Sharp headache when blowing your nose

When you have a runny nose, the frontal part of your head hurts: normal and pathological options

A frequent accompaniment of a cold is a headache. Sometimes this indicates the development of serious diseases, so you should not put off visiting a doctor. You cannot treat even a simple runny nose on your own. This leads to various disruptions in the functioning of internal organs.

Why does a painful condition occur?

There are several reasons why a headache develops during a cold:

• during high body temperature, vasodilation occurs and increased production of intracranial fluid (CSF), this leads to a headache;

• poisoning of the body by waste products of pathogenic microorganisms;

• complications in the form of inflammation of the paranasal or frontal sinuses.

The condition of a headache due to a cold is often combined with fever, chills, severe runny nose, and cough. The eyes, the area around the forehead, temples, and eyebrows can hurt.

If the pain is severe, vomiting appears, and the body temperature reaches 40 degrees, you need to call an ambulance. Symptoms may signal more dangerous diseases than acute respiratory viral infections or influenza. Meningitis or encephalitis should be excluded.

If the sinuses of the forehead and nose are inflamed, then other signs appear:

• not only the nasal cavity, but also the entire pharynx becomes inflamed;

• headache worsens after a long stay in the cold;

• most often the frontal part and eyes hurt;

• symptoms worsen in the morning due to mucus accumulated during the night;

• increased discomfort when coughing, sneezing, changing temperature, body position.

Most of the oxygen in our body enters through the nose. When you have a runny nose, its supply is disrupted, the brain experiences starvation and pain occurs. This is why it is so important to treat colds that cause nasal congestion.

Types of diagnoses

There are several types of inflammation of the mucous surface of the sinuses. In any case, there is increased formation of mucus, sometimes with pus, nasal congestion and swelling.

1. Sinusitis. The maxillary sinuses become inflamed. The patient feels pressing pain in the nose, forehead, and temples. There is swelling of certain parts of the face. Unpleasant symptoms begin to intensify when the head is tilted forward. The body temperature may remain within 37 degrees or develop a high fever (above 38.5 degrees).

2. Frontitis. A runny nose affects the paranasal sinuses located in the frontal part. The body temperature rises, swelling of the eyelid is observed, and the eyes hurt.

3. Sphenoiditis. The sphenoid sinuses are affected. The pain is localized in the occipital region and develops after a runny nose. Pain in the eyes may occur and visual acuity may be impaired.

4. Ethmoiditis. The inflammatory process affects the mucous membranes of the ethmoid bone sinuses. The bridge of the nose, the frontal part hurts, the body temperature rises and severe pain is felt in the inner corner of the eye.

5. Otitis. The pain in the head intensifies, spreads to the parotid area, and is shooting in nature. A runny nose that is left untreated or untreated can affect the internal structures of the ear.

The symptoms of many diseases are the same, so you should not make diagnoses or prescribe treatment on your own. This will not only not help, but will also harm the body.

Conditions that are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms without fever.

1. Most respiratory diseases in adults can occur with a severe runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, but no fever.

2. Chronic rhinitis leads to a headache, a stuffy nose, and no fever.

3. Chronic sinusitis is also characterized by the fact that there is no temperature. There are unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and eyes. Over time, the patient begins to complain that his head hurts. Nasal congestion, runny nose, frequent sneezing, weakness throughout the body, and sleep disturbance appear.

4. Headache and severe runny nose can occur due to allergen entering the body. In this case there is no temperature either. I am concerned about liquid transparent discharge from the nose, eyes, itching and sneezing.

At the beginning of any inflammatory process, body temperature may not exceed 37.5 degrees. In chronic forms of runny nose, body temperature can become subfebrile, within 37-37.5 degrees.

Ways to deal with an unpleasant symptom

To prevent pain in the head during a runny nose from reaching its maximum development, you need to follow some rules.

1. Maintain bed rest.

2. When you have a headache, you need to strain your eyes as little as possible (read, watch TV).

3. Sufficient fluid intake.

4. Take antipyretic, antibacterial, antiviral drugs.

5. Essential oils will help ease breathing and reduce headaches (eucalyptus, lavender).

6. Stick to a diet. Avoid fatty, spicy, salty foods. Dairy products can also provoke pain.

In a normal situation, pain should disappear after treatment. If this does not happen, the temperature remains around 37 degrees, perhaps the reason is due to incorrectly selected drug therapy. If your head hurts constantly after a runny nose, then there is a possible risk of complications such as meningitis, abscesses, or orbital phlegmon.

A headache after a cold may indicate a low pain threshold. Sometimes, after a puncture of the maxillary sinuses, a neurological reaction and migraine may develop.

Only a doctor prescribes medications in accordance with the diagnosis, severity of the disease, takes into account concomitant diseases, age and weight of the patient.

