Cold on the nose treatment at home

The article was checked by an otolaryngologist

Natalya Aleksandrovna Naumova, Medis Clinic

A rash in the nose area indicates the development of a cold. If you have a cold, how to treat such a disorder? It is urgent to treat the pathology.

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Causes and methods of transmission of sores in the nose

The occurrence of a cold in the nose is sooner or later diagnosed in any person. The main causes of colds are:

  • severe hypothermia of the body;
  • long stay in a damp room;
  • constant drafts;
  • recent viral illness.

In most cases, a cold in the nose is transmitted by airborne droplets. Additionally, there are several other ways of transmitting the infectious process:

  • The disease is transmitted through household contact during the use of household items by several people at the same time.
  • Labor activity - pathology is transmitted from a sick mother to her child.
  • Intimate relationships with the patient.

Initially, the location of the virus is epithelial cells, and after that - nerve endings. The presence of the herpes virus in the body is constantly observed. That is why it is quite difficult to get rid of it.

Causes and signs of the disease

Infection occurs through contact with patients who have fresh herpetic rashes, as well as with carriers who release this virus into the environment. Infection occurs due to the contact of viral particles with the nasal mucosa or skin. Herpes in this case can be transmitted:

  1. When kissing and other direct contact;
  2. Through contaminated items (towels, bed linen, toys, etc.);
  3. During childbirth (intrauterine infection). Occurs when a pregnant woman is initially infected with a herpes infection and then the virus enters the circulatory system, and then to the embryo.

There is also an airborne route of transmission of the virus, but it is quite rare.

From the moment of infection until the first signs of the disease appear, 1 to 26 days pass (this depends on the person’s immunity).

Diagnosis is possible only with external signs of the disease, i.e. when a rash appears, since at the initial stage of the disease there are no obvious symptoms, and the virus is detected only through laboratory tests.

A cold on the nose never appears for the first time without accompanying symptoms:

  • Unpleasant sensations at the site of infection (burning sensation, itching, pain in the nose).
  • Increased temperature (in some cases);
  • Deterioration in health.

Then, bubbles containing clear liquid appear on the wings of the nose or inside the nose, located close to each other. The base of the rash appears inflamed. After a few days, the liquid becomes cloudy, the bubble bursts and in its place there remains a wound that becomes covered with a crust. Usually the lesions are single and formed by 3-5 blisters.

When all the blisters burst, a painful erosion with wavy edges forms. Over time, a slowly disappearing reddish-brown spot forms at the site of erosion, and the herpes on the nose completely disappears after 10-14 days.

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A cold in the nose externally looks like a rash with a smooth bottom of a red hue, soft to the touch. Herpes of the nasal mucosa can only be detected at the stage of the appearance of rashes, since patients usually do not pay attention to tingling and mild itching. But already the first bubbles that appear cause quite strong pain ( the pain is felt stronger than with a rash on the lip

). Externally, the vesicles are slightly different from a rash on the lips - the surface of the vesicle is covered with a denser layer of cells, and the vesicle itself resembles an abscess. You can see what herpes looks like in the nose in the photo. Herpes localized in the nose proceeds in the same way as herpes near the nose, but the wounds heal faster.

You should not self-medicate, even if the patient feels severe pain in the nose - the causes of pain can be different (sinusitis, boil, etc.).

Herpes inside the nose is in most cases caused by an infection that enters the body through airborne droplets, and herpes near the nose usually manifests itself due to relapses of the disease. If the patient has ever had herpes on the nose, the symptoms may be more blurred, and the clinical manifestations disappear faster. Relapses can be frequent (herpes almost always “decorates” the face), or they can be so rare that a person completely forgets that he once had herpes.

What types are there in the nose?

The herpes virus is characterized by the presence of several varieties:

  • The first type is classified as common; the location of the cold is the nose.
  • The second type refers to damage to the mucous membrane of the lips.
  • Shingles or sudden onset of smallpox are characteristic of the third type. Rashes can be observed in humans with cytomegalovirus.

