Cough, sore throat, runny nose without fever

Sore throat and runny nose

The infection enters the body through both the nose and the mouth, but in both cases it will cause a strong blow to the throat.

If the infection was initially aimed at the throat, once there it will begin to grow. At the initial stages, 2 symptoms appear: sore throat and sore throat.

When an infection attacks the nose, it has to fight off antibodies from the mucus. After standing, it will begin to develop rapidly, and an acute runny nose can develop into more serious inflammation. In this case, the primary signs of the disease will be:

  • burning in the nose;
  • sneezing;
  • increased runny nose;
  • Pain in the eyes;
  • headache.

However, as the infected mucus drains down, pain in the throat will begin to appear.

Sore throat with a runny nose

A number of colds are accompanied by a runny nose and sore throat. In this article we will try to look at the most common diseases with these two symptoms.

Sore throat, runny nose and fever

Probably everyone in their life has encountered a situation where the throat hurts a lot, the nose runs, despite the fact that the nasal passages are blocked. All the signs of a cold are present. Moreover, it often happens that a sick person does not take his illness seriously if there is no temperature. In such cases, self-medication is often practiced, or the disease is simply forgotten.

If a certain set of symptoms is present, such as a sore throat, runny nose and fever, then it is logical to assume that chronic pharyngitis has manifested itself. This condition is characterized by numerous inconveniences, such as weakness, malaise, and increased fatigue. If you take into account the constant discomfort in the throat area, you get an extremely unsightly overall picture.

Sore throat, cough and runny nose

Combinations of symptoms can be very diverse. For example, what to do if you have a sore throat, cough and runny nose? These are also standard signs characteristic of the onset of the development of a cold. In such cases, it is recommended to grind a combination of ginger root, lemon and honey in equal proportions in a blender or meat grinder and add to tea. For prevention purposes, half a teaspoon is used, but if the disease has developed, a dose of two indicated spoons is taken. To stop coughing, it is recommended to hold your breath. This procedure is performed 4-5 times, at regular intervals. It is useful to perform it immediately before bedtime to strengthen it. In general, the complex of the above measures helps to improve immunity and eliminate sore throat.

No temperature

A cold can occur without fever. Researchers have currently counted more than 200 strains of viruses that cause different types of colds. Accordingly, their symptoms may also differ.

The most active are rhinoviruses. Once in the human body, they begin to actively reproduce in the cells of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. As a result, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract develops - nasopharyngitis, acute runny nose, nasopharyngitis. The activity of different viruses changes with the seasons, but the cause of the seasonal factor has not been established.

Among the reasons for the development of colds without fever, experts call physiology . When exposed to cold air, the blood supply to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract changes, less mucus is produced - and at this moment, favorable conditions are created for the penetration of viruses, which immediately begin to multiply.

Another cause of a cold may be the stress that every person experiences in the cold. In such a situation, the immune system weakens its protective functions. It turns out that a cold with a sore throat and runny nose, but without fever, indicates high immunity, which is able to defeat the infection on its own. In other conditions, the hypothalamus, which is responsible for thermoregulation and the beginning of the production of protective antibodies, is involved in resisting viruses.


To prevent a sore throat and fever, it is recommended to follow certain preventive rules:

  1. Firstly, it is necessary to ventilate living areas every day, especially if the air is too dry. You can purchase special moisturizing aerosols for rooms.
  2. Secondly, you should periodically gargle with saline solution. This must be done during the cold season of the year, when viral respiratory diseases worsen.
  3. Thirdly, it is necessary to eat properly and balanced, follow a daily routine, visit doctors for preventive examinations, toughen up, and try to lead an active lifestyle.
  4. Fourthly, it is advisable to completely get rid of bad habits, especially smoking. Doctors advise trying to deal less with stressful situations.



At the initial stage of a cold, it can be cured quite quickly using available means. They will be aimed at eliminating a runny nose and sore throat.

Treatment of a runny nose

A runny nose causes especially severe discomfort in the first 3 days. 3 time-tested methods will help you cope with heavy nasal discharge:

  1. Inhalations.
  2. Washing.
  3. Burials.

For inhalation use soda and essential oils, chamomile, sage. You need to add the ingredient to a pan of boiling water and breathe over the product for 10 minutes. You can also use onions and garlic for inhalation. They should be crushed and then breathed over them, inhaling ethereal volatiles.

Rinsing the nose is not the most pleasant procedure, but it significantly alleviates the condition of heavy discharge, speeding up recovery. The most effective solutions for washing are water with salt and iodine, as well as water with sea salt.

Nasal instillation should be carried out correctly from a lying position, having previously cleared the sinuses of mucus. First, you need to turn your head to the left, drip a special solution into your left nostril and wait a couple of minutes. Then turn on your right side and do the same with your right nostril.

Instillation of sea buckthorn, cedar, fir oils, as well as beet juice, aloe, kalanchoe, and carrots helps a lot for a runny nose. Also, a honey solution is often used for these purposes.

