What complications can occur after a viral infection?

An increase in body temperature is both a way for a child’s body to fight the disease and a condition under which this fight becomes most effective.
Obviously, a high temperature causes concern for parents, but you should not be afraid of it and be sure to monitor the baby’s condition.

We will tell you in the article how to properly respond to a high temperature in a child, as well as the advice of Dr. Komarovsky.

Complications of ARVI

Analyzing what complications there are, in accordance with the nature of their occurrence, several types are distinguished in the classification list:

  • viral;
  • bacterial;
  • toxic;
  • autoimmune.

Depending on the location, two types of complications are determined:

  • pathologies of the respiratory (breathing) organs;
  • diseases of internal systems and organs.

Considering possible complications, it should be noted that they often occur in the respiratory system, causing the following diseases:

  • Tonsillitis. The inflammatory process spreads to the tonsils and pharynx area. The temperature rises, severe pain appears when swallowing. A yellowish coating forms on the mucous membranes. With further development, loss of voice is possible.
  • Sinusitis. It develops if inflammatory foci are localized in the paranasal sinuses. It manifests itself as severe headaches, loss of smell, fever, and nasal congestion.
  • Rhinitis. Occurs due to the development of inflammation in the nasal cavity. Signs include runny nose and cough.
  • Pharyngitis, laryngitis. If the mucous membranes of the pharynx become inflamed, pharyngitis develops. If there are foci of inflammation on the membranes of the larynx, laryngitis is diagnosed. These diseases manifest themselves as a painful barking cough.

If ARVI treatment is not started in a timely manner, inflammatory processes invade various internal organs and systems, causing serious diseases.

  • Pyelonephritis, nephritis. The spread of infection to the kidney area most often occurs due to drinking disorders. It manifests itself as pain in the lumbar area, swelling of the limbs and face, and frequent painful urination. If the temperature rises and the urine becomes cloudy, this may indicate the development of pyelonephritis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. If aches in the bones or pain when moving occur, it is necessary to undergo an examination to find out how seriously the bone and cartilage structure is affected, due to the spread of inflammation to the joints.
  • Neuroinfection. It is a very serious disease, since inflammation affects nerve tissue and meninges. Lethargy, dizziness, prolonged temperature of about 37.5˚, and severe, unremitting headaches appear.

The group of possible severe complications, which are quite rare, includes the following pathologies:

  • myocarditis - damage to the heart muscle;
  • Reye's syndrome - acute liver failure;
  • glomerulonephritis - inflammation of the renal glomeruli;
  • neuralgia - serious damage to peripheral nerves;
  • pericarditis - inflammation of the serous membrane of the heart;
  • arachnoiditis - inflammatory foci localized in the area of ​​the arachnoid membrane of the spinal cord or brain.

There is a group of pathological changes that occur as a result of treatment for ARVI. These include the following varieties:

  • allergies that occur to the medications used;
  • negative side effects after taking medications due to exceeding the recommended dosages and duration of the treatment course;
  • illiterate use of medications;
  • bleeding after injection;
  • the occurrence of burns as a result of non-compliance with safety rules when performing inhalations.

Possible complications of ARVI as a cause of low-grade fever

Doctors divide complications that arise after ARVI into 2 groups:

  1. Local. These are pathological processes developing within one organ system. You can observe a temperature tail after an upper respiratory tract disease, when inflammation spreads lower, affecting the bronchi, trachea and even the lungs. For this reason, low-grade fever occurs. Inflammation must be detected as early as possible so that it does not develop further.
  2. Generalized. This type of complication concerns not only one organ system, but also extends beyond it. After an acute respiratory viral infection, a child or adult may have a fever due to the spread of infection to the genitourinary system, cardiovascular system, and so on. A person who has almost recovered, at first glance, may suddenly develop conjunctivitis against a background of low-grade fever, which indicates a complication of ARVI.

The first group of complications includes the following diseases:

  • Tonsillitis is one of the most common complications of tonsillitis,
  • sinusitis is an inflammatory process in the sinuses,
  • segmental bronchitis - affects a specific area of ​​the bronchi,
  • tracheitis,
  • pneumonia,
  • bronchial asthma of infectious-allergic origin.

The second type of complications include:

  • conjunctivitis,
  • otitis,
  • myocarditis,
  • jades,
  • septicemia,
  • meningitis.

Complications of any kind are best treated inpatiently, under the supervision of doctors. The causative agents of bacterial infections are becoming more and more resistant to drugs every year.

For this reason, it is very difficult to destroy them. Therefore, after an acute respiratory viral infection, the temperature often remains at 37 degrees.

