis are amoxicillin and amoxiclav, cefuroxime. Alternative drugs for sinusitis include clarithromycin, azithromycin and doxycycline (used in children over 8 years of age).
Antimicrobial therapy for recurrent and chronic sinusitis is not fundamentally different from acute therapy. Treatment must be comprehensive and combined with surgical methods. It is mandatory to perform a puncture of the paranasal sinus.
It is advisable to prescribe antibiotics to preschool children in the form of suspensions or syrups.
The duration of treatment for sinusitis usually depends on the form and severity of the disease. In case of acute sinusitis, antimicrobial treatment is carried out on average for 7–10 days, in case of exacerbation of chronic sinusitis - up to 3 weeks.
In most cases, with proper antimicrobial therapy, significant improvement is observed within 48–72 hours.
Symptoms of sinusitis
The signs of sinusitis are quite specific, and diagnosis in adults is usually not difficult. The difficulty of making a diagnosis in children, especially young children, is due to the fact that they cannot clearly formulate complaints, localize and describe pain. There are two stages of sinusitis:
- Initial manifestations, when minor nasal congestion or symptoms of a previous cold are clinically determined;
- Developed clinical manifestations - manifest all the symptoms characteristic of acute sinusitis.
How to recognize sinusitis?
The first signs of sinusitis in adults are often headache and poor health with long-term (more than 3 weeks) persistent manifestations of rhinitis. These symptoms should make you think about the possible development of sinusitis and consult a doctor. Each form of sinusitis has its own characteristics, but in general their clinical manifestations are common.
Acute sinusitis
Symptoms of exacerbation of sinusitis are usually quite pronounced and significantly affect the patient’s well-being.
- Headache with sinusitis is localized behind the orbit and can radiate to the nose, forehead, and upper jaw. Its intensity can vary, sometimes it is just a feeling of pressure or fullness. The headache with sinusitis hurts more when bending over, sneezing, coughing, and the pain subsides when lying down, when the pressure of the contents of the sinuses on their walls decreases. There is also pain when pressing on the facial wall of the maxillary sinus.
- Nasal congestion is observed in all forms of sinusitis, as it is associated with inflammatory swelling of the mucous membranes. Sinusitis without a runny nose and nasal congestion does not occur. Due to edema, especially with a bilateral process, “rhinophonia” develops - a nasal tone of voice. Disturbed nasal breathing interferes with night sleep.
- Nasal discharge is a variable symptom, but very informative. Whatever the nature of the discharge, if it is present, sinusitis is called exudative. In case of a bacterial infection, the discharge is purulent (greenish-yellow, thick), in case of a viral infection, allergic, vasomotor sinusitis - mucous, transparent. The amount of discharge depends on the intensity of inflammation and the patency of the nasal passages. Bleeding from the nose during sinusitis is not a pathognomonic symptom, but can appear when the vessels of the mucous membranes are damaged.
- The temperature during sinusitis can reach febrile levels (above 38C0), significantly affecting the general condition of the patient. Severe intoxication is manifested by lethargy, weakness, loss of appetite, and chills.
- When the periosteum is involved in the inflammatory process during sinusitis, swelling of the face may occur. It is localized in the projection of the maxillary sinus, that is, it covers the cheek and infraorbital region, in rare cases spreading to the upper eyelid. With severe inflammation, hyperemia of the edematous area is possible.
- Since the maxillary sinus borders the orbit, sinusitis is often accompanied by photophobia, lacrimation, and symptoms of purulent conjunctivitis.
- On the affected side, the sense of smell decreases, especially with long-term exacerbation.
Chronic sinusitis
In chronic sinusitis, the same symptoms are present as in acute sinusitis, but they are less pronounced. Often, thoughts of chronic sinusitis are only suggested by rhinitis that persists for a long time despite treatment. The long course of the disease can cause changes in the organs and tissues located near the source of inflammation, which is also accompanied by characteristic symptoms.
- The headache is usually not intense, but rather a feeling of pressure and fullness under the eye sockets and behind the eyes, aggravated by blinking.
- Nasal congestion in chronic sinusitis is associated not only with swelling, but also with hypertrophy of the mucous membranes or the formation of polyps, which often occurs with long-term inflammation. In this case, breathing is difficult even during remission and is not restored when using vasoconstrictor drugs. This leads to a change in voice and chronic hypoxia of the brain.
- Discharge from the nose in chronic sinusitis may be light or completely absent; its nature, as in acute sinusitis, depends on the cause of the disease.
- If purulent sinusitis occurs, an unpleasant odor appears in the nose.
- Chronic sinusitis can occur without fever or with its increase to subfebrile levels. At the same time, there is always a disturbance in well-being - long-term, constant intoxication does not have the best effect on the condition of patients. Lethargy, fatigue, and poor appetite also increase due to cerebral hypoxia associated with constant difficulty breathing. The same reason causes dizziness with sinusitis.
- In the morning, patients with chronic sinusitis note a pasty face on the affected side or quite pronounced swelling, which gradually disappears in the evening.
- The spread of edema to the orbit leads to the development of photophobia, and with infectious sinusitis - to chronic conjunctivitis.
- Prolonged inflammation causes atrophy of many mucosal cells, including receptor cells, so the sense of smell progressively decreases. This symptom is especially noticeable with bilateral sinusitis.
- Due to the constant presence of mucus flowing down the back wall of the throat, chronic sinusitis often results in coughing, sore throat, and hoarseness. This cough cannot be treated with mucolytics.
