Sore throat, dry cough and chest pain

Which doctor should I contact?

If you have pain behind the sternum in the middle, it is best to immediately consult a therapist. He will examine the chest and, in accordance with the initial findings, will refer you to a specialized specialist:

  • cardiologist (suspected heart disorders or diseases);
  • neurologist (neurological etiology of chest pain);
  • psychotherapist (psychological reasons);
  • gastroenterologist (digestive tract diseases);
  • pulmonologist (pulmonary diseases);
  • vertebrologist (vertebrogenic causes).

If you feel a lump in your chest or a heaviness of unknown origin, you can first take a ticket to see a therapist. He, in turn, will study the symptoms and refer the patient to a more specialized specialist: a cardiologist, pulmonologist, etc.

Let's look at what a chest x-ray shows below.


To stay healthy, you need to follow these rules:

  • harden the body;
  • include vitamins in the diet;
  • control air humidity;
  • stop smoking;
  • change your toothbrush more often;
  • gargle with soda-salt solutions;
  • ventilate the room;
  • avoid exposure to allergens;
  • walk outdoors more often.

Pain can be a symptom of a variety of ailments. To cope with the disease, you need to see a doctor who will select the optimal complex therapy.

Neuropsychiatric diseases as a common cause of chest discomfort

The source of the lump in the middle of the sternum is always hidden behind its symptoms. That is why, first of all, analysis of the clinical picture is important in the diagnostic process. First, the doctor will listen to the patient’s complaints and find out the peculiarities of the pathology before contacting a medical institution. After this, subjective information will be supported by the results of an objective study: physical methods (auscultation, percussion, palpation) and examination.

So, why does my chest hurt?

When studying the causes of a condition in which patients have difficulty breathing, one cannot help but recall diseases of the neuropsychic type, since such sensations in some cases do not depend on the physical state, but are caused by functional disorders or are determined by consciousness. In such cases, the symptoms are quite varied:

  • irritability and anxiety;
  • emotional lability;
  • headache;
  • "lump in the throat;
  • dizziness;
  • unsatisfactory inspiration;
  • rapid heartbeat, etc.

Patients with depression and neurotic reactions often have to consult different doctors, but they do not find any morphological changes during examination, and therefore the diagnosis cannot be established for a long time due to other conditions.

If pain, heaviness and a lump in the chest do not fit into the symptoms of organic pathology, a neuropsychic genesis of sensations is possible.

The nature of pain in various GC pathologies

Unpleasant sensations in the middle of the chest or any other part of it can have different characteristics. When contacting a doctor, it is important to correctly describe the nature of the discomfort, since knowledge of a clear clinical picture will allow you to quickly and accurately make the correct diagnosis.

The nature of the unpleasant sensations may be as follows:

  • Pressing pain indicates the presence of a stomach or duodenal ulcer. Typically, such sensations in the sternum are associated with dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. If a person begins to experience unpleasant pressing pain soon after eating, the peristalsis of the stomach has probably weakened. If, in addition to pain, a person is bothered by nausea and vomiting, this indicates developing pathologies of the gallbladder or urinary tract.
  • Sharp and severe pain in the middle of the sternum in most cases indicates angina pectoris. The pain can be stabbing and radiate to the sternum. To relieve severe symptoms, you need to take nitroglycerin and contact a medical facility soon.
  • Aching pain is familiar to all people suffering from disorders of the cardiovascular system. As a rule, constant and aching painful sensations indicate coronary heart disease. Symptoms are worse when coughing or sneezing. People who are constantly in a state of stress and great nervous tension are susceptible to the development of pathology.
  • Severe discomfort in the left side of the chest, mainly the lower part, which can radiate to the lower part of the body, spreading heat - a common symptom of the development of cancer of the digestive system, stomach ulcers or gastritis. Antispasmodic medications will help relieve symptoms. As soon as a person begins to feel better, he should immediately contact a medical facility. To exclude the possibility of developing cancer, the doctor must prescribe tests for tumor markers.

It is necessary to identify the cause of chest pain based on the nature of the pain

Many people are familiar with chest pain. It can be a consequence of physical overexertion or a sign of a serious illness.