The most common complications after ARVI

The most common complications that occur after a respiratory viral infection are the following diseases:

Type of complicationCharacteristic symptoms
  • coughing;
  • intoxication;
  • pain localized in the chest;
  • high temperature for a week or more;
  • shortness of breath, difficulty shallow breathing;
  • rapid pulse.
  • dry chest cough, eventually turning into a wet cough with sputum;
  • gurgling wheezing in the lungs;
  • sore throat;
  • temperature increase.
Otitis: external, middle, internal
  • shooting pain in the ear;
  • hearing loss;
  • discharge of pus;
  • temperature increase;
  • headache.
  • prolonged increase in temperature;
  • nasal congestion that does not go away for 10 days or more;
  • constant headache.

When to see a doctor?

If after treatment of the infection the temperature does not decrease, then it is possible that a bacterial infection has been added to the virus.

To avoid complications after an illness, you should consult a doctor if the following manifestations occur:

  • mucus and pus are released from the nasal passages;
  • cough does not subside;
  • there was pain in the legs;
  • fatigue and weakness do not go away;
  • headache continues;
  • The constant feeling of thirst brings suffering.

After a detailed examination, the doctor will determine the onset of the development of a specific disease and prescribe treatment.

An initial examination by a therapist allows, based on the patient’s complaints and severe symptoms, to draw a conclusion about possible complications. To collect complete data, a number of examinations are prescribed:

  • fluorography;
  • blood and urine tests.

If there is a suspicion that the complications are of a bacterial nature, bacteriological culture is performed. Other diagnostic techniques may be required to clarify the diagnosis. If it is necessary to exclude bronchitis or pneumonia as a complication of acute respiratory viral infection, an x-ray of the lungs is taken and sputum tests are performed. Based on the data obtained, the pathogen is determined. This allows you to more accurately select a treatment complex. Sometimes bronchoscopy and spirography are required.

If you suspect otitis media - external, middle, internal - contact an otolaryngologist. By performing an otoscopy, he determines the condition of the inner lining of the ears. In the presence of edema and purulent discharge, the doctor usually notes the development of otitis media. In order to promptly identify such a dangerous complication of influenza and ARVI as sinusitis or sinusitis, an x-ray of the sinus area is performed. Usually you need to take pictures in three projections. Computed tomography allows you to clarify the clinical picture if rhinitis develops in parallel with sinusitis.

The otolaryngologist determines the first signs of tonsillitis in the form of inflamed and swollen tonsils during examination. To identify pharyngitis, pharyngoscopy is performed. For a more accurate selection of medications, a throat smear analysis is performed. The priority method for diagnosing laryngitis is laryngoscopy. In case of severe pathological changes, computed tomography and x-ray tomography of the trachea and larynx are prescribed.

When determining complications on the kidneys after an insufficiently treated respiratory disease, in addition to general tests, ultrasound of the kidneys and bacteriological culture of urine can be performed. If during the initial examination there is a suspicion of the development of complications in the legs after ARVI, then serious diagnostic studies will be required. They include radiography, ultrasound of joints, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, scintigraphy, and arthroscopy. Joint puncture, arthrography, myelography, contrast discography, electrospondylography may be required.

In order to identify heart complications that arise after ARVI, a comprehensive examination is carried out, which includes an electrocardiogram, ultrasound, clinical tests, and computed tomography.

After a sore throat, the temperature is 37 - 38 degrees

Sore throat refers to an infectious disease, the source of inflammation of which is concentrated in the area of ​​the tonsils. The disease can be both bacterial and infectious in nature, that is, the causative agents of sore throat can be staphylococci and streptococci, as well as various viral pathogens, as well as fungi. The main symptoms of tonsillitis are sore throat, weakness, and enlarged tonsils. In most cases, the course of the disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature (hyperthermia) to subfebrile or febrile values.

Temperature raising mechanism

Most often, sore throat is caused by bacteria such as hemolytic streptococcus. The patient complains of sharp pain in the throat, which intensifies when swallowing food and saliva, as well as elevated temperature, which often reaches 40.0°C.

There are several types of hyperthermia depending on its values:

  • subfebrile, which corresponds to a low temperature of up to 37.8 degrees;
  • febrile, the values ​​of which correspond to higher numbers, 38-38.5 degrees;
  • pyretic, from 39 to 40 degrees;
  • hyperpyretic, body temperature values ​​above 40 degrees.

How long does hyperthermia last for a sore throat? This question worries many who have contracted the infection. After all, a low-grade fever can persist even after the symptoms of the disease disappear, which may indicate the addition of a secondary infection.

An increase in body temperature is a consequence of the activation of the adaptive properties of the body, which include:

  • the inclusion of a behavioral reaction accompanied by chills and general malaise;
  • reduction of heat transfer, realized through spasm of skin vessels;
  • action of stress reactions. At this stage, the patient feels symptoms such as fever and weakness.

Important! With the help of elevated temperature, the body tries to cope with the infection.