Reasons for increased ESR in the blood
Why is the figure higher than normal?
The highest level is observed in the morning hours. A slight excess of ESR in women may indicate helminthiasis or a lack of vitamins, but does not always indicate a pathological process. An indicator of 20-30 mm/h can mean:
- the onset of pregnancy;
- the onset of menstrual bleeding;
- a woman's adherence to a strict diet;
- state of recovery after surgery;
- basic cold or flu.
An increase to 30 mm/h is not considered critical. In case of serious diseases, the ESR in a woman’s blood is increased to 40 mm/h, and a level of 60 mm/h indicates an acute stage of the inflammatory process or an exacerbation of a chronic disease. Often this indicator is observed with tissue necrosis in a woman’s body - gangrenous appendicitis, heart attack, etc.
The main reasons for the increase in ESR:
- anemia, bleeding;
- food poisoning with vomiting and diarrhea (increased ESR due to fluid loss);
- respiratory tract infections - bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, ARVI;
- gastrointestinal pathology - hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis;
- chronic fungal infection - large-scale trichophytosis (foot fungus) and onychomycosis (fungal infection of the nails);
- genitourinary infections - cystitis, pyelonephritis, endometritis, adnexitis;
- skin diseases - furunculosis, allergic reactions;
- endocrine pathology - thyroid disease, diabetes, obesity;
- systemic diseases - rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus;
- vascular pathology - temporal arteritis, systemic vasculitis;
- acute diseases accompanied by tissue necrosis - tuberculosis, stroke, heart attack (ESR increases 2-3 days after myocardial necrosis);
- malignant neoplasms, including those that have metastasized to the bone marrow (lymphoma, myeloma, various types of leukemia).
Important! An increase in ESR may be due to the use of contraceptives, Vit. Oh, and other drugs
In this case, the blood test gives a false positive result. The ESR level may not correspond to reality if a woman has anemia, has been vaccinated against hepatitis B, or has high blood cholesterol.
Also, false-positive indicators are often recorded in old age, in women with severe obesity, and with renal failure. An increase in plasma protein (C-reactive protein, with the exception of fibrinogen) and ESR in the blood are also interrelated. To obtain more accurate results, the blood test is repeated.
Cytology of nasal mucus
Cytological examination of nasal discharge allows us to establish the exact etiology (cause) of the disease and prescribe the most effective treatment.
- With an allergic nature, an increased content of basophils and eosinophils is determined. Treatment will be aimed at identifying and eliminating the allergen. Drugs of choice: histamines.
- Acute infection is manifested by an increased level of neutrophils in a nasal swab. Drug therapy will be aimed mainly at reducing intoxication of the body and destroying bacteria at the source of infection through the use of local remedies (destruction of infection at the site) and general ones (fighting the inflammatory process of the body).
- A simultaneous increase in eosinophils and neutrophils indicates a primary allergic nature, followed by the addition of a bacterial one. Treatment is aimed at reducing the increased reaction to the allergen (histamines) while taking antibiotics.
- Lymphocytosis (increased lymphocytes) is a sign of rhinitis - the pathological process develops within the nasal mucosa.
- With vasomotor rhinitis, a low level of neutrophils and eosinophils is determined. Treatment of sinusitis is not required; the diagnosis has not been confirmed.
If the disease is diagnosed early, especially before symptoms of sinusitis appear, treatment is easy. The greatest preference is given to physiotherapeutic procedures, traditional medicine against the background of antibacterial therapy and thorough rinsing of the sinuses.
Detection of sinusitis in late stages often requires the use of puncture to improve the patient’s condition. General treatment includes more techniques and stronger drugs are used. Advanced sinusitis increases the risk of the inflammatory process becoming chronic and increases the risk of complications.
You should, as soon as possible, in case of any illness, seek qualified help for the treatment of any disease, including a simple cold. The local physician will definitely issue a referral for a general blood test. Based on its results, an experienced doctor may suspect incipient sinusitis. Long-term treatment at home with self-selected methods can be ineffective or even dangerous if the diagnosis is incorrect.
Monitoring ESR in women
Despite the instability of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate in women, this indicator, coupled with simple laboratory tests, gives the doctor an idea of the general condition of the patient. ESR is understood as the rate at which a biological fluid breaks down into its components: transparent plasma and a sediment of formed elements stuck together. This happens under the influence of gravity in an ordinary test tube. Red blood cells are the most significant elements of plasma, the rate of their natural sedimentation is the essence of the reaction.
Deviations from the norm can occur under the influence of pure physiology: a diet with insufficient supply of the required amount of nutrients, lack of oxygen, overwork, insomnia, old age. In this case, the adjustment comes quickly: walks in the fresh air, good sleep, a normal diet. If the reasons are different, you need to consult a doctor. Typically, red blood cells settle slowly; the reaction can be accelerated by infection, trauma, allergies - any condition that can increase the concentration of protein in the plasma (pyelonephritis, pneumonia, rheumatoid arthritis). Of course, analysis of what is happening in the body always correlates with leukocytosis and the number of red blood cells, platelets, and hemoglobin.
When conducting research, in addition, we focus on the following points:
- In women, the ESR level is slightly higher than in men.
- The rate of red blood cell sedimentation is highest in the morning, on an empty stomach.
- When an infection develops, the ESR increases no earlier than one day after the pathogen enters the body and always against the background of leukocytosis.
- The peak reaction rate occurs at the time of recovery.