During the course of infectious mononucleosis, the patient may also be diagnosed with a pathological process.

The first signs of a sore nose

If a patient has herpes in the nose, this is accompanied by the appearance of rashes. In appearance, they resemble bubbles filled with liquid and cause severe itching. When trying to scratch his nose, the patient experiences discomfort. Most patients notice the appearance of itching even before the characteristic rash develops, this is explained by the beginning of the process of cell destruction.

Most patients with the disease experience a stuffy nose. After a certain time, swelling is observed and a cold in the nose develops. Bubbles appear on the mucous membranes and surface of the nose. When they burst, ulcers appear in their place; the wounds are characterized by the presence of dry crusts.

Traditional medicine recipes

Using folk remedies alone will not help cure a cold in the nose. Medicinal herbs and juices from plants, fruits or vegetables do not show any antiviral activity. Drugs made according to traditional medicine recipes can be used to reduce the severity of symptoms and restore damaged nasal mucosa. Immediately after detecting a cold, the following products should be applied to the affected areas:

  • freshly squeezed aloe juice;
  • propolis tincture mixed in equal proportions with boiled water;
  • potato juice.

Essential oils of St. John's wort, fir, thuja, juniper, spruce, and cypress have an antimicrobial effect.

When used in their pure form, they can provoke an allergic reaction and burn the mucous membrane. Therefore, before applying, you need to mix them with an equal amount of water.

If, a few days after starting treatment at home, the number of inflammatory foci increases and the pain becomes stronger, you need to make an appointment with a therapist or otolaryngologist. After examination, the doctor may prescribe medications in the form of tablets or rectal suppositories with antiviral and immunomodulatory activity. This will speed up recovery and increase the body's resistance to herpes viruses.

Treatment for a cold in the nose

Most experts recommend treating a cold in the nose using traditional medications. In most cases, medications are used that have a local effect.

Treatment of the disease is recommended using agents that have an antiviral effect.

Doctors often prescribe several medications to patients.

Acyclovir is a medication that is highly effective for nasal colds at the initial stage of the pathology.

Valacyclovir is much stronger in its effect than Acyclovir. It helps prevent infection by the virus and its spread.

Tromantadine is a medication prescribed to most patients diagnosed with a cold in the nose. With its help, the virus is blocked; manipulation eliminates the possibility of its penetration into the cell. The medicine is used to eliminate symptoms and speed up the process of treating the nasal surface.

Doconazole - the medicine is a polyhydric alcohol, using which it is easy to cure a cold. It is used to treat herpes, as well as a variety of cosmetic procedures.

Pharmaciclovir - the drug is used for various chronic forms of herpes. The medicine is used if other medicines have not been able to cure a cold.

A drugPhotoPrice
AcyclovirFrom 26 rub.
ValaciclovirFrom 413 rub.

Antiviral drugs are highly effective drugs in the treatment of the pathological process. To determine the most effective medicine, blood tests are necessary.

Medications for herpes

If herpes bothers you for the first time, a doctor should prescribe antiviral therapy. You can treat yourself in case of relapses of the disease, when the symptoms and methods of recovery are well known.

The doctor prescribes treatment after studying a blood test and cytological data, with the goal of suppressing the activity of the pathogen and minimizing the risk of relapse.

Antiviral agents

Since the main culprit of colds in and on the nose is a virus, it must first be treated with antiviral drugs.

The pathological process is well suppressed by Cycloferon in tablets and Viferon in gel form. The drugs have antiviral and immunomodulatory properties and help the body produce interferon.

Among the external medications for colds in the nose that help:

  • Gerpevir.
  • Zovirax.
  • Erazaban.
  • Panavir.
  • Valtrex.
  • Famciclovir.
  • Acyclovir-Acri.
  • Valaciclovir.
  • Celestoderm B.

