Headache after nasal drops

How to get rid of dependence on vasoconstrictor drops

I decided to share my experience.
I couldn’t part with naphthyzine for 5 years. I went to the sea and the sea water saved me. oh miracle. BUT. 2 years later I contracted a terrible rhinovirus, a lingering runny nose, and as a result, I developed this addiction again. I suffered for another two years. got pregnant. I forced myself not to drip (it’s impossible with B), I suffered for a long time, but in the end I learned to breathe through my nose again. a year later, the runny nose again and addiction again. I've read a lot of things. and here’s the bottom line: it really helps to teach your nose to breathe normally without drops without suffering. 1. do not wean the whole nose at once, but each nostril in turn. It's really easier that way. Place a drop into one nostril (or better yet, use a spray so that it doesn’t flow into the other nostril, but immediately gets onto the mucous membrane), and leave the other without drops. and when one nostril is no longer painfully suffocating, start working on the second. 2. reduce the dose of the active substance. I started dripping Nazivin for children (from 1-6 years old), then moved on to Nazivin for newborns. You can simply slowly dilute the drops in the bottle with boiled water. 3. switch to medium-acting vasoconstrictors (clotrimazole, for example Otrivin), and then short-acting (phenylephrine, for example Vibrocil). 4. Do exercises. you force the blood to move more intensely than you help drain the blood from the swollen mucosa. 5. humidify the air, it will be easier for the mucous membrane to recover. 6. drip sea buckthorn oil, it heals the mucous membrane, helps it recover and heal faster. I hope my advice will help someone. Be healthy and breathe freely! January 04 at 02:09

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January 04 at 16:52

Oh thank you! Good advice. Almost when I have a cold, I always have a terrible, debilitating runny nose. It really torments me

Can vasoconstrictor nasal drops cause TIA or stroke?


: Hello. Does the use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops affect the blood vessels of the brain? Can they trigger an ischemic attack or stroke?

Doctor's answer:

Hello, Inna. Vasoconstrictor drops are used for pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, to relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa and reduce the production of inflammatory secretions. The action of these drugs is based on local narrowing of the blood vessels of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages. Thus, they restore nasal breathing and the drainage function of the sinuses.

Vasoconstrictor drops are a mandatory component of therapy. A negative side effect of these drops is that they are absorbed into the blood. With uncontrolled long-term use, there may be an effect on the entire cardiovascular system. Several studies have been conducted by neurologists, proving the vasoconstrictor effect not only on the vessels of the nasal mucosa, but also on the vessels of the brain. This can manifest itself as headaches, increased intracranial pressure, dizziness, decreased concentration, fatigue, etc.

The use of vasoconstrictor drops cannot lead to a stroke. But if there are various concomitant diseases that negatively affect the blood supply to the brain, such as, for example, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and others, then vasoconstrictor drops can worsen the symptoms of chronic cerebral ischemia. Thus, the disease can progress faster and cause complications in the form of acute disorders. Also, long-term use of such drops causes a decrease or increase in blood pressure, gastrointestinal motility, and rapid heartbeat. It follows that it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations and prescriptions and not take such drugs uncontrollably.

It is allowed to use drops in the acute period, for 3-5 days, strictly according to the instructions, observing the doses and frequency of use, then their effect weakens and it is better to use nasal rinsing with saline solutions. The most harmful vasoconstrictor drops are recognized: naphazoline (sanorin), xylometazoline (dlyanos, xymelin, tizin xylo), oxymetazoline (nazivin, nazol). Drops are used only to relieve symptoms and prepare the nasal mucosa for treatment, so therapy for the underlying disease is necessary. Do not be ill!

Myasnikov told how to cure snoring without expensive medications! Hello! I am Doctor Myasnikov. Snoring is a deadly disease.

Dr. Bockeria: Pressure surges can cause blood vessels to burst. Do not reduce the pressure, but clean it.

Is sweat flowing like a stream? This is a sign of parasite infestation. Drip. Just 10 drops will kill all the parasites inside and the sweat will stop appearing.

