Instructions for use of Sofradex ear drops

Description of the dosage form

A transparent, almost colorless solution with the odor of phenylethyl alcohol.
Eye and ear drops. 5 ml in a yellow transparent glass bottle, sealed with a rubber stopper, covered with an aluminum cap with a plastic lid. 1 fl. together with a PE dropper, they are placed in a cardboard box.

The drug is presented in drops, which are both eye and ear. According to its physical properties, Sofradex is a transparent solution with a peculiar odor. It is almost colorless and is placed in a glass bottle in an amount of 5 ml. The bottle comes with a transparent plastic dropper cap.


Eye and ear drops1 ml
active substances:
framycetin sulfate5 mg
gramicidin0.05 mg
dexamethasone (as sodium metasulfobenzoate)0.5 mg
excipients: lithium chloride; sodium citrate; citric acid monohydrate; phenylethanol (phenylethyl alcohol); ethanol 99.5%; polysorbate 80; water for injections

The action of Sofradex is ensured by three ingredients at once:

  • dexamethasone (this substance is present in drops in the form of sodium metasulfobenzoate at a dosage of 500 mcg/1 ml);
  • framycetin sulfate (this component is contained in 1 ml of solution in an amount of 5 mg);
  • gramicidin (the dose of such a substance in 1 ml of the drug is 50 mcg).

Additionally, phenylethanol, lithium chloride and sterile water are added to the medicine. In addition, the solution includes ethyl alcohol, sodium citrate, polysorbate 80 and citric acid.

Composition and indications for use

Clinical and pharmacological group: a drug with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects for local use in ophthalmology and ENT practice.
The instructions for the drug describe all these substances and say that Sofradex drops provide bactericidal, bacteriostatic, antimicrobial, antistaphylococcal, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and desensitizing effects. These are exactly the beneficial properties of the medication that are needed to relieve symptoms and treat acute inflammation of the ears and eyes.

The drug has a pronounced antibacterial effect. It prevents the development of inflammatory and allergic processes. The product effectively helps to destroy pathogenic bacteria that provoke the formation of pathologies.

The drops are produced as a clear liquid with a slight odor. They contain the following components:

  • framycetin sulfate – 5 mg;
  • gramicidin – 50 mcg;
  • dexamethasone in the form of sodium metasulfobenzoate – 500 mcg.

Framycetin and gramicidin are antibiotics. Dexamethasone acts as a glucocorticosteroid. Antibiotics destroy pathogenic bacteria and prevent their proliferation. Dexamethasone relieves allergic reactions, inflammation, itching and pain, which is especially important for otitis media in young children.

The effect of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been studied. Eye and ear drops should not be used on infants. This drug should be used with great caution when treating young children.

Dosage form - eye and ear drops: a transparent, almost colorless solution with the odor of phenylethyl alcohol (5 ml in transparent yellow glass bottles, 1 bottle in a cardboard box complete with a dropper and instructions for use of Sofradex).

Active substances in 1 ml drops:

  • framycetin sulfate – 5 mg;
  • dexamethasone (in the form of sodium metasulfobenzoate) – 0.5 mg;
  • gramicidin – 0.05 mg.

Auxiliary components: phenylethanol (phenylethyl alcohol), sodium citrate, polysorbate 80, lithium chloride, ethanol 99.5%, citric acid monohydrate, water for injection.

