Albucid in the nose for children - instructions for use

A runny nose of any form, be it rhinitis, sinusitis or sinusitis, brings significant discomfort to the lives of young children. It disturbs their sleep at night and prevents them from having fun during the day. Very often, pediatricians in such cases prescribe Albucid as a very effective and efficient drug in the treatment of the common cold. However, many parents immediately have doubts about whether it is possible to put eye drops (and Albucid is such) into the baby’s nose? To dispel all doubts, you should understand the properties of this medication.

Composition and properties of Albucid nasal drops for runny nose in children

The main active substance of Albucid is sulfacetamide (sodium sulfacyl). This component is antimicrobial in nature, has significant indicators of suppressing the activity of infections such as staphylococcus, streptococcus, gonococcus, chlamydia and various E. coli, and is a broad-spectrum drug.

Albucid is one of the representatives of the group of antibiotics.

The action of the drug is aimed at complete and/or partial disruption (imbalance) of the process of the appearance of amino acids in bacterial cells carrying an infection. As a result of Albucid entering the body, the process of division of pathogenic bacteria is reduced and completely eliminated. The mechanism of action is quite simple.

Sodium sulfacyl creates a certain environment in the nasal mucosa, in which “old” bacterial cells die, and “new” ones simply have nothing to be born from. Thus, day after day, effective treatment occurs, which ultimately leads to complete recovery.

Albucid in the nose for children: reviews and instructions

Every childhood is pretty snotty. If you don't have a hat, the baby will jump out, his feet will get wet, that's all. And suddenly there were salty rivers from the nose, hundreds of handkerchiefs and unsuccessful attempts by my mother to remove this snot. Literally everything is happening - from folk methods and potato tortures to the newest and most effective nasal medicines.

But what if everything was tried and nothing worked? Some doctors recommend using a trick and putting Albucid eye drops in the child's nose. This maneuver is especially common in puppies.

Can I allow albucid to be administered into the nose of children? What is he doing? What do parents say when they use Albucid as a nasal drip for their children? Let's find out the answers to these questions!

Release form

Albucid is released as eye drops. It is a clear, colorless liquid. The drug is sold in polymer droppers holding one and a half, two and five milliliters, respectively.

You can also find 5- and 10-milliliter dropper glasses at pharmacies. All possible finished packages are packed in cardboard boxes, which are accompanied by instructions for using the product.


The main active ingredient of Albucid for children is sodium sulfacyl. In addition, the liquid consists of:

  • sodium thiosulfate;
  • hydrochloric acid;
  • purified water.

These components are necessary to regulate the acid-base balance of the drug, since the eyeball and mucous membrane of the eye are very sensitive to the slightest discrepancies. Additions also regulate the concentration of the main substance and are responsible for the shelf life of the drug.

Operating principle

The main active ingredient of albucid is obtained from sulfonamide substances. It is not an antibiotic, but it has a bacteriostatic effect. The drug is used locally in ophthalmology for a local effect on the development of pathogenic microflora.

sodium sulfacyl has a fairly wide spectrum of bacteriostatic effect. The mechanism of their work is directly related to the competitive suppression of dihydropteroid synthetase. This leads to metabolic disorders in bacterial cells; they cannot feed normally, reproduce and exist in a 'normal' mode.

Accordingly, pathogenic microorganisms lose their ability to further damage the child’s body. And the body itself must only get rid of already harmless microbes.

The drug is absorbed from the mucous membranes of the eye into the systemic bloodstream. But the concentration of the active substance is low, so that the entire organism as a whole remains practically unaffected by the albucid and is limited only to local work.

In nasal application, the sulfonamide drug has the same effect. It does not relieve nasal swelling or stop the flow of snot. Doesn't affect the cold in any way.

But with its composition it significantly reduces the number of bacteria in the child’s nose.

At the same time, it does not irritate the nose at all due to the optimal acid-base balance, especially if the mucous membranes are delicate.


The official instructions for the use of Albucid state that the drug is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • purulent corneal ulcers;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • 7

  • ocular tonorrhea in infants and adults;
  • prevention of neonatal blenorrhea.

Indications for use

A runny nose that continues in a child for a week usually has an infectious basis. In this case, you can accurately use Albucid drops for treatment.

The drops can be used with virtually no restrictions, since a single dose of the medicine contains a small amount of the active component, but has a low degree of absorption into the child’s blood.

Due to the ability of the drug to actively influence only certain viruses, at the initial stage of the disease many experts strongly recommend the use of drugs from another group, for example, those containing interferon. And when the stage of formation of yellowish-greenish mucus in the nasal cavity occurs, then it is worth starting to use Albucid, because this indicates that a “bundle” of mucous membrane with bacterial infections has already occurred in the upper respiratory tract.

Quite often, Albucid is one of the components of the so-called “complex” drops.

This solution is a liquid consisting of three or more drugs, which, interacting with each other, enhance the healing properties of each individual component.

Many parents can prepare such a solution on their own at home, but only a doctor can determine the composition and prescribe the dosage based on the degree and nature of the infectious disease.

After reading the article, it will become clear whether Miramistin can help with a runny nose or not.

How sinusitis and persistent runny nose are treated is indicated in the article.

How to treat a beginning runny nose in a child can be understood here from the article:

Parents should also understand that the therapeutic effect of Albucid does not occur instantly from the first instillation. In order for the number of pathogens to significantly decrease, three to five days must pass. However, if after this period the child’s runny nose does not go away, then parents should once again show the baby to the pediatrician.

Perhaps the runny nose is either allergic in nature or is caused by viral bacteria that successfully resist the medicinal properties of Albucid. In this case, the doctor is obliged to make appropriate adjustments to the treatment process.

