Pectusin during pregnancy - instructions for use, reviews

Often in the autumn-spring season there is an increase in the number of colds, which are accompanied by a severe cough. To treat this pathological condition of the body, patients resort to various treatment methods, including folk remedies.

One of the effective antimicrobial drugs is Pectusin, the use of which can speed up the healing process. It often occurs in expectant mothers, so they are interested in the question of whether Pectusin can be taken during pregnancy.

The main form of release of such a drug is ten pieces in each package. When Pectusin gets into the oral cavity, a feeling of cold develops and this is explained by the peculiarities of the action of the constituent ingredients.

The composition of the medicinal product includes:

  • menthol
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • crystal sugar
  • sodium salt
  • purified talc
  • calcium stearate

The main component of Pectusin is eucalyptus oil, so the expectant mother should make sure that she is not allergic to this substance. The drug has a therapeutic effect as a result of an irritating effect on peripheral nerve endings.

In addition, Pectusin helps reduce the inflammatory reaction in the upper respiratory tract, which greatly facilitates the process of coughing.

The drug has weak antiseptic properties and therefore has a weak antibacterial effect. Indications for the use of this drug are various inflammatory diseases.

In addition, Pectusin is used as an adjuvant in the complex treatment of the following pathologies of the upper respiratory tract:

  • is a pathology that develops as a result of overexertion, severe hypothermia and breathing through the mouth
  • is a disease that is accompanied by inflammation as a result of exposure to various irritants
  • is an inflammatory process that affects the trachea and larynx
  • is a disease in which inflammation affects the palate
  • is the development of an inflammatory process on the mucous membrane of the tracheobronchial tree under the influence of bacteria and viruses.

The Pectusin tablet should be placed under the tongue and held until it dissolves. It is not recommended to swallow it, as this will reduce the therapeutic effect. Tablets should be taken for severe attacks, as well as for sore throat and pain. The duration of the treatment course is determined by the type of disease and the effectiveness of the drug.

Prescription of the drug during pregnancy

Pectusin during pregnancy - application features

If you carefully read the instructions attached to the drug, you will learn that Pectusin is prescribed only when its effectiveness outweighs the possible danger to the unborn child. This means that taking this drug during pregnancy should be approached with caution and be sure to study its interaction with medications taken.

During pregnancy, specialists often prescribe treatment of the upper respiratory tract with drugs that have a strong effect. In this case, Pectusin may be ineffective, since its effect on the body against the background of these medications is not so significant.

In any case, taking Pectusin during pregnancy should be carried out only after consultation with a specialist, which will avoid the development of various complications and side effects.

Taking the drug during pregnancy is as follows: place the tablet under the tongue and wait until it is completely dissolved. If Pectusin is used to eliminate, then no more than 4 tablets should be taken per day. After they dissolve, it is recommended to refrain from eating and drinking for several hours, which will allow you to achieve a stronger effect.

More information about the treatment of cough during pregnancy can be found in the video.

If ointment is used for treatment, it is applied inside the nostril three times a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor and carried out under his supervision. The drug Pectussin is approved for use by women during pregnancy, however, it is best to consult a specialist on this issue. Only a doctor can objectively assess the patient’s condition and, if necessary, prescribe more effective medications.

Pregnancy is a condition of the female body that requires careful attention to the choice of medications, their composition and possible.

Pectusin in this case is no exception, and before starting to take it, a woman needs to make sure that she does not have an allergic reaction to the ingredients included in its composition. An allergic reaction may occur in an expectant mother after taking the medicine, which can negatively affect the subsequent development of the fetus.

Taking Pectusin during time can lead to the development of the following side effects:

  • hives
  • itchy skin

If a woman experiences side effects after taking the drug, she should stop further treatment with it and contact her doctor.

The following diseases may be contraindications to taking the drug:

  • development of an allergic reaction to substances that are part of Pectusin
  • diabetes
  • spasmophilia
  • bronchial asthma

This means that Pectusin should be taken during pregnancy only if the use of this drug is the only solution to prevent the development of severe consequences of the disease. However, before starting to take this drug, it is necessary to analyze the possibility of using other medications that are less dangerous for the development of the unborn child.


Pregnancy » Medicinal reference book » Pectusin

Pregnancy requires a woman to be more attentive and careful about her health, because the full development of her unborn child directly depends on the condition of a pregnant woman. Unfortunately, it is impossible to exclude one hundred percent the possibility of contracting colds or respiratory diseases, flu, accompanied by a cough. Most pregnant women have a question: “Can pectusin be used as an antimicrobial agent during pregnancy?” In order to answer this and other questions related to taking pectusin during pregnancy, it is necessary to understand what this drug is.

Pectusin belongs to the group of antimicrobial drugs and has an anti-inflammatory function. As a rule, this drug is prescribed for the following diseases:

- cold;

- flu;

- acute respiratory diseases.