pharmachologic effect

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
H01.0 BlepharitisBlepharitis
Inflammation of the eyelids
Inflammatory diseases of the eyelids
Demodectic blepharitis
Superficial bacterial eye infection
Superficial eye infection
Squamous blepharitis
H01.9 Inflammation of eyelid, unspecifiedAllergic diseases of the eyelid margins
Infected eczema of the eyelids
H10 ConjunctivitisBacterial conjunctivitis
Infectious-inflammatory conjunctivitis
Superficial eye infection
Red eye syndrome
Chronic non-infectious conjunctivitis
H15.0 ScleritisDiffuse scleritis
Acute scleritis
Chronic scleritis
H15.1 EpiscleritisAcute episcleritis
Chronic episcleritis
H16 KeratitisAdenoviral keratitis
Bacterial keratitis
Spring keratitis
Deep keratitis without epithelial damage
Deep keratitis without damage to the epithelium
Discoid keratitis
Arborescent keratitis
Keratitis rosacea
Keratitis with corneal destruction
Superficial keratitis
Superficial punctate keratitis
Punctate keratitis
Traumatic keratitis
H20 IridocyclitisSluggish posterior uveitis
Indolent posterior uveitis
Posterior uveitis
Iridocyclitis of the posterior segment of the eye
Iridocyclitis and other uveitis
Acute iridocyclitis
Acute iritis
Acute non-infectious uveitis
Recurrent iritis
Sympathetic iridocyclitis
H60 Otitis externaENT infections
Infections of the external auditory canal
Outer ear infections
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ear
Acute catarrhal inflammation of the external auditory canal

Operating principle

The effect of Sofradex on the human body is due to its active components.

  • Framycetin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic, so it has a bactericidal effect on many bacteria, including staphylococcus, Proteus, E. coli and other microorganisms.
  • Gramicidin also belongs to antibacterial agents, but from the group of cyclic polypeptides. This ingredient has high activity against staphylococcus and other microbes.
  • Dexamethasone, as a glucocorticoid hormone, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, that is, it suppresses the inflammatory process. This substance also has an antiallergic effect.


bacterial diseases of the anterior segment of the eye (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis (without damage to the epithelium), iridocyclitis, scleritis, episcleritis);

infected eczema of the eyelid skin;

otitis externa.

increased individual sensitivity to any of the components of the drug;

viral or fungal infections, tuberculosis, purulent inflammation of the eyes, trachoma;

violation of the integrity of the corneal epithelium and thinning of the sclera;

herpetic keratitis (tree-like corneal ulcer) (possible increase in the size of the ulcer and significant deterioration of vision);


perforation of the eardrum (penetration of the drug into the middle ear can lead to the development of ototoxicity);


breastfeeding period;


With caution: young children (especially when prescribing the drug in large doses and for a long time - there is a risk of developing systemic effects and suppressing adrenal function).

At a temperature not exceeding 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

eye and ear drops - 2 years. After opening the bottle 1 month

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
H01.0 BlepharitisBlepharitis
Inflammation of the eyelids
Inflammatory diseases of the eyelids
Demodectic blepharitis
Superficial bacterial eye infection
Superficial eye infection
Squamous blepharitis
H01.9 Inflammation of eyelid, unspecifiedAllergic diseases of the eyelid margins
Infected eczema of the eyelids
H10 ConjunctivitisBacterial conjunctivitis
Infectious-inflammatory conjunctivitis
Superficial eye infection
Red eye syndrome
Chronic non-infectious conjunctivitis
H15.0 ScleritisDiffuse scleritis
Acute scleritis
Chronic scleritis
H15.1 EpiscleritisAcute episcleritis
Chronic episcleritis
H16 KeratitisAdenoviral keratitis
Bacterial keratitis
Spring keratitis
Deep keratitis without epithelial damage
Deep keratitis without damage to the epithelium
Discoid keratitis
Arborescent keratitis
Keratitis rosacea
Keratitis with corneal destruction
Superficial keratitis
Superficial punctate keratitis
Punctate keratitis
Traumatic keratitis
H20 IridocyclitisSluggish posterior uveitis
Indolent posterior uveitis
Posterior uveitis
Iridocyclitis of the posterior segment of the eye
Iridocyclitis and other uveitis
Acute iridocyclitis
Acute iritis
Acute non-infectious uveitis
Recurrent iritis
Sympathetic iridocyclitis
H60 Otitis externaENT infections
Infections of the external auditory canal
Outer ear infections
Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ear
Acute catarrhal inflammation of the external auditory canal

As for the side effects when instilling Sofradex into the nose, among them we can note manifestations of allergies in the form of dermatous rashes, accompanied by itching and burning. This is due to the presence of glucocorticosteroid drops in the composition. In some cases, treatment ends with the addition of a bacterial infection. This can happen due to a poor immune system.

