Why is there pressure on the bridge of the nose and a headache?

Throughout life, each person may encounter various diseases, each of which may be accompanied by certain unpleasant symptoms. So, in some cases, men and women notice that the bridge of their nose hurts when pressed or constantly, regardless of the impact they experience.

Such an unpleasant sensation almost always indicates active inflammation in the nasal cavity and requires immediate attention to medical professionals. If you do not undergo the necessary examination in a timely manner, there is a very high probability that the disease will become chronic, in which case it will be incredibly difficult to get rid of it.

Characteristics of pain

Pathologies are localized differently in different diseases.

  1. Acute inflammation of sinusitis causes severe pain in the bridge of the nose and temporal lobe. Severe swelling closes the nasal passages, pus accumulates, causing inflammation with severe pain. The concentration depends on the location of the accumulation of pus, which in the sinuses causes swelling near the cheeks. Inflammation of the frontal sinus provokes severe pain on the bridge of the nose, and a headache in the forehead area. Occurs at certain times of the day. More often this happens in the morning and evening. The removal of inflammation is facilitated by the installation of drainage and anti-inflammatory therapy. After sinusitis, the patient will feel discomfort and pain in the bridge of the nose for a long time.
  2. Acute rhinitis occurs with colds and flu. Viruses infect the nasal mucosa. It causes profuse discharge and, if vascular membranes are damaged, bleeding. A sign of rhinitis is liquid discharge from the nose. Viruses and bacteria multiply, causing severe inflammation and discomfort. After a runny nose, a burning sensation occurs in the eyes and upper part of the nasopharynx. The infection spreads through the bloodstream, spreading throughout the body. When it enters the trigeminal nerve, it causes inflammation. The patient feels severe pain in the head and forehead when pressed or turned. With a viral infection, a runny nose goes away with pain in the bridge of the nose. Rhinitis is a serious disease that can become chronic and cause many problems for the patient. Lack of taste and smell, constant runny nose are the most common complications. Nasal discharge is a reason to consult a doctor to avoid serious complications.
  3. If the bridge of your nose hurts, but there is no runny nose? The cause is neurological diseases (neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve). These are severe, sharp pains in the form of attacks. Headache in the forehead, upper nose, eyes. The attacks occur at night, last about an hour, lead to discharge from the nose and eyes, and swelling of the nasal mucosa. This is a serious disease that is accompanied by very severe pain and requires urgent treatment.
  4. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve (ganglionitis). Occurs when the wing of the palatine ganglion of the maxillary sinus becomes inflamed. It is characterized by acute pain in the eyes, at the root of the nose, teeth and gums. May spread to the arms, forearms, and shoulder blades. Alternately, redness appears on the face and nasal discharge appears. The attacks are strong, long lasting, often at night.
  5. After a blow to the nose, swelling occurs on the bridge of the nose. Damage to cartilage leads to inflammation and hemorrhage of blood vessels. Sharp pain appears immediately after injury, leads to disruption of the nasal mucosa, and bleeding occurs. Nasal breathing becomes difficult, the bridge of the nose and forehead hurt when pressed, swelling appears, and the eyes water. A hematoma forms around the eyes. In some cases, bed rest and cold compresses are necessary. The first 2-3 days you will have a headache.

Symptoms of sinusitis without discharge

During acute sinusitis, in the absence of snot from the nose, other components of the clinical picture can be even more pronounced, because pressure from stagnant fluid quickly increases in the sinus and bacteria multiply at a high speed. The main symptoms of sinusitis without a runny nose are:

  • pain in the bridge of the nose, under the eyes, inside the orbit,
  • pain in the forehead, temple, often radiating to the teeth, cheekbones,
  • pressure in the bridge of the nose, increasing when the head is tilted down,
  • discomfort when chewing, talking, changing head position,
  • increase in body temperature to 37.5-39 degrees (depending on the severity of the process). If the immune system is weak, the temperature is low-grade or absent,
  • swelling of the cheeks, eyelids,
  • swelling of the nose and impaired nasal breathing in combination with the absence of discharge. Sometimes they do not flow out of the nose, but flow down the back of the throat,
  • cough or slight coughing,
  • nasal voice,
  • impaired sense of smell,
  • photophobia,
  • malaise, decreased appetite, decreased performance, insomnia.

The lack of nasal discharge often becomes the reason for delaying a visit to the doctor and difficulties in diagnosis. But the presence of at least a few of the symptoms described above should suspect sinusitis, visit a doctor, establish a diagnosis and start therapy on time.

Flu and other infectious diseases

Why does my forehead hurt when I have a runny nose? The most common cause is influenza. These pain sensations occur in a pronounced form. It happens that a person cannot lift his head from the pillow or open his eyes. The patient's eyes become very sensitive to daylight. You should know that a person’s condition, in which he experiences symptoms such as aching bones, headache, fever, and increased body temperature, can be caused by other infectious diseases. Such ailments include meningitis, malaria and typhus.