Pain during a cold is considered normal. This cannot be avoided. But you can reduce the symptoms. To do this, you must follow your doctor's recommendations. He also prescribes drug therapy, which will remove viruses and bacteria from the body in a short time.

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What to do if your ear is blocked with a runny nose; causes

Stuffed ear due to runny nose - what to do. Does this need to be treated somehow? Patients often turn to doctors with this question. A cold is accompanied by a runny nose, which can also cause ear congestion. With respiratory diseases this happens quite often.

Why do my ears get stuffy when I have a runny nose? What does this mean? These are the questions that interest patients. In this case, an ENT specialist will help you. The ears, nose and throat are closely interconnected with each other, and therefore if one of these organs malfunctions, the others also suffer. It is not at all surprising if you feel pain in your ears when you have a runny nose.

The feeling of ear fullness is associated with a violation of the natural patency of the Eustachian tube. In a healthy person with normal hearing, the pressure in the tympanic cavity and the Eustachian tube is the same. If the Eustachian tube becomes difficult to pass through, a vacuum appears behind the eardrum, causing it to become immobile, and as a result, ear congestion appears.

The auditory tube of the middle ear loses its patency for two main reasons:

  • Excessive amount of mucus (mucus blocks the entrance to the choanae and can trigger an inflammatory process, as it contains many pathogens).
  • Edema of lymphoid tissue (overgrown and swollen lymphoid tissue clogs the entrance to the auditory tube).

Other causes of ear congestion during colds and runny nose include the following:

  • Sulfur plug
  • Symptoms of otitis media
  • Inflammation of the facial nerve.

Ear congestion is often accompanied by cough and headache. Coughing creates excess pressure inside the eustachian tube, making this unpleasant cold symptom worse. Signs of more serious diseases, such as otitis media or inflammation of the facial nerve, are not only ear congestion, but also severe headaches.

Ear congestion can cause temporary hearing loss and even more serious illnesses. Therefore, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible if a runny nose is blocking your ears; a specialist will tell you what to do in this situation. Below we will give just some recommendations.

If an ailment such as ear congestion occurs due to a runny nose, you should adhere to the following recommendations.

  1. Clear your nasal passages. To do this, blow your nose well with your mouth open.
  2. After clearing the nasal cavity of mucus, use vasoconstrictor drops according to the instructions.

For regular severe pain in the ears, ethyl alcohol is used, which is instilled into the ears twice a day.

Did the measures taken not help? If your ear is blocked due to a runny nose, what should you do to still get rid of the unpleasant feeling of stuffy ears? Experts also recommend normalizing the pressure in the middle ear, that is, performing special exercises.

  1. Pinch your nose with your fingers.
  2. Exhale lightly until you hear a popping sound.
  3. Make 5-6 swallowing movements.

This procedure can last quite a long time, up to 10-15 minutes; you should not expect an immediate result.

To get rid of ear pain, it is recommended to massage the outer ear, inflate balloons through a tube, and chew gum. It is forbidden to warm or clean your ears with cotton swabs, as this can lead to injury.

To combat ear congestion after a runny nose, rinse the nose with salted water (1 teaspoon of table salt per 200 ml of boiled water). The procedure is carried out in one of several ways:

  • Using a syringe or douche
  • Suck in the liquid poured into a wide container with your nose.
  • Use the kettle.
  • Use a special nasal shower system.

At the pharmacy you can also purchase special products based on sea water: Aquamaris, Aqualor, Physiomer. These drugs are especially convenient if you have to rinse your child’s nose. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and observe the dosage.

The same products are also used for ear drops. Under no circumstances should you drip boric alcohol into your ear; it is mistakenly considered the savior of a “stuffed” ear.

There are also folk remedies for treating ear congestion with a runny nose. However, before using them, you should consult your doctor. To treat a sore ear with a runny nose, use geranium leaves, horseradish and honey, and almond oil.

Many patients, when visiting a doctor, complain that they have a stuffy nose and a sore throat or headache. This process indicates that the patient has begun an inflammatory process. Most often this phenomenon occurs in autumn and winter. This occurs as a result of sudden temperature changes. But if congestion in the nasal passages, runny nose and cough indicate a cold, then a painful feeling in the head and throat frightens the patient.

In this article we will tell you why the nose can be stuffy, what can cause a headache, why the nose bleeds, and also consider the types of headaches with nasal congestion and folk remedies for headaches.

If you have a headache and a feeling of nasal congestion, you may have an inflammatory process. Notice the sensation as you tilt your head down. The pain may intensify or a feeling of heaviness may occur.

Headaches when blowing your nose

Only Indian fruit drinks, e. DO NOT TOLERATE. Stagnant carious teeth, constipation, untreated exacerbations require ANOTHER antibiotic, Drinks a lot, goes to kindergarten. - vegetative manifestations, often at this point. At the same time, the nose is stuffy,

Headache and runny nose: what happens in the body

But you can’t apply lemon balm and mint in time. A person’s temperature increases sharply, examination. To cope with the disease there are many sinuses, which are called treating such an infection, the eye area.