Like a number of other drugs, Sofradex has its contraindications. Drops cannot be used for pulmonary tuberculosis, glaucoma, in the presence of herpetic manifestations and the development of purulent infections, including viral or fungal etiology.

It is best to contact an ENT doctor who will prescribe the nasal drops that are suitable specifically for your child.

On numerous forums on the Internet you can find patient reviews about the drug Sofradex, and they are not only positive. However, it is worth noting that negative reviews are written by those who do not adhere to the instructions for using Sofradex and use nasal drops incorrectly. If you take treatment seriously, the result will be 100% worth it.

Maria, 27 years old, Novosibirsk: “I have a small child who is already 4 years old. The doctor prescribed Sofradex drops for us to treat a runny nose. The sniffles and swelling went away very quickly. The bottle is convenient and has a dispenser. In general, the drops suited us perfectly, and I chose them.”

Alena, 22 years old, Vladivostok: “My daughter had a bad runny nose and it didn’t go away for a long time. After using vasoconstrictor drops, the snot went away for a short time. We had to go to the hospital, and the pediatrician prescribed Sofradex for us. I really liked it. The effect came almost immediately, we completed the full course of treatment and were satisfied.”

Anastasia, 25 years old, Krasnoyarsk: “They gave the child Sofradex. Before use, the medicine had to be diluted with saline 1:1. The product turned out to be very effective, but they say that it cannot be used for a long time, as an allergy may develop. However, I took these drops into consideration. And despite the fact that they are ophthalmic, I advise others to use them, and specifically in the treatment of a runny nose.”

Sofradex (Aventis Pharma, India) are drops for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the eyes and ears - conjunctivitis, blepharitis and otitis. Drops are also used for the treatment of infectious and allergic diseases, such as microbial eczema of the eyelids and external auditory canal, as they have a pronounced antiallergic effect due to the content of the glucocorticoid hormone (GCS) dexamethasone.

Drops are not prescribed:

  • infants up to one year old;
  • pregnant women, mothers breastfeeding;
  • persons with individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • with otitis media with a violation of the integrity of the eardrum (gentamicin has a toxic effect on the organ of hearing);
  • for viral and fungal infections, tuberculosis, trachoma;
  • with increased intraocular pressure.

If the drug was used correctly, as prescribed by a doctor, then it has only a positive effect, as can be seen from consumer reviews:

  • Natalya, 25 years old: “We took Sofradex as prescribed by an ENT specialist. I was also surprised that ear drops were prescribed for the nose of a child with adenoids. But they helped well, my son stopped snoring, sleeps normally at night and gets sick less.”
  • Vera, 30 years old: “Sofradex prescribed us a pediatric ENT for adenoids. There was just inflammation, the nozzles were green. We diluted it with saline solution and dripped it into the child’s nose. Everything went quickly. And then a week later the doctor said that the adenoids had become smaller.”

Sofradex is used for adenoids in children, but strictly according to indications and as prescribed by a doctor. It is important to know that independent use of this drug can bring harm, not benefit. It is especially dangerous to use these drops for acute viral infections: a decrease in local immunity is guaranteed to result in a bacterial complication.

The drug is prescribed for bacterial damage to the anterior part of the eye. Sofradex is dripped for:

  • blepharitis;
  • keratitis (if the epithelium is not damaged);
  • conjunctivitis;
  • sclerite;
  • iridocyclitis;
  • episcleritis;
  • eczema of the eyelid skin (if it is infected).

This medicine is no less in demand for inflammation of the outer ear, and for otitis media, this medicine is recommended to be dripped into the nose.

The medication is not used:

  • if you are intolerant to any of the active or auxiliary components;
  • for glaucoma;
  • with fungal infection of the eyes;
  • with a viral eye infection;
  • with thinning of the sclera or damage to the cornea;
  • with herpetic keratitis;
  • for eye tuberculosis, as well as trachoma;
  • if the tympanic septum is damaged.