To stop having a headache, you need to deal with the infectious source. This requires complex treatment, which includes the use of several groups of drugs:

  1. antibacterial drugs of local and systemic action. They are prescribed to eliminate bacterial pathogens and reduce intoxication. The choice of antibiotics is based on the results of culture and antibiogram. The material for analysis is a smear or discharge from the nasal cavity. For systemic action, penicillins (Augmentin), cephalosporins (Cefazolin) or macrolides (Azithromycin, Clarithromycin) can be used. For local control of microbes, Bioparox or Isofra is prescribed;
  2. rinsing the nasal cavities with saline solutions. They can be purchased at a pharmacy (Aqua Maris, Delufen) or prepared independently (5 g of salt must be dissolved in 240 ml of warm water);

Nasal drops or sprays with a therapeutic effect (antibacterial, antiviral, immunomodulatory) should be used only after cleansing the nasal mucosa with saline solution.

  1. vasoconstrictor drops, for example, Otrivin or Nazivin, are used to reduce swelling and secretion production. As a result, nasal breathing becomes easier for 4-12 hours. The maximum period of use of vasoconstrictor drugs is 5 days, after which the drug must be replaced. Long-term use of them is fraught with dry mucous membranes, addiction, the appearance of crusts in the nose and blood streaks in the snot;
  2. antihistamines, such as Suprastin, Cetrilev, Claritin, help reduce swelling of the mucous membrane, restore nasal breathing and activate the outflow of mucus from the sinuses;
  3. mucolytic agents, for example, Acetylcysteine, reduce the viscosity of the secretion and accelerate its excretion;
  4. antipyretic medications (Nimesil, Ibuprofen) help cope with fever;
  5. if the cold is the result of a viral infection, taking antiviral drugs (Remantadine, Aflubin, Novirin) is indicated;
  6. homeopathic remedies (Cinnabsin, Sinuforte) facilitate nasal breathing by reducing the severity of secretion and improving the outflow of thick discharge.

If conservative methods are ineffective, sinus puncture may be prescribed for active aspiration of purulent discharge. Sanitation of the infectious focus leads to a decrease in hyperthermia and relief of the general condition.

Inhalations with herbal decoctions and essential oils can be an addition to drug therapy. In addition, the use of aloe juice has been tested for years and has long proven its effectiveness.

Particular attention should be paid to the drinking regime. A person needs to drink 2 liters of liquid per day.

This will speed up the removal of toxins from the body, reduce the severity of fever and replenish fluid losses. Infusions of chamomile, rose hips, compotes, tea with lemon, raspberries, fruit drinks or still mineral water are suitable for this.

To avoid the recurrence of sinusitis, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • avoid hypothermia and prolonged contact with sick people;
  • drink enough fluids;
  • eat healthy food. You need to give up canned foods, trans fats, light carbohydrates and carbonated drinks;
  • stop smoking;
  • use protective equipment when working in dusty areas;
  • strengthen the immune system (hardening, sports).

And most importantly, consult a doctor on time and do not allow diseases to become chronic.

Treatment methods

Sinusitis without a runny nose should be treated without fail, because the non-existence of this symptom does not at all mean that the disease is not serious, but sometimes, on the contrary, confirms the severity of its course. To confirm the diagnosis, radiography of the paranasal sinuses should be performed, which in recent years has often been replaced by CT. With sinusitis, the sinus will be visualized in the image as a dark spot. Other methods for diagnosing the disease are diaphanoscopy, nasal smear for bacterial culture, general blood test, endoscopic rhinoscopy.

Usually, with acute viral sinusitis, the swelling of the sinus anastomosis is not too pronounced, so clear or white snot still occurs. Blockage of the anastomosis is possible only with a more severe inflammatory process, which is caused by bacterial infections, and therefore treatment of the pathology should be carried out with the use of antibiotics. Most often, the first-line drugs are macrolides or penicillins in tablets (Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Erythromycin, Rovamycin, Azithromycin), and if the results are insufficient or the sinusitis is severe, the patient is admitted to a hospital and the latest generation injectable cephalosporins (Cefalexin, Cefaclor) are used.

To relieve swelling from the paranasal sinuses, the patient is required to be prescribed vasoconstrictor sprays or drops (Nazivin, Xymelin) and frequent rinsing of the nose with saline solutions. When the outflow of pus is restored, the following local therapy regimen is recommended to liquefy mucus and pus and remove them from the nose, followed by disinfection of the cavity:

  1. rinsing the nose with a hypertonic sea salt solution (Aqualor Strong),
  2. irrigation of the nasal passages with Rinofluimucil,
  3. after 3 minutes &mdash, rinse the nose with an isotonic solution of sea salt (Aqualor soft shower),
  4. nasal irrigation with antiseptics, local antibiotics (Miramistin, Isofra, Polydexa).

