Sticky nose and headache without runny nose
Go to the doctor.
When you bend over, the pressure in your sinuses increases (do you feel it?). looks like sinusitis (sinusitis, dandy (difference in the location of the pus) Try pouring aloe juice into your nose.
Inflammation, beginning sinusitis.
sinusitis. See a doctor immediately before it’s too late.
You definitely need to take a picture, it looks like sinusitis. Try drinking Sinupret!
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal (paranasal) sinuses (see WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE ACCESSORY SINUSES). Sinusitis can be acute, subacute, chronic, allergic and hyperplastic. What are the causes of sinusitis? Sinusitis is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection.
Acute sinusitis develops mainly as a consequence of a runny nose; in approximately 10% of cases it becomes subacute. Chronic sinusitis occurs as a result of a difficult to treat bacterial infection.
Predisposing factors: chronic nasal swelling; deviated septum; secretion of too thick mucus by the mucous membrane; nasal polyps; allergic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose (allergic rhinitis); weakening of the body after chemotherapy, due to malnutrition, diabetes, blood disease, long-term use of steroid drugs or suppressed immunity. Bacterial invasion of the paranasal sinuses is usually determined by the factors listed above or follows a viral infection. Swimming in a pool with contaminated water can also lead to the development of a bacterial infection. Allergic sinusitis often occurs as a complication of allergic rhinitis. Hyperplastic sinusitis is a combination of purulent and allergic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses or purulent sinusitis and allergic rhinitis. What are the symptoms of the disease? Symptoms of sinusitis vary and depend on the type of infection. Acute sinusitis The main symptom of acute sinusitis is nasal congestion, accompanied by a gradual increase in pressure in the affected paranasal sinus. A runny nose may appear 24-48 hours after the first symptoms appear. Later, pus appears in the nasal discharge. General health worsens, sore throat and head, temperature rises (from 37.2° to 37.5°). The localization of pain depends on which sinuses are inflamed. It can hurt in the cheeks and upper teeth, above the eyes, above the eyebrows and behind the eyes. Subacute sinusitis In subacute inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, after the infection has been eliminated, nasal discharge mixed with pus is observed for another 3 weeks. Other symptoms: stuffy nose, general discomfort in the face, fatigue and cough without phlegm. What You Need to Know About the Paranasal Sinuses Until you've had a sinus infection, you've probably never thought about them. Now you can't think about anything else. Read the information below to understand how your sinuses work, where they are located, and why they cause you so much trouble. What are the paranasal sinuses used for? The paranasal sinuses are air cavities in the facial bones of the skull that give shape to the face and serve as resonators. Where are the paranasal sinuses located? Four pairs of sinuses—the frontal, maxillary (maxillary), sphenoid, and ethmoid sinuses—are located above and along the nose on both sides of the face. Why do sinusitis cause severe pain? Pain occurs when the mucous membrane lining the sinuses becomes inflamed (inflammation is caused by infection or obstruction). Normally, mucus drains into the nose through tiny holes in the bones. If inflammation begins, these openings become blocked, causing the infection to worsen, causing headaches, nasal congestion, and other symptoms. Chronic sinusitis The symptoms of chronic sinusitis are the same as those of acute sinusitis. However, with chronic sinusitis, mucous discharge mixed with pus is constantly observed. Allergic sinusitis The main symptoms of this type of inflammation are sneezing, headache in the frontal part of the head, watery discharge, nasal congestion, burning and itching in the nose. Hyperplastic sinusitis This type of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses causes chronic nasal congestion and headaches. SELF-HELP Defense Operations
You may have sinusitis. And he is treated with tetracycline hydrochloride. This is an antibiotic. But still find time to go to the doctor. Self-medication in this case is dangerous.
sinusitis see a doctor!
With sinusitis: unpleasant sensations appear in the nose and paranasal area, which gradually increase. The pain is less pronounced in the morning and increases in the evening. Gradually, the pain “loses” a certain place and the patient begins to have a headache. If the process is unilateral, then pain is noted on one side. Difficulty in nasal breathing.