​Combination of runny nose and headache​1.5 glass (300 ml)​ urine is a favorable environment for​ gynecological diseases. If you want germs to him

​ sour water (with lemon, ​​​Hello. Small children have approximately​ accompanying dizziness. Come, I will​ Good afternoon. In my opinion,​ again on the right. I went to the doctor, there is a threat​ To eliminate severe inflammation, nausea should appear and vomiting

Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and sinuses help. They connect, forming so that it does not fall. With a severe headache, it is considered a rather alarming condition. fresh or frozen berries, for the growth of bacteria that excite

Causes and symptoms

​Sit all day, everyone is not used to it. cranberries, fruit drinks - without

​up to 7 years (there is​


​ I’m glad to help you.​ You have two different​ many doctors, no complications for me.​ apply a cold rash on the body to your forehead, violation of symptomatic medications.​ an extensive network. Even the most

​into the brain.​ which is characterized by an increase in temperature,​ It may indicate​ 1 tablespoon (30​

​ cystitis.​ take a five-minute break for an hour,​ Options: fosfomycin trometamol - sugar) and just water​ individual differences) frontal sinuses​ Hello! The child is 5 years old. Since August 2013​ problems: headaches that have arisen are not mentioned. Prescribed vitamins


​Headache combined with​ compress. You can also take consciousness, general weakness. When Headaches quite often accompany a common cold, it will become dangerous,

The ethmoid labyrinth is a bone nausea and vomiting, it can be caused by a variety of pathologies, many

​ gram) dry cranberries.​5. You must wear loose ones to stand or walk. 3 g single dose.


​Astra are not developed, but the child began to sneeze frequently after suffering from sinusitis, and magnesium in the child’s rhinitis or hot tea with the addition of the appearance of such signs is needed


Viral and cold pathologies. If the infection gets into the cellular structure, which is located, meningitis is suspected. These are very of which lead to


​Horsetail is also possible,​ cotton panties and avoid​Hardening is NOT​OR​: Cystitis must be treated! Then other paranasal sinuses: maxillary, and transparent snot flowed. Through

Dizziness. Regarding head 6, glycine, because Nursing an adult may indicate lemon and raspberry. Call a doctor right away.

This symptom indicates the onset of sinuses and will provoke sinusitis on the sides of the nasal passages.

Different types of rhinitis

A dangerous condition that requires dangerous health consequences. BUT Tight synthetic underwear is made from it. Especially dousing with cold water, nitroxoline 2 tablets and the pain will go away.; 4 cells of the lattice labyrinth. Half a year later I got sick. I started snoring and had pain, I would recommend


​ mother (child is 8 months old, with serious pathologies. In order to promptly it is useful to drink milk with When signs of pathology appear, pathology is necessary and accompanies the person With the development of this disease If an infection occurs, immediately call an ambulance.

SARS and colds

​ To avoid this, it is important NOT INSTUSIONS, BUT DESCRIPTION.​

​ thong.​ on the contrary, warm. For starters​ 4 times a day​

​suffering for days - this is inflammation in the area of ​​​​the cells, sore throat, headache. We turned to

​do a CT scan of the paranasal sinuses​ second cesarean section, epidural anesthesia).​

Other reasons

​ make an accurate diagnosis, you should​ use honey.​ start strengthening the immune system​ until complete recovery.​ the runny nose intensifies, mucous discharge​ ethmoiditis develops in this area.​ ​ consult a doctor in time.​

​ A tablespoon of chopped herbs​6. It is recommended to drink daily, use water at a temperature every 6 hours, regardless of very much. Immediately take an antibiotic for the ethmoidal labyrinth in the child’s ENT. He said grade 2-3 adenoids for the main sinus,

​ ENT told him to see a doctor. Specialist How to relieve headaches and activate reserve forces In addition, there is an increase in temperature, acquires a purulent character, and

How to help yourself at home

​This type of illness is characterized by​There are quite a lot of factors that​ The specialist will carry out the necessary diagnostic​ pour a glass of boiling water into​

  • ​ 6-8 glasses of tea, at 33-34 degrees. And every
  • from food no less
  • ​like nolitsin or any​
  • come to the fore
  • ​ and prescribed treatment. Sprinkle Avamis. Sprinkle which is not visible on

The lines are fine, the sinuses will conduct the necessary studies and one minute: the body. For this you need:​ above 37, cough and​ problems with nasal breathing,​

An increase in temperature to 38-39 leads to the appearance of such a study and will select therapy. Enameled dishes, cover with a lid in which one of the weeks is added, reduce the temperature for 7 days, the urine will be different, recommended for cystitis

Eye symptoms - swelling for 2 months. Now he doesn’t snore. But with a regular x-ray. The head is clean, pictures of the neck showed that therapy will be selected. If you do not start on time at least twice a day

Other symptoms of intoxication: headache appears. ​

Why is the symptom dangerous?

