Sore throat, head, runny nose, no temperature

Causes of the disease

The cold is a common disease that is caused by pathogenic viruses. Without delving into the jungle of terminology, it can be noted that in most cases, inflammation in the nasopharynx is caused by microbes called rhinoviruses. By multiplying in the mucous membranes, they lead to inflammation of the soft tissues and, as a result, excessive secretion of nasal mucus. In this regard, rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, etc. develop.

Most often, colds are diagnosed during the cold season. As a rule, this is associated with local hypothermia of the nasopharynx and, as a result, decreased immunity. Due to the strong constriction of the blood vessels in the nose, the amount of secreted mucus decreases, which is used by pathogenic viruses. Their active reproduction leads to inflammation of the mucous membrane and the occurrence of pathological symptoms - runny nose, headache, malaise, sore throat, etc.

There are also unfavorable factors that provoke the development of a cold:

  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • injuries to the mucous membranes of the nose and throat;
  • dysbacteriosis and hypovitaminosis;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • abuse of antibacterial agents.
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.

Untimely treatment of colds is fraught with the development of bacterial activity and purulent processes in the respiratory organs.

People are quite frivolous about illnesses without fever, which is fundamentally wrong. In this regard, many of them suffer from colds “on their feet,” and this threatens the development of serious complications.

What diseases are accompanied by a sore throat and runny nose?

Sore throat, sudden fever and runny nose occur for various reasons. Most throat pathologies are associated with the appearance of bacteria.

Diseases that are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • ARVI and acute respiratory infections (sore throat, fever, runny nose and general malaise of the body).
  • Flu (increased body temperature up to 38, severe sore throat, nasal congestion, muscle pain).
  • Pharyngitis (a sore throat occurs, the temperature in rare cases rises to 38, cough and swelling of the nasal mucosa appear).
  • Sore throat (temperature 38, sore throat, sore that the patient cannot swallow, tonsils become inflamed, muscle weakness, lack of appetite).
  • Laryngitis (due to inflammation of the ligaments, it is difficult for a person to talk, the temperature rises to 37, the throat hurts and a runny nose appears).

In some cases, pain in the larynx occurs without an increase in body temperature. Most often, this condition occurs due to inflammation of the tonsils, mechanical damage during swallowing hot or spicy foods, and enlargement of the thyroid gland.

General recommendations

What to do if you have a runny nose, a headache, but no fever? When symptoms of the disease appear, care must be taken to strengthen the immune defense and stimulate the body's reserve forces. To get sick less and get better faster, it is recommended:

  1. Ventilate the room at least 2 times a day;
  2. Wipe dust from horizontal surfaces once a day;
  3. observe semi-bed rest for 5 days;
  4. take vitamins and immunostimulating drugs;
  5. limit contact with others for the entire period of treatment.

Treatment of respiratory, in particular viral, diseases is recommended using folk remedies. Nasal congestion and rhinitis occur due to severe swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. To speed up the drainage of lymph from the affected tissues, you need to take a foot bath with the addition of mustard (no more than 2 tablespoons per 5 liters of water). After steaming your feet for 10-15 minutes, it is advisable to put on warm socks and crawl under a warm blanket. This way you will be able to avoid hypothermia and deterioration in health.

Eliminate symptoms of intoxication, i.e. Headaches, body aches and drowsiness will help with plenty of warm drinks. Tea with raspberries, thyme and ginger will speed up the removal of toxic substances from the body, which will promote recovery. In addition, it is recommended to drink alkaline drink - still mineral water. It will lower the level of acids in the laryngopharyngeal mucosa and create unfavorable conditions for the proliferation of viruses and microbes. Decoctions of lemon balm, sage, St. John's wort and rose hips also have a pronounced calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

What to do if you have a sore throat, runny nose and cough

How to behave correctly at the first signs of ARVI in order to get back on your feet as quickly as possible and prevent complications? At first glance, it is not clear how a sore throat and runny nose can be associated with the digestive organs, heart and blood vessels, but this is so.

Advanced influenza causes complications such as pneumonia, rheumatism, otitis media, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, and pathologies of the excretory system.

Therefore, even at a temperature of 37, which many do not consider serious, requiring hospital and bed rest, you should call a doctor and take the following measures:

Maintain bed rest, limit contact with others as much as possible, and do not go outside; Drink more liquid, but not soda and coffee, even with milk, but tea and decoctions of medicinal herbs, natural juices, compotes and fruit drinks. You can drink rosehip or cranberry syrup dissolved in still mineral water; Ventilate the room and humidify the air more often; Monitor your body temperature - if it becomes above 37 and continues to rise, you should immediately call a doctor.

Your doctor will tell you how to treat cough, snot, and sore throat due to ARVI. What not to do before he arrives:

Take aspirin at any temperature. Attend work, college, go shopping. Go on a diet or introduce new foods to your diet. Drink alcohol and smoke.

If your throat is very sore, you can gargle it with decoctions of chamomile, sage, oak bark, furatsilin or baking soda. If you have a severe runny nose, it is permissible to put vasoconstrictor drops into your nose. But in no case should you exceed the dosage specified in the instructions for use.

To maintain immunity, it is very useful to take multivitamins and eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible.

If the condition worsens, severe headaches and cramps, skin rashes, vomiting, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, attacks of weakness up to loss of consciousness appear, urgent hospitalization of the patient is necessary.

Nasal drops

How to quickly cure rhinitis? You need to understand that a runny nose is a consequence of the development of an infection in the respiratory system. You can get rid of an unpleasant symptom by taking antiviral drugs such as Arbidol, Kagocel, Aflubin, Anaferon, Viferon, etc.

You can also ease nasal breathing and prevent hypersecretion of mucus in the nose with the help of nasal medications. Vasoconstrictor drops and sprays are aimed at reducing swelling, hormonal ones - at eliminating inflammation, immunostimulating ones - at increasing local immunity, and oil ones - at softening the mucous membrane and eliminating irritation in the nasal passages.