The main active ingredients of pectusin are menthol and eucalyptus leaf oil. The drug is available in the form of tablets or ointments.

Pregnancy requires a more careful attitude to medications, their composition and possible side effects, and pectusin is no exception. Due to the fact that the drug contains eucalyptus leaf oil and menthol, before taking pectusin, a woman should be absolutely sure that she does not have an allergic reaction to these and other substances that are part of the drug. An allergic reaction that may occur in a pregnant woman after taking pectusin can cause irreparable harm to the full development of the unborn child.

Otherwise, pectusin tablets during pregnancy can cause side effects such as hives or itching of the skin.

If you notice the slightest manifestation of these side effects in yourself after taking pectusin, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult your doctor.

Contraindications to taking the drug may be the presence of the following diseases:

— the presence of an allergic reaction to substances included in pectusin;

- bronchial asthma;

- diabetes;

- spasmophilia;

- Children under 7 years of age are not allowed to take the drug.

This means only one thing: pectusin can be taken during pregnancy only when the use of the drug is the only way to avoid more severe consequences of the disease. But before making a final decision about taking pectusin, you should analyze the possibility of using any effective medications that are less dangerous to the health of the unborn child and more effective in combating the disease.

If a specialist nevertheless prescribed you to take pectusin during pregnancy, you must strictly follow the rules and doses of its administration: you can take no more than 4 tablets sublingually per day (put the tablet under the tongue and gradually dissolve). If pectusin ointment is used for treatment during pregnancy, it must be applied with a cotton swab into the nasal passages. The procedure must be repeated at least three times within 24 hours.

The duration of the course of treatment is prescribed by the attending physician and depends on the complexity of the disease process, on the use of other medications, as well as on the reaction of the pregnant woman’s body to taking the drug.

After the pectusin tablet has completely dissolved in the mouth, do not eat or drink for 30 to 60 minutes. This can increase the effect of the drug.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that during pregnancy you should be as careful as possible when taking any medication, including pectusin. If there is the slightest possibility of effectively taking alternative medications to pectusin, it is necessary to use them. In any case, you should not self-medicate, but strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor. Obstetrician-gynecologist Lutsenko Svetlana


Today, Pectusin has many that can be used to treat various diseases:

  • Ambroxol - allows you to get rid of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases in the respiratory system
  • Bronchipret - allows you to get rid of acute and chronic bronchitis, as well as
  • Bronchoflox - used as part of the complex treatment of acute and chronic respiratory tract pathologies

In addition, treatment of respiratory and cough pathologies can be carried out using:

  • Ingalina
  • Carmolis
  • Lorkofa
  • Makrotussina
  • Cough mixtures
  • Pertussina

It is important to understand that any medications during pregnancy should be taken only as prescribed by a specialist and in a strictly prescribed dosage.

During the autumn-spring season, many people's immune systems weaken, which contributes to the development of colds. Infectious lesions of the body are accompanied by a runny nose, cough, and increased body temperature. To cure such pathological inflammations, people use various methods of therapy, and also use alternative medicine recipes.

But for treating a pregnant woman, this way out of the situation is not always suitable, since her situation requires close attention. If the expectant mother gets sick, doctors recommend not making independent decisions, but seeking medical help. In consultation with a therapist, the doctor may prescribe Pectusin. Treatment with this medication can speed up the healing process, but can Pectusin be used during pregnancy?

How does Pectusin therapy work during fetal development?

Cough and runny nose

when expecting a child, it should be treated immediately, as this always has a rather negative effect not only on the health of the patient, but also on the embryo. In the early stages of pregnancy, a severe cough can cause destruction of the integrity of the placenta, which in turn provokes a miscarriage.

In later stages, respiratory failure, viral infections or cough also negatively affect pregnancy and often cause early labor.

To avoid the negative impact of cold inflammation on the health of a woman and child, it is important to contact your doctor at the first symptoms of the disease.

After diagnosing inflammation, the specialist will prescribe a comprehensive treatment, in which Pectusin acts as an auxiliary form of therapy.

The properties of “Pectusin” contribute to a speedy recovery

for various inflammations in the upper respiratory tract. The drug has a local irritant and anti-inflammatory effect, and the active components of the drug remove microbes and other harmful elements from the body within a short time.

Pectusin tablets can be used in case of pregnancy only after personal consultation with a doctor.

During the examination, the specialist will determine the degree of risk. If there is no pathological effect of the medication on the development of the child, the doctor may prescribe the drug to treat the pregnant woman.

For this reason, it is not advisable to use the medication yourself.

A woman will not be able to determine the possible danger of using Pectusin, so she should not risk her own health. In all cases, the treatment of inflammation during pregnancy must be approached with extreme caution, since the development of side effects is possible when taking the medication.

Interaction with other drugs

It is important to study the effect of the drug when taken with other drugs.

"Pectusin" is prescribed only as an excipient

and cannot independently eliminate all the symptoms of inflammation and defeat the disease.

