A child’s ear hurts, what should I do with camphor oil?

Treatment of children with camphor oil for various types of cough is highly effective.

Relief occurs quickly, because camphor has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties, and its use is completely harmless.

There are some contraindications.

Treatment of babies

Since small children love the bathing procedure, two drops of mint, eucalyptus and cypress essential oils should be added to a warm bath.
After such an event, breathing through the nose will improve, nasal congestion will disappear. To speed up the treatment of rhinitis in infants, you can do cold inhalation. To do this, use tea tree oil or its alternative - eucalyptus.

The baby will sleep soundly and peacefully without a runny nose if you place a napkin dipped in etherol near his crib or on his pillow. You can add beneficial esters to your humidifier.

If your child suffers from a cold, you can use chamomile oil. It is unique in that it does not cause allergic reactions and exhibits antiseptic properties.

Lemon essential oil can make thick nasal discharge thinner. Sage stops the activity of bacteria. Breathing becomes easier during flu and colds if you use mint remedies. The “Star” balm works well.

Before any use of esters, an allergic reaction of the child should be excluded. Contact your pediatrician before starting home treatment on your own. The doctor will give the correct and effective prescription for eliminating the problem.

Using essential oils for colds and flu

There are many ways to use ethers to fight colds and flu. The main ones are:

  • inhalation;
  • rubbing;
  • aroma baths.


Inhalations are used for both colds and flu. But the procedure is especially effective for sore throats.

  1. Take water (1 liter) and boil it.
  2. Add three drops of lavender essential oil and the same amount of bergamot and eucalyptus oil to the container.
  3. Lower your head above the water and inhale the vapors deeply for 10 minutes. It is advisable to cover yourself with a towel so that the active substances do not evaporate, but enter directly into your respiratory tract.

Inhalations can be done several times a day until complete recovery. In this case, there may be other mixtures of oils, but the proposed one is the most effective.

Inhalations are one of the simplest and most reliable ways to fight a cold.


For massage you will need 15 ml of base oil: coconut, almond or olive.

  1. Heat it slightly in a water bath.
  2. Then add five drops of ether to the base oil. You can also use mixtures.
  3. Slowly rub the resulting substance into the chest, back and neck. At the end of the procedure, stretch your heels.
  4. Then wrap yourself in a warm blanket and rest for half an hour.

These procedures are equally effective for both colds and flu. Rubbing can be done once a day until complete recovery, preferably before bed.

Rubbing (or massage) is not only a pleasant, but also a useful procedure

Aroma baths

Aroma baths are very effective for colds. Before the procedure, you need to combine essential oils with milk or heavy cream (50–100 ml). This is necessary so that the active substances do not evaporate while taking a bath. The water temperature should not exceed 38°C, since otherwise the properties of the oils will not be fully revealed. The procedure time is 15 minutes. You need to take a bath once a day until complete recovery. In this case, your body temperature should be normal. At elevated levels, water procedures are contraindicated.

An aroma bath is an incredibly pleasant procedure that will help you get rid of a cold.

Oil blends

There are various oil blends available to combat flu and colds. All of them can be used for inhalations, aroma baths and rubbing. The compositions of the most effective mixtures are as follows:

  • three drops each of eucalyptus and tea tree oil;
  • 2 ml each of rosemary and thyme ether;
  • two drops each of lavender and eucalyptus oil;
  • 3 ml each of eucalyptus and thyme ether;
  • 2 drops of pine oil, 1 ml of lavender essential oil;
  • 2 drops each of tea tree oil, lavender and eucalyptus;
  • a drop of thyme, mint, eucalyptus and clove ether;
  • tea tree oil, thyme, lemon and cloves in a ratio of 2:2:3:1;
  • esters of lavender, chamomile and eucalyptus in a ratio of 5:5:8;
  • esters of tea tree, eucalyptus and lavender in a ratio of 4:3:3;
  • 5 drops each of eucalyptus, pine, thyme, rosemary and lemon oils.

Preventive measures

With the help of essential oils you can not only treat colds, but also prevent them. To do this, you need to periodically light the aroma lamp in the room. You can use your favorite ether in its pure form or use mixtures. An aroma lamp once every two days is the best prevention of colds and flu. Do not forget to first dissolve the oils in water, otherwise they will simply burn in the device.

The aroma lamp not only creates a pleasant smell in the room, but is also an excellent prevention of colds and flu

Treatment with camphor oil

For example, using the drug, an insect caught in the ear canal is removed. 1 drop of heated camphor oil is injected into the ear; under its influence, the insect dies, deprived of oxygen. Mechanical extraction is unacceptable, so the patient lies on a pillow with the affected ear down, placing a napkin/towel under it, and waits until the insect drains out along with the oil.

If the manipulation is unsuccessful, then you should visit an otolaryngologist for further treatment and removal of the foreign organism.

