How to use Bioparox in the treatment of sinusitis

Development of sinusitis

Before you begin to understand the features of Bioparox, you should familiarize yourself with basic information about the disease that this drug fights.

drug Bioparox

It is known that the nasal cavity and the maxillary sinus are connected using special anastomoses. It is through them that viruses most often penetrate the nasopharynx. After viruses enter the sinus, an inflammatory process gradually begins to develop, which in the future may become chronic.

At the initial stages of development, the viral infection does not manifest itself strongly, but over time, mucus begins to accumulate in the nasal passages, which is why sinusitis appears. The development of the disease occurs in several stages:

  • swelling of the sinuses;
  • blocking the connecting canal between the nasal passages and sinuses;
  • complete blocking of the removal of mucous accumulations from the nasal cavity;
  • worsening nasal breathing.

To completely get rid of these symptoms, it is necessary to eliminate the source of sinusitis. First, you should reduce the size of the swelling of the mucous membrane in order to restore the exit of mucous accumulations through the nostrils. It is for these purposes that it is recommended to use Bioparox for sinusitis.

girl has sinusitis

Bioparox and pregnancy

Lacrimation is a negative consequence when using Bioparox

Doctors do not recommend using Bioparox for sinusitis in pregnant women, since there are no test results to determine whether fusafungin enters the placenta or breast milk. Although many women who are expecting a baby suffer from sinusitis. This happens when the immune forces weaken, and only a doctor, after weighing all the pros and cons, can prescribe Bioparox. Before this, it is better to take a swab from the nose or mouth to test the sensitivity of bacteria to the main active ingredient of the drug. It is most preferable, since it has only a local effect and penetrates little into the blood, only in the irrigation zone.

Read What to do to prevent sinusitis with a runny nose

Properties of the drug

The drug is available in the form of an aerosol, along with which special nozzles are sold for injecting the product into the nostrils or throat.

The medicine is based on the antibiotic fusafungin, which quickly eliminates all symptoms of sinusitis. The antibiotic has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, which makes it possible to use it in the fight against almost any infectious disease.

Regular use of Bioparox helps improve the patency of the nasal sinuses by eliminating the swelling that appears with sinusitis. The main advantage of the medicine is that it is available in the form of an aerosol. This allows the injected product to easily penetrate into any place and settle on the surface of the mucosa to improve the therapeutic effect. Also, the advantages of the medicine include the fact that after use it does not enter the stomach and does not in any way affect the state of the gastrointestinal microflora.

See also

Instructions for use and contraindications of Cefodox tablets and suspension for adults and children, analogues


The components included in the drug quickly eliminate pathogenic and pathogenic microflora formed in the oral and nasal cavities after sinusitis. After injection, Bioparox enters bacterial cells and blocks their spread. The drug has maximum effect on:

  • mycoplasma;
  • streptococci;
  • staphylococci;
  • Candida fungi.

packaging of the drug Bioparox

Information about the drug Bioparox

Bioparox is an antibiotic spray based on fusafungine. The ability of fusafungin to affect a wide range of bacteria, as well as fungi, combined with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, has made Bioparox one of the popular medicines. He was often prescribed by general practitioners and ENT doctors and received good reviews from patients.

Despite the fact that everyone seemed to be happy with everything, Servier Laboratory, on the recommendation of the European Medicine Agency, stopped producing Bioparox. There were serious reasons for this, which became obvious after lengthy research.

As a result, it was found that regular use of this spray increases the risk of developing airway spasms, which - and this has been recorded - in some cases led to death.

Therefore, even if you still have an unused canister of Bioparox in your first aid kit, the manufacturing laboratory asks you to stop using it further and switch to drugs with a better safety profile.

Contraindications and side effects

Before getting rid of sinusitis and sinusitis, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications of Bioparox and the possible side effects that may appear after its use.

This drug for the treatment of nasal congestion should be prescribed by an otolaryngologist. However, due to the fact that Bioparox is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, some people decide to use this product on their own. In this case, before purchasing, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions for the drug and pay attention to its contraindications.

Bioparox should not be used by patients who are highly sensitive to fusafungine and other components of the drug. Parents who are looking for a drug to treat their children should avoid using this medicine. The fact is that when using an aerosol, children under three years of age may experience suffocation.

boy's snot

If a person for whom Bioparox is contraindicated uses it during the treatment of congestion, he may experience the following complications:

  • hives;
  • high tear production;
  • burning in the nostrils;
  • nausea and unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • problems with smell perception;
  • dry mouth.

In rare cases, patients may complain of worsening breathing due to angioedema or the development of bronchospasm. If such problems occur, you should immediately stop treatment and consult a doctor so that he can tell you how to replace Bioparox.

nausea in a man


The very name of the drug suggests that the infection in the oral cavity should be stopped as quickly as possible. The action of the drug is aimed at eliminating not only bacterial microflora, but also suppressing fungi.

