Treatment of acute tonsillitis in a child

[Acute tonsillitis in children (tonsillitis)] is a fairly common disease of the upper respiratory tract.

With this disease, the palatine tonsils become inflamed, which play an important protective role in the child’s body - they prevent harmful agents from entering the body, which cause many complications and diseases.

Examination by a specialist

What it is?

Tonsillitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the palatine tonsils.
These tonsils are paired; they are located in a small depression between the soft palate and the child’s tongue. In medicine they are simply called serial numbers - first and second. They are composed of lymphoid tissue, like the spleen, and perform immune functions. The first and second tonsils form a protective barrier, the task of which is to stop viruses and bacteria that enter the body through the nose (during breathing), through the mouth (with food and water).

Tonsils not only provide protection, but also actively participate in the complex process of hematopoiesis. If a child gets sick, a virus or bacteria enters the throat, the tonsils react to this with inflammation, thereby creating the most unfavorable conditions for development and reproduction for the uninvited “guest”.

If a child gets sick often, the tonsils do not have time to cope with the increased load and begin to grow and hypertrophy. Increasing their size temporarily helps them function according to the program given by nature, but quite quickly such tonsils themselves turn into a source of infection and danger.

With tonsillitis, not only the first and second palatine tonsils are affected; sometimes the inflammation spreads to the unpaired pharyngeal tonsil. That is why people mistakenly call such ailments a sore throat.

In the understanding of doctors, tonsillitis is an exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis or acute tonsillitis. But chronic tonsillitis in remission continues to be a disease and is not considered a sore throat.

No child is immune from tonsillitis - the disease can develop in both infants and older children. True, at the age of 1 to 3 years the disease is less common - in 3% of children. At 3 years of age and older, the incidence doubles - about 6% of children under 7 years of age have such a diagnosis in their personal medical history. The highest incidence is in children over 7 years of age (it is approximately 15%).


In order not to bring the disease to a chronic form, prevention is needed, which consists of the following measures:

  • timely treatment of sore throat;
  • a preventive course of sanitation of the tonsils with antiseptic solutions (iodine, gramicidin or tannin with glycerin) 2 weeks after the acute form of the disease;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • hardening: air baths, dousing with water, rubbing, gargling. Read more about hardening methods in our review.

Prevention of tonsillitis in children is an important measure to reduce the risk of a chronic form of the disease, further complications, as well as the need for surgical removal of the tonsils.

A disease such as tonsillitis or tonsillitis is familiar to every parent firsthand. This inflammatory process of the nasopharynx can occur in acute and chronic forms, bringing with its “presence” a lot of unpleasant sensations and creating many problems.

The source of inflammation is the palatine tonsils, or as they are also called tonsils, which are the main barrier to infection seeking to enter the human respiratory tract.

Unfortunately, the disease is very often diagnosed in children of different ages, so the main signs of the disease and first aid methods should be known to every mother. This will help protect the child from consequences and complications, the likelihood of which is very high.


A pediatric otolaryngologist is involved in identifying the disease. Other specialists can also join in the treatment - a nephrologist (if complications arise from the kidneys), a cardiologist (if there are complications in the heart), an allergist (if the disease occurs with an exacerbation of allergies or is caused by allergens), a surgeon (if surgical treatment of the tonsils is required).

The doctor begins the diagnosis with an external examination of the condition of the tonsils. The clinical picture of tonsillitis is characterized by a variety of specific symptoms with enlarged tonsils. This includes a rash on the first and second tonsils, purulent or non-purulent lesions of the pharyngeal tonsil, as well as inflamed follicles that look like small or medium-sized pustules.

A swab is always taken from the surface of the tonsils. It is examined in a laboratory for the content of bacteria and fungi. If they are detected, then the laboratory technician also answers another question - which specific microbe caused the disease.

This is important in order to carry out the correct treatment. After all, some antibiotics are active against staphylococcus, while others are best suited for combating pneumococcus. Fungal infections are treated with antifungal drugs; this is a different story altogether.

A general blood test, which is done to all children with tonsillitis, shows how strong the inflammatory process is in the body, whether it is systemic. A virological analysis allows you to determine whether the disease is caused by certain types of viruses. Indeed, with this origin, tonsillitis will be treated without the use of antibiotics.

If a child has advanced and severe tonsillitis, the ENT doctor can give referrals to a nephrologist and cardiologist. You will have to go to the first one with ready-made urine results in hand to rule out possible kidney complications. The cardiologist will conduct an ECG and ultrasound of the heart (if necessary) to understand whether the inflamed tonsils are complicated by heart ailments.

Prevention measures

To prevent acute tonsillitis in children, photos of which can be seen below, from passing into the chronic stage:

Therefore, it is extremely important to carry out regular prevention of the disease, which consists of:

  • timely treatment of sore throat and other inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • periodic sanitation of the oral cavity, nose, throat, and especially the tonsils with antiseptic solutions, for example, iodine solution, gramicidin, tannin with glycerin) and mandatory sanitation 14 days after the acute form of the disease;
  • vitamin therapy, hardening, air baths and rubdowns.

