What injections are given for sinusitis in adults?

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Green Elena Stanislavovna

Otolaryngologist of the second category

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Sinusitis is the process of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the sinuses. With timely intervention in the early stages, special injections are not required: drops, tablets or sprays help get rid of the pathology. The doctor prescribes injections for inflammation of the maxillary sinuses caused by a bacterial, viral or fungal infection. To eliminate it, depending on the severity of the disease, the patient is administered various antibiotic substances. The disease follows severe rhinitis or a cold and is accompanied by severe headache.

Indications for prescribing injections for the treatment of sinusitis

Injections for sinusitis are prescribed in cases where:

  • Taking medications internally does not have the desired effect;
  • There is a possibility of complications such as ethmoditis, sepsis or bronchitis;
  • Inflammation occurs due to infection;
  • The patient's condition worsens, the symptoms become more intense, the disease passes in a purulent form or a severe fever begins.

Before treatment, you must consult a doctor. He will determine what antibiotics the patient needs and prescribe injections along with auxiliary agents. All this happens in accordance with the symptoms and contraindications. If the pathogen is sensitive to a medication that exists only in the form of intravenous injection, then treatment will take place in this way. To facilitate the effect of antibiotics, thereby accelerating the patient’s recovery, nasal drops, inhalations and rinses are used in parallel. A bacterial infection is always unpredictable in its development and resistance of microorganisms to drugs.

When going to the hospital with an inflamed paranasal sinus, the approach to the pathology is individual. Only in some cases will the doctor prescribe drugs with a wide range of effects empirically. But depending on the stage of the disease, which is, in fact, one of many types of sinusitis, careful monitoring of the substances used is required. To prevent complications and conflict between different medications, each of them has its own classification and use.

Contraindications to injections with antibiotics

Not everyone recommends intramuscular injections with antibiotics for sinusitis. There is a list of patients for whom this method of treatment is contraindicated or indicated with extreme caution. This list consists of:

  • nursing mothers;
  • infants;
  • pregnant women;
  • people prone to allergies;
  • patients with cardiovascular diseases or kidney disease.

Parenteral administration of mild antibiotics for sinusitis should not be used, since the negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract will cover all the benefits from them.

What injections are prescribed for sinusitis?

Depending on the type of therapy chosen by the doctor and the severity of the disease, injections for sinusitis are prescribed intramuscularly. This is the most common method, but if the disease is in an acute advanced form, then in addition to injections, oral or drip delivery of antibiotics into the body is used.

Most often they use the intramuscular method of administering drugs, intravenous or hot injection for sinusitis - least often, in the most severe cases with complications. Injection administration always takes place by jet or drip, having a number of rules for achieving the desired effect:

Antibiotics for sinusitis, their dose, duration and frequency of use are determined individually upon examination, taking into account all factors of the disease, side effects and the person’s age.

It is prohibited to independently interfere with the prescribed dosage schedule and treatment regimen, mix or replace substances. Injection is done only with a disposable syringe. Even if all symptoms disappear, the course of treatment cannot be stopped prematurely: another 1-3 days are required for complete recovery.

A well-known broad-spectrum medicine is cefazolin from the group of cephalosporins. It is instantly absorbed into the blood and reaches concentration within one hour. Remaining in this state for 8-12 hours, it is often used to treat inflammation of the maxillary sinus. It is introduced into the body intravenously or intramuscularly, allowing it to cleanse the environment favorable for the growth of bacteria. This antibiotic is prescribed for sinusitis in adults in injections, using from 1 to 4 grams.

The advantages are that, thanks to the precise dosage, a much more effective therapeutic effect is achieved for patients of absolutely any age. Medicines are not influenced by enzymes, so they do not change their action. They enter the blood immediately, without affecting the gastrointestinal tract, which destroys them. Can be used on unconscious victims.

The disadvantages that appear are, first of all, the painfulness of the procedure. When administered intravenously, blood circulation may be blocked by air bubbles or particles of the substance. If you neglect the rules for performing the manipulation, infection will occur. So only specially trained doctors can carry it out under aseptic conditions.

When are injections prescribed for sinusitis?