The spray has a specific smell, because... auxiliary agents in the form of essential oils of mint, eucalyptus, orange, anise, and sassafra have been added to the main composition (hexethidine).

Most often, the drug is prescribed for sore throat, tonsillitis, periodontitis and other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx.

Stopangin is not used until 8 years of age, with atrophy of the posterior pharyngeal wall, and until the 12th week of pregnancy. Side effects include local manifestations in the form of burning. Allergic reactions can only occur in allergy sufferers.


Before eliminating congestion, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of using Bioparox. First, you should thoroughly clean the nasal passages of accumulated purulent fluid. This can be done using ordinary purified water or special rinsing drops. When the nostrils are cleared, you can start using the drug.

See also

Instructions for use of the drug IRS 19 for adults, children and during pregnancy, analogues


To do this, a yellow nozzle, which came with the medicine, is put on the bottle with liquid. Before injecting liquid into the nasal passages, one nostril must be blocked with your hand. When injecting the aerosol, the patient must inhale deeply through the free nostril so that the liquid quickly enters the nasopharynx.

To cure sinusitis, you should use this antibiotic every day, four injections into each nostril.

In this case, the aerosol should be used every 3-4 times before meals. The course of treatment lasts one and a half weeks. If this time is not enough to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, the treatment course is repeated. However, sinusitis pathogens gradually become accustomed to this drug and therefore, after prolonged use, the effectiveness of Bioparox can significantly deteriorate.

drug Bioparox

Using Bioparox for runny nose and sinusitis

Consultation with an otolaryngologist

Before you start irrigating your nose with a spray, you need to thoroughly clean it to eliminate pathological mucus. The yellow nozzle is necessary if Bioparox is used by an adult. It is put on the balloon. With your mouth open, you need to close your free nostril with your hand and spray the antibiotic into the other.

Read What you need to know about the types of sinusitis

In order for the active component to be distributed as deeply and effectively as possible throughout the mucous membrane and into the inflamed sinuses, it is necessary to inject it with a deep breath. It is important not to let the liquid from the spray get into your eyes. They may then turn red and sting.

For purulent runny nose and acute sinusitis, an antibiotic is injected into each nostril 4 times, repeating the procedure up to 4 times a day. This regimen should only be prescribed by a doctor. It is dangerous to start self-medication without a correct diagnosis and tests.

The duration of Bioparox injections should not exceed 10 days. It is prescribed as a separate independent and effective medicine to combat bacteria in the nasopharynx, which cause blockage of the sinuses and acute purulent rhinitis, as well as in complex therapy, combined with other local and internal agents.

With the correct dosage and use, the bacteria die and do not have time to get used to the active ingredient of the drug. The effectiveness of Bioparox can be unintentionally reduced by shortening the time periods between injections or increasing/decreasing the single dose of the drug. After irrigation, the nozzles must be washed each time; it is advisable to wipe them with cotton wool soaked in pure medical alcohol. This preventative treatment will prevent bacteria from multiplying and spreading to other users.

Analogues of Bioparox for children

Even in those days when Bioparox was sold in pharmacies, it was contraindicated for use by children under 12 years of age. Please note that most modern sprays are approved for children aged 3-5 years. Such a significant age restriction on the use of Bioparox did not occur because of a possible allergic reaction caused by the aerosol form as such, but because of fusafungine.

Thus, the children did not lose anything from the removal of Bioparox from production. Considering that pediatricians traditionally prescribed this drug at any age, and mothers really liked how effectively this drug works, the European Medicines Agency, with its ban, did only good, protecting children from the possible unpleasant and even fatal consequences of its use.

What can the modern pharmaceutical industry offer as an analogue of Bioparox for children:

  • Lugol;
  • Chlorophyllipt (oil drops);
  • Miramistin;
  • Kameton;
  • Hexoral;
  • Inhalipt;
  • Tantum Verde;
  • TheraFlu LAR.

The listed medications have their pros and cons. For example, Tantum Verde and TeraFlu contain ethanol, which many people think is not a very good medicinal component for children. Cameton, Hexoral and Ingalipt are characterized by a distinct, not very pleasant taste, to which children often react poorly.

Lugol and Chlorophyllipt - do not contain synthetic antiseptics. For many, this is of fundamental importance when choosing a drug for a child.

The spray can be used to treat children from 2.5 years old. Up to 2.5 years of age, children do not yet know how to control their breathing, and bronchospasm may occur during inhalation.

The spray can be used to treat children only as prescribed by a doctor.

Bioparox's analogues are cheaper

Bioparox was one of the most expensive throat sprays. All of the above Bioparox substitutes are cheaper to one degree or another.

Of these, in the same price category are:

  • TheraFlu LAR;
  • Stopangin;
  • Chlorophyllipt (oil drops);
  • Hexoral.

These drugs are approximately 40% cheaper than Bioparox.

In the lower price category there are such analogues of Bioparox spray as:

  • Inhalipt;
  • Kameton;
  • Lugol;
  • Miramistin.

These drugs are 4-5 times cheaper than Bioparox.

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