The patient has a stuffy nose. The voice takes on a nasal tone. As a rule, both halves of the nose are blocked. Difficulty in nasal breathing is constant or with slight relief. Alternate congestion of the right and left halves of the nose is possible. Runny nose.
In most cases, the patient experiences mucous (transparent) or purulent (yellow, green) discharge from the nose. This symptom may not exist if the nose is very stuffy, since the outflow from the sinus is difficult (this was mentioned above). Increase in body temperature to 38 and above. As a rule, this symptom is observed in acute sinusitis.
In a chronic process, body temperature rarely rises. Malaise. This is expressed by fatigue, weakness, patients refuse food, and their sleep is disturbed. FRONTITIS is much more severe than inflammation of other paranasal sinuses.
With frontal sinusitis, the following symptoms are observed: pain in the forehead, especially in the morning, impaired nasal breathing and discharge from the corresponding half of the nose. The pain is often unbearable and becomes neuralgic in nature. In severe cases, there is pain in the eyes, photophobia and decreased sense of smell.
In acute influenza frontal sinusitis, the body temperature is elevated, swelling and swelling in the forehead and upper eyelid are noted, which are a consequence of local circulatory disorders. SPHENOIDITIS is quite rare. Complaints of headache are common. Most often it is localized in the crown area, deep in the head and back of the head, and in the orbit.
With chronic lesions, pain is felt in the crown area, and with large sinuses it can spread to the back of the head. A rapid decrease in vision is possible, which is associated with the involvement of the optic chiasm in the process. ETHMOIDITIS usually occurs simultaneously with damage to the maxillary and frontal sinuses.
There is a headache, pressing pain in the root of the nose and bridge of the nose. Children often experience swelling of the internal parts of the upper and lower eyelids and conjunctival hyperemia on the corresponding side. Characterized by a sharply reduced sense of smell and significantly difficult nasal breathing. Body temperature is usually elevated.
If the outflow of pus is obstructed, the inflammatory process can spread to the orbit. In such cases, the eyelids swell and the eyeball deviates or protrudes outward. These are just the main complaints with sinusitis. The diagnosis is helped by X-ray or computed tomography (a more informative method) of the paranasal sinuses. After this, a qualified otolaryngologist should easily establish a diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.
Only a doctor can make a diagnosis for you. Urgently see an ENT specialist. Health.
sinusitis started. you can make a puncture, but... . Better buy sea rice. he cures it. read about it on the Internet
Try SINUFORTE - it helps without punctures, my wife tested it. But in general, go to a good ENT specialist, he will send you a picture to take a picture, sure enough, and then we’ll see.
Sinusitis - definitely!
definitely sinusitis!! ! you need to urgently go to the doctor...drink antibiotics and take a picture of your nose
This is sinusitis and needs to be treated thoroughly!
If you don’t want health problems, then only go to an ENT specialist. If you want to risk your health, you can start heating, dripping, drinking different medications...
Buy oxolinic ointment at the pharmacy, make little turundas out of the bandage, smear them with the ointment and stick them as deep as possible in your nose (deep, deep), so that the ends of the bandage stick out. Do this every day and walk with them for 30 minutes. So the doctor cured my sinusitis without a puncture. Go to the lore!
Bruised nose: what to do and how to treat?
No one is immune from anything. That is why it is recommended to be very careful always and everywhere. But sometimes, no matter how careful you are, you can still get injured.
The front part of the face is the area that suffers the most; the diagnosis of “bruise, broken nose” is especially common.
This organ is very important for human life; it takes part in the processes of smell and breathing.
Briefly about everything
Only a surgeon or traumatologist can correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment for this injury. The most commonly affected areas when bruised are the nasal septum, bones and cartilage. Rarely, rupture of the wings of the organ and separation of its tip occur.
You can guess that a nose injury has occurred based on a number of signs characteristic of this injury. The main thing in this situation is to take the necessary measures to prevent consequences. The more serious the damage, the more pronounced the signs of injury.
It must be remembered that the severity of the damage is influenced by several factors: age, impact power and the strength of the nasal septum.
The reasons that cause injury to the olfactory organ include: impact with a blunt object (this situation usually occurs when playing sports), a fall. The second reason applies most to children.
