Reception features
In order for Ibuprofen to actually have the expected therapeutic effect for the flu, when taking it you should be aware of the following:
- Treatment with this drug should be carried out in as short a course as possible. It is also impossible to independently exceed the dosage of the drug in order to increase its therapeutic effect.
- It is prohibited to combine treatment with Ibuprofen with other potent medications without the knowledge of the therapist, as this may cause unwanted reactions in the body.
- During long-term therapy, the patient must undergo tests in order to be able to monitor the functioning of the liver, kidneys and other organs.
- If it is necessary to prescribe corticosteroids, the patient must stop treatment with this medication two days in advance.
- During treatment, the patient must be careful during activities that require concentration, since this medicine can disrupt a person’s mental reactions.
- Elderly patients, as well as people with severe chronic pathologies, should be treated with Ibuprofen exclusively under medical supervision in a hospital setting.
- If the first signs of overdose or side effects appear, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.
- You should not combine taking Ibuprofen with strong alcoholic drinks, since such an interaction can have an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the liver.
- When using Ibuprofen to prevent influenza, avoid contact with the eyes and mucous membranes (when using external gel).
You cannot combine taking Ibuprofen with drinking alcohol, otherwise it will negatively affect the functioning of the liver.
How to replace Ibuprofen for a cold
- Brufen;
- Burana;
- Ibuprofen Lannacher;
- Ibufen;
- Markofen;
- Nurofen;
- Solpaflex.
Ibuprofen has a mild effect on the body and is safe when used correctly. But do not forget that no matter how good the drug is, it has contraindications and can cause side effects. Therefore, there is no need to self-medicate.
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Ibuprofen for acute respiratory diseases and sore throat
The most common infection in developed countries is acute respiratory infection. Every year, many people suffer from acute respiratory infections; this is the most numerous cause of temporary disability in the working population in terms of the number of cases. It is necessary to distinguish between acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and tonsillitis.
ARVI is an acute respiratory viral infection that affects the upper respiratory tract. As the name suggests, the cause of its occurrence is viruses (rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, influenza viruses, parainfluenza, etc.). ARVI can be complicated by pharyngitis, laryngitis and other lesions of the upper respiratory tract.
ARI is an acute respiratory disease. This is a broader concept, as it includes not only viral infections, but also bacterial ones, including complications of viral ones.
Sore throat translated from Latin means “to squeeze, squeeze.” The second name for tonsillitis is acute tonsillitis (from the Latin tonsillae - tonsils). Sore throat is usually caused by streptococcus, staphylococcus, yeast-like fungi and affects the tonsils.
Symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection depend on the pathogen: - runny nose (more pronounced with rhinoinfection); - sore throat, symptoms of pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa); - pain in the eyes; - dry cough, turning into a wet cough with sputum discharge, laryngitis (inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa); — fever (with influenza, the temperature rises sharply to high numbers; with parainfluenza, the temperature increase may not be observed at all or may be insignificant); - general intoxication, manifested by chills, headache, aches throughout the body; - change in blood test: increased ESR and lymphocyte count.
With bacterial acute respiratory infections, symptoms may be similar to viral ones. The data from the general blood test will differ (with a bacterial infection, the level of leukocytes increases, and a shift to the left may be observed in the leukocyte formula). A bacterial infection can join a viral one as a complication and affect any part of the upper respiratory tract, causing bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis and other diseases.
Sore throat is manifested by the following symptoms: - fever; - pain that occurs in the throat when swallowing, which, unlike pharyngitis, does not decrease when taking warm drinks; - symptoms of general intoxication: headache, loss of appetite; - upon examination, redness, swelling and friability of the palatine tonsils, purulent plaque is possible; - foul breath; - enlarged and painful submandibular lymph nodes.
Treatment of the above diseases depends on the type of pathogen. For viral infections, antiviral drugs are used, for bacterial infections, antibiotics are used, which should be prescribed by a doctor. For a patient with acute respiratory infections and tonsillitis, bed rest, taking large amounts of fluid, gargling, and physiotherapy: ultraviolet irradiation, ultrasound, UHF, Sollux, etc. are recommended.
Ibuprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, will help improve the patient's condition. All three effects of Ibuprofen for ARVI and sore throat (analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic) will come in handy. The drug will reduce inflammation, relieve fever, and reduce pain when swallowing.
The main culprits of inflammation, pain and fever are prostaglandins. The precursor to prostaglandins is arachidonic acid. The essence of the mechanism of action of Ibuprofen is that it inhibits the activity of COX, an enzyme that is involved in the synthesis of this acid. Acid is not synthesized, prostaglandins are not formed - inflammation decreases.
