Septoplasty of the nose: operations to correct the nasal septum

The nasal septum is a thin plate that consists of bone and cartilage. It divides the nasal cavity into two halves. There is a small percentage of people who have a completely straight septum, but often it is curved or slightly wavy. This type of curvature is absolutely normal and is due to the development of the human facial skeleton and its normal growth process, a little less often due to injury.

A deviated nasal septum does not always cause breathing problems, but very often it causes exacerbation and the appearance of various chronic inflammatory processes. Thus, even the most ordinary deviated septum, which does not affect nasal breathing, is necessarily subject to surgical intervention in order to correct it. As for the symptoms that may be a reason for surgical correction, it is worth noting that not all of them are associated only with the nose, since due to the delicate communication of all organs, problems with the hearing organs may occur.

At the moment, the only high-quality method for a deviated nasal septum that gives good results and effectiveness is surgical.

In the modern world, such an operation is quite relevant and in demand, and among all other ENT operations in particular. Of course, the type of operation will be chosen based on the preliminary consultation, specific goal and individual characteristics, but in any case, such an operation will be called septoplasty.

What is septoplasty of the nasal septum?

Nasal septoplasty is a surgical operation that corrects and corrects the nasal septum that has been deformed. Septoplasty in Moscow, as in any other city, is performed using minor incisions. The shape of the septum and its position are corrected thanks to a small submucosal resection. Often, with small displacements, the patient develops a chronic runny nose or snoring. Because of this, by the way, a person stops fully using his nose to breathe and switches to mouth breathing. This causes more oxygen to enter the blood than is needed, which can cause blood pressure to rise.

Septoplasty of the nasal septum Before a patient realizes that he urgently needs rhinoplasty or septoplasty, it is necessary to understand the anatomy of the nasal cavity itself, because some minor changes may go unnoticed.

During breathing, the intranasal structure has a certain pressure that changes over the course of every few hours. During inhalation, the air is evenly distributed between the right and left halves of the nose only because the nasal septum divides the nose into two equal lobes. But if it is displaced, then the air flow will accordingly increase by that fraction, which is larger, while in the narrow half the air resistance becomes more and more. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing wrong with this, but in fact, due to the curvature of the nasal septum, aerodynamics are disrupted, during which a lot of different diseases arise, some of which are completely unrelated to the nose.

It is septoplasty that can intervene in the bone tissue of the nose and make a correction so that the nose begins to fully perform its functions again.

In fact, there can be many reasons for the occurrence of a deviated nasal septum and subsequent septoplasty surgery, among which we have noted several of the most popular:

  • hereditary causes;
  • acquired trauma during childbirth or congenital pathology;
  • in adolescence, a problem associated with abnormal or uneven growth of bone and/or cartilage tissue;
  • changes in the shape of nearby nasal structures, which in turn affected the nasal septum;
  • mechanical injuries.

Septoplasty of the nose: normal sinuses and with curvature

Septoplasty - what is it?

For patients who fully feel the impact of a deviated nasal septum, doctors recommend a solution such as septoplasty. What it is and how it can affect the quality of life is very important to know when giving consent to surgery.

Septoplasty is a plastic surgery to correct a deformed nasal septum. The essence of the operation is either the correction of cartilage or bone tissue, or their partial removal. No external incisions are made; all manipulations are performed through the nostrils. Depending on the complexity of each specific case, local anesthesia or general anesthesia is used.

Along with septoplasty, there is also such a type of operation as rhinoplasty. These two concepts have significant differences. In the first case, the need for surgery is dictated solely from a medical point of view, because a deviated nasal septum is a pathology that leads to deterioration of health.

And rhinoplasty, although it is a surgical intervention, is a purely aesthetic procedure to change the shape of the nose. There are, of course, cases when it is necessary to combine these manipulations, then we will talk about rhinoseptoplasty.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: How and why ribs are removed - effectiveness, photos before and after surgery.