Camphor oil helps in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system - bronchitis, whooping cough, asthma, pneumonia, rhinitis, sinusitis, tracheitis. Compresses with the product on the back or chest effectively warm up, improve blood circulation, and the volatile compounds of camphor provide easier breathing and increased sputum discharge.

Throat diseases can be treated with camphor oil. For laryngitis, apply a warm compress with the drug throughout the night. At the first signs of a cold, you should rub the upper chest with an oil elixir, apply it to your temples, lubricate it under your nose, and scent your room for rest or work.

Camphor compresses help with mastitis. The pain subsides, and the swelling of the mammary glands subsides. Gauze soaked in warm camphor oil is applied to the chest, secured with polyethylene and a fixing bandage.

The procedure time is 2-3 hours. Before feeding the newborn, the mammary glands are washed with warm water and baby soap.

Inhaling camphor vapors helps in healing migraines, neuroses, depression, insomnia, mental and physical stress, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

The product is dripped into an aroma lamp to aromatize the premises or the volatile components are inhaled directly from the bottle with the elixir. Such procedures, in addition to having a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, increase immunity and prevent colds.

Camphor oil for otitis media

Thanks to the anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, local irritant, warming and antiseptic properties of the product, camphor oil can be dripped into the ear, as well as compresses/tamponades with it for inflammation of the ears of a cold nature, congestion, eustachitis and otitis (only the external form of the disease).

This method of therapy allows you to quickly eliminate the cause of the pathological process.

Compress with camphor oil

To treat external otitis, procedures are carried out for placing gauze turundas soaked in heated camphor oil into the ear canal. The warming compress lasts 2.5 hours. To insulate the head, tie a down scarf/scarf. Manipulations are performed every morning and before bedtime.

It is unacceptable to apply compresses with camphor for otitis media that develops as a complication of tonsillitis and sinusitis, especially when there is hearing loss and congestion. In this situation, the underlying disease is treated.

Camphor oil for pain

External use of camphor oil has proven itself well for rheumatism, dislocations with swelling, hematomas, bruises, myalgia, radiculitis, sciatica, myositis, arthralgia, heel spurs and arthritis, since it has a powerful warming and analgesic effect. Application of the oil composition helps prevent the occurrence of bedsores and diaper rash in bedridden patients.

The elixir is applied to painful areas of the body in the form of rubbing or compresses up to 3 times a day. For example, lower back pain is treated with self-massage of the lower back, followed by the application of an insulating bandage in the form of a warm scarf.

A reduction in pain usually occurs immediately after the procedure, due to the local anesthetic effect, but the course of treatment must be carried out for up to 10 days.

Massage with camphor oil is indicated for muscle pain. Muscle tension, especially after intense training, causes soreness, which is easily eliminated after rubbing with the drug.

Camphor oil for nose

To treat rhinitis, camphor oil is successfully used, cold and hot inhalations are made with it, added to medicinal baths, and aromatized rooms using incense burners. However, it should be emphasized that it is not recommended to instill it in its pure form, due to its high irritating ability to mucous membranes.

According to reviews of traditional medicine doctors, the following composition has worked well for a runny nose: mix 1 ml of sunflower and camphor oils, add the same amount of alcohol tincture of propolis, shake the suspension thoroughly.

Instill the medicine for children, 1 drop in each nostril, and for adults, 2 drops. several times a day.

Contraindications to the use of camphor oil

Using camphor oil for therapeutic purposes in most cases brings only benefits, but ignoring the instructions can significantly harm the human body.

Like other herbal preparations, camphor oil causes irritation in people prone to allergies.

Its use is contraindicated:

  • children under 3 years old,
  • patients suffering from epilepsy,
  • people with increased mental excitability,
  • patients with severe heart disease.

Fir oil

Fir oil is an excellent remedy for helping in the treatment of rhinitis. Actions:

  1. Removing the inflammatory process.
  2. Fighting germs.
  3. Disinfection.

Use is appropriate for acute type of rhinitis, discomfort symptoms are instantly eliminated, breathing becomes difficult, mucous membranes are freed from swelling. The inflammation process is softened, the vessels become narrower, this leads to less secretion and formation of mucus.

It has a very pungent, peculiar smell that not everyone will like. If you suffer from migraines while using it, stop therapy.

Dosage forms

Finished medicinal products offered by the pharmaceutical industry:

  1. Oil solution of camphor in ampoules (20%). Before use, the ampoule with the medicine is heated to body temperature and administered parenterally for symptoms of respiratory or cardiovascular depression, shock, severe toxicity with analgesics, opioids, or the need to neutralize homeopathic medicines.
  2. Camphor oil, 10%, is used externally to treat joint diseases, arthritis, arthrosis. For sleep disorders and depression, aromatherapy with camphor oil is useful.
  3. Camphocin is an ointment containing camphor oil, castor oil, salicylic acid and red pepper tincture. Liniment is rubbed into the skin for joint inflammation.
  4. Camphor ointment is used to treat neuralgia, joint diseases, and is applied externally.
  5. Camphor alcohol (an alcohol solution of crystalline camphor) is used for rubbing and compresses.
  6. To treat otitis, a solution of camphor in paraffin oil is used as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial external agent.
  7. To treat toothache, you can use Denta dental drops containing camphor.


