Causes of dry and burning nose

Don't ignore the symptoms!

Some people do not attach much importance to the burning sensation of the nasal mucosa, not considering it necessary to consult a doctor. But a careless attitude leads to increased clinical manifestations and the appearance of additional complaints. The burning sensation is accompanied by itching, congestion, dryness and pain.

The pathological process is spreading and now stopping it requires much more time, effort and medications. That is why, if you experience even a mild burning sensation in the nose area, you should consult a specialist. This will speed up the recovery process and avoid complications.

Burning in the nose: causes

Most often, itching occurs due to allergies. In this case, the burning sensation is accompanied by lacrimation and sneezing. The allergens are:

  • animal hair;
  • street or house dust;
  • pollen;
  • mold;
  • medicines;
  • mold.

The occurrence is based on the body's immune reaction. When an antigen comes into contact with the mucous membrane, antibodies are produced. The interaction of the first and second leads to the release of histamine, a mediator of inflammation, by cells. It is this substance that causes burning, redness of the eyes, and tissue swelling.

The second reason for burning is dry mucous membranes. Mucus performs 2 important functions: it moisturizes and purifies the incoming air. If there is little mucus, then dry and unpurified air begins to irritate the nasal villi. This results in a tingling sensation in the nose and a sore throat.

The third most common cause is polyposis. This is a condition characterized by the proliferation of epithelium, which takes the form of a mushroom or grapevine.

When the ciliated epithelium grows, a burning sensation in the nose appears when breathing.

Contact of air with the ciliated epithelium is perceived as a signal for the appearance of itching and sneezing.

Video: itchy nose with allergic rhinitis

An itchy nose has bothered each of us at least once. In some cases, sneezing occurs when a strong odor is inhaled, which is a physiological reaction. However, often a burning sensation indicates an onset of a cold or allergy. The causes of burning in the nose must be established before starting treatment, otherwise therapy may not lead to the desired result.

Often the nose burns due to a violation of the integrity of the tissues, severe drying out, irritation of the mucous membrane or the occurrence of an inflammatory process.

When the itching in the nasal passages is not pronounced, a person may not pay attention to it for a long time. This leads to an increase in symptoms and progression of the disease. As the burning intensifies, discomfort appears when breathing and communicating with people around you. In some cases, not only the mucous membrane of the nasal cavities is damaged, but also the structures of the throat.

A burning sensation in the nose can be observed during an allergic reaction that develops in response to the action of an allergen on the body. Depending on the strength of the provoking factor and genetic predisposition, a person may experience the following symptoms of the disease:

  • lacrimation;
  • itching of eyes, nose, skin;
  • swelling of tissues. Particularly dangerous is swelling of the neck, which compresses the larynx and makes breathing difficult;
  • skin rashes;
  • sneezing;
  • mucous rhinorrhea;
  • shortness of breath due to bronchospasm.

To alleviate the condition, it is necessary to stop contact of the allergen with the body.

Why does a burning sensation occur in the nose after drops?

In this case, burning occurs for three reasons:

  • the medicine is not suitable for you. If during use a strong burning sensation in the nose occurs, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor. You cannot hope that everything will go away on its own and you cannot continue treatment - the situation may worsen;
  • exceeding the permissible treatment period. Some patients independently extend the course of therapy. As a result, an overdose occurs, manifested in the form of burning, dryness, headache, increased blood pressure, nausea;
  • chemical irritation. Some remedies for the common cold, for example, Sialor, Galazolin, Naphthyzin, at the beginning of therapy cause a mild burning sensation in the nose. There is nothing wrong with this - it disappears without a trace on the 2nd day.

To accurately determine the causes, you should contact an otolaryngologist.

How is the examination carried out?

To find out why the burning sensation in the nose appeared, the ENT examines the nasal cavity using special instruments, takes a smear for the bacterial flora and asks in detail about what time of day the burning sensation occurs and whether there are any other complaints.

Taking an anamnesis (questioning) is of great importance, so answer the questions in detail.

Additionally, laboratory tests may be required:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • virological blood test;
  • bacterioscopy of mucous secretions;
  • bacterial culture of the smear.

We advise you to study: Complications of acute sinusitis

Sometimes hardware diagnostics or x-rays are necessary. The listed methods are aimed at identifying the causes and prescribing the most productive treatment.

Burning in the nose: what to do?

If the burning sensation occurs due to dry air, a humidifier and preparations based on oils or sea water will help. If the provoking factor is an allergen, then you should eliminate it and start taking antihistamines. Polyps are removed surgically or with laser.