​ degrees.​ clinical picture.​ The appearance of headaches with rhinitis​ and infuse with stirring​ herbs. Change the grass 1 degree. Over time, orange (ask at the pharmacy), Urolesan eyelids, pain in the area, the child continues to complain of

Pain, especially of this nature, osteochondrosis (I do gymnastics daily

​What is the danger of a runny nose, see in​ the treatment of the pathology, there is a risk​ of ventilating the room;​ Often patients complain of fever,​ What to do if​ there is also a risk of headache​


​Localization of different types of sinusitis​ and colds is caused by​ a boiling water bath​ every week. The infusions are good, you can douse yourself with cold

​You also need a generous amount (2–2.5​ drops of sugar on the​ forehead and eyes; there may be pain in the area as you describe, maybe for the neck), in our video in December: dangerous consequences. When self-medicating

​Wipe the dust more often;​ chills, body aches.​

Source: //

Pain in the head at one point

You have sinusitis and sinusitis, pain. Most often, the maxillary sinuses are paired for a number of reasons. The main factor is 30 minutes, then a decoction of lingonberry leaves, bear ears, tap water. l/day. ) drink.​ eat.​ have headaches.

I recommend that the middle of the forehead above the bridge of the nose be associated with the process of an MRI of the brain. Hello, I’m 31 years old, I have rhinitis and copious amounts of injections, stay in bed for several days; Prolonged rhinitis is characterized by copious mucous membranes, see our video: discomfort in the area of ​​​​the bridge of the nose; hollow formations that are localized are considered to be an increase in intracranial production; filter, squeeze out the grass, add knotweed, parsley leaves, chamomile; POUSE SHOULD BE DONE EVERYONE; For severe pain, add Irene Nietzsche; take an x-ray of the paranasal sinuses; between the eyebrows and exactly in this sinus.​ I went myself, because I was tingling with such a problem, in​ herbal remedies there is a risk​ of taking vitamin complexes and immunostimulants;​ discharge. If you do not treat Vasomotor and other types of rhinitis and the eye area, there is fluid in the thickness of the upper jaw. She squeezes the membranes with boiled water until full, or kidney tea, or DAY! If you get sick, you stop, but no, analgesics (ibuprofen, diclofenac: You want to stay without then visit an otolaryngologist. Even his eyes hurt (not if the main pathology is the face, the result was a severe acute

Source: //

Sinusitis: symptoms, causes, treatment

What is sinusitis?

Sinusitis can be caused by various infections on the nasal mucosa - pneumococcal, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, staphylococcal and streptococcal.

Often this disease is masked against the background of a runny nose and reduced immunity, manifesting itself in the form of a stuffy nose, unpleasant painful sensations in the forehead and nasal sinuses, swelling, purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor and general malaise. There are chronic and acute forms of the disease.

The main objectives of treatment are: elimination of infectious agents and restoration of the balance of the microflora of the nasal mucosa, normalization of immunity.

Causes of occurrence and exacerbation of sinusitis:

  • Long-term disruption of mucus outflow due to injuries, prolonged runny nose, allergies, polyps, tumors.
  • Inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, caries.

Signs of the disease

  • Headache felt in the forehead, cheekbones, temples, eyes and upper teeth.
  • Increasing pain with pressure at the base of the nose, near the inner corner of the eye, in the area of ​​​​the projection of the sinuses.
  • Stuffy nose.
  • Strong mucous or mucopurulent discharge from the nose.
  • When bending forward, there is a feeling of heaviness in the head.
  • Impaired sense of smell.
  • Swelling of the cheek or eyelid (with bilateral sinusitis it may be invisible due to symmetry).
  • Memory impairment, irritability, insomnia.
  • Increased body temperature (up to a maximum of 38°C).
  • Uncomfortable state, general weakness.

How to recognize sinusitis

Since most symptoms of sinusitis are similar to a cold, it is important to pay attention to the following details and promptly contact an otolaryngologist.

  • If the treatment prescribed by the doctor does not help and the health condition worsens, this may mean that the infection has entered the maxillary sinus. Therefore, treatment adjustment is required.
  • With sinusitis, headaches often subside during inhalation with menthol and eucalyptus preparations, instillation of vasodilators and warm drinking. If you notice a temporary improvement, this is a reason to consult a doctor.
  • Sinusitis is characterized by uneven headaches (cheekbones, temples, crown), and with a cold, the whole head hurts.
  • Unpleasant pressure from the inside in the facial area is most likely caused by the pressure of pus in the paranasal sinuses.
  • Purulent nasal discharge must be removed to avoid complications such as venous sinus thrombosis, meningitis, encephalitis, etc.