Although the product has a powerful healing effect (camphor oil is primarily recommended for colds), in some cases its use will be harmful. It cannot be used for:

Dermatitis. Eczema. Ulcers. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Tendency to seizures. Pregnancy. Children under one year of age.

If the skin turns red, swelling, nausea or other negative reactions appear, you should stop using camphor. You can take antihistamines, for example, Erius, Claritin, Suprastin. Be sure to consult a doctor.

Treatment with camphor oil

For therapeutic purposes, camphor oil is used to treat acute respiratory diseases, inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract and lungs.

When coughing

For colds, camphor oil can be used in several ways:

  • Rub into the chest and back, wrap the top in plastic, put on warm pajamas, cover the patient with a blanket and let him sweat well. This therapy should not be prescribed at elevated body temperature;
  • To enhance the effect, you can put mustard plasters on the chest and back, after rubbing with oil. This method is contraindicated for people with heart disease or arterial hypertension, since heating the skin in the chest area increases local blood flow, increases the pulse rate, and can provoke tachycardia and increased blood pressure;
  • For hot inhalations with a strong cough, add 1 tsp to a liter of water (about 40C). camphor oil, 2 drops of lavender and eucalyptus. The patient covers his head with a towel and breathes over the steam for 5-10 minutes;
  • For inhalation, you can use the water in which jacket potatoes were boiled, 0.5 liters - 15 drops of oil;


To soothe ear pain, a cotton wool pad is soaked in warm camphor oil and inserted into the ear canal. A cotton bandage is placed on the ear and secured with a scarf.

It is important to understand that camphor oil and camphor alcohol are different medicines. Using alcohol to treat otitis media can cause injury and burns to the eardrum

Diseases of the nasopharynx

To eliminate nasal congestion during a runny nose, camphor oil is mixed with vegetable oil in equal proportions, the mixture is instilled into the nose every 3 hours, 2-3 drops in each nasal passage.

It is important to make sure that the patient is not allergic to camphor oil

To treat sinusitis and frontal sinusitis, mix flour with liquid honey until it reaches the consistency of dough, add 1 tsp. camphor oil and roll into flat cakes. The cakes are applied to the nose, forehead, and cheekbones for 20-30 minutes.

For the chest

Mastitis is an inflammation in the tissues of the mammary gland, accompanied by pain, swelling, tissue hyperemia, and the formation of compactions. Treatment of mastitis is based on determining the cause that caused it. The set of measures to alleviate the patient’s condition includes the use of camphor oil.

  • Camphor oil is mixed with vodka and alcohol compresses are made on the chest;
  • RUB the chest with camphor oil mixed in vodka.

For injuries, bruises, joint pain

Mix: 120 g of alcohol, 60 g of camphor in crystals and 60 g of mustard powder. Add the beaten egg white, stir until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Rub into the sore joint, into the skin in the area of ​​the hematoma (it is not recommended to apply the composition to the affected skin areas!). The medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect, resolves hematomas, and relieves pain.

For hemorrhoids

After a shower, warm camphor oil is applied to the anal area, lubricating the skin or using a napkin soaked in oil.

A cotton swab is soaked in camphor oil and inserted into the anus. The oil relieves inflammation, promotes pain relief and speedy tissue regeneration (healing).

Camphor oil for runny nose

Camphor oil is a product that has a pronounced antiphlogistic, bactericidal, antiseptic and local irritant effect.

For therapeutic purposes, only a 10% solution of camphor based on vegetable oil is used.

Systematic use of the drug helps eliminate inflammatory processes in the ENT organs at the initial stages of the development of infectious diseases.

By instilling camphor oil into the nose, it is possible to eliminate colonies of pathogenic microorganisms in areas of inflammation. Due to this, the regression of catarrhal processes is accelerated, which helps restore the integrity of the damaged mucosa. Camphor accelerates lymph flow and blood circulation, which eliminates swelling and, accordingly, makes nasal breathing easier.

Conventionally, camphor oil is divided into two types: “pharmacy” and essential. For medical purposes, camphor based on vegetable oil or alcohol is used to treat colds. The drug contains a minimal amount of toxic substances, so it can be used as part of pediatric therapy as nasal drops or medicine for inhalation.

Highly concentrated essential solutions obtained by distillation from camphor laurel are widely used in aromatherapy.

Aroma baths have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and respiratory system, which is associated with the ability of camphor vapor to thin the mucus in the nasopharynx.