The most effective nasal remedies that help eliminate a severe runny nose include:

vasoconstrictors"Pharmazolin"; "Naphthyzin"; "Nazivin" stimulate the constriction of blood vessels in the mucous membrane and reduce swelling in the nasal canals
moisturizing"Delufen"; "Aqua Maris"; "Humer" eliminate irritation, thin the mucus in the nasopharynx and promote its evacuation
antiallergic"Nazaval"; "Ifiral"; "Alergy" reduce swelling and burning in the nasopharynx, facilitate nasal breathing
antiviral"Grippferon"; "IRS-19"; "Derinat" destroy rhinoviruses and help restore the integrity of the mucosa
antimicrobial"Bioparox"; "Octenisept"; "Polydex" inhibit the development of microbes in the nasopharynx, eliminate purulent inflammation in the nose
homeopathic"Larinol"; "Rinitol"; "Asinis" stimulate local immunity and prevent viruses from penetrating deep into soft tissues
oil"Eucasept"; "Pinosol"; "Sinusan" soothe irritated mucous membranes and prevent it from drying out
with herbal extracts"Sinuforte"; "Phytoricide"; "Mentoclar" normalize metabolic processes in tissues and accelerate their regeneration

It is useless to use antibacterial nasal drops if the respiratory disease was caused by viruses.

Local and systemic antimicrobial drugs are recommended to be used only if it is known for sure that the disease was caused by microbes - staphylococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, etc. It should be understood that antibiotics do not affect the activity of viruses and therefore treating viral diseases with their help is practically useless. At the same time, irrational use of antimicrobial agents can provoke a decrease in local immunity and, as a consequence, the development of post-infectious complications.

Runny nose and headache without fever, what and how to treat

Rhinitis and headache are not isolated diseases, but serious symptoms of many pathologies. Therefore, there is an urgent need to learn as much as possible about these ailments. Expand your understanding of such manifestations: runny nose, headache without fever.

Causes of colds without fever

There are two etiologies of colds without fever:

  • weakened body
  • the disease is not caused by a virus

The infection that causes colds enters the body through airborne droplets. The entrance gate is the human nasal cavity, which has a protective secretion.

When the virus penetrates the mucous membrane, the secretion releases its weapon - an abundant secretion of serous fluid begins. The inner lining swells, closing the spaces of the nasal passages. To protect against the virus, it releases secretions abundantly. Here's a runny nose, nasal congestion.

If the body is weakened, barrier functions are impaired, the process can occur without fever.

In the second case, a cold occurs from severe hypothermia. Vessels constrict due to cold. Pathogenic microbes penetrate freely and multiply vigorously. Rhinitis appears as a response to the invasion. There may not be any heat.

A severe runny nose, a runny nose without a fever, can occur with:

  • allergies
  • various chronic diseases
  • rhinopharyngitis
  • foreign objects in the nasopharyngeal area

Pharyngitis and nasopharyngitis develop in a person when he lives for a long time in a polluted, smoky area. Their symptoms are similar and occur without fever. A distinctive feature is the dryness of the posterior wall of the larynx.

Any cold without fever should be treated carefully. Always consult a doctor.

Only a doctor can determine the true cause, refer for additional examinations, and prescribe the correct course of treatment for the disease.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

The disease always begins with malaise, sore throat, coughing, and difficulty breathing.

Then a migraine begins, rhinitis, and a stuffy nose. Then weakness, aches throughout the body, loss of appetite, tendency to sleep, loss of interest in the surroundings.

Head pain is localized in different places:

  • Temple area
  • occipital
  • frontal part
  • brow ridges
  • bridge of the nose

The first two days, the discharge from the nasal cavity is clear.

On the third or fourth day the patient begins to cough. First dry, then switches to wet. When you cough, mucus and phlegm come out.

The fluid from the nose changes color, becomes opaque and even green. May cause blocked ears.

Usually, with no fever, the headache lasts for about 3 to 4 days. If there are no complications, then by 7–8 days the crusts in the nasal cavity begin to dry out, and the person stops coughing. By the end of the second week, the patient fully recovers.

How to treat a cold without fever

Despite the fact that there is no fever, the patient is offered semi-bed rest. A sick body needs rest. He may be tired of noise, working at a computer, watching television, or reading.

Fresh air is needed. Therefore, the room where it is located is ventilated and wet cleaned.

Treatment begins with already well-proven traditional methods. First, be sure to take hot foot baths with mustard. After the bath, put on woolen socks. Instead of baths, you can rub your feet with camphor alcohol or turpentine.

Drink plenty of fluids. Maybe tea with raspberries, linden, lemon, viburnum, cranberries, currants. Possibly alkaline drinking. They give warm milk with honey and butter. The neck is tied with a warm scarf.

Since there is no fever, medications containing paracetamol are not needed. To relieve headaches, you can apply a compress soaked in herbal decoctions, such as oak bark. Or apply gauze soaked in vinegar and water. It’s good to massage individual parts of the head and lubricate with “Star” balm.

Analgesics for migraines without fever should be taken in the most extreme cases.

You need to gargle with decoctions of chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus, and chlorophyllipt solution. It is suggested to use sea salt or make a solution of soda and salt with a few drops of iodine. The washes were positively recommended. They are aimed at flushing out bacteria from the nasal passages. At the same time, blood circulation improves and swelling disappears.

It is advisable to make them with drugs purchased at the pharmacy, specifically for washing.

Among the pharmacies we can highlight:

  • Chlorhexidine
  • Miramistin
  • Dolphin

Many of them have special caps, which is very convenient for use.