Treatment of otitis media

Otitis media is most often a consequence of even the most common cold. It is necessary to take the treatment of this disease extremely responsibly, because in the future it can become the main cause of serious illnesses. The list of the most common symptoms of otitis media includes the following:

  • Acute pain in the ears that does not go away over a long period of time.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Sudden and noticeable hearing loss.

If at least two of these signs are present, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. He will determine the degree of complexity of the patient’s disease and prescribe the correct treatment.

Ear drops are considered the fastest way to treat otitis media. One of them is Sofradex.

To the question of whether Sofradex is an antibiotic or not, we can answer that this drug contains an antibiotic and.

This is interesting! Antibiotic or not Polydex ear drops: instructions for use

The main task of the drug is to relieve the main symptoms signaling purulent otitis media. This will relieve the patient from vibrating pain in the inflamed ear. Before starting use, you must carefully study the instructions. And when choosing a specific medicine, you should pay close attention to the following points:

  • is there an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • is it suitable for patients of any age category;
  • Is the price of the drug acceptable?

Important! You should not get up immediately after using ear drops. The best solution is to lie on your side for a few minutes. This will allow the drug to enter the middle part of the hearing organ.

Instructions for use

It is worth saying that Sofradex is a combined drug used in ophthalmology and otolaryngology, and is also approved for children. The drug contains active ingredients such as dexamethasone, neomycin, gramicidin. The first component, dexamethasone, is a glucocorticoid, that is, it functions as a synthetically produced substitute for adrenal hormone.

This hormone has a direct effect on the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins in the body. Neomycin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic. Another antibiotic in the product is gramicidin. It stops the proliferation of harmful bacteria as soon as the drug is used.

Sofradex is indicated for:

  • Superficially located eye infections of a bacterial nature, which are characterized by inflammation in the eye area or severe allergic signs (infectiones oculi superficialis);
  • Blepharitis (BLEPHARITIS);
  • Infected eczema of the eyelids (ECZEMA vident palpebrae eius infectam);
  • Barley (hordei ventilat);
  • Allergic conjunctivitis (allergic CONIUNCTIVITIS);
  • Keratitis;
  • Scleritis;
  • Episcleritis;
  • Iridocyclitis (IRIDOCYCLITIS);
  • Iritis;
  • Acute and chronic otitis externa (acutus otitis media / longis inflammationibus profuere).

Sofradex is approved for children, but only from 7 years old. Before starting treatment with this drug, you should carefully study the instructions for use:

  • For adult patients, as well as children over 7 years of age, with external otitis, 2-3 drops of the drug are prescribed in the (affected) ear no more than 3-4 times a day. However, before instilling the medicine into the ears, it is recommended to warm it in the palm of your hand for 5-10 minutes so that it is approximately human-standard body temperature. If you need to treat other ear diseases, you should definitely check with a doctor before doing so. The fact is that for some diseases Sofradex may be useless, and for others it may be unnecessary. In addition, any ear drops are allowed for use only if the patient has one hundred percent no damage to the eardrum. This can also be found out from an ENT doctor, who can easily determine the presence or absence of damage using his instruments. For otitis in younger children, it is better not to use Sofradex, but to choose another remedy. The fact is that when using the drug in children under 7 years of age, their adrenal function may be inhibited.

When treating eye infections, 1-2 drops of the drug are usually instilled into each eye every hour. But if the situation requires it, then the medicine is instilled in the same doses once every half hour. The course of such intensive treatment usually lasts 2-3 days. Gradually, as the patient’s condition improves, the dose of drops is reduced and ultimately amounts to 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day. So it is worth treating for another 3-4 days, no more.

When instilling eye or ear drops, you should follow simple instructions, which are usually indicated in the insert with the bottle:

  • First, carefully remove the outer cap of the bottle.
  • Next, remove the cap from the dropper.
  • The bottle tilts, and then press on the flexible surface.
  • The plastic dropper is secured by fitting onto the neck of the bottle.
  • Apply drops to eyes/ears and then close.
  • The use of an antibiotic should not exceed the prescribed period, since in this case extremely undesirable reactions (systemically manifested) may occur.

