The most likely causes of cough requiring antibacterial therapy include tracheitis, pneumonia or bronchitis of bacterial origin. The diseases are characterized by damage to the lower respiratory system - lungs, bronchi, larynx, trachea. An antibiotic for cough does not eliminate the symptom itself, but the cause of its occurrence - pathogenic bacteria. The drug destroys pathogenic flora, restoring the functions of the affected organs. The choice of antimicrobial agents is determined by the type of infectious agent.

When are antibacterial drugs needed for a cough?

If you cough with yellow or green sputum, antibiotics are prescribed. The characteristic shade of mucus indicates bacterial inflammation of the ENT organs, which can only be eliminated with antimicrobial agents. They are used in the treatment of a number of respiratory diseases:

  • bronchitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • laryngitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • tracheobronchitis.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics destroy most of the bacteria that infect the ENT organs. For cough and fever, drugs from the group of macrolides, penicillins, fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins are used.

How to take Amoxicillin for bronchitis in adults and children

Amoxicillin for bronchitis is a remedy that is highly effective due to the presence of a bactericidal effect and the ability to have a detrimental effect on many bacteria.

This is a semi-synthetic penicillin that destroys the following in the human body:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • coli.

Taking Amoxicillin is possible only as prescribed by the attending physician, who is able to accurately determine the type of causative agent of the disease.

Amoxicillin is chosen for the treatment of diseases of the lower respiratory tract due to its ability to create a high concentration in sputum, which is of great therapeutic importance.

For bronchitis in adults, Amoxicillin is prescribed to relieve cough and eliminate the very cause of the disease. If a child gets sick, then Amoxicillin will help not only quickly cope with pathogenic bacteria, but also reduce the baby’s body temperature and act as an effective pain reliever. An important rule is strict adherence to the dose prescribed by the doctor, which the patient receives.

When treatment with Amoxicillin is indicated, and what is a contraindication for use

Therapy of inflammatory diseases with Amoxicillin is indicated only in the presence of bacterial infection. Viral infections cannot be treated with this remedy, since viruses are not susceptible to the active substance of the drug.

Amoxicillin is effective in treating inflammation:

For adults, a regimen for taking Amoxicillin has been developed for the treatment of many diseases, but the dosage and regimen of taking the drug for acute bronchitis deserves special attention.

The peculiarity of such an ailment as bronchitis is that during the development of the disease, mucus accumulates in the trunk and branches of the bronchial tree, which is difficult to clear with an unproductive cough.

Amoxicillin is allowed even for children under 2 years of age, but the dose taken must be determined and prescribed by a pediatrician.

If a child under the age of two is sick, then bronchitis develops rapidly and manifests itself not only in the form of a cough, but also in the form of suffocation (in the obstructive form). Treatment must be timely and adequate to avoid the development of complications. The use of Amoxicillin allows you to get rid of the above-mentioned manifestations of the disease in the shortest possible time.

Amoxicillin for the treatment of bronchitis in older patients is a drug available in various forms:

The main rule of treatment with Amoxicillin is to take the drug in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. The daily dose of the active substance ranges from 500 mg to 5-6 g per day, depending on the severity of the disease and the degree of its development.

When treating acute and chronic bronchitis in adults, doctors prefer to prescribe to their patients not only Amoxicillin directly, but also its analogues:

  1. Augmentin.
  2. Flemoxin.
  3. Solutab.

The peculiarity of the treatment of bronchitis is that first of all it is necessary to achieve patency and removal of mucus from the respiratory system, and for this you will need to use expectorants.

According to many doctors, the use of Amoxicillin in acute forms of the disease should be abandoned. The use of its analogues is also not recommended

Therapy with broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs, which includes Amoxicillin, is carried out in the chronic course of the disease and in the obstructive form.

Why should a doctor prescribe antimicrobial drugs?

