Rules for preparing hydrocortisone solution for inhalation

In this article we will look at how to do inhalations with Hydrocortisone.

With the change in weather, colds occur every season. This problem is especially relevant for parents of children; a small organism is not so stable, it must be treated with reliable and at the same time gentle drugs. Hydrocortisone for inhalation is especially suitable for this.

inhalation with hydrocortisone

What is inhalation?

This is the use of medicines by inhalation through the nasal cavity. It can be used for the prevention and treatment of the following diseases: tonsillitis, bronchitis, inflammation of the larynx and ligaments, bronchial asthma, rhinitis, laryngopharyngitis; for the prevention of pathologies; Acute respiratory infection with sore throat and cough.

Steam helps reduce inflammation, spasms, and swelling. Helps moisturize and remove bronchial mucus. As a result, the disease is “removed” from the human body through frequent expectoration of accumulated sputum.

Characteristics of the drug

The drug "Hydrocortisone" is a strong hormonal medicine that is one of the glucocorticoids. A natural analogue of the hormone cortisol, located in the adrenal cortex. Each package contains instructions for inhalation. You can purchase the drug at a pharmacy.

It must be remembered that the medicine is recommended for use only with a prescription from a specialist.

Inhalations with Hydrocortisone act simultaneously in several directions: against shock, itching, inflammation, toxins and allergies. There are the following forms of release: tablets; lyophilized powder; hydrocortisone suspension.

Description of the drug

The medication contains hydrocortisone, a glucocorticosteroid that is synthesized by the adrenal cortex, and is a hormonal drug, so it should only be used under the strict supervision of a physician. But do not be afraid of the fact that the medicine contains hormones; if used correctly, no side effects should occur. The main active component of the drug is hydrocortisone or hydrocortisone acetate, which is considered a more active substance than just cortisone.

Hydrocortisone ointment

For inhalation, a suspension intended for intramuscular administration is used, despite the fact that the instructions for use do not imply this method of use. However, doctors actively prescribe hydrocortisone for inhalation, and due to the fact that the active substance is applied directly to the affected area, the result will be noticeable almost immediately. It is important to remember that the daily dose of the medicine should not exceed 25 grams per day, but this amount is quite enough to obtain the desired effect.

The drug perfectly relieves allergy attacks due to its antihistamine properties, relieves swelling, laryngospasm and inflammation in the throat that occurs with laryngitis, bronchitis and exacerbations of bronchial asthma. In addition, hydrocortisone is able to retain interferon in the body, which prevents the decline of immunity and speeds up recovery.

Hydrocortisone is excellent for relieving allergy attacks.
Hydrocortisone is excellent for relieving allergy attacks.

The drug is contraindicated:

  • Pregnant women, since it reduces the ability of connective tissue to structure, which can cause disturbances in the development of the fetus;
  • Suffering from tuberculosis, since the medicine can cause a relapse;
  • Diabetics;
  • People with osteoporosis, since the drug contributes to the development of the disease and its exacerbations;
  • For patients with peptic ulcers, hydrocortisone can lead to perforations and internal bleeding;
  • People with problems of the cardiovascular system, since the drug significantly increases blood pressure and increases the heart rate;
  • People over 65 years old.

It is also necessary to monitor the body’s reaction and immediately stop use if signs of individual intolerance to the drug appear.

The most popular drug

The most popular drug for inhalation is Hydrocortisone Richter. The medicine is produced in Hungary, available in the form of ampoules; if left in one position for a long time, a sediment forms at the bottom. The volume is five milliliters, it is used for the treatment of serious diseases, since it contains many excipients. Mild forms of the disease require the drug “Hydrocortisone Acetate” (in the form of two milliliter ampoules). Shake before use. Often used simultaneously with lidocaine (intramuscular injection).

The solution for inhalation "Hydrocortisone" is made exclusively from ampoules; any other form of the drug is not suitable.

hydrocortisone in ampoules

Features of the product's action

The drug is produced both in pure form and mixed with lidocaine. It is a local anesthetic that reduces the heart rate and eliminates spasms. An otolaryngologist or pediatrician may prescribe just such a combination.