The release form of Ibuprofen is 200 mg tablets. The drug is taken 1-2 tablets 3 times a day or at high temperatures. For children, the daily dose is calculated at 30 mg per 1 kg of weight, divided into 3-4 doses.
The drug is taken with caution for gastric and duodenal ulcers (can be used in remission), for chronic cardiovascular pathology, for liver and kidney diseases. It is not advisable to take ibuprofen during pregnancy, especially in the 3rd trimester.
Breastfeeding is possible if the dose is low. The drug is also contraindicated in cases of pathology of the optic nerve, in the “aspirin triad”. Side effects may include allergic manifestations, nausea, and headache.
What is Ibuprofen
For colds, Ibuprofen has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects. This is the safest non-narcotic analgesic from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The medicine is very much superior in properties to Aspirin.
According to the instructions for use of Ibuprofen, the mechanism of action of the drug is to inhibit the production of special substances in the body that are responsible for increased body temperature, inflammation and pain. As soon as the infection enters the body, these active substances, prescribed by prostaglandins, begin to be intensively produced, causing intoxication: muscle and joint pain, sore throat, increased body temperature.
When Ibuprofen enters the bloodstream, after 1.5 hours, these substances are blocked by the drug, which consequently reduces inflammation, pain and temperature. Using Ibuprofen for ARVI and sore throat will help quickly improve your overall well-being.
General contraindications
- The presence of hypersensitivity to the drug;
- For expectant mothers in the third trimester;
- Partial or complete manifestation of signs of the Fernand-Vidale triad;
- Dysfunction of hemostasis;
- Progressive kidney diseases;
- Active clinical or gastric bleeding.
In pediatrics, a pediatrician prescribes tablets from the age of six, and suspensions and suppositories from the age of 3 months.
With extreme caution and responsibility, they are prescribed to patients with such ailments as:
- Gastritis, colitis, enteritis;
- Cirrhosis of the liver, abscess of the stomach and duodenal intestine;
- Heart, kidney, liver failure;
- Ischemic heart anemia;
- Lactating and pregnant women at 26-27 weeks.
If the child is less than 12 months old, give it only after the advice of a specialist.
Possible side effects - be careful!
In the annotation for the drug ibuprofen, suppositories and for oral medications, there are the following aspects of a side nature:
- Aphthous inflammation, nonsteroidal gastropathy;
- Orthopnea, bronchospasm;
- Decreased hearing, the appearance of extraneous sound (noise/ringing) in the ears;
- Conjunctivitis, dry and irritated eyes, scotoma;
- Aseptic meningitis, asomnia, irritability, depression, confusion, headache;
- Tachycardia, high blood pressure;
- Cystitis, polyuria;
- Anemia, agraculocytosis, thrombocytopenia and thromboleukopenia;
- Hypersensitivity, hyperhidrosis and others.
With long-term use of increased doses of ibuprofen, intestinal and stomach bleeding, decreased vision, and the appearance of ulcers on the walls of the digestive canal are possible.
The influence of drugs on laboratory parameters:
- Increases the concentration of creatine in the blood serum and the intensity of liver transaminases;
- Hemoglobin tessitura and blood sugar concentration decrease.
When using a gel or ointment topically, side effects such as redness of the skin, burning sensation, and tingling are possible.
If they are used for a very long time, systemic effects characteristic of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may occur.
Side effect
In most cases, the medication is well tolerated. However, using Ibuprofen for more than 3 days may result in the following side effects:
- heartburn, pain in the abdomen, nausea, increased gas formation in the intestines, diarrhea, vomiting;
- anxiety, insomnia, headaches, dizziness;
- skin rashes, itching;
- intense sweating;
- anemia, thrombocytopenia, renal dysfunction (only if the medication is used for a long time).
If severe adverse symptoms occur, use of Ibuprofen should be stopped and a specialist should be consulted regarding further treatment.
The benefits and effects of a good drug
Ibuprofen is a medical drug that belongs to the category of non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs. It is a derivative of phenylpropionic acid. The medicine effectively stops the inflammatory process, relieves pain and reduces elevated body temperature.
Read ginger for colds and how to use it here.
Under the influence of the presented component, the synthesis of prostaglandins is inhibited. These are biologically active substances that play one of the most important roles in the formation of the inflammatory process, pain and fever. The action of Ibuprofen is aimed at suppressing platelet aggregation.
Taking the drug in question orally, its active components are quickly introduced into the digestive tract. If you combine the medication with food, the process of implementation of its components slows down. Inactivation of the drug is observed in the liver, and removal from the body occurs naturally.
The medication can be released in various forms - tablets, ointment, gel, suppositories and suspensions. When treating flu or colds, Ibuprofen is used in the form of tablets, suspensions and rectal suppositories. The latter option is used in the treatment of colds in young patients.