Consultation before septoplasty surgery

Of course, before the patient is sent to the surgical table to correct the curvature, everyone undergoes a primary and secondary consultation, during which all the nuances that may be useful during the procedure are taken into account. At the first consultation, the patient should meet with an ENT doctor who will collect anamnesis, analyze all the patient’s complaints, and then check for allergies to possible medications or anesthesia.

Often, the doctor can notice the curvature immediately, already during the first superficial examination, thanks to only one endoscope. Only after this does the doctor decide how justified the operation will be and whether, in addition to this, there are any other structural features of the nose that may interfere with normal breathing function.

Even with a slight curvature of the nasal septum, mandatory surgical intervention is necessary.

In addition to aesthetic reasons, due to lack of oxygen, this pathology may well develop into more serious problems.

Initial examination during consultation before nasal septoplasty

Recommendations after surgery

There are no special restrictions for the patient after septoplasty. But it should be understood that:

  • To eliminate thirst, you need to consume large amounts of water. The exception is the first four hours after anesthesia, when liquids cannot be consumed, but you can wet your mouth and lips.
  • Bed rest is not necessary, but long walks should also be avoided.
  • Meals remain normal, but spicy and hot foods are excluded.
  • Bad habits are also completely eliminated. Alcohol can provoke bleeding due to vasodilation, and smoking has a negative effect on the tissues of the operated nasal septum.
  • For severe pain, painkillers and sleeping pills may be prescribed. But self-administration of medications is excluded, especially if your doctor did not prescribe them for you, since some medications can cause complications (for example, blood thinners often cause severe bleeding).

Therefore, if you have any questions regarding these points, you should consult with the specialist who is supervising you.

Indications for septoplasty of the nasal septum

Among the medical indications for which septoplasty is performed are the following:

  • for reasons of improving appearance;
  • restoration of nasal breathing;
  • excessively noisy breathing or constant snoring;
  • dryness or swelling of the nasal mucosa;
  • chronic inflammation in the sinuses;
  • the appearance of allergic rhinitis;
  • migraines and frequent nosebleeds;
  • constant nasal congestion and frequent colds.

Despite the fact that rhinoplasty is used to improve appearance, often these two operations are performed simultaneously. As for contraindications for septoplasty and rhinoplasty, they are almost identical.

Septoplasty: before and after surgery

When is laser surgery indicated?

Today, the alignment of the nasal septum in the vast majority of cases is performed exclusively with a laser. Gone are the days when chisels and hammers were used to correct a defect, when the operation was so traumatic that the patient needed months to recover.

Despite the fact that the name of the operation contains the word “plasty”, laser septoplasty is indicated only for patients who suffer from vital functions due to a deviated nasal septum:

  1. Suffering from nasal congestion for a long period of time, even if it is not associated with a cold. In this case, vasoconstrictor drugs relieve congestion for a very short period of time, and their too frequent use leads to drying of the inner surface of the nasal passages. Such people can constantly use medicinal drops for congestion, but they do not bring the expected effect.
  2. Patients suffering from chronic long-term rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, etc. A deviated nasal septum delays the outflow of secretions from the nasopharynx and sinuses, which prevents the cure of the disease.
  3. Patients with chronic otitis media of the middle ear, in whom the curved area closes the mouth of the auditory tube.

The doctor may suggest surgery if severe deformation of the nasal septum is detected in older patients. The fact is that problems with inadequate nasal breathing, as a rule, worsen after 60 years, when the body’s compensatory capabilities deteriorate.

If there is evidence, the operation can be performed free of charge within the framework of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, but it is likely that the waiting list will take several months. You can deal with the problem faster in private medical clinics, but not for free, but for a hefty sum

Carrying out an operation using high-tech equipment allows you to get a greater effect with little trauma, a short and easy postoperative period. The effect after surgery lasts until the end of life, if you exclude the possibility of injury to the nose.