- If the ESR is elevated for no apparent reason for a long time, this is a reason to suspect a tumor or latent inflammation.
A feature of the indicator is that it is not 100% objective, that is, a real assessment of the patient’s health status is impossible only based on this reaction. Sometimes the ESR remains normal even when inflammation develops. The reliability of the result assumes:
- Preparation for analysis in compliance with certain rules.
- Good quality reagents.
- Experience of a qualified laboratory technician.
The combination of these factors should make the analysis as reliable as possible.
How to lower ESR levels with sinusitis?
When diagnosing inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, it is necessary to conduct a general blood test. If, using X-rays, tomography and other studies, the doctor reveals the extent of the lesion and its location, then the presence of an infection in the sinuses of the nasal cavity can only be detected after a blood test.
A clinical blood test allows you to determine inflammation in the earliest phases. It is necessary for prescribing diagnostic and preventive procedures. Any negative process that is currently occurring in the body will appear in tests. The fact is that specific signs of the disease are reflected in the composition of the blood, which causes a change in the level of leukocytes and monocytes. Therefore, a blood test is a necessary procedure during all inflammations in the paranasal tract.
A general blood test for damage to the maxillary sinuses allows you to respond in a timely manner to signs of inflammation and eliminate the risk of complications. Therefore, you should donate blood as early as possible.
Pay attention to how to determine sinusitis using a blood test. Indicators in a blood test for sinusitis are as follows:
- leukocytosis (when leukocytes are higher than the permissible norm 5 -9 x109l);
- increased ESR level (at a norm of 7-14 mm/h, slightly higher in women, up to 9 in men);
- monocytosis (standard 3-11%), if the indicator is higher, the patient has started inflammation of the mucous membrane.
At the same time, you should pay attention to neutrophils:
- At the initial stage - 1-5%.
- Rods - 1-5%.
- Segmented 40-70%.
If the patient has these indicators above acceptable values, then bacterial sinusitis is diagnosed.
A blood test for inflammation of the paranasal sinuses provides a comprehensive assessment, so you should not expect good results at the acute or chronic stage.
Any disease requires diagnosing the patient’s condition and donating blood. This analysis is necessary to detect the onset of inflammation in the early phases. The results indicate any deviation from the norm, which allows early treatment to begin and the risk of complications to be predicted.
However, sinus disease cannot be diagnosed with a blood test alone. Some indicators may be impaired due to colds or viral inflammation. Therefore, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the level and number of leukocytes.
One must be aware of the fact that the erythrocyte sedimentation rate should not be lowered intentionally. If you have found out the reason for the increase in such indicators, and it really is sinusitis, then you need to focus all your efforts on treating this disease.
When the disease passes, ESR levels also return to normal, although this may occur several days after final recovery. Do not be afraid of these indicators; only a qualified doctor will be able to give an objective assessment of your baby’s health condition.
It should also be noted that sometimes the ESR increases due to a hearty breakfast immediately before the examination, allergic reactions, or a strict diet. Therefore, pay attention to all factors that can provoke an increase in normal values, and follow all the recommendations of your doctor.
Sinusitis in children must be treated, then the ESR levels will return to normal
How to determine the type of infection
The leukoformula in children and adults provides answers to many questions regarding diseases of an infectious nature. But how to distinguish between viral and bacterial? When taking a smear, blood is smeared onto a glass. After this, the laboratory doctor takes a microscope, puts it down and looks, observing the behavior of leukocytes. When he saw it, he determined by its appearance what type it was and wrote down the quantity of each type. He does this until he gets 100.
The main fighter against infections and bacteria is the segmented neutrophil. It is the most popular cell in the blood. In other words, she is mature and ready to cope with all foreign bodies in the body. If there are a lot of them, then the body is protected from all bacteria.
However, in order for a segmented neutrophil to become mature, it must undergo a series of transformations. First, it is born in the form of another neutrophil - a band neutrophil. And when the human body is attacked by any disease, information is sent to the bone marrow so that the production of young stab cells begins. And if there are a lot of them, this means that there is an acute bacterial infection.
To educate and protect yourself and, first of all, your baby, in our time it is possible to undergo many examinations and diagnostics. Especially on the content of leukocytes in the baby’s blood. After all, this is very important information about your child’s health.
Sinusitis in children: symptoms and treatment
Treatment of sinusitis today consists of taking medications prescribed by a doctor. Several drugs are commonly used to treat sinusitis. Antimicrobial agents can reduce inflammation in the sinuses. Antihistamines reduce the manifestation of many unpleasant symptoms of this disease.
Antibiotics should be taken in a course prescribed by a qualified doctor. Usually the course duration is 1 - 2 weeks. Under no circumstances should you treat sinusitis with antibiotics yourself. Such drugs should be prescribed by a doctor.
It is possible to use vasoconstrictor nasal drops. However, such means should not be abused. The most effective method may be to use nasal drops to relieve swelling in the nasal cavity and then rinse the sinuses with a warm saline solution. There are also special pharmacy mixtures from which you can prepare a solution for rinsing the nasal cavity.
With advanced sinusitis, minor surgical intervention may be necessary. Puncture of the paranasal sinuses allows you to remove pus, which will reduce pain and swelling. This procedure is not very pleasant, but does not pose any danger and can significantly speed up recovery.
Also, puncture of the maxillary sinuses can be performed to reduce the risk of complications.
