How many days does the temperature last for ARVI?

How long can an adult have a fever with the flu?

Influenza is one of the most serious viral diseases, which is often transmitted in a severe form, with many unpleasant symptoms and side effects. High temperature is one of them.

How many days does a fever last in both an adult and a child with the flu? Whether it needs to be brought down, when and with what – that’s what worries every sick person.

The temperature does not always rise significantly, the flu can occur without fever, and patients get sick.

The temperature may rise slightly and last for 1-2 days, but then, subject to bed rest and taking the necessary medications, it gradually returns to normal. In this case, the flu lasts for about seven days.

If the temperature does rise, this indicates that urgent measures need to be taken, otherwise it can last a very long time and provoke dangerous complications.

How to recognize the flu

People often get the flu and don't even know it until they become critically ill. Far from being the only and main symptom of the pathology is high fever; influenza may also have other characteristic signs:

  1. Severe headaches and joint pain.
  2. Muscle aches.
  3. Intense sweating.
  4. Chills and fever.
  5. General weakness.
  6. Cough and runny nose.
  7. Lethargy, loss of appetite.
  8. Swelling of the tonsils and lymph nodes.
  9. In severe cases, hallucinations and vomiting.

At its core, the flu is a severe intoxication of the human body with waste products of viruses, hence the rise in temperature.
How long it can last depends largely on the person himself, his immunity, age, and compliance with doctor’s instructions. Severe flu lasts up to 3 weeks. All of the above symptoms are observed during the first 7-10 days. Then the patient's condition begins to improve. But weakness, irritability, headaches and lack of appetite may continue for several weeks.

Influenza can become an impetus for the exacerbation of chronic diseases of a person who has been ill.

What can be the temperature with the flu?

As was said, fever is not a necessary symptom of the flu. Sometimes it rises only in the first days, and then remains at 37 degrees until recovery; in some cases, there may even be a flu without fever.

But it also happens that the temperature rises to 40 degrees and does not subside for a week. If the flu is caused by atypical viruses, fever can last up to 2 weeks - this often happens with swine flu.

If the temperature does not drop even after 14 days of bed rest and treatment, you should call a doctor at home or admit the patient to the hospital. This means that his body cannot overcome the disease on its own and the treatment is carried out incorrectly; the patient needs urgent help.


Temperature is always an indicator that the body is struggling to fight pathogens and infections. When viruses enter the blood, the immune system immediately begins to actively produce antibodies - leukocytes and macrophages. A blood test shows their high content, which indicates that an inflammatory process is underway and the body is resisting it.

Fever and increased temperature are by and large normal phenomena with the flu, indicating that the body is trying to suppress viruses and stop intoxication. Also, high temperature is a sign of such processes in the body during influenza:

  1. Enhanced functioning of the kidneys - they remove the decay products of viruses.
  2. Intensive liver work – it neutralizes toxins.
  3. Increasing the bactericidal properties of blood plasma.
  4. Increased production of antibodies to fight viruses.
  5. Activation of various enzymes, which also help eliminate intoxication and increase immunity.

If the temperature reaches 39 degrees, the patient may experience convulsions, hallucinations, and severe vomiting. It should be understood that at high temperatures the heart and lungs also work more actively, the load on them increases several times. Therefore, the high temperature must be brought down, it is dangerous.

But there is no need to reduce the temperature of 38.0-38.5 degrees with medications or other methods, otherwise the virus can spread throughout the body and affect many organs.

How to lower a high temperature

The flu can be different for everyone.
Sometimes all the symptoms go away, but the temperature continues to persist for a long time. What to do in this case? It is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible - the body will remove toxins faster through sweat and urine. Fruit drinks, compotes, herbal infusions and teas, just clean water - all this should be drunk every day in an amount of at least two liters. You can add lemon and honey to drinks.

It is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the air and the level of humidity in the room in which the patient is located. Viruses die in well-humidified, clean air. Therefore, the room needs to be ventilated several times a day, wet cleaning carried out daily, removing dust from all surfaces, and humidifying the air using air conditioners, humidifiers, or simply containers with water and towels soaked in it.

By the way, interesting information on how to reduce the temperature with vinegar and it may be useful to the reader.