There is a group of products based on sea water:

Any rinsing must be prescribed by a doctor, as sometimes they are contraindicated. For example, with nosebleeds or with concomitant otitis media. Vasoconstrictor drops Naphthyzin, Sanorin are instilled, and best of all, freshly squeezed carrot or beet juice.

It is very good to do soda or oil inhalations.

Thus, colds without fever are treated with traditional methods.

Headache, cough, runny nose without fever - what medications can be taken

Complaints that plague you during a cold must be stopped. To do this, use for headaches: Paracetamol, Nurofen, for a runny nose add: Nazivin, Otrivin, Tizin.

Rhinitis without fever is treated:

  • vasoconstrictors: Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Galazolin
  • anti-inflammatory: Fervex, Coldrex, Rinza, Coldact
  • antiviral: Anaferon, Arbidol, Cycloferon, Imunoflazid

Used against cough:

  • Lazolvan
  • Libexin
  • Ambroxol
  • Flavamed
  • Ambrobene
  • syrups Althea, Pertusina

For the throat, the following will be effective:

  • Kameton
  • Ingalipt
  • Camphomenes

You can gargle with herbs:

  • St. John's wort
  • Calendula
  • Sage
  • Eucalyptus
  • and soda

There are a lot of medications that are prescribed for cough, runny nose and headache without fever. Therefore, there are special ratings that determine which one is in the lead.

The most valued drugs are those produced by Swiss, American, and German companies. Leadership is constantly changing as each makes a breakthrough in a specific area.

Among the leading pharmaceutical companies are:

  • Marbiopharm – Russia
  • Krka – Slovenia
  • Pharmstandard - Russia.

Among the most popular medications taken for colds are:

  • Amiksin
  • Anvimax
  • Kagocel
  • Ingavirin
  • Anaferon

Very often doctors recommend:

  • Cycloferon, Amiksin capsules
  • Nurofen Express in tablets and suspensions
  • Arbidol in suspension
  • Aspirin complex effervescent
  • Septolete - antiseptic in GrippoFlu lozenges with raspberry and cranberry flavors

It is important to remember that they are all expensive, so if there is no fever, then it is better to use folk remedies.

What complications may arise

One of the most common aggravations from a cold is sinusitis - inflammation of the sinuses.

If you do not treat a cold, then rhinitis lingers and does not go away for a long time. Soreness of the maxillary recesses appears. The heat rises. Nasal discharge increases. They become abundant and turn purulent.

Treatment is with antibiotics:

  • Hemomycin
  • Ofloxacin
  • Amoxiclav

Prescribed drops:

Painkillers taken - Ibuprofen, immunomodulator - Bioran. If no changes are observed, add Ceftriaxone twice a day.

Use rinses. You can prepare drops yourself at home: from aloe juice, honey and celandine, all in equal parts. Dry heat is applied locally.

If after this treatment there is no positive result, surgical intervention is performed - the sinuses are pierced and electrical procedures are prescribed.

Otitis is a very unpleasant problem. Inflammation occurs in the outer, middle and inner ear. The complication usually affects the middle ear. With colds, severe rhinitis causes excess fluid in the nasopharynx, which leads to a change in the patency of the Eustachian tube.

Cells in the mucous membrane of the ear react by increasing the production of inflammatory fluid. Everything is accompanied by throbbing, shooting pain in the ear. The heat rises. The eardrum may be damaged, leading to weakening or even loss of hearing.

Antibiotics are prescribed internally and externally, physiotherapy, local drops in the ears, heat, rinsing.

Intensive therapy is carried out, since otitis media itself is dangerous due to its complications.

For rinsing and drops use:

  • Furacilin
  • Boric acid solution
  • hydrogen peroxide Otipax
  • Otofa

Otofa contains an antibiotic - rifampicin, which effectively destroys bacteria.

The most popular is Otipax, which has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

For otitis, the following antibiotics are used:

  • Ciprofloxacin
  • Meropenem
  • Gentamicin

Among the physiotherapeutic procedures, ultrasound massage is added.

In the most difficult cases, they resort to piercing the eardrum.

The following complications after a cold are also possible:

  • arthritis – at the level of autoimmune mechanisms
  • myocardium – inflammation of the heart muscle
  • a symptom of chronic fatigue - a symptom of a cold
  • bronchitis and pneumonia are very rare with non-temperature colds.

As you can see, a cold that occurs without fever cannot be taken lightly. Serious complications arise. Their first signs are a runny nose, which gets worse and becomes severe. Increased localized severe headache. Temperature increase.

To avoid such ailments, you must:

  • do not delay treatment
  • do not ignore advice and recommendations
  • do not avoid preventive measures
  • avoid hypothermia
  • temper the body
  • increase his defensive leverage
  • try not to contact sick people

Use for preventive purposes during seasonal epidemics:

  • Forcis – blocks the entry of microbes
  • Oxolinic ointment – ​​protects the nasal mucosa from bacteria
  • Rinzu not only cleanses the nasopharynx, improves immunity, but also has an analgesic effect.

It seems reasonable to conclude that there are no insignificant, small diseases. The most insignificant rhinitis, occurring without fever, or fever and runny nose, requires close attention.

Any headache should not be dulled by an analgesic. It is necessary to seek help from a doctor, get to the bottom of it and find out the reason that causes it, and take immediate measures to eliminate it.

It is advisable for everyone to take care and look after their health. Tips on how to do this are in the video:


Nasal rinsing

Rinsing the nose is an unpleasant procedure, but very effective. Systematic irrigation of the nasal mucosa with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solutions helps relieve a severe runny nose and significantly improve well-being. Modern medicine offers at least 50 different types of drugs suitable for sanitizing the nasal cavity. The most effective solutions include those containing sea salt and herbal extracts.