If the dosage of the medication is incorrectly formulated, side effects may occur, including:
- dizziness,
- bad dream,
- headache,
- excitation.
Sometimes treating a cold with Ibuprofen can cause vomiting, nausea, heartburn, flatulence, diarrhea and pain in the stomach. Side discharge can manifest itself in the form of edema, skin rash and bronchospasm. With prolonged use of Ibuprofen, anemia, bleeding, and renal dysfunction may develop.
It is forbidden to take Ibuprofen for ulcers and gastritis in the acute stage, with impaired functioning of the optic nerve, hematopoietic organs, as well as with severe kidney and liver failure.
Pregnant patients should not treat colds or flu with ibuprofen while in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. But the first and second trimester allows you to treat colds with the drug in question. Also, Ibuprofen is not restricted for use by nursing mothers.
Can this product be used to treat colds during pregnancy?
Most expectant mothers are susceptible to colds. Women especially often encounter this pathology in the first trimester of pregnancy. In this case, high temperature can be quite dangerous for the fetus. Is it possible to use Ibuprofen for a cold in this case? Reviews from doctors say the following.
The drug can be used in the second trimester of pregnancy in a prophylactic or pediatric dosage. You should not use the medicine in the last weeks. This can lead to the onset of labor and bleeding. Also, the active substance can affect the fetus in the first trimester in an unknown way. That is why it is worth choosing alternative methods of treatment, for example the drug “Paracetamol” in its various forms.
The instructions indicate that it is possible to use the product during breastfeeding.
Instructions for use Ibuprofen
Before direct internal use of the medication in question, it is important to refer to the recommendations for its use.
Instructions for use:
The drug "Ibuprofen" in tablet form is prescribed to adults and children over 12 years of age in the amount of one tablet three times a day. In order to achieve faster positive dynamics in the treatment of colds, the dosage is increased to 2 tablets. If there is positive dynamics, the daily amount of medication is reduced to 2 times. The “morning” dosage should be taken before breakfast; it is recommended to take the tablets with plenty of liquid
This ensures faster absorption of the drug. The remaining daily doses are taken after meals. The maximum daily number of tablets should not exceed 6 pieces, and between each subsequent doses a time interval of 4 hours must be maintained.
- Instructions for use:
- The drug "Ibuprofen" in tablet form is prescribed to adults and children over 12 years of age in the amount of one tablet three times a day.
- In order to achieve faster positive dynamics in the treatment of colds, the dosage is increased to 2 tablets.
- If there is positive dynamics, the daily amount of medication is reduced to 2 times.
- The “morning” dosage should be taken before breakfast; it is recommended to take the tablets with plenty of liquid. This ensures faster absorption of the drug. The remaining daily doses are taken after meals.
- The maximum daily number of tablets should not exceed 6 pieces, and between each subsequent doses a time interval of 4 hours must be maintained.
Method of administration
For the treatment of children over twelve years of age and adults, you need to take 1 tablet of the drug 3-4 times a day. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, the daily dosage can be increased to 400 mg per day.
The tablet should be taken in the morning before meals, with a sufficient amount of water. All subsequent daily doses should be taken after meals.
The duration of treatment is selected for each patient individually, but on average, therapy should not last longer than five days in a row.
For the treatment of children under twelve years of age, one tablet should be used three times a day. Before doing this, you should definitely consult your doctor.
The medication is available in the form of tablets or suspension. If the use of tablets is intended, then take only adults and children over 12 years of age. Drink 1-2 tablets up to three times a day. For children under 12 years of age, the dosage is calculated as 30 mg per kg of weight. Divide into 4 doses.
The first dose should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Second dose in the afternoon after eating. If children are very young, then use Ibuprofen in the form of a suspension for colds and flu. In this case, the dosage and frequency of administration is determined only by the pediatrician after examining the baby.
The medication is used only in the lowest effective dosage, since violation of this rule can cause adverse reactions, problems with fetal development and miscarriage.
The tableted drug is prescribed as a short-term course for adults and children over 12 years of age at a dose of 600 mg (3 pieces) per day, but not more than 1200 mg. The tablet is taken after meals and washed down with a sufficient amount of water, the next one is taken after 4-6 hours. The course is usually 5 days. The method of application of the product in suspension intended for children depends on their body weight and age.
How to take ibuprofen for a cold in this case? Before use, the bottle must be shaken to make the composition homogeneous. For infants 3-6 months old weighing 5-7.6 kg, 2.5 ml of the drug is recommended; if necessary, repeat the dose again, but not earlier than after 6 hours. In the interval of six months to a year, the frequency of administration can be increased to 3-4 times.