The chest contains vital organs. Their connection with the central nervous system occurs through the same nerve plexus. Therefore, pain impulses from different organs are perceived as pain in the chest. It may be of the following nature:

  • sharp, pungent, burning;
  • dull, aching;
  • pressing, pulling.

The pain can also be paroxysmal, throbbing, constant or intermittent. It can occur when moving or at rest, pressing on the chest or coughing. Often painful sensations radiate to the shoulder blade, arm or back, radiating to the left or right from the center of the sternum.

Chest pain and lump in throat

Such symptoms can occur in various diseases .

  1. Disease of the heart, lungs or esophagus causes changes in the chest area and the following symptoms appear.
  2. For chest pathology. The nerve plexuses are located in the chest area, so during transformation there may be discomfort and pain in this area.
  3. For various injuries to the chest. The soft tissues are compressed and unpleasant sensations appear: it becomes difficult to breathe and a lump appears in the throat.
  4. Oncology. New growths appearing in the chest area. The tumor begins to compress the organs, there may be a feeling of coma and pain.
  5. For pathologies of the thoracic spine. Intercostal neuralgia causes congestion and pain in the chest. The pain may intensify when the patient lifts something heavy or moves the body.

Symptoms of chest cough

Sputum is expectorated from the lower respiratory tract. This is the first reason for the presence of discomfort and unpleasant sensations. It happens that the chest is stuffy , but there is no cough at all. When a person inhales or exhales, a whistling or wheezing sound is heard from inside. This means that the lungs are filled with secretions, but they cannot come out on their own. In children under three years of age, such sputum is removed using a hardware method. After carrying out this procedure, the effect appears instantly. But it is quite unpleasant, so adults practically do not perform it.

How should you get rid of unpleasant symptoms?

Treatment of a dry cough behind the sternum, when there is no sputum, is selected taking into account the factors that caused it. If you have a respiratory tract infection, stimulation can be done to thin the mucus so that it begins to clear and makes breathing easier. Constantly ventilate the patient's room to keep the air moist and cool . Carry out wet cleaning daily, so the patient will recover faster and the unpleasant symptoms will stop tormenting him.

To restore fluid balance, give the patient more fluids. It will moisturize the mucous membrane and thin out phlegm. Liquid secretions do not stagnate in the lungs and are coughed up faster.

Often such symptoms occur in athletes after heavy physical activity, as muscle strain appears. Then the surgeon prescribes treatment and prescribes ointments that warm and eliminate muscle pain.

If you have a respiratory tract infection, you should not take antitussives ; taking them causes the sputum to stagnate. And you need to make sure that the dry cough turns into a wet one. To do this, you need to take expectorants or combination medications:

  • Gedelix,
  • Gerbion,
  • Bronholitin,
  • Dr. MOM,
  • Lazolvan,
  • Licorice root syrup.

The doctor will tell you which medicine is best to take, depending on the disease. If the disease is serious (asthma, tuberculosis, etc.), then potent cough medications are prescribed.

Chest pain: treatment with folk remedies

Treatment in an unconventional way can be carried out in cases where there is no allergy to herbs . To thin mucus and moisten the airways, in addition to medications, it is recommended to drink miracle drinks:

  • dried fruits compote,
  • herbal decoctions,
  • tea with raspberries or lemon,
  • berry juice.

If you have a respiratory tract infection, you should not take antitussives ; taking them causes the sputum to stagnate. And you need to make sure that the dry cough turns into a wet one. To do this, you need to take expectorants or combination medications:

  • Gedelix,
  • Gerbion,
  • Bronholitin,
  • Dr. MOM,
  • Lazolvan,
  • Licorice root syrup.

The doctor will tell you which medicine is best to take, depending on the disease. If the disease is serious (asthma, tuberculosis, etc.), then potent cough medications are prescribed.

Chest pain: treatment with folk remedies

Treatment in an unconventional way can be carried out in cases where there is no allergy to herbs . To thin mucus and moisten the airways, in addition to medications, it is recommended to drink miracle drinks:

  • dried fruits compote,
  • herbal decoctions,
  • tea with raspberries or lemon,
  • berry juice.

It is also recommended to drink warm fruit or berry juice . It will help eliminate symptoms, saturate the body with vitamins and improve immunity. Drink hot tea with mint, rosemary, ginger, adding honey to it. It is good to carry out inhalations, but they can only be done when the temperature drops.