Since sinusitis without a runny nose occurs mainly due to severe swelling of the nose, taking antihistamines (Erius, Claritin), anti-inflammatory drugs (Nurofen, Nise), as well as the use of nasal glucocorticosteroids (Nasonex) will help cope with inflammation and reduce congestion. Also, swelling is well eliminated after nasal rinsing sessions using the “Kukushka” apparatus, using the “Yamik” sinus catheter. In the absence of high temperature and subacute course of the disease, laser therapy and UHF can cope with inflammation.

In some cases (with severe symptoms of the disease and serious intoxication), sinusitis without a runny nose may mean the need for urgent surgical treatment - puncture. As a rule, such a development of events is possible if a person has chronic purulent sinusitis, and its next exacerbation occurs. A patient with severe congestion in the sinus area is punctured, drainage is installed, and the sinus is regularly washed with antiseptic (antibiotic) solutions. After 4-5 days, the drainage is removed, and the patient is discharged from the hospital.

To complement conservative therapy, you can also use folk remedies for maxillary sinusitis:

  • Grate the horseradish root (peeled), take 1/3 cup of this mass. Combine with the juice of 2 lemons, add 50 g of honey. Take half a teaspoon in the mornings and evenings half an hour after meals until recovery.
  • Dilute a teaspoon of propolis tincture in a glass of water, rinse the nose three times a day for 5-8 days. See more recipes with propolis for sinusitis
  • Combine aloe and Kalanchoe juices, drip 3 drops into the nose three times a day for 5 days.

Condition with a runny nose

With colds and infections, a runny nose occurs. In the first days of illness, it causes the patient a lot of trouble. The condition itself is not serious, but requires adequate treatment to avoid a chronic form or sinusitis. Treatment of colds should be comprehensive, accompanied by therapy for rhinitis. The inner surface of the nose is very inflamed, another infection may occur, and complications in the form of sinusitis may develop.


Sinusitis is not just a runny nose and shooting all over the head. These are acute pain in the back of the head, temples, increased intracranial pressure. Pus that appears in the sinuses can cause intoxication of the entire body. Treatment should begin when the first signs of the disease appear. At an early stage, drug treatment without punctures is possible. To do this, antibacterial therapy is carried out, and decongestants are prescribed that soften the nasal mucosa. The sinuses are restored with the help of Sinupret. Stagnation of pus is washed away by Dioxidin, Miramistin, Aquamaris. This procedure is called “Cuckoo”, which is performed by an ENT doctor. Severe cases are treated surgically with the installation of drainage.


If the infection enters the frontal sinuses, frontal sinuses develop. Pus collects in the sinuses of the nasopharynx, causing severe pain in the brow ridges and bridge of the nose. This is a dangerous disease that requires urgent medical treatment; severe cases require surgical intervention. You cannot self-medicate. The pain is very severe, medications do not always help.

Features of treatment in children

In childhood, sinusitis most often occurs after 5-7 years, and its chronicity sometimes occurs by adolescence. The disease without nasal discharge in most cases occurs in children prone to severe allergic edema and suffering from general allergization of the body and frequent respiratory diseases.

Treatment of runny nose with SCENAR

Treatment of sinusitis in children should begin with the removal of swelling and maximum opening of the sinuses. For this purpose, vasoconstrictor drops are used, which, if necessary, are supplemented with sprays with antiallergic effects. Antibiotics for sinusitis in childhood are always prescribed, mainly in the form of suspensions or dispersible tablets. Check out the list of effective antibiotics for sinusitis

The course of antibacterial therapy is 7-10 days, no less. A child with sinusitis is prescribed a course of antihistamines for approximately the same duration. It is effective to treat sinusitis in children by pumping out pus and mucus from the sinuses using a vacuum method (sinus catheter). It is mandatory to simultaneously treat other inflammatory pathologies of the ENT organs, and after recovery, the nose and throat are sanitized, and all diseased teeth are treated.

High blood pressure

Another serious reason why the forehead hurts between the eyebrows is increased intracranial pressure. This happens to those who suffer from high blood pressure. This category includes hypertensive and hypotensive patients. This also includes people who are sensitive to changes in weather phenomena.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate or take medications that have not been prescribed by a doctor. You should control your blood pressure. It is also necessary to contact a medical institution for consultation, examination and prescription of medications, which will be selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the human body.

What not to do

The following actions can greatly harm the patient if he has inflammation of the maxillary sinuses:

  • Warming the nose with eggs, salt, vodka lotions and other folk methods. This can increase swelling, which will not leave room for the outflow of pus and mucus, which will provoke serious consequences.
  • Visiting a bathhouse, sauna, for the same reason.
  • Instillation of questionable products into the nose that do not have an antibacterial effect. For example, introducing honey into the nose of allergy sufferers can cause even more severe sinusitis, which will be accompanied by allergic rhinitis with swelling of the nose.
  • Abuse of drugs that dry out and cauterize the nasal mucosa, which can cause its atrophy.
  • Consumption of fatty, heavy, unhealthy foods, which further weakens the immune system and prevents the body from fighting infection.