When taking Pectusin simultaneously with powerful anti-inflammatory medications, the effect of the tablets will not be as strong.

Therefore, simultaneous use of several drugs is not always effective.

If you are pregnant and notice signs of inflammation, consult a doctor.

You should not consult with pharmacists at the pharmacy, since only a therapist can determine the duration of the drug and determine the consequences.

Possible allergic reactions

After establishing interactions with other medications, it is necessary to clarify the presence of allergic reactions to the components of the drug. The composition of the medicine includes:

  • menthol;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • crystalline composition of sucrose;
  • sodium chloride;
  • crystalline substance of talc;
  • calcium stearate.

In case of allergic reactions to substances included in the structure of the drug, it is necessary to clarify the side effects


If itching, burning, nausea, increased body temperature or blood pressure occur, taking tablets is strictly prohibited. At this time, it is necessary to replace the drug with a more gentle one or reconsider the course of treatment.

Typically, menthol and eucalyptus oil do not cause unwanted processes in the body of a pregnant woman and are easily absorbed. Therefore, there are no serious contraindications for taking the medication.

The most active component of the medicine is menthol

. It has a local irritant effect on inflammation and provokes the work of sensitive receptors located on the nasal mucosa. Thus, menthol causes reflex reactions in which secretion secretion increases. It protects the nasal cavity from the action of germs and bacteria. Therefore, after taking the medication, the patient feels easier breathing and normalization of breathing.

In addition, the active component of the drug anesthetizes the affected area.

and has an antiseptic effect. Therefore, patients feel a decrease in pain in the nose and throat.

Menthol in rare cases causes allergic reactions, which the pregnant woman usually knows about in advance.

Eucalyptus oil

has been used in ENT practice for a very long time, since its effectiveness has been proven by time.

The active action of the drug is aimed at stimulating the work of the mucous membrane, which activates the receptors.

In addition, eucalyptus oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Eucalyptus oil may be prohibited during pregnancy only in case of special sensitivity to the component


The effectiveness of the active components of the drug has been proven by clinical studies, so there is no need to be afraid of the negative effects of the drug on the fetus.

Features of using Pectusin for cough

Cough can be of various types and have a different nature of origin; most often, such an ailment occurs due to a weakening of the body due to environmental influences.
Cough is a fairly common symptom, and there can be many reasons for its occurrence.

One of the most proven, inexpensive and popular drugs for treatment is Pectusin - tablets or cough syrup, which are based on herbal components that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

This article will describe the methods of using Pectusin, indications for use, recommended dosages and combination with other medications.

Composition and dosage form

Most often, cough occurs due to swelling and irritation of the mucous tissues of the nasopharynx, bronchi and trachea.

The cough reflex helps clear the upper respiratory tract of mucous substance that contains viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

But in the initial period of the disease, such mucus is difficult to remove, so the processes of sputum discharge must be stimulated with special drugs.

Pectusin is a drug quite widely used in otorhinolaryngology and dentistry, part of the group of secretolytics. It is used to improve the motor function of the upper respiratory tract. Menthol and eucalyptus oil are active substances that allow you to achieve the necessary therapeutic effect.

Pectusin is most often available in tablets

This medication is available in tablet form, but relatively recently they began to produce a syrup with a specific smell and sweet taste and, like tablets, an expectorant effect.

Indications for use

The question often arises: What kind of cough can Pectusin be taken for? Since the medicine is based on the action of extracts such as mint and eucalyptus, Pectusin acts as follows:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • relieves cough symptoms;
  • relieves sore throat, having an anesthetic effect;
  • improves coughing and promotes the removal of sputum.

The drug will not only relieve cough. but also helps to cope with a sore throat

It is necessary to take Pectusin when the sputum is already well formed, because in the “dry” stage of the disease there is not enough mucus to remove, which means that the effect of taking the medicine will be almost zero.

Doctors recommend Pectusin for difficulty coughing and thick sputum. If we talk about specific types of diseases, Pectusin is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • tracheitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • other colds and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by a “wet” cough.

Pectusin is usually recommended for wet coughs

Also, this drug has shown good effectiveness in the treatment of acute rhinitis.

Contraindications and side effects

Pectusin is not recommended to be taken if you have allergic reactions to menthol, eucalyptus oil and other components that make up this medicine.

In addition, the medicine should not be taken:

  • children under 7 years old;
  • people suffering from smasmophilia, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, stenosing laryngitis.

The drug very rarely causes an allergic reaction. People who are sensitive to one of the components of the medicine may experience slight itching in the face, hives, and swelling.

It is not recommended to give Pectusin to preschool children.

Also, to date, no cases of overdose have been recorded, but do not neglect the doctor’s recommendations.

Recommended dosage

Take 1 tablet daily 3-4 times a day. The duration of taking Pectusin is determined depending on the nature, severity and stage of the disease, as well as on the effectiveness of the medicine and the course of therapeutic treatment.

