Viral diseases of the ENT organs

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ENT diseases are pathologies of the ear, nose and throat. The doctor who treats these organs is called an otolaryngologist or simply ENT. Dysfunctions of the ENT organs lead not only to disorders in the affected organs, but also to a decline in overall well-being. Chronic diseases of the nose or diseases of the throat and tongue in childhood can lead to developmental delays.

general information

ENT diseases in medicine are combined into a common group for the reason that the ear, throat and sinuses work as a single physiological mechanism. ENT diseases of the throat can cause diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses and vice versa. ENT ear diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature can “go down” and cause signs of a throat disease. Adenoids very often become the cause of tonsillitis (sore throat), otitis media and other ENT diseases of the ear.

Otolaryngology studies and treats ENT diseases of the throat, larynx, ear, sinuses, and also deals with the prevention of these ailments. A specialist in these pathologies must have the skills of a therapist and surgeon. In certain clinical situations, ENT diseases of the ear or nasal diseases require the otolaryngologist to perform surgical interventions.

Chronic diseases of the ENT organs are difficult to treat.

Otolaryngology is a branch of medicine dealing with the treatment of ENT organs

Otolaryngology is a special branch in clinical medicine that studies diseases of the ears, nose and throat, and also includes the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of this group of organs. The diseases of these three organs are combined into one group for a reason; this is due to their functional dependence and anatomical proximity, as well as the fact that diseases that affect one of these organs have the ability to spread to another organ.

Otolaryngology is a combination of three disciplines: otology, laryngology and rhinology.

An otolaryngologist is a doctor who specializes in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the ear, nose and throat. An otolaryngologist is a specialty that includes the skills of a surgeon and a physician. In certain cases, an otolaryngologist performs surgical operations. The scope of action of an otolaryngologist involves the treatment of diseases associated with the ear, nose and throat cavity.

Diseases of the nose

Let's consider what nasal diseases occur in patients of all age categories.
ENT diseases of the nose and other problems are:

  • acute and chronic rhinitis (runny nose);
  • sinusitis;
  • frontal sinusitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • nasal injuries;
  • nosebleeds;
  • foreign bodies in the nasal cavity.

By carefully examining images and photos of nasal diseases, you can be convinced that pathologies are localized mainly on the mucous membranes in the paranasal sinuses. Some nasal diseases (for example, sinusitis) are especially dangerous because they cause painful headaches and can cause decreased vision and meningitis.

ENT diseases of the nose must be treated at the initial stage of their development, since the transition of these ailments to a chronic form is fraught with protracted (sometimes many years) therapy.

Knowing the name of a nasal disease that occurs in a child is especially important for parents interested in the full growth and development of their children. For this reason, timely diagnosis and treatment of ENT ailments of the nasal cavity is so important. Chronic nasal diseases are best treated in specialized and specialized clinics.

Causes of ENT diseases

The causes of the development of diseases of the ENT organs are of an infectious nature in most cases. These include the following infections:

  • streptococcal and staphylococcal;
  • fungal infection;
  • viral particles.

The causes of ear disease are bacterial flora. Development factors include local hypothermia and decreased immunity. Pathology of the ear canal often occurs as a complication of tonsillitis or acute tonsillitis.

The etiological factor in the formation of pathology of the nose and paranasal sinuses is bacterial and viral infection. With sharply reduced immunity, fungal flora becomes the cause. Inflammation of the nasal mucosa is called rhinitis. It can be acute and become chronic.

It is important that rhinitis rarely forms as an independent nosological entity; in most cases it is accompanied by acute respiratory viral infection or tonsillitis.

Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses occurs due to the blocking of the natural anastomosis between the sinus and the nose. Under normal conditions, accumulated mucus from the sinuses is removed through this opening.

When closed, anaerobic conditions are created in the cavity; this process leads to the development of anaerobic flora, which is pathogenic for the human body. A similar mechanism provokes the development of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis and labyrinthitis. The causes are chronic rhinitis and deviated septum.

Throat diseases occur due to a decrease in local immunity; a violation is a condition for the development of sore throat or tonsillitis. Against the background of reduced immunity, pathogenic flora is activated, which becomes the cause of disease.

Risk factors

  • weakened immune system;
  • presence of adenoids;
  • anomalies in the structure of ENT organs;
  • deviated nasal septum;
  • bad habits;
  • dental problems;
  • work in hazardous production.

Ear diseases

Ear diseases in people are also quite varied. Let us consider in detail what ear diseases are, what are the symptoms and treatment of ear diseases.

Acute and chronic ear diseases are:

  • sulfur plug;
  • external, middle and internal otitis media;
  • foreign bodies in the ear canal;
  • ear disease tubootitis (eustachitis);
  • injuries of the auricle, eardrum, inner ear;
  • mastoiditis;
  • Meniere's disease;
  • labyrinthitis.

Symptoms of human ear disease are almost always associated with decreased hearing ability. Often, inflammatory processes in the ear are accompanied by fever and signs of general intoxication. Symptoms of ear disease in humans may also include fluid leaking from the opening of the ear and severe pain in the ear.

The symptoms and treatment of ear diseases can be studied more clearly if you look at images and photos of human ear diseases. More rare symptoms of ear diseases in humans are otogenic processes of the brain or cerebellum.

Symptoms of ear disease in adults may be more vague and subtle, making pathologies more difficult to identify. Signs of ear disease may be absent for a long time and sometimes appear only at the stage of manifestation of the disease.

Treatment of human ear disease includes drug therapy and physiological treatment. The most sustainable healing effect is achieved by hardware effects within the framework of physiotherapy. Treatment of ear diseases in humans also includes restoration or stimulation of the patient’s immune status.

Parents are interested in the question, what ear diseases occur in childhood? Answer: almost the same as in adults. However, in a child, pathologies are more acute, and therapy is longer.

How to cure laryngitis in a child? Recommendations in our article. Read about the treatment of pharyngitis in various ways, including traditional medicine methods.

Viral diseases of the ENT organs


: Tarasova G.D., Lavrenova G.V., Kulikova O.A., Mirzabekyan E.V.
An otorhinolaryngologist at an outpatient appointment often has to provide assistance to patients with viral diseases of the ENT organs and make decisions about prescribing etiotropic and symptomatic therapy. There has not been a single year in which influenza or other viral infections went unnoticed by the otolaryngologist. The frequency of viral diseases, the regularity of their occurrence and the frequency of complications from the ear, nose and throat determine the relevance of the work. For many years, acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) have surpassed all other infectious diseases combined in terms of incidence and prevalence. Complications of a viral infection often include damage to the ENT organs.

Mechanism of defeat.

The entry point for infection is the epithelial cells of the respiratory tract. The main pathological process in sensitive cells develops both as a result of the penetration of a virus from the outside, and due to the activation of a latent or chronic viral infection under the influence of various factors, including another infection. As is known, viruses of the ARVI group are tropic to the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract. Acute catarrhal inflammation, developing as a result of the action of respiratory viruses, is realized in desquamation of the epithelium of the respiratory tract. It should be noted that depending on the type of virus, damage affects different levels of the respiratory tract.

Damage to the respiratory tract during ARVI, which occurs as a result of virus multiplication in the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane and viremia, has both general patterns of development of the pathological process and characteristic features for each type of virus. For example, the influenza virus causes superficial damage to the cells of the mucous membrane of the nose and trachea; the pathological process is characterized by vascular disorders, cell necrosis and their rejection.

The pathogenesis of viral exposure occurs through several mechanisms. Firstly, this is the direct damaging effect of the viral particle on the cylindrical ciliated epithelium, as a result of which the access of antigens to the submucosal layer is facilitated. It has been experimentally shown that mechanical removal of the epithelium enhances the constrictor effect of decongestants. Secondly, inflammatory mediators, which are synthesized by damaged epithelial cells, act on subepithelial sensory receptors, which leads to the activation of neuro-reflex mechanisms. In addition, viruses themselves reduce the functional activity of the ciliated epithelium, which subsequently leads to damage to the microvilli of cilia and “paresis” of mucociliary transport. The mucous membrane is “protected” by the secretion of goblet cells and glands of the submucosal layer. As a result, the sol-gel ratio is disrupted, the viscosity of the secretion increases and favorable conditions are created for the introduction of the virus into the epithelial cells of the airways.

Clinical picture and main differential diagnostic signs of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections.

The incubation period for influenza is quite short and lasts from several hours to 1.5 days. The disease begins acutely; Such characteristic symptoms as chills, fever, toxicosis (chills, severe headache localized in the frontotemporal region, dizziness, pain in the eyeballs, myalgia and arthralgia, severe weakness) appear quite quickly, determining the severity of the disease. A third of patients with severe toxicosis experience nausea, vomiting, and fainting. The average duration of fever is 5 days. A DURATION OF FEVER MORE THAN 5 DAYS MAY INDICATE THE ADDING COMPLICATIONS.

Local flu symptoms in the form of rhinitis and cough appear, as a rule, towards the end of the first day of illness. Instead of the so-called In “classical” rhinitis, nasal congestion occurs more often, the sense of smell decreases, and discomfort appears in the nasopharynx. The cough appears on the 2-3rd day, usually dry, but can also be wet with the release of mucous sputum. Typical of influenza is the rapid development of tracheitis, accompanied by a painful cough along the sternum.

Parainfluenza begins gradually, the incubation period takes 2-7 days. Unlike influenza, the disease begins with catarrhal symptoms and low-grade fever, and general toxic symptoms are mild. However, some patients experience an acute onset and a rapid increase in temperature to high numbers. Patients report malaise, headache, chills, and weakness, but these symptoms are less intense than with the flu. With parainfluenza, the severity of the clinical picture of the disease determines the degree of involvement of the upper respiratory tract (URT) in the pathological process. Rhinitis with parainfluenza is also characterized by difficulty in nasal breathing due to swelling of the mucous membrane and copious serous discharge. One of the main symptoms of parainfluenza is laryngitis, accompanied by pain in the throat, dry rough (barking) cough, hoarseness up to aphonia.