Medicines for sore throat in adults
Improving the patient's condition is the main goal of specialists prescribing medications for angina (tonsillitis). Before using any product, you first need to correctly identify the causative agent of the disease, which can only be done by qualified medical personnel who have the ability to conduct laboratory tests.
Treatment of sore throat in adults
Therapy for tonsillitis should be comprehensive.
It is important to give the body the opportunity to overcome the disease on its own. However, such treatment of sore throat in adults can only take place if it has a viral etiology.
Bacterial tonsillitis necessarily requires drug intervention in natural immunological processes.
The pharmacy chain is replete with all kinds of drugs, so the population has long been faced with the question of how to treat a sore throat in an adult. Patients should still not use them at their own discretion, especially antibiotics. Doctors usually prescribe medications for adults, as well as children, based on the results of a bacteriological analysis of a smear from the surface of the affected tonsils. In addition, during diagnostic measures, the specialist takes into account the type of sore throat, which can be:
- Catarrhal. It is characterized by a mild clinical picture. Symptoms of the disease disappear after 1-2 days, or the disease transitions to another form.
- Follicular. It implies an increase in body temperature, suppuration of the follicles inside the tonsils. In this case, the inflammation does not extend beyond the boundaries of the adenoids.
- Lacunarna. It assumes damage to the almond-shaped lymph nodes in the area of lacunae-recesses with further spread of purulent infection to their free part.
- Necrotic. Characterized by severe symptoms. Usually this type of tonsillitis requires surgical intervention.
What antibiotics to take
Every year the pharmaceutical industry increases the production of drugs for literally any occasion. Antibiotics for tonsillitis must be taken when it is known for certain that the infection is streptococcal or staphylococcal in nature. Medicines for sore throat in adults, as well as in children, should be prescribed by a doctor. You cannot use antibacterial agents at your own discretion. Considering the above, we can give the following typical medical recommendations for adults taking antibiotics for sore throat:
- Amoxiclav. Amoxicillin, which is part of the drug, destroys the bacterial membrane and leads to the death of the pathogen. The length of the course is determined individually, but usually does not exceed 7 days. It is important to know that penicillin antibiotics can be destroyed by penicillinase (a special enzyme produced by bacteria). For this reason, it is recommended to use “protected” medications for sore throat in adults with clavulanic acid such as Clindamycin tablets or Flemoxin solutab.
- Ceftriaxone. Belongs to the class of cephalosporins. This effective medicine for angina in adults has a wide antimicrobial spectrum. Ceftriaxone has a bactericidal effect on pathogens, stopping their growth and reproduction. The duration of the course is on average 3-7 days.
- Suprax. This medicine is prescribed in the presence of bacterial resistance to penicillin antibiotics. Suprax has bactericidal properties against a large number of pathogenic microorganisms. The drug requires 1-2 times of use.
- Azithromycin. These tablets for sore throat have a bacteriostatic effect on foreign agents. Azithromycin is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, which determines its rapid action against indirect symptoms of tonsillitis: cough, severe pain and sore throat.
◊ Film-coated tablets
pink, biconvex; On a cross section, two layers are visible.
10 pieces. – contour cell packaging (2) – cardboard packs. 10 pcs. – contour cell packaging (5) – cardboard packs. 10 pcs. – contour cell packaging (10) – cardboard packs.
50 pcs. – dark glass jars (1) – cardboard packs.
◊ Film-coated tablets
pink, biconvex; On a cross section, two layers are visible.
10 pieces. – contour cell packaging (2) – cardboard packs. 10 pcs. – contour cell packaging (5) – cardboard packs. 10 pcs. – contour cell packaging (10) – cardboard packs.
50 pcs. – polymer jars (1) – cardboard packs.
pharmachologic effect
NSAIDs. It has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects. Suppresses anti-inflammatory factors, reduces platelet aggregation.
Inhibits cyclooxygenases types 1 and 2, disrupts the metabolism of arachidonic acid, reduces the amount of prostaglandins both in healthy tissues and in the site of inflammation, suppresses the exudative and proliferative phases of inflammation. Reduces pain sensitivity at the site of inflammation. Causes a weakening or disappearance of pain, incl.
for pain in the joints at rest and during movement, reducing morning stiffness and swelling of the joints, helping to increase the range of movements. The antipyretic effect is due to a decrease in the excitability of the thermoregulatory centers of the diencephalon
Ibuprofen is quickly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, its Cmax in plasma is reached 1-2 hours after oral administration, in synovial fluid - after 3 hours, and is 99% bound to plasma proteins.
Slowly penetrates into the joint cavity, lingers in the synovial tissue, creating higher concentrations in it than in plasma.