For example, “Hydrocortisone Richter” for inhalation contains lidocaine. This drug is aimed at suppressing inflammation and reducing the synthesis of prostaglandins, thereby eliminating spasms and pain.

Specifics of glucocorticoids:

  • eliminate swelling;
  • eliminate allergic inflammation and reactions;
  • dilute sputum, help to separate it and remove it more quickly;
  • providing immunostimulating function while maintaining interferon production.


“Hydrocortisone” in ampoules is used for acute attacks, noticeable effectiveness is observed after 10-15 minutes. This result is explained by the focal effect of the drug. Patients note the elimination of spasms, easier breathing, and an improved expectorant effect.

Experts say:

hydrocortisone solution for inhalation

  • the use of these glucocorticoids has few side effects; the most important thing in the procedure is to follow the proportions exactly;
  • the specialist will make the correct calculation; Before use, you need to inform him about all pathologies that are among the contraindications (if any).

What else does the instructions for use for “Hydrocortisone” for inhalation tell us?

How to do inhalation correctly

During treatment, it is important to follow the instructions for using hydrocortisone in a nebulizer:

  • The duration of the procedure should not exceed 10-15 minutes. Children are not recommended to inhale for longer than 5 minutes. The child must be calm during the procedure.
  • You should not do intense physical exercise immediately before and after the procedure.
  • It is forbidden to use more than 30 ml of steroid medication per day. Otherwise, adverse side effects may occur, making treatment difficult.
  • It is not recommended to inhale more than 3 times a day. The extreme procedure during the day should be carried out a couple of hours before bedtime, since after using the nebulizer, active sputum separation begins, which can interfere with rest.
  • Other agents and medicinal decoctions should not be added to the inhalation solution at the same time as hydrocortisone.

The procedure takes place in several stages:

  • Sodium chloride in volume is heated to a temperature of about 40 °C.
  • Pour 2 ml of saline solution for a child and 1 ml for adults into a nebulizer cup.
  • Add 1 and 2 ml of hydrocortisone suspension, respectively.
  • Place the silicone mask on your face and begin to actively breathe in the vapors of the drug.
  • For a runny nose, laryngitis and tracheitis, they try to inhale the product through the mouth and nose in order to thoroughly treat the nasopharynx, where the inflammatory process occurs.
  • During the procedure, you should take a comfortable position and not be distracted by other things, interrupting the inhalation.

It is important to prepare for the manipulation in advance: you cannot eat or smoke an hour before using the steroid drug; you can also go outside and eat no earlier than an hour after inhalation.

  • Complex nasal drops for children - composition, instructions;
  • See here - Hormonal nasal drops - names and list;
  • Dioxidin for a runny nose - how to take:

Indications for use

The drug is a synthetic analogue of the natural adrenal hormone from among glucocorticoids, is responsible for the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, eliminates inflammation and swelling.

Otolaryngologists and pediatricians prescribe the emulsion for use in a nebulizer - a special device that sprays medicinal substances into a special reservoir for inhalation.

In addition to being highly effective, inhalations with Hydrocortisone are very convenient to use. This procedure is prescribed in the following situations:

  • With bronchitis, that is, inflammation processes that occur in the bronchial mucous membranes. The disease is characterized by the appearance of mucus and is of non-infectious, viral or bacterial origin.
  • With laryngitis - a pathology that affects the larynx. It is caused by incorrect thermal conditions (overheating or hypothermia), tension in the ligaments and infection in the body.
  • With laryngotracheitis - inflammation that affects both the larynx and the upper tracheal sections.
  • For bronchial asthma, which is characterized by shortness of breath and narrowing of the lumens of the bronchi, possible whistling or wheezing in the sternum, and a wet cough. Most often, it is of allergenic origin or develops due to the patient’s excessive sensitivity to certain irritants.
  • For acute coughing attacks that are accompanied by spasms. It is very important to use the drug in the form of inhalation ampoules only in a strictly prescribed manner by your doctor. Since the medicine produced in ampoules, in accordance with the instructions, is not intended for inhalation.

inhalation with hydrocortisone for adults

How to use hydrocortisone for inhalation

For inhalation with hydrocortisone in a nebulizer, the product is used in ampoules or suspension. To carry out the procedure you will need:

  • hormonal agent;
  • inhalation device;
  • saline;
  • syringe.