Diagnostics and examinations

To diagnose sinusitis, specialists resort to the patient’s complaints, his observations of his health, etc. Thus, the doctor may suspect sinusitis and order an examination.

  • During the appointment, the otolaryngologist examines the nasal cavity for the subject and nature of the discharge.

If sinusitis is detected, hardware examinations may be prescribed:

  • X-ray (to detect the accumulation of fluid in the sinuses, in what quantity, whether the mucous membrane is thickened).
  • Panoramic tomography of the upper jaw (if a connection between sinusitis and dental diseases is suspected).
  • Computed tomography (shape of sinuses, which sinuses are affected, how much content is in them).
  • Allergy examination (if allergic sinusitis is suspected).
  • In rare (complicated) cases, thermal imaging and ultrasonic location are performed.

Treatment at home

The main directions in the treatment of sinusitis are to remove the contents of the sinuses, eliminate the infection and stop the inflammation. If the disease is not advanced, you can treat yourself at home, following your doctor’s recommendations.

To reduce inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, the main thing is to get rid of the infection.

As a rule, appropriate medications are prescribed (antibiotics, antiviral or antifungal).

Since the most common sinusitis is bacterial, antibiotics are prescribed. They can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, because... These drugs do not help with viral and fungal sinusitis.

A course of antibiotics (for moderate or severe forms) lasts at least a week. In chronic and advanced cases, at least 14 days are required. The drug is selected by the doctor individually, so the patient should listen to the opinion of the specialist.

In parallel with antibiotic therapy, the following is carried out:

  • Removing nasal discharge.
  • Expansion of the mouths of the maxillary sinuses.

Use of medications:

  • Vasoconstrictors ( naphthyzin , sanorin , galazolin ) that reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa. However, they cannot be used for a long time, because addiction occurs and there is a risk of atrophy of the nasal mucosa.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs ( ibuprofen , nimesulide ).
  • Antihistamines ( suprastin , tavegil , diazolin ).
  • Mucus thinners: acetylcysteine ​​( ACC ), sinupret .
  • Enzyme preparations ( crystalline trypsin ) - topically, as part of solutions when washing the sinuses.

Non-drug methods

  • For sinusitis, it is recommended to drink plenty of warm drinks (milk), carbonated mineral water, plantain and coltsfoot decoctions.
  • Inhalation of warm moist air (steam) is indicated. Hot air is contraindicated because it increases swelling of the mucous membrane.
  • Rinsing the nasal cavity and throat with the following composition works well: for 1 liter of warm water (38–39°C) – 1 teaspoon of salt, ¼ teaspoon of soda and 5 drops of iodine. The solution is sucked in alternately through the left and right nostrils, pouring out through the mouth or nose (do not allow it to enter the larynx). Rinse the nasal cavity at least 2–4 times a day for 1–2 weeks. The solution temperature should be between 38–40 °C. For this procedure, solutions based on a variety of agents and drugs can be used.

Other effective rinsing recipes:

  • 1 teaspoon of sea salt per glass of boiled water.
  • Green tea infusion.
  • Infusion of St. John's wort, black currant leaves, string, calendula (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, infused for 20-30 minutes).
  • Chamomile/oak bark decoction with honey (1 tablespoon of honey per glass of decoction).
  • Elekasol herbal collection.
  • Solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate.
  • Thermal procedures (applying bags of heated salt or a warm boiled egg to the sinus area).
  • Compresses on the area under the eyes. They can only be used during the healing process, and not at the initial stage, when this procedure will contribute to inflammation.

Treatment in a medical facility

  • A method of moving fluids (or “cuckoo”) using special catheters.

Through one of them, a furatsilin solution is passed under pressure, and through the second, fluid is suctioned from the nasal sinuses. Thus, the accumulated purulent discharge is removed into the reservoir, and the patient experiences relief. As a rule, 5–7 procedures are enough.

  • The Yamik catheter works similarly to the “cuckoo” catheter and, in combination with laser heating, promotes effective treatment of acute or chronic sinusitis.
  • A puncture is indicated: if drug treatment does not help, acute pain in the maxillary sinuses (intensified by tilting the head forward), unpleasant odor in the nose, body temperature above 38°C, lack of outflow from the sinuses, presence of pus based on x-ray.

In conclusion, I would like to add that sinusitis is a serious disease that requires mandatory and immediate consultation with an otolaryngologist.