A pathognomonic symptom of adenovirus infection is a combined lesion of the upper respiratory tract and the mucous membrane of the eyes with a pronounced exudative component and involvement of lymphoid tissue in the pathological process. In adults, adenoviral infection occurs in a latent form, in children and young people - in the form of a disease. The disease begins with catarrhal symptoms. General toxic symptoms are mild; low-grade fever is more common, although if the patient experiences a high fever, it should be expected to last longer than with the flu. The exudative nature of damage to the respiratory tract is manifested by swelling of the nasal mucosa, severe congestion and copious mucous discharge from the nose. The pathological process always involves the posterior wall of the pharynx and tonsils. Pharyngitis is characterized by hyperplasia of lymphoid formations against the background of edematous and pale mucous membrane of the posterior pharyngeal wall. The tonsils are enlarged, swollen, sometimes white deposits in the form of dots or threads are visible in the lacunae. Very often, with adenoviral disease, an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis is observed in the form of lacunar or follicular tonsillitis. In adults, as a rule, damage to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and pharynx predominates, sometimes in combination with conjunctivitis. Due to the different combination and severity of symptoms, adenoviral disease is characterized by a variety of clinical forms: nasopharyngitis, rhinopharyngotonsillitis, etc. Unlike other respiratory infections, adenoviral disease is accompanied by enlargement of the lymph nodes, liver and often spleen. If the intestinal mucosa is damaged, short-term diarrhea is possible. ADENOVIRAL DISEASE IS CHARACTERIZED BY A LONG-TERM WAVE-LIKE COURSE, AND THE APPEARANCE OF NEW PATHOLOGICAL FOCUSES WHEN THE PREVIOUSLY ARISING ARE subsiding.

Rhinovirus infection

characterized by predominant damage to the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and a mild course. The leading symptom from the first hours of the disease is a runny nose with copious serous discharge; lacrimation and pain in the throat due to pharyngitis are often observed. The skin at the entrance to the nose often macerates - it becomes hyperemic and irritated. Body temperature rises to subfebrile levels, patients complain of chilling and mild malaise. The disease lasts 4-7 days, but can be longer. With the addition of bacterial flora, nasal discharge becomes purulent. Despite the mild course of the disease, complications may occur, the most common of which are rhinosinusitis, otitis media, and tonsillitis.

Basic principles of therapy for influenza and other acute respiratory viral diseases.

Currently existing drugs for the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections involve an impact on various parts of the pathological process. In addition to etiotropic drugs that act on the influenza virus, drugs are used that induce both local and general immune reactions; there is also a huge arsenal of symptomatic drugs used by patients independently. THE USE OF ETIOTROPIC DRUGS IN THE FIRST 24–36 HOURS FROM THE ONset OF THE DISEASE IS ONE OF THE BASIC CONDITIONS FOR SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF FLU.

Among the two classes of antiviral drugs used for influenza, the most common are adamantane compounds: amantadine, rimantadine, algirem. Drugs of the second, new class - neuraminidase inhibitors (zanamivir and oseltamivir) are highly effective in the treatment of influenza caused by both influenza A and B viruses, have a more favorable safety profile and practically do not cause drug resistance. Antiviral drugs are used not only for treatment, but also for emergency prevention to reduce the risk of disease in foci of infection during influenza epidemics. From the class of antiviral drugs belonging to the class of abnormal nucleosides, ribavirin (virazole) is used for respiratory syncytial infection, which inhibits the biosynthesis of nucleic acids by blocking RNA polymerase.

There are two groups of interferon drugs on the pharmaceutical market: human, obtained from blood, and recombinant, obtained by genetic engineering. Human leukocyte interferon has been used for about 30 years, and the experience of its use indicates its preventive and therapeutic effectiveness in respiratory diseases, due to its antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. At the end of the 80s of the twentieth century, a new dosage form of human leukocyte interferon was developed - leukinferon, which is a complex of cytokines of the first phase of the immune response, increases the number of T-lymphocytes, normalizes the immunoregulatory index by increasing the subpopulation of T-helpers. The drug has preventive, therapeutic (with early use) and immunomodulatory effects, preventing the development of complications. For acute respiratory viral infections, it is advisable to combine inhalation and intramuscular administration of leukinferon for 3 days. It is further recommended to administer it every other day, up to 7–10 injections, especially to persons with a history of repeated episodes of respiratory infection. Leukinferon is also used in the form of ointments and rectal suppositories. Recombinant IFNs have found wide application in acute viral diseases of the respiratory tract. Reaferon, when combined with inhalation and intramuscular administration, is recommended for influenza. Treatment must be prescribed no later than 5 days from the onset of the disease. Viferon is a combination drug containing human recombinant alpha-2b interferon in combination with alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which have an antioxidant effect.

FEVER IS A DEFECTIVE REACTION OF THE ORGANISM THAT ARISES FROM THE INFLUENCE OF PATHOGENIC IRRITANTS (VIRUSES, BACTERIA AND THEIR DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS). The biological significance of fever is the activation of immune defense (the level of serum interferon increases, phagocytosis and the production of humoral antibodies are activated). Antipyretic drugs are indicated for temperatures of 39.0ºC and above, accompanied by severe headache (flu), with the exception of children at risk of seizures and children in the first two months of life. In this case, ibuprofen and its analogues may be the drugs of choice.

However, it should be remembered that the basis of therapy is etiotropic treatment of the disease, and antipyretic therapy is symptomatic.

For rhinitis, in order to reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are prescribed, 3-4 drops in each half of the nose. However, it is preferable to use aerosol forms, since the spray is evenly distributed throughout the nasal mucosa, which creates a more pronounced therapeutic effect. During periods of severe rhinorrhea, oil-based drops are not recommended, as they reduce the function of the ciliated epithelium, complicating the outflow of pathological discharge.

The most common complication of ARVI that can be observed is infectious rhinitis. Difficulty in nasal breathing is usually not pronounced at first, develops gradually and the patient adapts to this condition without noticing it. Infectious rhinitis, in the absence of appropriate therapy, often becomes chronic, which is subsequently diagnosed as catarrhal rhinitis, hypertrophic or vasomotor rhinitis, or sinusitis.


If there is a large amount of thick discharge in the nasal cavity, rinsing the nasal cavity or irrigation therapy is recommended. Irrigation therapy of the nasal cavity, although it has some contraindications (complete obstruction of nasal breathing, the presence of acute inflammation in the area of ​​the ENT organs, recurrent nosebleeds and negativity of the patient, more often than a child), however, in general it is recommended for use in the treatment of acute ENT diseases of viral and bacterial nature. The type of rinsing: irrigation, shower, jet or full volumetric lavage depends on the age of the patient and the location of the inflammatory process. Thus, in infancy, it is advisable to use only rinsing using drops of an isotonic saline solution and a nasal aspirator to prevent the child from choking and fluid getting into the cavity of the auditory tube and middle ear.

Irrigation therapy of the nasal cavity can also be carried out with infusions of plants with anti-inflammatory and decongestant effects, for example, yarrow herb, calendula and chamomile flowers, etc. Recommended plants: black tea, oak bark, eucalyptus leaf, horsetail herb, Rhodiola rosea (golden root), herb celandine. To prepare a decoction, crushed plants should be brewed with boiling water in a ceramic bowl, placed in a warm place overnight, filtered and used within 24 hours. You must be aware of allergies to some plants. Each plant should be used within 2 weeks, changing to the next one if necessary. 50 ml of liquid is used per procedure. From time to time you can use slightly alkaline mineral water such as “Essentuki No. 4” for washing. Washing is carried out 2 times a day - morning and evening. The temperature of the rinsing liquid must be at least +38°C.

The next step is to eliminate swelling of the nasal mucosa. For this purpose, topical decongestants (vasoconstrictors) are used. They act on the regulation of the tone of the sympathetic system of blood vessels, activating adrenergic receptors and causing vasoconstriction. These drugs can effectively restore nasal breathing without being absorbed, so systemic side effects are rare and insignificant.

After using vasoconstrictor drops, drugs that have an astringent effect are prescribed, for example, those containing silver: Collargol, Sialor, Protargol and Colloidal silver. These drugs reduce swelling due to their astringent effect. The recommended concentration of the drug depends on the age of the patient. They can be prescribed for up to 14 days in the presence of nasal discharge.

Developing swelling of the nasal mucosa, spreading to the nasopharynx, can simultaneously lead to obstruction of the auditory tube. In young children, especially infants, this causes disturbances in sleep and appetite, and can lead to a refusal to breastfeed. Such situations require the mandatory use of local vasoconstrictors. This can not only restore nasal breathing (after all, oral breathing is not possible in infants), but also prevent the development of otitis media. However, the duration of their use should be no more than 3-5 days. When treating infectious rhinitis, especially with severe swelling of the mucous membrane, you can use combined herbal remedies (Sinupret, Umkalor).

For long-term infectious rhinitis with a large amount of mucus, mild mucoactive drugs should be recommended, for example, Sinupret and Gelomirtol Forte. In addition to the above, these drugs have an immunotropic effect, thereby realizing their preventive effect regarding the development of sinusitis, tubo-otitis, etc. They are usually prescribed for a course of at least 14 days. With combined pathology of the auditory tube and paranasal sinuses, the quality of life decreases due to periodic or constant ear congestion, tinnitus, autophony, hearing loss, difficulty nasal breathing, sneezing, mucopurulent or purulent discharge from the nose, drainage of discharge down the back wall of the pharynx, headache pain, snoring, sleep disturbances, decreased concentration, inability to use a hearing aid.