To suppress the pathogenic microflora of the nose in acute sinusitis, drug treatment is carried out. To eliminate the source of inflammation, it is necessary to precisely influence it.

This is possible if medications are administered through injections.

This method ensures rapid absorption of the active substance into the blood.

For purulent sinusitis, antibiotics are prescribed in the following situations:

  • lack of treatment results after taking other forms of drugs (tablets, sprays);
  • risk of developing possible complications (meningitis, sepsis);
  • pathologies of the stomach in which oral antibiotics are not possible;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery on the maxillary sinuses;
  • increased symptoms of intoxication (febrile temperature, dehydration, weakness);
  • development of the inflammatory process in otitis media, bronchitis;
  • discharge of pus accompanied by severe pain.

What injections are given?

For adults and children with sinusitis, several types of injections are prescribed:

  • Antibiotics - are used to inhibit bacteria and eliminate the source of inflammation. It is recommended to inject medications intramuscularly for children and adults. Severe forms of sinusitis require intravenous administration.
  • “Hot injections” – help in case of severe inflammation. Method of administration: intravenous. Drugs should be administered slowly.
  • Puncture is a puncture of the maxillary sinus to administer medications. They dilute the purulent contents, which facilitates its drainage from the nasal cavity.

Systemic antibiotics for sinusitis

When determining the causative agent of the disease, their sensitivity and flora of the pathogen, specialized medications should be prescribed. Thanks to them, the most effective therapeutic result is achieved. Only after a laboratory analysis can the doctor determine which antibiotic was previously injected and what should be prescribed:

Penicillin is an obsolete type of beta-lactam medicine to which most pathogens and microorganisms are resistant. Treatment with biosynthetic penicillins is recommended only if they have not been used before, and is much more effective in the form of injections. To maintain the concentration of the active substance in the blood, administration is required every 4 hours.

  • Amoxicillin. First generation drug. Its use should not be overused: bacteria soon become resistant to it, and the patient’s allergic reaction may worsen.
  • Amoxiclav. Combined agent for intravenous use with a wide spectrum of effects.
  • Ampicillin. Intramuscular medicine to damage the synthesis of microbial cells and reduce their activity. After this, the microorganisms die.

Macrolides - prescribed for an allergic reaction to a number of penicillins. The most popular are azithromycin and clarithomycin. These medicinal substances kill pathogenic flora in the shortest possible time, quietly adapting to it, and are especially active against streptococci and moraxella. Close to this group are lincosamides, which have a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect and are incompatible with penicillins. As a rule, they act within 3–4 days, unless they have medical contraindications. Unlike macrolides, lincosamides are not prescribed for children, pregnant women or breastfeeding.

  • Azithromycin. Powder remedy for inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, 15-membered macrolide of the second generation. Immediately penetrates the blood and actively affects microorganisms. Side effects are rare.
  • Erythromycin. A medicine with a moderate effect. Useless against gram-negative bacteria. Side effects are caused by long-term use: stomach upset, vomiting, liver disease.
  • Clarithromycin. A second generation macrolide that is effective against almost all bacteria of chronic sinusitis.

Cephalosporins are a group of components that have the ability to destroy gram-negative bacteria. They do not have strong side effects, intoxication, and are active against most microorganisms.

  • Ceftriaxone. The most common powder drug, which is diluted in a syringe with a solution of novocaine or lidocaine. Contraindicated in pregnant women and can cause side effects: jaundice, hepatitis or gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Cefoxitin. Second generation bactericidal antibiotic. Well tolerated substance, active against enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli and gonococci.
  • Cefuroxime. Antibacterial medication with a wide spectrum of effects. Active against staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli and salmonella.

Groups of antibiotics that are used as injections

Almost every group of antibiotics has representatives that are administered by injection. The choice of any drug is made taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogens. Ideally, bacterial culture should be performed. But since it takes several days to carry it out, and treatment cannot be delayed, the drug is chosen empirically based on data on the most common pathogenic microbes in the region.


Previously, representatives of this group were very popular drugs and were prescribed primarily for sinusitis. However, today parenteral forms of penicillins are used less and less. This is explained by the high resistance of microbes to their effects and the frequent occurrence of allergic reactions. In addition, most penicillin antibiotics require administration every 4 hours to maintain a constant concentration of the active substance in the blood, which is not entirely convenient. Representatives of this group are Benzylpenicillin and Ampicillin.