Metabolism of ibuprofen occurs primarily in the liver. T1/2 from plasma is 2-3 hours. It is excreted by the kidneys in the form of metabolites (no more than 1% is excreted unchanged), to a lesser extent - with bile. Ibuprofen is completely eliminated within 24 hours.
Symptomatic treatment:
- tension headaches and migraines;
- joint, muscle pain;
- back pain, lower back pain, radiculitis;
- pain when ligaments are damaged;
- toothache;
- painful menstruation;
- feverish conditions due to colds, flu;
- rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis.
NSAIDs are intended for symptomatic therapy, reducing pain and inflammation at the time of use, but do not affect the progression of the disease.
Adults, seniors and children over 12 years of age:
in tablets 200 mg 3-4 times a day; in tablets of 400 mg 2-3 times a day. The daily dose is 1200 mg (do not take more than 6 tablets of 200 mg (or 3 tablets of 400 mg) within 24 hours.
The tablets should be swallowed with water, preferably during or after meals. Do not take more often than every 4 hours.
Do not exceed the indicated dose!
The course of treatment without consulting a doctor should not exceed 5 days.
If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
Do not use in children under 12 years of age without consulting a doctor.
Children from 6 to 12 years old (with body weight more than 20 kg):
1 tablet 200 mg no more than 4 times a day. The interval between taking tablets is at least 6 hours.
At recommended doses, the drug usually does not cause side effects.
From the digestive system:
NSAID gastropathy (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, loss of appetite), diarrhea, flatulence, constipation; ulcerations of the gastrointestinal mucosa, which in some cases are complicated by perforation and bleeding; irritation or dryness of the oral mucosa, pain in the mouth, ulceration of the gum mucosa, aphthous stomatitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis.
From the respiratory system:
shortness of breath, bronchospasm.
From the senses:
hearing impairment: hearing loss, ringing or tinnitus; visual impairment: toxic damage to the optic nerve, blurred vision, scotoma, dryness and irritation of the eyes, swelling of the conjunctiva and eyelids (allergic origin).
From the central and peripheral nervous system:
headache, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety, nervousness and irritability, psychomotor agitation, drowsiness, depression, confusion, hallucinations, aseptic meningitis (more often in patients with autoimmune diseases).
From the cardiovascular system:
heart failure, tachycardia, increased blood pressure.
From the urinary system:
acute renal failure, allergic nephritis, nephrotic syndrome (edema), polyuria, cystitis.
Allergic reactions:
skin rash (usually erythematous or urticaria), pruritus, angioedema, anaphylactoid reactions, anaphylactic shock, bronchospasm or dyspnea, fever, erythema multiforme exudative (including Stevens-Johnson syndrome), toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome), eosinophilia, allergic rhinitis.
From the hematopoietic organs:
anemia (including hemolytic, aplastic), thrombocytopenia and thrombocytopenic purpura, agranulocytosis, leukopenia.
increased sweating.
From the laboratory parameters:
bleeding time (may increase), serum glucose concentration (may decrease), creatinine clearance (may decrease), hematocrit or hemoglobin (may decrease), serum creatinine concentration (may increase), liver transaminase activity (may increase).
special instructions
With long-term use, monitoring of the peripheral blood picture and the functional state of the liver and kidneys is necessary.
To reduce the risk of developing adverse events from the gastrointestinal tract, the minimum effective dose should be used. When symptoms of gastropathy appear, careful monitoring is indicated, including esophagogastroduodenoscopy, a blood test to determine hemoglobin and hematocrit, and a stool test for occult blood.
If it is necessary to determine 17-ketosteroids, the drug should be discontinued 48 hours before the study.
During the treatment period, you should refrain from drinking alcohol and activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions.
Pregnancy and lactation
The drug is contraindicated for use in the third trimester of pregnancy. In the first and second trimesters and during lactation it should be prescribed with caution.
Use in childhood
200 mg tablets are not prescribed to children under 6 years of age and from 6 to 12 years of age (with body weight less than 20 kg); 400 mg tablets – for children under 12 years of age.
For impaired renal function
Contraindicated in patients with liver failure or active liver disease.
For liver dysfunction
Contraindicated in renal failure (creatinine clearance less than 30 ml/min), progressive kidney disease.
With caution in case of nephrotic syndrome, impaired renal function (creatinine clearance less than 30-60 ml/min).
Use in old age
Use with caution in elderly patients.
