Pinosol: instructions for the drug, analogues and reviews

Currently, almost every drug can be replaced with an analogue. It is worth saying that the substitute can be absolute and relative. The first type includes products that have exactly the same composition and effect on the patient’s body. A relative analogue is a medicine that has the same effect, but has a slightly different composition. In this article we will talk about the drug “Pinosol”. An analogue of the medication will be presented to your attention.

Is there an absolute substitute for the composition?

The medicine "Pinosol" has relative analogues. Such medications have a similar effect on the body to the original. However, the composition of these drugs is very different. There is no absolute analogue of this medicine yet. That is, a drug with the same composition simply does not exist today.

It is worth noting that the drug “Pinosol” is available in the form of a spray, drops and ointment. Its substitutes have a corresponding appearance. Let's look at what analogues the drug "Pinosol" has.

Contraindications and interactions with other drugs

It is unknown whether the product can react with other chemical components. Before administering it with therapeutic substances, you should consult your doctor.

The drug has a number of contraindications, including individual intolerance to its elements, allergic rhinitis and children under one year of age.

During pregnancy and lactation, Pinosol is used carefully and only as prescribed by the attending physician.

It can be used simultaneously with other medications.

The drug "Evkasept"

This medication is available in the form of drops. Its similarity with the original drug is that both of them are made on the basis of natural oils. This includes peppermint, fir and many other beneficial substances. The drug “Pinosol”, an analogue of “Evkasept”, has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect on the mucous membranes of the nasal passages. They fight infection by making breathing easier.

The analogue of Pinosol in Russia (Evkasept) is prescribed to patients much less frequently. All due to lack of popularity. However, its effectiveness is no lower than that of the original composition. A special feature of the medication is that it is not used for more than ten days, and is also not prescribed to people prone to allergic reactions.

Properties in the treatment of runny nose

Due to its natural ingredients, the drug is more popular than products based on chemically created components. It is safer and suitable for treating runny nose in children, practically without causing allergic reactions when used correctly.

It has:

  • Antiseptic;
  • Antiviral;
  • Regenerating;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Light vasoconstrictor and softening properties.

The natural components of Pinosol reduce the amount of mucus secreted from the nose, relieve swelling and free breathing.

Its use significantly reduces the period of nasal congestion and restores the protective functions of the sinus mucosa.

Medicine "Pinovit"

What other analogs are there for the drug “Pinosol” (drops)? The next substitute for the original medicine can be called the composition “Pinovit”. This medicine is also made on the basis of natural oils of pine, eucalyptus and other plants. This medication has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and decongestant effect on the mucous membranes of the nose. Unlike the composition of "Evkasept", "Pinovit" is able to fight certain types of bacteria. Due to this, it is prescribed to many patients who do not want to take antibiotics.

The medication is used for no more than one week. A special feature of using the drug is that it must first be heated in the palm of your hand. This manipulation makes the composition more liquid and easier to use.

Pinosol price

The price of Pinosol in drops is from 144 rubles, the price of ointment is from 300 rubles, the price of cream is from 139 rubles. The price of Pinosol spray is from 305 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Pinosol nasal spray 10ml PJSC Farmak/Saneka Pharmaceuticals a.s.
    RUB 309 order
  • Pinosol ointment nasal. 10gZentiva a.s./Saneka Pharmaceuticals a.s.

    RUB 339 order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Pinosol ointment (tube 10g) Zentiva

    RUB 333 order

  • Pinosol (drops 10ml)Zentiva

    RUB 163 order

  • Pinosol (spray 10ml)Zentiva

    RUB 304 order

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  • Pinosol 10 ml spray PAT "Farmak", Ukraine / AT "Saneka Pharmaceuticals", Slovak Republic
    68 UAH. order
  • Pinosol 10 ml drops AT Saneka Pharmaceuticals, Slovak Republic/Zentiva LLC Czech Republic

    42 UAH order

  • Pinosol 10 g No. 1 AT ointment Saneka Pharmaceuticals, Slovak Republic/Zentiva LLC Czech Republic

    62 UAH.order


  • Pinosol liquid Pinosol spray 10ml, Saneca Pharmaceuticals

    82 UAH order

  • Pinosol liquid Pinosol drops 10ml, Saneca Pharmaceuticals

    44 UAH order

  • Pinosol ointment Pinosol ointment 10g, Saneca Pharmaceuticals

    76 UAH order

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Composition of "Vicks Active"

What other analogue of the drug “Pinosol” is there? To some extent, this medicine can be replaced with Vicks formulations. They are made from similar components. Also, these medications come in the form of an ointment and nasal spray, just like the original medicine. The topical product is applied to the neck, chest and back. Thus, it significantly facilitates breathing, treats coughs and warms up. A peculiarity of its use is that the composition cannot be used at temperature. Vicks nasal spray contains much fewer natural ingredients than Pinosol. However, it helps to ease breathing and reduce the amount of mucus secreted.