Rinsing the nose helps to thin and remove mucus from the nasal canals, heal the mucous membrane and destroy more than 70% of pathogenic agents. If the procedure is carried out regularly, it is possible to eliminate the manifestations of rhinitis within 2 days. Sanitation can be carried out in the treatment of allergic, infectious, chronic and vasomotor rhinitis. The most effective means include:

  • "Aqualor Extra";
  • "Morenazal";
  • "Quix";
  • "Aqua Maris Strong";
  • "Otrivin Sea";
  • "Physimer."

Hypertonic solutions (“Aqualor Extra”, “Aqua Maris Strong”) can be used no more than 3 times a day, as they dry out the nasal mucosa.

If there is severe congestion, it will not be possible to rinse your nose effectively. To achieve the desired results, before using saline solutions, you need to clear your nose of mucus and drip vasoconstrictor drops. And only after this can sanitizing procedures be carried out, after preheating the drug to a comfortable temperature.

Headache at normal body temperature is a common complaint among physicians. Patients often say that they have a headache and throat, but no fever. The listed symptoms indicate various pathologies: from the initial stage of a cold to allergic reactions. Eliminating it is quite simple - just take the appropriate medicine. However, addressing the symptoms that occur does not equate to complete recovery from the disease.

First signs of a cold

When you come home, thoroughly ventilate the room you will be in. The air in the room should be clean and fresh. During the winter season, when the heating is on, the air in the house can be dry. This is very harmful to the respiratory system and mucous membrane of the throat. Therefore, try to humidify the air. It is very good if you have an electric humidifier. Turn it on for a few hours. You can add a few drops of juniper, lavender, pine, and mint essential oils to the water. This will further disinfect the air. If you don’t have a humidifier, you can spray water from a spray bottle, place a wet towel on the batteries, or do a wet cleaning. If you feel very bad, ask your loved ones to help you.

If there is no fever, then a bath with mustard will help get rid of the first signs of a cold.

Pour hot water into a basin, add 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder and soak your feet in it for 10-15 minutes. After taking a bath, dry your feet with a towel, put on woolen socks and go to bed.

At the first sign of a cold, brew herbal tea in a thermos. To prepare it, you can use raspberry branches, linden blossom, chamomile, mint, thyme, and rose hips. Add honey, raspberry or viburnum jam, and lemon to tea. You should drink this tea as often as possible. It will help you no worse than expensive medicines and will prevent the development of complications.

On the first day of a cold, you need to take a loading dose of vitamin C. You can take several tablets of ascorbic acid, or you can increase the consumption of foods that contain this vitamin: fresh herbs, strawberries, citrus fruits. To meet your daily requirement of vitamin C, it is enough to eat 2 medium oranges. Don’t rush to throw away the peels of citrus fruits; they can also be useful for your health. You can pour boiling water over the peel and breathe over it, covered with a towel, for 5-10 minutes. It can be finely chopped and placed next to the bed to disinfect and freshen the air. You can make a decoction from the peel, which is also very useful.

If your throat hurts, rinse your mouth every 30 minutes with warm water with the addition of sea salt (1 teaspoon of salt for 1 glass). If you don't have sea salt, you can use regular salt or substitute baking soda. Various lozenges and sprays for sore throat are very useful.

If you feel weak and have a severe headache, lie down on your bed and take your temperature. You can put a leaf of fresh cabbage on your forehead, which relieves headaches well. If there is no temperature, or it is not very high, you can take your usual headache pill. If the temperature is high (more than 38º), then you should take an antipyretic drug. If severe weakness, vomiting, sharp abdominal pain, or loss of consciousness occurs, call an ambulance immediately.

Possible causes of headaches

A severe headache is localized above the line where the outer corner of the eye and the top of the ears end. Painful sensations are caused by vascular spasms, disturbances in the functioning of the mucous membranes, etc. The reasons preceding this are often obvious:

  • irregular daily routine;
  • physical or mental fatigue;
  • staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time;
  • aggressive external environment and weather dependence;
  • excessive consumption of coffee and unhealthy foods;
  • poor nutrition, lack of vitamins;
  • surgery (intracranial);
  • head injuries.

These symptoms are often accompanied by weakness and fatigue. If there are no cold symptoms, it is enough to change your lifestyle and sleep at least 8 hours a day. If you have a runny nose and headache, it is recommended to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

Sore throat and runny nose due to ARVI

If the symptoms are provoked by a viral infection, they are accompanied by weakness, severe headaches, muscle aches, the nose first becomes stuffy, then a copious amount of mucus appears. The throat can be very sore, it hurts to swallow, followed by a dry cough.

When a person gets sick, they feel very chilly and their body temperature is very high. In this case, the mucus from the nose is clear, this distinguishes a cold from bacterial sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, in which the snot can be green, yellow or, in severe situations, brown.

A runny nose greatly begins to irritate the mucous membrane of the throat, flows down the pharyngeal wall, and because of this, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed. If a person's throat is red, this indicates severe inflammation. An acute respiratory infection is contagious, a cold is not, it appears due to the fact that a person is hypothermic. With a cold, only a sore throat and runny nose can be observed, while the body temperature is normal and the person feels normal.

Chronic and allergic rhinitis

Rhinitis is inflammation of the nasal mucosa. The disease is infectious or allergic in nature and is often accompanied by headache. In everyday life, this disease is called a runny nose. Mucous discharge is a symptom of diseases that are infectious in nature. Headache during a cold is one of the most common pain syndromes indicating intoxication of the body.

Allergic rhinitis is a form of severe runny nose in which mucous discharge is a reaction to various allergens. The latter depend on the individual characteristics of the organism, however, there are those that occur most often:

  • microparticles of household chemicals;
  • animal hair;
  • plant pollen.

Allergic rhinitis is accompanied by sneezing, profuse watery discharge, migraine and resulting irritability. Antihistamines (antiallergic) drugs are used to treat it. Infectious rhinitis is treated with drops to constrict blood vessels, rinsing the nose and a complex effect on the virus.