Pain without runny nose

Severe pain in the upper part of the nose and head, without a runny nose, is caused by neurological diseases. They are considered the strongest and longest lasting. The reason for their occurrence may be:

  • Neoplasms.
  • Chronic rhinitis.
  • Problems in dentistry.
  • Congenital pathologies.

Before starting treatment, a diagnosis must be established. Diagnosis must be thorough and thoughtful. Treatment is prescribed by a specialist. Neuralgia is often confused with toothache; if the sinuses are affected, the pain radiates to the jaw.


You can often get hit in the nose when falling. If it is swollen or bleeding appears, first aid must be provided. Depending on the impact, various consequences arise, including a broken bone, which must be treated surgically. First aid involves applying a cold compress to the injury site. In case of bleeding, stop the bleeding. Swelling, pain in the bridge of the nose, and dizziness will immediately appear. After a strong blow, you need to see a doctor and get an x-ray. If the septum and nasal passages are severely damaged, surgical assistance will be required.


So what causes pain in the bridge of the nose?

Reason #1. Inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses

In the minds of our compatriots, inflammatory processes in the sinuses near the nose are invariably associated with bright green or yellow snot, but this is a mistaken opinion. It often happens that swelling blocks the sinus ducts, so there is no discharge. This is possible both with sinusitis and rhinitis.

In case of swelling of the sinus ducts, purulent exudate accumulates in the sinuses - excess pressure occurs on the walls of the sinuses and the person experiences pain. That is why there is no runny nose, and you still experience discomfort.

Based on the area in which the epicenter of pain is located, it is possible to determine which sinus is affected. It should be noted that several sinuses may be affected at once from different sides. In this case, it will be difficult for a doctor to determine the source of inflammation without an x-ray examination, but the pain will definitely be localized on the bridge of the nose and forehead as well.

You might be interested in: Your nose is peeling.

Draining the sinuses will help you get rid of painful sensations. But a long-lasting therapeutic effect can be achieved only in the case of high-quality and thoughtful treatment prescribed by an ENT specialist.

You need to see a doctor! Don't put off the problem until later! What does this mean?

  • Due to nasal congestion, your appetite will leave you, which is why your weight will begin to decrease;
  • Chronic nasal congestion invariably leads to loss of taste perception;
  • Even if after a long period of illness you receive treatment and gain the ability to breathe through your nose, the bad habit of breathing through your mouth will not leave you;
  • Due to insufficient breathing, the brain will constantly experience oxygen starvation;
  • Possible disorders of the cardiovascular system, including increased intracranial pressure.

If you are afraid of such possible consequences, then make sure to visit a doctor in a timely manner. As a rule, treatment of advanced sinusitis requires frequent rinsing in a hospital setting - “cuckoo”, intravenous administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics, the use of antibiotic-based nasal drops, as well as drugs to reduce swelling - Sinupret, antihistamines. It is also possible to prescribe a puncture - a puncture of the nasal sinus for therapeutic purposes.

We recommend reading: The smell of ammonia in the nose.

Reason #2. Allergy

In rare cases, when allergic reactions worsen, people complain of pain in the bridge of the nose. This may also be due to severe swelling of the nasal mucosa and excessive discharge during allergies.

As a rule, such a symptom appears upon contact with haptens or during the season when their quantity in the air is greatest. For example, if you are allergic to poplar fluff, then the season for you is in the summer, and if you are allergic to flowering, then in the spring.

In this case, anti-allergy drops can help you. Today there are antihistamines, substances based on steroid hormones, and other drugs. Your allergist will select the optimal remedy for your specific case.

For temporary relief of symptoms, Naphthyzin, Allergodil, Kromhexal, Zyrtec, Avamis, Vibrocil and other drugs are suitable

Methods for diagnosing the disease

The doctor can immediately make an accurate diagnosis, but he will still do additional research that will confirm the guess. Among the first diagnostic measures are an x-ray of the nasal cavity, computed tomography of the head, and MRI of the sinuses. It is also possible to conduct additional research:

  1. Measurement of intracranial and intraocular pressure.
  2. Analysis of urine, feces, blood.

The doctor is obliged to ask you in as much detail as possible about the course of the disease, about the prerequisites for its occurrence: whether you have had any operations, whether there have been any injuries, how you felt before the onset of the disease, under what circumstances it manifested itself, what the symptoms are.

Conservative therapy will not be sufficient in all cases. If the reason lies in anatomical abnormalities in the structure of the skull, the consequences of injury, hyperplasia of the mucous membrane or neoplasms, you will have to agree to surgery to eliminate the problem.

Causes of pain in the bridge of the nose

There are many reasons. The first thing that comes to mind is the injury.

. After an injury (bruise, fracture, blow), the integrity of the tissues is disrupted.