However, it should be noted that in large quantities essential oil can cause adverse reactions such as dizziness, nausea, headache, etc.

It is not advisable to use pharmaceutical and essential oils of camphor to treat children under 2 years of age.

Pharmacological properties

Is it possible to drip camphor oil into the nose? Experts warn that the drug contains components that have a toxic effect. An overdose can cause deterioration in health and burns in the nasopharyngeal mucosa. If used correctly, camphor has the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory – promotes the resorption of infiltrates in areas of inflammation;
  • analgesic – reduces the sensitivity of pain receptors, which helps relieve discomfort;
  • locally irritating – causes reflex reactions in the ciliated epithelium, which leads to accelerated blood circulation;
  • antiseptic – disinfects the mucous membrane, which contributes to the regression of catarrhal processes;
  • bactericidal – prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria, thereby reducing the risk of sinusitis;
  • wound healing – improves tissue trophism, which leads to restoration of the integrity of the ciliated epithelium.

The drug can cause an allergic reaction. Before using it, you should consult a specialist.

Cold drops

Hypersecretion of mucus in the nasopharynx is due to the presence of inflammatory processes in the ENT organs. To relieve the manifestations of rhinitis, herbalists recommend using drops based on “pharmacy” camphor oil. In the early stages of inflammation, the drug helps to liquefy and evacuate mucus, thereby significantly facilitating nasal breathing.

How to properly use camphor oil for a runny nose? To prepare the drops you need:

  1. mix camphor and vegetable oil with propolis tincture in equal parts;
  2. heat the oil solution to 38 degrees;
  3. Place 3 drops of the product into each nostril.

To speed up the healing process, before instilling the drug, it is advisable to clear the nasopharynx of mucus. To do this, rinse the nasal passages with a weak saline solution with the addition of 2-3 drops of iodine.

Treatment of sinusitis

Sinusitis is one of the most common complications of sluggish rhinitis. Pathological processes in the maxillary sinuses can be eliminated by heating the tissues, but only at the stage of resolution of inflammation. For these purposes, herbalists recommend using warming cakes with camphor oil.

To prepare the remedy you need:

  • mix 5 tbsp. l. flour with 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • add 2 tbsp to the dough. l. camphor oil;
  • apply the cake to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.

Important! It is undesirable to warm up the maxillary sinuses if a bacterial infection develops. A local increase in temperature will only contribute to the development of pathogens.

Intensive heating of the affected mucous membranes helps remove mucus containing pathogenic flora from them. Regular implementation of the procedure stimulates regression of catarrhal processes, which is due to a decrease in the number of pathogens in the maxillary sinuses.

Side effects

When camphor ether is used externally, side effects may occur, manifested in the form of allergic skin reactions of varying severity.

In case of subcutaneous administration, headaches, rapid heartbeat, and dizziness may occur.

With proper use of camphor oil, it can become a real assistant in the treatment of colds accompanied by a runny nose. However, in order to avoid undesirable consequences, it is recommended to first consult a doctor.

Camphor is obtained from Japanese laurel. At the pharmacy you can buy camphor alcohol, essential oil or its 10% solution. Most often, the drugs are used externally. Traditional medicine recommends using this medicine for a runny nose, including in children. Then recovery will come much faster.

Camphor is used to treat ARVI, epilepsy, gout, insomnia, dysmenorrhea, rheumatism, arthritis, sprains and other diseases. This is not surprising, because its healing properties are varied:

Relieves pain of various origins. Helps improve blood circulation. Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Relieves muscle spasms. Liquefies mucus, stimulating its removal. Dilates the bronchi, which makes its use indispensable for bronchitis. Has a local anti-inflammatory effect. Stimulates the functioning of the parts of the brain that are responsible for breathing and blood supply.

Camphor oil for runny nose

Camphor is obtained from Japanese laurel. At the pharmacy you can buy camphor alcohol, essential oil or its 10% solution. Most often, the drugs are used externally. Traditional medicine recommends using this medicine for a runny nose, including in children. Then recovery will come much faster.


Camphor is used to treat ARVI, epilepsy, gout, insomnia, dysmenorrhea, rheumatism, arthritis, sprains and other diseases. This is not surprising, because its healing properties are varied:

  • Relieves pain of various origins.
  • Helps improve blood circulation.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Relieves muscle spasms.
  • Liquefies mucus, stimulating its removal.
  • Dilates the bronchi, which makes its use indispensable for bronchitis.
  • Has a local anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Stimulates the functioning of the parts of the brain that are responsible for breathing and blood supply.