Naturally, you need to take medications, but only those and in the dosage prescribed by your doctor. Preparations with vitamin C and paracetamol are almost always prescribed - they help fight viruses. But some of them increase blood pressure and have serious contraindications. Therefore, self-medication is contraindicated.

The disease can be stopped in time and complications can be prevented if you carefully monitor your health during epidemics and in the cold season. Having discovered the first symptoms of a cold, it is recommended to start taking immunomodulators and vitamins. At this stage, this is enough to help the body cope with viruses and infections on its own.

During epidemics, at the first signs of influenza, you should refrain from visiting crowded places, avoid public transport, especially during rush hours, and if necessary, take sick leave from work and stay at home for several days. All these measures will be an excellent prevention of influenza and will help maintain health without long-term drug treatment, which Elena Malysheva and her guests will talk about in detail in the video in this article.>


Influenza occupies a special position among respiratory diseases due to the frequent development of complications. They can be either early viral or late, caused by the addition of a secondary infection, usually bacterial. In this case, treatment of patients is delayed. If the average duration of influenza is about 7 days, then in the presence of complications, the period can be noticeably extended.

An increase in body temperature during influenza is a protective mechanism in the fight against the virus. High levels indicate sufficient immunity of the patient. The fact that during influenza the temperature stays at 39 for 5 days should not cause much concern, unless any new additional symptoms appear or the patient’s condition worsens. The body fights infection, and the task of doctors is to create the necessary conditions for this.

In cases where the fever with influenza lasts more than 6 days, a second consultation with a doctor is necessary, since the development of complications should be excluded. This may be indicated by the presence of additional symptoms, such as:

  • deterioration of general condition;
  • change in the nature of cough;
  • the appearance of sputum;
  • dyspnea;
  • headache;
  • a sore throat;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • hallucinations;
  • lethargy, lethargy.

The presence of these symptoms may indicate the development of the following pathology in the patient:

  • sinusitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • otitis;
  • angina;
  • meningitis.

All these conditions, in addition to specific symptoms, are accompanied by an increase in temperature. Thus, if the temperature during influenza persists for 5-7 days, then in the presence of complications this symptom is observed for a longer period of time, which is due to a new pathological process.

How many days does a fever last for the flu? And do you need to take antibiotics?


Alla Morozenskaya

The temperature with the flu can last for several days and usually, if it is the flu, it exceeds 39 degrees; below it is just a cold or a virus. Antibiotics do not help with the flu; on the contrary, they aggravate the process. You need to drink a lot, preferably cranberry juice and anything related to vitamin C. To give recommendations for treatment, you need to know for sure that it is the flu. Signs of the flu: sudden feeling unwell (everything was fine an hour ago), a sharp increase in temperature, nausea and vomiting may appear, intoxication in the form of fever, chills, severe headache especially in the frontal part, muscles and joints ache in pain, you don’t want to look at light, the slightest noise irritates, there may be slight nasal congestion, but there may not be a runny nose, a dry barking cough that appears on the second day. Everything else is a cold or a virus. Medic.


If the temperature lasts more than three days, the doctor will most likely prescribe an antibiotic.

Anna Matveeva

The temperature can last 3-4 days. Antibiotics - under no circumstances! They do not act on viruses, only on bacteria, and the flu, like any “cold,” is a viral infection. Antipyretics (aspirin, paracetamol, Fervex, Coldrex and other advertising delights) - only if the temperature is above 38.5. In all other cases, you will create a protracted course of the disease. As soon as possible, start taking immune stimulants, preferably echinacea preparations; the pharmacy has immunal and echinacea tincture. They are the same thing. On the first day, take half a teaspoon every two hours, then three times a day. If you catch a viral disease in the first hours, you can simply cut it off, but if later, you will still recover much faster and without complications. But you will honestly get sick for about a day until your body collects itself and the virus is destroyed. If you have no appetite, it is better to fast, because... At high temperatures, food is not digested, but only poisons the body. But drinking should be plentiful - up to 3 liters per day. By the way, alcohol enhances the toxic effect of the virus, especially the flu.

Elena Kuznetsova

An antibiotic won't help with the flu, although doctors probably know better. I usually save myself with arbidol, echinacea tincture, folk remedies (honey, raspberry, linden) and large doses of vitamin C.