How to treat a sore throat

With both acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, almost all patients complain of pain in the larynx, cough and hoarse voice.

This symptom is very unpleasant, in addition, if you do not treat a sore throat, you can progress the disease and then you will have to suffer for several more weeks, or even months.

The method of eliminating sore throat is chosen depending on its cause.

Pharyngitis - a strong, cutting soreness bothers you, your voice is hoarse, and it is very painful to swallow. Pharyngitis is a complication of a cold or flu. It is treated with special sprays, lozenges, rinses and warm drinks: Laryngitis - symptoms are similar to pharyngitis, but the voice often disappears completely, the pain in the throat is very strong and constant. Unlike pharyngitis, laryngitis can be caused not only by infection, but also by mechanical damage to the mucous membrane, loud singing, and smoking. The treatment is identical, it is important not to strain the vocal cords, not to smoke, not to eat spicy and sour foods; Sore throat - with this disease, a white coating appears on the surface of the larynx and tonsils, the temperature can rise above 38.5, and general symptoms of intoxication appear. It is imperative to remove plaque using rinses and inhalations; often you cannot do without antibiotics, which should only be prescribed by a doctor.

With proper treatment, the patient recovers completely within 7-10 days.

Vomiting and headache in the absence of fever

Headache and vomiting in adults are explained by food poisoning and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract. We can also talk about various intestinal infections, especially if the disease is accompanied by weakness and blood in the stool. Children can get sick for the following reasons:

  • regurgitation, overfeeding and intussusception. Vomiting without fever is the most common occurrence in infants. Regurgitation is a natural process that occurs during feeding and does not require treatment if it is repeated up to 4 times a day. Vomiting as a result of overfeeding is necessary in order to remove excess formula and milk from the body. Intussusception is a blockage of the intestine, which in severe cases requires surgery.
  • increased intracranial pressure in diseases of the nervous system. The pathology is accompanied by headaches and vomiting.
  • concussion is another disease in which there is a headache, but no fever. This is preceded by a severe head injury. If treatment is neglected, the child will experience dizziness, nausea and more severe consequences. Doctors recommend as first aid to save a sick child from dehydration, which will inevitably occur after repeated vomiting. Next, you should consult a gastroenterologist.

Sore throat without fever or runny nose

✓ Article checked by doctor

Every person knows how colds, flu and sore throat begin - with a cough, runny nose, fever and sore throat. But how to recognize an illness if the patient has only the last of all the symptoms? In fact, there are a lot of diseases that are characterized by unpleasant sensations in the throat without cough, mucous discharge and fever, so only a specialist can accurately determine the cause. What factors cause this phenomenon and what can be done to eliminate the discomfort?

Sore throat without fever or runny nose

Colds without fever

Headache without fever often occurs in adults with colds. In this case, there is almost always a sore throat, weakness, severe runny nose and cough. If treatment was started in the early stages, then elevated body temperature can almost always be avoided. How to treat a cold at the initial stage? Therapy should be comprehensive:

  • provide yourself or your loved ones with bed rest. It is highly not recommended to engage in heavy work during illness - the body will spend all its energy on it and will not expel the virus.
  • take antiviral drugs - Remantadine, Oseltamivir, Interferon.
  • pay attention to local treatment of the nose. Take nasal medications to constrict blood vessels and rinse your nasal passages with saline solutions.
  • To treat the throat, use saline solutions, tablets and irrigation sprays.

For severe headaches, when there is no fever, you can use painkillers - Ibuprofen, Analgin, Ketanov, Nise and others.

Remember that eliminating a symptom does not mean complete recovery. Consult a doctor to identify the cause of the illness in an adult or child and undergo the prescribed course of treatment.

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Headache and throat hurt, but no temperature: causes and methods of treatment Link to main publication

Viral infection or a common cold?

It is important to know!

EVERYONE should know about this! UNBELIEVABLE BUT TRUE! Scientists have discovered a SCARY relationship. It turns out that the cause of 50% of all ARVI diseases, accompanied by elevated temperature, as well as symptoms of fever and chills, are BACTERIA and PARASITES, such as Giardia, Ascaris and Toxocara. How dangerous are these parasites? They can deprive health and EVEN LIFE, because they directly affect the immune system, causing irreparable harm. In 95% of cases, the immune system is powerless against bacteria, and diseases will not be long in coming.

To forget about parasites once and for all, while maintaining your health, experts and scientists advise taking.....

.. »

Cough, runny nose, sore throat - all these symptoms in most cases are caused by a viral or bacterial infection.

They need to be treated with different medications and methods, so it is important to establish what exactly caused the disease. One of the indicators that will help determine the type of infection is the patient’s body temperature.

A temperature of about 37 degrees or slightly higher is called low-grade fever and usually indicates that the patient has contracted the virus.

A bacterial infection is characterized by an acute inflammatory process, in which the temperature rises to 38 degrees and above. Also, the thermometer readings can be kept at 37 for a long time in case of chronic ENT diseases.

This, of course, is not a strict rule; even a common cold or flu sometimes begins with a strong increase in body temperature, and only then a cough, runny nose and sore throat appear. ARVI or acute respiratory infections - this can only be accurately determined with the help of laboratory tests. But what to do until the tests are ready? It is important to start treatment as early as possible.

A viral infection is recognized by the following typical signs:

Seasonality - a bacterial infection can strike all year round, but influenza and its varieties in our region - mainly from December to February. The disease has a distinct onset and rapid progression - symptoms appear within a few hours after contact with a sick person, a maximum of 48 hours. First, a sore throat, headache and temperature up to 37 or 37.5 degrees, chills, weakness appear, then a runny nose and cough.

Infections caused by viruses cannot be treated with antibacterial drugs. Therefore, you should not immediately swallow handfuls of tablets from your home medicine cabinet - this will only undermine your already weakened immune system and delay treatment.