Another frequently observed manifestation of a viral infection, which can accompany infectious rhinitis or develop in isolation, is acute pharyngitis, which is often combined with a sore throat. Acute pharyngitis can be viral, infectious or fungal in nature. Approximately 70% of pharyngitis is caused by viruses, among which are rhinoviruses (the most typical), coronaviruses, respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus, influenza and parainfluenza viruses.

The composition of drugs for local antimicrobial therapy of pharyngitis usually includes one or more antiseptics (chlorhexidine, hexetidine, benzydamine, ambazone, thymol and its derivatives, alcohols, iodine preparations, etc.), essential oils, local anesthetics (lidocaine, tetracaine, menthol ), less often - antibiotics (fusafungin, framycetin) or sulfonamides, deodorizing agents. Preparations may also contain bacterial lysates (Imudon, Lizobakt, Laripront), natural antiseptics (plant extracts, bee products), synthesized factors of nonspecific protection of the mucous membrane (Fitobak, Lesmin) which also have an antiviral effect (lysozyme, interferon), vitamins (ascorbic acid ). When prescribing combination drugs, it is necessary to remember that the patient is allergic to its components. Antimicrobial drugs are prescribed in the form of rinses, insufflations, irrigations, inhalations, as well as tablets and lozenges.

To gargle, you can use drugs that have an antibacterial effect. In addition to rinsing, irrigations are prescribed, which have a more pronounced therapeutic effect, since they contain antibacterial substances: Hexoral spray, Ingalipt, Tantum Verde, Propasol, Sage, Strepsils Plus (contains concentrated hydrochloric acid), etc. In addition, these drugs are effective distributed over a larger surface of the mucous membrane of the inflamed organ, which naturally increases therapeutic effectiveness. Using a spray bottle, it is possible to act directly on the source of inflammation: the mucous membrane of the back wall of the pharynx or the palatine tonsils. For drugs produced in the form of ready-made metered-dose aerosols, the dosage regimen and course dose recommended by the company should be prescribed (unless there are special comments from the doctor due to the age of the child or the severity of the disease). In addition, the irrigation procedure can also be performed for children.

In case of severe acute pharyngitis, as well as in case of ineffectiveness of the above therapy, antibacterial drugs are recommended. Group A β-hemolytic streptococcus (GAStreptococcus) is the main causative agent of pharyngitis and tonsillitis, which still remains highly sensitive to natural β-lactam antibiotics. This makes it possible to successfully use natural penicillins for the treatment of streptococcal pharyngitis and sore throats.

A fairly common complication of ARVI, especially in childhood, is acute otitis media (AOM). When the inflammatory process develops in the nasal cavity, it often spreads to the middle ear area. Therapy for AOM should be comprehensive and include: antibacterial therapy (if necessary), vasoconstrictor nasal drops, ear drops, analgesics, and it is also recommended to use a warming semi-alcohol compress on the area behind the ear (in the absence of high body temperature), a compress according to M.F. Tsytovich. Antibacterial therapy for AOM is also empirical, but it has its own characteristics. There are international recommendations for prescribing antibacterial therapy in childhood, which are also accepted in our country. Amoxicillin clavulanate (Augmentin, Amoxiclav, etc.) is recognized throughout the world as the gold standard for antibacterial therapy of AOM. In adults with AOM, antibiotics from the group of fluoroquinolones (Levofloxacin, etc.) have increasingly been recommended in recent years. When prescribing ear drops, you should take into account the components included in their composition and the recommendations from the instructions.

Medicinal plants can be used as a “mild” therapy for ARVI to reduce the drug load. For a runny nose in the irritation stage, use ointments, emulsions or juices of medicinal plants with anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects: aloe, sea buckthorn oil, 4-6 drops 3 times a day. For serous discharge, plants with an astringent effect are prescribed. Plant tannins cause partial coagulation of proteins, forming a protective film on the mucous membrane and thus reduce the replication of viruses and nasal discharge. The form of administered herbal remedies may be different. The most commonly used are infusions, decoctions, ointments, and powders from plants. Inhalation procedures are also effective. Here are the recipes of medicinal herbal remedies used for acute rhinitis: Oak bark 10 g, St. John's wort herb 5 g, Willow bark 5 g, Linden flowers 10 g, Mint leaves 10 g. Method of preparation: 20 g of crushed collection, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave in for 3-4 hours, before use add 1-2 drops of fir oil. Use in the form of drops in the nose (6-8 drops 3-4 times a day) and for inhalation (3-4 procedures per course, with a duration of one inhalation of 5 minutes). In the stage of mucopurulent discharge, it is recommended to use fresh juices of aloe, white cabbage and beets.

For acute pharyngitis, 10% infusions of small-leaved linden flowers, calendula flowers, and elderberry flowers are used to gargle the throat. For inhalation, we recommend 5% infusion of immortelle flowers and raspberry leaves, 10% infusion of horsetail and lemon balm herbs. Method of preparation: mix the infusions, use for inhalation, 50-70 ml per 1 procedure.

In acute laryngitis, when patients are bothered by dryness, tickling, cough, medications are used that have an anti-inflammatory, softening and enveloping effect. During this period, for local treatment of acute laryngitis by inhalation, we recommend a 15% infusion of a collection of medicinal plants: elderberry flowers, linden flowers, chamomile flowers.

For hoarseness, herbal teas are prescribed (10% infusion of wild raspberry leaves, 10% decoction of flax seed, 10% milk decoction of common sage).

Drinks made from blueberries, raspberries, linden flowers, black elderberries, peppermint, blackcurrant leaves and shoots are recommended as vitaminizing and tonic agents.

Tea made from rose hips is widely known, which contains vitamin C, essential oil, pectin, citric acid, invert sugar, sucrose, fatty oil, tannins, etc. It is advisable not to boil rose hips, but pour boiling water over them and infuse in a thermos. Collections that increase immunity: Elecampane root 1 part Rose hips 2 parts 2 tablespoons of the collection pour 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 2 hours, before use add 2 drops of fir oil to the infusion in each serving and take 1/2 cup hot 2 times a day. Schisandra shoots 2 parts Sage herb 2 parts Elecampane root 1 part 2 tablespoons of the collection pour 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos, leave for 2–3 hours, take warm 1/4 cup 2 times a day.


Every day a practicing doctor has to deal with viral diseases of the ENT organs. If 10-15 years ago viral diseases had a clear seasonality, in recent years there has been a year-round incidence of ARVI. Since viral infections develop very quickly, especially in childhood, the doctor has to make decisions about prescribing therapy, taking into account the prevention of possible complications from the ENT organs. Taking into account the fact that the range of etiological drugs is limited, the authors considered it appropriate to share their own experience of therapy, including medicinal plants.


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About the authors

Tarasova Galina Dmitrievna – Doctor of Medical Sciences Chief Researcher, Federal State Budgetary Institution Scientific and Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology, Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, Moscow, Russia; prof. Department of Outpatient Pediatrics, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education, Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Lavrenova Galina Vladimirovna - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. Department of Otorhinolaryngology with the clinic of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova

Kulikova Olga Aleksandrovna - Department of Otorhinolaryngology with the clinic of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education St. Petersburg State Medical University named after. acad. I.P. Pavlova Mirzabekyan Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna – junior researcher of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Scientific and Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, Moscow, Russia

Throat diseases

Let's look at what types of throat diseases there are, what the symptoms of throat and larynx diseases may be, and how to treat throat diseases. A detailed description and photo of throat diseases is provided.

For a more visual understanding of the topic, you can familiarize yourself with images and photos of diseases of the throat and larynx (throat diseases in pictures).

So, what are throat diseases? There are viral throat diseases, bacterial, allergic. The most pressing infectious disease of the throat is tonsillitis (see photo of infectious diseases of the throat). There are throat diseases without fever and with fever.

The main pathologies and diseases are:

  • adenoids;
  • tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • diphtheria;
  • injuries;
  • burns;
  • foreign bodies;
  • pharyngitis.

The most common throat diseases are catarrhal tonsillitis and acute tonsillitis. These are infectious and inflammatory diseases of the throat. They are also the most common childhood throat diseases. Chronic throat diseases are quite common: recurrent tonsillitis (tonsillitis), chronic pharyngitis. Chronic throat diseases are more difficult to treat and can lead to serious complications.

Diagnosis of throat diseases involves conducting a comprehensive examination in a clinic. For diagnosis, not only obvious signs of throat disease are indicative, but also the results of laboratory blood tests and other procedures.

Symptoms of diseases of the throat and larynx include: cough, discomfort, sore throat, sputum (sometimes mixed with blood), pain when swallowing. Signs of throat disease in adults may not be obvious. Children's throat diseases are more severe and can provoke concomitant illnesses.

Symptoms and treatment of throat diseases are interrelated: the otolaryngologist first takes an anamnesis, then decides how to treat the throat disease. Treatment includes inhalations, physiotherapy, herbal medicine, and medications.

Diseases of the throat mucosa should be treated until symptoms disappear completely.


Common causes of ear, larynx, throat and sinus disease are:

  • general hypothermia (staying in cold air, swimming);
  • sudden temperature change;
  • local hypothermia (for example, drinking very cold drinks);
  • injuries;
  • weakened immunity;
  • deficiency of vitamins and nutrients;
  • stress.

Any systemic, infectious and inflammatory diseases can act as additional factors for the development of ENT pathologies.


Treatment of ear diseases in humans, as well as therapy of other ENT diseases, is a comprehensive use of medicinal, physical, symptomatic and radical therapy.

In all clinical situations, a preliminary diagnosis and the appointment of the most adequate and effective treatment are required. In addition to treating the main illness, doctors generally strengthen the defenses and prevent relapses of ENT diseases.

These are diseases that almost every person has encountered at least once in their life. In children they often occur in an acute form. In adolescents and adults, tonsillitis and sinusitis are usually chronic in nature with periods of exacerbations.

The nature of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, as well as the inner, middle and outer ear, can be viral, bacterial, allergic and post-traumatic in nature. Antibiotics for ENT infections are prescribed when the bacterial etiology of inflammation is confirmed or when there is a high risk of complications.

If rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis are more common with viral infections (adenovirus, influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial infection), then inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, tonsils and middle ear in the vast majority of cases are bacterial in nature and are treated with antibacterial drugs.

Classification and types of diseases of ENT organs

All diseases of the ENT organs can be divided into two large groups. These are acute and chronic diseases. The former manifest themselves with more pronounced symptoms, but are treated quite effectively. Chronic illnesses require longer therapy and appear as a result of poor-quality treatment of acute forms. Therefore, experts recommend promptly seeking medical help to prevent complications from developing. The most common diseases of the ENT organs are: • rhinitis - a runny nose, which can be caused by an infection, virus or any allergen; • sinusitis - characterized by inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, where swelling and accumulation of purulent masses are observed; • adenoids - this disease is typical for children, it is a swelling of the pharyngeal tonsils, which manifests itself after infectious diseases; • pharyngitis and laryngitis are lesions of the larynx and pharynx; • tonsillitis - an infectious disease caused by streptococci or staphylococci; • otitis - inflammation of the ear. These are the most common diseases of the ENT organs, which are very often diagnosed in children, and mostly occur in an acute form.

Antibiotics for ENT diseases in adults in the table

Forms of the diseaseTonsillitisSinusitis, Frontitis, Otitis
Mild and moderate courseAmoxicillin ® + clavulanic acid ( , , ) Azithromycin ® ( , ); ( , ) Josamycin ® () Midecamycin ® () ( )
( , Sorcef ® , Cefspan ®)
Ampicillin ® Amoxicillin ® (Flemoxin ®) Amoxicillin ® + clavulanic acid (Augmentin ®, Amoxiclav ®, Flemoklav Solutab ®) Azithromycin ® (Sumamed ®, Hemomycin ®, Azitrox ®, Azitrus ®, Zi-Factor ®); Clarithromycin ® (Klacid ®, Klabaks ®) Josamycin ® (Vilprafen ®) Midecamycin ® (Macropen ®) Cefuroxime ® (Zinnat ®) Cefixime ® (Suprax ®, Sorcef ®, Pancef ®): , Tigeron ®. : , .
Severe course ( parenteral administration recommended)Amoxiclav ® ; third - fourth generation. Amoxiclav ® ; Third and fourth generation cephalosporins. Levofloxacin ® (Tavanic ®, Glevo ®) Ciprofloxacin ® (Tsiprolet ®).

It is important to remember that fluoroquinolones are prescribed only to persons over 18 years of age, or for health reasons in the presence of severe pneumonia that cannot be treated with other drugs - to children over 15 years of age.

For inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs of moderate severity, it is recommended to start treatment with inhibitor-protected penicillins (Augmentin ®, Amoxiclav ®). Fluoroquinolones are used in severe cases of the disease, or in the presence of flora resistant to beta-lactam drugs.

For the treatment of pregnant and lactating women, it is preferable to use macrolides. The safest for this category of patients is Josamycin ® . If necessary, use beta-lactam drugs.

The duration of treatment and dose of the drug should be selected by the attending physician. Self-medication is unacceptable and is fraught with serious complications. It is also necessary to remember that an unauthorized change in the dosage and frequency of administration towards an increase can lead to an overdose of the drug. Taking an insufficient dose will not bring results, but will provoke the growth of drug-resistant flora. Treatment must be continued for at least two more days (48 hours) after the condition has normalized and the symptoms of the disease have disappeared.

Prevention of ENT diseases: why do a medical examination

Prevention of major diseases of the ENT organs comes down to their sanitation (health and therapeutic procedures) and the prevention of hypothermia. It is important to strengthen the immune system so that the body’s defenses can cope with infection during the season of colds and acute respiratory viral infections. In addition to timely treatment of colds and preventing them from becoming chronic, it is important to monitor dental health. Since an infection from a carious tooth can spread to any of the ENT organs.

After a scheduled visit to the dentist (1-2 times a year), it wouldn’t hurt to visit an ENT doctor. Especially if you are often sick and are used to suffering from a cold on your feet, self-medicating. Have you been bothered by difficult nasal breathing, a chronic cough, or are you tormented by a sore throat? Contact a specialist; chronic sinusitis, tonsillitis or polyps may be to blame. During the examination, the doctor will necessarily collect a complete anamnesis - medical history and ask about all complaints, conduct an examination, and, if necessary, prescribe additional examinations: x-rays, ultrasound, audiometry, etc.

Antibiotics for ENT diseases in children and adults in tablets. Short review

For the treatment of inflammatory diseases in children under 12 years of age, all drugs are recommended to be prescribed in the form of suspensions.

Amoxicillin ®

A bactericidal drug belonging to the class of semisynthetic penicillins. Effective against gram- and gram+ coccal flora and some gram-rods. The antibiotic is completely destroyed by bacterial beta-lactamases. The product is resistant to acidic environments and has good bioavailability when taken orally.

Amoxicillin ® quickly creates therapeutic concentrations at the site of inflammation, is affordable and, as a rule, is well tolerated by patients. The overwhelming number of undesirable effects from its use is associated with an allergy to penicillin drugs.

Contraindications to its use are infectious mononucleosis and individual hypersensitivity to beta-lactams. Given the lack of data on embryotoxic or teratogenic effects on the fetus, amoxicillin ® is approved for use in the treatment of pregnant women. The drug is used with caution during lactation due to its ability to pass into breast milk. If an alternative is available, amoxicillin ® is not recommended for use by persons prone to allergic reactions or gastrointestinal diseases.

Amoxiclav ®

The most popular oral antibiotic for the treatment of ENT organs.

It has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity and is resistant to the action of bacterial enzymes (with the exception of type 1 beta-lactamases produced by Enterobacter, Morganella, Serration, Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas aeruginosa). The bactericidal mechanism of action is realized by inhibiting the synthesis of the microbial wall.

The expansion of the spectrum of antimicrobial action is due to the presence of clavulanic acid in the drug, which prevents the enzymatic destruction of amoxicillin ® by beta-lactamases.

The product is highly effective in the treatment of ENT pathologies of varying severity. The presence of a parenteral form of release (powder for the preparation of a solution for intravenous administration) allows its use in step therapy. That is, in severe cases of the disease, it is initially prescribed intravenously, with the patient then transferred to the tablet form (after stabilization of the condition). Amoxiclav ® is also successfully used if the underlying disease is complicated by a lower respiratory tract infection.

The antibiotic is contraindicated in the presence of cholestatic jaundice, hepatitis, mononucleosis and allergies to penicillins. It is not recommended for use in the treatment of patients who have suffered pseudomembranous colitis. Can be used in therapy for pregnant women. When prescribed during lactation, a temporary cessation of breastfeeding is usually recommended.

The main side effects from use are usually associated with allergic reactions to beta-lactams and gastrointestinal disorders. In order to reduce the occurrence of the latter, Amoxiclav ® must be consumed before or during meals.

Azithromycin ®

An antibacterial drug belonging to the class of macrolides. The mechanism of action depends on the concentration of the drug at the site of inflammation. At medium concentrations it acts bacteriostatically, at high concentrations it is bactericidal. It has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity, including not only gram- and gram+ pathogens, but also atypical flora (mycoplasma, chlamydia, legionella). Inactive against strains resistant to erythromycin.

The antibiotic is acid-resistant, has good digestibility and high bioavailability. A distinctive feature of Azithromycin ® is its prolonged action. That is, it is able to maintain therapeutic antibacterial concentrations in the inflammatory focus for five days after the end of the course.

However, in the treatment of ENT diseases, a short course of antibiotics (3 tablets) is recommended only for the prevention of long-term complications of sore throat, if bicillin injections are contraindicated for the patient and the disease was treated with another drug.

Azithromycin ® is well tolerated by patients, side effects from its use are quite rare. Contraindications to its use are:

  • individual intolerance to macrolides;
  • severe liver diseases accompanied by impairment of its functions;
  • kidney pathology, with a pronounced decrease in glomerular filtration rate;
  • taking medications containing ergotamine and dihydroergotamine.

Josamycin ®

Bactericidal antibiotic from the macrolide class. The mechanism of action is realized by binding to the 50S ribosomal subunits of bacteria and inhibiting protein synthesis. A wide spectrum of action includes gram-, gram+ and atypical pathogens and some fungi. Does not contribute to the growth of pathogen resistance and does not provoke cross-resistance.

Not prescribed in the presence of individual hypersensitivity, liver failure, or in premature infants. Approved for use by pregnant and lactating women.

Low toxicity and well tolerated by patients. Undesirable effects from use, as a rule, are manifested by dyspeptic disorders; allergic reactions are rarely possible. With long-term use of high dosages, dose-dependent hearing loss is possible, which is temporary and disappears after discontinuation of the drug.

The product is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, has high bioavailability and accumulates well in organs and tissues. The highest bactericidal concentrations are achieved in lung tissue, tonsils, lymphatic tissue, skin and pancreas.

Zinnat ®

Bactericidal antibacterial drug with a wide spectrum of activity. Belongs to the second generation of oral cephalosporins. Cefuroxime ® is resistant to the action of bacterial beta-lactamases and is effective against gram- and gram+ pathogens, however, streptococcus pneumoniae and atypical pathogens can develop resistance to the drug (acquired resistance). Ineffective against methicillin-resistant strains of staphylococcus.

The drug is well absorbed when taken orally, but the rate of absorption of the suspension is slightly lower than that of tablets. Simultaneous use of Zinnat ® with food improves the bioavailability and rate of absorption of the drug.

The antibiotic can cross the placental barrier and be excreted in breast milk; therefore, before taking it, pregnant women should consult with their doctor. It is not recommended to use Cefuroxime ® in the first trimester of pregnancy. When prescribed to breastfeeding women, it is necessary to temporarily stop breastfeeding.