Precautionary measures
Treatment of acute tonsillitis requires confidence in the diagnosis and knowledge of the characteristics of the disease, the drugs used, as well as a thorough examination of the patient’s condition. Therefore, the doctor selects an effective method of therapy. But since the patient often has to treat himself immediately after the onset of symptoms, the following should be avoided:
Use of packaged “antiviral” drugs (Fervex, Theraflu). They contain neither antibiotics nor antiviral components; In addition, unreasonable relief of fever negates the protective capabilities of the immune system. Therefore, when thinking about how to cure a sore throat in one day, you should not turn to such medications. Irritating substances. These are cold or hot drinks, kerosene, undiluted vinegar or alcohol. They will not help to quickly get rid of a sore throat, but as a result of use, a new pathological process may begin. Any traditional treatment methods should be discussed in advance with your doctor. Mechanical impact. As a therapeutic measure, lubricating the tonsils with Lugol's solution and other medications remains popular - it is believed that this method will help to quickly and effectively cure a sore throat. But in reality, it should only be used on the recommendation of a doctor. There are many options for applying medications to the mucous membrane of the tonsils, and all of them are safer than lubrication with a cotton swab.
Paracetamol and ibuprofen: which is which?
We hear about influenza and ARVI almost every year: with the onset of autumn and spring, doctors talk about another outbreak of morbidity. And experts always emphasize that symptoms cannot be ignored. Secondary bacterial complications and exacerbations of pulmonary pathologies are just some of the consequences that ARVI suffered on the legs can lead to [1]. And the flu is even more dangerous. Let's talk today about the main methods and means of treating ARVI and influenza. Today, the order of causative agents of influenza and ARVI is known, and this list, unfortunately, is expanding [2].
Three main viruses have been identified that cause influenza itself: A, B and C. A larger group of pathogens causes ARVI: adenoviruses, parainfluenza viruses, rhinoviruses and others [3]. Viruses are transmitted through airborne droplets from sick people when they sneeze and cough.
But infection can also occur through household items and touch [5]. Symptoms of ARVI and influenza develop suddenly: usually, against the background of good health, a headache begins, the person feels weak, the temperature rises to 38 degrees and above, patients complain of pain in the muscles and joints.
The first manifestations of influenza are accompanied by catarrhal phenomena: the mucous membranes of the pharynx and nose swell, a runny nose, rawness or sore throat begins, and as the disease develops, chest pain and a dry cough.
For two to three days the patient feels especially bad, as there is fever, symptoms of intoxication, and catarrhal symptoms. If treatment is started promptly, the fever usually subsides within three to five days, but coughing and nasal discharge may persist for up to 10 days [6].
But this is what the general picture of the disease looks like. Depending on the specific pathogen, the patient may have other symptoms: conjunctivitis, liver damage, intestinal disorders, etc.
The fight against influenza and ARVI viruses is a serious burden on the immune system. That is why they so often talk not only about the danger of the viral disease itself, but also about the possibility of various complications, including pneumonia: a weakened body is easily affected by bacterial pathogens.
Therefore, if you notice the first symptoms of influenza or ARVI, the principles of treatment recommended by your doctor must be followed. Bed rest, taking antiviral drugs - none of these should be ignored or missed. The modern approach to the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections involves a complex effect. An important part of it is the use of etiotropic drugs, that is, those that act directly on the cause of the disease [9].
In particular, these are antiviral agents, as well as drugs that increase the intensity of the immune system. When exposed to influenza viruses, the drug suppresses their reproduction. The effectiveness of the main active ingredient of the drug umifenovir has been repeatedly studied and confirmed by both Russian and international experts [11].
Antiviral drugs are developed for adults and children. The exact dosage in each specific case is determined by the doctor [12]. The drug has no side effects, but in rare cases it can cause allergic reactions [13]. The second important step in the flu treatment regimen is the use of drugs that stimulate the immune system. However, each of the medications listed below has its own characteristics.
Made on the basis of interferon, it fights viruses and also increases the body's resistance. It should be noted that it is universal against any viruses, therefore it is used not only to treat influenza, but also for other types of infections. The only contraindication for its use is high sensitivity to the components of the drug.
This form of drugs is not in demand among adolescents and adults. For the treatment of influenza and ARVI, it is recommended for adults to use one suppository of ME 2 times a day for 5 days. Children under 7 years of age, including newborns, receive one suppository of ME 2 times a day for 5 days [29]. Influenza and ARVI occur with a number of unpleasant symptoms, including headache, cough, runny nose, chills, nasal congestion, etc. It is not always wise to wait until the body copes with the virus: in order to improve the general condition, it is recommended to carry out symptomatic treatment.
However, not in all cases a particular patient needs all components of the complex. That is why it is better to choose agents that have a specific effect [31]. The dictates of the times are such that many of us cannot be sick for a long time: work, daily worries, many obligations force us to endure the disease on our feet.
But in the case of ARVI or influenza, this can further weaken the body and ultimately worsen the condition. If the doctor prescribes a sick leave, do not refuse it and spend a few days in bed. Only in a ventilated room: contrary to the prevailing opinion that the patient’s room should be warm, it is better to maintain the room temperature at 20 degrees, and also monitor the air humidity.