Violation of washing technique

It is important to do nasal rinsing at home correctly. There are several ways to carry out the manipulation. The rules are quite simple, but they cannot be broken:

  1. You should irrigate each nostril in turn.
  2. There is no need to carry out the procedure before going outside.
  3. It is important to use a solution at the optimal temperature.
  4. It is necessary to control the pressure of the solution entering the cavity. There should not be too much of it, as this will not increase the therapeutic effect.
  5. The procedure should not be carried out too often. This can cause the own microflora of the nasal cavity to be washed out.

Headache after rinsing the nose is quite rare. In most cases, it can be caused by using an incorrectly prepared solution. Patients should remember to discuss treatment details, such as the concentration of the nasal rinse solution, with their doctor. It is not worth carrying out the procedure too often for hygienic purposes. Against the background of excessive pressure in the nasal cavities, cephalgia may appear.

Dependence on vasoconstrictor drops!

1. Covallo

| 30.07., 21:52:47 [1008326565]

I lived with Nazivin for a year, I didn’t notice how I got used to it. I didn’t want to get a piercing or whatever they do. I just endured it hard for a week, everything was blocked: my nose, my ears, my head hurt like crazy. but after a week it got better. By the way, I don’t like these aquamaris and other rinses; they make my nose more stuffy. Try Sinupred, it comes in tablets and drops. Now if I have a runny nose, I drink it and no vasoconstrictors at all.

2. Guest

| 30.07., 22:06:37 [2569523400]

author, I sympathize, you also have problems with the nose, you can’t drip aquamaris for a long time either, it causes hypertrophy

3. Guest

| 30.07., 22:13:07 [327153504]

Author, such topics were discussed here, look in the archive

Thanks for the sympathy! I also noticed that when I wash it with Aqua Maris it gets even worse, today is the second day I’ve been trying not to drip, yesterday night was terrible, today it’s a little easier. A hot bath also helps a lot, at least for half an hour the nose can breathe on its own) and every minute I understand that I can get over this. I don’t understand, Sinupred, will it help at least a little right now?

5. Guest

| 31.07., 07:18:44 [167537557]

I remember reading a good article by one guy about how he got rid of this in three months. I remember typing in Yandex: swelling from vasoconstrictor drops. He describes everything there in detail, look for it. In general, try to give up any drops altogether, you will suffer for three days. If it doesn’t get better, go to the doctors, they cauterize the mucous membrane and a new one will grow with new vessels. If it becomes easier, endure it further and in the end you will breathe on your own.

I’m dripping my son’s nose, and he screams that his head is suddenly starting to hurt, that it’s possible

The ENT specialist prescribed drops of farmazolin, - aminocaproic acid - sulfacyl, at intervals of 10 minutes, drop while lying down with your head thrown back, when instilling sulfacyl for the 2nd time today, your son begins to have a sharp headache, but after a minute it goes away, what could this be?

  • Thank you 2

Try without sulfacyl!

I understand, but maybe he’s just throwing his head back too much, maybe I can just try lying down

What exactly is the head? It needs to be slightly on the top and on the side - so that it goes into the sinus, but if you just tilt it back - it goes in the wrong direction and of course it hurts, I had pain for about 20 minutes (I accidentally dripped like that twice)

hanging from the bed (probably too tilted back (here I am.

I wouldn’t drop it! I’m very careful about drops in my nose. I often get shocked! On the 7th day, my daughter had nasonex sinus in the morning and this reaction started. She started to fall asleep. She was pale. And it was 11 in the morning and they just got up. They wanted to take her to the intensive care unit. They didn’t give it. I know for sure from him

Thank you for the clarification

Of course it’s too much, this happened to me a couple of times - I felt like I was screwed and 20 minutes of withdrawal. I couldn’t find the picture, how to sleep and lie on one side, so that it would go into the sinus, if it leaks, 10 degrees head back no more

Thank you, I’m already looking for it myself, I just never thought about it

Application of drops

Of course, the use of chemical drops is necessary, because they were created to facilitate nasal breathing for a person during a cold or allergic rhinitis. But do not forget that such remedies do not remove the causes of pain, inflammation and irritation, but only suppress these symptoms for a while.