If Pectusin is taken in tablets, the medicine is placed under the tongue and kept there until completely dissolved. The tablet should not be swallowed - this can significantly reduce the effect of its action, up to zero therapeutic effect.

The drug must be used according to the instructions and in the prescribed dosage

When should you not use Pectusin for cough for children?

Restrictions on prescribing Pectusin to children are associated, first of all, with the presence of eucalyptus extract in the composition of the drug.

The fact is that children (especially under the age of 3) are very sensitive to eucalyptus oil and its irritating effects.

Therefore, the younger the child, the higher the risk that he or she may develop laryngospasm or bronchospasm in response to the use of this medicine.

Taking Pectusin, regardless of whether it is in tablets or syrup form, is recommended only if you have severe sore throat and a “wet” cough, accompanied by difficult mucus secretion. For young children, it is best to choose a drug that is more age-appropriate from analogues that have practically no restrictions on intake.

Pregnant women can also use this medication to relieve cough

Separately, it should be noted that Pectusin is allowed to be taken by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, there are no special restrictions on admission in such cases. There are also no prohibitions on taking Pectusin for people whose activities are associated with rapid psychomotor reactions.

Interaction with other medications

Most often, Pectusin is prescribed in combination with other medications suitable for the treatment of a specific disease.

As for its interaction and compatibility with other means of drug treatment, this issue has not yet been thoroughly studied. Therefore, if you plan to take Pectusin in combination with several medications (especially with drugs that have an antitussive effect), then you should first consult with your doctor.

The cost of Pectusin is low, which means you will not only get good medicine, but you will also be able to save money

If we talk about the cost of Pectusin, then this is one of the most affordable drugs that effectively eliminates wet cough and has virtually no disadvantages. It acts quickly, has a pleasant taste and helps well with a number of diseases. If you start on time and take Pectusin correctly, then very soon you will be able to forget about coughing and sore throat.

You will learn about the features of treating a cold cough from this video:


Treatment and effect of the drug

The instructions for using Pectusin during pregnancy indicate that the use of the drug during pregnancy is not prohibited.

If you take the medication yourself, the drug may cause unwanted side effects that the expectant mother may not be aware of. Don't risk your health.

After assessing the nature of the inflammation and its severity, the doctor may prescribe a drug to reduce the signs of the disease.

. It is important to understand that if a common cold has caused complications, for example, in the form of blockage of the Eustachian tube, inflammation can cause the appearance of or. With this course of the disease, more serious treatment is necessary. Reception is not excluded

Only a qualified doctor can determine the degree of inflammation.

"Pectusin" can be prescribed as an adjuvant for the following inflammations:

  1. In case of education.
  2. With severe hypothermia of the body.
  3. When the vocal cords are overstrained.
  4. For pharynx disease.
  5. In case of pharyngitis formation.
  6. Active influence of various irritants on the nasopharynx area.
  7. Inflammation of the trachea.
  8. Disease of the larynx.
  9. Tonsillitis.
  10. Tonsillitis.
  11. When bronchitis occurs.

In each case, the disease should be treated under the strict supervision of a doctor. Do not use traditional medicine methods, and do not take medications without a doctor’s prescription.


The drug "Pectusin" causes undesirable effects extremely rarely.

But you should not use the tablets for bronchial asthma, excess vitamin D, or in the case of stenosing laryngitis.

If taken in the above cases, a severe cough may develop, which can cause miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy or early labor in later stages.

Pectusin should not be used in case of diabetes mellitus, since the drug contains sucrose.


After prescribing the drug by your physician and identifying all side effects and contraindications, you must study the instructions for use.

In case of pregnancy, treatment is as follows:

  1. The dosage of the drug is individual in each case.
  2. Usually you are allowed to take one tablet in the morning and in the evening.
  3. The medicine should be placed under the tongue and wait for complete resorption.
  4. Do not chew or swallow the tablet.

After taking the drug, eating is prohibited for two hours.

It is not advisable to use Pectusin during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. But when prescribing the drug by your doctor, it is necessary to anticipate the absence of risk to the fetus.

Treatment with the drug in the 2nd and 3rd trimester is not dangerous, since at this time the placenta is already fully formed and the child is under good protection.

Pectusin during pregnancy: treatment features, contraindications and side effects

Cough and runny nose when expecting a baby should be treated immediately, as this always has a rather negative effect not only on the health of the patient, but also on the embryo. In the early stages of pregnancy, a severe cough can cause destruction of the integrity of the placenta, which in turn provokes a miscarriage.

In later stages, respiratory failure, viral infections or cough also negatively affect pregnancy and often cause early labor.

To avoid the negative impact of cold inflammation on the health of a woman and child, it is important to contact your doctor at the first symptoms of the disease.

After diagnosing inflammation, the specialist will prescribe a comprehensive treatment, in which Pectusin acts as an auxiliary form of therapy.