Since one of the key components of successful treatment of bacterial sinusitis is antibacterial therapy, uncontrolled use of such drugs can lead to various health problems. Taking antibiotics for too long can lead to damage to the liver and other internal organs of a person. In this case, dysbacteriosis is likely to occur, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as a decrease in general immunity.
When carrying out antibacterial therapy, it is imperative to adhere to the course. Taking the medications should last exactly as long as the doctor advised. If you stop taking antibiotics ahead of schedule, then there is a possibility of not completely destroying pathogens, which can result in leaving a focus of inflammation in the maxillary sinuses. Because of this, sinusitis may soon return or become chronic.
Based on the reviews that people leave on the Internet, you can understand what kind of treatment for sinusitis in children is currently being carried out. First of all, such therapy is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, and only then at reducing its manifestations.
The main emphasis is on treatment with natural remedies and preparations based on sea salt, nasal rinsing according to Proetz, and antibiotics and other potent drugs are used only as a last resort.
Puncture of the maxillary sinus is also carried out only in case of possible complications, when it is not possible to stop the purulent processes in any other way. Feedback from people confirms the fact that sinusitis in children can be successfully treated with various methods, so every effort should be made to ensure that your child is absolutely happy and does not experience any health problems.
Nasal rinsing can be done at home or with the help of specialists.
Features of treatment
- Delay treatment and see a doctor.
- Warm the sinuses with an egg or carry out warming procedures.
- Put dubious tinctures and drops based on garlic and onions into the nose, especially for children.
How to prevent sinusitis?
Prevention of sinusitis is, first of all, supporting the body’s immune system at the proper level of activity, which means a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity, good nutrition, taking vitamins, and hardening significantly reduce the risk of developing sinusitis. It is very important to promptly treat diseases of the ENT organs, as well as sanitize all foci of infection in the body.
A number of preventive measures have been developed for sinusitis, the main purpose of which is to stimulate local immunity and ensure normal outflow of mucus from the maxillary sinuses. This prevention of sinusitis can be carried out at home and does not require special preparation.
- Rinsing the nose helps cleanse the mucous membranes of potential inflammatory factors and has a beneficial effect on their condition. It is recommended to use a physiological saline solution, which you can prepare yourself or buy at a pharmacy, including in the form of special sprays.
- Massage of the sinuses improves their blood supply, that is, it increases local immunity and promotes the removal of mucus. You can use mustard oil for massage.
- Breathing exercises improve air exchange in the sinuses. With one nasal passage closed, a deep breath is taken through the other and exhaled through the mouth. It is necessary to perform 8 inhalations and exhalations through each nasal passage at least 6 times a day.
If immunity is confirmed to be impaired, immunomodulators may be recommended to increase the body's resistance to infections.
What is a general blood test
The CBC allows you to evaluate the quantitative indicators of blood cells (erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets), as well as determine the leukocyte formula - an indicator of the percentage of different types of leukocytes in relation to the total number of leukocytes in the blood. A complete blood test also allows you to measure the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, an indicator that reflects the ratio of protein components of plasma, which is a non-specific laboratory characteristic.
Indications for use
A complete blood test is included in the list of necessary studies for most diseases. Its appointment is also necessary to assess the health status and functioning of vital organs in people who refuse annual medical examinations or rarely go to medical institutions for preventive care.
- The study of quantitative indicators of blood components is also necessary for the following diseases:
- pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
- infectious and inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract;
- injuries and ruptures of internal organs;
- chronic allergic reactions;
- helminthic infestations and helminthiases;
- diseases of the digestive and hepatobiliary system (cirrhosis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, biliary dyskinesia, gastritis, etc.);
- pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (as part of an auxiliary diagnostic complex).
How is it carried out?
For a detailed clinical blood test, both capillary and venous blood can be used. The “gold standard” in most medical institutions is the collection of capillary biomaterial, that is, blood in almost all hospitals is taken from a finger. The sampling is carried out using disposable sterile needles and double-sided vacuum tubes.
Before performing the test, the patient must ensure that the nurse or other medical worker collecting the material wears clean disposable gloves and removes the needle from the disposable package (all packages must be opened strictly in the presence of the patient)
It is important to remember that testing rooms are sources of increased risk of infection with syphilis, hepatitis and other infectious diseases that are transmitted through contact with the blood of an infected person
Blood is drawn on an empty stomach within 2-4 hours after waking up. It is advisable not to eat or drink anything in the morning. If you are very thirsty, you can wet your lips or rinse your mouth with water. If you are very thirsty, you can drink a small amount of clean water (no more than 50-100 ml). It is forbidden to smoke, chew chewing gum, rinse your mouth with mouthwash and drink any drinks other than water 2-3 hours before visiting the treatment room.
Blood test - viral or bacterial infection
For sinusitis, a blood test helps determine that there is an inflammatory process in the body. Sometimes, using this diagnostic method, it is possible to determine what kind of infection caused the development of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.
A complete blood count can reveal signs indicating the presence of microorganisms that cause this disease, even before the appearance of characteristic symptoms, such as headaches.
Most often, a blood test is used to find out about the presence or absence of inflammatory processes in the patient’s body. This information can be obtained by testing white blood cells or leukocytes. When the number of leukocytes in the blood increases above normal, we can speak with a high degree of confidence about the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.
Also, an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate may indicate the occurrence of inflammation and the penetration of infection into the body. ESR in sinusitis is increased due to the inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses.
Blood for research can be taken from the ring finger of the left hand. It is recommended to take a general blood test on an empty stomach.