Another reason is the so-called. Charlin's syndrome

- neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve.
This syndrome occurs as a consequence of inflammation of the sinuses, a consequence of sinus infection, a deviated septum, and even as a consequence of dental disease. The pain in this case has the character of bursting, pressure in the frontal part, in the eye sockets, in the bridge of the nose. The intensity of the pain is quite high, especially when pressed. The pain predominantly occurs at night and is of the nature of attacks. At the same time, mucus may be released from the eyes, the nasal mucosa may swell, and the eyes may turn red. keratitis
(malnutrition of the cornea) sometimes develops

Another reason is ganglioneuritis of the pterygopalatine ganglion

. Symptoms of ganglioneuritis are unexpected pain in the eyes, teeth, upper jaw (sometimes lower jaw). Unpleasant sensations are observed in the temporal, occipital, cervical, and shoulder regions. Sometimes there are attacks - the face may become red, numb and swollen - half the face, lacrimation, discharge from the nose (from the swollen part of the face) may occur. Such an attack can last from several minutes to several days.

But the most common cause of pain in the bridge of the nose is inflammation in the sinuses or in the nasal cavity itself.

, which is the result of the accumulation of mucous secretions. The pain radiates to the temples, forehead, back of the head, and eyes.


To reduce pain and discomfort in the upper part of the nose, brow ridges, and temple, you can do a small massage. Properly done manipulations will relieve congestion and discomfort.

Use massage oil, apply to hands and rub. Gently press on the upper part of the nose, you should feel a pleasant sensation. Then use your index and middle fingers to massage one side and the other of the nose (the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses). The movements should be circular.

You can make circular movements from the eyebrows to the temporal lobe. They will relieve neurological pain. In acute cases of the disease, massage is contraindicated.

Why does the bridge of my nose hurt?

The upper part of the nose, adjacent to the forehead and forming a depression, is called the bridge of the nose. There are many reasons that can cause discomfort and discomfort in this area. Quite often, the bridge of the nose hurts due to various injuries as a result of a violation of the integrity of the tissue due to bruises or fractures.

Other reasons why the bridge of the nose hurts:

  • Nasociliary neuralgia or Charlin's syndrome. This disease usually occurs in people under forty years of age as a result of inflammation of the sinuses, various infections, a deviated nasal septum, and even dental diseases. In this case, severe, bursting and pressing pain is observed in the frontal part, in the area of ​​the eye sockets and the bridge of the nose. The bridge of the nose especially hurts when pressed. They appear mainly at night and are paroxysmal in nature. Along with the pain, symptoms such as discharge of watery mucus from the eyes, swelling of the nasal mucosa, and eye hyperemia may be observed. Against the background of this disease, in some cases, keratitis develops, in which the nutrition of the cornea occurs;
  • Ganglionitis (ganglioneuritis) of the pterygopalatine ganglion. It manifests itself as unexpected pain in the eyes, upper jaw, sometimes in the teeth and gums of the lower jaw. Often, unpleasant sensations can spread to the temporal, occipital, cervical and shoulder regions. In many cases, the disease causes a kind of “vegetative storm”, in which half of the face becomes red and swollen, lacrimation occurs and strong discharge of fluid from the nose on the side of the numb part. Such an attack, in which the bridge of the nose especially hurts, can last several minutes, hours or even a whole day. Basically, a person’s condition worsens at night.

But most often the cause of discomfort in the bridge of the nose is an inflammatory process occurring in the nasal cavity or sinuses as a result of the accumulation of mucous secretions. In this case, the pain can often radiate to the temples, back of the head, frontal part or eyes.

Neuralgia and neuritis of the ternary nerve

Why does my forehead hurt so much? When unpleasant sensations are present in the head, namely in the area of ​​the left eyebrow, this may be a sign that a person is developing neuralgia in the body or has neuritis of the ternary nerve. A distinctive symptom of these ailments is that a person does not have an elevated body temperature and when pressure is applied to the eyebrow, the pain syndrome increases. In addition, there is redness of the skin and lacrimation.

Prevention of pain in the bridge of the nose

The best prevention of the listed conditions is a timely visit to a doctor regarding any pathological processes in the body. Attempts to independently treat a cold or ARVI most often become the cause of these diseases. Another important point is that all recommendations prescribed by the doctor for the purpose of treating any bacterial, viral or fungal disease must be followed clearly and completely. You should not stop taking medications if your condition improves, as so many people do.

Strengthening the immune system

Here are some more tips from professionals for those who do not want to experience pain in the bridge of their nose:

  1. Strengthen your immune system all year round. To do this, it is not enough to drink vitamins and mineral complexes. It is necessary to provide the body with moderate physical activity, walks in the fresh air and gentle hardening procedures.
  2. If you are predisposed to colds, special attention should be paid to nasopharyngeal hygiene. It must be regularly cleaned of crusts and mucus using special sticks and rinsing with mild antiseptic solutions.
  3. A sufficient level of air humidity in living and working areas will allow the mucous membrane to constantly be in excellent shape and prevent the penetration of pathogens into the body.
  4. Stomatitis, caries and tartar require timely treatment. Otherwise, the oral cavity will become an additional source of infection.
  5. Allergy sufferers are more susceptible to the above pathologies than other people. To minimize risks, they should limit their contact with allergens as much as possible and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment for the condition, reducing the body’s susceptibility.