To relieve chest congestion and pain, make a medicinal herbal drink. Add a pinch of saffron to a cup of milk and heat it. Then add honey and lemon juice to taste. This remedy should be taken hot.

It is useful to gargle with this disease. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt and a little turmeric in 0.5 cups of warm water. Stir until the salt is completely dissolved. Try to gargle deeper for two minutes up to 4 times a day.

Carry out inhalations

  • Dissolve honey in hot water in a ratio of 1:5, inhale through your mouth and nose alternately.
  • 2 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over spoons of sage, cover with a lid and let steep for 15 minutes.
  • For a liter of boiling water, take 2 tbsp. spoons of soda. Soda inhalations do not cause allergies and relieve cough.

Watch your diet. During illness, you should avoid sugar, salt and flour products. These products increase the amount of phlegm. To prevent the airways from closing, avoid eating cold foods . Eat more foods that are beneficial. In this case, the following will help you: ginger, spicy foods, garlic and citrus fruits.

Mechanisms and causes

A feeling of heaviness is not normal. Sometimes it can be difficult to take a deep breath. This is not quite pain yet, but it can turn into it in the future when the pathological process develops. It is important to find out in time the cause of the problem in the body. Only a specialist can do this, since the source of such symptoms can be diseases of various systems and organs:

  • Pleura and lungs (pneumo- and hemothorax, pleurisy, emphysema, tuberculosis, pneumonia).
  • Bronchi (obstructive disease, bronchial asthma).
  • Heart (valvular defects, pericarditis, ischemic disease). People often ask how to understand that the heart hurts. Let's figure it out.
  • Esophagus and stomach (diaphragmatic hernia, achalasia cardia, reflux esophagitis).
  • Mediastinum (tumors, enlarged lymph nodes).
  • Spine and chest (intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis, trauma).
  • Neuropsychic state (depression and neuroses).

Chest lump, heaviness and pain are quite common and should not be ignored. Taking into account the multiple nature of the genesis of such a symptom, the examination process cannot be done without a scrupulous differential diagnosis. If some conditions are excluded, then others will be confirmed, and the doctor will gradually determine the source of pathological sensations in a particular case.

The problem of the origin of the feeling of heaviness in the chest is not so simple; this condition has many causes. However, an experienced specialist will be able to understand this situation.

What diseases provoke a pressing condition in the chest in the middle?

A large number of factors can provoke discomfort in the chest area.

People with disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, when faced with the manifestation of such a symptom, often mistakenly believe that they are having a heart attack, which causes a state of panic to set in and the person feels even worse.

Symptoms of a heart attack:

  • nausea;
  • pale skin;
  • severe weakness that does not allow a person to stand up or even sit down;
  • profuse sweating;
  • severe pain in the middle of the chest;
  • heart rhythm disturbance.

Localization of pain during angina pectoris

Pain can be caused by angina pectoris, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • symptoms appear with regularity;
  • the pain is characterized by an enveloping character that seems to burn all the inner flesh;
  • Symptoms can be relieved only after taking nitroglycerin tablets;
  • the condition worsens after physical exertion and experiences;
  • there is a lump in the throat;
  • difficulty breathing occurs.

In addition to an attack of angina, pulmonary embolism may develop. This condition poses a danger to human health and life. Accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • sharp deterioration in general condition;
  • a person constantly experiences a lack of air;
  • cough, which produces bloody sputum;
  • a pronounced feeling of tightness in the chest.

Pulmonary diseases can provoke pain in the sternum. The most common:

  • pneumonia (pneumonia);
  • tracheitis;
  • lung abscess;
  • pleurisy;
  • bronchitis.

A characteristic feature of the development of pathologies of the respiratory system is increased chest pain during sneezing and coughing.

Dysfunction of the respiratory system can be suspected if the following clinical signs are present:

  • the skin acquires a bluish tint;
  • it is impossible to fully inhale and exhale;
  • low blood pressure;
  • fever;
  • change in heart rate;
  • confusion.

The stomach and esophagus are located in the thoracic region, therefore, disturbances in their functioning may be accompanied by the appearance of pain in the sternum. The nature of pain due to dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract is different from diseases of the cardiovascular system. The use of cardiac and sedative drugs to relieve symptoms does not have the desired effect.