In addition to its main properties, the drug is an antiseptic and inhibits the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Operating principle

The effect that camphor has on the body during runny nose and other respiratory diseases:

  1. The reflex action of the substance is explained by the fact that, in contact with the mucous membrane, it excites the receptors. The epithelium is irritated and, as a result, blood circulation is stimulated. Tissue nutrition improves and their recovery accelerates.
  2. Activates the reactive reaction of mucous membranes and restores local immunity, which leads to inhibition of pathogenic microflora and accelerates recovery.
  3. When the epithelium is stimulated, substances are released that affect the susceptibility of nerve endings and vascular permeability, which means that the use of the medicine reduces pain and relieves swelling that develops in the presence of inflammation.
  4. Normalization of blood circulation leads to the outflow of lymph, and breathing becomes easier.

In order to feel the beneficial effect of camphor oil against a runny nose, several procedures are enough. But it is highly advisable to complete the course in full to consolidate the results.


There are many recipes for using this drug for laryngitis. These are drops, inhalations, compresses. They also use self-prepared ointments - in case of a runny nose, they rub their feet. It all depends on the manifestation of the disease, the availability of the necessary components and the ease of use of one or another form of the product.


For rhinitis and other pathologies of the ENT organs, solutions based on pharmaceutical oil effectively relieve symptoms. Instructions for preparing the remedy:

  1. Mix 1:1 peach and camphor oils.
  2. Heat the mass to 38 C.
  3. Place 2-3 drops into the nose. several times during the day.
  4. Then lie on your back for 4–6 minutes. with his head thrown back strongly.
  5. If the burning is unbearable, add a little more peach oil to the mixture.

To increase effectiveness before the procedure, you can rinse your nose with salt water with the addition of 1 drop. Yoda.

Camphor oil drops are also effective in treating other nasal conditions. Famous recipes:

  1. For sinusitis, thoroughly mix 10% propolis tincture and pharmaceutical camphor oil one to one. Apply 2 drops. into each nasal passage. Relief occurs almost immediately - the sinuses are cleared, the headache subsides. It is recommended to use the medicine until complete recovery.
  2. The recipe helps well with chronic illness, the course lasts 2 weeks. You will need 10 drops of aloe, 4 drops of linseed oil and propolis, 1 drop of camphor oil. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and instill 1 drop. in the nostril in the evening. In the morning, mucus and pus may be actively coming out of your nose.
  3. The following recipe is effective for a runny nose: take castor oil, camphor oil and propolis in equal parts, mix well and instill 3 drops. three times a day.

Store mixtures in dark glass, away from direct sunlight.

Cold inhalations

They are carried out when nasal congestion is combined with elevated temperature:

  • 2–5 drops Apply essential oil to a scarf. Throughout the day, hold the cloth to your face and take 2-10 breaths.
  • Before going to bed, apply 1-2 drops to the corner of the pillow. camphor oils.
  • Pour 1-2 drops into the aroma medallion. oil and hang it around your neck. The healing properties last for 2 days.

Be careful, camphor ether should not be applied in its pure form to the skin, especially to the mucous membranes. You can get a burn and a complication of the disease.

For taking a bath

Taking a bath with camphor will help ease your breathing and set you up for sleep: 2–5 drops. Mix essential oil with salt, honey, cream, or other emulsifier. Add to water at a temperature of 37–38 C. The duration of the bath is 10–20 minutes. After completing the specified time, wrap yourself in a terry robe and drink herbal tea with honey.

It is not recommended to use soap or shower gel during the procedure - this can cause skin irritation.


For sinusitis, it is useful to apply a warm cake to the sinuses. Warming the tissues helps to liquefy and remove mucus. The medicine is prepared as follows:

  1. Add 2 parts honey to 5 parts flour and mix.
  2. Combine the dough with 2 parts of pharmaceutical camphor oil.
  3. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous state, form a cake and apply to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses.

This procedure is contraindicated during periods of exacerbation, fever and bacterial infection, as it can provoke an increase in inflammation.

Product for children

Camphor alcohol or oil has mild toxic properties. Therefore, dripping it into the nose of a small child is not recommended; it is better to apply rubbing or compresses. The drug stimulates the immune system and suppresses inflammation.

You can use pharmacy store-bought balms, but homemade medicine is much more effective:

  1. Rub the oil heated in a water bath on the chest, back (avoiding the projection of the heart), and feet. After the procedure, be sure to put on cotton pajamas and socks, wrap up and go to bed. If the child is over 2 years old, one part of iodine can be added to the recipe.
  2. Dilute camphor alcohol with warm water 1:1. Moisten the gauze and apply it to the chest. Cover the top with plastic and wrap it up. Keep for up to 10 hours.
  3. Ointment. Mix camphor oil 4 drops, turpentine 5 ml, goat fat 1 tbsp. l. Apply the product to the child’s back and chest and insulate it.
  4. In the evening, put gauze soaked in warm camphor oil on the chest, put a plastic bag on top, and wrap it with a warm scarf. Take it off in the morning. This compress is also effective for barking dry coughs.
  5. Ointment. Combine pork fat, camphor alcohol, honey one to one. Heat the mixture and bring it to a homogeneous state, let it cool. Apply to the chest and wrap with a warm scarf, rinse after 3 hours.