Special mention should be made of penicillins protected by clavulanic acid. They have a wider spectrum of action. Most often they are prescribed in oral forms. But in rare cases, parenteral administration is also possible. An important feature is that such drugs are administered only intravenously. An example of such penicillin is Amoxiclav. It contains amoxicillin and clavulanic acid.


It is the drugs of this group that are prescribed primarily for sinusitis. They are active against most microorganisms that cause disease. Cephalosporins exhibit a bactericidal effect, leading to the death of microbes.

A representative of the first generation of cephalosporins, Cefazolin has a narrow spectrum of action and is practically ineffective against gram-negative bacteria. Therefore, its use for sinusitis is prescribed quite rarely and in cases of confirmed sensitivity to it.

The third generation of cephalosporins is the most widely used. They are characterized by a high level of activity against gram-positive and gram-negative pathogenic bacteria. Representatives of cephalosporins, which are used in the form of injections:

  • Ceftriaxone (Tercef, Longacef, Rocephin, Lendatsin, Loraxone, Medaxone, Procef, Cefogram),
  • Cefotaxime (Klaforan, Loraxim, Fagocef, Sefotak).

Antibiotics of other groups

Antibacterial drugs of other groups in the form of injections for sinusitis are used quite rarely. Their main indication for use is the confirmed susceptibility of microorganisms and intolerance to cephalosporins and penicillins.

Can be used:

  • Gentamicin (a representative of aminoglycosides),
  • Lincomycin (lincosamide antibiotic),
  • Imipenem (carbapenem antibiotic).

“Hot” injections - which ones are prescribed for sinusitis

Calcium chloride injections are called “hot” because of the intense heat that occurs when it is introduced into the body. They are contraindicated during pregnancy, taking glycosides or disorders of the heart, liver and kidneys. Contains organic and inorganic salts. This is an inpatient procedure that is performed only in the presence of doctors. It stimulates blood circulation and speeds up recovery. After administration of the medicine, resting while lying down is required to eliminate side effects such as tremors, dizziness and nausea.

  1. Calcium gluconate is an auxiliary drug that is used if small blood vessels and capillaries are damaged due to inflammation of the sinuses. It restores their elasticity, blood circulation and relieves swelling. Its peculiarity is its anti-allergenic effect.
  2. Calcium chloride is a microelement beneficial for heart function. Participates in the formation of bones, improves blood clotting, reduces the permeability of blood vessels. It has an antiallergic effect and is useful for people with calcium deficiency in the body.
  3. Dexamethasone is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid. It is used for severe forms of sinus inflammation, as it has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. At the minimum dosage, injections are carried out as soon as possible, after which the medication is gradually withdrawn due to the narcotic effect. Beclamethosone dipropionate and prednisolone have the same effectiveness and relieve severe acute inflammation.
  4. Magnesia is administered intramuscularly, with rare exceptions - intravenously. It has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels, relaxing them and preventing convulsions. Dilates arteries, improving blood supply. Used for hypertension, to reduce blood pressure and in cases of threatened miscarriage in pregnant women.

Calcium gluconate for sinusitis intravenously and intramuscularly: indications and reviews

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses. It can occur against the background of a long-term cold, injuries associated with deformation of the nasal cavity. And, basically, the method of treatment depends on the cause of the disease, and not on its severity.

But the development of sinusitis is not due to hypothermia, but due to various pathogenic microorganisms. The disease can also be caused by an allergic reaction, when problems arise with the release of mucus, and quite a lot of it accumulates.

Usually, rinsing the nasal cavity, warming it up and similar procedures are enough. For purulent sinusitis, antibiotics are prescribed. If the disease is accompanied by high fever, medications are prescribed by injection.

What antibiotics are used? For example, various penicillin antibiotics. But the problem is that you need to maintain concentration for a long time. Injections of the drug are given every 3 to 4 hours.

One such drug is Amoxicillin.

Aminoglycosides are also useful in the treatment of sinusitis . Injections of this drug are given twice a day, at a daily dosage of 1.5 mg/kg of the patient’s body weight. But this group of antibacterial drugs has an ototoxic effect, which is why they are used in cases where other, less toxic representatives did not help.