The first alarming symptoms affecting the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and forehead are an indication for an immediate visit to the doctor. If such closed and hard-to-reach areas give any signals, then natural medicines like honey and lemon will no longer be possible. You should not wait for a more pronounced clinical picture to develop. At the initial stage, all the diseases described are treated quickly and without negative consequences.

A runny nose can manifest itself not only as copious nasal discharge, but also as a symptom when the bridge of the nose hurts. Patients complain about this symptom when visiting a doctor, which is correct, since we are talking about a serious illness.

A runny nose, or rhinitis, is an inflammatory disease that is localized in the nasal mucosa. Many people think that this disease does not require special treatment or concern. However, it should be understood that the nasal cavity is connected to other organs of the body, especially the bronchi and lungs.

A runny nose causes discomfort in a person due to excessive nasal discharge, loss of appetite, pain in the bridge of the nose and difficulty breathing. All this affects the pressure inside the skull and eyes. Rhinitis also negatively affects blood circulation, lymph movement, and brain function. If the patient does not take care of his treatment, then complications develop, which provoke severe pain in the bridge of the nose.


There are many reasons for pain in the bridge of the nose; to avoid it, you need to pay attention to the underlying disease that caused the pain.

  • Elimination of the acute course of the disease.
  • Restoring nasal breathing.
  • Carrying out the operation (if necessary).
  • Hardening plays a big role.
  • Rinsing the nose with sea salt.
  • Taking vitamins.

Any disease can be effectively treated at an early stage. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

Disease prevention

To prevent sinusitis, you just need to prevent the influence of factors that provoke this disease. Do not overcool and allow ARVI and flu to develop (wear a mask, rinse your nose more often). You should pay attention to strengthening your immunity, eat right, exercise, take vitamins and immunomodulators (if necessary). Allergy sufferers need to regularly take courses of antihistamines and prevent contact with allergens. It is also recommended to eliminate all foci of chronic infection from the throat and nose and correct defects in the structure of the ENT organs.

In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you what sinusitis actually is and its special case of sinusitis and how to avoid getting it.

What diseases cause pain in the bridge of the nose? How to determine the cause of pain?

Many patients complain that they have. The reasons for this phenomenon may be different, as well as the nature of the disease.

Here are just some of the pathologies in which this symptom occurs:

  1. Injuries to this area (occur when tissue integrity is violated).
  2. Acute inflammatory processes of the sinuses of the nasal cavity (for example,).
  3. Rhinitis (in this case, a runny nose can be both acute and chronic).
  4. Neuralgia of the nerve of the nasociliary type.

Why can the bridge of the nose hurt when pressed?

It is practically impossible to understand why the bridge of the nose hurts when you press it for no apparent reason on your own. The fact is that there are many pathological conditions in which this part of the nose can hurt. Sometimes unpleasant sensations arise on their own, without any external influences.

Most often, pain in the bridge of the nose signals that inflammation is occurring in the nasal cavity. If this process is left unattended and appropriate therapeutic actions are not taken, there is a high risk that the pathological condition will transform into a chronic form, which will be very difficult to get rid of in the future.

Causes of pain with a runny nose

Rhinitis, or runny nose, despite its apparent simplicity, is actually a serious disease. When it occurs, inflammation of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses may occur. This condition is dangerous for the body.

The fact is that the nose has a direct impact on the entire body as a whole. Through it, air further enters the respiratory tract. Carbon dioxide leaves the body through it.

Violation of this process very often leads to the formation of other complications from the patient’s health.

When a patient has a common cold without a severe form of rhinitis, there are rarely complaints of pain in the bridge of the nose. As a rule, with a slight runny nose, such an unpleasant symptom characterizes the presence of another pathological process that occurs in this area.

When the bridge of the nose hurts with a runny nose, it means that sinusitis has developed. This disease is characterized by disruption of the normal process of nasal breathing. It becomes almost impossible.

Mucus or purulent discharge may appear from the nasal passages. The pressure that swelling and the presence of excess mucous contents puts on the bridge of the nose can cause more than just pain in the bridge of the nose.

Unpleasant sensations can radiate to the forehead or cause a general headache.

Narrowing of the lumen of the nasal passages and retention of mucous mass in the sinuses can lead to the development of more severe complications, such as ethmoiditis or sinusitis.

If the patient already has one of these diseases, then their symptoms are characterized by the constant presence of pain in the area of ​​accumulated pus.

If you create additional pressure on the forehead, cheeks or bridge of the nose, the pressure factor will provoke increased pain.