Often the temperature is 37, a runny nose and cough persist for up to several weeks precisely because the patient immediately took a “loading” dose of a variety of medications and suffered the disease on his feet. In this case, it will not be easy to cure him.

Runny nose and headache, but no fever - what do the symptoms indicate?

If a person complains that he has a runny nose and a headache, then these symptoms do not indicate any specific pathology. And this condition is not always accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Therefore, the help of a specialist in this situation will be necessary, especially in cases where such signs persist for a long time.


Respiratory diseases

Rhinovirus infection is one of the possible causes of a runny nose. Children with this disease develop a fever, but adults usually have a normal body temperature.

Difficulty in nasal breathing, sneezing and sore throat are characteristic manifestations of this pathology. If left untreated, a runny nose can last up to 2 weeks.

Chronic rhinitis

With this group of diseases, there are also complaints such as “headache, runny nose, but no fever.” These symptoms are most characteristic of hypertrophic and allergic inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

In the first form of rhinitis, a person is bothered by difficulty breathing, which can be constant. Sometimes nasal congestion occurs on each side in turn. If the thickened anterior sections of the inferior turbinates compress the openings of the nasolacrimal canals, conjunctivitis and lacrimation develop. In cases where the inferior nasal concha puts pressure on the nasal septum, headaches appear reflexively.

Allergic rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa associated with contact with an allergen. Nasal congestion, excessive watery discharge and sneezing are the main symptoms. Over a long period of time, headaches, irritability, weakness, impaired sense of smell and nosebleeds occur.

Chronic sinusitis

This is an inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the paranasal sinuses. In a chronic process, there is usually no increase in temperature. The pathology is accompanied by a number of symptoms:

  • In the paranasal area, above the bridge of the nose, in the nose, above the eye, unpleasant sensations appear, which gradually increase over time. In the evening they intensify, and in the morning they are least pronounced. After some time, a person develops a headache.
  • Nasal congestion, usually on both halves. It is usually permanent, but sometimes slight improvements may occur. In some people, congestion in the right and left halves of the nose alternates. The voice becomes nasal.
  • Runny nose. Nasal discharge is usually clear mucous or yellowish-green purulent. But if the nose is very blocked, then the outflow of secretions from the sinuses is difficult, and there may be no discharge.
  • Frequent sneezing.
  • Weakness and general malaise.
  • Sleep disorders.

But depending on which sinus is involved, the symptoms of the disease differ. Sinusitis can be either unilateral or bilateral. Highlight:

  • Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the maxillary sinus. It develops when bacteria or viruses enter the sinus from the nasal cavity in many infectious diseases affecting the respiratory tract. The pathological process can cause changes in the teeth of the upper jaw.
  • Frontitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane that lines the sinus of the frontal bone. The causes of development coincide with those that cause sinusitis. But the pathology is much more severe. The chronic form of the disease occurs if the outflow of sinus contents is impaired. This occurs due to hypertrophy (proliferation and increase in volume) of the middle turbinate or against the background of a deviated nasal septum. Very severe pain appears in the frontal region, and it is most pronounced in the morning. In difficult situations, the sense of smell deteriorates and photophobia occurs.
  • Ethmoiditis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane that covers the cells of the ethmoid bone. Usually this condition occurs in conjunction with sinusitis and frontal sinusitis.
  • Sphenoiditis is an inflammatory process of the mucous membrane that covers the sphenoid sinus. I am worried about headaches in the area of ​​the orbit, crown, back of the head and deep in the head.

A persistent runny nose accompanied by headaches requires consultation with a specialist to clarify the diagnosis. Only after this the doctor will give the necessary recommendations for treatment.

How to treat a sore throat and runny nose?

A runny nose, pain or sore throat can be quickly cured only with symptomatic and systemic treatment. If the cause is a viral infection, the patient may be prescribed:

  • Antiviral drugs.
  • Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Moisturizing nasal drops based on saline solutions.
  • Vasoconstrictor nasal drops.
  • Antiallergic drugs.

Any medicine must be prescribed by a doctor. If there is a bacterial infection or risk of complications, the patient is prescribed antibiotics for a sore throat for local or internal use. When there is no fever, but the patient is bothered by a headache, sore throat, or symptoms of rhinitis, the most likely cause is an allergic reaction. In such cases, the doctor prescribes antihistamines, as well as eliminating contact with the irritant. If the sore throat has decreased, but the snot still causes discomfort and interferes with breathing, the therapy may not have been chosen correctly.

We recommend reading: How to treat a sore throat and cough without fever?

Vasoconstrictor drugs will help to quickly restore nasal breathing, which will quickly eliminate congestion, relieve swelling, inflammation, and reduce the amount of mucus secreted: Nazivin, Otrivin, Tizin, Nok spray and others. You can use such drugs for no more than 5 days.

Treatment of the throat often includes inhalations or gargles, which act at the very source of inflammation, quickly relieve inflammation, thin the snot in the throat, and speed up the recovery period. Both pharmaceutical preparations and decoctions of medicinal herbs, some medications in the form of a solution (Miramistin, Furacilin solution) can be used as a gargle. For a sore throat, they help well with antiseptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects: Givalex, Ingalipt, Strepsils and others. For infectious diseases, treatment must include antibiotics, which will help suppress and destroy the infectious agent and speed up the recovery period. Any tablets, sprays or drops should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the patient’s age, cause, and characteristics of the body.

If the cause of a sore throat is a sore throat, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since this disease often provokes complications that affect the functioning of the heart, hearing aid, or respiratory system.

Your doctor will tell you how to quickly cure a runny nose and sore throat and eliminate the risk of complications, and only after determining the underlying cause. Rhinitis and sore throat can be cured using traditional medicine, but such treatment can only act as an auxiliary therapy.

What antibiotics to take for a runny nose in adults - read this article.