Prevention of sore throat in children and adults is an important measure that helps reduce the risk of developing a chronic form of the disease and various complications.

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Tonsillitis is considered one of the common childhood diseases. This is an infectious disease that causes local and general intoxication and, in the absence of proper therapy, leads to serious consequences for the body. What is the cause of this disease and how to properly and safely treat tonsillitis in a child?


Tonsillitis can be acute or chronic. Acute (angina) in turn can be catarrhal, follicular, lacunar, fibrinous and herpetic. As the name of each subspecies implies, the difference lies in the causes of the onset and course of the disease.

Acute tonsillitis is most often bacterial in nature; it can be streptococcal, staphylococcal, pneumococcal, depending on which microbe attacked the child. Inflammation of the tonsils caused by microbes is always accompanied by purulent phenomena - ulcers, plaque on the tonsils.

In second place are viral acute tonsillitis; they are caused by viruses that have entered the lymphoid tissue. The fungal nature of the disease cannot be ruled out - candidiasis tonsillitis is a rather dangerous disease.

However, having a sore throat once is not a reason to diagnose a child with tonsillitis. The chronic form of this disease usually appears in children who have had a sore throat at least 4 times a year, as well as in children whose acute form of the disease has not been properly treated.

Chronic tonsillitis is also not as simple as it might seem. It has many manifestations and guises. Thus, the disease can be compensated and decompensated. In the first case, the child’s body, which has a high ability to compensate, “smoothes out” the disease, preventing it from developing, and nothing bothers the baby.

The simplest is considered to be lacunar chronic tonsillitis, in which inflammation spreads only to the lacunae. In more serious cases, the inflammatory process also affects the tissues of the entire tonsil, and this is lacunar-parenchymal tonsillitis.

Phlegmonous is a disease in which the palatine tonsils are predominantly affected. The most complex form is sclerotic tonsillitis, which affects not only the tonsils, but also neighboring areas, and there is also a strong proliferation of connective tissue.

Types of tonsillitis

First you need to decide on the type of disease. There are two forms of the disease - chronic and acute. They are interconnected; one type smoothly passes into another if timely assistance is not provided.

Types of tonsillitis

  1. The first type is acute tonsillitis. This type includes inflammation of the throat; the doctor diagnoses a sore throat, which is also called acute tonsillitis. Symptoms of the disease appear unexpectedly. The child develops a high fever and severe pain in the larynx. At the first signs, you need to call an ambulance or call your local pediatrician so that you can complete the necessary course of treatment in a timely manner. To prevent the disease from manifesting itself again, it is necessary to undergo certain preventive measures, since with constant inflammation of the larynx you can develop chronic tonsillitis.
  2. The second type is chronic. The chronic nature of the disease occurs due to poor treatment or multiple repetitions of sore throat. The disease especially manifests itself in winter, when the baby lacks vitamins and his body is weakened. The symptoms are the same as for acute tonsillitis, however, more pronounced. Treatment takes much longer and can lead to complications that can significantly damage the child’s body.

That’s why, when a baby’s pathology has just begun to manifest itself, you should work closely with a doctor; to be on the safe side, you can consult with several specialists, and then begin treatment immediately.

Drug therapy

The doctor must include antibacterial drugs in the treatment regimen. But only this is provided that the development of acute tonsillitis was influenced by bacteria. As for the dosage and duration of administration, only a doctor can determine this.

In addition to the main treatment, children may be prescribed vitamin complexes, mineral supplements, and immunomodulatory medications.

Table 1 - Drugs for the treatment of childhood acute tonsillitis

NameImpactMethod of administrationPrice
Tantum VerdeThe drug successfully stops the inflammatory process, eliminates microbes, and has an antihistamine effect.For young patients, the drug is designed as a spray, and for adolescents, you can purchase a rinse solution or tablets.150 – 350 rub.
CeftriaxoneAn antibacterial drug that effectively eliminates streptococcus and fights inflammation of the tonsils.It is used in the form of injections, although you can buy powder for preparing a solution at the pharmacy.Price for one ampoule from 26 rubles.
ImmunalThis drug is of plant origin and is used to increase the body's defenses.You can purchase the medication in solution or tablet format. It must be taken internally. Prohibited for use by children under one year of age. From 260 rub.
LincomycinThe active components of the drug effectively fight streptococcal infections.Use the medication in the form of injections. Prohibited for use by children under 3 years of age. From 71 rub.
TonsilotrenThis is a homeopathic medicine with which you can quickly and effectively eliminate inflammation, remove harmful microorganisms and have a general strengthening effect.You can buy the drug at the pharmacy in the form of lozenges. Prohibited for use by children under 3 years of age. From 580 rub.