Therapy involves an integrated approach. In addition to medication, the following are used:

  • phytotherapy. Herbs are selected individually. The method attracts with its safety and high efficiency;
  • mineral therapy. Using a special device, sea salt and minerals are injected into the nasal cavity. This restores the integrity of the mucous membrane and moisturizes it. Not only the burning sensation goes away, but also tissue swelling, crusts, microcracks;
  • capillary therapy. Prescribed for those who have problems with blood circulation. Ointments enriched with minerals and oils that have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects are applied to the mucous membrane. As a result, vascular function is normalized and breathing is restored;
  • apitherapy. Treatment with propolis, royal jelly and beeswax is valued for its powerful bactericidal and anti-inflammatory abilities;
  • laser therapy. The impact of the laser and transparent gel creates atomic oxygen, which renews tissues, suppresses the activity of microbes and improves blood circulation.

The above treatment methods are used mainly in a clinical setting, but nasal congestion and burning can be eliminated at home.

Principles of treatment

The course of treatment is determined by the disease. Acute viral infections of the upper respiratory tract are treated in two stages:

  1. Treatment of the cause - a virus - with antiviral agents.
  2. Treatment of symptoms – treatment of runny nose and pharyngitis.

If the burning sensation in the nose is caused by allergic rhinitis, then it is enough to simply take antiallergic drugs to eliminate the symptom and avoid contact with the allergen.

Polyps are removed by laser or surgery. The same method is used for a deviated septum. polyps are the most common cause of a burning sensation when inhaling, and the cause of a runny nose in general.

Dryness can be reduced by regular moisturizing with a salt solution.

To do this, it is optimal to mix 300 ml. warm water with a teaspoon of iodized or sea salt. It is better to pour the solution into a spray bottle from an old nasal spray and irrigate the nasal cavity once an hour. This will help reduce the sensation of itching in the nose during a runny nose and discomfort in the throat. Atrophic rhinitis is caused by damage to the ciliated epithelium of the mucous membrane and occurs as a result of smoking, frequent use of vasoconstrictor drugs, and work in conditions of constant exposure to harmful factors - paint, construction dust, coal dust, chemical solvents. These substances also cause dryness and often occur with a runny nose.

Itching in the nose occurs when the nerve endings of the mucous membrane are irritated. There may be several reasons: from a common runny nose to destruction of the tissues themselves. In most cases, burning and itching are signs of an incipient cold or allergy.

Treatment with traditional methods

The collection of “grandmother’s” recipes contains many proven ways to combat pain and burning in the nose and nasopharynx.

  • washing with sea water. One of the simplest and most effective methods of combating dryness and burning. Dissolve 1 tsp in 1 glass of boiled water. sea ​​salt. To rinse, use a syringe or rubber bulb. Lean over the sink, hold your breath, place the tip of the bulb in one nasal passage and slowly press it. Release the saline solution through the second nasal passage and blow your nose. Repeat. Please note that the mouth should be slightly open during the procedure, which will prevent an increase in pressure in the eardrums;
  • inhalation. Inhalations with eucalyptus oil help well. You can breathe over the steam of a decoction of potatoes, blackberry or raspberry leaves;
  • "homemade" drops. Soothe the mucous membrane by instilling chamomile, linden or buckwheat honey diluted with water (1:1). Honey should not be heated, as this will cause it to lose its medicinal properties;
  • oil lubrication. For this purpose, you can use olive, peach or sea buckthorn oil.

If traditional recipes do not help and the symptoms only get worse, consult a doctor.

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Next Swelling of the nasal mucosa: why does it occur and how to deal with it?

Homeopathic treatment

You can cope with discomfort with the help of homeopathic remedies, which have minimal side effects, promote rapid recovery of the body and improve general condition.

Aconitum napellusFacilitates breathing, relieves swelling of the mucous membranes, removes dryness and burning.
Eliminates heavy, irritating discharge. Relieves swelling in the nasal cavity and throat, makes breathing easier.
Used to treat persistent runny nose, accompanied by burning, dryness and sneezing. Moisturizes the mucous membrane, helps breathing, restores secretion.
Facilitates breathing, moisturizes mucous membranes and relieves burning and dryness. Effectively copes with rhinitis, both acute and chronic. Softens the throat and relieves discomfort.
For the treatment of diseases of the nasal cavity that cause a burning sensation, dryness, and difficulty breathing. Relieves inflammation, removes tingling sensation.
For the treatment of persistent runny nose, with severe swelling of the mucous membrane.
For the treatment of an incipient viral infection, which is accompanied by dryness, burning and itching in the nose. Relieves headaches, normalizes body temperature.

Why does my nose sting? Unfortunately, in the modern world this is a fairly common symptom. And, unfortunately, very often they do not pay much attention to it. However, over time, the burning sensation in the nose when inhaling becomes simply unbearable.

Let's figure out what causes a burning sensation in the nose and how to deal with it.

The inside of the nose stings - this is, of course, a very simplified description, however, it is amazingly accurate.

Itching, a strong desire to scratch the inside of the nose, an irresistible desire to sneeze - these are the accompanying burning sensations in the nose.

Moreover, often in the early stages the situation does not cause any particular inconvenience.

But gradually the symptoms begin to increase, and in the future, even nosebleeds are possible.

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