It is thanks to the laser septoplasty technique that patients have the opportunity to improve their quality of life by correcting nasal septum defects quickly enough. Experienced doctors perform the operation without leaving any noticeable scars. Thanks to laser septoplasty, the patient returns to his established lifestyle and work in the shortest possible time.

Types of septoplasty

At the moment, in order to carry out a surgical procedure to correct the curvature, there are several types of septoplasty. With the help of endoscopic septoplasty, an ordinary (classical) surgical intervention occurs, while laser septoplasty involves surgery using innovative laser technologies.

Despite the fact that the latter method represents the pinnacle of surgery, most patients still prefer endoscopic septoplasty of the nasal septum as one of the proven methods.

Despite the type of septoplasty, the operation itself can be performed in two ways (as during rhinoplasty), closed and open.

The open method implies more access and more trauma, which is why it is used exclusively in very complex deformities. In this case, an incision is made in the area of ​​the columella and all necessary manipulations are continued.

The closed method involves small incisions through which the nasal cartilage and bone tissue are manipulated using special instruments.

Septoplasty operation

Endoscopic septoplasty of the nasal septum

Endoscopic septoplasty is the most gentle surgical intervention, due to the fact that the excision itself occurs directly inside the nose on the mucous membrane, thereby avoiding almost all traces of surgery.

Thanks to modern medical technologies for performing surgery, it is possible not only to maintain the aesthetic effect throughout the years, but also to create a much shorter and softer rehabilitation period. Modern classical endoscopic surgery involves resection of small sections of the nasal septum, with further changes in its position for normal functioning.

Of course, situations also arise when it becomes necessary to remove some deformed areas of cartilage tissue in order to preserve the supporting function of the nasal septum. Often such measures are necessary exclusively for traumatic curvatures.

On average, endoscopic septoplasty requires no more than 40 minutes, and together with preoperative preparation, no more than 1 hour.

As for the choice of anesthesia, it all depends on the choice of the doctor and some individual characteristics and preferences of the patient, so it can be either local or general, or combined.

During endoscopic septoplasty, the nasal septum and its integrity remain unchanged. Only those fragments and particles of tissue are removed due to which the correct position of the septum cannot be possible.

Endoscopic septoplasty

Contraindications for nasal septoplasty

In some cases, even if there are serious indications, surgery may be prohibited.
The reason for this could be, for example, being a minor. Until 14-16 years of age, the growth and development of osteochondral tissue continues. Surgery at this stage can cause disruption of the normal and symmetrical development of the face. Therefore, septoplasty for children is performed only in the most extreme cases, for example, with incurable chronic sinusitis. In addition, contraindications for such an operation include:

  • Oncological disease;
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system in decompensation;
  • Diabetes;
  • Acute infectious inflammation;
  • Mental disorder;
  • Poor blood clotting.

Before deciding on the advisability and necessity of straightening the nose with septoplasty, you need to be examined by an ENT specialist and pass all the necessary tests.

Laser septoplasty of the nasal septum

Laser septoplasty, as the name implies, is performed using special medical equipment that generates a laser beam. In almost all cases, this procedure is performed under local anesthesia. It is worth noting that laser septoplasty of the nasal septum has a pronounced antiseptic effect, which significantly reduces the possible risk of complications or infection after or during the operation. By the way, the rehabilitation period after laser septoplasty is much faster, and the use of turundas (tight tampons) is not considered necessary. After all the procedures are completed, the patient does not experience any need to stay in the hospital, since the entire operation takes place exclusively on an outpatient basis and takes on average no more than 30 minutes.

Despite all the advantages of this method, there are also a number of contraindications due to which this method may be completely ineffective, especially in very complex cases when the curvature is caused not only by changes in the cartilage tissue. This is why all patients undergo a preliminary consultation so that the doctor can assess the degree of productivity and effectiveness of this method.

