How long do they keep an adult on sick leave with ARVI?

What is an acute respiratory viral infection?

ARVI, or acute respiratory viral infection, is an acute viral infection of the respiratory tract . The causative agents of this disease are usually influenza viruses, adenoviruses and rhinoviruses.

During the disease, organs such as the bronchi, trachea, and lungs are affected. ARVI is characterized by painful sensations in the throat and nose. Children get sick most often, since in childhood the immune system is not yet fully resistant to disease.

If children get ARVI about 10-12 times a year, then adults are susceptible to this infection about 3-6 times a year.

The risk zone includes people who during work have direct contact with a large number of people: office workers, teachers, service workers and others. ARVI is dangerous if it is not treated or treated incorrectly, and it is too late to start taking medications.

Complications can be serious:

  • heart disease;
  • liver;
  • respiratory tract;
  • hearing organs.

Therefore, it is quite important to diagnose the disease in time and take the necessary measures. It is highly discouraged for a sick person to go to work: there is a high risk of infecting other people and causing complications for the patient.

Maximum length of stay

Average data on how long sick leave is required for acute respiratory viral infections is not a guide to the actions of a doctor when he prescribes sick leave for acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections or influenza. There is a special instruction according to which the extension of the certificate of incapacity for work can be carried out for a period of up to one month.

Most often, sick leave due to ARVI is issued for several weeks

In practice, this happens infrequently with ARVI; a little more often such cases occur with influenza. But a person’s immunity and the abilities of his body are individual, therefore legislation protects its citizens, giving them the opportunity to receive proper treatment, maintaining a job and a certain amount of payment.

If, after one month, a person is physically unable to go to work due to poor health, the document is extended further. But already under the control of the hospital’s chief physician, who conducts an examination confirming the fact that the person needs such a long period of stay on paid sick leave.

In total, the period of stay on leave for health reasons can last up to one year. But such cases with respiratory infections are theoretical; in practice, the length of sick leave for ARVI is no more than a couple of weeks.

We also recommend: Do they give sick leave without fever for ARVI?

How can I get exemption from work with this disease and how long will it last?

If you have a fever and weakness, you need to stay in bed. To do this, you need to open a sick leave certificate.

You can obtain a certificate of incapacity for work at the clinic at your place of residence by contacting a general practitioner. You can also apply for sick leave in a private clinic.

When contacting a private clinic, you must check the license of the institution. If the clinic is not officially registered, the issued sick leave will be invalid.

If the patient has a fever, you can call a local doctor at home. To do this, you need to call the reception desk of the clinic at your place of residence and call a general practitioner or the doctor on duty if the day of the call falls on a weekend. A certificate of incapacity for work can be issued at home, but to close it you must come to the clinic.

IMPORTANT! If you have a high temperature, you can call an ambulance. But ambulance workers do not have the right to issue sick leave. In any case, you will have to consult a general practitioner.

How many days is sick leave given for ARVI? The minimum period for which a document is issued is 3 days. During this time, the patient can undergo the necessary tests. If the temperature and symptoms of ARVI last more than two to three days, then sick leave is issued for five to seven days.

Usually every two days the patient is examined by a general practitioner, who decides whether to extend the sick leave or close it.

So how do you get sick leave with a viral infection:

  1. You need to come to an appointment with a general practitioner, taking your passport with you.

  2. If you have a fever, you can call your local doctor to your home, who can issue sick leave at home.
  3. Sick leave for ARVI is usually issued for up to seven days. In case of complications, the doctor may extend it.
  4. If the disease is severe, the patient may be admitted to the hospital. In this case, the sick leave will be closed immediately after discharge from the hospital.

According to the order of the Ministry of Health No. 624, the patient has the right to go to any clinic , having with him a compulsory health insurance policy and a passport. If the illness comes by surprise, and the patient cannot go to the clinic at his place of registration, the following must be done:

  • write an application to be assigned to the nearest clinic (there is a person who is sick, for example, in another city);
  • issue a hospital card at the registry;
  • undergo an examination by a general practitioner, who, if necessary, will open a sick leave.

Duration of sick leave for ARVI

Many patients are interested in the question of how many days they can take sick leave for ARVI. There are several options for events.

