Sinusitis - description and treatment at home

Breathing exercises for sinusitis Strelnikova

Breathing exercises
are an excellent preventative method
for sinusitis
. If you do them on a regular basis, you can generally improve your health. Health-improving gymnastics, the author of which is Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, was intended to learn how to breathe correctly. Being an opera singer, Strelnikova more than once got rid of attacks of suffocation due to heart problems, and also restored her voice on her own. It is an educational fact that thanks to this gymnastics she did not lose her professionalism as an opera singer, although she had a huge number of problems with the respiratory system. The essence of the technique is to divide breathing into 3 zones:

  1. Upper;
  2. Average;
  3. Lower.

People who practice yoga do not suffer from diseases of the nasal cavity, including sinusitis. It is important to perform the exercises at a slow pace and rhythm. Among the elements of breathing exercises are:

  • Inhale;
  • Exhalation;
  • Holding your breath;
  • Shallow, reverse breathing.

Yoga also complements breathing exercises with a variety of poses that are performed together.

How does breathing treat sinusitis?

Sinusitis is very painful to bear, because nasal congestion and purulent accumulations that press on the bridge of the nose cause discomfort. If the disease is chronic, then you should focus your attention on breathing exercises, or do yoga. It is clear that this kind of disease also requires medical intervention. When will you be able to feel the results? For 2-3 weeks of constant exercise. It is better to practice in the fresh air. One of the positive aspects is that the headache, which makes it so difficult to concentrate on everyday tasks and activities, goes away.

What set of exercises should you perform for sinusitis?

Before using the complex, make sure that you do not have an acute form of the disease. It is also contraindicated in people suffering from:

  1. Thrombophlebitis;
  2. Bleeding;
  3. Fevers.

Basic exercises for sinusitis


  • Palms We stand straight and rest our palms against an invisible wall, our elbows pointing down. When you inhale, clench your fists, and when you exhale, unclench your fists. Shoulders are motionless.
  • Shoulders The hands are clenched into a fist and pressed to the waist, take a short breath and point the fists down, unclenching them forcefully. When exhaling, we return to the original position.
  • Pump We stand straight with our arms down, feet shoulder-width apart. Round your back and lean forward with a strong exhalation and straighten your back as you exhale. Smooth and slow movements.
  • Hug your shoulders With your arms apart, when you inhale, you need to hug yourself, and when you exhale, you need to spread your arms back.
  • Large Pendulum This is a “mix” of pump and shoulder hug exercises. First, we perform the pump while bending forward, then we rise and hug our shoulders.

Basic exercises will help improve your condition and if you do them constantly, you will completely forget about the disease. Over time, add one new exercise to the base. This is a great way to recover not only from respiratory diseases, but also from other diseases.


Goodbye, sinusitis!

Sinusitis is considered an insidious and difficult to cure disease. I had to verify the truth of this statement from my own example, when my daughter fell ill with sinusitis. But at first, no one could have imagined that the treatment would take so long.

THE DISEASE took me by surprise - on the eve of the school year. It all started with a common runny nose, which we rushed to cure by September 1st. My daughter really wanted to go to the line! But on the line, the child, having shivered pretty much in the draft, became completely ill. So the new school year began with a trip to the clinic and a terrifying diagnosis - acute bilateral sinusitis.

After two weeks of treatment, we went to the ENT specialist again. But instead of being discharged, I received a new dose of antibiotics plus another two weeks of treatment. The third visit to the doctor finally resulted in a discharge to school. But finally, looking at the x-rays, the doctor warned that there was still a darkening in one of the sinuses. This means, he “delighted,” the disease has not receded and at the first runny nose it can become chronic. Therefore, he admonished, try not to get sick.

. The daughter lasted exactly a week. It was enough to run around with the children on the street for an hour, sweat, and again there would be two streams of snot and a tightly clogged nose. What to do? Back to the hospital? Should we give the child antibiotics again? A way out of the situation was found by chance. Our friend previously suffered from sinusitis. It was he who shared the recipe for his recovery, which one doctor told him. He believed that the best remedy for sinusitis and rhinitis is. ordinary breathing exercises.

It's very simple: gymnastics improves blood circulation in the upper respiratory tract (throat, larynx, vocal cords), increases the body's resistance to lack of oxygen. Simply put, it hardens the airways, protects them from hypothermia and adapts them to cold air.

We immediately grabbed onto this gymnastics like a drowning man clutches at a straw. First we mastered the exercises ourselves, and then we started doing them together with our daughter. In the first days they were repeated as often as possible. Then they began to do it three times - in the morning, at lunch and in the evening. Our friend also “dug up” a brochure with a pattern of acupressure massage, which he inherited from the same wise doctor. From the brochure we learned that thanks to acupressure, in just a few minutes you can significantly increase the body's resistance to cold, dampness, viruses and germs. But the most important thing is to “normalize the patency of the nasal passages.” In the first days we tried to massage every hour. Then in the morning, afternoon and evening, at least every 5-6 hours.

The massage is performed like this. With the tip of your index finger, press on the zone and make clockwise rotational movements - 20-30 seconds for each point. Yes, under no circumstances should you massage the points if there are pustular skin lesions in the area of ​​the massage zones, as well as if there are moles, warts and tumors there.

Three times a day, my daughter rinsed her throat and nose with a 1.5% solution of sea salt. This procedure hardens and increases the local immunity of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. At the same time, it “strengthens” the tonsils, preventing sore throat, and helps keep teeth healthy. Place half a teaspoon of sea salt, which you buy at the pharmacy, on a glass of boiled water. It must be clean, without dyes or flavors.

In addition, friends recommended a special device for the treatment of sinusitis and rhinitis. It’s called “Fairy”, or PGG-01, which stands for “warming up the maxillary sinuses and throat.” The device they gave us was released back in 1999, now there are probably others, more modern ones.