The properties of “Pectusin” contribute to a speedy recovery from various inflammations in the upper respiratory tract. The drug has a local irritant and anti-inflammatory effect, and the active components of the drug remove microbes and other harmful elements from the body within a short time.

Pectusin tablets can be used in case of pregnancy only after personal consultation with a doctor. During the examination, the specialist will determine the degree of risk. If there is no pathological effect of the medication on the development of the child, the doctor may prescribe the drug to treat the pregnant woman.

For this reason, it is not advisable to use the medication yourself. A woman will not be able to determine the possible danger of using Pectusin, so she should not risk her own health. In all cases, the treatment of inflammation during pregnancy must be approached with extreme caution, since the development of side effects is possible when taking the medication.

Interaction with other drugs

It is important to study the effect of the drug when taken with other drugs.

"Pectusin" is prescribed only as an auxiliary substance and cannot independently eliminate all the symptoms of inflammation and defeat the disease.

When taking Pectusin simultaneously with powerful anti-inflammatory medications, the effect of the tablets will not be as strong.

Therefore, simultaneous use of several drugs is not always effective.

If you are pregnant and notice signs of inflammation, consult a doctor. You should not consult with pharmacists at the pharmacy, since only a therapist can determine the duration of the drug and determine the consequences.

Possible allergic reactions

After establishing interactions with other medications, it is necessary to clarify the presence of allergic reactions to the components of the drug. The composition of the medicine includes:

  • menthol;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • crystalline composition of sucrose;
  • sodium chloride;
  • crystalline substance of talc;
  • calcium stearate.

In case of allergic reactions to substances included in the structure of the drug, it is necessary to clarify the side effects.

If itching, burning, nausea, increased body temperature or blood pressure occur, taking tablets is strictly prohibited. At this time, it is necessary to replace the drug with a more gentle one or reconsider the course of treatment.

Typically, menthol and eucalyptus oil do not cause unwanted processes in the body of a pregnant woman and are easily absorbed. Therefore, there are no serious contraindications for taking the medication.

The most active component of the medicine is menthol. It has a local irritant effect on inflammation and provokes the work of sensitive receptors located on the nasal mucosa.

Thus, menthol causes reflex reactions in which secretion secretion increases. It protects the nasal cavity from the action of germs and bacteria.

Therefore, after taking the medication, the patient feels easier breathing and normalization of breathing.

In addition, the active component of the drug anesthetizes the affected area and has an antiseptic effect. Therefore, patients feel a decrease in pain in the nose and throat.

Menthol in rare cases causes allergic reactions, which the pregnant woman usually knows about in advance.

Eucalyptus oil has been used in ENT practice for a very long time, as its effectiveness has been proven over time.

The active action of the drug is aimed at stimulating the work of the mucous membrane, which activates the receptors.

In addition, eucalyptus oil has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Eucalyptus oil may be prohibited during pregnancy only in case of special sensitivity to the component.

The effectiveness of the active components of the drug has been proven by clinical studies, so there is no need to be afraid of the negative effects of the drug on the fetus.

Treatment and effect of the drug

The instructions for using Pectusin during pregnancy indicate that the use of the drug during pregnancy is not prohibited.

But it is recommended to use the product only after a doctor’s prescription.

If you take the medication yourself, the drug may cause unwanted side effects that the expectant mother may not be aware of. Don't risk your health.

After assessing the nature of the inflammation and its severity, the doctor may prescribe a drug to reduce the signs of the disease.

It is important to understand that if a common cold causes complications, for example, in the form of blockage of the Eustachian tube, inflammation can trigger the appearance of acute otitis media or sinusitis.

With this course of the disease, more serious treatment is necessary. Taking antibacterial drugs is not excluded.

Only a qualified doctor can determine the degree of inflammation.

"Pectusin" can be prescribed as an adjuvant for the following inflammations:

  1. In case of laryngitis formation.
  2. With severe hypothermia of the body.
  3. In case of overstrain of the ligaments.
  4. Angina.
  5. For pharynx disease.
  6. In case of pharyngitis formation.
  7. Active influence of various irritants on the nasopharynx area.
  8. Inflammation of the trachea.
  9. Disease of the larynx.
  10. Tonsillitis.
  11. Tonsillitis.
  12. When bronchitis occurs.

In each case, the disease should be treated under the strict supervision of a doctor. Do not use traditional medicine methods, and do not take medications without a doctor’s prescription.


The drug "Pectusin" causes undesirable effects extremely rarely.

But you should not use the tablets for bronchial asthma, excess vitamin D, or in the case of stenosing laryngitis.

If taken in the above cases, a severe cough may develop, which can cause miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy or early labor in later stages.

Pectusin should not be used in case of diabetes mellitus, since the drug contains sucrose.


After prescribing the drug by your physician and identifying all side effects and contraindications, you must study the instructions for use.

