Sore throat, runny nose during pregnancy, how to treat it

Cough is one of the main symptoms indicating various diseases. Before thinking about the question of how to treat cough during pregnancy, you need to determine its cause. According to doctors, the main cause of the disease is infections of the ENT organs - throat, nose, trachea, respiratory tract. Often the cause of the disease is a severe allergy. In some cases, stress and reflux (disorders of the stomach and digestive system) can cause coughing. Smoking is another common cause of a sore throat.

Do coughs need to be treated during pregnancy?

Any disease in a pregnant woman is doubly dangerous - the disease can harm not only the mother, but also the fetus. Therefore, you should not ignore such a dangerous symptom as a cough - you should immediately seek medical help. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe appropriate treatment. If you miss time, a mild cough that accompanies ARVI can develop into tracheitis or bronchitis, and these diseases are not easy to cure with folk remedies.

It is known that during any disease the human body begins to produce antibodies that resist infection. The immune system of a pregnant woman begins to work with increased load. If the pregnancy proceeds without pathologies, germs and bacteria will not reach the child, but if doctors have diagnosed placental insufficiency, then infection of the fetus may occur. In this case, the disease must be treated immediately, then there will be a chance to avoid complications.

Coughing is also dangerous because it creates increased pressure on the abdominal cavity. This is a dangerous factor for women who are at risk of miscarriage; it can cause uterine tone, the signs of which are pain in the lower abdomen and spotting. A dry cough is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman and her fetus, which, if predisposed to miscarriage, can provoke termination of pregnancy. Dry cough is also dangerous in case of multiple pregnancy, with isthmic-cervical insufficiency and placenta previa - the disease in these cases must be treated without delay.

Proper treatment of colds in a pregnant woman: super technique

The body of even a healthy woman during pregnancy is in a state of suppressed immune system.
This state is provided by nature so that the body does not reject the emerging life. A woman becomes susceptible to colds. Pregnant woman with thermometer

A cold during pregnancy can harm the baby. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to any signs of the disease.

The first signs of the disease are fatigue and headache. Then a cough occurs and the throat begins to hurt.

If the disease is not too serious, then the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees.

If signs of illness appear, you should see a doctor. Treatment for a cold is determined by a specialist, since any self-medication can be dangerous.

Treatment of colds during pregnancy

The specificity of treating colds and coughs during pregnancy is that at different stages of pregnancy the doctor prescribes different medications. In particular, it is better not to prescribe serious drugs in the first trimester, but these medications can be used in the third trimester.

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy for the treatment of dry cough it is allowed to take:

  • Stodal
  • Bronchicum
  • Sinekod

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the doctor may prescribe:

  • Coldrex Knight
  • Stoptussin syrup
  • Falimint
  • Libexin

To treat a wet cough throughout pregnancy, with the permission of your doctor, you can take the following medications:

  • Bromhexine
  • Bronchiprest
  • Mukaltin
  • Tussin
  • Gerbion
  • Chest collection
  • Linkas
  • Doctor Mom
  • overslept

It is strictly forbidden to take the following medications for any period of time:

  • Glycodin
  • Tussin plus
  • Codelac
  • Flupex
  • Bronholitin
  • Terpincord
  • Ascoril
  • ACC
  • Pertusin
  • Travisil
  • Joset

Complications of a cold

To the main complications

viral infections in the early stages include:

  1. Spontaneous miscarriages;
  2. Formation of fetal malformations;
  3. Intrauterine infection and fetal death.

A special feature of colds in the first trimester is that pregnant women often have a hard time suffering from the disease. Such periods are typical:

  • Significant rise in temperature;
  • Difficulties in reducing temperature due to the ban on taking many antipyretic drugs;
  • High risk of bacterial complications.

In the second trimester

the level of a woman’s defenses increases, and a pregnant woman tolerates ARVI and influenza more easily, but the influence of infectious agents on the child still remains significant.
The formation of the fetus is already completed by 12 weeks, so exposure to viruses does not lead to severe malformations. The main impact of the infectious disease falls on the growing placenta, which makes its blood circulation and supply of oxygen and nutrients to the baby difficult. of a viral infection
in the second trimester include:

  • Premature termination of pregnancy;
  • Development of fetoplacental insufficiency (decreased ability of the placenta to provide adequate exchange between the organisms of the mother and fetus);
  • Intrauterine growth retardation;
  • Fetal hypoxia (oxygen deficiency);
  • Intrauterine infection of the fetus;
  • Premature rupture of amniotic fluid.