Bacteria are overwhelmingly unicellular microorganisms with an unformed nucleus. That is, these are real cells that have their own metabolism and reproduce by division. According to the shape of the cells, bacteria can be round in shape - called cocci (staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus, meningococcus, etc.), they can be rod-shaped (Escherichia coli, pertussis, dysentery, etc.), and other forms of bacteria are less common.
Unlike bacteria, viruses are parasites that are unable to reproduce outside the cell. They enter the cell and force it to produce copies of the virus. When a cell becomes infected, special defense mechanisms against viruses are activated. Infected cells begin to produce interferon, which comes into contact with neighboring healthy cells and puts them into an antiviral state, and also stimulates the immune system to fight viruses.
Some viruses can remain in the human body throughout life. They go into a latent state and are activated only under certain conditions. These viruses include herpesviruses, papillomaviruses and HIV. In a latent state, the virus cannot be destroyed by either the immune system or medications.
ARVI is a viral disease of the upper respiratory tract transmitted by airborne droplets. Respiratory viral infections are the most common infectious disease.
All ARVIs are characterized by a very short incubation period - from 1 to 5 days. This is the time during which the virus that has entered the body manages to multiply to the point where the first symptoms of the disease begin to appear.
You often suspect sinusitis and refer it for a blood test
Even a conventional photograph is NOT PURPOSE for diagnosis.
Diagnosis is CLINICAL and X-ray.
Here are the links for pediatricians
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Thank you very much for the links.
You need to know your norm in order to correctly determine a possible increase in its rate due to the appearance of inflammatory reactions in the body.
General blood analysis
Diagnosis of tonsillitis consists of laboratory and instrumental methods. Therefore, the question often arises about what tests are taken for angina.
For any type of pathology, blood must be taken for clinical analysis.
If a child takes tests for tonsillitis, then it is worth considering that some values will differ from adults. Therefore, only an experienced doctor can make a diagnosis using forms.
Particular attention is paid to ESR, the level of lymphocytes and leukocytes. A blood test shows the number of monocytes
Although this value is determined extremely rarely. If their percentage is significantly higher than normal and signs of tonsillitis are observed, then perhaps the cause lies in infectious mononucleosis.
If we talk about the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, then this is a nonspecific indicator. Thanks to it, one can judge the manifestation of the inflammatory process.
With bacterial infection, the number of leukocytes increases sharply. This phenomenon is observed as a result of an increase in the number of neutrophils. With a viral disease, the number of leukocytes does not change. A characteristic sign is an increase in lymphocytes of more than 40%.
To confirm a sore throat, the following tests may be recommended as diagnostic measures:
- ASLO. This method involves identifying antibody titers to antistreptolysin. Used to identify streptococci.
- Streptokinase. Determines the amount of antibodies to streptococcal infection.
- C-reactive protein. This concept is understood as the nonspecific meaning of the infectious process in the body.
- Biochemical analysis to determine urea and creatinine. This diagnostic method allows you to identify kidney complications.
- Immunogram. It is recommended in cases where an acute course occurs more than 3-4 times a year.
Only a doctor can tell you what tests to take on an individual basis, based on your age and course of the disease.
Leukocytes in sinusitis
why do you think so? I'm not at all sure. Personally, our problems with the nose began after systemic a/b and a diagnosis of sinusitis made by an ENT specialist (which I am now also not sure about).
and if sinusitis is regular - a couple of times a year, say? antibiotics too? IMHO, you will never be cured like this AT ALL.
Can I post a fresh UAC?
Heme 134 Erythrol 4.7 Col. pok-l 0.85 Thrombus 296.0 Lake. 15.3. Band nuclear 4 Segmented 67 eosinophils 4 Lymphocytes 18 . Monocytes 7 Soe 13
The temp remains low-grade, I suspect that the infrared has been lying shamelessly for a long time, I switched to mercury, now 37.1
Tomorrow I will give my son a urine test, I also want to test for chlamydia and mycoplasma, as well as Epstein-Barr (I had it during pregnancy, was treated at the Antiherpetic Center). The doctor says that if everything is OK with the kidneys, you can take AB without much bother.
So maybe Is it better to donate blood for mononucleosis? or Antibodies may still (no longer) exist?
Today the pediatrician came and said - it’s definitely an ENT area - purulent discharge is flowing down the back wall, the throat is red, there’s a plug, the eyes are swimming, the rate is 37.5. LORik didn’t look at it today, he says, let’s watch for a couple more days, we’ll do a repeat BC on Saturday, we’ll look at leukocytes and band cells.
Rhinopharyngitis is our favorite (both our son’s and daughter’s, and mine too). I was sick with the E-B virus in the second trimester of pregnancy with my son (whose condition we are now discussing), I was treated at the Antiherpetic Center, umbilical cord blood was taken at birth - the tests were clean, but my son was still injected with immunoglobulins in the maternity hospital. We always have a selection of lymph nodes in stock. Questions 1. should there not be a high rate as one of the manifestations of mononucleosis?? 2. The detection of At M on EBV, together with our clinical picture, gives complete confidence in mononucleosis??
3. in January we were sick (now supposedly) with scarlet fever - the picture was a blurry red throat without plaques, the rate was 40 for 5 days, the pharyngeal gland was down to 38-38.5, a rash like semolina on the body, a pronounced red nasolabial triangle, lay flat. ASLO on the 4th day was negative, and a swab from the throat revealed hemolytic Streptococcus - from which they decided that it was scarlet fever and were treated with Augmentin. After which they excluded all contacts and, after recovery, left for half a year in the nearest Moscow region, for air, so to speak. So maybe Is this what he was and remained untreated??