To find out which antibiotic is best for a cough, it is necessary to determine the causative agent of the infection. Some pathogenic bacteria are resistant to the action of penicillin antimicrobial agents. Therefore, doctors prescribe tablets to patients only after receiving the results of bacterial culture of a throat smear or sputum.

Treatment of cough with antibiotics will be effective only in the case of bacterial infection of the respiratory system. It is strictly forbidden to use drugs for colds, flu, parainfluenza and other viral diseases. They reduce overall immunity, which creates conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microbes.

If the disease is viral or allergic in origin, then antitussive antibiotics do not help. They only fight infections.

Antimicrobial drugs partly have a negative effect on the human body. When taking tablets, not only pathogenic but also beneficial bacteria are destroyed. Therefore, during antibacterial therapy for pneumonia, tuberculosis or tracheitis, probiotics are prescribed in parallel - Linex, Bifiform, Lactiale, etc. They contain strains of live lactobacilli that normalize intestinal microflora.

In some cases, coughing is caused by an allergic reaction. In the process of coughing, allergens and dust particles are removed from the respiratory system. In such situations, antihistamines are prescribed, but antibiotics will not help.

How to take Amoxicillin for bronchitis in adults and children

Amoxicillin for bronchitis is a remedy that is highly effective due to the presence of a bactericidal effect and the ability to have a detrimental effect on many bacteria.

This is a semi-synthetic penicillin that destroys the following in the human body:

  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci;
  • coli.

Taking Amoxicillin is possible only as prescribed by the attending physician, who is able to accurately determine the type of causative agent of the disease.

Amoxicillin is chosen for the treatment of diseases of the lower respiratory tract due to its ability to create a high concentration in sputum, which is of great therapeutic importance.

For bronchitis in adults, Amoxicillin is prescribed to relieve cough and eliminate the very cause of the disease. If a child gets sick, then Amoxicillin will help not only quickly cope with pathogenic bacteria, but also reduce the baby’s body temperature and act as an effective pain reliever. An important rule is strict adherence to the dose prescribed by the doctor, which the patient receives.

When treatment with Amoxicillin is indicated, and what is a contraindication for use

Therapy of inflammatory diseases with Amoxicillin is indicated only in the presence of bacterial infection. Viral infections cannot be treated with this remedy, since viruses are not susceptible to the active substance of the drug.

Amoxicillin is effective in treating inflammation:

For adults, a regimen for taking Amoxicillin has been developed for the treatment of many diseases, but the dosage and regimen of taking the drug for acute bronchitis deserves special attention.

The peculiarity of such an ailment as bronchitis is that during the development of the disease, mucus accumulates in the trunk and branches of the bronchial tree, which is difficult to clear with an unproductive cough.

Amoxicillin is allowed even for children under 2 years of age, but the dose taken must be determined and prescribed by a pediatrician.

If a child under the age of two is sick, then bronchitis develops rapidly and manifests itself not only in the form of a cough, but also in the form of suffocation (in the obstructive form). Treatment must be timely and adequate to avoid the development of complications. The use of Amoxicillin allows you to get rid of the above-mentioned manifestations of the disease in the shortest possible time.

Amoxicillin for the treatment of bronchitis in older patients is a drug available in various forms:

The main rule of treatment with Amoxicillin is to take the drug in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. The daily dose of the active substance ranges from 500 mg to 5-6 g per day, depending on the severity of the disease and the degree of its development.

When treating acute and chronic bronchitis in adults, doctors prefer to prescribe to their patients not only Amoxicillin directly, but also its analogues:

  1. Augmentin.
  2. Flemoxin.
  3. Solutab.

The peculiarity of the treatment of bronchitis is that first of all it is necessary to achieve patency and removal of mucus from the respiratory system, and for this you will need to use expectorants.

According to many doctors, the use of Amoxicillin in acute forms of the disease should be abandoned. The use of its analogues is also not recommended

Therapy with broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs, which includes Amoxicillin, is carried out in the chronic course of the disease and in the obstructive form.