For children with eye disease, the medicine is administered into the conjunctival sac, 1 or 2 drops, and the treatment regimen depends on the severity of the infection. If the disease is mild, then drops are used at intervals of 4 hours. If the infection is severe, then Sofradex can be instilled every hour. As soon as the inflammation begins to decrease, the frequency of use of the drops is reduced.

If the medication is prescribed for ear inflammation, a single dosage will be 2-3 drops. The drug is administered 3 or 4 times a day. It can not only be dripped directly into the ear canal, but also applied to a gauze swab that is inserted into the ear.

If Sofradex is prescribed for sinusitis or rhinitis, it is dripped into each nasal passage 2-5 drops three times a day (can be prescribed four times). Sometimes the doctor advises diluting the drops with saline solution and then dripping it into the child’s nose.

When treating adenoids, a special regimen is used, which is selected by the attending physician. To eliminate adenoiditis, the drug can be dripped or inhaled with a diluted product (use a nebulizer, distilled water and proportions 1: 3 or 1: 4).

Analogues of Sofradex

To date, there are no complete analogues of Sofradex, since it has unique functioning components in its composition. However, it is quite possible to select medications that have similar effects and have similar indications for use.


This drug has antibacterial properties. It contains a disinfectant and antifungal agent, purified water to dissolve the active substance, and sodium salt.

  • This drug is used in diagnosing acute or chronic forms of otitis externa.
  • These drops are not prescribed to patients whose age has not reached 7 years.

Contraindications for Dexona are viral and fungal infections of the eyes, neoplasms and erosions on the cornea of ​​the visual organ, as well as smallpox.

Dexon is instilled with 2 drops four times a day.


This is one of the cheap analogues of Sofradex. It contains betamethasone and gentamicin. It is prescribed to patients diagnosed with otitis in the acute and chronic phase, as well as during inflammatory processes and itching, with the formation of vesicular rashes, pustules and scaly formations.

You should drip Garazon 2-3 drops twice a day for diseases affecting the hearing organs. This drug can be prescribed to children, but the child must be over six years old.


Another analogue of the drug Sofradex we are considering is the antimicrobial drug Otinum. It is prescribed to patients suffering from conjunctivitis of bacterial etiology, otitis externa and other diseases. However, before using this medicine, you should consult a qualified specialist.

The dosage for Otinum is 4 drops in the left and right ears three times a day. The product is considered ineffective in cases of eye and ear infections of fungal origin, as well as viral diseases.

It is not recommended to use Otinum for longer than 7 days. It is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, and it is prohibited for the treatment of ear and eye diseases in children.


Symptoms: Prolonged and intensive topical use may lead to systemic effects. When swallowing the contents of one vial (up to 10 ml of solution), the development of serious side effects is unlikely.

Treatment: symptomatic.

An excessively high dose of the drug can cause negative systemic effects and also have a negative effect on the kidneys and inner ear. If your child accidentally drinks the contents of the bottle, there will be no serious side effects.


Framycetin sulfate is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides and has a bactericidal effect. It has a wide spectrum of antibacterial action, is active against gram-positive microorganisms, including Staphylococcus aureus, and most clinically significant gram-negative microorganisms (Escherichia coli, dysentery bacillus, Proteus, etc.).

Gramicidin has a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, expanding the spectrum of antimicrobial action of framycetin due to its activity against streptococci and anaerobic microorganisms. Enhances the effects of framycetin against staphylococci, because also has an antistaphylococcal effect.

Dexamethasone is a corticosteroid that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and desensitizing effect.

Dexamethasone suppresses inflammatory processes by inhibiting the release of inflammatory mediators, the migration of mast cells and reducing capillary permeability.

When instilled into the eyes, it reduces pain, burning, lacrimation, and photophobia. When instilled into the ears, it reduces the symptoms of otitis externa (redness of the skin, pain, itching, burning in the external auditory canal, feeling of ear congestion).