It is most convenient to apply compresses in the evening, before going to bed, removing them in the morning. But these methods can be used if the child does not have a fever or allergies to components.

Precautionary measures

The instructions recommend taking camphor very seriously. This is an extremely active substance and must be used with caution. It is important not to allow the medicine to come into contact with damaged skin, mucous membranes, nipples, or eyes, otherwise you may get burned.

Camphor does not combine well with ethyl alcohol. In this regard, it is recommended to avoid drinking alcohol during treatment.

If you apply too much of the substance or rub it vigorously, skin irritation will begin. If you are prone to allergic reactions, it is necessary to reduce the dose by 2 times.


If the amount is slightly exceeded, symptoms similar to poisoning are observed. If you do not take action, the following appears:

  • Blurred consciousness.
  • Irritability.
  • Cramps.
  • In rare cases, hepatotoxicity occurs.

The lethal dose for an adult when taken orally is 4 g; for children – 0.5 g; 70 mg/kg is sufficient for an infant.

Source: https://elaxsir.ru/lekarstva/dlya-nosa/kamfornoe-maslo-ot-nasmorka.html

Features of pediatric therapy

Is it possible to put camphor oil in the ear of a small child? In pediatric therapy, even weakly concentrated solutions with camphor should be used with caution. Pediatricians categorically do not recommend using herbal medicine in the treatment of children under 2 years of age

Essential oil vapors are toxic and can therefore cause intoxication of the body.

Before dripping camphor oil into your ear, you should consult a specialist. In case of overdose, the components of the drug can cause seizures, which is extremely undesirable in the treatment of children suffering from epilepsy. In addition, oil compositions can be instilled into the ears only when the child reaches 3 years of age.

It is best not to drip camphor oil into a child’s ear, but to use it to prepare compresses or ear turundas. If there are purulent inflammations and hemorrhagic rashes in the ear, the herbal medicine cannot be used, due to its irritating effect. Irrational use of essential oil composition can lead to the following complications:

  • hearing impairment;
  • release of oil vapors;
  • allergic tissue swelling;
  • development of fat embolism.

The product should not be used if psoriasis develops, tumor-like growths in the ear or damage to the integrity of the skin.

It is worth noting that in young children, otitis media most often develops as a result of infection of the upper respiratory tract. If inflammation in the organ of hearing was caused by sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, scarlet fever or other diseases, camphor oil therapy will be practically useless.


When used externally, camphor oil can cause allergic reactions and tissue swelling. That is why it is advisable to consult a specialist before using the drug. Direct contraindications to the use of the pharmaceutical product are:

dermatitis; eczema; epilepsy; pregnancy; trophic ulcers; burns; mechanical damage; cardiovascular diseases; bronchial asthma; tendency to convulsive reactions.

The occurrence of adverse reactions is most often indicated by skin hyperemia, swelling and nausea. If signs are detected, you should stop using camphor oil. To eliminate the symptoms of an allergic reaction, you can use antihistamines, such as Suprastin, Erius, Zyrtec, Claritin, etc.

Camphor oil has long been actively used as compresses and drops. Is it possible to drip camphor oil into the nose? It is even necessary, especially when you have a runny nose, as it has an antiseptic and bactericidal effect.

As a treatment, only a 10% solution of camphor oil is used. Thanks to the constant use of the product, it is possible to cope with inflammation of the ENT organs, in the case of the initial stage of development of the disease.

Treatment with oils instructions for use for adults

There are several ways to use essential oils to treat rhinitis. The choice of method depends on the characteristics of the body and the specific course of the disease. Often, traditional methods of treatment are combined with each other and with the use of traditional medications in order to achieve a quick and lasting recovery.

Drops with oils

For instillation, etherols are used in pure form, as well as mixing them with other components. Instillation of essential oils into the nose has a powerful local effect, because... the product penetrates into the deep structures of the respiratory system. Oils can often be found in classic nasal drops. This treatment is suitable for both prevention and treatment of the acute stage or during the recovery period.


The procedure quickly relieves congestion and has a general strengthening effect. To enhance the effect of inhalation, use steam, the optimal time is 15-20 minutes. When performing the procedure for children, the presence of adults is required.

How to relieve nasal congestion without drops, read here.


Irrigation of the nose with essential oils is useful for persistent congestion or increased dryness of the nasal mucosa. The procedure is safe for children and adults, suitable for both treatment and prevention. During rinsing, pathogenic microorganisms are removed, thereby accelerating the healing process.

In addition to traditional methods of using etherols, in the treatment of rhinitis they are used as part of aromatherapy, therapeutic baths and for spraying indoors.