It turns out that if the temperature is kept at 38 degrees, the body’s work in the fight against infection is aimed at activating special mechanisms that should prevent overheating and disruption of vital functions. However, due to the individual characteristics of the body or as a result of weakened immunity, these mechanisms often turn out to be ineffective, which provokes the occurrence of overstrain and disruption of thermoregulation of the body as a whole. Often such situations contribute to the occurrence of a stronger reaction, that is, body temperature may correspond to hyperpyretic values.

Hyperthermia occurs as a result of the appearance in the body of endotoxins - substances that are waste products of microorganisms that cause the disease.

Important! Endotoxins are a kind of trigger that provokes the process of increasing body temperature.

Endotoxins are involved in the production of specific prostaglandin, the action of which is aimed at increasing the sensitivity of cold receptors, which provokes disturbances in the body's thermoregulatory system. It is these disorders that cause the body temperature to rise to 38.

Temperature for various types of infection

It is known that the body reacts differently to different forms of sore throat, so it is impossible to determine the exact duration of hyperthermia. In this case, the severity of the disease and the form of infection are decisive.

Important! There are cases of sore throat occurring without fever.

  • The catarrhal form of the disease is characterized by a low-grade fever, up to 38 degrees, which most often lasts no more than two to four days.
  • If you are faced with lacunar tonsillitis, then in this case you can expect higher values, from 38 to 39 degrees, which persist for three to five days.
  • The situation is similar with follicular tonsillitis, which occurs with a high body temperature that lasts from four to six days. Improper treatment of follicular tonsillitis can cause complications, which often develop into a gangrenous form of the disease.
  • Gangrenous tonsillitis is dangerous due to high intoxication and hyperthermia, which often reaches critical values ​​of 40-41 degrees.

Important! On average, a fever with a sore throat can last from four to five days.

With timely treatment and proper antibiotic therapy, a patient with a sore throat is given a sick leave certificate for an average of seven days, including the time needed to restore the body after the illness.

Increase in temperature after elimination of sore throat symptoms

It often happens that after a seemingly complete recovery, the body temperature rises again to subfebrile values ​​(about 37°C) and remains at this level. Why is this happening?

An increase in temperature several degrees above normal may indicate

  • incomplete recovery;
  • the occurrence of complications;
  • weakened immunity;
  • as a result of the action of drugs.

Low-grade fever after a sore throat can persist for one to two weeks. If normalization of the condition does not occur within a given period of time, there is a risk of developing chronic tonsillitis. Also, quite often the patient may develop purulent plugs, the appearance of which provokes an inflammatory process and, as a consequence, the occurrence of hyperthermia. In such cases, you must immediately visit a doctor who will perform the necessary procedure for washing the tonsils. Also, in case of complications, it is necessary to carry out additional procedures aimed at reducing symptoms. It will be useful in this case to rinse the mouth with infusions of various medicinal herbs, as well as antiseptics.

Prevention of complications

In order for the healing process to be accompanied by normalization of body temperature, it is necessary to minimize the likelihood of complications after a sore throat.

Provided that the treatment was carried out correctly, the disease will pass quickly and without complications. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences may occur. So, quite often, those who have had a sore throat may experience a deterioration in the condition of their internal organs and joints. Also among the widespread complications is peritonsillar abscess, after the development of which pyretic hyperthermia occurs.

In order to avoid this kind of complication, after the disappearance of the main symptoms of a sore throat, it is necessary to undergo special tests to determine the level of antistreptolysin. Also, after an illness you should check

  • heart condition by doing an electrocardiogram;
  • kidney condition using ultrasound.

Important! If after a sore throat your body temperature rises again, you should definitely take a general blood and urine test.

Features of the child's body

If a child has a sore throat, then the symptoms in this case are identical to the symptoms of a sore throat that accompany the disease in an adult. Most often, children experience hyperthermia, which stays at 37-39 degrees. The acute period lasts for two days, after which subfebrile temperatures persist for another four to five days.

Sometimes a sore throat can occur without fever. This is possible in immunodeficiency states accompanied by leukopenia.

If, after the disappearance of the disease, hyperthermia persists for another four or more days, in this case, in order to prevent complications, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Important! If sore throat and hyperthermia (even at 37°C) do not go away, or, on the contrary, the disease goes away without fever, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Also, immediate contact with specialists requires conditions in which the temperature

  • after three days of treatment it does not return to normal, or, moreover, continues to increase;
  • remains (about 37oC) after the seventh day of illness;
  • returns again after a short improvement in the condition of the large;
  • does not fall below 39°C when taking antipyretic drugs;
  • accompanied by stomach upsets, vomiting, febrile convulsions, chills.

Author: Chernobay Nadezhda


How to treat complications

Complications can be quite diverse; their treatment involves the development of an individual therapeutic complex for each patient, aimed at eliminating the signs of the developing disease.

After identifying a complication such as pneumonia in adults, the doctor determines a set of therapeutic measures, including drugs that help suppress the development of the causative agent of pneumonia. Medicines are also prescribed to ease the passage of mucus. A course of physical therapy and a special diet may be indicated. Drinking plenty of fluids is mandatory.