If a person has a hernia, the pathological condition will be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • quick satiety during meals;
  • heartburn;
  • continuous rumbling in the stomach;
  • belching;
  • vomit;
  • chest pain.

If pain and discomfort appear sharply and suddenly, the condition is accompanied by vomiting and intestinal upset, it is likely that the hernia has been strangulated. Immediate surgical intervention is required.

Pain in the chest area, which is localized in its center or slightly to the left, may indicate intercostal neuralgia. The disease has a pronounced clinical picture:

  • it is difficult for a person to sneeze or cough, the processes are accompanied by unpleasant sensations;
  • Painful sensations intensify with movement.

Pain behind the sternum in the middle can be one of the symptoms of obesity, atherosclerosis, anemia and other diseases that, at first glance, have nothing to do with the thoracic area. Let's look at what diseases provoke pressing pain in the sternum.

Angina pectoris

This is a serious form of coronary heart disease. Pressing pain in the chest occurs as a result of decreased oxygen supply to the heart muscle. The condition is primarily caused by atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart.

In case of narrowing of the artery due to the atherosclerotic process, during physical activity it does not allow enough blood to pass through, therefore, oxygen deficiency occurs. This causes a feeling of tightness in the chest.

Discomfort occurs during tension or physical activity. Does not last long, disappears 3-5 minutes after the end of physical activity. If the disorder is not treated, the narrowing continues, the pressure in the left chest worsens (pain occurs with less effort or even at rest).

At any stage of angina pectoris, a blood clot can form in an artery damaged by atherosclerosis, completely clogging the coronary vessel. Myocardial infarction occurs.


Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardial sac, the pericardium. It is a membrane surrounding the heart. When inflammation of any etiology occurs (infection, lupus erythematosus, rheumatism, oncology, etc.), pressing pain occurs.

The pain is not as pronounced as with a heart attack, but it is often difficult to distinguish pericarditis from a heart attack. In differential diagnosis, ECG or echocardiography is used.


When the pleura is inflamed, it also puts pressure on the chest. The typical pleural nature of the pain is pain associated with breathing, worsening with inspiration.

Inflammation can affect different parts of the heart wall. When the internal mucous membrane, the endocardium, is inflamed, we are talking about endocarditis. The heart valves are often affected. Pain in the middle of the sternum is similar to discomfort with other inflammations (pericarditis, pleurisy), the pain syndrome is moderate.


With inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) of any etiology, pain occurs in the chest in the middle or on the left. Heart rhythm disturbances and signs of heart failure may also be present.

Reflux disease

With reflux, pain radiating into the chest is caused by the return of stomach contents to the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux).

Typically, the esophagus is separated from the stomach by a muscular sphincter, allowing food to pass from the esophagus to the stomach, but not back. If the sphincter does not work properly, stomach acid can back up into the esophagus and damage the walls. This is accompanied by heartburn, sudden pain in the chest.

Sometimes the pain is “just” unpleasant, sometimes it is so severe that it resembles a myocardial infarction, including an unpleasant lump in the throat.

If a heart attack is suspected, it is recommended to seek immediate medical attention to rule out an acute condition.

In case of muscle disorders of the esophagus, there is also often pressure on the chest. This symptom is typical of abnormally increased peristalsis.

Pain from inflammation of almost all respiratory tracts can radiate to the chest. Pain is often found with pneumonia and is accompanied by fever and cough (dry or productive).

The diagnosis is confirmed by chest x-ray and other examinations. An important blood test showing the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

Pressing pain is a symptom of problems with the thoracic spine and its nerves. The peculiarity of the pain is a stabbing nature, often radiating from the back to the chest. She is not dangerous, but very unpleasant.

Abdominal pain

Some abdominal disorders present with pain in the middle of the chest. Such diseases include acute pancreatitis and biliary colic.


Shingles is an infection caused by the chickenpox virus that affects the nerves leading from the skin and subcutaneous tissue.


This is a condition in which air enters the pleural cavities. There are two pleural cavities, one around each lung. These cavities are lined with a membrane, pleura, and have a vacuum. It is this vacuum that allows the lungs to open when inhaling.