Camphor oil for hair and eyelashes

Camphor can warm the skin and increase blood circulation. Thanks to this, hair follicles receive more oxygen and nutrients, which promotes their active growth.

The active components dry and disinfect oily skin, normalize the secretion of sebaceous secretions.

I offer you a few simple recipes that will make your curls strong and healthy:

  • mix egg yolk, 30 milliliters of water and half a teaspoon of camphor oil. Apply the nourishing cocktail to the strands, leave for 2-3 minutes, rinse. An express mask will get rid of excess oiliness and restore natural radiance to your curls;
  • Combine the egg yolk with 15 milliliters of almond oil, 5 drops of camphor ether and 3 drops of tea tree oil. Apply to damp strands, leave for 5 minutes, rinse. The product will relieve hair from dryness, restore normal moisture levels and enrich it with nutrients;
  • A cocktail of 1 yolk, 15 milliliters of sesame oil, 5 milliliters of hot pepper tincture and 2.5 milliliters of camphor oil will help activate hair growth. The composition must be rubbed into the root area, wrap the head in cling film and leave for half an hour.

A mask made from camphor and castor oil, taken in equal quantities, will help accelerate the growth of eyelashes and strengthen their roots. Before use, the mixture should be slightly warmed, treated with a clean applicator from an old mascara and left overnight.

Camphor in folk medicine

It is not recommended to use camphor oil in the nose for sinusitis in its pure form; instead of having a therapeutic effect, it can aggravate the disease by burning the nasal mucosa.

Nasal drops based on camphor oil

To prepare the remedy you will need:

  • 10 g sunflower oil,
  • 10 g camphor oil,
  • 10 g propolis tincture.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly in one container and use as nasal drops.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly clear the nasal passages of mucus and rinse the maxillary sinuses with a solution of sea salt, this will achieve the highest therapeutic effect. Lie on your back or tilt your head back and use a pipette to drop 2 drops of the mixture into each nostril. Perform the procedure three times a day for a week.

Already the first procedures have a positive effect, swelling and pain are reduced and nasal breathing is restored.

When using the product for children, take 2 times more sunflower oil and place 1 drop in each nasal passage.

This remedy is effective in the initial stage of the disease and improves the treatment of the chronic process.

If you have a severe runny nose, you can use the oil undiluted to lubricate the nasal passages. In addition to lubricating the mucous membrane, the oil is applied to the bridge of the nose and the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses. Use 1-2 times a day for 12 days.

Warming flatbreads

To treat chronic sinusitis, you can use a warm compress.

Important. In case of purulent sinusitis, high body temperature and high blood pressure, warming the sinuses is unacceptable in any way

To carry out the procedure, you will need to knead a medicinal cake:

  • 5 tablespoons flour,
  • 2 tablespoons honey,
  • 2 tablespoons camphor oil.

Knead all ingredients thoroughly, divide the resulting dough into 2 parts, and form into flat cakes.

After thoroughly cleaning your nose, take a horizontal position and apply the cakes to the maxillary sinuses. The procedure time is from 10 to 20 minutes. With high sensitivity, the time is reduced. The procedure helps to destroy the infection at the source, liquefy and remove exudate from the sinus cavity, and regenerate damaged tissues.

After a warm-up session, walking on the street is not allowed. Best used before bedtime, this procedure has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, bringing it into balance, which promotes better falling asleep and more sound sleep.


In adults, you can use a pure product. The chest is rubbed from the back. The procedure helps activate the protective properties of the immune system, which speeds up the recovery process in case of sinus inflammation.

The following composition is used for rubbing children:

  • turpentine,
  • lard,
  • camphor.

Mix everything thoroughly and rub the baby’s chest and back, wrap the baby in a warm blanket. In early childhood and if you are prone to an allergic reaction, the product should not be used.

An alternative to rubbing is compresses, which are prepared as follows:

Mix goat fat with honey and add 10 drops of camphor, moisten the cloth and fasten it to the child’s chest, cover with plastic, with a warm scarf on top. Leave overnight.


Inhalations with camphor oil are carried out twice a day for 3-7 minutes, for a 10-day course. Add a few drops of the product to boiling water, cover your head with a towel and breathe over the saucepan. When using an inhaler or a steam bath for the face, 2 drops of oil are enough.

The procedure helps restore nasal breathing, the natural outflow of exudate from the sinus cavity and the regeneration of damaged tissue.

Whatever method is chosen for the treatment of sinusitis, you should consult with your treating otolaryngologist before use. The product is toxic and requires careful and careful use. When carrying out procedures, you should not experiment; following proven recipes will avoid unwanted complications and side effects.

How to treat

Now let's look at several gentle ways to use the drug in the treatment of children.


If the ear hurts, the drug can be used as a means for instillation into the ear, in the form of tampons in the auricle and in compresses. This will help relieve the child of acute ear pain and reduce the spread of the inflammatory process. Be sure to consult your doctor!