So, there are many types of antibacterial agents: macrolides, protected penicillins, cephalosporins, fluorochonolones. But in addition to destroying the pathogenic environment, you need to get rid of other symptoms, such as swelling of the mucous membrane, headache, etc.

In this case, parenteral administration of drugs, calcium gluconate in particular, the use of which is commonly called a “hot injection,” may be required.

It is important to understand that the use of this drug is an element of complex treatment and it is not a panacea.


One tablet contains 500 mg of calcium gluconate. Excipients may include starch, talc, calcium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate.

pharmachologic effect

With sinusitis, the permeability of the vascular wall increases, which is one of the elements of the inflammatory response. Calcium gluconate helps reduce the permeability of the vessel wall, which indirectly helps reduce tissue swelling.

It also replenishes calcium deficiency, which is involved in bone formation, hematopoiesis and the transmission of nerve impulses.

About a third of the substance is absorbed in the intestine. The absorption process depends on the presence of vitamin D in the body.

Calcium gluconate is less irritating than calcium chloride. It also strengthens the body of a child who lacks calcium, but the disease should not prevent him from growing and developing.

Release forms

The drug can be produced in tablets or solution. The tablet form provides dosages of 500 mg in packages of 10 to 1,000 pieces.

Calcium gluconate tablets are white or almost white in color, sometimes with marbling, have a flat-cylindrical shape, scored and chamfered. The solution for parenteral administration is available in dosages of 100, 200, 500 mg and 1 g.

Calcium gluconate solution is available in packages containing 5, 10, 20 clear glass ampoules.

How to take for various forms of sinusitis

The drug in tablets is taken orally with milk, because calcium is better absorbed this way. But only one third of the total substance is absorbed and approximately another twenty percent is excreted in the urine. Adults should take about three grams per day. And this remedy is used mainly for purulent sinusitis.

The drug can also be administered using hot injections, just like calcium chloride. Over 14 years of age, 5 to 10 milligrams of solution heated to body temperature are allowed to be administered per day. Calcium gluconate is introduced slowly - about three minutes. Sometimes using the drip method. A syringe is used for intravenous administration. The form of sinusitis does not affect the method of application.

Use of calcium gluconate in children

There are no special instructions for children to take the tablet form, so dosing is carried out at the rate of 1 - 3 g 2 - 3 times a day.

The exact dosage is determined by the pediatrician! The solution for parenteral use in children is administered intravenously, since intramuscular administration will lead to tissue necrosis at the injection site.

It is also recommended that children take calcium gluconate when they have a cold, because if there is a lack of calcium ions, the child will catch a cold. The drug is also necessary for active growth and development.

Use during pregnancy

Pregnant women take no more than 9 grams of the drug per day, preferably about 1 - 3 grams, divided into three doses per day. It's the same with breastfeeding.

Contraindications and side effects

  • hypersensitivity to this drug;
  • presence of hypercalcemia;
  • do not prescribe medicine for nephrourolithiasis;
  • with sarcoidosis;
  • up to the age of three years;
  • there is no need to take the drug together with cardiac glycosides or the patient is at risk of developing arrhythmia;
  • cannot be combined with alcohol.

It should be used with caution in case of dehydration, atherosclerosis, heart failure, diarrhea, and electrolyte disturbances.

Sometimes, when used in the form of tablets, undesirable side effects appear, expressed in the form of constipation, irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestinal tract, fever, burning sensation in the mouth, and an overdose threatens with an excess of ions. Tissue necrosis may also occur with intramuscular administration.

Interaction with other medications

This drug is used together with tetracycline antibiotics, which leads to a decrease in their absorption. When used together with quinidine, intraventricular conduction of the heart slows down.

Administration before or after verapamil leads to a decrease in its hypotensive effect, but this does not affect the antiarrhythmic effect.

It is not recommended to use together with glycosides, as the cardiotoxic effect increases.

This drug can be replaced with gluconate-LekT or gluconate-Vial. Also Medisorb tablets, which cost about 25 rubles, and tablets from the Irbitsky plant, which cost 5 rubles.