Therapy for bronchitis involves taking bronchodilators to facilitate mucus discharge and eliminate respiratory failure. Expectorants and mucolytics that thin sputum are also prescribed. If necessary, anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out, antibacterial, immunotropic, antihistamine, and antipyretic drugs are prescribed.

When organizing treatment for a runny nose, the nasal cavities are systematically washed to remove mucus accumulation using saline. According to indications, the use of oil and vasoconstrictor drops is recommended. Walking, balanced nutrition, and drinking are necessary.

If otitis is diagnosed as a result of a complication of acute respiratory viral infection, then according to indications, the doctor usually prescribes a course of antibiotics. At high temperatures, antipyretic drugs are included in the therapeutic complex. To relieve severe pain, drops from the group of anesthetics are used. Rinsing the ear canals with an antiseptic alleviates the condition and speeds up recovery. Warming compresses can be used and, if necessary, a course of physiotherapy is prescribed.

Drug treatment of sinusitis involves taking antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and special drops. It is recommended to rinse your nose to remove mucus with antiseptic solutions. Physiotherapy procedures are carried out, including laser, electrophoresis, and ultraviolet irradiation. In complicated forms of sinusitis, surgical puncture of the maxillary sinus may be required.

For such a fairly common complication as sore throat, treatment measures include taking antiseptics and lubricating and gargling with disinfectant solutions. Antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed according to indications. In severe forms, antibiotics may be indicated. If a severe form of tonsillitis is detected, then surgical removal of the tonsils is performed.

As a rule, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, expectorant, mucolytic, and antihistamine drugs are prescribed. In stationary conditions, instillations are carried out, which consists of injecting anti-inflammatory and antibacterial solutions into the larynx. Physiotherapy includes electrophoresis with novocaine and UHF.

The main therapeutic measure is taking antibacterial drugs, as well as therapy aimed at increasing immunity.

The priority goal of the treatment course is aimed at preventing further destruction of joints, eliminating pain, and restoring motor functions. The therapeutic complex includes antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, decongestant, antipyretic drugs. For severe lesions, bed rest is recommended. Depending on the severity of the disease, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, and massage are used. Compresses applied to the joints, most often at night, ease the condition.

The standard treatment regimen for heart disease includes taking several types of drugs: sedatives, diuretics, inhibitors, drugs that help normalize metabolic processes, glycosides that help normalize the functioning of the heart.

With timely treatment, it is possible to cure quite complex diseases that develop after ARVI. It is dangerous to self-medicate in such situations; all prescriptions should be made only by a doctor.

Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) are the most common diseases in the autumn-winter period. They are equally observed in both children and adult patients.

ARVIs themselves, as a rule, do not pose a serious danger. In most cases, after 5-7 days, our immune system produces antibodies against the virus and the disease is left behind.

However, this is the main danger. Such a relatively mild course of acute respiratory infections has taught many, especially adult patients, to take them lightly.

Causes of temperature tail

The main cause is a previous disease. Just don’t confuse this with a complication of the disease. The disease suffered in one way or another negatively affects the thermoregulation system, which leads to residual temperature reactions. After all, thermoregulation also needs time to return to normal. This period of time varies greatly - from several hours or days to several weeks, less often - months.

A fever tail after an illness is a common occurrence; it occurs to a greater or lesser extent almost constantly. Moreover, for some people this phenomenon is accompanied by a slight deterioration in well-being, while others do not pay attention to it at all. Usually, the more severe the illness, the stronger and longer the fever was observed, the longer the consequences should be expected.

In 90% of cases, subsequent thermal discomfort is caused by infectious diseases. The remaining 10% can be equally distributed between non-communicable diseases that were accompanied by fever and side effects of medications.

What are they?

The list of consequences that can result from improper treatment of acute respiratory viral infections is very extensive. Let's list the most common diseases. These include:

  • pneumonia (pneumonia);
  • sinusitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • myocarditis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • otitis.

In the list above, we have listed only the most common complications that a person may experience after ARVI. If desired, it could be further expanded by recording the following diseases: eustachitis, bronchitis, purulent rhinitis, acoustic neuritis, meningitis, and so on.

After looking at this list of diseases, you can understand that the possible consequences of ARVI can pose a serious threat not only to the health, but also to the life of the patient. Let's take a closer look at the most typical and common cases.


According to medical statistics, pneumonia is the most common complication of ARVI. Adults and people of retirement age are most susceptible to its occurrence. However, if ARVI is not treated correctly, pneumonia can also develop in children.

  • Pneumonia manifests itself with the following symptoms:
  • increase in body temperature to 38.5-39.5 degrees;
  • intense cough with sputum discharge;
  • pain in the chest area;
  • dyspnea.

In addition, there is weakness, weakness and signs of general intoxication of the body.

Why might pneumonia develop?