Spontaneous pneumothorax is relatively common. It usually occurs in completely healthy young people. When part of the lungs bursts for a certain reason, air from them enters the pleural cavity.

A depressed lung cannot open during breathing. This condition is associated with sudden pain in the chest on the left or right, depending on the location of the lesion; the person has difficulty breathing and feels dizzy.

With extensive pneumothorax, in addition to pain in the chest on the left or right, shortness of breath is also present. The condition is determined by listening with a phonendoscope, when breathing is not heard above the pneumothorax (the lung does not contract), the final diagnosis is confirmed by an x-ray of the lungs.

You should know about pain in the chest area that this is a symptom that indicates not only overexertion, but also a serious acute condition. Therefore, acute pain in the middle of the sternum is the reason for contacting a specialist.

During a heart attack, every minute counts, so you should call an ambulance right away. The same rule applies to a number of other conditions in which there is pressure in the middle of the sternum.

The patient should sit down, lean his back and head. You should not lie down, because in this position the heart works more intensely. If a person has not had acute conditions, in particular, a history of heart attack, the first choice in the question of what to do to alleviate the condition is to take acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin).

Chest pain is a serious symptom that carries 2 risks. First of all, there is a danger of weak-hearted patients with a tendency towards hypochondria and self-observation (this category mainly includes young people and women), who repeatedly visit the doctor with complaints of chest pain.

The doctor constantly examines them, but does not find the slightest reason why there is pressure on the chest. But at the same time he wastes time that is important for other patients.

Rib cage

Let's start with the most important thing - chest pain. Let's consider their nature, character and localization.


The lungs themselves cannot hurt, therefore, there are no nerve endings in the tissues of which they are composed. Pain occurs in inflamed muscles and can occur due to microtears of tissue (with a strong barking cough). If severe pain occurs even with a deep breath, the pleural membranes may hurt. They contain a large number of nerve plexuses and thin vessels, which narrow during inflammation. Painful sensations in the chest and muscles are also caused by general intoxication of the body.

Chest pain can have a different nature, depending on the location of the source of inflammation. The main sign of pneumonia is that the pain does not subside even after taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs - paracetamol, Nurofen, analgin and others.

Nature of pain

What type of pain occurs with inflammatory lung damage? Against the background of pneumonia, the following pain complaints occur:

  • acute pain when coughing, radiating to the side or back;
  • severe, aching pain, sometimes girdling in nature, may affect the cervical lymph nodes;
  • burning sensation in the chest and discomfort with every breath;
  • burning and pain under the ribs (right or left, usually worsens with inhalation and coughing);
  • chest pain from the back, sharply increasing when walking or minimal physical activity.

These signs may be characteristic of other diseases, but if they are accompanied by fever, headache, wheezing in the lungs, the doctor should immediately refer you for x-ray diagnostics and the necessary laboratory tests.

Bilateral pneumonia or pleurisy often requires hospitalization and strict bed rest. Pneumonia suffered “on your feet” often becomes chronic, causes heart problems, and contributes to a decrease in immunity.

The most dangerous thing with pneumonia is the development of dry pleurisy. Pleurisy is inflammation of the pleural layers. In dry pleurisy, fibrin falls out onto the pleural layers, and in the exudative form, exudate accumulates in the pleural cavity. Fibrin threads affect the gluing of the pleural layers, hence the pleural friction noise.

Gradually, if the disease is not treated, severe pain will be provoked by any breath except a very superficial one. When breathing, acute pain radiates to the back, stomach, side, and when coughing, clouding of consciousness may occur.

In severe cases of the disease, a person cannot even lie on his back, it is impossible to breathe in a horizontal position, there is a feeling of lack of air, a burning sensation occurs in the heart area, accompanied by dizziness and nausea.

If such symptoms are accompanied by high body temperature, it is necessary to call an ambulance; such a complication is very dangerous, especially for children and the elderly.