Lord))))) go to the doctor)))) otherwise they’ll say something here))) okay, just outright nonsense, otherwise it’s a hellish mixture, they also sign it with a doctor (PTU) Alcohol will not enhance the effect of the virus))) a cold is generally not a diagnosis))) TO THE DOCTOR!!!!


Inhalations with garlic and onions treat colds. Inhalations are used to treat diseases of the nasopharynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs (laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis). At home, steam inhalations are usually done with the addition of medications prescribed by a doctor. Without consulting a specialist, there is a risk of causing irritation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. • Add 5-10 drops of iodine tincture, or 5 drops of ammonia, or 1-2 teaspoons of crushed dry eucalyptus leaves, or a piece of pine extract briquette, or 10-15 drops of menthol or camphor alcohol, or a teaspoon of menthol, thymol oil. • You can add garlic or onion juice (about a teaspoon), chamomile decoction at the rate of 2-3 tablespoons per 3 liters of water. Grate the onion or garlic on a fine grater and squeeze through three layers of gauze. Sometimes a doctor advises you to breathe in the steam that forms over freshly boiled potatoes (in their skins). • Roll a funnel out of thick paper, cover the pan or kettle with its wide end, and inhale the steam through the narrow gap. • If you do not suffer from hypertension, you can breathe the steam over the pan, covering your head with a towel. • Children can have inhalations from 2-3 years old and must be supervised by an adult. • The duration of any inhalation is 5-10-15 minutes, for children up to 5 minutes. Do it 1-2 times a day. • Start inhalation 5 minutes, and for a child 10 minutes after the water has boiled. • Remember not to breathe over boiling water. Marina NOVOZHILOVA

Elvira Rudenko

Antibiotics are prescribed only by a doctor. And then if a bacterial infection joins a viral infection. I don't bring it to that point. As soon as I feel the beginning, I immediately treat myself with Influcid. After three days - back to normal. And it’s better for the body than swallowing antibiotics.

Causes of fever during ARVI

Many people ask the question: why does high temperature occur during ARVI? It is believed that fever is a protective reaction of the body to the penetration of viruses into the body. If ingested, they cause severe intoxication. Therefore, raising the temperature also has positive aspects.

  • Activation of the process of antibody synthesis. Immune cells allow the invading virus to be absorbed and digested.
  • Achieving maximum activity of interferon synthesis, which occurs at a temperature of 38.5 degrees.
  • Reduced bacterial activity.
  • Cleansing the kidneys and liver of toxic substances.

From the above, we can conclude that the stronger the intoxication of the body, the more feverish a state occurs. Particularly severe poisoning occurs when infected with influenza infection. In childhood, other diseases such as parainfluenza and respiratory syncytial infection also occur.

It is also worth noting the fact that if the patient’s blood contains antibodies to the virus, then the temperature may not rise at all or only slightly.

The positive effect of heat occurs only when the temperature is 39 degrees and no more. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend not lowering this temperature. If the mark creeps up to a value of 39.1-40 degrees, then it’s time to take action.

But there is also a danger of high temperature. If the febrile state continues for more than three days, then dehydration occurs. It also adversely affects the functioning of the brain, liver and heart muscle.

temperature during acute respiratory viral infection

How long can a high temperature last for the flu with active treatment???



What do you mean by "active treatment"? Antigrippin, raspberries and paracetamol? Or special antiviral therapy? Indeed, the flu (virus) is NOT killed by available means - only by the immune system. The temperature is maintained exactly as long as the body needs to suppress the virus. For a normal, strong body, this is from 6 hours to 3 days. This is if you don't lower the temperature. If you constantly lower your temperature, even at 38 degrees, recovery may be delayed.

alla kiblickay

stable for three days

Zina Zinina

the flu is practically NOT curable, but the body itself fights

fights well - temperature 38-39 for three days, fights poorly - 37-37.5 lasts a long time, maybe two weeks

Andrey Enyutin

Influenza cannot be treated either actively or passively. You can treat a bacterial superinfection that follows the virus, but only the immune system fights the virus.