Hydrocortisone in a syringeAfter all the necessary components have been collected, you need to dilute hydrocortisone.
This must be done according to individual calculations made by the attending physician who prescribed the drug. Before starting, you should thoroughly rinse all the vessels and containers used, and only then begin to dilute the drug.

It is better to mix the drug and saline solution in a syringe; each time you need to take a new, sterile one.

When carrying out inhalations, it is worth considering the following features:

  • You cannot exceed the permissible daily intake of the hormone; for adults it is 25-30 ml. Otherwise, side effects and complications of the disease may occur.
  • Do not mix with other medicines and herbal medicine.
  • Complete absence of physical activity before and after the procedure.
  • No more than two inhalations are carried out per day, this is especially important for children.
  • Each procedure should take no more than 10 minutes.

For inhalations, you should give preference to a nebulizer. The device is more functional; you can regulate the number and size of inhaled microparticles.

The full course of treatment is selected individually for each person depending on the complexity of the disease, its duration and the individual characteristics of each person. The doctor may prescribe inhalations with the drug for at least three days, but treatment cannot last more than a week. If during this period the symptoms have not changed, the patient’s condition remains the same, then other drugs are selected for treatment.

Instructions for use in the form of inhalations

How to dilute Hydrocortisone for inhalation?

With the steam method, water is heated in a saucepan and brought to a boil. Then the tip of the ampoule with the medicine is broken off, and the suspension is drawn into the syringe (depending on the patient’s age and condition). Next, “Hydrocortisone” is dissolved in water, the liquid is cooled. After which you can start inhalations.

When using a nebulizer, you should pour boiling water over its container before the procedure. The next step is to unseal the ampoule and pour the medicine into the device using a syringe. Next, you need to add saline solution to the container in the same way. For adults, the ratio of drugs is 2:1, and for children, on the contrary, it is 1:2, that is, there should be more saline solution. When everything is ready, you can turn on the nebulizer and perform inhalation.

You can use improvised means - a towel, boiling water and a regular saucepan. You can carry out this manipulation in the same way as breathing over potatoes. Care must be taken when adding the drug to boiling water; the amount should be checked with a specialist.

The time of inhalation of the drug for children is determined by the age category (five years - five minutes, nine years - nine, etc.) For adult patients, the same time is 15 minutes.

It is permissible to carry out no more than five procedures per day for 5 - 10 days. If after this there is no effect, you need to contact a specialist again.

hydrocortisone for inhalation how to dilute

A more correct and reliable way is to use a nebulizer for inhalation. This is a special device into which the solution is poured and it releases steam in doses.

Inhalations in a nebulizer with Hydrocortisone are especially recommended for children with illnesses. You need to dilute one milliliter of the drug into two milliliters of saline solution and place the solution in the device. The device has several attachments that are designed for acupressure therapy of inflamed areas. In this regard, the number and time of procedures is halved.

In order for the procedure to work as required, you need to carefully read the instructions for using the Hydrocortisone suspension, which describe the stages in detail. In addition, there are a number of recommendations that must be followed:

  • inhalations are carried out thirty minutes to an hour after meals;
  • half an hour before the manipulation you cannot engage in physical exercise, the patient’s body must be at rest;
  • you need to breathe correctly; if the disease affects the nose, then through the nose, and in case of diseases of the respiratory tract and larynx - through the mouth;
  • After inhalation, you cannot talk or eat for an hour, go outside and smoke for two hours;
  • carefully monitor the steam temperature; for children for inhalation it should be thirty degrees, and for adult patients it can be warmed up to seventy.

You need to breathe calmly, and it is forbidden to talk during the procedure. This task is especially difficult for young patients. Using this drug alone does not guarantee recovery. This will require comprehensive treatment, which includes antibiotics and other agents.

Let's look at the instructions for "Hydrocortisone" for inhalation for children.