In case of pregnancy, treatment is as follows:

  1. The dosage of the drug is individual in each case.
  2. Usually you are allowed to take one tablet in the morning and in the evening.
  3. The medicine should be placed under the tongue and wait for complete resorption.
  4. Do not chew or swallow the tablet.

After taking the drug, eating is prohibited for two hours.

It is not advisable to use Pectusin during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. But when prescribing the drug by your doctor, it is necessary to anticipate the absence of risk to the fetus.

Treatment with the drug in the 2nd and 3rd trimester is not dangerous, since at this time the placenta is already fully formed and the child is under good protection.

Pectusin during pregnancy: information about the drug

Pectusin is a remedy used to treat coughs, flu, and colds. The drug is produced in the form of tablets with a sweet-mint taste and herbal odor. It contains phytocomponents, so the drug is approved for children, pregnant and lactating women. The main active elements are menthol and eucalyptus ether. Additionally, the preparation contains sugar, talc, and magnesium stearate.

Pectusin has antimicrobial, analgesic, softening, anti-inflammatory properties, which are provided by its components:

  • Menthol has a cooling effect, which helps relieve a sore throat. And its ability to soften the mucous membrane allows you to stop coughing.
  • Eucalyptus oil stimulates mucous receptors, which accelerates the relief of the inflammatory process in the ENT organs. This substance also perfectly destroys pathogenic flora. In addition to all this, eucalyptus has good expectorant properties, which makes dry cough more productive.

On a note! Pectusin tablets are indicated for resorption. The composition of the tablets irritates peripheral nerve endings, which leads to more active secretion of bronchial secretions. Gradually, the sputum disappears, the bacteria die, and the inflammation subsides.

Is it possible to use Pectusin during pregnancy?

Due to its natural ingredients and exclusively local effect on the disease, Pectusin is often prescribed to pregnant women. But the drug causes certain side effects, so the use of Pectusin during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is contraindicated.

The manufacturer recommends taking Pectusin only in cases where the benefits of treatment are significantly higher than possible side effects. Therefore, the decision about whether you can take this drug should be made by a doctor, because there is always a risk of hidden contraindications, including individual intolerance to menthol or eucalyptus.

Important! Pectusin during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester should be taken in a minimal dosage, since menthol can provoke premature birth and reduce the process of milk production.

Instructions for use of Pectusin during gestation

Despite its plant origin, Pectusin should be taken for cough during pregnancy in accordance with the doctor’s instructions and official instructions.

Pectusin during pregnancy - indications and contraindications

Pectusin tablets during pregnancy are prescribed as part of the basic treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. This can be tracheitis, sore throat, bronchitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis and other colds.

The official instructions provide a number of contraindications for use:

  • diabetes mellitus (the tablet contains a lot of sugar, which significantly affects the glucose level of a diabetic woman);
  • bronchial asthma (menthol can provoke a severe cough, asthmatic bronchospasm and even suffocation);
  • spasmophilia;
  • age up to 7 years;
  • stenosing laryngitis (causes a sharp narrowing of the larynx, making breathing difficult);
  • hypersensitivity (intolerance to menthol and eucalyptus).

Dosage and duration of taking Pectusin during pregnancy

Pregnant women are prescribed Pectusin during pregnancy from the 2nd trimester. Usually the doctor prescribes 1 tablet under the tongue until completely absorbed, up to four times a day.

The duration of therapy depends on the nature of the disease. More often, treatment lasts no longer than 7 days.

Pectusin during pregnancy: instructions for use

The instructions for the drug say that Pectusin is prescribed during pregnancy only when the expected benefit from the drug outweighs the possible danger to the fetus.

What does it mean? This means that if you are taking any other medications, you should take Pectusin with caution, having first studied the interactions of the medications you are taking.

Since strong anti-inflammatory drugs are very often prescribed for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, taking Pectusin against their background is simply a “drop in the bucket.” In any case, you should never prescribe this medicine yourself.


Is it possible to use Pectusin during pregnancy?

Due to its natural ingredients and exclusively local effect on the disease, Pectusin is often prescribed to pregnant women. But the drug causes certain side effects, so the use of Pectusin during pregnancy in the 1st trimester is contraindicated.

The manufacturer recommends taking Pectusin only in cases where the benefits of treatment are significantly higher than possible side effects. Therefore, the decision about whether you can take this drug should be made by a doctor, because there is always a risk of hidden contraindications, including individual intolerance to menthol or eucalyptus.

Important! Pectusin during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester should be taken in a minimal dosage, since menthol can provoke premature birth and reduce the process of milk production.