Laser septoplasty

Toilet of the nasal cavity at the ENT Clinic of Doctor Zaitsev

Patients often turn to us with a request to resolve the issue of high-quality septoplasty, because they know that we are one of the few clinics in Moscow that offer full coverage of high-quality ENT medical services. But! Our clinic is an outpatient clinic, and even if we wanted to, we would not be able to perform an operation within these walls.

Also, during the operation, there remains a high risk of bleeding - such a surgical intervention requires a separate preoperative room, operating room, postoperative ward, anesthesiology service, special sterility, access control, etc.

We are ready to offer all this, but within the walls of an ENT hospital

Our clinic employs excellent professional ENT surgeons - some of the best specialists in Moscow in their field, who are ready to help you quickly and efficiently.

Please sign up for a consultation and come! We will individually select for you the best ENT hospital and the best ENT surgeon! And you will definitely be satisfied with the result of the operation!

And you can undergo postoperative treatment and observation in our clinic at the best prices. Our highly qualified ENT specialists will provide you with complete rinsing of the nose and cleaning of the nasal passages - in a word, they will provide all the necessary postoperative measures for complete care after surgery. Regular clients of the clinic note the accessibility and high quality of our services compared to similar private clinics in Moscow.

Phone numbers for scheduling a consultation and +7 (926) 384-40-04.

We are always glad to see you!

Advantages of this type of service

  • Effective treatments
  • Professional equipment
  • Certified specialists

Preparation for nasal septoplasty surgery

Immediately before starting such a complex procedure as septoplasty, it is necessary to undergo many tests that will be prescribed by an ENT doctor. In addition to the fact that the doctor must conduct a superficial examination, a number of private and good public clinics have special equipment that allows you to take a three-dimensional photograph of the nose. In addition to the X-ray examination, the necessary tests are calculated based on the type of anesthesia chosen.

In addition to all of the above, already during the initial consultation, the doctor will advise the potential patient to follow several rules:

  • approximately 15 days before the required procedure, you must completely stop smoking. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to reduce the level of nicotine consumed by at least half;
  • in case of surgery for women, it is necessary to wait at least 10 days after menstruation;
  • stop using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and blood thinning drugs;

Local anesthesia for nasal septoplasty

Preparation period

The operation requires a preliminary examination. As before any other operation, the patient must:

  • donate OBC, OAM, blood for sugar, coagulation, HIV and hepatitis;
  • do an ECG, fluorography;
  • take a therapist's opinion;
  • undergo x-rays to identify bone deformities.

A week before septoplasty, you should avoid taking medications that impair blood clotting, such as aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. You can't drink alcohol. On the appointed day, you should come to the hospital on an empty stomach.

Progress of septoplasty of the nasal septum

If there are no questions about where to do septoplasty and all the preparatory procedures are already behind you, you should proceed directly to the operation itself. As already mentioned, on average the operation lasts no more than an hour, but for complex curvatures the operation can last up to three hours. In any case, the operation at a time should ensure uniform air resistance by creating symmetrically located nasal passages.

Septoplasty free of charge (meaning not at the expense of health) can create not only all the conditions for the normal functioning of the nose, but also give self-confidence.

If the endoscopic method is chosen, then the specialist, using an endoscope with a diameter of 3-4 mm, is inserted into the nasal cavity, and thanks to optics, the doctor performing the operation has the opportunity to control all his actions. The image is fed to the monitor and the surgeon, together with his assistants, sees everything that happens inside the nasal cavity.

Laser septoplasty of the nasal septum, just like endoscopic, takes place in several stages:

  • anesthesia (general or local, at the doctor’s choice);
  • the septum correction itself;
  • subsequent suturing of the mucous membrane after all manipulations;
  • installation of tampons to prevent blood loss;
  • applying a plaster cast.

Septoplasty photo

How does the operation take place?

Septoplasty is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. The incisions are made inside the nasal cavity (sometimes a small incision is necessary between the nostrils), so there will be no noticeable scars on the face.