This analogue of "Pinosol" for children is used only after two years. If you use the drug earlier, allergic reactions may develop. Vicks nasal spray can only be used after six years. Before using these compounds, you should consult a specialist.

pharmachologic effect

The product belongs to a group of substances that are used locally to eliminate swelling in pathologies of the nasal cavity. The pharmacology of some components of the product has not been fully studied. It is known that the drug optimizes the processes of epithelization of tissue structures, granulation, and has a disinfecting quality.

Mint, eucalyptus, thymol negatively affect the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Oil from Scots pine needles, included in Pinosol, is a liquid material of yellowish and greenish shades. The product dissolves quickly in ethanol, but is not at all soluble in water. Alcohol compounds of the sesquiterpene type, pinene, and sylvestrene were found in the structure of the oil.

Esters of complex and simple samples, cadinene, borneol, substances of terpene hydrocarbons, phellandrene and other components are isolated. The ingredients of the product depend on the type of tree and the area where the needles grow. Some mixtures have more α- or β-pinene. Micronutrient E accelerates the epithelization of tissue structures.

Scientists note the restorative, anti-inflammatory, and disinfecting properties of the material. The oil stimulates the functioning of the body as a whole and is characterized by diuretic and diaphoretic properties. Eucalyptus oil, found in the leaves of the tree, has many beneficial components for humans. The substance is based on cenol.

It is this that determines the pharmacological qualities of Pinosol. Additional compounds are represented by phytoncides. These materials have wide biological capabilities. Various pathogens that disrupt the vital activity of beneficial microorganisms are especially sensitive to eucalyptus. The oil is dangerous for streptococci and staphylococci.

The mint remedy consists of pulegone, dipentere, menthone. An integral part is menthol, acetic and valeric acid compounds. The medicine resists inflammatory processes, relieves pain, spasms, leads to local constriction of blood vessels, and reduces itching. Some components of mint can improve appetite and suppress gag reflexes.

Experts note a carminative effect. Mint has a special effect on the respiratory system. During the development of pathology, the drug has an expectorant, mucolytic and slight antihypoxic effect on the organs of the respiratory system. The oil has refreshing and deodorizing qualities. In combination with other drugs, mint makes breathing easier.

Pinosol contains the compound thymol. The substance is crystals without a specific color. It is characterized by a special pungent taste and smell. The product is easy to dissolve in organic thinners and almost impossible to dissolve in water. Thymol is similar in properties to phenolic substances.

The product is obtained from essential oily substances. It is isolated from the leaves of some plants - thyme or common thyme. The material affects the body in the same way as the carbolic acid compound, with some differences. Thymol is less irritating to structures and less toxic. But it resists decay processes well and inhibits the development of anthrax bacilli and pathogens.

Their growth is stopped, which speeds up the healing process. Thymol is often used to eliminate ulcers formed on internal organs. Pinosol contains the synthetic agent guaiazulene. It was created as a substitute for the main active ingredient of pharmaceutical chamomile. The material has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, oxidative properties.

The product can act as a pain reliever and accelerate tissue restoration processes. The chemical is a derivative of azulene. It appears to be a powdery material with a bright blue hue. The product has a number of properties that have a positive effect on the body. It is characterized by antacid, cytoprotective quality.

Research shows its cytoprotective capabilities. Due to the presence of substances that slow down histamine, it stops its release from mastocytes. Reduces the secretion of hydrochloric acid. Together with other materials, it enhances the anti-inflammatory effect, prevents allergic reactions, and accelerates restoration processes in tissue structures.

The product contains a synthetic substitute for micronutrient E. The compound tocopherol acetate is manufactured in the form of an oily, viscous liquid mixture with a light yellowish tint. It has a specific mild odor. In its effect on the body and chemical characteristics, the product is similar to a number of tocopherol substances.

It has antioxidant properties. Belongs to active materials. Protects various products from oxidation. This is especially true for semi-saturated fatty acid compounds, retinol. Takes part in the biological synthesis of important hemoglobin molecules that deliver oxygen.

Micronutrient E affects the growth of cellular organizations. During therapy, it facilitates breathing by participating in metabolic processes occurring in cells. Pinosol contains sunflower seed oil. The product enhances the effect of other components of the drops, accelerating the healing process. A number of vitamins are found in its structure - A, D, B.

The product contains the most micronutrient E. There are also carbohydrates of plant origin, lecithin, protein compounds, tanning and mineral materials. Phytin optimizes blood formation processes. Sunflower oil has a beneficial effect on the immune response. Saturated and unsaturated fatty acid compounds are very beneficial for the body.