Zinnat ® is not prescribed in the presence of individual intolerance to beta-lactams, non-specific ulcerative colitis, in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as in children under three months. Use with caution in chronic renal failure and gastrointestinal diseases, as well as for the treatment of weakened and depleted patients.

The most common side effects from its use are: allergic manifestations, gastrointestinal disorders, intestinal dysbiosis and thrush.

The ear, throat and nose are ENT organs susceptible to inflammatory diseases. Tablets, lozenges, lozenges, sprays, and other medications are used to treat ailments. Traditional recipes help cope with the disease.

Many conditions have pronounced symptoms: a person complains of localized ear pain or discomfort, a sore throat. But these organs are interconnected and often the infection covers a wide area. Unpleasant sensations and soreness develop throughout the nasopharynx, stuffy ears, or other signs of illness appear.

The Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech in St. Petersburg qualifies such ailments as diseases of the same class. What to do when several symptoms appear at the same time, if your throat hurts, your nose can’t breathe, and your ear is blocked? When the first warning signs appear, you should contact an otolaryngologist. You can make an appointment at a specialized institute or the nearest clinic so that adequate treatment can be prescribed.

Treatment of ENT diseases

  • Ear
  • Throat
  • Nose
  • Children
  • Endoscope

Maxillary sinus cyst (Diseases and symptoms)

There are diseases that patients are unaware of for years. Slowly developing and suddenly announcing themselves with a bouquet of unpleasant sensations, they come as a complete surprise to their owners. One of these insidious ailments is a cyst of the maxillary sinus. What is it, how dangerous is it and how is it properly treated?

Removal of nasal polyps (Surgery)

In our clinic, nasal polyps are removed using a surgical laser under endoscope control. The operation is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. A small tube is inserted into the nasal cavity, at the end of which there is a miniature video camera. The image from the camera is shown on the screen. Tracking his actions using it, the surgeon acts on the polyp with a laser beam.

Septoplasty. Deviated nasal septum (Surgery)

A deviated nasal septum is one of the most common problems, occurring in 90-95% of the population. Since there are practically no people with a perfectly straight nasal septum, a deviated nasal septum does not cause major problems for the majority of the population and does not require special correction.

Removal of maxillary sinus cyst (Surgery)

A maxillary sinus cyst (or maxillary cyst) belongs to the group of chronic ENT diseases. According to medical statistics, it is found in almost every 10th person!

Treatment of snoring (Treatment of the disease)

Of course, doctors cannot remain indifferent to such problems and are constantly looking for effective ways to prevent snoring. During the research, it was revealed that the cause of snoring in most cases is a condition where the tone of the pharyngeal muscles is reduced. The second most common cause of snoring is relaxation of the walls of the pharynx and soft palate. Unfortunately, these are features that cannot be corrected conservatively. And that is why surgery is necessary.

Treatment of a deviated nasal septum (Treatment of the disease)

Most often, a deviated nasal septum is outwardly invisible. The bridge of the nose looks straight and patients learn about their diagnosis when they see a doctor for a completely different reason. How is this problem solved? In what situations can conservative treatment be limited, and when is it necessary to undergo surgery to correct the nasal septum?

Treatment of adenoids (Treatment of the disease)

Adenoids are one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood. For their treatment, along with conservative therapy, surgical interventions are widely used. At the same time, at present, instead of classical surgery to remove adenoids, preference is given to laser reduction and other effective, safe and gentle procedures.

Bulla removal

Anomalies in the structure of the bones of the inner nose are a fairly common ENT pathology. In some cases, it does not cause any discomfort and is considered an individual feature. Sometimes a change in the structure, shape or position of the bones causes obstruction of the nasal passages and predisposes to the development of rhinosinusitis, polyposis and other diseases.

Snoring - uvulopalatotomy, uvuloplasty (Surgery)

Snoring is a common problem in modern society. But its medical significance is usually underestimated, and the “night roulades” produced by a person are considered only as a discomfort for other members of his family. In fact, snoring is not at all a normal option or an individual feature.

Treatment of nasal polyps (Treatment of the disease)

Treatment of nasal polyps clearly demonstrates the saying: “In war, all means are fair.” What is not recommended to patients to combat the disease: from medications to physiotherapy and a surgeon’s scalpel. Alas, none of the existing methods guarantees a complete cure. But their combined use allows you to forget about the problem for a long time.

Removal of maxillary sinus cyst

A cyst of the maxillary (maxillary) sinus is a benign neoplasm and has the shape of a thin-walled bubble filled with mucus or liquid. It does not pose an immediate threat to life and is usually not prone to degeneration. In some cases, a sinus cyst is an incidental x-ray finding when examining a patient for dental or neurological problems.

Laser reduction of adenoids (Surgery)

Adenoid vegetations are a very common disease among children. The average age of the patient ranges between three and seven years, although there are also cases when the adenoids begin to bother them already from the second year of life. Complaints of difficulty in nasal breathing can also occur in the age group under 15 years. Over time, the nasopharyngeal tonsil begins to decrease in size, which is a natural physiological process, so adults rarely suffer from adenoiditis.

Treatment of maxillary sinus cyst (Treatment of disease)

Our clinic has extensive experience in treating maxillary sinus cysts using a unique low-traumatic operation - sinoendoscopic cystectomy. Through a small hole in the gum with a diameter of several millimeters, under the control of endoscopic equipment, a gentle, low-traumatic removal of the cyst from the sinus is performed.

Vasotomy of the inferior turbinates (MC-reduction) (Surgery)

Chronic runny nose, also called chronic rhinitis, is one of the most common diseases of our time. It affects about 20% of the adult population, and in some regions this figure reaches 35–40%. Moreover, 20–25% of the total number of chronic rhinitis occurs in the vasomotor form; allergic rhinitis is also common. The prevalence of chronic rhinitis is steadily increasing, which is regarded as a fairly serious medical and social problem.

Treatment of tonsillitis (Treatment of the disease)

Tonsillitis is an inflammatory disease of the palatine tonsils - a disease that is most often encountered in the practice of an ENT doctor. Treatment of tonsillitis includes the use of various methods, which can be divided into three large groups.

Treatment of otomycosis (Treatment of the disease)

Otomycosis is an insidious infectious fungal disease, fraught with serious complications and irreversible consequences in the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment. Already at the initial stage, when the ears begin to itch inside, it is necessary to immediately seek medical help.

Deviated nasal septum (Diseases and symptoms)

The nasal cavity is divided by a septum into 2 isolated halves, the exits of which are the nostrils and the posterior openings (choanae). More than 2/3 of the world's population has asymmetrical nasal passages, although not all people know about this anatomical feature they have. A deviated nasal septum often does not cause significant discomfort to a person and does not contribute to the development of ENT diseases.

Laser reduction of adenoids

Adenoid vegetations are a very common disease among children. The average age of the patient ranges between three and seven years, although there are also cases when the adenoids begin to bother them already from the second year of life. Complaints of difficulty in nasal breathing can also occur in the age group under 15 years.

Intratonsillar laser destruction (Surgery)

Chronic tonsillitis is one of the most commonly diagnosed ENT diseases. Doctors of other specialties also pay special attention to the condition of the tonsils. This is due to the possible development of rheumatism, which affects many organs. Therefore, it is very important to promptly carry out competent, comprehensive and effective treatment of chronic tonsillitis.

Nasal polyps (Diseases and symptoms)

It was no coincidence that the ancients associated breathing with vitality. Even a common runny nose can unsettle us, let alone such a nuisance as nasal polyps. Headaches, poor sleep and chronic ENT diseases are just a small part of the problems that an untreated illness promises.

Removal of the turbinate bulla (Surgery)

Anomalies in the structure of the bones of the inner nose are a fairly common ENT pathology. There are quite a lot of variants of anomalies. And one of them is the bulla of the nasal concha (“Concha bullosa”), caused by dystopia of the cells of the ethmoid bone. The only truly effective treatment option for this pathology is resection. This operation allows you to quickly restore the patency of the nasal passage and eliminate the cause of chronic inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

Endoscopic polysinsotomy

If several paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity are affected simultaneously, the ENT doctor may decide to perform a polysinusotomy. This radical operation was introduced into clinical practice in the 1980s, and since then it has been considered the standard in the treatment of common chronic sinusitis.

Treatment of sinusitis (Treatment of the disease)

Competent and timely treatment of sinusitis can quickly eliminate the main symptoms of the disease and alleviate the patient’s condition. But an equally important task is to prevent the development of complications and the transition of inflammation to the chronic stage. Self-medication, refusal of procedures recommended by a doctor and premature completion of drug therapy can lead to severe, protracted or recurrent sinusitis.

Chronic runny nose (Diseases and symptoms)

A runny nose (or, in medical terminology, rhinitis) in most cases develops acutely and is often one of the manifestations of acute respiratory infections. But the chronic form of this disease is also common. Chronic rhinitis is characterized by a protracted course and its symptoms exist in the patient for at least 4 weeks.

Sinusitis (Diseases and symptoms)

Sinusitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary or maxillary sinus. This disease is one of the most common reasons for visiting an ENT doctor all over the world and ranks first in the structure of the incidence of sinusitis. In adults, sinusitis often takes a chronic, relapsing course, and in children there is a tendency to quickly develop complications.


Medical technology does not stand still. Once upon a time, doctors could only dream of examining a patient from the inside, but today they do it with ease. Videoendoscopy is the name of a technique that allows you to obtain the most accurate and detailed data on the condition of internal organs.

Treatment of pharyngitis (Treatment of the disease)

Any method of treating pharyngitis comes down to stopping the inflammatory process on the mucous membranes of the pharynx, which occurs in acute or chronic form.

Resection of the nasal septum

Deviation of the nasal septum in varying degrees of severity is observed in almost 80% of people. Sometimes this anatomical feature causes nasal breathing problems and contributes to the development of other ENT diseases.