The effect of the drug on the body of a pregnant woman

  1. The use of any alcohol-containing medications and tinctures during pregnancy is highly discouraged. But ethyl alcohol is not the most dangerous component of this drug for the expectant mother. Despite a number of beneficial properties of thyme, there are many contraindications to its use. Thyme helps to increase blood pressure, which in a woman’s “position” is already unstable and often elevated.
  2. The most dangerous ability of the herb is to increase the tone of the uterus. If a woman is not preparing for motherhood, this property of the plant does not pose any danger. But during pregnancy, especially in the 1st trimester, when the risk of miscarriage is highest, pertussin can become a provoking factor for it.
  3. Sucrose can increase blood sugar levels, which is also dangerous for a woman expecting a baby.
  4. The expectant mother's kidneys are under double stress. Thymol, which is part of thyme, in combination with other components of pertussin makes it even greater. This substance, regardless of the form of use and combination with other substances, is contraindicated for pregnant women.

This tasty and healthy syrup has other side effects if consumed while pregnant:

  • This medicine may cause heartburn;
  • An allergic reaction may occur, which is often much more severe in pregnant women;
  • The effect of syrup on the body may be accompanied by nausea.

After reading the instructions for taking pertussin, you will see that it is contraindicated to take it during pregnancy. No matter how safe this syrup is considered, its negative impact on the expectant mother and baby cannot be ignored.

Given this effect of the drug, it is impossible to talk about the possibility of using this medicine, regardless of its form (tablets or syrup). Contraindications to its use apply to the entire period of pregnancy - the properties of pertussin are harmful to both mother and baby.

Instructions for use of Pectusin during gestation

Despite its plant origin, Pectusin should be taken for cough during pregnancy in accordance with the doctor’s instructions and official instructions.

Pectusin during pregnancy - indications and contraindications

Pectusin tablets during pregnancy are prescribed as part of the basic treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract. This can be tracheitis, sore throat, bronchitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis and other colds.

The official instructions provide a number of contraindications for use:

  • diabetes mellitus (the tablet contains a lot of sugar, which significantly affects the glucose level of a diabetic woman);
  • bronchial asthma (menthol can provoke a severe cough, asthmatic bronchospasm and even suffocation);
  • spasmophilia;
  • age up to 7 years;
  • stenosing laryngitis (causes a sharp narrowing of the larynx, making breathing difficult);
  • hypersensitivity (intolerance to menthol and eucalyptus).

Dosage and duration of taking Pectusin during pregnancy

Pregnant women are prescribed Pectusin during pregnancy from the 2nd trimester. Usually the doctor prescribes 1 tablet under the tongue until completely absorbed, up to four times a day.

The duration of therapy depends on the nature of the disease. More often, treatment lasts no longer than 7 days.

Pectusin during pregnancy: possible complications

Even the absence of potent components does not exclude the development of adverse reactions. Allergic manifestations to menthol most often develop. A woman may experience a strong burning sensation in the mouth and larynx, redness and itching of the mucous membranes. Skin manifestations cannot be excluded: urticaria, swelling, itching.

It is worth noting that Pectusin does not affect the psycho-emotional background, the ability to work or drive a car.

Important! Any allergic symptoms are a reason for a pregnant woman to immediately consult a doctor.

Pectusin does not have a harmful effect on pregnancy, so it can be prescribed to a woman for flu and colds. But any treatment must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor in order to prevent severe allergic reactions in case of intolerance to the drug.

Older people are usually familiar with Pectusin tablets very well from childhood. When a cold made itself felt, these small tablets were always used. But is it possible to take them during pregnancy?

Firstly, Pectusin tablets during pregnancy are one of the auxiliary products that treat some respiratory diseases. This drug has anti-inflammatory, local irritant and antimicrobial effects. This drug contains eucalyptus oil and menthol, which are quite acceptable during pregnancy. However, if a woman has at least one of the components, then it is better to find a more suitable remedy for treating cough.

Menthol, which is contained in this medicine, has an antiseptic effect on the body, has an antibacterial effect and can act as a local anesthesia, while facilitating the release of sputum when coughing. Eucalyptus oil is similar in effect to menthol, but it is also a fairly strong allergen. Thanks to eucalyptus oil, Pectusin is taken to relieve sore throat, which can occur with a strong cough.

Pectusin copes well with sinusitis, tracheitis, and other infectious diseases.

Use of pectusin during pregnancy

Although the medicine does not pose a danger to pregnant women, it is still advisable to consult a doctor before using it . Each drug has contraindications, both general and individual. And pectusin in this sense is no exception.

Currently reading: 9 signs of pregnancy

Indications and contraindications

Pectusin is used for various inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. But it is worth noting that this medicine is ineffective for bronchitis.


  • allergies or individual intolerances;
  • asthma;
  • diabetes;
  • a large amount of vitamin D in the body.

Because of all the above pathologies, it is necessary to understand that this drug is best used with a doctor’s prescription.

If you notice pain in your respiratory tract, you should immediately consult a specialist. After all, if you delay, and the disease continues to develop, for treatment you will need more powerful medications, which are not only much more expensive, but, most importantly, are much more dangerous than ordinary pectusin.