This way you can avoid drying out the mucous membranes. Another important point is drinking plenty of fluids. Firstly, if a patient has a high temperature, he loses a lot of fluid through sweat - these losses must be replenished.
Secondly, heavy fluid intake provokes active urination, and this helps the body get rid of toxins. Don’t forget about folk remedies: tea with raspberries, lemon, warm milk and honey. Nutrition during illness should be light and well digestible: boiled meat, poultry, dairy products. Today, many drugs, including those listed above, are recommended not only for the drug treatment of ARVI, but also for the prevention of the disease.
However, vaccination continues to hold the palm in this matter. Every year, World Health Organization laboratories do a lot of work to identify the prevailing strains of the influenza virus and make recommendations on which vaccines should be used.
It is recommended that people who are at high risk of getting sick or most likely to experience complications get flu shots first. This group includes children, elderly people, people with chronic diseases, as well as those who often come into contact with patients, primarily this applies to hospital and clinic staff.
Of course, vaccines do not provide an absolute guarantee that ARVI or influenza will not develop. Also, vaccination cannot protect against all possible viruses that cause ARVI: protection against one strain does not provide protection against all others, but increases the likelihood of living a year without the disease.
The widespread prevalence of influenza and ARVI forces us to look for more and more new means for rapid and effective treatment and prevention of diseases.
However, the basic principle of therapy remains unchanged - treatment of ARVI must be comprehensive and should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, the risk of developing dangerous complications, including bronchitis, sinusitis, otitis media, and pneumonia, increases significantly. The human body is endowed with the ability to protect itself from foreign agents and in particular from viruses. To counter them, the immune system turns on.
That is why, when a person is sick with the flu or another acute respiratory viral infection, it is so important to use drugs for treatment that support the defenses and ensure the fight against pathogens.
Many drugs on the market stimulate the production of only one or two types of interferon. But there are also those that contribute to the production of four types of interferon at once.
Taking this remedy promotes recovery, helps cope with pathogens, and is also more likely to avoid the development of complications. The drug is produced and indicated in children's dosages for children from 7 years of age.
Among the features of the drug is the ability to start taking it on any day, and not just on the first, which is not always possible. Mobile applications: iPad iPhone Android.
Close menu. TVNZ. RU Consumer Guide Medicine and health Reading time: 3 min. Treatment of ARVI: principles and means of therapy Antiviral drugs with immunomodulatory properties help relieve cold symptoms and also reduce the risk of complications.
To learn more…. Tilorone preparations are modern antiviral and immunostimulating agents. If the epidemic covers the whole world, then the number of cases can increase 4-5 times.
Figures and facts [35] Research on influenza viruses has been going on for almost a hundred years. In the year that the epidemic struck England, in Dr. Endels' laboratory in London, scientists discovered and began to study the human influenza virus.
In particular, experiments began on infecting animals and a positive result was obtained with a ferret - it turned out that they were susceptible to human viruses.
A funny thing happened to laboratory employee Dr. Willie Smith, who became infected from a sick animal. This was the first case of experimental influenza infection, and as a result it was possible to isolate a strain that bears the name Willie Smith.
Complex etiotropic drug for the treatment of influenza The human body is endowed with the ability to protect itself from foreign agents and, in particular, from viruses. Mobile applications: iPad iPhone Android E-books.
Instructions for use of the drug
Ibuprofen tablets will speed up recovery much faster. Experienced ENT doctors recommend taking it not only for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but also for colds. In addition, it is often prescribed for the prevention of infectious and inflammatory pathologies.
Attention! Children are given ibuprofen for colds after consulting a pediatrician. . How to take the medicine? Method of administration of the drug for adults and children over 12 years of age: in the morning you need to drink 400 mg of Ibuprofen tablets
The medicine is taken with meals, due to severe side effects. At the same time as this medication, take 1 tablet of Loratadine, 4 tablets of ascorbic acid. The whole range of medications is taken in the evening during dinner.
How to take the medicine? Method of administration of the drug for adults and children over 12 years of age: in the morning you need to drink 400 mg of Ibuprofen tablets. The medicine is taken with meals, due to severe side effects. At the same time as this medication, take 1 tablet of Loratadine, 4 tablets of ascorbic acid. The whole range of medications is taken in the evening during dinner.
Directions for use in children under 1 year of age. For babies up to the first year of life, it is recommended to give the drug in the form of a suspension; it has a pleasant taste and is easy for the child to swallow. In this case, the dose and duration of administration depend on the age and weight of the child. If your baby doesn't like the suspension, try rectal suppositories. They need to be installed 3 times a day, regardless of whether there is a temperature or not. This is treatment, and it must be carried out according to a certain scheme.