Nelya Kudryavtseva

copies of the simplest recipes that need to be used on time.. 1) Sinusitis, etc. if you start to break down and your head and bag hurt, then there’s no escape: a puncture!.. but if the condition is stable, then they continue to treat, each with their own method . There is also this: at night, stick a pea of ​​butter into one nostril and follow up. night - another. During the night, everything that is there in the sinuses will liquefy and come out in the morning. And so on until there is a way out. There is green pus there...try to get rid of it naturally! And another one is rinsing with sunflower oil, which creates a pulling effect. Heat 0.5 cups of oil until hot and rinse your mouth until the oil becomes water in your mouth, when the glass is empty, go to bed. The effect may not be fast, but it is reliable! Wash your nostrils with your little finger soaped until crunchy with water at room temperature. This helps get rid of a runny nose without any medications. I’m afraid to heat it: heat the pus. so that there are no COMPLICATIONS! You'll never get sick again! Everyone: don’t lead to a flu storm! At the slightest discomfort, drink milk with onions! Onions from a hundred ailments! WHY IS THERE NO MONUMENT TO LUK? After all, it is he who HELPS the immune system! ““Grate the black radish, add honey, squeeze the table. spoon juice and drink 2 tablespoons. l all day. Add more honey. Will resolve any cough and COPIES for the future! Treat with the simplest! When you eat an orange. then don’t throw away the skins, but the sushi. If you have a sore throat, then immediately chew them in your mouth for a long time. There's orange oil. it simply crushes staphylococcus into powder. which, when multiplying, secretes poison... Copy! You can’t cure it with pills. They don’t kill staphylococcus. The cure is so simple! I give you a copy! treat immediately with orange and milk with l. Milk will kill acute respiratory infections... Very simple and effective. You take an orange and peel it like a potato. Dry the peel on the lid of a pan of boiling water or on a radiator. You chew this peel like gum and don’t eat it. Just suck. Orange oil KILLS aphylococcus. You can chew it raw as long as it’s not dry; chewing trains the muscles and peel, but we always have the dried one in a jar. If you have a sore throat, don’t wait. Run and take an orange from the jar. skins and chew And now for colds! Litvina's recipe: bring 0.5 liters of milk to a boil and throw in grated onion porridge. Cool until hot, when you can already drink and strain and drink 1 glass hot. To bed and so on several times a day. 1 tbsp at night and in the morning heat the rest and drink. LIE! Even the flu will go away WITHOUT COMPLICATIONS. In my family, everyone has forgotten about SOLO. JUST CLEAN YOUR THROAT WITH ORANGE OIL IN TIME!!!” My son carries crusts in his pocket."

How to reduce fever during a viral infection

A strong body produces the maximum amount of interferon on the third day after the onset of fever, and therefore recovers quickly. The weaker will need help in the form of immunomodulators. Therapists and pediatricians prescribe them to patients to stimulate the immune system to fight the virus, as well as poor health, severe illness and complications after ARVI. Preparations with interferon, esberitox, echinacea tincture normalize the functions and activity of immune system cells, help to recover in a normal time frame, without complications.

Medicines to lower fever in adults

Previously, analgin with aspirin was used to reduce body temperature during ARVI in adults. Acetylsalicylic acid relieves inflammation and fever, and analgin helps relieve pain. Mefenamic acid, which has high antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, has also been used quite often.

Now, general practitioners generally recommend two groups of antipyretic tablets at a temperature of 38 in an adult: based on ibuprofen (Nurofen, Imet, Ibuprom, Affida) or paracetamol, for example, Rinza, Milistan, Panadol, Flucold. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs based on paracetamol are also available in the form of syrups and rectal suppositories.

In case of severe pain and the inability to swallow tablets, it is advisable to use powders for fever in adults: Pharmacitron, Antiflu, Coldrex, Theraflu, etc.

Medicines for fever

Antipyretic drugs for children

The use of antipyretic drugs for children makes sense in the following cases: when the temperature rises above 39 degrees, its poor tolerance and the presence of nervous diseases. The best option at home is paracetamol or its synonyms (Panadol, Calpol, Mexalen, etc.). The drug is considered unique in its safety and ease of use.

It is easy to choose the form that is most convenient at the appropriate age: candles - up to three years of age; powder, syrup and drops - for children from 3 to 7 years old, and tablets, capsules and lozenges - from 7 and older. Medicine that reduces the severity of symptoms is not given every hour, but only when it is really necessary. Taking paracetamol is a temporary measure until the child is examined by a doctor.