Features of the procedure

The therapeutic effect is achieved by observing the following rules:

  • It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations for the use of medications given in the instructions for use.
  • Inhalations are carried out an hour and a half after the last meal.
  • Half an hour before the procedure, you need to do something calm and not overload yourself with physical activity.
  • During the procedure, it is necessary to control the processes of inhalation and exhalation: when treating a runny nose, breathing is done through the nose, and for throat diseases and coughs, through the mouth. In this case, breathing should be even and shallow.
  • The steam temperature should not be more than 30 degrees for children and 70 degrees for adults.
  • After inhalation, it is not recommended to talk or eat food for an hour, as well as go outside and smoke for 2 hours.

All activities are carried out in comfortable clothing that does not compress the chest and throat. It is necessary to take a comfortable position, relax and control the breathing process, without being distracted by watching TV or reading a book.

Features of the use of inhalations for the treatment of children

Inhalations are not prescribed for children as often as for adults. This remedy is hormonal, and it is used with caution to treat a growing organism with reduced immunity. The dosage of Hydrocortisone for inhalation is very different from the dosage for adults. Only a doctor can prescribe the drug to children under two years of age.

There can be up to five milliliters of saline per milliliter of substance. The dosage depends on the condition of the child’s body and the severity of the disease. "Hydrocortisone" for inhalation is prescribed to patients under two years of age in extreme cases - in case of laryngeal edema or lung pathology. The number of inhalations is no more than two per day for five days. If the disease continues, the doctor prescribes another drug. Hydrocortisone emulsion is prescribed for therapy no more than once every six months.

Please note that when used twice a day, the drug can be used for three days. From the fourth it is necessary to switch to a single inhalation and gradually abandon it (rules for stopping the use of hormonal drugs).

The doctor will tell you exactly how to properly dilute the product for children's inhalation, based on the individual characteristics of a particular child. Using inhalation for severe cough or acute pain, the patient will feel the effect within ten minutes. It is advisable to do this at night, since the child will wake up less often and his sleep will become more sound.

Side effects

The drug is produced both in pure form and mixed with lidocaine. It is a local anesthetic that reduces the heart rate and eliminates spasms. An otolaryngologist or pediatrician may prescribe just such a combination.

For example, “Hydrocortisone Richter” for inhalation contains lidocaine. This drug is aimed at suppressing inflammation and reducing the synthesis of prostaglandins, thereby eliminating spasms and pain.

Specifics of glucocorticoids:

  • eliminate swelling;
  • eliminate allergic inflammation and reactions;
  • dilute sputum, help to separate it and remove it more quickly;
  • providing immunostimulating function while maintaining interferon production.

How to dilute Hydrocortisone for inhalation with a nebulizer for children and adults

Inhalations are not prescribed for children as often as for adults. This remedy is hormonal, and it is used with caution to treat a growing organism with reduced immunity. The dosage of Hydrocortisone for inhalation is very different from the dosage for adults. Only a doctor can prescribe the drug to children under two years of age.

There can be up to five milliliters of saline per milliliter of substance. The dosage depends on the condition of the child’s body and the severity of the disease. "Hydrocortisone" for inhalation is prescribed to patients under two years of age in extreme cases - in case of laryngeal edema or lung pathology. The number of inhalations is no more than two per day for five days. If the disease continues, the doctor prescribes another drug. Hydrocortisone emulsion is prescribed for therapy no more than once every six months.

Please note that when used twice a day, the drug can be used for three days. From the fourth it is necessary to switch to a single inhalation and gradually abandon it (rules for stopping the use of hormonal drugs).

The doctor will tell you exactly how to properly dilute the product for children's inhalation, based on the individual characteristics of a particular child. Using inhalation for severe cough or acute pain, the patient will feel the effect within ten minutes. It is advisable to do this at night, since the child will wake up less often and his sleep will become more sound.

If the emulsion is used not according to the instructions, the disease may worsen. In addition to the disorder, an allergic reaction to the components may also occur. In this case, insomnia, nausea and vomiting are observed.


  • frequent nosebleeds (weak nasal vessels);
  • high temperature (more than 37.2);
  • lung pathologies caused by tuberculosis, emphysema and oncology;
  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • patient age over 60;
  • stomach diseases;
  • breast-feeding.