The affected mucous membrane is treated with ointment or gel using a cotton swab or spatula. You cannot lubricate sores with brilliant green and iodine. Warming a sore nose is also not allowed. Before using medications, it is recommended to rinse the nasal cavity with a solution of sea salt and blow your nose.

If a cold pops up under your nose, your doctor or pharmacist will tell you how to treat the blisters. The medicine should be applied in a thin layer to the affected area. Perform manipulations every 2 - 3 hours and capture a little of the surrounding skin.

Effective ointments against herpes infection:

  • Zinc ointment. Zinc oxide is destructive to the virus and beneficial for tissues due to its rapid regeneration properties. The substance works as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Herpes can be treated with zinc ointment in children and patients in older age groups. The split components affect the skin proteins and accelerate the process of crust formation on the ulcerated area. The ointment has no side effects. A contraindication to its use is intolerance to zinc and petroleum jelly.
  • Tetracycline ointment. The antibiotic SSD suppresses the vital activity of pathogenic flora. In the treatment of HSV, it is used at the stage when crusts form at the site of the burst vesicle. The drug quickly eliminates soreness in the nose. It demonstrates high effectiveness in the early stages of the disease.
  • Levomekol. This antibiotic not only stops the inflammatory process, but also strengthens local immunity and heals damaged tissues. Levomekol also works well with pustules. However, this ointment has contraindications - intolerance to the components and psoriasis.
  • Zovirax. The product is suitable for treating the inside and outside of the nasal cavity. It is quickly absorbed by tissues, acts for a long time and gives quick and positive results in the treatment of herpes.

If itching, burning and rashes appear inside the nose, when a person thinks that this is how a cold manifests itself, a specialist, in addition to ointments, can prescribe tablets. The new generation drug is Valaciclovir.

With its help, children and adults are successfully treated for HSV. The remedy defeats genital herpes and shingles. As a prophylactic drug, Valaciclovir prevents complications of cytomegalovirus infection and organ transplant surgeries.

Valtrex is prescribed for viral infections of the skin of the nose and genitals. The drug is also used in the treatment of herpes zoster in elderly patients. Famvir stops the proliferation of HSV-1 strains and retains its activity for 10–12 hours. Famvir is prescribed for the treatment, prevention and suppression of relapses of chronic colds. The list of indications also includes neuralgia as a consequence of herpes.


Nasal congestion due to herpetic rash is a common problem with colds. Rinsing with sea water will help solve it. Where to get healthy liquid in the cold season: buy pharmaceutical sea salt and dissolve it in warm boiled water.

Features of treatment in children and pregnant women

The use of antiviral ointments in childhood is strictly prohibited. They are recommended to be used only after the child reaches 12 years of age. In most cases, the child’s body copes with the disease on its own.

For immunodeficiency in children, it is recommended to use a high-calorie diet. Young patients are recommended to take vitamin C, fish oil, and calcium gluconate. The average duration of treatment for a cold on the surface of the nose is one week.

Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from using large amounts of cold ointments. That is why it is recommended to treat with safe drugs - Oxolinic or Alizarin ointments. These medications are characterized by the absence of negative effects on the body of a woman and her unborn child.

If a woman has a sore in the nose, it can be easily eliminated with the help of oils from plants such as sea buckthorn and rose hips.

When the disease occurs in pregnant women, they are recommended to undergo treatment with vitamins.

It is necessary to treat colds in the nose in pregnant women and children only with the use of safe medications. Otherwise, various complications may occur.