Intratonsillar laser destruction

Chronic tonsillitis is one of the most commonly diagnosed ENT diseases. Doctors of other specialties also pay special attention to the condition of the tonsils. This is due to the possible development of rheumatism, which affects many organs. Therefore, it is very important to promptly carry out competent, comprehensive and effective treatment of chronic tonsillitis.

Treatment of sinusitis (Treatment of the disease)

In humans, the openings of the so-called paranasal sinuses (sinuses) open into the nasal passages. These are air cavities lined with ciliated epithelium in the bones of the facial skull, the formation of which is completed after puberty. When the mucous membrane of one or more of these sinuses becomes inflamed, we speak of sinusitis. Competent treatment of sinusitis should take into account the etiology and nature of inflammation, as well as the age of the patient.

Washing cuckoo

Cuckoo is a hardware lavage of the paranasal sinuses and nose using negative pressure. This vacuum drainage is also called the Proetz method of moving fluid through the nasal passages.

Treatment of laryngitis (Treatment of the disease)

One of the areas of work of an ENT doctor is the diagnosis and treatment of laryngitis. In this case, an important point is the correct determination of the form and etiology of the disease, which serves as the basis for adequate selection of therapy. Most often, acute catarrhal laryngitis is diagnosed, which can be complicated by spasm of the walls of the inflamed larynx.

Tonsillitis (Diseases and symptoms)

Tonsillitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the tonsils of an infectious-allergic nature. The tonsils, called tonsils, are most often affected. The incidence in the Russian Federation depends on the season and averages 10–15% among children and 4–10% among adults.

MK reduction

In our clinic, in the treatment of vasomotor rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, chronic adenoiditis, hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsil, medicinal rhinitis - the so-called “naphthyzine addiction”, chronic tosillitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and other pathologies accompanying diseases of the paranasal sinuses, molecular resonance surgery is successfully used VESALIUS QUASAR device manufactured by Telea Electronic Engineering (Italy).

Adenoids (Diseases and symptoms)

Adenoids are a fairly common diagnosis, especially in pediatric practice. Parents do not immediately consult a doctor, mistaking episodes of runny nose, cough and ear pain for a common cold.

Otomycosis (Diseases and symptoms)

Otomycosis is an ear disease in which the source of inflammation is a fungus. This pathology occurs quite often, almost regardless of the patient’s age.

Antibiotics for pharyngitis

Pharyngitis is caused by a bacterial or viral infection. Fungal or allergic pharyngitis is less commonly reported. It is almost impossible to unambiguously establish the nature of the development of the disease, based only on the clinical picture - the symptoms of viral and bacterial pharyngitis are identical, so antibiotics are not always prescribed for pharyngitis. They are useless in the treatment of viral infections, and their unjustified use threatens the development of other complications. Antibiotics should be prescribed with extreme caution for pharyngitis in children.

Treatment of otitis (Treatment of the disease)

If symptoms of otitis media appear, treatment should begin as early as possible, and it should be carried out only in accordance with the doctor’s prescriptions. Delay and self-medication significantly increase the risk of complications and persistent irreversible consequences. When treating otitis, the etiology and stage of the disease, the severity of the patient’s condition and even his age are taken into account.

Operation maxillary sinusotomy

A number of diseases affecting the maxillary (maxillary) sinus require surgical intervention - maxillary sinus. This is the name for an operation during which an opening or dissection of one of the walls of this natural cavity is performed.

Otitis (Diseases and symptoms)

Pain, itching, a feeling of fullness in the ear - all these are signs that may indicate the development of otitis media. Despite its prevalence, the disease is very insidious. If you take it lightly, it can result in hearing loss, meningitis, and a whole bunch of other not so pleasant ailments. How to protect your ears from otitis, and why you shouldn’t fight the problem alone?

Snoring (Diseases and symptoms)

According to statistics, every fifth person over 30 constantly snores during their sleep. However, most people do not consider this attack to be a disease, so they are in no hurry to see a doctor. And completely in vain. The booming trills of snoring not only harass those around you, but can pose a threat to the sleeper himself.

Allergic rhinitis (Diseases and symptoms)

Allergies and diseases caused by them are one of the most pressing problems in world medicine. Just 2–2.5 decades ago, allergic symptoms were detected in no more than 10% of the population, but now about 1/3 of people of all ages suffer from its manifestations. Moreover, about 40% of cases are due to allergic rhinitis or allergic runny nose. Despite this urgency of the problem, only half of patients receive adequate treatment.

Removal of synechiae (adhesions) in the nose (Surgery)

Synechiae are adhesions in the nasal sinuses. Both the connective tissue that lines the outside of the sinuses, as well as cartilage and even bones, can grow together.

Treatment of rhinitis (Treatment of the disease)

Rhinitis rarely occurs as an independent disease. It often develops against the background of a general weakening of the body caused by reduced immunity, as well as respiratory diseases of viral or bacterial origin. Regardless of the reasons that caused rhinitis, the course of the disease is divided into two stages - acute and chronic.

Removal of nasal synechia

Synechiae are adhesions in the nasal sinuses. Both the connective tissue that lines the outside of the sinuses, as well as cartilage and even bones, can grow together.

Treatment of otitis media (Treatment of the disease)

The symptoms of otitis media are familiar, if not to everyone, then to many. This is probably why patients underestimate the seriousness of this disease. Most people believe that ear pain can be waited out and then the inflammation will go away on its own. Alas, this is not true. Without timely treatment, otitis media can result in decreased or even complete loss of hearing. What to do to avoid complications?

Treatment of allergic rhinitis (Treatment of the disease)

Allergic rhinitis is a very common disease. According to statistics, every fifth person suffers from it. Since over time this unpleasant condition not only does not go away, but can also progress significantly, treatment of allergic rhinitis in adults and children should begin as early as possible.

Pharyngitis (Diseases and symptoms)

Pharyngitis is called inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx and the lymphoid formations located here. Competent diagnosis includes identifying the immediate cause of inflammation and predisposing factors, which helps to select adequate treatment and eliminate even chronic pharyngitis.


When treating snoring, preference is given to surgical methods. The most commonly used is uvulopalatotomy (or uvulopalatoplasty) - making incisions and excision of excess tissue of the uvula and the so-called velum palatine. A modern version of this anti-snoring operation is the use of a laser.

Treatment of frequent nosebleeds

Many people face the problem of spontaneous nosebleeds. In most cases, these are isolated and self-limited episodes. But recurrent (repeated) frequent nosebleeds are also possible, and in people of almost any age. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor to identify their cause and select the optimal treatment tactics.

Laryngitis (Diseases and symptoms)

Laryngitis accounts for about 7% of all ENT diseases. This is the name for acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx, a special organ that is responsible for conducting air into the trachea and voice formation. For adults, laryngitis is uncomfortable but usually not dangerous. But in young children it can cause severe breathing problems and even suffocation.

Nasal congestion

One of the common manifestations of existing diseases of the ENT organs is nasal congestion without runny nose (discharge). The person no longer complains of anything, there are no other symptoms, there is no discharge from the nasal passages, only nasal congestion without a runny nose (discharge) is noted, but such phenomena cannot be ignored; the progression of a more severe pathology or the onset of the development of its complications can be missed.

Washing the lacunae of the palatine tonsils

Washing of the lacunae of the palatine tonsils is carried out for chronic tonsillitis in the compensated and subcompensated stage. In the first case, the patient complains only of a slight malaise, and upon examination the doctor diagnoses a slight inflammation of the lymphoid tissue. The physiological functions performed by the palatine tonsils are not affected, and diseases of the nasopharynx are only episodic.


It is generally accepted that snoring only causes inconvenience to others, while the patient himself is sleeping in a deep, healthy sleep. In fact, this is far from the case. Snoring signals that the body is not receiving enough oxygen, since the passage of air through the upper respiratory tract is difficult.

Otitis media (Diseases and symptoms)

Otitis media is an inflammatory ENT disease affecting the structures of the middle ear. Its prevalence in various age groups is quite high, and the peak incidence usually occurs in the cold season. Most often, acute otitis media is diagnosed, which, if treated inadequately, can take a chronic course and lead to persistent severe hearing loss and other complications.

Endopolyposis laser reduction

Polyposis of the nose and paranasal sinuses (polypous rhinosinusitis) is one of the common causes of difficulty in nasal breathing. Polyps are benign neoplasms in the form of growths of the nasal mucosa hanging on a thin stalk. They almost never undergo independent reverse development, tend to grow gradually and can recur.

​Rhinitis (runny nose) (Diseases and symptoms)

Rhinitis or runny nose is the most common disease of the ENT organs. It is caused by acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane. Rhinitis can be infectious and non-infectious, which must be taken into account during treatment.

Vasomotor rhinitis

Vasomotor rhinitis is a chronic disease that occurs as a result of a violation of the neuro-reflex response to a variety of stimuli. With this disease, the mucous membrane reacts with swelling to changes in surrounding factors, so the person constantly experiences a feeling of nasal congestion, a feeling of lack of air.

Sinusitis (Diseases and symptoms)

For the uninitiated layman, the word “sinusitis” sounds like a concept from school geometry. Alas, this term has nothing to do with exact sciences. Translated from Latin, sinus means “sinus” and it means “inflammation”. Put them together and get a reliable definition of the disease. All that remains is to figure out what the sinuses are and why they become inflamed.


Cough is a kind of protective mechanism that preserves the patency of the airways. Any kind of cough should be regarded as a signal of the presence of a disease in the body, not necessarily related to the respiratory system.

Laser plastic surgery of the ostiomeatal complex

Sinusitis is a group of diseases associated with inflammation in the paranasal sinuses. Depending on the location of the pathological process, sinusitis is divided into sinusitis, sphenoiditis, ethmoiditis and frontal sinusitis.

How to get a tax deduction for treatment

Patients who received treatment in our clinic can return part of the funds spent on its payment. To do this, you need to submit an application to the tax office at your place of residence and attach supporting documents to it.