And if you are interested in the solution, then you can use Ellar’s ​​solution for intramuscular injection, which costs 110 rubles, as an analogue.

Naturally, analogues cost less, but perhaps the quality will be slightly worse.

Where to buy calcium gluconate and its cost in pharmacies

You can buy this drug at any city pharmacy, of which there are many now, or order it from an online pharmacy, where the price will be less than through the catalog of a regular pharmaceutical department.

Price for tablets: 10 pieces - 4 rubles in an online pharmacy, and in a regular pharmacy the same number of tablets will cost 5 rubles, although the difference is small.

If you look at the price of the solution in ampoules, it will turn out like this: 10 pieces of 10 milliliters each - 176 rubles in an online pharmacy and 189 in a city pharmacy.

What doctors and patients say about calcium gluconate

Milana, 28 years old

Thirty days ago, after catching a cold, I felt very bad, a cough and viscous sputum appeared. Conventional remedies could not help, but the doctor advised me to take a course of intramuscular injections of an inexpensive drug, which helped me get rid of the unpleasant symptoms completely.

The drug helped most people, for which they are truly grateful. They were cured of an illness that had haunted them for a long time. And patients are very satisfied with the price, since the product is really inexpensive. Doctors also speak well of the drug, as it restores calcium deficiency and strengthens the skeletal system of a child who is actively growing and developing.


If you have sinusitis, then calcium gluconate, of course, can help you get rid of this problem, but it only relieves swelling and is an auxiliary remedy, but not the main one.

This drug is better than calcium chloride, since it does not have a pronounced irritating effect, although they are both called hot injection .

And you can use this drug with some others if there are no unwanted effects.

Calcium gluconate can help cope not only with sinusitis, but also with rickets, colds, and many other diseases that interfere with your life. Although there are many contraindications and side effects that you should carefully read to avoid trouble.

And if you are not satisfied with the price of the presented product, then you can use analogues, the price of which is slightly lower. You can order the drug from an online pharmacy, which is a more convenient way for many.

But still, the final decision remains yours. Good health to you.

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Source: https://gaimorit.guru/preparations/kaltsiya-glyukonat

Children and injections

Injections are an unpleasant procedure, and many adults are afraid of it. What can we say about children? In order for a child to be calm about various types of medical procedures, you should never frighten him with a doctor, dentist or injection. For him, a doctor should be a friend, not a fear.

If the baby has sinusitis and intramuscular injections are prescribed, then parents can administer the injections themselves, following hygiene rules. This way you can avoid daily visits to the treatment room.

Preparation for the injection should take place separately from the child. Hands are washed thoroughly with soap and rubber gloves are put on. The exact dosage of the medicine is drawn into the syringe. Holding the syringe with the needle up, release excess air.

If you are not sure that the child will remain motionless during the injection, then it is better to have someone prevent the baby from moving. The injection is placed in the upper soft part of the buttock. Step by step it looks like this:

  1. To make the process less painful, you need to pat the buttock, this will warm up the muscle.
  2. The injection site is wiped with cotton wool soaked in alcohol.
  3. The skin is stretched with one hand, and the needle is quickly inserted with the other.
  4. The injection will not be so painful, the medicine is administered gradually - the slower the better.
  5. Pressing the injection site with dry cotton wool, quickly remove the needle.
  6. To ensure that the medicine disperses better and there are no lumps, the injection site is lightly massaged.

It is better to alternate buttocks; if today they injected the left one, then tomorrow it will be the right one’s turn.

To avoid sinusitis, you should maintain your immunity, eat more fruits and vegetables, regularly wet-clean your apartment, dress for the weather, and get vaccinated on a schedule. If you do become acquainted with sinusitis, then you must try with all your might to cure it in the acute stage. Having let it develop into a chronic form, be prepared for the fact that at the slightest runny nose, sinusitis will return.