  1. The minimum duration of sick leave may be three days. This period of time is given so that the patient has time to undergo examination and pass all tests.
  2. This minimum period is given so that the patient has time to rest and carry out the treatment process.
  3. On average, a document is processed within five days. First, in the first two days the patient undergoes an examination, on the third day the doctor examines the patient again. If the patient feels better, they are given two more days to complete the treatment. On the fifth day, the patient is visited by the doctor again. If the patient feels great, he is discharged and goes to work the next day.
  4. If the prescribed treatment does not lead to improvement or complications develop, the patient’s sick leave is extended to ten days. In this case, the patient must follow all the doctor’s recommendations all this time and take appropriate medications.
  5. If sick leave for ARVI is issued to care for a child, then its duration can be up to fourteen days. If there is no improvement during this time, a medical commission is appointed to extend the treatment. After examining the sick child, she makes a decision to extend the sick leave to twenty-one days.

The legislation also stipulates some conditions that allow you to take sick leave for some reasons. This includes the following.

  • Possibility to accurately determine the patient's condition.
  • Drawing up a document for one day when the patient needs to undergo a preventive examination and undergo an examination.

Is it given for sore throat?

Many people take such an acute disease as sore throat lightly: they do not take antibiotics, self-medicate and go to work. But the patient neglects the fact that sore throat is dangerous due to unpredictable complications.

Inflammation with a sore throat can even occur in the heart - heart disease is a life-threatening complication of sore throat. Untimely treatment can even lead to surgical intervention - the infection penetrates the tissues and ulcers form.

Treatment for sore throat should only be prescribed by a doctor. The therapist often prescribes a throat swab to identify which bacteria are causing the sore throat. After the examination, specific antibiotics are prescribed that can kill exactly the desired type of bacteria.

ATTENTION! Self-medicating at home with a sore throat is dangerous to your health!

If you have a sore throat, doctors advise you to stay in bed , so you will need to issue a certificate of incapacity for work.

How to take such a day off?

The procedure for opening a sick leave certificate for a sore throat is similar to the procedure for registering a sick leave certificate for ARVI. You need to call a doctor at home, who will issue a sick leave (if the infected person has a high temperature).

Most likely, the general practitioner will refer you for examination: blood donation, throat swab, and in case of complications, examination by an ENT specialist. After passing the tests, the doctor will adjust the prescribed treatment.

How many days do you have sick leave for a sore throat? On average, it takes about one to two weeks to completely cure a sore throat.

For acute symptoms, sick leave can be issued for five days at once, and then extended if necessary. After a week of treatment, the document can be extended if the patient is examined by the head of the department. The total duration of release from work is one month.

The concept of sick leave for ARVI

If a person is sick and his body temperature rises, the only correct solution is to remain in bed. To do this, you need to stay at home and rest for a few days. This scenario will allow you to avoid infecting your colleagues, make a full recovery and not lead to complications. In order not to lose your job, you need to issue a sick leave certificate.

A sick leave certificate is an official document that confirms the patient’s temporary incapacity for work for some time. If this certificate is provided to the boss, he must release his employee for appropriate treatment. During this time, someone else is assigned to the workplace.

Filling out the sheet at closing (disease code)

The rules for filling out sick leave are regulated by Order of the Ministry of Health No. 624. Correctly filling out sick leave is very important, since this type of document frees the employee from work and gives the right to receive financial compensation.

IMPORTANT! You can close the sheet of temporary disability in the place where it was opened.

The doctor who opened it must close the sheet. These are mandatory conditions for closing.

Step-by-step instructions for closing sick leave:

  1. You need to contact your doctor to end your sick leave and return to work.

  2. Bring your passport and full information about your employer.
  3. The doctor will fill in the identification code on the sheet (for ARVI and sore throat - 01).
  4. Check for the presence of three seals: the official seal, the triangular seal and the signature of the chief physician.
  5. The closed certificate is submitted to the accounting department at the place of work no later than six months from the date of closure.

In case of an error in filling out, you will have to contact the medical institution again.

Entries on the sheet must be made only with a black helium pen and block letters. Signs must not extend beyond the boundaries of cells. Otherwise, you will have to re-issue the document.