Application of drops

Recently, the so-called drug-induced rhinitis has become a very common disease. It occurs during long-term use of nasal drops, which are vasoconstrictors. You can find a great variety of drops on sale that will help your nose begin to breathe easily again. The compositions of these drugs may also be different, but their effect remains the same - they relieve nasal congestion and relieve swelling. It should be remembered that such drops only remove the symptom of nasal congestion, but do not cure the disease itself. The most interesting thing is that vasoconstrictor drops are effective only at the very beginning of the disease, when serious inflammation has not formed.

But their effect wears off pretty quickly. You can use them for no more than five days, otherwise the patient’s body will get used to them and become dependent on this drug.

Drug-induced rhinitis is difficulty breathing through the nose, especially in stuffy rooms and while drinking alcohol. Usually both nostrils are blocked, and breathing through the nose becomes simply impossible. A person who suffers from such a disease is very similar to a drug addict in his dependence on vasoconstrictor drops. The need for such drops is growing very quickly, and soon the patient simply cannot do without them. But the worst thing is that the drops narrow not only the vessels located in the nasal cavity, but also the entire head. The effect of drops from a runny nose on the vessels of the head can be manifested by increased intracranial pressure and headaches.

Headache after "Cuckoo"

If you have a headache when you first rinse your nose using the Proetz method, this condition is normal.
This is due to the peculiarities of this procedure. The technique involves creating negative pressure in the nasal cavity. This is necessary so that medications can better penetrate the nasal sinuses and thoroughly clean them. During the first procedure, you may not only get a headache, you may even experience nosebleeds. These complications are peculiar side effects of Proetz lavage. Of course, such negative phenomena must be reported to the doctor. Perhaps he will select another method that will be gentle on the patient’s body.

Rinsing the nasal cavity, regardless of the chosen technique, is a necessary procedure to ensure rapid relief from pathologies of the nasal cavity. In some cases, it provokes adverse reactions, and this can be attributed to the disadvantages of the methods. The constant appearance of headaches after manipulation at home is a good reason to visit a specialist . This is due to the fact that cephalgia after irrigation of the nasal cavity does not always occur due to changes in pressure in the cavities; in some cases, this phenomenon is closely related to the course of other diseases.

How to avoid the harmful effects of drops on the vessels of the nose and head?

Firstly, you should stop taking vasoconstrictor drops, of course, unless absolutely necessary. It is best to fight a runny nose by rinsing the nasal cavity with sodium chloride (0.9% solution) or with preparations based on natural salts (for example, sea salt). Use vasoconstrictor drops as little as possible, for example, only before going to bed or going outside.

Secondly, you should never exceed the frequency of use of drops and their dose, which are established and indicated in the instructions.

Thirdly, if after three or four days of using such drops the runny nose does not go away, you should definitely consult a doctor and stop using this drug. Most likely, you will need targeted treatment, which a specialist will help you plan.

Fourthly, if you have an allergic runny nose, it is best to use antihistamines prescribed by your doctor.

Fifthly, under no circumstances should you use someone else’s drops for treatment or give your own to anyone - by doing this you will contribute to the transmission of a viral infection.

The most important thing is not to self-medicate, especially if the mechanism of action of the drug is not known to you. Only an ENT doctor can prescribe certain drops after examining the condition of your nasal mucosa.

It is important to understand the reason

If you have a headache after rinsing your nose, there is no need to immediately sound the alarm. In some cases, this does not indicate pathologies.

Under normal circumstances, cephalalgia should completely subside within 30 minutes from the end of the procedure. If this does not happen, it is necessary to stop performing nasal irrigations and report such manifestations to your doctor. An otolaryngologist, after collecting a medical history and examination, will find the cause and tell you what to do in this case.

Headache after rinsing the nasal cavity manifests itself:

  • with frontal sinusitis;
  • if the solution for irrigation of the nasal cavity was prepared incorrectly;
  • when washing using the “Cuckoo” method;
  • violation of washing technique.

How I got rid of vasoconstrictor addiction

Friends, hello. This is how I wished you health. But when it comes to health, there are no trifles, and I realized this after I once became addicted to such a seemingly ordinary thing as nasal drops. What is vasoconstrictor addiction and how I got rid of my addiction to nasal drops is the topic of today’s post.

I don’t remember how this whole story began, but only one day I began to notice that I couldn’t sleep without using drops (vasoconstrictors) in my nose. You put it in your nose and sleep until the morning; if you don’t put it in, you can’t breathe. Of course, I understood that such an addiction was harmful and even went to Laura twice, but at first I could not defeat the “xylene monster”.