Information During the third trimester

Colds occur similarly to the second trimester and also have a negative effect on the placenta. The most dangerous infection of the mother is in the last weeks of pregnancy, especially before childbirth, because At the same time, the risk of contracting a child with a viral infection increases significantly.

Complications of ARVI and influenza in the third trimester


  1. Fetoplacental insufficiency;
  2. Premature rupture of amniotic fluid and termination of pregnancy;
  3. Intrauterine growth retardation;
  4. Fetal hypoxia (especially pronounced when infected before birth: the child is born lethargic with breathing problems);
  5. Increased risk of birth trauma and increased blood loss during childbirth;
  6. Development of postpartum infectious diseases of the internal genital organs.

What procedures can be used to treat cough during pregnancy?

For severe coughs and colds, it is prohibited to use cups, hot baths, mustard plasters, UHF, or physiotherapy. Doctors do not recommend steaming your feet in boiling water - the heat exposure can lead to miscarriage. The flow of blood to the skin can cause swelling, which will cause the fetus to suffer from a lack of oxygen. To warm up the body, doctors advise warming yourself up - putting on warm socks, wrapping yourself in a blanket or scarf, etc.

Inhalations are indicated for the treatment of sore throat and colds during pregnancy. These procedures provide a direct effect of medicinal herbs on the site of infection. Usually, to treat a cough, use a chest mixture, which is brewed, infused, and breathed over it for 5 minutes, covered with a towel. An even greater effect is achieved during inhalation with a nebulizer, which sprays herbs, aromatic oils and mineral water onto microparticles - these substances can be breathed even at high temperatures.

How and how to treat a runny nose and cough during pregnancy

Suppression of immune reactivity during pregnancy is a physiological condition that provides optimal conditions for the fetus and prevents its rejection, that is, spontaneous abortion.
However, immunosuppression does not always have a positive effect on the body of the expectant mother, because resistance to infections decreases. A woman becomes more sensitive to all negative factors of exogenous and endogenous origin. A runny nose and cough during pregnancy should alert a woman and be a reason to consult a doctor. The content of the article

There are many reasons for rhinitis and cough:

  • infections (rhino-, adenoviruses, streptococci, pneumococci);
  • hypothermia. A woman may get her feet wet or freeze in the cold, which will lead to a decrease in immunity and the development of the disease. If you drink a cold drink or eat too much ice cream, the risk of pharyngitis increases, which may be accompanied by a runny nose and cough;
  • communication with sick people, especially during periods of epidemic or in stuffy rooms;
  • stress and constant nervous tension;
  • allergic reactions. An immune response in the form of an allergy can develop after contact with plant pollen, poplar fluff, wool, dust mites, household chemicals or inhalation of perfume aromas;
  • concomitant diseases of a systemic nature, for example, diabetes or hypertension, which reduce immunity and weaken the body;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions. This applies to living in an area with air polluted by chemical or dust particles. In addition, dry and dusty air in the home also increases the risk of respiratory tract diseases.

Pregnancy and runny nose

If a cough is accompanied by a runny nose, the use of naphthyzin, galazolin and other vasoconstrictor drugs is allowed only on the recommendation of a doctor. It is better to start treating a runny nose by drinking plenty of fluids to replenish lost fluid. It is recommended to use the following methods of treating a runny nose:

  • Massage with your fingertips at the base of the nostrils.
  • Place a pillow under the head of the head to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane.
  • Infusion of plantain, strawberry and St. John's wort: pour 30 grams of the herb with a glass (200 grams) of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. Take 100 grams 3 times a day.

How to carry out effective and safe treatment?

Cough during pregnancy and other symptoms of a cold can be cured quickly if you begin treatment procedures right away.

If you experience discomfort in your throat or runny nose, you should get enough sleep and drink plenty of fluids. Drinks such as weak chas with lemon and warmed milk should be used.

Treatment of a runny nose in pregnant women will be easier if you stop eating fried and fatty foods. It is necessary to limit salt intake and follow a low-calorie diet. Salt causes excess fluid to accumulate in the body, which causes nasal congestion.