An accurate diagnosis depends on the location of chest pain, that is, where it is concentrated. Therefore, you need to listen to your feelings and tell your doctor in great detail about all your complaints. We list the possible localization of pain:

  1. Incessant, severe, aching pain in the chest on the left or right, which sharply worsens during coughing. Such pain, as a rule, indicates unilateral inflammation of the lung.
  2. Girdle pain in the chest area, aggravated by coughing or taking a deep breath, often radiating to the back, indicates bilateral pneumonia. This form of the disease occurs with pronounced symptoms.
  3. Acute pain, reminiscent of a burning sensation, concentrated at the bottom of the ribs and radiating to the side, may indicate dry pleurisy. A multi-week dry cough without sputum production sometimes provokes inflammation of the pleura. With pleurisy, back pain appears, which intensifies with movement. They look like peculiar twitches. If the pain is of this nature, plus it is combined with an incessant barking cough and an elevated body temperature that does not go down for more than two days in a row, hospitalization in a hospital is inevitable.

The patient should see a doctor, even in cases where the pain is not accompanied by fever and cough, since pneumonia often occurs without these symptoms. Chest pain of various types sometimes remains the main and only symptom of pneumonia.

Additional diagnosis of this pathology

Let's take a closer look at what a chest x-ray shows.

Radiography is designed primarily to determine the nature of the lung disease - pneumonia, occupational injuries, tuberculosis, benign and malignant tumors. This method is also effective in diagnosing changes in the lymph nodes and spine. X-rays help identify heart defects, disease of the pericardium and heart muscle.

These methods will indicate the source of the violations and help the specialist make final conclusions about the patient’s condition. This often requires the participation of related specialists: a phthisiatrician and pulmonologist, a gastroenterologist and cardiologist, a vertebrologist and neurologist, a psychotherapist and oncologist. Only after determining the source of the symptoms will it be possible to prescribe appropriate therapy.

When pain in the sternum appears, the patient’s condition is assessed on an outpatient or inpatient basis, it all depends on the patient’s condition and the expected phenomenon.

To make a diagnosis, the following types of instrumental and laboratory studies are prescribed:

  • Measuring heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Echocardiography allows you to study the anatomical state of the heart, as well as the tissues surrounding it. During the inspection, areas are visualized, which makes it possible to determine the extent of violations.
  • Electrocardiography is used to assess the functional position of cardiac structures. Based on the examination results, it is possible to calculate the typical features of a heart attack and arrhythmia.

In difficult situations, doctors are forced not to wait for diagnostic results, but to urgently stabilize the patient’s condition and only then think about long-term treatment.

As additional measures, the doctor prescribes daily ECG monitoring, magnetic resonance imaging of the heart, general and biochemical blood tests, coronography and stress tests with extreme caution. The feasibility of visualization of vertebral structures and endoscopic assessment of the condition of the esophagus and gastric mucosa (EGD) is determined on an individual basis.

Pathology of the pleura and lungs

With the sudden appearance of heaviness in the chest, one cannot help but think that there is a pulmonary-pleural disease. Most often we are talking about an inflammatory process - exudative pleurisy or pneumonia. In such a situation, attention is drawn to general and local symptoms:

  • wet or dry cough;
  • mixed type of shortness of breath;
  • chest pain when breathing (on the left or right side);
  • deep breathing is difficult;
  • malaise;
  • fever.

Unlike the listed conditions, the development of tuberculosis is gradual. For a long time, the disease manifests itself as low-grade fever, weakness, and loss of appetite. Cough does not always attract the attention of patients, especially in smokers. However, over time, it is accompanied by symptoms of respiratory failure, and coughing up blood appears.

Patients with pneumothorax deteriorate fairly quickly. Air entering the pleural cavity compresses the lung. It becomes difficult for a person to breathe, sharp pains arise that radiate to the sternum and neck. The neck veins swell, the heartbeat quickens, the skin turns pale, and a feeling of anxiety appears.

During examination, many conditions accompany the lag of the affected part of the chest in the process of breathing. Auscultation reveals decreased breathing, crepitus or moist rales, and pleural friction noise.

What else could a lump in the middle of the sternum mean?

Rib cage

Let's start with the most important thing - chest pain. Let's consider their nature, character and localization.


The lungs themselves cannot hurt, therefore, there are no nerve endings in the tissues of which they are composed. Pain occurs in inflamed muscles and can occur due to microtears of tissue (with a strong barking cough). If severe pain occurs even with a deep breath, the pleural membranes may hurt. They contain a large number of nerve plexuses and thin vessels, which narrow during inflammation. Painful sensations in the chest and muscles are also caused by general intoxication of the body.