Vegetable oil consists of 99% of them. The largest part is occupied by linoleic acid. In second place is the oleic acid compound. Contains stearic, arachidic, myristic, and linolenic acids in small quantities. Vegetable fatty substances found in the oil of the medicinal product are better absorbed by the body's systems than fats of animal origin.

The drug "Rinofluimucil"

A special feature of the drug “Pinosol” is that it is capable of thinning mucous discharge from the nose. Thus, the mucoltic effect is due to the components of the drug. The drug “Rinofluimucil” has the same effect on the patient. It is rarely used as a substitute for the original drug. However, it does the job very well. The medication acts on the nasal mucosa and relieves swelling. It also thins out thick secretions, including purulent ones. That is why the drug is prescribed for sinusitis, sinusitis and other pathologies.

A peculiarity of the use of the medicine is that it is not prescribed to children under one year of age. Until the age of three, it should be used with extreme caution. The drug should not be administered into the nasal passages for more than seven days in a row.

"Viferon" for the nose

What analogues does Pinosol (ointment) have? A drug substitute can be Viferon. This is a nasal ointment that helps increase the body's immune defense. It is worth noting that this product has absolutely no similarity in composition with its analogue. However, it also promotes healing by affecting the mucous membranes of the nose. The drug provokes the production of interferons in the body, which support the immune system. As a result, the body can cope with the infection on its own.

The drug "Viferon" in the form of an ointment can also be used for preventive purposes. It creates a film impenetrable to viruses and microbes. Due to this, a person is not exposed to pathogenic microorganisms.

Antimicrobial and antibacterial compounds

The drug “Pinosol” has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. An analogue of a medication with the same effect can be selected from the drugs “Sialor”, “Protorgol”, “Isofra”, “Polydex” and so on. All of them are good antiseptics. The listed medications have a bacteriostatic and, in large doses, a bactericidal effect. It is worth noting that the first two medications are usually available in the form of drops. Whereas the latest drugs are in the form of a spray. Spraying medications into the nasal passages is contraindicated for children under two years of age.

Antibacterial and antimicrobial substitutes for Pinosol should be used only after consultation with a doctor. Otherwise, there is a high probability of ineffective and incorrect treatment.

Directions for use, dosage

Drops are used for their intended purpose - instilled into the nasal passages in case of a runny nose. The duration of therapy is selected individually. If after a week of treatment there are no positive results, therapy with nasal drops is stopped.

  1. Treatment for adults is carried out according to the following scheme: drops are administered into the nose every 2 hours during the first day. Starting from the second day, the interval between instillations is 6-8 hours. In childhood, the dosage is reduced: 1 drop in each nostril 3 times a day.
  2. Instillations for children are replaced by placing cotton turundas in the nose. The method is perceived less painfully by children, and the effectiveness of therapy is higher. Cotton flagella are blotted with the medicine and placed in the nostrils for several minutes. The procedure is repeated three times a day.
  3. The drug is used for steam inhalation . For 1 procedure, 50 drops of the drug are enough. Breathe over the vapor for 5-10 minutes, then cover with a blanket or towel. The effectiveness of inhalation will be higher if you warm it up before going to bed and use saline solution instead of ordinary water. Salted water better moisturizes the mucous membranes and facilitates nasal breathing.

This is interesting: Validol (tablets, capsules and drops) - what to take and how to take it?

It is not advisable to add Pinosol to a nebulizer . Firstly, it is difficult to correctly calculate the dosage. And secondly, not all devices are suitable for treatment with oil solutions. You should check with the device manufacturer about the possibility of administering medication into an inhaler.

Vasoconstrictor compounds

If you cannot use Pinosol (spray), you can choose analogues from among vasoconstrictor medications. Such medications include “Vibrocil”, “Nazivin”, “Tizin” and many others. They do not contain natural oils, to which many patients develop an allergic reaction. However, the drug helps to constrict blood vessels and facilitate breathing due to other active ingredients.

The peculiarity of the use of such substitutes is that they should not be used for more than one week. Such long-term therapy can cause complications. You can replace the original with such products only after consulting a doctor.

Immunity boosters

The medicine "Pinosol" is a very unique drug. The essential natural oils included in its composition help strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance. The drugs “Irs 19”, “Grippferon”, “Derinat” and others have the same effect. It is worth noting that in other characteristics these medications cannot replace the original medicine. However, their undoubted advantage is that they also have antiviral activity.

These medications can be used for quite a long time. They are also used for preventive purposes. Complex use of drugs is possible. However, the scheme must be selected in each case differently. Independent combination of drugs is unacceptable.

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