First aid for illness

At the first signs of a cold, you must immediately take measures to prevent the development of the disease. Therefore, a pregnant woman should study first aid methods for colds in advance.

Lemon is a very healthy product

Treatment of rhinitis in pregnant women and other cold symptoms involves the following:

  1. If you have a sore throat, eat a piece of lemon with sugar.
  2. Bed rest is observed for several days.
  3. In all rooms there are containers with water into which garlic and onions are finely crumbled.
  4. You can eat a clove of garlic. It contains phytoncides that have a healing effect.
  5. To prevent intoxication in the body, you should consume a lot of liquid: compote of berries and dried fruits, decoction of linden or rose hips.
  6. It is important to maintain a balanced diet. Do not overload your digestive system with heavy food. It is recommended to consume broths, vegetables, porridge and boiled meat.

It is recommended to take such measures before consulting a doctor and avoid taking medications.

If you have a fever, pregnant women can take paracetamol, but only on the recommendation of a doctor.

To eliminate high temperature, the following means are used:

  1. A cold compress is placed on the forehead. The fabric is moistened in cool water, wrung out and placed on the forehead.
  2. Rubbing with vinegar is used. They are used if the hands and feet have pink skin and are hot. The material soaked in water can be placed under important arteries: on the stomach, under the knee or elbows.
  3. If the limbs are white, then compresses are not used. In such cases, paracetamol is used and a doctor is called.
  4. Linden tea is safe in this state. It is believed that it opens pores and reduces temperature.

Treatment of cough with fever

The presence of fever is a sure sign of ARVI. After you have called a doctor to your home, you need to do the following:

  • Start drinking warm raspberry tea in large quantities.
  • You can rub with 3% vinegar or vodka.
  • For treatment, a herbal decoction is used: two tablespoons of raspberries (frozen, dried or from jam), 4 leaves of coltsfoot, 3 leaves of plantain and 2 leaves of oregano, brew with a glass (200 grams) of boiling water, leave for an hour. Take one tablespoon up to four times a day.

Traditional treatment

A pregnant woman should be very careful about numerous folk remedies for colds, as they provoke various pathologies. For example, during pregnancy it is contraindicated to drink tea with mint or lemon balm if you have a cold without fever, since these herbs thin the blood.

The benefits of the miraculous properties of echinacea and propolis in supporting the immune system during pregnancy have not yet been proven, so you should not use preparations based on these medicinal herbs on your own.

Treatment with folk remedies must be agreed upon with the attending physician.

Despite this, there are harmless traditional medicine recipes that promote a speedy recovery when a woman falls ill during pregnancy.

Gargling is the most harmless method of treatment if your throat hurts during pregnancy. As soon as you feel a sore throat or sore throat, you can use this type of therapy. The well-known rinsing recipe is a saline solution in the proportion of 1 tbsp. l sea or table salt per glass of water. It is also recommended to use furatsilin (1 tablet per glass of warm water) and soda solution (1 tsp per glass of water) for rinsing. Prepare a solution of 10 drops of calendula tincture and 200 ml of warm water.

If you have a sore throat and runny nose during pregnancy, inhalation procedures are used. Chamomile or sage are often used for this. Inhaling essential oils makes breathing easier and reduces sore throat. Avoid herbal inhalations if you are allergic to medicinal herbs. In this case, use grandma’s old recipe - breathe over the boiled potatoes, covered with a towel. It is better to perform the procedure before bedtime. Treatment for influenza during pregnancy includes inhaling fumes from cut onions or garlic. This is one of the proven folk recipes that is still very popular.

Compresses are another remedy for sore throat and cough during pregnancy. You can make a compress from chamomile. To do this, soak a towel in warm chamomile infusion and apply it to your throat. Next option: cottage cheese at room temperature is spread on cheesecloth and covered with cling film and a towel on top. If the pregnant woman can stand the smell, you can try making a compress of grated onion and honey. This mixture is spread on a cabbage leaf and covered with a towel on top.

A rise in temperature is an alarming symptom for many mothers. Warm drinks are the first thing to take when you have a cold with fever. Green tea and dried fruit compotes are suitable. Raspberry tea is an excellent antipyretic, but it is best taken in moderate doses.