Minimum period for which a sheet is issued to an employee

Article 183 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that an employee has the right to take sick leave due to his or her incapacity for work or the illness of a child or adult relative. However, this set of laws does not contain a time frame for the sheet.

The duration is regulated by separate orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, which establish how many days one can be on sick leave.

Determines how much of them is paid, how disability is registered, the order in which compensation and benefits are calculated.

At the same time, these orders do not establish a minimum number of days during which one can remain on sick leave.

That is, in each specific case of applying for a certificate of incapacity for work, the issue of duration is decided individually.

In practice, doctors issue sheets for a period of at least three calendar days. Sick leave of shorter duration is not issued.

The decision as to whether the sheet will be provided to the applicant remains with the doctor. If there are no grounds for this, then a certificate will be issued stating that the person filed complaints and was in the medical institution at the specified time.

This certificate confirms that the person’s absence from work is valid, but does not give the right to receive payment for this time.

Do I need to notify the employer?

It is worth considering that if you become ill, you should consult a doctor on the first day of illness in the morning or afternoon. If you call a doctor in the evening, your sick leave will start from the next day.

This means that the employee missed one day of work without a valid reason. Therefore, it is very important to immediately call the employer and warn about your health condition.

There is no clause in the law that would oblige an employee to notify the employer about sick leave. But in order to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings, it is still better to call work and notify them about taking sick leave.

Can a doctor refuse to issue a sick leave certificate?

Given the fact that sick leave is paid, there is a risk that the patient will fake cold symptoms in order to simply rest at home. An experienced doctor will certainly notice the fact that there are no grounds for issuing a certificate of incapacity for work.

After all, the basis for issuing sick leave is not only the patient’s complaint of poor health, but also the data obtained as a result of examination, laboratory and functional diagnostics. If, from the doctor’s point of view, the patient does not need to be released from work, he will refuse to issue him leave and offer to take tests.

Thus, a person will receive the free medical care he is entitled to at the legislative level, but will not necessarily become the owner of a sick leave certificate.

The basis for sick leave is the patient’s complaint about poor health and data obtained as a result of the examination

What should a patient who has been denied sick leave do if he is sure that he needs it? First of all, he can contact another doctor at the clinic, visit the chief physician’s office, or call the insurance company that issued him the compulsory health insurance policy.

It is worth noting that a small number of doctors refuse sick leave to a patient if he insists on the need for it. It is legally easier to issue a document releasing you from work for up to three days, while simultaneously ordering the necessary tests. If a medical examination confirms the doctor's suspicion that the patient is healthy and does not need to be released from work, he will discharge the patient, having a legal basis for this.

Do they have the right to give sick leave if they have high blood pressure?


Wonderful girl..

They do, but not with this one. 140 is almost the norm.

Mila Novitskaya

depending on what effect pressure has on a person, sometimes with 200 they rush like elephants and with 130 they lie flat, everything is individual...


Yes, of course they give you sick leave if you have high blood pressure. But the rules are such that it is really given for 3 days, and then extended. Only you will be more tired of going to clinics, extending this sick leave. Maybe it’s better for you to go to a hospital, get examined there and choose treatment. There you will also be given sick leave. And here you will go to the clinic almost every other day.


Well, if you think about it, “sick leave” should be issued in cases where a person cannot perform his job duties. There are people suffering from hypertension who work... Nobody keeps them on sick leave. That is, high blood pressure in itself is not a basis for issuing sick leave. Although, in this matter everything is very conditional..


Sick leave is issued only in the case of a hypertensive crisis, and then only for a short time, since a patient suffering from arterial hypertension must constantly take medications prescribed by a doctor. Hypertension cannot be treated with courses - it is not ARVI. But the neurologist was obliged to examine you and determine whether the increase in blood pressure in your case is a consequence of cervical osteochondrosis with angiodystonic disorders - in this case, b/l can be extended to 2 weeks.


They give! Yes, first three days, then they extend it. After all, we need to do an ECG; it would be nice to go to a cardiologist for a consultation. Last February I was on sick leave for 10 days due to blood pressure.