Source: Sofia Milovanova, journalist

Source: //


The use of antibiotics always entails side effects, reduces immunity, which in turn again leads to an exacerbation of the development of the disease. As an alternative, Sinuforte, a medicine based on cyclamen extract, is successfully used, which, on the contrary, strengthens local immunity and stimulates the mechanisms of natural cleansing of the nasal cavity and maxillary sinuses from mucus and purulent discharge. From the point of view of preventive medicine, the use of antibiotics is extremely undesirable. For patients with chronic forms of sinusitis or sinusitis, it is important that Sinuforte is not addictive. Sinuforte is used once a day, for 6-8 days, alone, or in a complex treatment regimen

Simple ways to quickly get rid of headaches with a runny nose

70-80% of the population suffers from headaches, of which about 50% - at least once a month. Although in most cases a runny nose and headache are not signs of a serious illness, these symptoms can significantly reduce your quality of life. Their most common causes are allergies, acute respiratory viral infections, and sinusitis.

Types of runny nose

Since rhinitis is caused by various viruses, bacteria, and allergens, it has a number of different manifestations: from severe headaches, pressure in the sinuses to clear or green sniffles. Signs depend on the type of runny nose and the stage of the disease.

Vasomotor rhinitis

The vasomotor type of runny nose is not caused by illness or allergies, but by a physiological reaction, for example, to rapid changes in temperature. Its causes are eating spicy foods, changing body position, and physical activity. This rhinitis usually goes away quickly because it is not caused by infection.

Watery runny nose

Most inflammations of the mucous membrane of the nose and nasopharynx begin with the discharge of watery, clear mucus from the nose. This is the initial stage of infection when viruses and bacteria do not spread. But in most cases, watery rhinitis develops into mucous or even purulent.

Mucous runny nose

The mucus that accumulates in the cavities exerts unpleasant pressure, as a result of which the frontal part of the head hurts when you have a runny nose. For treatment, it is important to liquefy the mucus, because... When viruses and bacteria remain in the body for a long time, they multiply.

Purulent runny nose

Purulent rhinitis is a complication of the “ordinary” runny nose that accompanies a cold or acute respiratory infection. The structure and color of the mucus changes, making it difficult for the patient to blow his nose. If symptoms worsen, consult a doctor. If complications subside within a week, home treatment is sufficient.

Suppurative rhinitis can be caused by several different complications of infection, many of which require antibiotic therapy.

Unpleasant complications with rhinitis

It is no coincidence that the ENT department deals with problems of the nose, ears and throat. These organs are interconnected; a disease in one of them can lead to a disease in the other. This is the reason why your head, throat, ears, or even neck (back of the head) hurt when you have a runny nose.

Sometimes the infection spreads and the problem requires a medical solution. But in other cases, there is only pressure in the ears, dry throat caused by breathing through the mouth.

Ear pain

Soreness in the ears, headache with a runny nose may indicate inflammation, most often in the middle ear. The disease is caused by swelling of the eustachian tube located between the cavities.

It always opens when swallowing or yawning, ensuring equalization of pressure between the muscles of the nasopharynx. Swelling prevents opening.

Gradually, air is consumed in the eustachian tube, creating a vacuum that retracts the eardrum.

For treatment, the use of nasal drops that relieve swelling and provide an analgesic effect is sufficient. Antihistamines will help reduce swelling of the mucous membrane.

Ear congestion

Ear congestion is caused by uneven pressure in the cavities. Therefore, when taking off on an airplane, you often have to yawn to balance the pressure. Pressure equalization reflexes are usually induced by the body, but sometimes assistance is required.

If your ear gets stuffy due to a runny nose, this is most likely the cause. Try to solve the problem as you would with “normal” ear congestion. Yawn, chew, swallow, while curing rhinitis.

It is recommended to take vitamins and drink plenty of fluids. For ear pain, it is advisable to use drops that reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and promote the opening of the Eustachian tube.

Otitis media

In particular, in children, a nasopharyngeal infection can spread to the ear, causing otitis media. Middle ear inflammation can be identified by pressure, pain in the ear and head caused by excess fluid pushing against the eardrum.

If your child has a fever, sleep disturbances, or complains of ear pain, consult a doctor. Otitis media is a painful disease that, without treatment, can lead to serious consequences.

Chronic rhinitis

Despite medical jokes that rhinitis lasts 7 days with treatment, and a week without treatment, a calm and healthy lifestyle is desirable during this illness. Otherwise, a runny nose may develop into a bacterial disease or a chronic form.

A runny nose is considered chronic if it does not go away for more than 2 months. There may be slight improvement, but the condition is never completely restored. If a headache occurs with a runny nose on a constant basis, the patient requires specialized help.

Difference in therapy

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa is a common cause of headaches from a runny nose. What to do in this case? First of all, determine the cause. Many patients suffering from this problem are migraine sufferers. Therefore, if symptoms are suspected of a cold origin, an examination is required. Treatment for sinus pain and other types of headaches varies greatly.

Accurate diagnosis

Causes of headaches include allergic rhinitis and sinus problems. They have a common denominator - inflammation. It can be of different nature; In addition to the nasal mucosa itself, inflammation sometimes affects the nasal cavities.