Chest pain can have a different nature, depending on the location of the source of inflammation. The main sign of pneumonia is that the pain does not subside even after taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs - paracetamol, Nurofen, analgin and others.

Nature of pain

What type of pain occurs with inflammatory lung damage? Against the background of pneumonia, the following pain complaints occur:

  • acute pain when coughing, radiating to the side or back;
  • severe, aching pain, sometimes girdling in nature, may affect the cervical lymph nodes;
  • burning sensation in the chest and discomfort with every breath;
  • burning and pain under the ribs (right or left, usually worsens with inhalation and coughing);
  • chest pain from the back, sharply increasing when walking or minimal physical activity.

These signs may be characteristic of other diseases, but if they are accompanied by fever, headache, wheezing in the lungs, the doctor should immediately refer you for x-ray diagnostics and the necessary laboratory tests.

Important! Pneumonia does not go away on its own and cannot be treated with home methods alone! For complete recovery, it is necessary to undergo a course of antibacterial treatment.

Bilateral pneumonia or pleurisy often requires hospitalization and strict bed rest. Pneumonia suffered “on your feet” often becomes chronic, causes heart problems, and contributes to a decrease in immunity.

The most dangerous thing with pneumonia is the development of dry pleurisy. Pleurisy is inflammation of the pleural layers. In dry pleurisy, fibrin falls out onto the pleural layers, and in the exudative form, exudate accumulates in the pleural cavity. Fibrin threads affect the gluing of the pleural layers, hence the pleural friction noise.

As the disease develops, the patient begins to feel severe, sharp pain in the chest when trying to take a deep breath.

Gradually, if the disease is not treated, severe pain will be provoked by any breath except a very superficial one. When breathing, acute pain radiates to the back, stomach, side, and when coughing, clouding of consciousness may occur.

In severe cases of the disease, a person cannot even lie on his back, it is impossible to breathe in a horizontal position, there is a feeling of lack of air, a burning sensation occurs in the heart area, accompanied by dizziness and nausea.

If such symptoms are accompanied by high body temperature, it is necessary to call an ambulance; such a complication is very dangerous, especially for children and the elderly.


An accurate diagnosis depends on the location of chest pain, that is, where it is concentrated. Therefore, you need to listen to your feelings and tell your doctor in great detail about all your complaints. We list the possible localization of pain:

  1. Incessant, severe, aching pain in the chest on the left or right, which sharply worsens during coughing. Such pain, as a rule, indicates unilateral inflammation of the lung.
  2. Girdle pain in the chest area, aggravated by coughing or taking a deep breath, often radiating to the back, indicates bilateral pneumonia. This form of the disease occurs with pronounced symptoms.
  3. Acute pain, reminiscent of a burning sensation, concentrated at the bottom of the ribs and radiating to the side, may indicate dry pleurisy. A multi-week dry cough without sputum production sometimes provokes inflammation of the pleura. With pleurisy, back pain appears, which intensifies with movement. They look like peculiar twitches. If the pain is of this nature, plus it is combined with an incessant barking cough and an elevated body temperature that does not go down for more than two days in a row, hospitalization in a hospital is inevitable.

The patient should see a doctor, even in cases where the pain is not accompanied by fever and cough, since pneumonia often occurs without these symptoms. Chest pain of various types sometimes remains the main and only symptom of pneumonia.

Pathologies of the bronchi often lead to a feeling of coma

Heaviness, a lump in the chest and difficulty breathing are not uncommon with bronchial tree disease. The process in the vast majority of cases is inflammatory and infectious in nature with the addition of allergic symptoms. Obstructive disease and bronchial asthma have much in common:

  • shortness of breath with longer exhalation;
  • chronic;
  • cough with scanty sputum;
  • on auscultation – dry wheezing;
  • expansion of the chest.

Bronchial asthma is aggravated due to the influence of allergens on the body and occurs in the form of an attack of suffocation - the patient is forced to take a certain position, his breathing becomes frequent and shallow, the pulse quickens, and cold sweat appears.

When the attack ends, viscous and transparent glassy sputum is released along with the cough.

With obstructive disease, shortness of breath gradually and at the same time steadily progresses, which develops in patients working in dusty air, as well as in experienced smokers. Exacerbation is caused by infection, shortness of breath and cough intensify, the amount of sputum increases, and its purulence increases. Pulmonary emphysema always occurs due to bronchial obstruction.