The surgeon removes crooked areas of bone and cartilage, corrects the position of the nasal septum, and sometimes cartilage grafts have to be used. After the defect is corrected, stitches are placed, and special silicone splints or tampons are inserted into the nostrils, which will help keep the septum in the correct position and prevent bleeding. Along with tampons, tubes are inserted into the nostrils through which the person can breathe.

Depending on the complexity, the operation lasts on average from 30 to 90 minutes.

Complications and possible consequences of septoplasty of the nasal septum

The consequences of septoplasty are such that for the first few days, the patient will not be able to breathe through his nose, but this is a normal phenomenon that will subsequently pass. Despite this, other complications occur that are quite rare, but still occur:

  • formation of blood clots;
  • bleeding;
  • perforation of the nasal septum;
  • suppuration of the septum;
  • hematomas.

In order to minimize complications after septoplasty, immediately before performing it, it is necessary to sanitize absolutely all foci of inflammation, and after the end of the operation during the recovery period, monitor them as carefully as possible.

A high-quality clinic, highly qualified specialists and modern equipment can reduce the risks of complications to zero.

Septoplasty: before and after photos

Restoring nasal breathing

After a septoplasty operation, the patient can be placed in a hospital ward for two days, under mandatory medical supervision, but this is only relevant if the operation was performed endoscopically or in a complex operation.

Immediately after the patient wakes up from anesthesia, there will still be special air intake tubes and tampons in his nose, and a special bandage, which is changed as soon as it is saturated with ichor. The purpose of these tubes is for the patient to be able to breathe through them, but statistically a negligible percentage are able to do this without hindrance. Because of this, your mouth will constantly dry out, but in order to reduce this unpleasant feeling, you need to drink more liquid, but not carbonated one.

Although bed rest is not necessary, it is best to avoid long walks for at least the first couple of weeks. You can easily eat all the same food that the patient ate before the operation, but avoid very hot and peppery foods. Often during this period, the doctor prescribes intravenous or intramuscular antibiotics to the patient. And before going to bed, in a hospital setting, the doctor will administer an additional dose of sleeping pills and painkillers so that the patient can sleep well and gain strength after the operation.

Septoplasty: restoration of nasal function, before and after photos

Second day after surgery

Some complications from septoplasty include difficulty breathing, which, in particular, occurs due to the fact that the air intake tubes become clogged with blood clots, so they must be constantly washed with a special saline solution and a special syringe (without a needle, of course). This procedure must be carried out every 1.5-2 hours. This procedure is not difficult and patients can do it on their own. It is worth understanding that at this time the healing process is just entering its most active phase, because the body is just beginning to “recover” from anesthesia and painkillers. Along with this, there may be an increase in temperature, pressure, migraine, and the eyes may begin to water. But at the same time, you should not panic and take some measures to reduce the temperature, and if the painful sensations are so strong that they cannot be tolerated, then it is best to take painkillers, but at the same time, you should constantly reduce the dosage until it reduces to zero.

Laser septoplasty: photos before and after surgery

Third day after surgery

Already on the third day after surgery, it is necessary to remove tampons from the nose, despite the fact that the swelling after septoplasty will still be quite noticeable. The removal of tampons itself is almost painless. In this case, the patient will feel much better without them. The first day after the tampons are removed, you must be as attentive as possible to the doctor’s recommendations in order to avoid nosebleeds. On the other hand, even if it has started, you should not panic, but stop it with cotton swabs and a bandage.

Endoscopic septoplasty: photos before and after surgery

Subsequent days

On all other days after surgery, it is necessary to systematically remove crusts and blood clots and prevent infection. For about 5-7 days, it is necessary to constantly irrigate the nasal cavity with special solutions based on sea salt, such as Aqualor, Humer or Aqua-Maris. You can also drop saline solution into your nose using a pipette to help the mucus leave the nose better and the crusts to soften more. This type of procedure must be carried out at least 4 times a day. In this case, every 2-3 times a week, you need to visit your doctor so that he can monitor the healing process and clean the nasal cavity.