Experts' opinion

I am often asked whether it is possible to issue a certificate of temporary incapacity for work due to ARVI in the absence of fever, since it is this that forces patients to seek help from medical institutions. If there is no temperature, individuals will be able to go on sick leave. But they should experience other symptoms characteristic of an acute respiratory infection. In this case we are talking about cough, body aches, runny nose, weakness, redness of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, and enlarged lymph nodes. If such a clinical picture is detected, a person should contact the clinic at his place of residence, or a local physician. The doctor will examine the patient and, if the diagnosis is confirmed, will open a sick leave, even if his temperature is within normal limits.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Question #1:

Tell me, for how long can a certificate of temporary incapacity for work be opened in case of acute respiratory viral infection?


As a rule, in case of acute respiratory infection, patients are given sick leave for no more than 5 days. If after this time the characteristic symptoms have not disappeared, then the certificate of temporary incapacity for work is extended to 10 days.

Question #2:

What should I do if my illness is prolonged, can I get sick leave for longer than ten days?


In such a situation, the attending physician must prescribe a set of diagnostic measures to the patient in order to determine the cause of the protracted illness. As a rule, this problem is faced by people who have developed complications due to ARVI. If unpleasant symptoms do not disappear for a long time, then the chief physician can extend the certificate of temporary incapacity for work for more than 30 days. By his order, a commission will be created that will study the issue and make an appropriate decision.

How long are adults with ARVI kept at home?

Treatment of acute respiratory infections is carried out on an outpatient basis (at home). The risk of contracting an acute respiratory viral infection especially increases in spring and autumn. This is explained by a decrease in the body’s defenses and the presence of favorable conditions for the activation of the virus.

How many days sick leave is given for ARVI depends on the severity of the disease. The same infectious viral pathology can occur differently in different people.

This is explained by individual characteristics, the strength of the immune system, and the effectiveness of the selected therapy. In some people, ARVI occurs with a significant increase in temperature, in others the thermometer shows normal or subfebrile numbers.

On average, people suffer from ARVI for about 7-11 days. But if there are complications, the certificate of incapacity for work can be extended.

How long adults with ARVI are kept at home depends on the following factors:

  • human well-being;
  • daily fluctuations in body temperature;
  • the stage of development of the pathology at which the employee consulted a doctor;
  • general health.

No temperature

In some people, ARVI occurs without an increase in body temperature. Most often this is due to the weakness of the immune system: the body does not have the strength to fight the pathogen.

It happens that the absence of hyperthermia in acute respiratory infections and other pathologies is a physiological feature. A normal temperature is not considered a reason to refuse to issue sick leave or reduce its duration.

The doctor makes a decision on the timing of a person’s release from work taking into account the patient’s general well-being. Some people tolerate the disease easily and do not experience severe pathological symptoms. Despite the absence of hyperthermia, a person is still a carrier of the virus and can infect his colleagues. Therefore, it is recommended that he take out a sick leave certificate.

It is contagious to those around the patient with ARVI during the first 2-3 days of the pathology. Then the rate of virus reproduction in the body begins to decrease. Without a fever, with an acute respiratory infection, a person is given a certificate of temporary incapacity for work for at least 3 days. If a person does not have hyperthermia due to a weak immune system, then he may be sick longer.

Despite normal body temperature, he exhibits the following signs of acute respiratory infections:

  • cough;
  • weakness;
  • rhinitis;
  • redness and sore throat;
  • sneezing;
  • lacrimation;
  • aching joints;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • loss or hoarseness of voice;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness.

In this case, the doctor also prescribes a sick leave for three days. If the unpleasant symptoms of the pathology persist, then the release from work is extended. The maximum period for which a therapist has the right to issue a document on temporary disability is 15 days.

Women who are pregnant should pay special attention to their health. ARVI can negatively affect the course of pregnancy. Therefore, it is advisable to remain on sick leave until the unpleasant symptoms completely disappear. This will prevent the development of complications.

If there are complications

If you follow the treatment regimen prescribed by your doctor, ARVI usually goes away without negative consequences. Complications more often occur in the elderly, children, pregnant women, and people with weak immune systems.

After an acute respiratory infection, the following pathological conditions can develop:

If an infectious viral respiratory disease leads to complications, then the sick leave is extended to 15 days.

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