“Hydrocortisone” in ampoules does not combine well with other medications. It can enhance the negative properties of paracetamol, which is contained in most antipyretics. Accelerates the removal of antibiotics from the body, blocks the effect of cardiac drugs. When other hormonal substances are used at the same time, the combination with Hydrocortisone causes acne.

Due to the presence of benzyl alcohol in the composition, the medicine can cause a severe allergic reaction. If the dosage of the drug is not exceeded, hydrocortisone does not have a systemic effect.

For children, administration of medication through a nebulizer is rarely prescribed. This requires compelling reasons. This is not the case when the drug can be used independently without consulting a specialist. The dosage for children is selected individually, as is the regimen for breathing measures.

Immediately before the procedure, it is necessary to dilute the product with saline solution. You cannot use boiled, distilled water if you plan to pour the medicine into the nebulizer.

Pediatric dosage

Age Hydrocortisone Saline solution to dilute the medication Number of inhalations per day
Up to 2 years 1 ml 5 ml 1 time
From 3 years 1 ml 2 ml 1-2 times
From 6 years old 1 ml 2 ml 1-3 times

The minimum course of therapy is 3 days, the maximum is 7 days. As you feel better, the dose changes downward. The duration of one breathing event is 5 minutes. Inhalations with Hydrocortisone for children are not used to prevent bronchospasm attacks.

How to use

This dosage form of the drug is intended to eliminate pathologies of the respiratory system. Otolaryngologists prescribe inhalation therapy using a suspension even to young children, which helps eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of the disease in a short time.

The active component of Hydrocortisone is a hormone, so children's inhalations are carried out under strict medical supervision with the permission of the attending physician.

The drug is used in childhood and adulthood to eliminate swelling of the bronchi and throat - these are frequent signs of a pathological phenomenon. The drug has a number of advantages:

  • has antihistamine effectiveness, eliminates allergic attacks;
  • relieves inflammation of the throat and bronchi;
  • fights swelling;
  • relieves asthmatic exacerbations, bronchitis, laryngitis;
  • supports the immune system;
  • speeds up the healing process.

Hydrocortisone for inhalation instructions for use

Hydrocortisone is considered an effective medication with anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, and analgesic effectiveness.

The medicinal composition during therapeutic respiratory manipulation is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process in the affected mucous membranes. The effect of the drug is due to the removal of swelling, optimization of breathing, elimination of coughing attacks, and improvement of mucus discharge.

Inhalations with Hydrocortisone are recommended for children. For this purpose, an intramuscular (injection) composition of the drug is used. The ampoule form with a liquid composition is aimed at relieving swelling of the larynx and bronchi.

Inhalations for children using Hydrocortisone are carried out on the recommendation of a doctor:

  • the solution is used in a diluted state;
  • inhalations are done in the morning, evening or emergency time (attack);
  • duration of therapy from 3 to 7 days;
  • in some cases, the drug is used alternating with Ambroxol.

If the child is nervous, the procedure is not recommended. Before sessions, it is necessary to create a calm environment. The duration of sessions is determined by age differences:

  • 4 years – 4 minutes;
  • 7 years - 7 minutes.

The temperature of medicinal vapors should not exceed 32 degrees.

Inhalations with Hydrocortisone are focused on relieving the larynx from inflammation. For treatment sessions, similar dosing solutions are used as for bronchitis and tracheitis. The session is carried out with breathing exercises of the mouth and nasal cavity, as inflammation affects the throat. Procedures are carried out twice a day, morning and evening.

Symptoms of laryngitis:

  • voice hoarseness;
  • cough;
  • seizures.

The introduction of inhalation therapy using a hydrocortisone solution alleviates the symptoms of laryngitis a few minutes after the breathing session, if everything is done according to the instructions.

The course of therapeutic therapy is prescribed according to an individual scheme, taking into account all factors, namely:

  • age category of the patient;
  • characteristics of the body;
  • severity of the disease.

For children under 2 years of age, this drug is recommended only for serious pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system or severe swelling of the throat. Patients over two years of age receive instructions according to the stage of the disease, the presence of a cough with a certain characteristic, and the individuality of the body.