Treatment of otitis media

The ear is an extremely important human organ. It is thanks to him that we have the opportunity to perceive any sounds and, most importantly, communicate with each other.

Adenoid removal

Adenoids play an important role in the formation of the human immune system, but, unfortunately, a common pathology in many children leads to their growth, which can cause serious consequences. Thus, enlarged adenoids interfere with the baby’s breathing, cause malocclusion, poor sleep, problems with hearing and speech, and provoke frequent infectious diseases of the nasopharynx.

Treatment or removal of adenoids?

Many parents face the problem of enlarged adenoids in their children. This pathology is considered to be the most common chronic disease in preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. It accounts for more than 50% of visits to an ENT doctor, with the highest incidence observed at 3–4 years of age. Should I remove or treat my adenoids?

Nose bleed

Due to the fact that the nasal cavity has a developed vascular network, nosebleeds are a very common pathology that otolaryngologists have to deal with.

Maxillary sinusotomy

Sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary sinus) is one of the most common reasons for visiting an ENT doctor. About 15% of the adult population of the Russian Federation have symptoms of this disease, and in many patients it is diagnosed in a chronic form.

ENT doctor

Consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist (ENT doctor) is required if signs of damage to the ENT organs appear: ear, throat, nose and related structures. The reason for contacting a specialist may be various acute and chronic diseases with persistent functional disorders and a variety of symptoms.

How to get rid of nasal polyps

Nasal polyps are benign growths of altered mucous membranes of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Nasal polyps occur in approximately 1.5% of the population, in both men and women. Polyps occur less frequently in children.

Nasal drops

Rhinitis (runny nose) occurs as a result of inflammation of the nasal mucosa. An extremely unpleasant condition disrupts several important functions of the body: it becomes difficult to breathe, communicate, it is impossible to sleep normally and even eat. Therefore, the first thing a sick person does is try to get rid of a runny nose, using nasal drops seen in advertisements or purchasing them on the advice of friends who have been helped by the medicine. Sometimes spontaneous treatment works, but more often it doesn’t.

Treatment of sore throat

Sore throat, or as doctors often call it, acute tonsillitis, is an extremely unpleasant disease that can permanently incapacitate a person at any age. A large group of throat diseases causes inflammation of the tonsils and often the lymph nodes.

How to get rid of snoring?

Usually, it is not those who snore in their sleep who think about how to get rid of snoring, but the household members of that person. Snoring is annoying and disturbing, and, by the way, for good reason. You really need to worry about a person who snores, because snoring can lead to illness and even death due to oxygen deprivation and respiratory arrest (apnea).

Septum operations

A deviated nasal septum is one of the most common problems, occurring in 90-95% of the population.

Paid pediatric ENT

How often does it happen that parents get used to a sniffling child and do not notice slight coughs, as if a cold has become the norm. It must be remembered that the more time passes from the onset of the disease, the more difficult the treatment will be, and the greater the chance for complications to occur.

Sinusitis in children

Any inflammatory processes developing in the maxillary cavity are collectively called sinusitis. They may differ in morphology, etiology (cause), pathogenesis (pathological development and prognosis), but have a similar clinical picture and are treated using the same drugs and methods with certain adjustments, which allows them to be combined into one nosological unit (disease). Doctors at our clinic will accurately determine the cause and mechanism of inflammation, which will allow timely prescribing of specific therapy. Self-medication of sinusitis in a child is unacceptable - the risk of various complications, some of which are fatal, is too great.

Treatment of tonsillitis. Why is it important to take a sore throat seriously?

Our nasopharynx is an ideal environment for the growth and development of all kinds of microflora, in which, of course, pathogenic individuals are also found. They calmly coexist with other bacteria until the person finds himself in an environment that is uncomfortable for his physical and mental state - for example, in the cold or under stress. As soon as this happens, the immune system fails and pathogenic bacteria enter the battle. The lymphoid tissue in the tonsils sharply tries to fight back - and inflammation occurs.

Sore throat: types and symptoms

Sore throat is an acute inflammation of the tonsils, a bacterial infection, the causative agent of which is most often pathogenic cocci. The most significant is beta-hemolytic streptococcus A.

Types of sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. These anatomical regions are cavities in the bones of the facial skeleton. They communicate with the nasal cavity, are lined with ciliated epithelium and serve to resonate the voice. The movement of epithelial cilia towards the nasal cavity helps remove exfoliated epithelium, mucus, microbial particles and other elements from the sinuses.

Chronic sinusitis: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Chronic sinusitis or maxillary sinusitis is one of the most pressing problems of modern otorhinolaryngology. In the Russian Federation, the prevalence of this disease among adults reaches 12%, and this figure in most regions tends to steadily increase.

Allergic rhinitis: diagnosis and symptoms

Allergic rhinitis, or hay fever as it is popularly called, is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa that occurs due to some kind of allergy.

Treatment of sore throat in children

Inflammation of the tonsils, better known as tonsillitis, is an infectious-allergic disease and is especially difficult for children. Most often, the causative agent of the disease is the streptococcus bacterium, which is capable of “melting” surrounding tissues, thereby protecting itself from the body’s immune cells.

Runny nose

It is difficult to find a person who has not suffered from a runny nose at least once in his life. This condition, according to official medical terminology, is called rhinitis, which translates as “inflammation of the nose.”

Pediatric ENT

It is important to note that a significant number of preschool-aged patients already suffer from chronic diseases affecting the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, pharynx or hearing organ. This is due to many factors, among which the first place is taken by improper treatment or untimely diagnosis of primary acute inflammatory processes. That is why choosing a good pediatric ENT specialist is the most important task for parents.

Sore throat: diagnosis and treatment

Sore throat is an infectious-allergic disease, the primary target of which is the lymphadenoid tissue of the tonsils. According to official medical terminology, it is called acute tonsillitis (from the Latin tonsillae - tonsils, and the ending -it means inflammation).

ENT doctor

An otolaryngologist or ENT doctor is a specialist who treats and prevents diseases of the ear, nose and throat. Translated from Greek, the term otorhinolaryngology literally means “the science of the throat, ear and nose.”

Treatment of snoring

Snoring is a problem for many people. While not, in fact, a disease, it can be a sign of a serious illness - sleep apnea, and simply poison the life of a person and his loved ones.

Otitis media

Otitis media rarely develops as an independent disease. It is infectious in nature and is predominantly a complication of inflammatory diseases of other ENT organs.


An otolaryngologist or ENT doctor is a specialist who treats and prevents diseases of the ear, nose and throat. Translated from Greek, the term otorhinolaryngology literally means “the science of the throat, ear and nose.”

Allergic rhinitis in pregnant women

What is an allergy? How serious is the disease? Is allergic rhinitis dangerous in pregnant women?

A child has snot and what to do with it

Snot (runny nose, discharge) in a child is a problem that all parents periodically face.
Nasal congestion prevents a small person from developing normally, playing, and learning about the world around him. Even the full taste of any delicacy becomes inaccessible to him. or - fill out the form and we will contact you:

Manifestations of complex ENT diseases and their causes

Common manifestations of such ailments are combined discomfort or pain in several directions. The following symptoms are often observed:

  • My ear and throat hurt on one side.
  • The pharynx ring is hyperemic, discomfort occurs when swallowing, and a cough of varying intensity appears.
  • My throat is bothersome and my nose is stuffy.
  • Discharge of varying consistency appears from the nose, the ear shoots, and there is a feeling of a dry throat.
  • Sore throat with dry cough.

Against the background of the inflammatory process, the temperature rises, a stuffy nose bothers you, and a shooting impulse in the ear haunts you.

Such symptoms are often accompanied by inflammation of the lymph nodes and hearing loss. The inflammatory process covers the entire nasopharynx or is limited to one-sided spread. A concomitant symptom may be pain radiating to the neck, ear on the right or left side.

Treatment of ailments with similar manifestations often turns out to be fundamentally different, since the causes of the problems are significantly different.

Factors causing such symptoms may include:

  • Throat diseases of bacterial or viral etiology: tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis.
  • Chronic inflammatory processes of the nasal mucosa or sinuses; adenoiditis is possible in children.
  • Otitis.
  • Allergic manifestations.
  • Untreated dental diseases.
  • Specific infections. For example, scarlet fever, chickenpox.

Pathogenic microorganisms in weakened immunity affect the mucous membrane, causing swelling, redness, pain when swallowing, a stuffy nose, and pain in the ear on the left or right side.

Coccal infections (staphylococcus, streptococcus) and viral ones (for example, herpes) are especially dangerous and require urgent action. The development of fungal microflora is possible, then cheesy discharge and white deposits appear, which are noticeable if you look into the mouth and examine the pharynx.

Features of treatment and its methods

Treatment of diseases of the ENT organs can be based on different principles. It all depends on the specific situation and characteristics of the disease. If viruses are the cause of the inflammatory process, doctors prescribe antiviral drugs that help the body fight pathogenic microorganisms. For infectious and bacterial diseases, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. In parallel, the use of probiotics is recommended to help maintain the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The choice of antibiotics is quite wide, so it is not difficult for doctors to select drugs approved for use in children. Physiotherapeutic procedures are used in combination with drug treatment of diseases of the ENT organs, increasing its effectiveness and accelerating recovery. Inhalations are very helpful in treating nasopharyngeal diseases and can be performed both at home and in a hospital. Anti-inflammatory and painkillers, for the most part, have a place in the case of otitis media and act as first aid. Adenoids are treated primarily surgically by removing the tonsils.

How to make a diagnosis, features of the development of the disease

When making a diagnosis, a visual examination, including laryngoscopy or pharyngoscopy, is important. Standard clinical tests, a swab from the throat and nasal passages are also prescribed. The middle ear is examined and, if necessary, an x-ray is taken - for example, of the sinuses. The doctor decides what to do in each specific case. What is a doctor who treats the ear, throat or nose called in medical terminology? The name of his specialization is ENT or otolaryngologist, in common parlance - earworm.