Manifestations in the absence of a runny nose

The human body reacts differently to many stimuli. Sometimes problems are visible, and sometimes they are not. When the bridge of the nose and forehead hurt, but there is no runny nose, the reason may be the following:

  1. Nose injury. Violation of tissue integrity as a result of mechanical stress can cause not only pain in the bridge of the nose, but also its curvature if a fracture occurs.
  2. Neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve (Charlin's syndrome). The inflammatory process that occurred during rhinitis can provoke the appearance of pain after the runny nose has ended. In most cases, this pathological process develops as a result of a curvature of the nasal septum, an infectious disease, a dental problem, etc. With neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve, patients complain as if something is pressing on the bridge of the nose. These sensations radiate to neighboring areas, which leads to a severe headache. Some patients describe this symptom as a feeling of “fullness” from the inside. Touching, especially pressing, painful areas provokes an increase in discomfort. Symptoms of Charlin's syndrome are almost invisible during the day; they appear at night. A person may even wake up from severe pain. In addition, the patient may experience tearing and redness of the conjunctiva of the eyes, as well as swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  3. Ganglioneuritis (ganglionitis). The pathological process occurs as a result of diseases of the ENT organs, dental problems, chronic intoxication, tumors, maxillofacial injuries, etc. Pain in the bridge of the nose occurs in paroxysms. Symptoms of the disease begin to manifest themselves mainly at night, but other times of the day should not be excluded. The duration of the attack sometimes lasts only a few minutes, and sometimes several hours. In addition to the pain in the bridge of the nose and forehead, the patient experiences discomfort in the eyes and gums. In rare cases, the symptoms of the pathology spread to the occipital, temporal and cervical regions, and sometimes to the shoulder. In addition to the fact that almost the entire head hurts, watery eyes and thin, watery discharge from the nose (maybe from one nostril) appear.
  4. Osteochondrosis. There is a feeling of numbness in the bridge of the nose with a severe headache, which cannot be relieved with conventional painkillers that are in the home medicine cabinet. But sometimes the nose goes numb for another reason, which is characterized by impaired blood circulation. The source of the problem needs to be sought only in a hospital setting. Presumably the provoking factor of the disease is an aneurysm or capillary blockage.

It should be borne in mind that all symptoms of malaise have some basis, which, as a rule, is pathological in origin.

But there are situations when the existing sign of illness is not a consequence, for example, of injury or infection.

If a person feels that the bridge of his nose is numb for no apparent reason, this fact can be explained by emotional stress or an uncomfortable sleeping position.

Treatment methods

When you have a headache and a runny nose with all the unpleasant consequences that arise, few adults rush to the hospital to get medical help.

Only a deterioration in general well-being can force a patient to go to a medical facility. In fact, such a negligent attitude towards your health will sooner or later lead to serious consequences.

There is no shame in going to the hospital for treatment if the only symptoms are, for example, a runny nose.

If the pain syndrome of the bridge of the nose was preceded by injury, specialist help should be provided as early as possible. You should not put off visiting your doctor until later.

For example, if the cause of discomfort is a fracture of the nose, then if the tissues do not heal properly, it will become deformed.

The person’s appearance will be spoiled, and in order to correct it in the future, it will be necessary to break the nose again, but this will be done by a doctor.

Due to the fact that there are a large number of pathological causes that cause these symptoms of illness, sometimes it is quite difficult to determine the true source of the disease. In addition to the general examination, the doctor may need to conduct additional examination. This may be an ultrasound, x-ray or magnetic resonance imaging.

If the pain syndrome is caused by ordinary rhinitis, in order to make the patient feel better, he may be prescribed vasoconstrictors, such as Nazivin or Galazolin. The effect of these medications is not permanent. They can only temporarily relieve swelling and reduce the amount of nasal discharge. To treat the disease itself, complex therapy is necessary.

It should be borne in mind that all medications should only be prescribed by a doctor, as well as the dosage of their use should be prescribed. In addition, children's medications, as well as the rules for their use, are somewhat different from medications that are intended for adults.

Pain relief is only a symptomatic treatment of any pathology. To get rid of the problem forever, you need to eradicate its source. Sometimes such actions are only possible with the help of surgery. Medical advice should not be ignored. Sometimes delay in treatment can have disastrous consequences.