Tea made only from raspberries

But it is better not to drink tea made from raspberry leaves until the birth itself, as it helps to relax the muscles of the birth canal. Linden tea is an excellent remedy for fever, but you shouldn’t get too carried away with it either. Long-term consumption of linden tea can lead to increased heart rate and kidney dysfunction.

When a cold or fever during pregnancy is accompanied by chills, put on warm socks and cover yourself with a warm blanket. Rubbing with water or diluted vinegar is used in extreme heat.

Pregnant women with a runny nose are recommended to rinse their nose with saline solution, saline solution or chamomile decoction. In addition, a runny nose during pregnancy is treated with inhalations using essential oils or eucalyptus decoction. Inhalation with Borjomi using a nebulizer will help relieve nasal congestion. Instead of nasal drops, the nose is instilled with carrot or beet juice.

If your cough is accompanied by a sore throat

Often, along with a cough, a sore throat appears. In this case, rinsing will help, and other folk remedies are also effective:

  • Prepare the infusion according to the following recipe. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over sage (3 tbsp), eucalyptus (2 tbsp) and birch (1 tbsp) leaves, leave for 30 minutes, cool and strain. Gargle at least three times a day.
  • Another recipe: mix beetroot or onion solution with water in a 1:1 ratio, rinse every two hours.

What to do if you get sick?

A cold in the first trimester of pregnancy is especially dangerous: a woman may be completely unaware of her situation and take medications that have a negative effect on the fetus. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, such as runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, cough, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication during this period and subsequent trimesters can adversely affect the health of the mother and fetus and cause complications during childbirth. The first remedy in the fight against a cold is a warm drink. Compotes, weak tea, still water, milk with a little honey, rose hips - pregnant women can drink all this when they have a cold.

The amount of fluid consumed should be controlled in the second and third trimester to avoid swelling. It is not safe to carry the virus on your feet while at work. Be sure to take sick leave for this period. Ventilate the room and humidify the air more often. Do not forget about proper sleep, as it contributes to a speedy recovery.

Most cold medications are contraindicated during pregnancy. It is strictly forbidden to take the following medications:

  • antibiotics;
  • antipyretics;
  • immunomodulators;
  • alcohol tinctures;
  • vasoconstrictor nasal drops;
  • vitamins.

Consult your doctor about vitamins

The use of these medications can cause serious pathologies of the fetus, create a threat of miscarriage and cause complications during childbirth. Antibiotics are not prescribed for ARVI. These drugs are used for complications of the disease when the body cannot cope with the infection on its own. Only a doctor prescribes an antibacterial drug depending on the location of the infection.

Treatment with antipyretics should be done very carefully. The fact that acetylsalicylic acid causes bleeding during colds is a myth. Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and ibuprofen are the safest drugs in the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are prescribed in the first and second trimester of pregnancy. But taking these drugs in the last trimester can negatively affect the condition of the fetus. If the temperature of pregnant women in the early stages rises to 38 °C, then paracetamol or acetaminophen is considered one of the safest remedies in any trimester. Numerous studies of this drug have not revealed any harmful effects on the fetus or birth outcome.

While antipyretics can be selected during early pregnancy, the situation is different with immunomodulators. Their effects on the immune system of mother and child are not fully understood, and the incorrect selection of such drugs can cause autoimmune and sometimes cancer.

When a woman has a cold during pregnancy, you should not use alcohol-containing tinctures. Alcohol has a negative effect on the baby's intrauterine development.

Nasal vasoconstrictors are also contraindicated because they negatively affect the functioning of the fetal cardiovascular system.

All kinds of vitamin complexes are prescribed exclusively by a gynecologist. These drugs can cause hypervitaminosis or oversaturation of the body with vitamins.

Alternative medicine for pregnant women to help with cough

Practice shows that homeopathic remedies do not harm pregnancy. For treatment, antigrippin is used, 5 grains of which must be dissolved every half hour. Flu-heel also has a similar effect - you need to take one tablet of the drug every 15 minutes for two hours.

Aromatherapy also has a strong effect. Sage oil, eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, as well as other oils that do not cause allergies are used as an inhalation product. To carry out inhalations, you need to drop a few drops of oil into a cup of warm water or onto a napkin, cover with a towel, and inhale the aroma oil for 10 - 12 minutes.