4. How is Infectious Mononucleosis treated? and chronic - there are such people too? I took Valtrex, it seems plus, complex immunoglobulins drip? or AB? By the way, today the pediatrician heard a heart murmur - but we also had them since birth - there was a false chord, then at about 2 years they did an ECG and ECHO - everything WAS normal.
When an increase in ESR is not a pathology
There is no need to sound the alarm if a blood test shows an increase in the red blood cell sedimentation rate
Why? It is important to know that the result must be assessed over time (compared with earlier blood tests) and take into account some factors that may increase the significance of the results. In addition, accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation syndrome may be a hereditary feature
ESR is always elevated:
- During menstrual bleeding in women;
- When pregnancy occurs (the indicator can exceed the norm by 2 or even 3 times - the syndrome persists for some time after childbirth, before returning to normal);
- When women use oral contraceptives (birth control pills for oral administration);
- In the morning. There are known fluctuations in the ESR value during the day (in the morning it is higher than in the afternoon or in the evening and at night);
- In case of chronic inflammation (even if it is a common runny nose), the presence of pimples, boils, splinters, etc., the syndrome of increased ESR can be diagnosed;
- Some time after completion of treatment for a disease that can cause an increase in the indicator (often the syndrome persists for several weeks or even months);
- After eating spicy and fatty foods;
- In stressful situations immediately before the test or the day before;
- For allergies;
- Some medications can cause this reaction in the blood;
- Lack of vitamins from food.
What does ESR show in a blood test?
The ESR reacts to any inflammatory process unfolding in the body, and the extent to which the ESR will deviate from the permissible value depends on the severity of the disease.
Based on the results of ESR, one can also predict the onset or development of cancer.
If the change in ESR is not large, this may not be suspicious for the disease. For example, during a strict diet, psychological stress and excessive physical activity, the ESR changes. It must be said that even if you take a general blood test not on an empty stomach, as is customary, but after having a hearty breakfast, the ESR value will have an inaccurate result.
In general, ESR shows how quickly cells in the blood settle to the bottom of a specially graduated test tube in one hour. Their movement can be influenced by:
- number and size of red blood cells;
- the appearance of proteins that respond to inflammation;
- increase in the number of fibrinogen;
- an increase in the number of immunoglobulins in the blood;
- increased cholesterol;
- other reasons;
What is the normal level of ESR in the blood in adults?
The ESR indicator may depend on age, gender, physiological and mental state. It happens that a completely healthy person has a standard ESR value that differs from those generally accepted.
Norm for children:
- 0-several days: 1 mm/h;
- 0-6 months: 2-4 mm/h;
- 6-12 months: 4-9 mm/h;
- 1-10 years: 4-12 mm/h;
- up to 18 years: 2-12 mm/h.
Norm for women:
- 2-16 mm/h;
- during pregnancy up to 45 mm/h;
Norm for men:
1-12 mm/h.
ESR is higher than normal: what does it mean?
Often it is the increase in blood sedimentation rate that is of interest to the doctor. If a blood test shows an elevated ESR that is significantly different from the norm, the doctor should prescribe further examination that will help determine the cause of this deviation.
If the ESR value is slightly increased, a repeat blood test can solve this problem. The fact is that the speed at which blood cells move increases with increasing temperature. And factors such as increased temperature in the laboratory, temporary overheating or cooling of the body can significantly affect the result.
ESR increases with:
inflammatory process.
Moreover, ESR can be affected by both serious illnesses (pneumonia) and minor colds (ESR with allergies, by the way, also changes its indicator).
- with pneumonia;
- for sinusitis
- heart attacks and strokes.
This can also be associated with inflammation, since damage to the heart tissue that occurs during a heart attack causes an inflammatory impulse in the body, which is detected by the ESR analysis.
Often, by analyzing the ESR, it is possible to preliminarily determine whether there are neoplasms in the body. If the result differs from how much ESR should be in a healthy person by 60-80 units or more, but there are no noticeable viral, infectious and bacteriological diseases, then the probability of detecting tumors during further examination is very high.
for any viral and infectious disease
since in this case the body produces a large amount of immunoglobulins, which slow down the movement of red blood cells.
for certain conditions in women
In general, the ESR rate in women is higher than in men of the same age. However, during menstruation, ESR tends to increase even more. During pregnancy, ESR increases by several dozen, and this figure is considered normal. ESR also changes during menopause, before menstruation and after childbirth; the norm in the latter case can vary over several days. In particular, blood loss, and as a consequence a decrease in hemoglobin levels, can cause an increase in ESR.
- for tuberculosis;
- for diabetes;
- after operation;
When a person loses any significant amount of blood or suffers an injury, the ESR level may increase. This is due to the fact that in an emergency dangerous situation the body slightly changes the composition of the blood, which, of course, affects the rate of its deposition. It is difficult to judge how long it takes for ESR to recover after an illness, because everything depends on the severity of the disease, the individual characteristics of the person and the damage caused to the body. In some cases, recovery may take several months.
- with HIV infection;
- with anemia;
- with cirrhosis of the liver;
- with cirrhosis;
If you have received the result of your blood test and are worried about your condition, ask your doctor what the ESR indicator in the general blood test means in your case. You shouldn’t push yourself if the result differs from the norm; to make or refute a diagnosis, you need to completely examine the body.