For acute otitis externa, a single dose of no more than 2-3 drops of oil is recommended, which should be dripped into each ear while heated. You should first make sure that the drug is not hot. To do this, apply a drop to the back of your hand. After the procedure, the entrance to the ear is closed with clean and dry cotton wool.

For otitis media, it is better to put tampons with camphor oil in the ears. They are carefully inserted for 2-3 hours, a woolen scarf is tied on top of the ear to preserve heat, after which the tampons are removed and the entrance to the ear is covered with dry cotton wool.

With the most severe, internal, otitis, camphor oil cannot act as an independent drug for therapy. This disease requires serious treatment with the use of antibiotics; traditional medicine cannot cope with such severe inflammation.

Information about otitis in children from a medical point of view is presented by Dr. Komarovsky in the following video.

When treating any form of otitis with an oil solution of camphor, it should be remembered that purulent otitis cannot be heated with compresses and tampons. If a child's ear congestion is accompanied by a runny nose, camphor oil can be used only after the nasal cavity has been cleared of mucus and vasoconstrictor drops have been instilled to completely restore nasal breathing.

At high temperatures, if this accompanies otitis, it is undesirable to use camphor, or only with the permission of a doctor.

Muscle pain

If a child has a cold in a muscle (doctors call this condition myositis), a compress with camphor will help. For such a drug, the medicine is prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator.

Onions (4 medium onions) need to be grated on a coarse grater and poured with medical alcohol or vodka (100 g). The mixture should be infused for about an hour and a half, after which camphor oil (3-4 pharmaceutical bottles) is added to the onion infusion. The mixture should be kept in a closed jar for about 10 days, always in a dark place. Then this ointment is rubbed into the sore muscle several times a day or a compress is made with it for 10-15 minutes twice a day.

Best before date

This oil is extracted from the wood of the camphor laurel tree. It is easily recognized by its specific pungent aroma. There are two types of oil: brown and white, it is the latter that is used in cosmetology. This oil has many beneficial properties: it is excellent at healing wounds and has a cleansing effect. It is most often used to prevent bedsores, in people who cannot stand up, and for muscle inflammation and arthritis. If you combine treatment with camphor oil and castor oil, you can achieve impressive results.

If you introduce camphor under the skin in a solution with vegetable oil, this mixture can tone the respiratory system and have a beneficial effect on blood vessels. Camphor also has a remarkable effect on the heart muscle; under its influence, it is activated in the heart.

And very often they treat with camphor alcohol. So, if you have a runny nose, you need to take equal parts of propolis tincture, vegetable oil and, of course, camphor. Stir well and drip this substance into your nose. Dosage – three drops. If you have an earache, you need to take a cotton swab, soak it in camphor, put it in your ear and bandage it with a warm scarf. But you can use these tampons only in the first hours after you feel pain. If after these manipulations your ear continues to hurt, go to the doctor. And one more important point: do not confuse camphor oil and alcohol, because the effect of them is completely different. Under no circumstances should an alcohol swab be inserted into the affected ear, otherwise the eardrum may be damaged.

Also, when choosing oil, pay attention that it is of natural and not synthetic origin.

If it is strong, use useful rubbing. To prepare them, heat the oil in a water bath and rub your legs, back and chest. On top you need to wear cotton clothes and lie down under a warm blanket. It is advisable to do this before bedtime. If you have a cold, you can make yourself a bath, adding 10 drops of oil to it, this will also help relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Beneficial features

The source of camphor oil is camphor trees, also called Japanese laurels, which grow in Southeast Asia and some areas of Africa. Healing oil is extracted by steam distillation, after which it is separated into brown and white. It is the latter type of oil that is widely used in alternative medicine.


This herbal product is effective in the treatment of various diseases of the respiratory tract, asthmatic disease, cough, muscle inflammation, and runny nose. It also helps improve the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

The medicinal properties of camphor have found application in cases of impaired sputum discharge, against the background of bronchitis, and neurogenic respiratory disorders. In addition, its delicate, sweet-spicy aroma, reminiscent of a rose, helps relieve nervous tension and get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome.


Thanks to its rich composition, camphor oil has a number of therapeutic effects: wound healing, cleansing, analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects.

What it is

Camphor oil is a unique herbal preparation that can be purchased inexpensively at any pharmacy. It consists of vegetable oil and camphor, the concentration of which in the finished product is 10%. The substance that gives the product its name is obtained from camphor laurel, which grows in abundance in Indonesia, as well as in China, Japan and our Far East.

In addition to the natural extraction of bay leaves, camphor is also extracted synthetically. But the maximum amount of useful substances is still contained in the natural preparation.

Camphor oil is widely used in cosmetology and alternative medicine due to its broad antiseptic properties; it disinfects and anesthetizes, relieves inflammation and promotes rapid healing of wounds.

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