So, having collected a thread from the world, we entered the battle with the insidious sinusitis. And it turned out that the wolf is not as scary as he is painted.

Day by day the child felt better and better. Breathing became freer, cleaner, the “plugs” in the nose gradually disappeared, and a blush finally appeared on the cheeks. And after a couple of weeks, my daughter could walk outside to her heart’s content.

Of course, it is not known which helped more. Probably all at once. But it is obvious that breathing exercises and massage actually improve health. Therefore, even now, when there are no signs of illness left, my daughter still does them at least once a day. Just in case, stay away from infection.

Take 10 inhalations and exhalations through the right and left nostrils (4-6 seconds each), alternately closing them with your thumb and forefinger. As you inhale and exhale, resist the air by pressing your fingers on the wings of your nose. Take a calm breath. As you exhale, while tapping your fingers on the wings of your nose, pronounce the syllables ba-bo-bu. Quickly pull the abdominal muscles located below the navel into your stomach and at the same time exhale sharply through your nose. You need to exhale with normal abdominal movement. Have the child clench his fingers into a fist. During exhalation, you need him to open his mouth wide and stick out his tongue as much as possible, trying to touch the chin with the tip of his tongue. Then you should hold your breath for 5-10 seconds, then inhale, unclenching your fingers. The last exercise needs to be repeated 3-4 times. The rest are optional


Strelnikova’s breathing exercises for sinusitis are recommended for a long-term sluggish process (chronically recurrent) in the remission stage. The technique is also highly effective for chronic runny nose of a vasomotor or allergic nature.

Allows you to strengthen the immune system, improve blood circulation in the nasal cavity, and increase the level of general oxygen saturation. But it requires a competent approach: you need to do it every day; to strengthen the body, it is recommended to do it in the morning and evening.

The principle of breathing exercises

It is based on the method of dividing breathing into three zones:

The same principle is used in yoga, so those who regularly practice it rarely complain of sinusitis and other diseases of the nasal cavity. Breathing exercises can be very different, the main thing is to stick to the rhythm and do everything slowly. The main elements of breathing exercises are:

During yoga classes, breathing exercises are improved by the fact that the exercises are performed in various poses, allowing you to open certain additional channels (chakras) to achieve more effective results. And in order to further enhance the effect of such therapy, you can additionally include Darsonval currents in the treatment.

Method of implementation

Gymnastics for sinusitis should be carried out in a well-ventilated area (if possible outdoors) against the background of general good health. All exercises should be performed 8 times in 4 sets. In addition to the therapeutic effect, an additional bonus of this activity will be the normalization of weight due to the improvement of internal processes against the background of high oxygenation.

Breathing exercises for sinusitis according to Strelnikova should be performed after thoroughly cleaning the nose, when nasal breathing is restored.

Main (basic) complex


Stand straight, hands as if resting against the wall, elbows down.

In this exercise, the shoulder girdle is not included in the work; the shoulders are motionless.

When inhaling, clench your fingers into fists. As you exhale, release it 8 times.


IP. With a straight back, choose the position depending on your condition and desire: lying, sitting, standing. Hands are lowered down, tightly pressed to the body, fingers in a fist.

A short sharp breath with a simultaneous movement of the hands: hands down with effort, as if you want to shake off water from them, fingers unclench, tension is felt in the hands and shoulder girdle. As you exhale, return to the starting position.


For those who use a hand pump in everyday life, understanding the technique will not be difficult.

IP. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend slightly forward, hands should be slightly above the knees. As you inhale, we increase the tilt. The back should be rounded. There is no need to try to bend too much, the movement is not significant. When you exhale, you return to the starting position. To make the exercise easier, we use our imagination and mentally inflate the tire or ball using a hand pump.


IP standing, feet shoulder-width apart. While inhaling, we squat slightly and turn the body to the side, while performing grasping movements. Exhale and the body returns to its original position. Inhale again, turn the body. Squatting, grasping movements, but in the other direction. We do exercises, alternating turns left and right. The squat cannot be deep, only slightly springy on half-bent legs, the head and shoulders turn together with the body in one direction.

"Hug your shoulders"

IP standing with a straight back, feet shoulder-width apart, feet straight, arms wide apart to the side. We take a quick short breath. Hands tightly hug your shoulders, and as you exhale, return to IP. You should not change the position of your hands during the exercise; they should lie naturally.

How to treat sinusitis with breathing?

This rather unpleasant disease is characterized by nasal congestion and painful sensations in the bridge of the nose. The pain is caused by the accumulation of pus, which is obtained from mucus that has not found a way out of the nasal cavity.

If a person suffers from chronic sinusitis, which manifests itself with any cold, then he should pay attention to breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method or do yoga. In combination with drug treatment, breathing exercises will be even more effective.

The first results can be seen after 2-3 weeks of regular exercise. It is advisable to carry them out in the fresh air in an ecological area. If you can’t go out into the countryside, you can go to parks. Gradually, you will feel not only relief in the bridge of the nose, but also an improvement in your overall condition. The headache will go away, you will be able to calmly concentrate on work and other matters.

A few words about yoga

The practice of yoga makes the body stronger, more resilient, and more resistant to the environment. Yoga is also inextricably linked with proper breathing, as mentioned above; by occupying a certain position and performing inhalations and exhalations, you can open additional chakra channels - sources of energy.

With the right approach, this will help you cope with various adversities. However, studying and practicing yoga is a long process that does not require haste; tune in to the result and start practicing. Your body will thank you.

We can talk for a long time about the benefits of breathing exercises and yoga for sinusitis. And you can feel real benefits only by following the method and doing the exercises.

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