Treatment for sore throat

To relieve a sore throat, herbal teas and decoctions are recommended. You can brew raspberries, chamomile, lingonberries, thyme, mint. Herbal teas have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and also improve immunity.

Gargling, which at the same time serves as an excellent means of prevention, is effective in treating sore throat.

To prepare solutions for rinsing, salt, soda, propolis tincture, and medicinal herbs are most often used.

Runny nose and sore throat

A sore throat is a common and very common symptom that often appears simultaneously with a runny nose. Its reasons can be very different:

  • viral infections;
  • cold;
  • allergy;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • unfavorable environment;
  • dry air in the apartment.

Depending on the cause of the sore throat, appropriate treatment should be selected. For colds and viral infections, it makes sense to rinse your nose and gargle. However, with allergies, all this is useless until the allergen is eliminated and a course of antihistamines is taken.

Temperature 37, sore throat and runny nose: what kind of disease is it and how to treat it?

You can get a cold at any time of the year, not just in winter or autumn. Sore throat, congestion and fever are a common set of symptoms that accompany both a common cold and serious illnesses like the flu or a sore throat. Nobody likes to get sick, but if you consult a therapist in time, you can overcome the disease without harming your health.

What diseases are accompanied by a sore throat and runny nose?

Sore throat, sudden fever and runny nose occur for various reasons. Most throat pathologies are associated with the appearance of bacteria.

Diseases that are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • ARVI and acute respiratory infections (sore throat, fever, runny nose and general malaise of the body).
  • Flu (increased body temperature up to 38, severe sore throat, nasal congestion, muscle pain).
  • Pharyngitis (a sore throat occurs, the temperature in rare cases rises to 38, cough and swelling of the nasal mucosa appear).
  • Sore throat (temperature 38, sore throat, sore that the patient cannot swallow, tonsils become inflamed, muscle weakness, lack of appetite).
  • Laryngitis (due to inflammation of the ligaments, it is difficult for a person to talk, the temperature rises to 37, the throat hurts and a runny nose appears).

In some cases, pain in the larynx occurs without an increase in body temperature. Most often, this condition occurs due to inflammation of the tonsils, mechanical damage during swallowing hot or spicy foods, and enlargement of the thyroid gland.

How to cure nasal congestion?

The nose is often stuffy when you have a cold. Most often, it is with this symptom that the disease begins.

In order to get rid of mucus accumulated in the nose, you need to rinse. Aqualor, Aquamaris or Dolphin sprays are suitable for this. Vasoconstrictor drops are used at night to relieve congestion. Drops based on plant extracts relieve swelling and inflammation from the nasal mucosa. Sanorin and Pinosol have proven themselves well.

For a runny nose, antibiotics are prescribed. But such medications are prescribed only by a doctor. It is not recommended to choose a drug on your own, especially if your larynx hurts and you have a high temperature.

How to relieve sore throat and fever?

A cold is always accompanied by an increase in temperature. If it does not exceed 38 degrees, then it is not advisable to knock it down. At this time, the body tries to cope with the disease on its own.

If the temperature is above 38, then you need to take antipyretics (Paracetamol or Aspirin). In any case, it is better to call an ambulance and ask the doctor on duty how to act in such a situation.

When the condition gets better, you need to contact a therapist to prescribe treatment. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics and remedies for the throat and runny nose. I take antibiotics in short courses for up to 5 days. If after this time there is no improvement, a second trip to the hospital will be necessary.

At high temperatures, you need to drink more warm tea and rest more. In the first days of illness, the body is very weak, so during these days you need to stay in bed and rest.

Pain in the larynx is dealt with by gargling. Furacilin, soda or saline solution is suitable as a rinse medicine. Such solutions cleanse the tonsils of bacteria and pus and relieve inflammation from the throat mucosa.

Sprays will help relieve soreness in the larynx. For example, Kameton, Ingalipt, Strepsils+. Such sprays have an antiseptic effect. In the first days of illness, lozenges (Strepsils, Doctor MOM, Hexoral) will help relieve discomfort in the larynx. They not only have an antiseptic effect, but also act as a pain reliever.

Don't forget about drinking plenty of fluids. But the liquid should not be very hot. It will only hurt your throat. It is better to add honey to tea instead of sugar.

In addition, along with the main treatment, you need to take a course of vitamins. It continues after illness in order to restore the body after illness.

Disease Prevention

In order to prevent throat diseases, you need to strengthen the body. With the start of the heating season, indoor air becomes dry, which, in turn, contributes to a sore throat. To increase the humidity level in the room, special humidifiers are installed.

Vitamin complexes will help strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to infections. Equally important is proper nutrition, regular walks in the fresh air and exercise.

It is important to give up smoking and alcohol abuse. They are diagnosed several times a year. This will make it possible to find out what state the body is in and identify pathology at an early stage.

Hardening the body is another way to prevent the occurrence of diseases. You need to avoid stress and unnecessary worries. By adhering to a healthy lifestyle, you can avoid many diseases.

Kalashnik Yulia


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