It should be understood that the use of vasoconstrictor drops is contraindicated, even though nasal congestion may seem simply unbearable. It is best to be patient a little and your breathing will recover on its own every day.

There is also the fact that along with the crust, the threads that were applied by the doctor with threads made of polyamide or catgut will also come off.

Septoplasty of the nose: before and after photos

Postoperative period

Although septoplasty is considered a low-traumatic operation, in any case it is a surgical intervention. It remains a strong stress for the body.

Naturally, it takes some time to restore damaged tissue and fully recover. How quickly this happens depends largely on the patient himself.

The active postoperative period of septoplasty lasts 7-10 days. But the first 24 hours are especially important, during which it is advisable to provide the patient with complete rest.

Avoid making sudden movements, talking a lot, or touching your face with your hands. Do not drink hot water or eat too hard food.

After the end of the anesthetics and/or the release of anesthesia, pain always occurs. If the bone tissue is not affected, then they are not unbearable.

Often the body temperature rises slightly. This must be monitored and, if necessary, medication taken to reduce it. Very high heat can cause bleeding.

In order to avoid complications, a number of strict prohibitions are imposed. For 5-7 days you cannot:

  • work physically;
  • blow your nose and rub your nose;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • drink carbonated drinks;
  • eat spicy food;
  • to take a bath;
  • wash with very hot water;
  • bend forward.

You will have to sleep on your back. Moreover, the head should be slightly raised at all times.

The biggest inconvenience for many patients is that in the first days after septoplasty, nasal breathing is practically absent. Often, thick cotton swabs are placed in the nose for a day to prevent bleeding. But even after their removal, it is very difficult to breathe due to swelling of the soft tissues.

Anti-inflammatory and moisturizing nasal drops help cope with the problem. Only a doctor can prescribe them.

Remember that the use of vasoconstrictors in the postoperative period is strictly prohibited. You should also not blow your nose or rinse it with water. Violation of these rules is fraught with serious complications.

To speed up detachment, you can very carefully lubricate the nasal passages with peach or sea buckthorn oil. They perfectly moisturize and soften the skin, and also accelerate regeneration processes.


Even doctors still argue about whether physiotherapeutic procedures are needed after septoplasty. Most are inclined to believe that if rehabilitation proceeds without complications, there is no particular need for them. In any case, you can start doing them no earlier than 3-4 weeks after the operation.

Physiotherapy can help when bruises persist for too long, hematomas do not resolve, or nasal sensitivity does not return. Usually a course of one of the following procedures is prescribed:

  • ultrasound;
  • darsonvalization;
  • electrophoresis;
  • microcurrents.

Today, many people have portable electrical appliances intended for home use and begin to work with them on their own, trying to shorten the post-operative period. Under no circumstances should this be done.

Permission for intensive treatment in the nasal area, such as the procedures listed above, can only be given by a doctor.


Although bruises and swelling after septoplasty disappear completely in a maximum of 2-3 weeks, and you can already go to work on the 10-14th day, you will have to be careful for several more months. And the main ban is on smoking, which irritates the nasal mucosa, reduces immunity and slows down regeneration.

For a month you should not sunbathe, take hot baths or actively engage in sports. Ball games, skating and other activities that could involve falling and/or injuring the face will remain prohibited for 3-6 months. And contact sports – for the whole year.

It is very important to watch your diet and drink plenty of fluids. When the body is dehydrated, the mucous membranes are the first to suffer, and they are already damaged after surgery.

To strengthen the immune system and quickly recover, you need vitamins. It is better to get them from natural products, and not from plastic jars. The diet should include greens, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish.

Specialists give patients a list of instructions, but it is better to list what should not be done:

  • consume alcohol, cigarettes and other harmful substances;
  • tilt your head during the day;
  • visit the beach and pool;
  • go to the bathhouse or sauna;
  • To wear glasses;
  • do physical exercises, endure heavy things.