Other drugs

Antimicrobial drugs can cause severe side effects - dysbiosis, secondary immunodeficiency, diarrhea, dehydration, etc. Therefore, pharmaceutical drugs for severe coughs are prescribed only by a doctor.

The list of antibiotics for coughs for adults with bacterial infections includes:

  • Flemoxin Solutab;
  • Moximac;
  • Sumamed;
  • Augmentin;
  • Vigamox;
  • Azlocillin;
  • Plevilox;
  • Gramox;
  • Oxamp;
  • Doxycycline, etc.

Some drugs should not be given to children and should not be taken if there is kidney or liver dysfunction. Therefore, before taking antibiotics, you should consult with an ENT doctor.

Which groups of antibiotics are taken with caution?

Infectious disease specialists identify groups of antimicrobial agents that cause strong side effects. Some increase the risk of microbial resistance to antibiotics, while others impair liver and kidney function. You should take medications from the cephalosporin group with caution. They are prescribed in cases where penicillins or macrolides do not help.

For mass availability, WHO recommends the use of semi-synthetic penicillin drugs - Amoxicillin, Ampicillin. Rational use of potent drugs reduces the likelihood of adverse reactions.

How to take Amoxicillin for a cough

When conventional cough medications do not produce positive results, then it is time for antibiotics. They are the ones who are able to cope with serious illnesses. One of these is amoxicillin.

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of bacterial bronchitis without complications . Amoxicillin is considered an improved drug of the ampicillin group. It is highly effective due to its rapid absorption and assimilation by the body (about 2 hours). The antibiotic is easily destroyed by penicillinase.

The main active ingredient of the antibiotic is amoxicillin trihydrate. Excipients include: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, sodium starch glycolate. The top shell consists of talc, hypromellose and titanium dioxide.

The drug is available in the form of tablets, capsules and suspensions. The tablets are white-yellow in color and coated, oval in shape.

The drug has a broad antimicrobial, bactericidal and antibacterial effect. Effective in the fight against streptococcus, E. coli, staphylococcus, gonorrhea, salmonella and others. But the pathogens mycoplasma, rickettsia and viruses are resistant to its effects.

Amoxicillin is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. Diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract (diseases of the ear, nose and throat: otitis media and sinusitis, pharyngitis, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia).
  2. Diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis).
  3. Gastrointestinal diseases (bacterial enteritis, infections caused by anaerobic microorganisms).
  4. Endocarditis and its prevention.

Treatment of cough with amoxicillin is very effective and also not expensive. Amoxicillin has proven itself in the treatment of various forms of cough, both at the initial and advanced stages.

A cough antibiotic in the form of a suspension is especially effective. It is recommended to take it only in cases where the disease is associated with a bacterial infection. For example, with sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia. Without laboratory tests, the disease can be recognized at home. Green mucus appears and swelling of the throat occurs.

Instructions for using amoxicillin for cough are the same as for other diseases. But still, the drug should only be prescribed by the attending physician.

The dosage of the drug for adult patients is standard: when treating any inflammatory processes, the dosage is 1 tablet (500 mg dosage) or 2 tablets (250 mg dosage) three times a day. The course of therapy is 10 days.

Immediately after starting treatment, the patient may feel slight relief, but do not stop taking the drug. The course must be at least 3 days. It is recommended to take amoxicillin with milk or salted mineral water.

If the disease is severe, the dosage can be doubled.

The dosage of the drug for children is as follows: 1 tablet (250 mg dosage) three times a day. The minimum age at which children are allowed to take this drug is 10 years.

When treating acute gonorrhea, the antibiotic is prescribed to be taken once a day at a dosage of 6 tablets of 500 mg of active substance.

For severe intestinal infections, the drug should be taken 3 times a day, 4 tablets (dosage 500 mg). The course of therapy is 5 days.

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