Be healthy!
The role of fecal occult blood testing
The list of mandatory tests that a patient must undergo if hemorrhoids are suspected includes a stool test for occult blood. It is of great diagnostic value, since it allows you to determine bleeding from hemorrhoids, invisible to the naked eye even during sigmoidoscopy.
A fecal occult blood test is necessary in case of pain in the rectal area, burning and itching. The results of the analysis are influenced by the correct preparation of the patient, all the details of which will be told to you by the doctor.
In order to pass the analysis correctly, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
- You should not brush your teeth for several days before the diagnosis. It is necessary to exclude from the daily menu foods that color stool red - beets, pomegranates, etc. It is advisable not to eat meat, liver, fish, cucumbers, beans, and sweet peppers.
- For 7 days you should refrain from taking nonspecific anti-inflammatory drugs, iron supplements, and antiplatelet agents. These medications have the ability to thin the blood and may cause bleeding.
- A stool test for occult blood must be taken no later than 2 days before the x-ray examination.
- If hemorrhoids are suspected, all recommended tests should be completed as quickly as possible, even before treatment begins. This is due to the fact that rectal suppositories can change the chemical composition of feces and affect the results.
- During menstruation, it is not advisable to take stool tests for occult blood, since a small part of the discharge may end up in the test sample, distorting the results obtained. If it is not possible to delay the date of diagnosis, you need to use vaginal tampons to eliminate even the slightest chance of menstrual blood getting into the feces.
- Before collecting the analysis, the necessary hygiene procedures should be carried out to ensure that the resulting material does not contain foreign particles.
If hemorrhoids are suspected, the doctor will definitely prescribe a stool test, so you should make sure in advance that you have a container for collecting the sample. The most convenient way is to purchase a special disposable bottle at the pharmacy, equipped with a spoon. If it is not available, you can take any clean jar and pour boiling water over it.
Fecal samples should be transported to the laboratory as soon as possible after collection. If the stool was in the evening, the stool should be stored in the refrigerator until the morning so that its indicators do not change.
How to treat sinusitis
This disease can lead to the development of complications, some of which are life-threatening, so if you suspect sinusitis, the symptoms of which are quite specific, medical consultation is necessary.
Effective therapy is based on establishing the nature of the pathogen and prescribing appropriate drugs: antiviral, antibacterial or antifungal. To eliminate the symptoms of purulent sinusitis and improve the outflow of secretions from the sinuses into the nasal passages, vasoconstrictor drugs are instilled - drops that contain alpha-adrenergic agonists (naphthyzin, galazolin, sanorin and others).
When using them, it is important to follow the dosage, especially for people with high blood pressure. If sinusitis is caused by allergic rhinitis, the doctor may also prescribe antihistamines. In the fight against the signs of sinusitis and its symptoms, physiotherapeutic procedures are very helpful: UHF, UV irradiation, inhalations with drugs.
When conservative treatment does not bring improvement, chronic sinusitis develops, the symptoms have been bothering you for a long time, then a puncture (puncture) is done. The purulent contents are sucked out of the sinus, it is washed with a disinfectant solution and medications are administered. If repeated punctures do not have a positive effect, and the symptoms of chronic sinusitis do not disappear, a radical surgical operation is performed.
If you know what the symptoms of sinusitis may be, you can consult a doctor in time, begin treatment and avoid complications of this disease.
Why do you need a coprogram?
Tests for hemorrhoids necessarily include a coprogram. This is a method of microscopic and chemical examination of feces, with which you can determine the presence of an inflammatory process in the distal parts of the intestine.
Hemorrhoids are very often complicated by constipation. In this case, the results of the study will contain mucus, blood impurities and even clots in case of damage to varicose veins. Fecal masses become dense, they contain remnants of undigested food and plant fibers.
To get reliable coprogram results, you need to prepare properly. To do this, within 48 hours before the diagnosis, you should adhere to a certain diet - exclude foods that have the ability to change the color of stool. These include beets, carrots, tomatoes, etc.
If you are taking antibacterial agents, enzymes or iron supplements, be sure to notify your doctor. After all, the results obtained may be erroneous, so in some cases the specialist will advise temporarily stopping the above medications for a few days or rescheduling the test date until the end of treatment. It is advisable for women to refrain from diagnosis during menstruation.
The ESR rate depends on gender and age
The gender and age of the subjects influence the ESR values taken as the norm.
- In healthy newborns – 1-2 mm/hour. The reasons for deviations from standard indicators are acidosis, hypercholesterolemia, high hematocrit;
- in children 1-6 months – 12-17 mm/hour;
- in preschool children – 1-8 mm/hour (equal to the ESR of adult men);
- For men – no more than 1-10 mm/hour;
- In women - 2-15 mm/hour, these values vary depending on the level of androgen; from the 4th month of pregnancy, ESR increases, reaching 55 mm/hour by childbirth, after childbirth it returns to normal within 3 weeks. The reason for the increase in ESR is the increased level of plasma volume in pregnant women, cholesterol levels, and globulins.
An increase in indicators does not always indicate pathology; the reason for this may be:
- Use of contraceptives, high molecular weight dextrans;
- Fasting, dieting, lack of fluid, leading to the breakdown of tissue proteins. A recent meal has a similar effect, so blood is taken to determine ESR on an empty stomach.
- Increased metabolism caused by physical activity.