Does your throat hurt and radiate to the right or left? Perhaps tonsillitis or another inflammatory disease of the larynx begins. If there are problems with the nose, rhinitis or sinusitis is highly likely to develop. Since the organs are interconnected, pathogenic microflora moves through the Eustachian tube into the middle ear. Sometimes the infection attack is limited - then the throat and ear hurt on one side.

With rapidly developing tonsillitis, especially purulent variants, the pain in the throat radiates to the ear. Similar symptoms are possible with the development of pharyngitis or laryngitis. The disease is accompanied by soreness and burning of the laryngeal mucosa. If the palate is inflamed, pain occurs when swallowing, and the throat is dry, then this is the reason for the possible onset of otitis media on the right or left side.

Cough during tracheitis or bronchitis (such ailments can be caused by progressive pharyngitis or laryngitis, mucus that irritates the epithelium enters the upper respiratory tract) needs to be mitigated and for this, taking mucolytics is indicated. Experts note that with otitis media, pain can radiate to the neck around the clock and the patient subjectively feels pain in the throat, which intensifies with swallowing and muscle tension.

The most common diseases of the ENT organs

The most common reasons why people turn to an otolaryngologist are inflammatory diseases:

  • rhinitis - or runny nose, in which the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed
  • sinusitis is an inflammatory process in the maxillary (maxillary) sinus. With sinusitis, unlike rhinitis, the nose may be “stuffed up”, breathing is difficult, and the discharge from the nose is not transparent, but yellow-green in color
  • tonsillitis or acute tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils, characterized by severe sore throat
  • pharyngitis is an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the pharynx; in addition to a sore throat, pharyngitis causes hoarseness, sore throat, and cough.
  • otitis – inflammation in any part of the ear, both with acute pain and without it.

Also quite often, polyps appear in the nasal cavity - benign formations. And one of the common ear problems is the formation of wax plugs.

Disease therapy

What to do if diseases of the ENT organs are diagnosed? Follow the doctor's recommendations. Having clarified the nature of the infection, the doctor prescribes antibiotics or antiviral agents.

If the pathogen is one of the types of bacteria, then antibacterial agents are prescribed:

  • Traditional penicillin series: Amoxicillin or its improved version Amoxiclav, their dispersible generics - Flemoxin or Flemoclav Salutab. Generics taste good and dissolve easily, turning into a suspension.
  • Macrolides - Azitsin, Sumamed. They differ in a short course of administration. The blister contains 3 tablets. This antibiotic has a prolonged effect.
  • Cephalosporins are more modern, powerful drugs. Sorcef, Cefixime are indicated if the disease is rapidly progressing or the patient cannot tolerate other groups of antibacterial agents.

Among antiviral drugs, the leaders are Arbidol and Amizon. And the protective properties of the body will be supported by Imudon or Immunal.

If your ear is blocked or there is inflammation, then ear drops will be required. These are Sofradex, Otinum, Anaurin. They all have a different mode of action, so you should not self-medicate.

How to treat a throat? Anesthetics and antiseptics are suitable - tablets or lozenges for resorption: Adjisept, Chlorophyllipt, Faringosept, Lizak, Farington, Anzibel, Isla. Spray treatment is also effective for children over 3 years of age and adults. Popular: Kameton, Ingalipt, Tantum Verde, Miramistin, Yox, Givalex. For rinsing, you can use Furacilin solution, specially prepared by Tantum Verde, Rotocan.

To treat the nose, use Rinofluimucil, vasoconstrictor drops, Protargol with silver ions and other agents that the doctor will name.

For coughs, an emollient, antitussive tablets, lozenges, and syrups are prescribed.


If you have pain in the throat on the left or right side, or discomfort in the ear, then pharmaceutical medicines can be used along with traditional recipes.

It is not recommended to treat pain or congestion in the ear on your own - it could be otitis media or a consequence of inflammation in the nasopharynx: for example, the presence of sinusitis. In this case, only the advice of a doctor will help.

Rinsing, inhalation using herbs and multi-component mixtures will help relieve the condition of an inflamed nasopharynx:

  • Decoctions of sage, chamomile, and calendula will be an excellent antiseptic. The preparation standard is 1 tablespoon of raw materials per glass. These herbs will relieve intoxication in the body.
  • Herbal infusions. Equal proportions of cornflower, juniper, and Gmelin's wormwood can be mixed with rosehip syrup and steamed in a thermos. The broth is filtered, it is recommended to drink it in a third of a glass or use it for rinsing.
  • The following composition will heal and strengthen the immune system: currants, raspberries, rose hips, primrose. You can use leaves or fruits.
  • Propolis is effective - a small piece should be chewed several times during the day.
  • A teaspoon of chopped figs is dissolved in the mouth. It will eliminate pain in the throat.
  • You can apply an alcohol compress to the ear: cut the moistened cloth in the center, put it on the sink, cover it with polyethylene and cover it with a towel.

It is not advisable to warm up the nose or ears if you are sick: under the influence of temperature, pathogenic microflora increases activity and inflammation progresses.

Inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs

Nose We will talk about a runny nose, especially a long runny nose (rhinitis). There is an opinion that a runny nose need not be treated, since, with or without treatment, it will go away in 7 days. However, this is not true. Of course, luck may smile on someone, and in a week the person will forget about handkerchiefs. But some (if adults are discussed) and many (if children are discussed) receive a complication of a runny nose in the form of otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear cavity) or sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses). As a rule, the cause of such serious diseases as sinusitis, acute otitis media, sinusroethmoiditis, and frontal sinusitis is precisely untreated or improperly treated runny nose. In children, there are a number of anatomical features that contribute to the rapid development of complications. Therefore, a child’s runny nose cannot be ignored. Parents need to know some principles of treating a runny nose. It is imperative to clean the nasal cavity (sometimes this is enough), since if there is a large amount of mucous content in the nasal cavity, medications do not reach the mucous membrane, but it is necessary to act on it. You definitely need to blow your nose (for those who know how to do this). There is nothing harmful or dangerous in this, even if there is a feeling of stuffiness in the ears. You also don’t have to be afraid to wash out “useful” microorganisms from your nose and nasopharynx. It is absolutely clear that there are no “useful” ones, there are harmful ones or those that do not affect the incidence of disease. Further, adults and children from 1 year of age are required to use vasoconstrictors to relieve swelling of the nasal cavity. Swelling of the nasal cavity greatly increases the possibility of complications. If you do not see the effect of treatment within 3-5 days, be sure to consult an otolaryngologist.

Ears It is difficult to treat the ears on your own, because you cannot see. What happens in the depths of the ear canal. Very often the first complaint is ear pain. Ear pain can be a symptom of various diseases. For example, sore throat, dental caries. It can also occur during a sharp change in atmospheric pressure (for example, during takeoff and landing of an airplane, diving). In order to find out whether ear pain is a symptom of otitis media, it is necessary, first of all, to be examined by an otyrhinolaryngologist. Often ear pain is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and occurs in the evening or at night. This means that a doctor’s examination is possible within a few hours or the next day. Therefore, parents should be able to provide first aid themselves.

The most important thing is to try not to worry and stay calm. First, you need to give your child any baby syrup containing Paracetamol or Ibuprofen by mouth. This is the medicine you usually give to lower your body temperature. It is given even at normal body temperature, as it has a general analgesic effect. Secondly, you need to instill several ear drops containing Lidocaine into the sore ear, which will have a local anesthetic effect on the eardrum. But it is important to remember that if there is any discharge from the ear, nothing should be instilled into the ear before being examined by a doctor. Thirdly, it is necessary to clean the nasal cavity. For children under 2 years of age, a saline solution is instilled from a pipette and mucus is removed with an aspirator. Children over 2 years old use saline sprays and blow their nose. For children over 1 year of age, drip 2-3 drops of a vasoconstrictor in an age-appropriate dosage into each nostril. You should contact an otolaryngologist as soon as possible, even if your body temperature remains elevated. It is important to remember that self-medication and uncontrolled use of systemic antibiotics may not only not have a therapeutic effect, but also lead to the development of complications.

Throat Sore throat is a sign of pharyngitis, tonsillitis. Parents can independently examine the child’s oral cavity and oropharynx. You can often see hyperemia (redness) of the anterior palatine arches, the posterior wall of the pharynx, and whitish deposits on the tonsils. It is imperative to know that plaque on the tonsils can be not only of bacterial, but also of viral origin. In case of a viral disease, the use of antibiotics is useless. At the same time, we must not forget about B-hemolytic streptococcus, which causes serious complications, but can insidiously masquerade as minor manifestations of ARI. What can you do before seeing a doctor? Our pharmacy chain sells streptatest. It detects the presence of B-hemolytic streptococcus on the oropharyngeal mucosa. It is necessary to carry it out for any sore throat. You will see that it is no more difficult to carry out than taking a pregnancy test. If the streptate test turns out to be positive, then a course of antibacterial therapy with Amoxicillin in an age-appropriate dosage for 10 days is required. You cannot shorten the course, even if there is no pain the next day. If the streptate test is negative, symptomatic therapy is carried out: irrigating the tonsils with antiseptic solutions, drinking plenty of warm drinks. If you do not see the effect of treatment within 3-5 days, an examination by an otolaryngologist is necessary. Sore throat, especially in the morning, may be associated with difficulty in the drainage function of the tonsils, which occurs with chronic tonsillitis. So-called “plugs” form in the gaps. If you remove the “plugs” yourself with a cotton swab, you need to remember that only a small part of the caseous masses filling the tonsil is removed. In this case, a course of rinsing the lacunae of the tonsils, performed by a doctor, is required.

In order to avoid serious diseases of the ENT organs, not much effort is required. Be careful. Do not be ill.

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