Hoarseness: causes and treatment in adults

If the temperature does not go down, and the limbs become cold and pale due to vasospasm, it is necessary to add no-shpa and antipyretic for children (ibuklin, nurofen, piaron, cefekon D, ibuflex suppositories). An injection of dexamethasone and analgin when a child’s temperature exceeds 39 degrees will alleviate his serious condition until the pediatrician arrives.

How can you lower your temperature at home?

The main thing that needs to be done immediately when a fever appears is to ensure the presence of cool air in the room (16-18º C) and plenty of fluids. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the body to cope with the disease. The best options are herbal teas, mineral water for adults and raisin decoction for newborns. For children over one year old, dried fruit compote is good. The drink should have a temperature approximately equal to body temperature.

An enema at a fever in an adult can be very effective. The main condition: the water should be 2-3 degrees colder than the patient’s current body temperature. An enema is contraindicated if you are prone to convulsions, chills, heart disease and cold extremities. It is forbidden to give an enema to children under one year of age.

A vinegar compress for fever in adults has also proven itself in the fight against fever. Unlike medications, it does not cause harm to the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare, you will need two parts room temperature water and one part vinegar. Gauze soaked in the solution is applied to the forehead or calf muscles. The top is additionally covered with oilcloth material.

Before visiting a doctor, do not use active cooling techniques such as wet sheets, ice pads, or cold enemas. To prevent vascular spasm, warm clothes and fresh air are enough.

Trying to bring down the temperature faster, do not use a fan installed next to the naked body of an adult or child. It will cause an unwanted spasmodic state of the skin. Often practiced rubbing with alcohol or vinegar is also not recommended. They will only lead to additional poisoning with alcohol or vinegar vapors, rapid evaporation of sweat and spasms. If the patient is sweating a lot, you just need to change him into dry, warm clothes.

Reducing the temperature using traditional methods

Temperature 39.1. How long will the flu last? How to shoot down?


Maxon Maxim

call an ambulance


For fever, paracetamol or ibuprofen. If you have the flu, you shouldn't take aspirin. Judging by the temperature, the flu is also possible... Important: flu cannot be treated with aspirin! Flu causes bleeding of capillaries. Particularly dangerous changes occur in the alveoli - these are the bubbles in the lungs where the blood is saturated with oxygen. The capillaries burst and severe respiratory failure develops. With influenza, vascular permeability also increases. They become like a sieve. And if you add aspirin, which thins the blood, to all this, then, you understand, the consequences may not be very good. The temperature will not go away quickly, so drink a lot, sweat and pee))) Arbidol is a “dummy”, you can do without it. Get well.


Is it the first time in my life that I am sick??? Let him drink what was prescribed. You can't cure the flu in 2 days


In a week everything will be over. Aspirin is strictly forbidden for the flu.


Without an analysis, it is impossible to determine what kind of flu it is. Call a taxi and go to the hospital. Doctors there are more qualified.

Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections at high temperatures

child with compress on head
If the temperature reaches high levels during ARVI, then measures must be taken. But when should a fever be eliminated? When readings are 38 degrees, there is no need to immediately run for antipyretics. Such measures will only prevent the body from fighting viruses and producing antibodies. At a temperature of 38 degrees, the patient only faces dehydration. Therefore, experts advise drinking a lot of liquid in the form of warm teas, berry fruit drinks, water, mineral water and herbal teas. At the same time, you should not wrap yourself up tightly during a feverish state, as this will cause an even greater rise in temperature.

Doctors say that medications should be taken at temperatures above 39 degrees. Exceptions include children under six months of age, the elderly, women during pregnancy and patients suffering from diseases of the kidneys, heart and nervous system.

To get better quickly, adults and children need to follow a few simple recommendations.