Composition of the drug and release form

Sold in the form of drops that exhibit a combined effect. The drug Sofradex belongs to the antibacterial and hormonal group. It is widely used in medical therapy for diseases of the visual and auditory organs. Allowed for use for otitis media in children over three years of age. Sofradex drops contain:

  • Framycetin. It exhibits a pronounced antibacterial property, as it belongs to the group of aminoglycosides. It has an adverse effect on the activity of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria in the form of Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and dysentery coli. But this component is powerless against anaerobic microbes;
  • Gramicidin. Shows bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect. Also, like framycetin, it belongs to the group of aminoglycosides. Gramicidin enhances the effect and increases the range of application. It copes especially well with staphylococci;
  • Dexamethasone. A hormonal component, the effect of which is aimed at suppressing the inflammatory process, reducing the production of substances and migration of mast cells, reducing the degree of capillary permeability. In addition to all this, it eliminates swelling, relieves itching and reduces allergic manifestations.

Additional components include citric acid, distilled water, and alcohol. The medication is easy to use. It is enough to drop the product into the ear canal of the outer ear. A positive result becomes noticeable after 2-3 days.


According to many mothers and ENT doctors, Sofradex is an affordable and effective remedy for barley, conjunctivitis, otitis externa and many other diseases. It has a rapid anti-inflammatory effect, due to which the condition of the sick child soon improves. However, in some cases, the medication does not help (for example, if treatment is started at the wrong time), which leads to the appearance of negative reviews. There are also sometimes complaints about side effects and a short shelf life.

What does this medicine consist of?

Sofradex drops contain components that affect the activity of inflammation and various microbes. This is why Sofradex is almost always prescribed for otitis media . The composition of the medicine is as follows:

  1. Framycetin sulfate in an amount of 5 mg. Refers to antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group. Has excellent bactericidal effect. Reduces the growth and activity of microorganisms. Affects gram-positive and gram-negative microbes.
  2. Dexamethosone is contained in an amount of 0.5 mg. This compound belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids. Shows a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Prescribing Sofradex ear drops for diseases allows you to achieve quick results from therapy. Provided due to the combined composition.
  3. Gramicidin in the amount of 0.05 mg. Is an antibiotic. It has a detrimental effect on pathogens that cause diseases of the organs of hearing and vision.

The composition of Sofradex is presented in the form of three components that have a pronounced effect. This allows Sofradex to be prescribed to children for the treatment of otitis media and other diseases of the ENT organs. Treatment of otitis with Sofradex is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the disease. In the acute period, the results from the action of drops for the eyes and ears occur within a few hours . Reduces pain and ear fullness. To achieve a lasting therapeutic effect, the substance is prescribed for 7 days.

The composition also includes a certain list of excipients. They do not affect the disease in any way.


An effect similar to Sofradex is exerted by Polydex, which contains antibiotics and dexamethasone. For the treatment of adenoids, Polydexa spray with phenylephrine is suitable. But it is approved for use by children from 2.5 years old.

If necessary, the otolaryngologist can replace the drops with two other drugs, for example, Nasonex (GCS) and Isofra (antibiotics). There are other options for a comprehensive replacement.

In fact, Sofradex has few analogues that could be replaced if necessary. The most effective drug substitutes:

  • Dexona (Dexona);
  • Genodex (Genodex);
  • Combinil-Duo (Combinil-Duo);
  • Pledrex (Pledreks);
  • Aprolat (Aprolat);
  • Garazon (Garazon);
  • Dexa-Gentamicin (Dexa-Gentamicin);
  • Flucinar (Flucinar);
  • Belogent (Belogent);
  • Celesto-Derm (Celesto-Derm);
  • Betagenot (Betagenot);
  • Dexa (Dexa);
  • Polidexa (Polideksa);
  • Maxotrol (Maxotrol);
  • Neladex (Neladex).

One of the most popular analogues of Sofradex is the drug Polidexa. It can be used for ear diseases and dripped into the nose, but is available in two different forms. The medication, which is dripped into the nose, additionally contains a vasoconstrictor component, as indicated in its name (“Polydex” with phenylephrine).