The signs of a simple bruise of the nose are similar to the symptoms that appear when it is fractured. But you still need to be able to distinguish them. Let's talk about this and much more in more detail.
A bruised nose is a consequence of a blow or a fall on a hard object and is accompanied by the following symptoms.
- A sharp pain that becomes stronger and more intense when you touch the bruised area.
- Swelling and a lump appear immediately as soon as an injury occurs. Over time they increase.
- Difficulty breathing through the nose. The reason for this condition is swelling and congestion of the nasal passages with blood clots.
- The result of subcutaneous hemorrhage is the appearance of bruises in the nose and under the eyes.
- Involuntary lacrimation.
- Sometimes the injury is accompanied by bleeding, the intensity of which can vary depending on the strength of the blood vessels.
In addition to the above symptoms, a severe contusion of the nose is usually accompanied by: concussion, swelling of the tissues of the entire face, headache, nausea, vomiting, and fever. In this case, you cannot do without the help of a doctor.
The severity of symptoms begins to decrease already on the fourth day after the injury, and the rehabilitation process begins.
This “union” deserves special attention, since its symptoms are very dangerous for human life. The first sign of such union is the inability to stop the bleeding. What other symptoms accompany the combination of injury and complications?
- Severe lacrimation. It appears when the eye socket and tear ducts are damaged.
- The appearance of cerebrospinal fluid is a consequence of damage to the ethmoid bone, which is located near the upper nasal passages.
A person who has nothing to do with medicine will not be able to distinguish cerebrospinal fluid from tears. That’s why, if you have bloody fluid coming from your nose, consult a doctor immediately. Delay can cost your life.
But before qualified help arrives, the victim’s condition should be alleviated at home.
First aid
The main rule is to do everything not only quickly, but also correctly.
- The first step to take is to calm the person down.
- Then immobilize him. This is done to prevent increased bleeding.
- If there is an open wound, it must be washed. Use warm water and soap.
After completing the above procedures, proceed to the process of stopping bleeding:
- A cold compress is placed on the bridge of the nose.
- Take a position in which the blood will flow naturally. Under no circumstances should you throw your head back. Otherwise, blood clots may enter the esophagus and stomach.
- In case of severe bleeding, it is necessary to insert cotton swabs soaked in hydrogen peroxide into the nasal passages.
- To prevent complications, Naphthyzin or Rhinozalin drops are used.
Even if the bleeding has stopped and the injured person feels well, be sure to visit a specialist. This should be done in order to determine whether there was a fracture or not, and to prevent complications.
Trauma in a child
Quite often, the sense of smell in children suffers, and the mother is not always present. That’s why you need to immediately pay attention to the baby’s behavior. If he feels sick or becomes drowsy, he immediately runs to a specialist. A child’s nose bruise should not be ignored.
Is your baby having trouble breathing? Most likely, he has a hematoma on the nasal septum. This situation promotes the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, which can cause suppuration on the nasal septum and an abscess.
When bleeding, be sure to calm the child; his negative emotions and overexcitability increase the bleeding. Then perform nasal packing using drugs (hydrogen peroxide) that stop the bleeding. During this procedure, try to keep the baby from moving, sneezing, or coughing.
Nose trauma is a painful and unpleasant procedure. An adult is not able to withstand it, but what about a child?! He needs the affection and love of a loved one.
crackling in the nose
77 replies
Latest - January 12, 2020, 02:31 Go
sinusitis. breathe over the potatoes... you can heat the salt in a frying pan and wrap it in a thick scarf and warm your sinuses... or you can also heat it with an egg
And warm up your purulent inflammation, yeah. What kind of barbarity?
I also had it and was checked for sinusitis, but they didn’t find anything, they said it was just neurological
My throat hurt, it hurt for a long time. Then the upper teeth all at once. I took a picture and they said it was sinusitis. I treated my sinusitis and everything seemed to be fine. A couple of months passed and my throat hurt again. I read a lot on the Internet and began to wash out my nose with sage, realizing that I ended up in the hospital.
They did a CT scan and there was ethmoiditis, all the ethmoid sinuses were filled with pus. They washed the cuckoo for 8 days and did physical treatment. Then 3 weeks of Nasonex and Zertec for allergies. Now when I lie down or get up, there is a clicking sound in the bridge of my nose. The ENT says this is how ethmoiditis goes away.