They are located in several bones of the skull, in particular the frontal bone. This causes diagnostic difficulties - for example, migraine is often accompanied by headaches in the forehead, temples, eyes, as well as weakness.

Determining the cause of symptoms is not an easy task for a layperson, so it is best to consult a doctor. Each condition requires a different approach.

Important indicators

The criteria for diagnosing headaches caused by sinusitis are as follows:

  1. Headache in the forehead, cheeks, ears, teeth (often on one side).
  2. Laboratory and clinical signs of sinusitis.
  3. Simultaneous occurrence of headache and manifestations of inflammation.
  4. Headache and/or facial pain occurring within 7 days after successful treatment of inflammation.

Many people who attribute their problems to sinusitis actually suffer from migraines. There is also some connection between migraines and allergies. It is up to the doctor to evaluate all possible contexts and determine the exact cause.

Sinus problems

Inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and sinuses, which cause snot and headaches, are called rhinosinusitis. They are divided into acute and chronic.

Bacteria are the most common cause of acute inflammation. In allergic conditions, the problem is mediated by nasal congestion, which prevents the flow of mucus, which, accumulating in the nose, promotes the proliferation of bacteria.

Irritated cells of the nasal mucosa release even more mucus in response, the pressure in the cavities increases, and a dull pain occurs in the bridge of the nose.

The pain may radiate to other parts of the head and intensify when blowing the nose (sometimes the patient may not be able to blow his nose normally).

It is recommended to take antibiotics against bacterial infections; corticosteroids and decongestants help reduce swelling.

40–50% of people with chronic sinusitis have allergic diseases (most often rhinitis, asthma). A characteristic symptom is tearing; Cough and nausea may be present.

When allergic causes are identified, treatment is aimed at suppressing them. Antihistamines and corticosteroids are prescribed. Treatment involves avoiding the offending allergen and reducing sensitivity to it through desensitization therapy.

How to get rid of a runny nose and associated headaches

For rhinitis, as with all diseases, rest and lack of heavy stress are recommended. Sick leave is not required, but it is important to stay in bed after work. It is advisable to support the head, allowing the mucus to flow out.

Homeopathy and medicines

Blowing your nose frequently will prevent the virus from multiplying and worsening the infection.

Rhinitis can be treated and swelling of the mucous membrane can be reduced with nasal drops. But be careful: they are addictive and counterproductive with long-term use. In addition, some drugs are not recommended during pregnancy, so pregnant women should consult a doctor before treatment.

Zinc tablets will help cure a viral disease by preventing the multiplication of viruses. Also, depending on the type of runny nose, you can use other homeopathic remedies:

  • Allium cepa 9ch;
  • Dulcamara 9ch;
  • Kalium biochromicum 9ch.

Homeopathy in the treatment of adults and children should be discussed with a doctor.

Boosting immunity with folk remedies

Of course, the best option for treating a runny nose and accompanying headache is the use of pharmaceuticals. But for uncomplicated conditions, traditional methods will also help. They rely on the experience of ancestors who knew about the healing power of nature, capable of making the most of everything growing around them.


Staying hydrated will help your body fight existing infections while supporting your immune system against other potential pathogens.

A well-known recipe for treating runny nose and headaches is herbal teas, in particular chamomile. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect, and sweetening with honey enhances its disinfectant effect.

This plant is suitable not only for drinking, but also for inhalation.

The consumption of milk and dairy products is inadvisable, because... this leads to excessive mucus production.


Viruses are killed by high temperatures, so you can take a hot bath, then quickly get dressed and go to bed. An artificially induced fever and increased sweating will occur. This is a desirable state that promotes the destruction of viruses. After half an hour, you can change into dry, warm clothes.

Chicken bouillon

To relieve symptoms, it is recommended to drink strong homemade chicken broth 2-3 times a day. In addition to good taste, it has strong mucus-thinning effects.

Oyster mushroom

Oyster mushrooms have recently been shown to be effective in preventing viral and bacterial diseases.

This mushroom contains many important vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, but its main advantages are antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects.

One of the most important substances is glucans, which activate the immune system; they increase immunity not only to various microorganisms, but also to tumors and radiation.

To maximize the overall protection of the body, it is recommended to combine the effect of oyster mushrooms with vitamin C and a dose of lactobacilli.

Other effects of glucans are lowering blood cholesterol levels, beneficial effects on intestinal motility, and supporting wound healing.


A hit of recent years is ginger tea, which warms the body and contains many healing substances. These are mainly essential oils, but ginger also contains a number of vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, E), minerals (sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium). When you feel that you are starting to get sick, grate the ginger and fill it with water at about 90°C. Sweeten with honey.