In tablet form, the drug is allowed to be given to children whose weight has reached 20 kg. The medicine is taken with meals, 1 tablet 3 times a day. You can also buy ibuprofen cold powder. It is perfect for children who develop a gag reflex when taking the drug in tablet form.
Ibuprofen during pregnancy and lactation
Can pregnant and breastfeeding women take Ibuprofen for a cold? The drug belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This is not a narcotic drug approved for use during pregnancy. The active component of the drug passes into breast milk, but in a small dosage, so it can be taken by nursing mothers. The dosage of the drug that passes into milk is 0.6% of the medication taken once. This amount of the drug is not dangerous for a newborn. Ibuprofen for a cold without fever, headache or toothache, and also taken for muscle and joint pain does not affect the production of breast milk, which is very good for a nursing mother.
Attention! Pregnant women can take the medicine if they adhere to the dosage regimen written in the annotation (instructions for use). It is not advisable to take ibuprofen during the first trimester of pregnancy. It can only be used after consulting a doctor.
How to take the drug during lactation? During breastfeeding, you can take no more than three tablets per day, which is equal to 1200 mg of the active substance. In addition, the period of application is also limited. The duration of treatment is a maximum of 3 days.
Restrictions on the use of the medicine
Ibuprofen has a long list of indications, but it has even more contraindications. The medication should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to any component. It is prohibited for use under the following conditions:
- erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum;
- optic nerve diseases;
- severe kidney or liver impairment;
- hematopoietic disorder.
As you can see, although this is a strong drug, it can cause irreparable harm to the body. Ibuprofen-Hemofarm is contraindicated for use in patients with liver cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, renal or liver failure.
Capsules to be taken with liquid
This form of the drug is more preferable for use in adult patients. You should take the tablet only with clean water. It is prohibited to use sweet teas, compotes and carbonated drinks for this purpose. If the temperature rises above 38.5 degrees or the accompanying symptoms of a cold, the drug is taken in the following dosage.
From 200 to 600 grams of active substance are used in one dose. This corresponds to a serving of 1-3 tablets. In this case, you should carefully read the instructions. It is there that it is indicated how much of the drug one pill contains. The frequency of administration is 3-4 times a day. Treatment of high fever should last no more than three days. If after this time you do not feel better, then you should contact your doctors again to adjust your prescriptions.
Side effects
According to reviews, Ibuprofen is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects. A person can develop undesirable reactions only if he takes the wrong dosage of the medicine or is treated with it if there are important contraindications.
Most often, patients develop so-called systemic side effects. They originate in the digestive system and manifest as abdominal pain, decreased appetite, dry mouth and nausea. Stomatitis, flatulence, bloating and liver dysfunction occur less frequently. During chemical reactions (combined with alcohol), the patient may develop bleeding in the digestive system.
The next group of adverse reactions in terms of frequency are various disruptions in the human nervous system. Thus, taking Ibuprofen can cause severe headaches, depression, dizziness, psychomotor impairment, and confusion in the patient. Less commonly, blurred vision, irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, convulsions and ringing in the ears occur.
In the work of the heart, the development of arrhythmia, tachycardia, anemia, as well as acute heart failure is possible. The drug can also worsen the course of existing myocardial pathologies.
In the respiratory system, the patient may experience adverse reactions in the form of shortness of breath, bronchospasm and cough.
Rarely, there are cases when the medicine provokes cystitis, acute renal failure, and swelling of the extremities.
Often the medicine causes various allergic reactions, which manifest themselves in the form of rash, itchy skin, urticaria and rhinitis. There are also all kinds of anaphylactic reactions, including anaphylactic shock.
From the circulatory system, the patient may develop leukopenia, impaired general blood clotting and internal bleeding.
Additional possible adverse reactions include abnormal bowel movements and the presence of blood in the urine.
Description of the drug
It must be said right away that Ibuprofen can be used for ARVI and influenza, since it has all the advantages for this. Its therapeutic effect is achieved by suppressing the activity of prostaglandins by inhibiting them.
Immediately after entering the digestive system, the drug is very quickly absorbed and begins to exert its therapeutic effect. It reaches its maximum concentration in the body two hours after administration.
The drug is excreted unchanged by the kidneys.
The anti-inflammatory effect of this medication is inextricably linked with a decrease in the permeability of small vessels, as well as a general improvement in blood circulation. Thanks to the active therapeutic effect, the patient quickly eliminates the acute inflammatory process in the tissues.
Due to the normalization of thermoregulatory processes in the body, a pronounced antipyretic effect of the drug is achieved.
The effect of this product is quite long (4-6 hours). Compared to other drugs in this area, this is a good indicator.