  1. Large intake of liquids. During illness, the patient needs to drink up to two liters of fluid. Only then will the body be able to fight the infection.
  2. Staying in bed for three to five days. You cannot treat common colds and flu on your feet. This is absolutely pointless, since the body is already unwell. Bed rest allows the body to gain strength after suffering a feverish state.
  3. Proper nutrition. Any food should be rich in vitamins, minerals and contain carbohydrates. You can eat cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish. But you need to give up fast foods, sweets and carbonated drinks.
  4. Taking various medications. At high temperatures, you can take antipyretics. If you have a runny nose or congestion, rinse your nose and apply drops. To increase immune strength, take antiviral and anti-inflammatory medications.
  5. Strengthening immune function. You need to take vitamin and mineral complexes. An excellent remedy for a quick recovery is fresh juice from vegetables or fruits. It can be prepared from apples, oranges, lemons, pears, carrots and beets.
  6. Treatment of the throat by rinsing the mouth with various solutions. Warm milk with honey will help with cough and sore throat. If there is no temperature, you can do inhalations and warming procedures.
  7. Ventilate the room and humidify the air. This recommendation is one of the most important. Dry and warm air contains many viruses that can re-infect the patient.

How many days does the 2013 flu fever last?



Usually, a high temperature should last for the first three days, and then it should subside, look for the cause of your temperature, because people usually get the flu for 7 days, but you have already had 6 days. Look at the throat... there may be plaque - sore throat. Or you need to listen to your lungs - bronchitis or pneumonia - a therapist will help you here


Exactly as much as is required for a given immunity. If the immune system is weakened by tobacco, alcohol, taking medications (antibiotics), poor diet, and insufficient rest, then it will take a long time.

Bed rest, warm, green or herbal tea, lemon and honey as a taste. Eat nothing, drink a lot.

Get well soon.))

Lilac fairy

But it’s okay that everyone’s immunity is different and everyone’s illness progresses differently.

It is necessary to treat under the supervision of a doctor, and not independently and consult a doctor. It is impossible to say how long you will be sick.

Two children, ages 9 and 11, have already died from the flu.

Prevention of ARVI

In the autumn-winter period, when the likelihood of catching ARVI becomes higher, you should avoid attending public events with a large number of people, and also avoid contact with sick people. Spending a long time in the fresh air, frequent hand washing and ventilating rooms will help to seriously reduce the risk of disease. The house, like the workplace, should always be cleaned on time and clean. Don’t forget about periodically cleaning the surfaces of smartphones, computer mice, keyboards and door handles. To reduce the risk of illness, wear a gauze bandage on your face during an epidemic.

Irina Alexandrovna

Irina Alexandrovna

ENT doctor

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A rise in temperature may be the first obvious sign of illness. Although there are exceptions when the thermometer does not rise above 37-37.5 °C.

Fever with the flu usually lasts from a day to six days. It significantly affects the processes occurring in the body. The fact is that thanks to it it is ensured:

  • stopping the reproduction of viruses;
  • activation of the kidneys to remove decay products;
  • strengthening the liver to remove toxins;
  • enzyme activity;
  • antibody production;
  • increasing the bactericidal properties of blood.

It is worth considering that positive changes occur when the temperature reaches 38-38.5 °C. When it increases, fever becomes dangerous due to the negative impact on the circulatory, respiratory, and central nervous system.

How many days does a fever last for the flu? In the normal course of the disease in an adult, the duration is on average 6 days. After this, the patient’s condition begins to improve, although other symptoms of the pathology persist.

If the onset of the disease in adults was provoked by atypical forms of the virus, the period of elevated temperature can last up to 2 weeks. This condition is considered normal. It is safe for the patient. But if the fever does not subside after 14 days, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo the prescribed examinations. This situation indicates that it is difficult for the body to get rid of the virus on its own, and complications have appeared.

Why does the temperature rise with the flu?

Typically, a high fever during an influenza infection lasts no more than 5 days. Its sharp jump above 38 degrees indicates that the immune system has entered the fight against viruses attacking the body. How long an elevated temperature during influenza will last directly depends on several factors, namely:

  • the strain of influenza that caused the disease;
  • the patient’s immunity, his age, body characteristics;
  • compliance with doctor's instructions;
  • timely start of treatment.

In most cases, high thermometer readings are observed in the first few days, however, in severe cases of the disease, a temperature above 37 degrees can persist for 17–21 days. Typically, this phenomenon is observed in infected patients who, during the flu, did not comply with bed rest and ignored the doctor’s orders, and also did not strengthen the body’s defenses and burdened it with physical activity.

Important! If the high temperature lasts longer than three weeks, and other symptoms gradually fade away, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. It is possible to develop one of the complications of a viral infection - pneumonia, meningitis, bronchitis, sore throat, otitis.

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