In most cases, pneumonia is associated with a bacterial infection. The result of such pathological processes can be the appearance and development of mycoplasma pneumonia. Let's look at a common example, which often has a decisive influence on the appearance and development of this disease.

During ARVI, the patient had a cough, which was irritating and even prevented him from sleeping at night. Without consulting a doctor, the person prescribed an antitussive drug to himself. The cough stopped. The acute respiratory infection is left behind. And suddenly pneumonia. Let's figure out what happened here.

Coughing is a protective reaction of the body, with the help of which it tries to get rid of mucous sputum accumulating in the lungs. Taking an antitussive drug forcibly stopped this process. The sputum, instead of being expelled, began to accumulate in the lungs. The consequence was the development of pneumonia.

How many days does it last

All this does not mean that high temperatures cannot harm your health and that you do not need to monitor them. Doctors divide fever into three categories:

  • subfebrile , from 37.1 to 38,
  • febrile , from 38 to 39,
  • pyretic , from 39 to 40 and above.

How long does a child’s temperature last for ARVI? It is believed that low-grade fever is most characteristic of ARVI diseases . On average, it can last 5 days in children (if correct treatment is provided throughout this time). Doctors do not recommend rushing to bring down such a temperature, because it does no harm, and artificially lowering it prevents the body from fighting the infection.

Important! A fever (for a week or longer) should alert the doctor if there are additional factors worsening the child’s condition or if there is no positive dynamics in the development of the disease. It is important to monitor the baby and promptly respond to changes in his well-being.

The exception is special situations:

  1. The baby is less than three months old,
  2. The temperature causes significant discomfort: pain, severe chills, lethargy,
  3. If it is determined that at this temperature the child begins to have convulsions,
  4. Presence of cardiovascular diseases,
  5. Hereditary problems with metabolism.


As the disease progresses, the temperature may rise above low-grade fever. Along with a temperature of 38, a child usually experiences:

  • headache,
  • increased sweating,
  • feeling of aching.

Febrile fever and the accompanying condition, according to the observations of doctors, lasts on average 3-4 days . If after this period the child’s condition does not begin to improve, you should consult a doctor (if this has not been done before).

If the high temperature does not begin to subside on its own, this is one of the signs of a developing complication.


This term hides a whole group of diseases: sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis and sphenoiditis. All of them can also be a consequence of untreated ARVI.

Sinusitis is a disease characterized by an inflammatory process localized in the paranasal sinuses. In other words, pus begins to accumulate in the sinuses and cannot come out. When sinusitis becomes a consequence of an acute respiratory viral infection, it is also most often of bacterial origin and requires antibiotic treatment.

Its symptoms are:

  • constant nasal congestion;
  • snot mixed with pus;
  • pressing pain in the face;
  • partial or complete loss of smell;
  • severe headaches;
  • attacks of night cough.

Sinusitis occurs in response to improper treatment of a runny nose, which in turn almost always accompanies ARVI. Mucus secretions accumulating in the nasal cavity are an excellent environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria.


This is the medical name for kidney inflammation. There is a close connection between pyelonephritis and ARVI. According to data from various statistical sources, every 4-5 cases of development of an inflammatory process in the kidneys are provoked by acute respiratory viral diseases.

This complication of ARVI, as a rule, has a very rapid development. Its symptoms are:

  • chills, fever and body temperature about 39 degrees;
  • headache;
  • muscle aches;
  • pain in the lumbar region.

In turn, pyelonephritis has very serious consequences. For example, they can be a kidney abscess or sepsis.


This disease can often develop during and after the end of ARVI. Myocarditis is characterized by the following symptoms:

As you understand, the cardiovascular system is not something to joke about. This is fraught with the most dire consequences. If such signs are detected, you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

Heart complications that can be caused by ARVI are among the most severe. Moreover, they can threaten both children and adults.

Rheumatoid arthritis

This disease is associated with systemic connective tissue disorders. Without delving into the medical jungle, we can say that rheumatoid arthritis is associated with joint pain.

It is quite difficult to confuse this pathological condition with something else. Typically, patients complain of constant and aching pain in the joints. It can be wavy in nature. That is, retreat for a while and then return to the joints with renewed strength.

Otitis media refers to inflammation that develops in one of the parts of the ear. So, it can be external, middle and internal.

Untreated ARVI often causes serious ear problems. These consequences are very painful. In addition, ear problems become chronic very quickly.

Symptoms of otitis media are:

  • acute pain in the ears;
  • increased body temperature;
  • purulent discharge from the ear;
  • partial or complete hearing loss.

Complications of ARVI are the most dangerous component of this, at first glance, safe cold phenomenon. A virus that has entered the body and caused unpleasant catarrhal symptoms can cause intoxication of the entire body, disrupting the normal course of physiological processes.

Due to the fact that a sick person does not follow the recommendations given by the doctor, or does not start or does not start drug therapy in a timely manner, the risk of developing additional diseases caused by the penetration of a bacterial infection into the body increases. It is precisely this development of events that makes acute respiratory viral infections so dangerous.