In childhood, it is not recommended to carry out more than two inhalation sessions; exceptions are possible in case of restless cough, which provokes an outbreak of attacks. The duration of average therapy is 5 days. A mild form of pathology is treated within 3 days, serious diseases have a longer course (1 week).

Inhalations for laryngitis with Hydrocortisone

The drug is diluted with saline in the same proportions as for bronchial asthma or bronchitis. When using it for laryngitis, you should take into account the following feature: the steam must be inhaled through the mouth and nose, as the larynx becomes inflamed.

Combination medications help eliminate swelling and speed up the healing process. If the body is not sensitive to the composition, prepare a mixture for inhalation: combine one milliliter of Kalanchoe juice, Hydrocortisone emulsion for inhalation, quinozol solution (1%), etonium solution (2%).

When asking a specialist how to properly inhale a hormonal agent, you need to know that this type of treatment is not in itself the key to recovery. It is effective only with an integrated approach prescribed by a doctor.

hydrocortisone inhalation dosage

Inhalation with hydrocortisone in a nebulizer

Hardware inhalations using nebulizer devices are more effective and convenient. The hydrocortisone emulsion is nebulized by this device and inhaled. The device comes with attachments that correspond to various diseases. The solution turns into an aerosol cloud that penetrates into the desired areas of the respiratory tract. The procedure period is reduced by 2 times compared to inhaling steam over a pan. You can also reduce the number of procedures performed during the day.

Note! A normal procedure without a nebulizer with this hormonal drug can lead to complications. Therefore, this device is necessary in all cases of hydrocortisone use.

Use during pregnancy

The use of Hydrocortisone during pregnancy is prohibited at any time. This stops the development of the fetus or provokes spontaneous miscarriage. The current pharmaceutical industry produces many drugs that are approved for nursing and pregnant women. However, this medicine does not apply to them, including its analogues.

Are inhalations with Hydrocortisone always safe for adults and children?

hydrocortisone for inhalation instructions for children

Hydrocortisone for inhalation for children: application features

The main role in the use of respiratory physiotherapeutic techniques is played by dilution of the hormone. For bronchitis and tracheitis, adults are advised to dilute the steroid drug with saline in a ratio of 1:1 or 2:1, but the dosage for children is different.

  1. Prescribe 1 ml of anti-inflammatory drug per 2 ml of saline solution.
  2. If the pediatrician deems it necessary, he can prescribe a solution for children under 2 years of age, in a ratio of 1 ml of emulsion to 5 ml of saline solution.

These proportions apply to the substance in ampoules. The amount can be measured with a syringe.

Inhalations with Hydrocortisone: instructions. Reviews, methodology

  1. The child is advised to carry out the procedure no more than 2 times a day, morning and evening. It is also allowed in case of an acute sudden attack of suffocating cough.
  2. The course of treatment lasts from 3 to 7 days.

For the first 3 days, inhalations are used twice a day, after which they switch to 1 procedure per day to eliminate the option of abrupt withdrawal of the drug.

The pediatrician may prescribe a regimen in which inhaled hydrocortisone should be alternated with drugs containing ambroxol.

Contraindications and side effects

If the emulsion is used not according to the instructions, the disease may worsen. In addition to the disorder, an allergic reaction to the components may also occur. In this case, insomnia, nausea and vomiting are observed.


  • frequent nosebleeds (weak nasal vessels);
  • high temperature (more than 37.2);
  • lung pathologies caused by tuberculosis, emphysema and oncology;
  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • patient age over 60;
  • stomach diseases;
  • breast-feeding.


Liquid Hydrocortisone, sold in ampoules, has a number of contraindications. These include:

  • body temperature is more than 37.5 degrees,
  • the child’s age is less than 2 years (two-month-old infants are prohibited from performing health inhalations),
  • cardiovascular failure,
  • frequent nosebleeds.

Hydrocortisone is also contraindicated in the following cases:

  • diabetes,
  • measles,
  • intestinal or stomach ulcer,
  • venereal diseases,
  • osteoporosis,
  • pregnancy.

It is prohibited to carry out inhalation procedures in the presence of these contraindications - this can worsen your health condition and also greatly reduce your immunity.

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