There is something else in these gratings, and it is crackling mixed with air. This is best seen on a CT scan.
Hi all. I had a cracking sound in my nose literally immediately after surgery to remove a brain tumor. Now I don’t know what to think. Either sinusitis or tumor relapse. Can you kind people give me some advice?
I have the same problem, but I still get a really bad headache when I bend over and sniffle.
Two months ago I had a sharp pain in the middle of my head. Then suddenly signs of severe poisoning (or a viral disease) appeared: fever, chills, body aches, strong loose stools every 15 minutes, and a severe headache. After 2 days, the poisoning went away, but the headache remained.
Yes, that day I was at the dentist, took off tartar, and cooled my head down a lot (I walked down the street in a cap in the cold). So, since then I have had a constant headache, swelling of the nasal mucosa (no runny nose), those same “clicking sounds” and high blood pressure. The pain is localized in the area of the eyes, temples, back of the head, moving to the crown of the head.
At first I didn’t understand what kind of pain it was, but then, when I decided to try rinsing my nose, I realized... Anyone who has ever rinsed the sinuses while sucking in salt water will understand that my head hurts exactly in those places that “break through” when sucking in a salt-water solution. T.*****.
nasal, frontal sinuses, and goes to the back of the head and crown;so, my head constantly hurts in these places. Also, later, signs of osteochondrosis of the neck began to be present, but in my opinion this is secondary, since they appeared much later, although the doctor believes that it is osteochondrosis, apparently it’s easier for him.
So, as I understand it, swelling of the sinus mucosa is to blame, but how to get rid of it? Who has a similar problem, let's figure it out together, or maybe someone has coped with the same problem? Unsubscribe...
Two months ago I had a sharp pain in the middle of my head. Then suddenly signs of severe poisoning (or a viral disease) appeared: fever, chills, body aches, strong loose stools every 15 minutes, and a severe headache. After 2 days, the poisoning went away, but the headache remained.
Yes, that day I was at the dentist, took off tartar, and cooled my head down a lot (I walked down the street in a cap in the cold). So, since then I have had a constant headache, swelling of the nasal mucosa (no runny nose), those same “clicking sounds” and high blood pressure. The pain is localized in the area of the eyes, temples, back of the head, moving to the crown of the head.
At first I didn’t understand what kind of pain it was, but then, when I decided to try rinsing my nose, I realized... Anyone who has ever rinsed the sinuses while sucking in salt water will understand that my head hurts exactly in those places that “break through” when sucking in a salt-water solution. T.*****.
nasal, frontal sinuses, and goes to the back of the head and crown;so, my head constantly hurts in these places. Also, later, signs of osteochondrosis of the neck began to be present, but in my opinion this is secondary, since they appeared much later, although the doctor believes that it is osteochondrosis, apparently it’s easier for him.
So, as I understand it, swelling of the sinus mucosa is to blame, but how to get rid of it? Who has a similar problem, let's figure it out together, or maybe someone has coped with the same problem? Unsubscribe...
New themes
Vladimir, if this is still relevant, do a CT scan of the paranasal sinuses; you may have sphenoiditis or ethmosphenoiditis. On a regular x-ray, the doctor cannot see the sphenoid sinus and the ethmoidal labyrinth. What you described (except for poisoning) is similar to the symptoms of the above diseases.
Hello everyone. I want to share, maybe someone has the same problem and know the reason. About 15 days ago a strange crackling sound started in my nose. first in one nostril, then in the other.
And recently I went to bed and was already falling asleep, and suddenly there was such a cracking sound in my right nostril, as if small balls had been scattered. I was even scared. I searched on the Internet and found nothing. What could it be? My husband said that he also has a crackling sensation in his nose.
I would like to add that he had all his wisdom teeth removed two years ago, and I had them removed a year ago. Could there be a connection? Thanks to all.
sinusitis. breathe over the potatoes... you can heat the salt in a frying pan and wrap it in a thick scarf and warm your sinuses... or you can also heat it with an egg
I don’t have any signs of sinusitis (ugh ugh). I specifically surfed the Internet and looked up what sinusitis is and how to recognize it. I had a cold at the beginning of September. and back in mid-September something popped up on my nose, I thought it was a pimple, but apparently it was something else. the nose was red and swollen. and small pustules.