Purpose and rules of administration

In most cases, injections for sinusitis in adults are given intramuscularly. In particularly severe cases, inpatient treatment uses intravenous injections of the most powerful drugs. In case of a complex course of the disease, the drug is prescribed exclusively after seeding material from the mucus of the maxillary sinus. Empirical choice of remedy is excluded. When administering antibiotic injections for sinusitis, it should be taken into account that:

  • The medications and treatment regimen are determined only by the attending physician, without any initiative.
  • You cannot change your medication dosage schedule at your own discretion.
  • It is necessary to read the instructions for the drug to know about possible side effects and contraindications.
  • The hospital will definitely do an antibiotic test.
  • Even if you feel better, you need to complete the course of treatment.
  • Antibiotics will reduce the protective powers of hormonal contraceptives, so it is worth taking precautions during the treatment period.
  • This treatment is contraindicated for people with liver and kidney diseases, as well as pregnant and nursing mothers.

When prescribing medications, the doctor should be guided by the results of the punctate analysis. But, in reality, the culture is done for about a week and, in order not to waste time and not start the course of the disease, treatment is prescribed taking into account the most common pathogens of this disease.

Puncture of the maxillary sinus is a rather complicated procedure. During this intervention, an antiseptic mixture is injected through a puncture into the maxillary sinus. It will make the purulent contents more liquid and it will become easier to pump it out with a syringe. After cleaning, antibiotics are poured into the cavity in the form of a solution to completely kill the remaining bacteria. Not every patient will trust an inexperienced doctor and agree to a puncture. Therefore, instead, an analysis of the microflora of a smear from the nasal mucosa is often done. The causative agents of sinusitis are definitely there and in large quantities.

The range of antibiotics for sinusitis is very wide. But otorhinolaryngologists often prefer Lincomycin. It can be called a leader in the fight against inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. The drug has been widely used in the treatment of ENT diseases for many years and has proven its effectiveness. Its low cost is another advantage of this antibiotic.

Injections for sinusitis: hot for sinusitis, how to use gluconate and calcium chloride for adults

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, as a result of which a large amount of mucus accumulates in them, making breathing difficult. Antibiotics are prescribed to treat the pathology. Often patients are prescribed drugs in injections.

Some patients have a negative attitude towards this treatment because it is associated with unpleasant, painful sensations. However, refusing injections can lead to pathological complications. They do not pose a threat to health, but can cause side effects.

To prevent this from happening, injections should only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages of injections

Advantages of injections for sinusitis and indications:

  1. Almost instantaneous action, since the main active ingredient immediately enters the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive tract, unlike oral medications.
  2. Noticeable improvement in the patient's condition after the first injection.
  3. The composition is not affected by the acid present in the gastric juice, therefore it enters the blood unchanged.
  4. Overdose is excluded, since the patient is administered only the amount of the drug prescribed by the doctor.
  5. Can be used on patients of any age, there are no restrictions.
  6. Therapy does not stop even if the patient has impaired swallowing function or is unconscious, since the injections are given without his participation.

Disadvantages of injections:

  • to administer the medication, outside assistance from a person with medical education is required when the patient takes the pills independently;
  • discomfort during needle insertion;
  • the patient may get skin infection; to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to ensure the sterility of the instrument and the patient’s epidermis;
  • the risk of an air bubble getting in with the drug, which can lead to death of the patient.

Previously, there was a danger of contracting HIV and other dangerous pathologies, including those transmitted through blood, but now disposable syringes are used, so there is no longer such a threat.

Only a doctor can prescribe injections. Self-administration of medication can lead to dire consequences.

Options and rules for administering medication

There are certain rules for administering the drug that should be followed to avoid unpleasant consequences for the body:

  1. The dosage, number of injections and duration of therapy are determined by the doctor, based on the nature of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the patient.
  2. The treatment regimen should not be changed to avoid undesirable consequences.
  3. The first injection is given in the hospital to see how the body reacts to the antibiotic.
  4. During therapy, it is recommended to take vitamins, after consultation with a doctor, in order to increase the body's defenses, since antibiotics negatively affect the immune system.
  5. Do not use the drug if there are contraindications.
  6. It is not recommended to change the course of treatment even after the condition improves to avoid relapse.
  7. To increase the effectiveness of therapy, it is recommended to combine injections with lavage of the nasal sinuses and the use of vasoconstrictors.

Women should be aware that antibiotics reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.


Most often, injections for sinusitis are prescribed intramuscularly. This method is suitable for outpatient treatment.