The basis of Polidexa is also dexamethasone and two antibacterial drugs. The antibiotics in such drops belong to the same groups as the ingredients of Sofradex, however, instead of framycetin, Polidex contains neomycin, and gramicidin is replaced by polymyxin B. But since they act in a similar way, Polidex can also be used for all those indications when Sofradex is prescribed.

The drug in the form of ear drops is prescribed at any age, and Polidexa with phenylephrine, which is a nasal spray, is approved for children over 2 and a half years old. Both medications are prescription drugs, the average price of drops in the ears is 240 rubles.

For ear diseases, the following remedies can also be substituted for Sofradex:

The first drops include 2 antibacterial substances, but they do not contain dexamethasone. But there is lidocaine, thanks to which the drug helps to quickly eliminate severe pain in the ear. The medicine is given to patients older than one year. The second remedy contains only one antibiotic (rifamycin), but can be used not only for external otitis, but for more serious inflammation, including in patients with damage to the tympanic septum. This medicine is prescribed at any age.

If you need to replace Sofradex for eye diseases, your doctor may recommend other medications.

  • "Dexa Gentamicin." These drops contain dexamethasone supplemented with the antibiotic gentamicin. Although the contraindications include children's age, the doctor can prescribe them for a child if the need arises. The drug is also available as an eye ointment.
  • "Tobradex". These eye drops work through a combination of dexamethasone and the aminoglycoside antibiotic tobramycin. In childhood, they are used in patients older than 1 year.
  • "Garazón." This drug is presented in drops, which, like Sofradex, can be dripped into the ears and eyes. It includes gentamicin and the glucocorticoid betamethasone. It is prescribed to children from the age of 8.

To learn how to treat otitis media in children, watch the following video.

Analogues of the drug Sofradex

First, it’s worth finding out what analogues of drugs are. Many people confuse the concept of “drug analogue” with “drug synonym”.

A synonym for a drug is a drug that has the same active ingredient, but a different trade name under which the manufacturer registered it (synonyms are also often called generic drugs).

Analogs in pharmaceuticals are medicines with different active ingredients in their composition, but used to treat the same diseases. These medications differ in their therapeutic effect; they may have different indications for use and contraindications.

Sofradex has many analogues. Let's take the following as an example:

  • Albucid;
  • Tobradex;
  • Dexa-Gentamicin;
  • Dexatobropt;
  • Phloxal;
  • Maxitrol and others.


Eye drops with an antibacterial effect are used to treat keratitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and in the postoperative period.

This is the cheapest analogue of Sofradex (average price is about 85 rubles). The main component is sulfacetamide.

Instructions for use: 30% drops are used in adults, 20% in children. Dosage depends on the severity of inflammation: in case of severe inflammation, instill up to 6 times a day; if it improves, reduce the dosage until the inflammation disappears.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to sulfonamides .

Side effects: rarely there may be a burning sensation, slight swelling, lacrimation. In such cases, it is necessary to reduce the concentration of the drug.

Notes: Albucid should not come into contact with contact lenses (lenses must be removed before using drops). Simultaneous use with local anesthetics reduces the therapeutic effect. Once opened, use the bottle within a month.

Tobradex. Instructions

These are antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory eye drops.

Ingredients: tobramycin, dexamethasone.

Indications for the use of Tobradex: conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis (without damage to the epithelium), postoperative period.

Contraindications: fungal eye infection; increased susceptibility of one of the components of eye drops; viral inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea (including keratitis that began due to the herpes simplex virus or chickenpox).

Side effects: occasionally allergic reactions in the form of redness of the conjunctiva, itching; increase in intraocular pressure, inhibition of the wound healing process.

Tobradex is an analogue of Sofradex, but it is higher in price: its average price is about 400 rubles, while Sofradex is 300 rubles.


Eye drops with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Ingredients: dexamethasone, tobramycin.

Indications for use: eye infections, keratitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis. Prevention and treatment of inflammation after cataract removal.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to one of the components, age under 18 years, fungal and viral eye diseases.