Causes of relapses of the disease and possible complications of the disease

When the herpes virus enters the body, the immune system begins to produce specific antibodies that block virus particles circulating in the blood. Since the herpes virus is embedded in human nerve cells, it cannot be completely destroyed, but it does not manifest itself. Under favorable conditions, the virus becomes active and causes relapses. If you have a second herpes on your nose, the reasons for its appearance may be different, but they all relate to factors that reduce immunity. It can be:

  • past diseases (ARVI, etc.);
  • excessive overheating or hypothermia;
  • stress and depression;
  • hypovitaminosis caused by poor nutrition;
  • previous operations;
  • frequent use of antibiotics without objective reasons;
  • pathological state of the immune system (allergy, autoimmune response, tumors and infections of the immune system, immune deficiency);
  • somatic diseases (diabetes mellitus, etc.);
  • menstrual cycle;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • various poisonings.

Smoking and alcoholism also weaken the immune system.

If a cold has popped up in your nose, and this situation repeats quite often, you need to visit an immunologist, since with good immunity, a recurrence of herpes is extremely rare.

Some patients do not see the point in treating the disease if the symptoms disappear on their own. But in some cases, herpes has complications, and this is worth remembering when thinking about how to treat a cold on the nose (folk remedies eliminate only external manifestations, but do not affect the virus).

The most common occurrence is the same herpes on other parts of the body. If a patient rubs the wings of the nose affected by the virus, the infection can spread to the hands and cause herpetic eczema. Ophthalmoherpes is quite dangerous, reducing visual acuity and in severe cases can cause vision loss.

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In addition, the herpes simplex virus provokes diseases such as:

  • meningitis, encephalitis, sympathoglioneuritis (paravertebral nerve nodes are affected), as the virus travels along the nerve endings;
  • gingivitis, viral stomatitis;
  • sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, ear pain and hearing loss, disruption of the vestibular apparatus;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system (prostatitis, urethritis and infertility in men, damage to the cervix and urethra, endometritis, colpitis, chorionitis and infertility in women);
  • herpetic pneumonia;
  • various lesions of the adrenal glands and kidneys;
  • inflammation of the retina, etc.;
  • phlebothrombosis (formation of blood clots in deep veins);
  • colitis, herpetic hepatitis, proctitis;
  • myocardiopathy, myocarditis and other diseases.

There is also a connection between herpes and Alzheimer's disease.

If you have sores in your nose for which you do not know the cause, be sure to consult a doctor. It is precisely in order to avoid complications (and the connection between an outbreak of herpes and the diseases listed above is often not traced, since the patient does not attach importance to herpes), it is necessary to carry out adequate treatment of the disease.

Folk recipes

It is easy to treat colds using traditional medicine. Often the preparation of medicines is based on products that are known for their healing properties.

Garlic. Preparing such a medicine is quite simple. To do this, you need to take one clove of garlic and grind it into a paste using a garlic press. The resulting product is applied to the rash areas. The procedure is carried out in the evening. During the day, an alternative is to use fir oil, which is used to lubricate cold rashes.

Celandine. The fresh plant along with the root system must be washed and chopped using a meat grinder. After receiving the juice, it is poured into a container and infused for one week. After this, the medicine is used to treat the affected areas, especially the nasolabial triangle.

Tea. To prepare the medicine, you need to use one bag of black tea, pour it with boiled water for 5 minutes. After this, a cotton swab is soaked in the product and applied to the rash. The procedure should be carried out regularly throughout the day.

Traditional medicine is not only effective, but also safe. But before using them, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Folk remedies

How to treat a cold in the nose if the necessary medicines are not at hand or cannot be used. You can also get rid of a cold in the nose using folk remedies. During treatment with traditional methods, it is necessary to observe a plentiful drinking regime and dietary nutrition. So, you need to exclude the following foods from your diet:

Instead of the listed products, boiled lean meat, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products should be added to the menu. The emerging pathology will be more quickly suppressed by the body if it receives a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals that support the immune system.

Folk remedies for external treatment

How to treat a cold under the nose with folk remedies? Treating a cold in the nose in an adult with folk remedies requires a comprehensive approach. In this case, much attention is paid to local treatment of the rash. For these purposes, nasal ointment can be prepared independently at home. For this, there are several effective folk recipes for herpes.