If the doctor has offered you treatment, and he is completely sure that it will not cause any complications, then it would be very stupid to refuse it, because you must take care of both your health and the health of your unborn baby.

Pectusin is used for various inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. But it is worth noting that this medicine is ineffective for bronchitis.

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Instructions for use during pregnancy

The instructions for the medicine say that Pectusin is prescribed to pregnant women only when the expected benefit from it outweighs all the dangers to the fetus. This means that you can take the drug only after carefully studying all the interactions of the drug you are taking with other substances. Since strong anti-inflammatory drugs are usually used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract, taking the drug against their background may simply have an insignificant effect. However, you should not prescribe the drug yourself under any circumstances.

Usually the tablets are taken sublingually, which means they place it under the tongue and wait until the tablet is completely dissolved. To cure a cough, you need to take no more than 4 tablets per day. After resorption, it is advisable to eat, but you should not drink for some time so that the effect of the tablets is maintained.

Pectus ointment is applied inside the nasal passage three times a day. True, the course of treatment is also prescribed by the attending physician and depends on the severity of the disease and the patient’s reaction to the drug. Usually the drug is used for about a week.

Contraindications and side effects

Although the drug is normally tolerated by the body in most cases, in some cases, after taking Pectusin, an allergic reaction was observed in women and the appearance of hives on the face. If such symptoms occur, you should definitely consult a doctor and immediately stop taking Pectusin.

Pectusin should not be taken if:

Allergies to components of the drug;

Bronchial asthma;

Stenonizing laryngitis;

It should be noted that the product does not affect reflexes, so driving a car or working with complex mechanisms is quite possible.

Pectusin during pregnancy

Personally, I have known Pectusin tablets since childhood - from school years. During a cold, when the cough did not allow me to sleep peacefully, they always gave me a tasty tablet to dissolve at night. You will probably remember them after reading the title. Is it possible to take Pectusin during pregnancy? Let's look into this issue.

Let's start with the fact that Pectusin during pregnancy can be used as an adjuvant for the treatment of certain respiratory tract diseases. This drug has local irritant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. The medicine contains menthol and eucalyptus oil, which are acceptable for use during pregnancy. However, if you are allergic to these substances, it is better to find a safer cough remedy.

Menthol, which is contained in Pectusin, has an antiseptic effect, has an antibacterial effect, has a local anesthetic effect and facilitates the discharge of sputum during coughing.

Eucalyptus oil has similar properties to menthol, but is a very allergenic substance. To be fair, we note that due to the content of eucalyptus oil, Pectusin is very often taken to relieve a sore throat that occurs during a severe coughing attack. Pectusin is also used to treat pharyngitis. sinusitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis and other infectious diseases.

Pectusin during pregnancy: instructions for use

The instructions for the drug say that Pectusin is prescribed during pregnancy only when the expected benefit from the drug outweighs the possible danger to the fetus. What does it mean? This means that if you are taking any other medications, you should take Pectusin with caution, having first studied the interactions of the medications you are taking. Since strong anti-inflammatory drugs are very often prescribed for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, taking Pectusin against their background is simply a “drop in the bucket.” In any case, you should never prescribe this medicine yourself.

Pectusin tablets are taken sublingually, i.e. Place under the tongue and wait until the tablet is completely dissolved. To treat cough, it is recommended to take no more than four tablets per day. After their resorption, it is advisable not to eat or drink for some time in order to achieve the greatest effect.

Pectusin ointment is applied inside the nasal passages three times a day. However, the course of treatment is prescribed only by a doctor and depends on the severity of the disease and the reaction of the patient’s body. As a rule, the course of treatment with Pectusin is about a week.

Instructions for use

Pectusin tablets are intended for sublingual use

, that is, they must be kept in the oral cavity until completely absorbed. They should not be chewed or drunk with liquid.

The maximum daily dose for adults is 4 tablets, for children - 2-3 tablets. Take the medicine at any time, regardless of meals.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, the drug should be used after consultation with the attending physician, who will select the optimal dosage depending on the disease and the severity of the patient's condition.

It is not recommended to use Pectusin to treat children under seven years of age.

. Since the tablets are designed to be dissolved, babies cannot always keep them in their mouths for a long time. This may result in the product entering the respiratory tract. In this regard, it is recommended to use drugs in the form of syrup or mixture to treat cough.

For older children, you can use the drug twice a day. As a rule, the course of treatment is up to 5 days. Depending on the individual condition, the course of treatment may be extended.

Use during pregnancy

Pectusin tablets are approved for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

. Often strong drugs are used to treat infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract in pregnant women, so Pectusin cannot cause harm. Negative consequences are possible as a result of drug interactions.

It is not recommended to use Pectusin in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. This is due to the possible risk of harm to the fetus. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, when the formation of the placenta is complete, the drug can be used without the risk of harm to the baby.

The medicine can be used to treat cough by women who are breastfeeding, since Pectusin will not harm the baby.

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