In addition, you should try to sleep only on your back and avoid infections and colds in every possible way. Particular difficulties are associated with washing your hair. During the first week you will need to abandon this procedure altogether. After a week, washing your hair becomes possible, but you should not tilt your head and moisturize the paranasal area.

Rehabilitation and recovery after septoplasty of the nasal septum

Recovery after septoplasty is easy. Most likely, the only thing that the patient will experience is slight discomfort, which is associated with the need to breathe exclusively through the mouth for several days. Also because of this, frequent dry mouth can also bring discomfort. Tampons will be removed on the second day after surgery, if the planned rehabilitation process is taking place. Septoplasty (meaning the operation itself and the subsequent rehabilitation process) is completely carried out under the supervision of a doctor and after discharge. This is necessary so that the doctor can remove the crust that will form over several days, while lubricating the nasal mucosa with petroleum jelly.

Breathing will be restored within a few weeks, after the swelling subsides.

Full rehabilitation after septoplasty will occur in about 3 months. It is during this period that the nose will take on its final shape and heal completely. You can return to your normal lifestyle within 15 days.

In order for rehabilitation to take place as quickly, effectively and lead to the best result, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations for at least 2-3 weeks:

  • you should refrain from wearing glasses;
  • refuse to visit the bathhouse, swimming pool, solarium and beach;
  • do not tilt your head too much and sleep only on your back;
  • Do not engage in strenuous sports or lift weights.

The postoperative period of septoplasty can already show visible results in the second week, when the swelling goes away and crusts stop forming.

Nose pad for rehabilitation after septoplasty

What problems may arise

Recovery after septoplasty is not always without consequences. The most common complications that may begin to develop after surgery include the following.

Breathing problems and swelling

In the postoperative period after manipulation, difficulty breathing is observed in almost all cases. The reason for the appearance of this condition, as a rule, is the presence of tampons in the nose, which are inserted to fix the new position of the septum, swelling, bandage, and the formation of crusts in the nasal cavity. After eliminating these factors, nasal breathing is restored.

Swelling is also a normal reaction of the body to surgery and in most cases goes away on its own within a few days. However, there are situations when such a side effect, due to the characteristics of the body, can persist for six months or more. To get rid of this problem faster, you need to consult with your doctor, who will give recommendations.


Often the recovery period after surgery is accompanied by pain that occurs not only in the nasal cavity, but also in the throat. The cause of this symptom is minor damage to the mucosa. The pain subsides after 2-3 weeks.

Allergic reaction

Allergies often arise as a result of individual intolerance to certain medications. In rare cases, such a reaction of the body is observed during surgery, usually to anesthetic drugs.


It begins to develop against the background of a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane. After its complete restoration, this problem goes away.


If the rules of antiseptic treatment are not followed or due to the development of inflammation, the sutures may begin to fester. In such a situation, immediate medical attention is needed.


It can develop as a postoperative complication or as an exacerbation of the disease. It manifests itself as pain and a feeling of squeezing in the nasal sinuses. There is also a fever, cough and congestion in the ears.

Perforation of the septum

Breathing is accompanied by a whistling sound, dry nasopharynx or discharge of purulent contents. Often this condition occurs when the integrity of the nasal septum is compromised. Lack of therapeutic measures can cause nasal deformation.


These are the so-called bridges that grow together between the vascular walls. As a result of blocking the lumen, air penetrates heavily, which is accompanied by difficulty breathing, constant snoring, and severe dry mouth. Synechia often causes infection. That is why, in the event of such a phenomenon, it is necessary to immediately take measures to eliminate it.

One nostril breathes better than the other

Often a condition occurs in which one nostril cannot breathe. In this case, you also need to visit a specialist who will prescribe a more thorough examination and determine the cause.

Bleeding and hematomas

Such phenomena are extremely rare if the doctor and patient follow all the rules for performing the operation and rehabilitation. To eliminate the problem, a specialist cleanses the nasal cavity.