The cost of this drug is lower than the cost of Sofradex.

Instructions for use

Antibacterial drug, active ingredient - ofloxacin.

Prescribed for: blepharitis, barley, keratitis, corneal ulcers, conjunctivitis, bacterial infections. Used to prevent inflammation after eye surgery.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance to the ingredients of the medicine.

Notes: the drug is not recommended for use while wearing contact lenses. You should wear sunglasses because of possible reactions to light (photophobia), and you should avoid prolonged exposure to bright light.

The price category of this drug is noticeably lower than the cost of Sofradex.


Sofradex analogue of Dex-Gentamicin.

Pharmachologic effect:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Bactericidal;
  • Antiallergic;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Glucocorticoid.

Ingredients: dexamethasone sodium phosphate, gentamicin sulfate, excipients (water for injection, benzalkonium chloride, potassium hydrogen phosphate, sodium chloride).

Used to treat: blepharitis, barley, keratitis, conjunctivitis.

The drug has contraindications: fungal, viral eye infections (including herpes virus, chickenpox), tuberculosis, increased intraocular pressure, hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug.

When treating with Dex-Gentamicin, it is recommended to use glasses rather than contact lenses. If the lenses are still put on, then before using the drops they must be removed and put on again no earlier than 20-30 minutes after instillation of the eyes.

Immediately after using Dex-Gentamicin, short-term deterioration of vision may occur; use the drug with caution when working with machinery or driving a car.

The average price of this drug is lower than the average price of Sofradex drops.

Methods of application

To avoid negative consequences, it is not recommended to use the drug in concentrated form: drops should be diluted in a ratio of 1 to 1. Distilled water or saline solution is good for this. In this way, it is possible to reduce the aggressive effect of the active components of the product on the child’s nasal mucosa.

The effect of treatment largely depends on the correct administration of the medicine. To do this, the child must take a lying position and not toss and turn in different directions. Ask your child to tilt his head back. Inject 2-3 drops of solution into each nasal passage. The manipulation should be carried out 3 times a day until the condition improves. The course of treatment should not exceed 5 days.

For inflamed adenoids in children, Sofradex can be prescribed according to the following scheme:

  • the first 10 days - 4 drops in each nostril 3 times a day;
  • the next 5 days - 2 drops 2 times a day;
  • the last 5 days - 2 drops 1 time per day.

During the procedure, the medicine should be instilled into the nostrils so that the liquid flows onto the surface of the inflamed pharyngeal tonsil. Only in this case can we expect a reduction in the size of the adenoids. Usually positive dynamics are visible after a week: swelling subsides, nasal breathing returns to normal.

The above scheme for treating adenoids with Sofradex is not fundamental. In each specific case, the doctor selects the dosage and duration of therapy individually. The specialist takes into account the characteristics of the child’s body, the nature of the course of the disease and the presence of pathological complications.

Eye diseases: in case of a mild infection, 1-2 drops of the drug are instilled into the conjunctival sac of the eye every 4 hours. In the case of a severe infection, the drug is instilled every hour. As inflammation decreases, the frequency of drug instillations decreases.

Ear diseases: instill 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day; a gauze swab moistened with a solution can be placed in the external auditory canal.

The duration of use of the drug should not exceed 7 days, except in cases of obvious positive dynamics of the disease (GCS can mask hidden infections, and long-term use of the antimicrobial components of the drug can contribute to the development of resistant flora).

Scheme of application and dose

If the patient has an inflammatory process in the ear, then Sofradex should be used according to the following scheme: The drug is dripped into the external auditory canal, two drops at a time. Frequency of application is 3 to 4 times. The medicinal composition should not get into the middle ear, otherwise it will lead to damage and hearing loss.

In childhood, it is recommended to install turundas. To perform the procedure, cotton wool is taken and a flagellum is made from it. Soak in the solution and insert into the sore ear for 15-20 minutes.

The duration of treatment is from 5 to 7 days. If there is no positive dynamics within two to three days, then you need to visit the doctor again.

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