What to do when you have a headache, weakness and runny nose

If there is no fever, then a bath with mustard will help get rid of the first signs of a cold.

Pour hot water into a basin, add 1 tbsp. l. mustard powder and soak your feet in it for 10-15 minutes. After taking a bath, dry your feet with a towel, put on woolen socks and go to bed.

At the first sign of a cold, brew herbal tea in a thermos. To prepare it, you can use raspberry branches, linden blossom, chamomile, mint, thyme, and rose hips. Add honey, raspberry or viburnum jam, and lemon to tea. You should drink this tea as often as possible. It will help you no worse than expensive medicines and will prevent the development of complications.

On the first day of a cold, you need to take a loading dose of vitamin C. You can take several tablets of ascorbic acid, or you can increase the consumption of foods that contain this vitamin: fresh herbs, strawberries, citrus fruits. To meet your daily requirement of vitamin C, it is enough to eat 2 medium oranges. Don’t rush to throw away the peels of citrus fruits; they can also be useful for your health. You can pour boiling water over the peel and breathe over it, covered with a towel, for 5-10 minutes. It can be finely chopped and placed next to the bed to disinfect and freshen the air. You can make a decoction from the peel, which is also very useful.

If your throat hurts, rinse your mouth every 30 minutes with warm water with the addition of sea salt (1 teaspoon of salt for 1 glass). If you don't have sea salt, you can use regular salt or substitute baking soda. Various lozenges and sprays for sore throat are very useful.

If you feel weak and have a severe headache, lie down on your bed and take your temperature. You can put a leaf of fresh cabbage on your forehead, which relieves headaches well. If there is no temperature, or it is not very high, you can take your usual headache pill. If the temperature is high (more than 38º), then you should take an antipyretic drug. If severe weakness, vomiting, sharp abdominal pain, or loss of consciousness occurs, call an ambulance immediately.

2 Diet and rest during illness

If you suppress a headache with pills, after a while it comes back again. Even stronger and, as always, at the wrong time. Without taking proper measures, the pain becomes chronic and interferes with life. Find out how site readers cope with headaches and migraines using a cheap remedy.

In order for the body to cope with a cold faster, it needs to spend less energy on digesting food and other needs. Eat only easily digestible foods that contain many vitamins and beneficial microelements. The diet should consist of cereals, fermented milk products, fresh vegetable and fruit salads. To prepare meat dishes, use chicken and turkey fillet, rabbit meat, and lean beef. All fried and fatty foods should be excluded. If you have no appetite, do not force yourself, eat often, but little by little.

Ventilate the room several times a day, walk in the fresh air for 30-40 minutes daily. Be sure to change your underwear every day. If there is no fever, you can take a hot bath with sea salt and essential oils once a day.

How to relieve sore throat and fever?

A cold is always accompanied by an increase in temperature. If it does not exceed 38 degrees, then it is not advisable to knock it down. At this time, the body tries to cope with the disease on its own.

If the temperature is above 38, then you need to take antipyretics (Paracetamol or Aspirin). In any case, it is better to call an ambulance and ask the doctor on duty how to act in such a situation.

When the condition gets better, you need to contact a therapist to prescribe treatment. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics and remedies for the throat and runny nose. I take antibiotics in short courses for up to 5 days. If after this time there is no improvement, a second trip to the hospital will be necessary.

At high temperatures, you need to drink more warm tea and rest more. In the first days of illness, the body is very weak, so during these days you need to stay in bed and rest.

Pain in the larynx is dealt with by gargling. Furacilin, soda or saline solution is suitable as a rinse medicine. Such solutions cleanse the tonsils of bacteria and pus and relieve inflammation from the throat mucosa.

Sprays will help relieve soreness in the larynx. For example, Kameton, Ingalipt, Strepsils+. Such sprays have an antiseptic effect. In the first days of illness, lozenges (Srepsils, Doctor MOM, Hexoral) will help relieve discomfort in the larynx. They not only have an antiseptic effect, but also act as a pain reliever.

Don't forget about drinking plenty of fluids. But the liquid should not be very hot. It will only hurt your throat. It is better to add honey to tea instead of sugar.

In addition, along with the main treatment, you need to take a course of vitamins. It continues after illness in order to restore the body after illness.

Runny nose, sore throat and temperature 37-38: how to treat

A sore throat, a temperature of about 37, a cough and a runny nose - all this indicates that an infection has entered the body.

The patient's condition is weak, he is constantly tired, has no appetite, and may have a headache.

The worst thing is that many people get sick all season; the symptoms may become weaker for a while, but then return again.

What diseases can these signs be symptoms of and what should be done? Do I need to see a doctor and take sick leave from work, or can I heal myself?

How dangerous is it to suffer such a cold on your feet - after all, the temperature is not very high?

Viral infection or a common cold?

They need to be treated with different medications and methods, so it is important to establish what exactly caused the disease. One of the indicators that will help determine the type of infection is the patient’s body temperature.

A temperature of about 37 degrees or slightly higher is called low-grade fever and usually indicates that the patient has contracted the virus.

A bacterial infection is characterized by an acute inflammatory process, in which the temperature rises to 38 degrees and above. Also, the thermometer readings can be kept at 37 for a long time in case of chronic ENT diseases.

This, of course, is not a strict rule; even a common cold or flu sometimes begins with a strong increase in body temperature, and only then a cough, runny nose and sore throat appear. ARVI or acute respiratory infections - this can only be accurately determined with the help of laboratory tests. But what to do until the tests are ready? It is important to start treatment as early as possible.

A viral infection is recognized by the following typical signs:

  1. Seasonality - a bacterial infection can strike all year round, but influenza and its varieties in our region - mainly from December to February.
  2. The disease has a distinct onset and rapid progression - symptoms appear within a few hours after contact with a sick person, a maximum of 48 hours.
  3. First, a sore throat, headache and temperature up to 37 or 37.5 degrees, chills, weakness appear, then a runny nose and cough.