The concept of complications after illness

Complications are considered to be the consequences of intoxication during ARVI, which caused the development of pathological processes due to the existence of an untreated disease. Such phenomena can develop under the influence of a number of factors:

  • violation of the drug therapy regimen prescribed by the doctor;
  • failure to comply with bed rest and restriction of activity (even despite the presence of a feeling of weakness during ARVI);
  • independent choice of pharmaceuticals for treatment;
  • taking medications incorrectly;
  • premature cessation of medication use due to improvement in the person’s condition;
  • severely weakened immunity;
  • the presence of physiological characteristics of the body, when the infection and virus multiply rapidly and contribute to the development of inflammatory processes.

An acute respiratory viral infection, accompanied by a runny nose and sore throat, is perceived by many people as just another cold that may not be treated, and yet, after a week, it will go away. In fact, this disease, without proper attention to it, is fraught with serious consequences, the onset of which can be recognized by dire signs (shortness of breath during ARVI, resumption of elevated body temperature, sore throat and severe cough).

Complications develop especially often in the following groups of people:

  • children aged from one to three years;
  • old people;
  • having serious chronic pathologies (diabetes mellitus) or disorders in the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • have recently undergone surgery;
  • suffering from immunodeficiency or autoimmune diseases (HIV, systemic lupus).

Features of the temperature tail in children

Temperature tail in a child under the age of 10-12 years is observed almost constantly. First of all, this is caused by the imperfection of all self-regulation systems of the child’s body, including thermoregulation. Blood vessels that respond to temperature fluctuations do not have time to work quickly. As a result, a child’s low-grade fever alarms and worries vigilant parents.

The duration of low-grade fever in children is longer than in adults, and on average is up to three weeks.

Diagnosis of complications after ARVI

Complications of ARVI can develop unnoticed, which is why it is so important to visit a doctor at the first signs of the disease, as well as after 5-7 days, especially if disturbing symptoms arise.

The doctor makes a diagnosis of acute respiratory viral infection after examining the sick person, ascertaining his symptoms accompanying the disease, and also paying attention to the general epidemiological situation in the city.

To determine the presence of complications, the medical professional examines the patient:

  • reveals signs of inflammation on the conjunctiva of the eyes, nasal mucosa, and oropharynx;
  • listens to breathing, determining the presence of wheezing in the lungs (this is important for determining obstructive bronchitis), assesses heart rhythm and heart rate;
  • listens to patient complaints.

After this, the specialist may recommend taking tests to diagnose the presence of the disease:

  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • general urine analysis;
  • performing ultrasound (pelvic organs, urinary system, abdominal organs);
  • taking an electrocardiogram;
  • X-ray examination (lungs, sinuses);
  • obtaining consultations from a neurologist, otolaryngologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist.

Important! Complications that develop as a result of the disease should not be diagnosed independently. The presence of a bacterial infection in the body must be confirmed by tests and studies, only in this way will the doctor be able to prescribe adequate therapy that will quickly get the person back on his feet.

Possible complications after ARVI

To avoid the development of ARVI with abdominal syndrome, the appearance of pneumonia or tonsillitis, it is important to follow these rules:

  • Observe bed rest, visits to work, school, shops are prohibited. Only in this way can the body find the internal reserves necessary to fight the virus;
  • maintain a cool temperature and sufficient air humidity in the apartment (at 20 degrees and 70%): this is necessary to ensure that the mucous membranes are always moisturized. If you follow this rule, the mucous membranes will actively fight viruses, and the attachment and reproduction of the latter will be greatly hindered;
  • drink a lot and often of warm liquid (tea, fruit drink, compote, juice, herbal decoction): this is necessary to speed up the process of removing toxins from the body and avoid the process of dehydration;
  • Bacterial complications of ARVI can be avoided if you regularly carry out wet cleaning of all surfaces of the room where the patient is.

Complications that arise after a viral infection are divided into two types:

  • respiratory diseases;
  • diseases of internal organs.

The nature of the occurrence of complications allows us to distinguish several types:

  1. Viral, when dangerous microorganisms penetrate further into the body, affecting previously uninfected tissues. Such diseases include ARVI with symptoms of meningism and viral pneumonia.
  2. Bacterial, when an additional infection is attached to the virus (rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media).
  3. Toxic, with damage to internal organs, disruption of their normal functioning, under the influence of toxins that penetrate the blood from the activity of viruses.
  4. Autoimmune, when the damage is caused by one’s own immunity, which perceives foreign bacteria as its own cells.

It is important not to trigger the development of complicated processes, which often requires the prescription of antibacterial therapy.

Antibiotics are not used to treat acute respiratory infections caused by a virus. But they work best against bacteria, which most often cause the development of concomitant diseases.