Administration of the drug into the bloodstream through a vein is prescribed in case of complex pathology or the occurrence of complications. This method of using the medicine is also recommended if another type of therapy has not brought results. Intravenous injections are given in a hospital setting.

What injections are prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis in adults - a list of the most effective remedies with names

Various types of antibiotics are prescribed for the treatment of pathology. Below is a list of drugs with names that doctors prescribe.

When are antibiotics used and how many days should they be injected, how to choose a good one

Antibiotic injections are prescribed in the following cases:

  • pathology with purulent discharge;
  • lack of effect from taking pills and other drugs;
  • the occurrence of complications;
  • acute or chronic disease;
  • The sensitivity of the pathogen to the drug, the release form of which exists only in the form of an injection solution, was determined.

The duration of therapy is prescribed by the doctor based on the following criteria:

  • severity of disease symptoms;
  • course of pathology;
  • form of the disease;
  • patient's age;
  • individual characteristics - tendency to allergic reactions and others;
  • type of drug.

Most often, the therapeutic course is 7 days.

Cefotaxime in ampoules

Cefotaxime is a potent antibiotic that helps destroy pathogens of sinusitis. For this reason, the medicine is often prescribed for the treatment of pathology. The drug is resistant to the action of most Beta-lactamases, which indicates the high effectiveness of therapy with this drug.

The main active ingredient is quickly absorbed into the blood from the injection site. The main part of the drug leaves the body in the urine. The effect of using the drug can be assessed three days after the start of therapy.

The drug gives the following result:

  • inhibits the growth and reproduction of harmful microorganisms and their death occurs;
  • helps get rid of pathology within a short period of time;
  • stops the inflammatory process occurring in the sinuses;
  • improves mucus removal, making breathing easier;
  • relieves symptoms of the disease;
  • prevents the occurrence of complications;
  • has a positive effect on the immune system;
  • restores injured tissue.

Usually the drug is used for 10 days, but the exact dosage and duration of therapy is prescribed by the doctor.

Is it possible to inject Gentamicin?

Gentamicin is a drug belonging to a number of antibiotics - aminoglycosides. The drug is recommended for use in severe sinusitis, especially in the presence of harmful microorganisms that are resistant to other drugs, in particular to penicillin and metapenicillin antibiotics.

The drug destroys the causative agent of the pathology, promotes the removal of mucus, facilitating breathing, and also relieves other symptoms of the disease. The dosage and duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.

Cefazolin injections

Cefazolin is a first-generation antibiotic, produced in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution for injection. The drug has antibacterial properties. The medicine destroys harmful microorganisms that cause the disease, so this antibiotic is prescribed for the treatment of pathology.

Cefazolin is recommended for use for the treatment of the disease in the following cases:

  • other drugs do not work;
  • severe form of the disease with severe intoxication;
  • the disease occurs together with bronchitis, otitis media;
  • there was a possibility of complications of sinusitis;
  • postoperative period.

Cefazolin is prescribed 3 times a day, including at night. The dosage should not exceed 1 gram per day. The duration of therapy is prescribed by the doctor.

How to make hot injections

In addition to antibiotics, so-called hot injections are prescribed. These are calcium chloride injections that are injected into the bloodstream. After using the medicine, heat spreads throughout the body, which is why the injections are called hot.

Calcium chloride (calcium chloride)

Using the product gives the following results:

  • the inflammatory process stops;
  • blood vessels are strengthened;
  • increases the effectiveness of antibiotic use.

Hot injections are most often prescribed for the allergic form of the disease. Calcium chloride relieves the symptoms of the disease, improving the patient's condition.

Only a professional should give such injections. Improper administration of the drug can provoke necrotic tissue changes and burns of the vein walls.

Indications for use of calcium gluconate

Calcium gluconate is often prescribed instead of calcium chloride because this medication causes less irritation. The use of the product is recommended for allergic forms of the disease.

The medicine helps relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and replenishes the mineral deficiency, which has a positive effect on the condition of the whole body.

Are IVs used for sinusitis?

The doctor may prescribe IVs. This therapy is carried out in especially severe cases, when other treatment methods have failed and complications have arisen. IVs are placed by a professional in a hospital setting.