Septoplasty: price

Many people are interested in how much septoplasty costs. When determining the cost of septoplasty, it is necessary to take into account several indicators that will directly affect it. Basically, the cost of the operation is calculated from the category of complexity, which in turn will be determined by the degree and nature of the deformation of the nasal septum.

Thus, we can talk about an amount of 30-50 thousand rubles, for a relatively uncomplicated congenital type of curvature, but this amount can be higher depending on whether a public institution or a private one will provide its services, and in the case of the latter, everything depends on its location and authority.

If it is intended to restore an injured septum, then the cost of the operation can be 2 or even 3 times higher. Everything is determined on an individual basis.

It is also worth taking into account the length of stay in the hospital, if the patient decides to do so, as well as the type of anesthesia that will be used during the operation. All this must be clarified during a consultation with your doctor, immediately before the operation.

Septoplasty: reviews

Svetlana, 39 years old, Sevastopol

All my life I lived for myself and thought that I had no more and no less difficulty breathing through my nose than others, but with age this problem began to worry me more and more. Despite the fact that the nose did not appear to have any defects, after I finally made up my mind and went to see an ENT specialist, he informed me that due to the incorrect position of the septum, the air resistance had changed. Moreover, this is most likely a congenital problem, since as far back as I can remember, I never received any injuries and generally treated my health quite carefully. In the end, I decided to undergo septoplasty. I thought it would be much worse, but in the end, the whole operation took me only 40 minutes. I won’t talk at length about the rehabilitation period, since everything went well and that’s not the main thing. The main thing is that I finally understood what it means to breathe deeply. If I had known, I would have done it earlier.

Anton, 32 years old, Perm

I am a basketball coach for youth under 18 years old, and after training, I like to play with my friends, who, like me, promote an exceptionally healthy lifestyle. It was just at one of these friendly meetings, while playing basketball, that I was accidentally hit with an elbow, so much so that almost my entire nose lay on its side, so the issue of surgery was more pressing than ever. The doctor only confirmed my fears, and after receiving an x-ray, he “made me happy” with the fragmentation of the septum. The doctor confidently said that this case was severe and only laser septoplasty was necessary. The procedure was quite long, about two hours, but I don’t remember this because I was under anesthesia. The next day, of course, my whole face hurt a lot, I was still in the hospital, but thanks to pain relief, I managed to survive these nuances. After about 3 months, I already had a new nose, and as my friends say, even better than before. Now I'm playing my favorite game again.

Elena, 42 years old, Moscow

I had septoplasty surgery 4 years ago, but I remember it like it is today. Looking ahead, I can say with confidence that at the first hint of any problems with the nose, you should immediately go to the doctor. At first I did not pay attention to the difficulties in nasal breathing, until this problem worsened, and on top of everything else, I began to develop otitis media. After that, I realized that there was nowhere to go any further. The doctor, of course, swore at me for a long time, and said that it was necessary to come earlier, but still said that it was not too late. I had endoscopic septoplasty, during which the intervention was minimal, and the result was not long in coming. Now I have no problems with my nose or ear. I recommend to everyone.

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Indications for surgery

When writing a referral for septoplasty, the ENT specialist is guided by the following patient complaints:

  • most often and first of all, these are difficulties with breathing through the nose, sometimes on one side, sometimes on both;
  • rhinitis, sinusitis, becoming chronic;
  • congestion in the ears, otitis media, up to hearing impairment;
  • increased incidence of nosebleeds;
  • heavy snoring;
  • headache;
  • decreased or complete absence of sense of smell.

All these symptoms, if measures are not taken in time, lead to more severe consequences. Decreased oxygen supply to brain cells, which causes drowsiness and chronic fatigue. The air inhaled through the mouth enters the respiratory tract as cold, contaminated, and the mucous membrane dries out. All this increases the risk of glossitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis and pneumonia.

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