If, 3-5 days after the onset of the disease, the acute symptoms do not subside, moreover, the patient’s condition worsens, which can be caused by the layering of a bacterial infection on a viral one, the prescription of antibacterial drugs is indicated.

As a rule, specialists use drugs that have a wide spectrum of action for treatment. This is necessary so that the treatment is more likely to give a positive result, but there is no time to determine the specific entity that caused the development of the disease.

To combat complications, the following antibacterial agents are prescribed:

  • group of aminopenicillins (Amoxiclav, Flemoxin Solutab, Augmentin);
  • cephalosporins (Cefix, Zinnat, Cefodox).

What Komarovsky says

According to Dr. Komarovsky, one of the most important tasks of adults at elevated temperatures during ARVI is to provide the child with the opportunity to give off heat . To do this, the doctor recommends using two main methods:

  1. drinking plenty of water,
  2. cool air in the room.

The first is necessary in order to have something to sweat with. If a child is capricious and does not want to drink, it is better to offer him what he likes. At such moments, it is more important that the baby receives some kind of liquid . Otherwise, the body simply will not be able to produce sweat and thus regulate body temperature.

The second method provides the body with the opportunity to warm the air and thus give off excess of its own heat. The optimal air temperature for this is 18-20 degrees.

At the same time, the baby’s clothes should be warm so that such a dangerous phenomenon as spasm of skin blood vessels does not occur. The problem with this phenomenon is that the temperature of the skin begins to drop, and the temperature of the internal organs, on the contrary, increases.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, it is worth using antipyretics to bring down the temperature :

  1. If the baby does not tolerate high temperature well (he feels nauseous, starts having convulsions, etc.).
  2. If you have diseases of the nervous system.
  3. If the child does not have the first two problems, but the temperature has risen above 39 degrees .

Consequences of ARVI on the respiratory system

Influenza pneumonia accompanying ARVI, pharyngitis or laryngitis are the most common complications affecting the respiratory system.

Bacterial complications arising from the respiratory system can be as follows:

  1. Acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis, sometimes with purulent plaque): the affected area is the pharynx, as well as the tonsils. After the body begins to fight the virus, a bacterial infection may occur, which will provoke the appearance of the following symptoms: an increase in thermometer readings, the appearance of severe pain in the larynx, which intensifies during talking and swallowing, and the appearance of a whitish coating. Sore throat is a disease that can also provoke complications from the heart and kidneys (this can be pyelonephritis, myocarditis, rheumatism).
  2. Sinusitis, sinusitis, affecting the paranasal sinuses, with the accumulation of sputum in them due to ARVI, which is purulent in nature. In winter, when you are in an apartment with central heating, the mucous membranes dry out, which provokes the active reproduction of infection on them. In the presence of such pathologies, a person may lose the ability to smell, complain of severe headaches, and a feeling of pressure in the bridge of the nose and forehead. The acute course involves an increase in body temperature, which normalizes after the disease becomes chronic. Moreover, discharge from the nasal passages is not necessarily present. The main danger of these pathologies is the proximity of inflammatory foci to the brain, which can lead to inflammation of the meninges, which can be fatal.
  3. Rhinopharyngitis or chronic rhinitis, when the lymph nodes in the neck are enlarged during ARVI, are a sign of an inflammatory process occurring in the nasal cavity. This condition manifests itself with a severe runny nose and cough, most often occurring in the morning.
  4. Otitis media manifests itself as severe pain in the ears, and perhaps both one or both hearing organs are affected. Acute otitis media is difficult to miss, but untreated otitis is fraught with serious complications in the form of complete hearing loss.
  5. ARVI with obstructive syndrome can occur when a bacterial infection descends to the bronchi. When an acute condition develops, for example, bronchitis with purulent processes, a cough with green sputum may be observed. People with chronic diseases of the respiratory system are especially prone to developing this pathology.
  6. Pneumonia (pneumonia) is one of the most serious complications that develops after a viral infection. Such a diagnosis can be made only after a comprehensive examination of the person. Characteristic symptoms may be a severe cough and fever that does not go away for a period exceeding 10 days.

How long does the temperature tail last?

On average, the infection lasts from several days to two to three weeks. Subjective factors have a great influence on the duration:

  • person's age;
  • general health;
  • the nature of the disease suffered;
  • degree of stability of the body's thermoregulatory system.

Thus, the temperature tail in adults is not pronounced and does not last long - it usually lasts no more than one or two days.

The state of a person’s health - the presence of chronic diseases, weakened immunity - determines how long the temperature tail lasts. Obviously, a mild fever against the background of concomitant systemic pathologies or chronic diseases in the acute stage can last for several months. Such patients are the most difficult for the attending physician to diagnose. In their case, establishing the fact of a fever tail is an almost impossible task, and prolonged low-grade fever forces the doctor to continue prescribing medications against the underlying pathology.