Changes in ESR depending on age and gender
Age | ESR rate (mm/hour) |
Newborn babies | 0-2 |
Infants up to 6 months | 12-17 |
Children and teenagers | 2-8 |
Women under 60 years old | 2-12 |
Women in the 2nd half of pregnancy | 40-50 |
Women over 60 years old | Up to 20 |
Men under 60 years old | 1-8 |
Men over 60 years old | Up to 15 |
Acceleration of ESR occurs due to an increase in the level of globulins and fibrinogen. Such a shift in protein content indicates necrosis, malignant transformation of tissue, inflammation and destruction of connective tissue, and immunity disorders. A prolonged increase in ESR above 40 mm/hour requires other hematological studies to determine the cause of the pathology.
Table of ESR norms for women by age
Indicators found in 95% of healthy people are considered the norm in medicine. Since a blood test for ESR is a nonspecific test, its indicators are used in diagnosis together with other tests.
Age | Norm (mm/hour) |
Girls under 13 years old | 7-10 |
Girls - teenagers | 15-18 |
Women of reproductive age | 2-15 |
Women over 50 years old | 15-20 |
The normal values for a woman fluctuate depending on changes in her body.
Indications for a blood test for ESR in women:
- Anemia,
- Lack of appetite,
- Pain in the neck, shoulders, headache,
- Pain in the pelvic organs,
- Joint pain,
- Unreasonable weight loss.
Norm of ESR in pregnant women depending on completeness
Body type | Norm ESR (mm/hour) in the 1st half of pregnancy | Norm ESR (mm/hour) in the 2nd half of pregnancy |
Fat women | 18-48 | 30-70 |
Skinny women | 21-62 | 40-65 |
ESR in pregnant women depends directly on the level of hemoglobin.
Normal ESR in the blood of children
Age | ESR rate (mm/hour) |
At birth | 1-2 |
Day 8 | 4 |
Day 14 | 17 |
Over 2 weeks | About 20 |
In preschool children | 1-8 mm/hour |
What could a decrease in ESR mean?
With reduced ESR levels, there is a decrease or absence of the ability of red blood cells to unite and form erythrocyte “columns”.
Reasons leading to a decrease in ESR:
- A change in the shape of red blood cells that does not allow them to form “coin columns” (spherocytosis, sickling).
- Increased blood viscosity, which prevents erythrocyte sedimentation, especially with severe erythremia (increased number of red blood cells).
- Changes in the acid-base balance of the blood towards a decrease in pH.
Diseases and conditions leading to changes in blood counts:
- The release of bile acids is a consequence of obstructive jaundice;
- Sickle cell anemia;
- High bilirubin levels;
- Insufficient fibrinogen levels;
- Reactive erythrocytosis;
- Chronic circulatory failure;
In men, an ESR below normal is almost impossible to notice. In addition, this indicator is not of great importance for diagnosis. Symptoms of decreased ESR are hyperthermia, tachycardia, fever. They may be harbingers of an infectious disease or inflammatory process, or signs of changes in hematological characteristics.
Leukocyte formula shift
In the deciphering of the analysis for the leukocyte formula, there is such a term as leukocyte formula shift. It characterizes the content of rod and segmented cells in ba. If the shift is to the right, then there are fewer band neutrophils to a greater or lesser extent, which is reflected in the state of human segmented neutrophils. Then the person’s condition is associated with impaired liver function, kidney function, or the presence of megaloblastic anemia. If there is a shift to the left, then band cells increase and metamyelocytes and myelocytes appear. Then the following diseases emerge: acidosis or acute infections. Also during physical stress.
Leukocyte formula shift
- eosinophils. For newborns and infants up to 2 weeks, the norm is 1 - 5%, for infants 1 - 6%, from 1 to 2 years this figure is 1 - 7%, from 2 to 5 it is 1 - 6%, and then the norm remains unchanged 1 - 5%. A high level of eosinophils occurs with allergic sensitization, infectious diseases, tumors or diseases of the hematopoietic system. A decrease occurs under stress, purulent infections, injuries and burns, and intoxication.
- monocytes are responsible for recognizing foreign bodies. For newborns, the norm is 3 - 12%, then for a 2-week-old baby the indicator increases from 5 to 15%, for infants 4 - 10%, for children under 2 years old 3 - 10%, and then the indicator does not change. An increase in monocytes in the blood occurs during fungal and viral infections, rheumatic diseases, and diseases of the hematopoietic system. And also possible during the recovery period. A decrease is observed during childbirth, shock, and when taking glucocorticoids. Also for aplastic anemia or hairy cell leukemia.
- basophils. The norm is 0 - 0.5% for everyone. An increase in basophils is observed in the following diseases: chicken pox, myxedema, chronic myeloid leukemia. For other diseases: Hodgkin's disease, ulcerative colitis, chronic anemia, nephrosis. A decrease in basophils occurs during pregnancy, ovulation, pneumonia, hyperthyroidism, and also with pathologies in the bone marrow.
- lymphocytes. Throughout life, this indicator changes. For newborns 15 - 35%, for infants up to 2 weeks 22 - 55%, for infants 45 - 70%, for children up to 2 years 37 - 60%, up to 5 years 33 - 55%, up to 8 years 30 - 50%, up to 15 years this figure is 30 - 45%, and then without changes 20 - 40%. An increase in lymphocytes indicates acute respiratory viral infections, viral infections, blood diseases, and poisoning. A decrease in lymphocytes is observed in acute infections and diseases, miliary tuberculosis, aplastic anemia, renal failure, and HIV infections.