I even thought it was some kind of herpes. cured with tea tree oil. Now my nose is running a little at times. but it’s not blocked, there’s no pressure. There’s a crackling sound somewhere in the upper part of the nostrils, at the entrance to the bridge of the nose. there is no information on the Internet. Probably no big deal though. I just wanted to know if anyone had this experience.
Dina, and then, did you go to a neurologist? I also have a similar thing, a crackling sensation in my nose and headaches on the right side in the back of my head and temple. I went to the ENT specialist, they said there was no sinusitis, my blood pressure was low, they also said that if the blood pressure continued to be low, then go to a neurologist
Have you checked for infections? There are all sorts of worms there. Do an MRI and CT. Give the reason as sinusitis or lie something. Next, go to private clinics in Europe, such as Germany, France, even Türkiye will do. But Spain is better. And do the operation. Because neurocystocercosis is a deadly disease.
Why do bloody crusts form in the nose?
The main factor causing this pathological condition is damage to the internal partitions, which in medical terminology are called the vestibule of the respiratory tract.
The membrane defect can be self-induced by activities such as cutting hair or scratching the inside of the nostril with a fingernail. In some situations, the dryness of the internal cavity, combined with low winter temperatures, can also lead to disruption of the skin's protective barrier and subsequent injury.
As soon as a violation of the integrity of the integument occurs, bacterial infections tend to penetrate deep into the mucous membrane, as a result of which the inflammation passes into its chronic stage.
The most common microorganism that is involved in this pathological process is Staphylococcus aureus: infection can be suspected if the wound in the nose does not heal.
Bloody crusts in the nose are a natural result of bleeding, which, as is known, occurs more often in a child than in an adult, therefore, in case of systematically recurring cases, parents should control their child and explain that nose picking is not only indecent, but also harmful to him. health.
However, if the problem of bloody scabs does not go away with humidification and climate change, you need to consult a doctor. To relieve discomfort and reduce the likelihood of scabs, the doctor will prescribe topical antiseptics and/or a full course of antibiotics.
Rhinitis (runny nose) is one of the causes of the formation of bloody nasal crusts. Under the influence of inflammation, capillaries - the smallest blood vessels - are destroyed, causing hemorrhage.
This kind of situation can arise due to a number of conditions: from a sharp change in the impact of air temperatures to an attack by a respiratory infection virus that has penetrated from the outside.
to the content?
Clicks in the nose: reasons
Patients often turn to an otorhinolaryngologist with headaches, rhinorrhea, fever, swelling of the facial part of the skeleton, and lacrimation. There are frequent complaints of clicking sounds in the nasal cavity. There can be many reasons for this condition, from colds to malignant neoplasms.
It is important to know that clicking sounds in the nose are a symptom and not a disease. The reasons for the occurrence lie in the fact that the nasal mucosa may be damaged, too much secretion is formed and the nasal walls collapse. A deviated nasal septum can interfere with the work of epithelial cells - expelling macroparticles from the external environment (dust, bacteria).
When diseases become chronic, mucus accumulates, which subsequently becomes infected. Nosological units in which the following symptoms occur:
- Congenital anomalies.
- Nose injuries.
- Synechiae.
- Respiratory diseases.
- Bacterial complications.
- Allergic component.
- Inflammatory processes of the ear.
- Throat infections (nasopharyngitis).
- Malignant and benign formations.
- Excessive physical activity.
- Difficult to control blood pressure.
A timely visit to the doctor, a thorough history taking, a high-quality diagnosis, and the initiation of treatment guarantee a quick resolution of the process or stabilization of the condition.
Let's consider each situation in which the nose clicks.
Congenital deviated nasal septum
In fact, this is a common pathology. The patient may not realize for a long time that he has such a feature.
With pronounced changes, difficulty breathing, frequent swelling, and runny nose occur. Severe complications can include: significant narrowing of the lumen of the passages, the formation of fistula passages.