Source: https://MedBoli.ru/dyhatelnaya-sistema/pochemu-mozhet-bolet-perenositsa-pri-nazhatii


When writing the article, the otolaryngologist used the following materials:

  • Diskalenko, Vitaly Vasilievich Otorhinolaryngology for a general practitioner / V. V. Diskalenko, G. V. Lavrenova, E. Yu. Glukhova; Ed. M. S. Pluzhnikova. - St. Petersburg. : Manuscript, 1997. - 351 p. ISBN 5-87593-022-5
  • Palchun, Vladimir Timofeevich Otorhinolaryngology [Text]: textbook for students of institutions of higher professional education studying in the specialty 060101 “General Medicine”, in the discipline “Otorhinolaryngology” / V. T. Palchun, M. M. Magomedov, L. A. Luchikhin. — 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M: GEOTAR-Media, 2013. - 581 p. ISBN 978-5-9704-2509-1
  • Guide to focal infection in otorhinolaryngology [Text]: [collective monograph] / [Andriyashkin Dmitry Vyacheslavovich and others]; edited by V. T. Palchuna, A. I. Kryukova, M. M. Magomedova. - M: GEOTAR-Media, 2020. - 219 p. ISBN 978-5-9704-3474-1
  • Sergeev, Mikhail Mikhailovich Polyclinic otorhinolaryngology: Director. for doctors / M. M. Sergeev, V. F. Voronkin. - St. Petersburg. : Hippocrates, 2002. - 188 p. ISBN 5-8232-0232-6

Diagnostic features

It is best to treat even a common cold under the supervision of a doctor. Regardless of whether there is pressure in the nose or pain, it is difficult to make a correct diagnosis at home. Rhinitis can be treated by a therapist; if complications develop (sinusitis, ethmoiditis), you must contact an otolaryngologist.

The ENT performs a thorough examination of the patient using special instruments. Nowadays, otolaryngologists even have a special chair installed in their offices, which makes it more convenient to examine the patient. Usually, only the patient’s complaints are not enough; the full picture of the disease is revealed after the person undergoes tests. Your doctor may recommend additional testing:

  • Take a general blood and urine test.
  • Take a nasal swab to determine the flora (helps to exclude staphylococcal, streptococcal infections).
  • Take an X-ray of the nose.
  • Take a test with a solution of Dicaine and Adrenaline to confirm ganglionitis.

To determine the correct treatment tactics, consultation with other specialists – a neurologist, dentist, surgeon – may be required.

After what injuries can the bridge of the nose hurt?

Discomfort in this area can be felt after injuries, in particular after fractures or severe bruises. In this case, the pain is accompanied by swelling, redness or blue discoloration of the skin.

Damage to the mucous membrane (tears, scratches, abrasions, etc.) can cause unpleasant sensations inside the bridge of the nose itself.

After the measures taken by the specialist and the tissues heal, the painful sensations disappear.

Treatment for pain in the forehead and bridge of the nose

During the examination, the condition of the sinuses is determined, whether there are neoplasms or chronic foci of infection there. Pain in the bridge of the nose is also possible with congenital pathology of the ENT organs; in this case, only surgical treatment is indicated - surgery.

When pain is accompanied by a runny nose, rinsing the nasal passages is a harmless treatment at home. This is first aid for acute sinusitis and rhinitis. To do this, you need to arm yourself with a bulb or syringe.

A special solution is poured into one nasal passage and removed through the second nostril or through the mouth. Then another move is washed. Nasal rinses are effective for sinusitis. Blowing your nose and irrigating with a saline solution does not fully guarantee the release of the purulent contents of the maxillary sinuses. The following tools are used for this procedure:

  • potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). The substance is completely soluble in water; in strong concentrations it can burn the mucous membrane.
  • furatsilin;
  • salt, preferably special sea salt. It copes well with removing pathological microorganisms and reduces swelling.
  • chamomile decoction. Chamomile has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties;
  • propolis tincture. Has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Helps cope with infection, restores the normal state of the mucous membrane.

Various reasons lead to a feeling of fullness and pressure in the bridge of the nose; vasoconstrictor drugs are often used to relieve the symptom. Treatment of infection sometimes requires the use of strong antibiotics and corticosteroid drugs to reduce swelling and restore normal organ function.

Preventive measures

The patient should observe bed rest, he should sleep more, it is necessary to limit any physical and mental stress, because even watching TV and reading books can lead to increased pain. The room must be constantly ventilated.

If pain occurs, you can perform the following exercise: place your right hand on the solar plexus, and your left hand on the back of your head and relax. Lie in this position for 10-15 minutes.

Among traditional medicine methods, we can recommend smearing the bridge of the nose, forehead and temples with lemon juice, drinking cinnamon decoction two sips every hour or mint tea three times a day, taking 1 tsp. a mixture of mustard powder and honey in equal parts. In some cases, aromatherapy with various essential oils is effective.


Diagnostic measures depend on the nature of the symptoms. With a correct diagnosis, it is easy to cure a protracted disease that causes pain in the bridge of the nose. To differentiate a neurological or otolaryngological diagnosis, an examination is carried out, during which the following methods are used:

  • general blood and urine tests - allow you to identify disturbances in the functioning of the body, the presence of inflammatory processes, viral or bacterial infections;
  • nasal swab for bacterial culture - necessary to determine the type of pathogen;
  • X-ray of the nasal cavity - allows you to identify damage to the nasal bones or the presence of exudate in the nasal sinuses;
  • Ultrasound of the sinuses;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the head is a very informative method for identifying changes in tissues and organs when they are damaged.
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