  • Fir oil. You should lubricate the affected areas with a cotton swab three times a day.
  • Propolis tincture. Before applying the product to herpes, it must be diluted 50% with water. The resulting liquid is applied to the lesion with a cotton swab several times a day.
  • Homemade cream made from crushed calendula flowers and petroleum jelly. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and left for 2 hours. The affected areas are lubricated with cream twice a day.
  • Aloe juice is applied to areas where a cold has occurred three times a day.
  • The garlic clove is cut so that its cut releases the juice. The resulting product is used to lubricate the sore once a day. This treatment should be repeated until a crust forms at the site of the rash.
  • Soda is mixed with water until a paste consistency is obtained. The mixture should be spread on the popped pimple using a cotton swab. After 15 minutes the mixture is removed. The procedure is carried out twice a day.
  • How to quickly get rid of herpes using folk remedies? A cream made from 100 milliliters of live yogurt, 1 head of chopped garlic, half a dessert spoon of natural brewed coffee, a small amount of honey and flour effectively removes sores. All ingredients are ground until smooth. This ointment for colds on the nose should be stored in the refrigerator. Apply this medicine to the affected area in the morning and evening every day until the pathogenic symptoms completely disappear.


To avoid the occurrence of colds, timely prevention is recommended. For this purpose, the patient must constantly adhere to the rules of personal hygiene.

Additionally, a person’s actions should be aimed at strengthening the immune system; such a habit will eliminate the possibility of developing the disease.

People are obliged to lead a healthy lifestyle; regular exercise is an excellent preventative method. Doctors recommend providing a balanced diet to the patient and his family.

People should constantly consume fortified foods, as well as vegetables and fruits in acceptable quantities. When the opportunity arises, people must toughen up. If a patient has a cold or flu, then it is necessary to urgently treat it.

A cold on the nose is an unpleasant disease that can lead to serious consequences. That is why timely treatment of the pathological process is recommended. For this purpose, drug therapy is used, as well as traditional medicine. The selection of a specific medicine should be carried out according to the degree of the disease.

Cold on the nose: how to treat it?

Antiviral drugs are mainly used to treat colds. Acyclovir is often prescribed. It is produced in the form of tablets of different dosages, as well as in a solution for intramuscular administration.

There are drug treatments that are effective for long-term infection. These drugs include Erazaban. It contains a molecule that stops the spread of the disease and the process of penetration into healthy cells. The drug Famvir inhibits the action of the virus and remains inside the cell for up to twelve hours. As a rule, the medicine is used for primary infection, as a prophylaxis, and also for relapse.

The drug Groprinosin suppresses the synthesis of viruses and has an immunostimulating effect on the body through the activity of cytokines and macrophages.

Tromandin is available for external use only. It inhibits the penetration of the virus into cells and also shortens the time of illness.

Ointments for colds on the nose

A cold on the nose is most often located in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle - on the inner surface, on the wings of the nose and under it. In the treatment of colds, special ointments are used, which are prescribed in the early stages. This could be Panavir, Acyclovir, Zovirax, Herperiv, Gossypol. They are applied every four hours for five days. After each application, be sure to wash your hands. Timely use of medications will help limit the affected area and speed up healing. In the early stages of herpes, that is, before blisters appear on the nose, the use of Tromandadin is recommended. The ointment is applied three to five times a day, rubbing into damaged areas. If there is no improvement after two days, you should stop using the drug. Side effects can be expressed in the form of a local allergic reaction, dermatitis, itching, swelling or pain.

If a cold on the nose is not associated with herpes and you are suffering from dryness, difficulty breathing and the formation of dry crusts on the mucous surface, then this may be a manifestation of atrophic rhinitis. Only an otolaryngologist can make an accurate diagnosis. The reasons may be external factors - gas pollution and dust in the air of a dry climate. In this case, you need to use other nasal ointments.

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