Nose injury
Tissue trauma occurs in active people, that is, in those who play sports, especially contact sports, in children during games, and in antisocial individuals.
The cartilaginous part (wings, tip) and/or bone (bridge of the nose, septum) is damaged. Fractures can be with or without displacement, open, closed or combined.
When the bone processes are displaced, crepitus is observed - a characteristic cracking sound. Accompanied by swelling of the lining mucosa, the appearance of hematomas is acceptable.
Allergic agents irritate the epithelium, contribute to its increased work, the appearance of swelling and the production of mucus. In this case, the secretion is most often dense and thick, that is, there is congestion, but it is impossible to blow your nose.
The same manifestations are observed with foreign bodies in the nasal passages. Possible pain, itching, swelling of the soft tissues of the face. The immune system is activated, the synthesis of inflammatory mediators (prostaglandins, leukotrienes, histamine) increases.
If a person becomes infected with ARVI, then catarrhal symptoms come to the fore: cough, runny nose, lacrimation.
At the onset of the disease, the nasal mucosa swells and congestion occurs, and rhinorrhea more often appears in the stage of resolution of the disease. Viral cells colonize in the nose, nasopharynx, and larynx.
In the absence of adequate therapy, complications and transition to a chronic form are observed.
Inflammatory lesions of the paranasal sinuses
Untreated or undertreated viral, bacterial, and fungal infections lead to the formation of purulent contents in the cavities. Infectious cells multiply, die, and release waste products. As a result, intoxication develops, manifested by headaches, malaise, extraneous sounds in the nose, and hyperthermia.
Neoplasms in the nose
The growth of polyps is represented by an increase in the volume of the mucous membrane, its sagging. Occurs against the background of long-term progressive chronic diseases of the nose. According to statistics, it is more often diagnosed in men. The polyp is capable of blocking the passages, thus disrupting the dynamics of mucus outflow.
Other neoplasms of the upper respiratory tract:
- Scleroma. It affects the respiratory tract, atrophies cellular structures, turning them into connective tissue. As a result, breathing is difficult, the nasal passages are narrowed.
- Synechiae are congenital or acquired bridge joints consisting of cartilage, bone, and connective tissue. Acquired ones appear as a result of surgical manipulations, injuries, and inflammation. If synechiae occurs, respiratory function inevitably becomes difficult, and the risk of developing viral and bacterial pathologies increases.
Malignant neoplasms can provoke symptoms such as clicking in the nose if they are localized in the facial area.
Unfortunately, most cancers are diagnosed in the last stages, so it is recommended to visit specialists regularly (1-2 times a year) and remember to “listen” to your body.
In all these cases, one of the symptoms is clicking in the nose.
If we take into account the anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the skull, then otitis, accompanied by rhinitis, can provoke clicking sounds. It manifests itself as pain in the ear, pressing sensations, weakness in the body, elevated body temperature, purulent or mucous discharge.
If the pressure in the blood vessels of the head is increased, then cracking and noise sounds can be created. You should not ignore these detections; it is advisable to undergo an examination by a cardiologist, neurologist and angiosurgeon.
Therapy should be aimed at the underlying disease causing the clicking sound in the nose. To relieve symptoms it is recommended:
- Rinse with saline solution.
- Treatment with antiseptic drugs.
- Vasoconstrictor drops.
- Moisturizing inhalations.
- Warming up.
Before starting treatment, it is recommended to seek help from a clinic in order to prescribe an individual course of therapy. Eliminating the disease will take time and patience. It is very important to follow all doctor’s orders and not skip medications to achieve the desired result.
How to get rid of crunching?
Only an experienced practicing surgeon or rheumatologist can make an accurate diagnosis and eliminate the cause of the unpleasant sound. Competent complex therapy will relieve unpleasant symptoms when the patient feels pain and hears the joints of the arms or legs crunching. Simple recommendations such as:
- moderate physical activity,
- normalization of weight and a healthy diet,
- comfortable orthopedic shoes.
A complete medical examination will eliminate the risk of developing a chronic disease and will give the patient confidence that the cracking in the joints for him is within the normal range acceptable for the physiological characteristics of the body.