Treatment of headaches with a runny nose

Headache often accompanies colds and viral pathologies. To avoid complications, it is very important to start treatment at the initial stages of diseases or engage in their prevention. To do this, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • Healthy food;
  • avoid crowded places during epidemics;
  • avoid contact with infected people;
  • systematically walk in the fresh air;
  • refuse self-medication.

Drug therapy

Specific medications should be selected by the doctor depending on the causes of the problems. In case of severe illness, intense headaches, and severe swelling, antiviral substances or antibiotics are prescribed.

If problems arise, the following medications are usually used:

  1. Antiviral agents – Kagocel, Ergoferon. These drugs have different principles of action. Some lead to blocking viruses, while others activate the body's defenses.
  2. Painkillers – paracetamol, pentalgin. Such medications are prescribed for severe pain. However, they should not be used for a long period of time. Such remedies only help to quickly cope with an attack of pain.
  3. Local nasal remedies – aquamaris, isofra. Such substances are often used for sinusitis. There are also antibiotic products that help fight bacteria in the affected area.
  4. Vasoconstrictor drops – nazol, tizin. Such medications quickly improve the condition. However, they cannot be used for longer than 3-5 days. Otherwise, there is a high probability of developing addiction.
  • Sore nose - what is the reason, how to treat the pain;
  • See here - Maxillary sinuses hurt - why, how to relieve inflammation;
  • Your eyes are watering and snot is flowing - what to do: https://lor-explorer.com/lechenie-soplej/slezyatsya-glaza-i-tekut-sopli-chto-delat-vzroslym-i-detyam.

What are the dangers of dependence on long-term use of vasoconstrictors?

Such drops act on the body as follows: when they fall on the nasal mucosa, the vasoconstrictor causes the blood capillaries to narrow, causing the swelling of the nasal mucosa to decrease, and the person begins to breathe calmly. Everything would be fine, but such drops cause addiction, dryness and degeneration of the mucous membrane, tissue hypoxia, and with prolonged use they cause a drug-induced runny nose and even poisoning by the components of the drug. It is especially harmful to use vasoconstrictor drugs for pregnant women, since the fetus literally suffers from hypoxia because of this.

In short, if you become addicted to vasoconstrictors, then without them your nose can no longer breathe, and it is very difficult to get rid of such an addiction. To be honest, I’ll tell you a secret that I suffered from this for about three years.

How I cured addiction to vasoconstrictor drops

I started struggling with addiction by visiting a doctor. He told me that everything was fine with me, but I was dependent on vasoconstrictors. To get rid of it, I should completely abandon vasoconstrictor drops, and instead prescribed me Nasonex hormonal drops. The drops are expensive, but whatever you can’t do for your health, I bought it. Perhaps the drops are good, but the whole point is that the drops help after quite a long time, and at the same time you cannot use vasoconstrictors. How can I sleep and breathe before Nasonex starts working? In short, I suffered with these miracle drops, but I still got up in the middle of the night to drip Naphthyzin. I realized that addiction is better than insomnia.

Having failed, I decided to fight my addiction to nasal drops by rinsing my nose with saline solutions like Aquamaris. But either my dependence on the drops was very high at that time, or my nose doesn’t like “salty foods,” but this water didn’t really help me either.

The third stage of the fight against naphthyzine addiction began after I began to experience frequent headaches. I thought: “Are my headaches related to the use of nasal drops? It's time to do something, and right now!

The man said, the man did, or rather, he started reading reviews on this topic on the Internet. Having combined my experience drop by drop with the reviews of poor fellows like me, I realized that at first you will still have to drip into your nose at night, but you need to drip smartly.

100% recipe for getting rid of addiction with vasoconstrictor nasal drops

We don’t drip our nose during the day, and if it’s not a cold, but a drug addiction, then it’s quite possible to withstand it. At night we drip into only one nostril, for example, the left. I lay on my left side and sometimes it turned out that both nostrils were breathing at once for a long time, but in any case at least one nostril was breathing all night - the left one. After three days, I realized that my right nostril was no longer blocked tightly. But still, I continued to drip into my left nostril for another four days, so that the mucous membrane of my right nostril was completely restored. After a week of such clever use of the drops, I completely stopped dripping the drops, trying to fall asleep on my right side. Now the healthy right nostril was breathing, and the left one began to breathe better every day. I soon realized that my naphthyzine addiction had come to an end.