Respiratory pathology also occupies a significant place among the most likely causes of a feeling of heaviness in the chest; it is associated with inflammation of the bronchi, pleura or lungs.

How to understand that your heart hurts?

Heart diseases

Cardiac pathologies become the most dangerous for patients. Heaviness behind the sternum and pressing pain are a typical sign of coronary heart disease.

An unpleasant feeling radiates under the shoulder blade or into the left arm; it is caused by emotional stress or physical activity.

An attack of angina pectoris does not last long (about ten minutes) and is eliminated with the help of nitroglycerin. With myocardial infarction the picture is the opposite. However, in addition to pain in the heart muscle, there will be other symptoms of ischemic changes:

  • fear of death, anxiety;
  • shortness of breath at rest and on exertion;
  • rapid pulse;
  • sweating and pallor;
  • muffled heart sounds.

If there is a suspicion of pleurisy, the pain will be located to the left of the sternum - in the area near the heart. They intensify with movement, coughing, breathing, however, they weaken when the patient lies down. On auscultation, a pericardial friction rub is heard, which becomes more pronounced when pressing on the chest with a stethoscope.

Many valve defects are accompanied by symptoms of heart failure: skin cyanosis, pallor, shortness of breath, reduced tolerance to physical activity. Heart murmurs are heard.

The cause of a lump in the chest should be determined by a doctor.

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

Heaviness and pain in the chest are also possible with pathologies of the digestive tract. Their specific feature is their occurrence mainly after eating (on their own, in a lying position, when bending over, during physical activity) and are accompanied by other symptoms:

  • pain and discomfort in the epigastrium;
  • vomit;
  • heartburn;
  • regurgitation and belching;
  • dysphagia (impaired swallowing).

With gastroesophageal reflux, there is a backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus, which accompanies heartburn. The opposite situation is achalasia of the cardia, when incomplete relaxation or closure of the sphincter occurs when food arrives. A diaphragmatic hernia is characterized by the entry of the gastric cardia into the dilated ring of the esophagus. All of the above conditions may be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and pain, combined with dyspeptic disorders.

A number of digestive pathologies, in particular diseases of the stomach and esophagus, often give a feeling of coma and pain in the chest that occurs after eating.

Sometimes there is a lump in the chest and it is difficult to breathe.

Features of the symptom

Keep in mind! A sore throat without cough and fever is a more alarming symptom than with such manifestations.
Firstly, this is an atypical sign, which may indicate a complex development of diseases that may be difficult to treat.

Secondly, such a course of the disease makes it difficult to make a correct diagnosis .

And thirdly, if the reason for this phenomenon lies in the activity of pathogenic microflora and the disease is accompanied by the formation of sputum or purulent discharge in the respiratory tract, in the absence of a cough the exudate is not removed from the body .

This, in turn, can provoke the active development of pathogens in such a favorable environment and lead to intoxication of the body.

The characteristics of the pain syndrome in this case always depend on the disease that caused it.

The pain may not be severe and mainly manifests itself when swallowing, or it may be permanent and persist in the absence of symptomatic therapy.

In any case, it is not the symptom itself that needs to be treated, but the root cause, but for this it is important to correctly identify the pathology against which the pain appeared without fever and cough.

Mediastinal disease

Due to the volumetric processes occurring in the mediastinum, the organs located in this anatomical region are directly affected: the pericardium, esophagus, blood vessels, bronchi. Therefore, pain and heaviness in the chest constantly accompany such patients. The clinical picture is dominated by symptoms of bronchial compression (paroxysmal cough, wheezing, shortness of breath), dysphonia (esophagus), sympathetic nerve trunk (recession of the eye, constriction of the pupil, drooping eyelid) and the superior vena cava. The latter include the following symptoms:

  • cyanosis and swelling of the face;
  • headache;
  • swelling of the veins of the neck;
  • noise in the head.

Malignant tumors spread to nearby tissues, causing angina pain, fever, pleurisy and pericarditis. Patients note a deterioration in appetite, general malaise, and weight loss. The oncological process metastasizes to the lymph nodes and other organs, causing patients to feel even worse.

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