Infections caused by viruses cannot be treated with antibacterial drugs. Therefore, you should not immediately swallow handfuls of tablets from your home medicine cabinet - this will only undermine your already weakened immune system and delay treatment.

Often the temperature is 37, a runny nose and cough persist for up to several weeks precisely because the patient immediately took a “loading” dose of a variety of medications and suffered the disease on his feet. In this case, it will not be easy to cure him.

What to do if you have a sore throat, runny nose and cough

How to behave correctly at the first signs of ARVI in order to get back on your feet as quickly as possible and prevent complications? At first glance, it is not clear how a sore throat and runny nose can be associated with the digestive organs, heart and blood vessels, but this is so.

Advanced influenza causes complications such as pneumonia, rheumatism, otitis media, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, and pathologies of the excretory system.

Therefore, even at a temperature of 37, which many do not consider serious, requiring hospital and bed rest, you should call a doctor and take the following measures:

  • Maintain bed rest, limit contact with others as much as possible, and do not go outside;
  • Drink more liquid, but not soda and coffee, even with milk, but tea and decoctions of medicinal herbs, natural juices, compotes and fruit drinks. You can drink rosehip or cranberry syrup dissolved in still mineral water;
  • Ventilate the room and humidify the air more often;
  • Monitor your body temperature - if it becomes above 37 and continues to rise, you should immediately call a doctor.

Your doctor will tell you how to treat cough, snot, and sore throat due to ARVI. What not to do before he arrives:

  1. Take aspirin at any temperature.
  2. Attend work, college, go shopping.
  3. Go on a diet or introduce new foods to your diet.
  4. Drink alcohol and smoke.

If your throat is very sore, you can gargle it with decoctions of chamomile, sage, oak bark, furatsilin or baking soda. If you have a severe runny nose, it is permissible to put vasoconstrictor drops into your nose. But in no case should you exceed the dosage specified in the instructions for use.

To maintain immunity, it is very useful to take multivitamins and eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible.

If the condition worsens, severe headaches and cramps, skin rashes, vomiting, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, attacks of weakness up to loss of consciousness appear, urgent hospitalization of the patient is necessary.

How to treat a sore throat

This symptom is very unpleasant, in addition, if you do not treat a sore throat, you can progress the disease and then you will have to suffer for several more weeks, or even months.

The method of eliminating sore throat is chosen depending on its cause.

  • Pharyngitis - a strong, cutting soreness bothers you, your voice is hoarse, and it is very painful to swallow. Pharyngitis is a complication of a cold or flu. It is treated with special sprays, lozenges, rinses and warm drinks:
  • Laryngitis - symptoms are similar to pharyngitis, but the voice often disappears completely, the pain in the throat is very strong and constant. Unlike pharyngitis, laryngitis can be caused not only by infection, but also by mechanical damage to the mucous membrane, loud singing, and smoking. The treatment is identical, it is important not to strain the vocal cords, not to smoke, not to eat spicy and sour foods;
  • Sore throat - with this disease, a white coating appears on the surface of the larynx and tonsils, the temperature can rise above 38.5, and general symptoms of intoxication appear. It is imperative to remove plaque using rinses and inhalations; often you cannot do without antibiotics, which should only be prescribed by a doctor.

With proper treatment, the patient recovers completely within 7-10 days.

Why does a sore throat and runny nose appear?

The appearance of a sore throat, runny nose, and elevated body temperature is nothing more than the body’s reaction to external infectious agents. With strong immunity, the body is able to resist pathogenic agents, but when immune forces are reduced, the penetration of any virus, bacteria or allergen can cause an acute reaction, provoke catarrhal symptoms, characteristic of a cold.

A runny nose without fever, as well as a sore throat, can also appear as a result of other causes not related to a viral disease. This condition can be provoked by:

  • Defects of the nasal septum.
  • Nose abnormalities.
  • Smoking.
  • Sudden temperature change.
  • Dry indoor air.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Neurological disorders.
  • Allergic reaction.

Under the influence of the above factors, the nasal mucosa becomes irritated, tissue swelling and inflammation occur. Such disorders cause frequent sneezing, sore throat, watery eyes, and copious mucus discharge from the nose.

How to cure a nursing mother's cold. sore throat and runny nose



Sore throat - milk (can be with honey if there is no allergy). Runny nose - aquamaris drip. Actually, no medication helped either. drugs :)

Irina K.

I didn't take the pills. I just drank hot tea with honey. For a runny nose, spray or drops. If you are going out, tie a scarf. When I have a cold, I try to wear warm socks all the time and sleep in them at night. It helped me. Get well!


Mix equal proportions of lemon juice and honey. Take as syrup 3 times a day, 3 tsp. You can have it with warm (not hot!) tea. By the way, the child will receive immunobodies with milk, which means no one needs to take medications. I have been breastfeeding my child for a year and a half now. Good luck. do not be ill!:)


In a glass of sweet, hot tea, add one teaspoon of vodka at night. Iodine net on the nose.

Personal Account Removed

During the day you need to drink several glasses of hot water (boiling water) from 7 to 15 glasses. This is how they used to drink tea in Rus': boiling water without steeping and sugar on the side. We dried ourselves with a towel. I like to add squeezed lemon or lime juice to boiling water. Sometimes a teaspoon of honey. You can drink hot milk. It's even useful for you. As a rule, all cold symptoms disappear the next day. No medications.

Natalya Novik

To treat a sore throat, gargle with 1 teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm water. 1 hour l salt and 2-3 drops of iodine. Rinse 5-6 times. Instill 2-3 drops of interferon into the nose 4 times. Chop the garlic and place it on the radiator. The smell is not the best, but the health of mother and baby is more important. Get well.

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