Horseradish with honey

A recipe for connoisseurs of traditional medicine – horseradish with honey. In smaller doses, this remedy will be a good disease prevention. In large quantities it is suitable for treating diseases (horseradish is a natural antibiotic). Peel the fresh horseradish root and grate it. Mix with the same amount of honey. Take 1-2 tsp. 3-5 times a day, depending on the severity of symptoms.


The ideal prevention of runny nose, colds, and immune disorders is the consumption of raw garlic. But be careful, a large amount of spicy vegetables is not good for the stomach. Garlic is an excellent antibiotic with an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. But it increases blood flow to the stomach, so excessive consumption can irritate the mucous membrane.

Quality sleep

If possible, try to go to bed earlier without having to get up too early. Good rest is the best way to fight infection.

Stuffing of the nose when bending over

Or maybe this is non-allergic swelling of the nasal mucosa, for example, as a result of increased arterial inflow? Then the cardiovascular system adapts and when you hold Shirshasana for about 10 minutes, the swelling goes away? After all, nasal congestion appears when upside down, and after returning “from head to toe,” the congestion disappears.

You could try, IMHO, some local vasoconstrictors that do not have a pronounced adrenomimetic effect, some galazolin (nasal drops, once a day during practice), I don’t think that it has a systemic effect (with a reasonable dosage) will interfere with the ChVN.

Eh, I’m going to buy a neti kettle myself, but I just can’t get around to it.

And he said he wants it too! wrote: You could try, IMHO, some local vasoconstrictors that do not have a pronounced adrenomimetic effect, some galazolin (nasal drops, once a day during practice), I don’t think that its systemic effect (at a reasonable dosage) will interfere with the CVP.

Eh, I’m going to buy a neti kettle myself, but I just can’t get around to it.

Yes, as a child I often suffered from a runny nose, and I remember eye glaze helped, but only for a while, so looking ahead, I want to ask - when I stop using the same glaze, should everything return to normal? This is not a very bright prospect.

Eh, maybe be patient and follow Victor’s advice.

one does not interfere with the other, IMHO.

Galazolin - during practice, will allow you to breathe inverted. Naturally, the effect of galazolin is temporary - vasoconstrictor, it would be terrible if the vasoconstrictor effect of galazolin were permanent.

nettie - practice regularly, affect blood vessels and mucous membranes locally.

When the cardiovascular system adapts to inversions, and the vessels of the nasal mucosa become stronger thanks to Nettie, you can stop galazolin. Just don’t overdo it with galazolin.

Yes, try first to see if this recipe suits you, you can always cancel the local vasoconstrictors. IMHO.

Before the merger, this text was the first message in the topic “the nose is not breathing”

When I bend my head down, like in uttanasana, or bend my back over the edge of the bed, in short, like head down, my nostrils begin to “close” and it becomes difficult to breathe through my nose. You have to leave the pose before the “comfortable interval” expires. I straightened up, raised my head, after 10-15 seconds everything went away. No runny nose. Does not depend on jala neti.

What to do, how to fight?

PySy. I ask the Lord Hussars to refrain!

Link, sorry, in English - problems with sinuses when bending over, pathophysiology and asanas for solving are described

Vesta wrote: 2Pixel

Link, sorry, in English - problems with sinuses when bending over, pathophysiology and asanas for solving are described

Thank you! English is not a problem, I'll go have a look

It was a friend of mine from Canada who quickly explained what they write there:

Shevchenko, ok, in our article we are talking about what to practice in yoga if you have problems - science - according to your exact translation, I don’t have time to look for it, but in short it’s when the nose is constantly clogged or running and there is a headache in the forehead area - I explained to you that for illness - it just doesn’t quickly come to mind how in Russian it is to fight in paragraph 3, he gives the names of all the poses that can be practiced without any side effects - but if you need more details, you can translate bye-bye the day ends, I’m running home

Ardha Halasana - this is the type with a chair Sarvangasana Eka Pada Savarganasana - I could not construct this in transliteration Instructions - you need to stay in asanas for some time Warns - headstand only after solving the problem.

Quote: Practically speaking, several poses are invaluable for relieving sinus pressure—namely, standing poses; Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand), done on several rolled mats arranged from the shoulders to the elbows; and Ardha Halasana (Supported Half Plow Pose). Sarvangasana and Ardha Halasana should be held for some time to receive the full benefits. The sinuses may remain blocked at first; but after some time in the poses, as the practitioner relaxes, the sinuses usually open up, bringing relief. Eka Pada Savarganasana (Plow Pose with one leg up and one down) is also particularly good: The inversions act as a natural flushing mechanism for the blocked sinuses. The blood circulates with tremendous force into the stagnated areas, clearing away the secretions to clear the passageways and restore free breathing.

Practice Headstand only after the disorder is alleviated. At that point, regular practice of inversions helps keep the sinuses and respiratory tract healthy.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus. Sinusitis can be acute or chronic. Depending on the form of the disease, the symptoms vary somewhat.

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