Treatment of a runny nose

If the cause of a runny nose is a common cold, it is enough to control the temperature and put drops in your nose. To treat a runny nose the following are prescribed:

  1. vasoconstrictors. Their action is to restore nasal breathing by reducing swelling of the mucous membrane and the production of mucous discharge. Pregnant women are allowed children's nasal sprays, for example, Vibrocil or Nazik. If you are not allergic to essential oils, you can use Pinosol. The optimal drug for pregnant women is Delufen. It is prescribed for infectious, allergic or vasomotor rhinitis, including the chronic form. The drug belongs to the group of homeopathic remedies, has anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, protective, antimicrobial effects, and also stimulates regenerative processes. It is not addictive, normalizes the microflora of the nasopharynx and quickly relieves symptoms of rhinitis;

Long-term use of vasoconstrictors leads to dryness of the mucous membrane and addiction, due to which the strength of the therapeutic effect is sharply reduced.

  1. rinsing the nasal passages with saline solutions. The procedure allows you to cleanse the mucous membrane of dust and crusts, moisturize it and normalize the functioning of the eyelashes. To do this, you can use pharmaceutical preparations, for example, saline solution, Salin, Dolphin, or prepare a solution yourself (it is enough to dissolve 5 g of salt in 230 ml of warm water);
  2. the homeopathic drug Sinupret is prescribed to reduce the severity of edema, inflammation, hypersecretion, as a result of which nasal breathing is restored.

From traditional medicine it is allowed to use:

  • aloe juice for instillation of the nasal passages. It is also effective for sinusitis. Use two drops in each nostril three times a day;
  • carrot juice for nasal drops (four drops in each nasal passage three times a day);
  • inhalations from herbal decoctions. Chamomile, yarrow, and sage are used for this. To provide a therapeutic effect on the nasopharyngeal mucosa, inhalation must be done through the nose. Inhalations can be carried out with essential oils (eucalyptus, tea tree). It is enough to add 4 drops to half a liter of warm water.

  • massage of special points, which activates local blood flow, reduces tissue swelling and facilitates nasal breathing. The points are located near the wings of the nose (on both sides), in the area between the eyebrows and above the upper lip;
  • warming up the paranasal area with heated salt in a bag or a boiled egg wrapped in a scarf. When pressed against the skin, the woman should feel a slight warmth without causing a burning sensation.

Folk remedies for cough during pregnancy

  • Chop half a kilo of onion, mix with 2 tbsp. honey Add 400 gr to the mixture. sugar, boil over low heat for about three hours. Cool, strain, take 1 tbsp every two hours during the day. spoon.
  • Dried figs (4 fruits) pour 600 g. milk, boil until the milk turns brown. Take 100 grams three times a day.
  • Chop 10 medium onions and 1 garlic as finely as possible, boil the vegetables in milk. Add decoction (juice) of ivy budra, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Take every hour for 1 day.

Daily menu for cough treatment

Drinking plenty of fluids is the key to quickly treating a cold. It is recommended to consume raspberry tea, decoctions, and juices (especially birch). It has been proven that including mashed potatoes in your diet promotes rapid recovery from colds and coughs. The puree is prepared using potato broth with the addition of butter and onions. Mashed potatoes prepared according to this recipe can be consumed not only daily, but also several times a day - mashed potatoes can even relieve a chronic or old cough.

Disease prevention

Expectant mothers need to be sure to prevent colds, especially in the autumn-winter period. You can prevent the onset of the disease by following these rules:

  1. If possible, limit visiting crowded places during the height of the infection.
  2. Use gauze dressings and change them regularly.
  3. Before going outside, lubricate your nasal passages with oxolinic ointment.
  4. After visiting public places, gargle and rinse your nose with saline or saline solution.
  5. Walk outdoors more often.
  6. Ventilate and moisten your home regularly.
  7. Eat vegetables and fruits daily.

If you do happen to get sick, stay calm and don’t panic. Contact your doctor in a timely manner, who will tell you what to do if you have a cold during pregnancy. Follow the doctor's instructions and believe in a speedy recovery. Remember that your condition depends entirely on your inner mood.

Sore throat and runny nose during pregnancy, usually in the case of colds. The immune system of a pregnant woman functions under strain and often cannot cope with the attack of viruses and bacteria.

The doctor’s task, in this case, is to treat in such a way as not to harm the fetus and alleviate painful manifestations and symptoms. For pregnant women, there are both indications and contraindications for the use of certain classes of medications and procedures.

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