When to inject aloe

Aloe is a medicinal plant that helps cope with respiratory viral diseases, including sinusitis. Its juice is often dropped into the nose to remove mucus and ease breathing.

Aqueous extract of aloe, used for injection, is recommended for the treatment of prolonged sinusitis against the background of deteriorating immunity. The medicine strengthens the body's resistance to the pathogen and improves the patient's condition.

Prescription of Dexamethasone

This is a good glucocorticosteroid drug in ampoules for adults, which is prescribed as an injection for the treatment of allergic sinusitis. Dexamethasone has the following properties:

  • antiallergic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-shock.

The medicine stops the inflammatory process, relieves intoxication and increases the body's defenses. Dexamethasone is prescribed by a doctor, who also determines the regimen for using the drug.

Precautions and side effects

When using injections, the following precautions should be observed:

  • Only disposable syringes should be used for injections;
  • before puncture, the epidermis is thoroughly treated with an alcohol-containing solution;
  • release part of the product from the syringe so that all the air comes out.

They can only be done by a specialist, according to the doctor’s instructions.

Improper use of injections can cause the following side effects:

  • digestive problems;
  • redness and swelling of the organs of vision;
  • nausea with vomiting;
  • discomfort in the oral cavity;
  • sneezing and coughing;
  • atypical reactions of the body in the form of rashes on the epidermis, itching and burning;
  • vaginal pathologies.

To avoid the occurrence of these consequences, the medicine should be used as prescribed by a doctor, adhering to the regimen determined by a professional.

The video shows a doctor’s review of antibiotic injections:


  1. Injections for sinusitis are an effective therapy that quickly relieves the symptoms of the pathology and helps cope with the disease.
  2. Only a doctor can prescribe them; self-medication can lead to unpredictable consequences.
  3. Injections are administered in two ways - intramuscularly and intravenously; in the first case, treatment occurs at home, in the second in a hospital setting.
  4. There are certain rules for using injections that should be followed. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the drug Pinosol for sinusitis in this material.

Source: https://dokLOR.com/nos/oslozhneniya/gajmorit/lechenie-g/lekarstva-g/ukoly.html

Purpose of Lincomycin

There are a lot of antibiotics, but in practice, doctors treating problems of the oropharynx and nasopharynx most often prescribe Lincomycin. This is explained by the fact that Lincomycin for sinusitis is a drug that has long been proven to be reliable and effective over several decades; Moreover, everyone can buy it, it is inexpensive. As doctors joke, the duet of Lincomycin and sinusitis is time-tested and the reviews about this antibiotic are the most positive. Today Lincomycin is in many ways the best remedy for sinusitis.

What he really is? It can be administered intramuscularly and intravenously (for intravenous infusions it is diluted in saline solution). It is administered 3 times a day, which is quite doable. Its possible use is expected in adults and children over 6 years of age.

It is a representative of the lincosamide group and is considered a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Suppresses the proliferation of microbes and prevents them from developing, i.e. has a bacteriostatic effect. But at large doses and when the pathogen is sensitive to it, it has a bactericidal effect. It is not prescribed to pregnant women because it crosses the placental barrier.

Its contraindications: individual intolerance and decompensated pathologies of the liver and kidneys, which do not eliminate it quickly enough.

In addition, the prescription of Lincomycin should always take into account its compatibility with other drugs. It is not used simultaneously with penicillins, cephalosporins, Erythromycin, Chloramphenicol. Simultaneous combination with aminoglycosides enhances their effect, so in these cases the dose should be reduced.

Lincomycin is never used with muscle relaxants and during inhalation anesthesia, because apnea (breathing stop) is possible due to increased blockade and muscle relaxation. Its use with antidiarrheal drugs causes a decrease in its activity, therefore it is also inapplicable.

Lincomycin cannot be combined with the simultaneous administration of calcium gluconate; with magnesia, Theophylline, Heparin; Ampicillin. Before administration, Lincomycin should not be mixed in the same syringe with Novobiocin and Kanamycin. Lincomycin has one more advantage: its components always prevent the development of such serious complications of sinusitis as osteomyelitis, optic nerve damage and meningitis. All antibiotics are most often prescribed for 7-10 days. In rare cases, they can be extended to 14 days.

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