Headache often accompanies nasal congestion. Its appearance indicates the development of intoxication of the body. Why does this condition occur? There are quite a few provoking factors.


This concept refers to an acute infectious pathology, which is caused by the penetration of an aggressive virus into the body. The appearance of a headache in this case is associated with dehydration and the synthesis of a large number of toxic substances by the pathogen.

Flu is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • intense headache - it is felt in the forehead and eye sockets;
  • discomfort in the joints;
  • sudden increase in temperature to 38-40 degrees;
  • body aches;
  • runny nose - characterized by liquid and clear discharge, nasal congestion.

Sometimes the disease is accompanied by digestive disorders, nausea and vomiting. To make an accurate diagnosis, laboratory tests are performed.

Headache with this disorder usually increases in the evening. This is due to increased pressure, swelling of the nasopharynx, and vasospasm, as breathing is done through the mouth.

Swelling of the nasopharynx

Prolonged presence of a runny nose, which is accompanied by the release of a large amount of mucous secretion, can cause swelling of the nasopharynx.
At the same time, there is a constant headache of a bursting nature. It increases with tilting and turning the head and interferes with full intellectual activity. Usually discomfort is felt in the back of the head.

The pathology is treated symptomatically. The doctor may prescribe vasoconstrictors and emollients. You can also rinse your nose with saline solutions to eliminate swelling.


Pain in the head with nasal congestion is often observed with otitis media.
Inflammation of the organ of hearing is quite often caused by the lack of treatment for a runny nose. In this case, the pain syndrome is localized in the area of ​​the affected ear and has a pulsating character. Depending on the area of ​​inflammation and the provoking factor, different forms of otitis media are distinguished. In any case, you should consult a doctor promptly.


If you get headaches from behind your nose quite often, you can suspect quite dangerous pathologies.
These include all kinds of inflammation. One such condition is sinusitis. This term refers to an inflammatory lesion of the mucous membrane of one or several nasal sinuses. Different forms of sinusitis are characterized by the same onset . First of all, nasal congestion occurs, after which a purulent or mucous secretion forms and intense headaches occur.

Depending on the area of ​​infection, the following types of sinusitis are distinguished:

  • Sinusitis - in this situation, the maxillary sinuses are affected. This process is accompanied by severe compressive pain, which is localized in the area of ​​the cheekbones, temples and forehead. A person has rhinitis and cough, swelling of the cheeks appears, and a feeling of heaviness in the head occurs, which increases when bending down.

The prolonged presence of purulent sinusitis leads to severe intoxication, which is characterized by nausea and vomiting. The headache may continue for some time after sinusitis.

  • Frontitis - this type of inflammation affects the frontal sinuses. A person develops fever, runny nose, and intense headache in the frontal area. In this case, discomfort increases significantly in a horizontal position. Sometimes there is swelling of the upper eyelid. When pressure is applied to this area, severe pain appears.

In addition, frontal sinusitis is characterized by coughing, discomfort in the ears, throat and teeth. In difficult situations, a person loses his sense of smell and taste.

  • Ethmoiditis – this form of sinusitis is characterized by inflammation in the area of ​​the ethmoid bone. This disease is characterized by fever, rhinitis, severe pain in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and eyes. Acute ethmoiditis is characterized by weakness, anxiety, nausea and vomiting.
  • Sphenoiditis - this pathology is characterized by damage to the sphenoid sinus. The key symptom of the disease is discomfort in the back of the head and crown, purulent rhinitis, increased temperature, increased drowsiness, and blurred vision.

All types of sinusitis pose a serious health hazard and can lead to dangerous complications. Therefore, if the listed symptoms appear, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist.


This disease is considered the most severe cause that causes rhinitis and headaches.
This term refers to inflammatory damage to the membranes of the brain. In this situation, an intense headache occurs, which increases with loud sounds or head movements. An increase in temperature, nausea, skin rashes, vomiting, and impaired consciousness are also observed. Such manifestations require an urgent call for an ambulance.

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