The absence of residual temperature can be noted in people with a highly developed thermoregulation system: athletes, supporters of hardening. Physiologists have found that thermoregulation can be trained. Hardening, visiting a bath or sauna, and contrast showers increase the body’s ability to quickly respond to changing environmental temperatures. Such training accelerates the process of restructuring blood flow from central to peripheral and vice versa.

Consequences of ARVI on other organs

A severely advanced acute respiratory infection may well cause the development of other pathological conditions from different systems of the human body:

  1. When your back hurts during ARVI, this may be a sign that the infection has spread to the organs of the urinary system. In cases where the patient does not comply with the heavy drinking regimen prescribed by the doctor, the infection and toxins are not washed out and removed from the body, but penetrate into the kidneys and bladder. This is accompanied by the occurrence of the following symptoms: severe pain in the lumbar spine, increased body temperature, discomfort, pain accompanying the process of urination, swelling of the tissues of the face and limbs. To slightly reduce the unpleasant symptoms, you should take a warm bath and start using diuretics. It is mandatory to undergo a general urine test and maintain the treatment prescribed by the doctor.
  2. Loose stools during ARVI are a sign that there is ARVI with abdominal syndrome. This condition is accompanied by abdominal pain and disruption of the digestive tract.
  3. When your legs hurt or your neck hurts during ARVI, you can assume the development of rheumatoid arthritis. This pathology affects the joint tissues, which causes unpleasant, sometimes intolerable, sensations in the legs, knees, and feet. Over time, rheumatoid arthritis (in the absence of adequate drug therapy) can move from the legs to the lungs, cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, which can lead to a serious deterioration in a person’s condition.
  4. Neuroinfection is perhaps one of the most dangerous complications that develops after a viral infection. The infection, in this case, penetrates the meninges and affects their structure. The process of inflammation can paralyze a person or cause his death. Signs of the development of a terrible disease are: dizziness and lethargy, a feeling that teeth hurt due to acute respiratory viral infections, attacks of severe headaches, and body temperature remaining at 37.5 degrees for a long time.

The concept of a temperature tail after ARVI

Complications of ARVI in adults can accompany the common cold, so respiratory diseases should not be treated without due attention, leaving them to chance, and without seeking medical help.

The presence of a chronic infection in the body, especially during an epidemic, can cause not only damage to the respiratory system and ears, but also cause other disorders of the human condition. For example, medicine knows cases when elevated body temperature can, after an acute respiratory viral infection, remain between 37 and 37.5 degrees for a week or two, after all other symptoms have disappeared. This state is called the temperature tail.

In principle, this condition is not dangerous, although it should alert a person. After all, an increase in thermometer readings is always a sign of the presence of an infection in the body or an inflammatory process. Therefore, a mandatory visit to a doctor is required, who, after conducting the necessary examinations, will be able to name the cause of this condition. He will also prescribe drug therapy, if necessary.

Most often, a person simply does not have enough strength to recover quickly. After all, the body, after a viral infection and toxins that have entered the blood, is greatly weakened. To help him recover, it is necessary to adhere to bed rest, drink plenty of fluids, and also take vitamin supplements.

Situations where the temperature, on the contrary, is below normal, are also not correct. Most likely, the matter will be a severe weakening of the immune system. The problem can be solved with hardening procedures, walks in the fresh air and vitamin therapy.

In order for any respiratory infection to pass quickly and without unpleasant consequences for the body, it is very important to promptly seek medical help and strictly adhere to all recommendations received from the doctor.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, there are more than enough reasons for a child to have a fever after an acute respiratory viral infection. Therefore, it is worth making the right conclusion - never self-medicate. Even the most harmless cold can cause harm to health, especially when it comes to young children. No matter how strange it may sound, a pediatrician is needed in order to promptly advise parents on how they should behave in a given situation. Only after examining him can parents be sure that the child is being treated correctly. It was already mentioned above that recovery depends on the level of the immune system, as well as on the strength of the infection that decided to attack his tiny body. That is why, at first glance, the same disease in children can occur in different ways. You should never confide in friends or acquaintances whose children have recently experienced the same symptoms as your child is currently experiencing. Moreover, buy the same drugs on the basis of “it helped me.” Therefore, if your child has a cold, call a doctor immediately .
In this case, before the doctor arrives, parents are obliged to: • ventilate the room, • do wet cleaning, • ensure a comfortable stay for the baby (mute the TV sound and dim the lights in the room), • provide the baby with plenty of warm drinks, • put on fresh pajamas, preferably tailored their natural fabric. • observe his behavior, • do not stuff the baby with food if he refuses it.

After an examination by a doctor, parents must unquestioningly follow all his recommendations and give medications only according to the developed regimen. Do not increase the dose of the drug, hoping that the child will recover faster. If you decide to use traditional medicine recipes in addition to traditional methods of treatment, be sure to consult with your doctor. Remember that the child’s body and its immune system are not yet so strong, and your task is to strengthen them.

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