How to give correctly according to the instructions for use

Regardless of the age criterion, the rules for using Albucid are schematically the same.

  1. Before dripping the drug into the child’s nose, it is necessary to first clear the nasal passage of accumulated mucus.
  2. This can be done with saline solution or lightly salted water, or use a special cleanser.
  3. Rinsing the nose can be done using an ordinary cotton swab dipped in one of the above solutions. If the child is old enough, you can additionally ask him to blow his nose.

Side effects and contraindications

The list of contraindications for the drug is very short. This is explained by the low content of the active substance in a single dose of the drug, as well as the low degree of absorption of the drug into the blood. That is why albucid is prescribed even to children under one year old. And in our maternity hospitals, it has long been successfully practiced to instill albucid in the first hours of a newborn’s life in order to prevent the development of any infectious bacteria that could enter the child’s body during labor.

One of the significant contraindications to the use of this medicine is only the occurrence of an allergic reaction in children who are hypersensitive to the sulfonamide group. In this case, it is better to use folk recipes.

The drug should also be used with caution if the child has been diagnosed with renal failure. To avoid other negative reactions of the body, pediatricians do not recommend using Albucid if you are already being treated with medications that contain silver. Thus, using Albucid simultaneously with protargol or collargol will not give the desired effect. Also, the degree of exposure to the active substance will be significantly reduced if drops are used with the simultaneous use of painkillers (novocaine, analgin, tetracaine, etc.)

After opening the bottle and using it for the first time, the medicine should be stored in a dark and cool place, for example, in the refrigerator, for no longer than one month. Otherwise, the active substance will lose all its properties and further treatment will be useless.


Regardless of the area of ​​influence of the drug, the instructions for use must be strictly followed. An important point is to check the expiration date and integrity of the packaging.

Hands must be washed and disinfected to avoid exacerbation of the inflammatory process. If you use the product warm, you should warm it up using a water or steam bath.

Albucid should be dripped into a child’s nose with extreme caution. Before starting the process, it is necessary to rinse. Nasal drops are instilled alternately into each nasal passage. The baby's head is tilted back slightly. The product is instilled using a regular pipette.

If the child develops a restless state after instillation, then it is necessary to carefully roll a cotton swab in each nostril using a cotton swab dipped in water. But do not panic, as in the first minutes you may feel a slight burning sensation, which will quickly pass.

To prevent burns to the nasal mucosa, it is recommended to use a drug not exceeding a 20% concentration.

When instilled into the ear, the product is not used in its pure form. It is necessary to mix the drops in purified water in a ratio of 1:2. The resulting composition is brought to a temperature of 40°. The concentration of the solution should not exceed 10%. Drops are instilled into the sore ear no more than 4 times a day, 2-3 drops.

If it is necessary to affect the organs of vision, the solution should not exceed a 20% concentration. The product is instilled without coming into contact with the mucous membrane. The maximum dosage during the daily period is 3 drops no more than 4 times.


Irina, Cheboksary : ​​“As when evaluating any drug, reviews of Albucid are divided into positive and negative. But basically, many who have used these drops to eliminate runny noses in children (including newborns) note the effectiveness of Albucid as an antibiotic drug in the treatment of runny noses of a viral nature. I want to note that the product is simply amazing, I bought it on the advice of a doctor friend and did not regret it!”

Karina, Kazan : “I would like to note that in the instructions for the drug, not a single line is written about the treatment of runny nose drops of various forms. The manufacturer presents the solution as a medicine used to treat eye diseases, although many years of practice of using Albucid for the treatment of viral infections of the upper respiratory tract has proven the effectiveness of its use. But this medication helped me, I’m happy with the final result, I’m simply shocked. I recommend to all!"

Ekaterina, Samara : “I have three small children and if someone catches a cold, then everything follows a chain. Especially a runny nose. As a mother with extensive experience, I would like to advise all mothers that as an effective remedy for the treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis of viral origin, I recommend a remedy that I have personally tested - Albucid, and even for infants. You will not regret!"

How is albucid used?

Ophthalmologists use Albucid to treat infectious and inflammatory processes associated with the organs of hearing, smell and vision. In addition to its versatility and wide range of applications, sodium sulfacyl does not cost exorbitant amounts of money, so it can often be found in home medicine cabinets.

It is worth noting that Albucid is used not only as a prophylaxis, but also for the treatment of the following diseases;

  1. stye (eye)
  2. runny nose
  3. conjunctivitis
  4. keratitis
  5. otitis

Is it possible to treat infants and small children with Albucid drops? As was said, the drops have an antibacterial effect and treat many diseases and inflammatory processes, therefore, this is a very effective remedy that can be used to treat babies up to one year old.

Sulfacyl sodium is used even from the first days of a baby’s life for eye diseases and long-term runny nose. Bacterial rhinitis is one of the most common respiratory tract diseases in children. It is not difficult to recognize him.

  • Greenish or brown nasal discharge
  • The discharge is too thick, it envelops the mucous membrane of the nose and pharynx, causing coughing and runny nose (especially at night)
  • Over time, the mucous membrane swells, which prevents the baby from breathing and eating.


This video will tell you how to properly treat a runny nose in a child.

And in conclusion, I would like to note that the drug has both positive and negative sides. The positives include a quick effect and the prevention of the development of any infectious bacteria in children, while the disadvantages include a burning sensation and some discomfort during treatment. Doctors inform that a runny nose in children is more complicated than in adults; it is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, which can be triggered by various viral infections. This brings significant discomfort to the baby’s life, as it is accompanied by difficulty breathing (in newborns, especially during feeding), tinnitus, headache, unpleasant burning sensations and dryness in the nose and mouth, and all this can be accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Therefore, young children should be treated correctly from the first days of its appearance, and the drug Albucid comes to the rescue.

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