Treatment of tonsillitis with medication

The diagnosis has been established and treatment can begin. The first method of therapy is drug intervention. This therapeutic therapy is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. Giving pills at your own discretion to a child is contraindicated, since the reaction of his body to this drug is not known; it can only harm the baby even more.

The most common medications for chronic tonsillitis are:


  1. Antibiotics: Flemoclav, Amoxiclav, macrolides and cephalosporins. These drugs can quickly reduce inflammation and eliminate purulent accumulations.
  2. You can have a shock effect on the affected areas of the tonsils using antiseptic aerosols: Tamtum-Verde, Stopangin, Hexoral, Miramistin and Lugol.

For chronic inflammation, treatment lasts more than one week, so you should not expect relief right away. There are cases when treatment does not help at all, in which case surgery is prescribed. Before surgical intervention is prescribed, the following additional procedures are performed:

  • immunomodulatory therapy, which helps strengthen the child’s immunity
  • rinsing the sinuses with antiseptics
  • physiotherapeutic procedures

You need to be patient, as the baby will be significantly capricious from misunderstanding and fear. However, with poor treatment, myocarditis may develop, leading to bilateral tonsil removal.

Traditional methods

At home, conservative treatment can be supplemented with the help of unconventional methods. Most often, for acute tonsillitis, various decoctions and rinses are used. The most effective are considered:

  1. Take an onion, chop finely and boil in syrup.
    Remove from heat when the product becomes thick and homogeneous. Take the medicine 3 times a day, 10 ml. But only children under 10 years old should use the product in this dosage. For older patients, increase the amount of syrup by 2 times. But how onions are used for colds and flu is described in great detail in this article. The photo shows a boiled onion in syrup
  2. Place a piece of propolis in your mouth and suck it until it completely disappears.
    Repeat these actions several times a day until recovery occurs. But how nasal polyps are treated with propolis is indicated here in the article. In the photo - propolis for the treatment of throat diseases
  3. Take a piece of fresh ginger.
    For 10 g of raw material there are 500 ml of water. Add chopped garlic cloves and a slice of lemon to the solution. Place everything in the oven, simmer for 15 minutes, and then drink as tea. What are the best honey and ginger cough lozenges and how should they be used? is discussed in detail here in the article. Pictured is fresh ginger
  4. It is necessary to peel and chop the beets. Pour in 300 ml of water. Boil for 20 minutes, filter and use to rinse the throat 3 times a day.
  5. Take 10 sea buckthorn fruits. Consume them on an empty stomach. Do this until recovery occurs. It will also be interesting to learn how snoring is treated with sea buckthorn oil.

Drug treatment, do you need an antibiotic?

Treatment of tonsillitis in a child should be comprehensive!

To treat tonsillitis in a child, the following groups of medications are used:

  1. Antiseptics. These include special solutions for rinsing and treating the inflammatory focus, as well as various aerosols for irrigating the oropharynx: Hexasprey, Miramistin, Tantum Verde, Hexoral, Cameton.
  2. Antihistamines. These drugs are used to relieve swelling of the tonsils and pharyngeal mucosa. The best drugs in this group are considered to be the latest generation of drugs that do not have sedative properties: Cetrin, Suprastin, Telfast.
  3. Analgesics. Used for acute pain when swallowing and sore throat.
  4. Immunomodulatory drugs. For children from this group of drugs, it is advisable to use natural-based immunomodulators.
  5. Antipyretics. They are used in case of high temperature in a child - more than 38 degrees. Children are usually prescribed Paracetamol or Nurofen.

In addition, the otolaryngologist can prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures for tonsillitis. For example, in the chronic form, it is recommended to undergo laser treatment twice a year. Specialists often prescribe ultraviolet irradiation, climatotherapy, and aromatherapy.

One of the frequently asked questions by parents is: “Do I need to take antibiotics for tonsillitis?” Otolaryngologists necessarily prescribe antibacterial drugs for exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease, as well as for acute tonsillitis, the causative agent of which is pathogenic bacteria.

Useful video - How and when to remove tonsils:

Children are usually prescribed drugs of the penicillin, macrolide and cephalosporin group. Such antibiotics for the treatment of tonsillitis include Sumamed, Augmentin, Flemoklav Solutab, Clarithromycin, Azithromycin, Cefadroxil.

To prevent the development of dysbiosis during antibiotic treatment, probiotics are used, for example Linex, Laktovit, Hilak Forte.

It is important to remember that such drugs are prescribed by an experienced otolaryngologist. Parents, in order to avoid aggravating the problem, as well as not to harm their child, are not allowed to independently select medicine and treat the patient with it. The choice of antibiotic is made taking into account the individual characteristics of the child’s body, the form and severity of the disease, and it also depends on the pathogen that provoked the development of the disease.

Gargling and inhalation

At elevated body temperatures, inhalation is prohibited!

The complex treatment of tonsillitis in children also includes a rinsing procedure. It is done using medicinal solutions such as Furacilin, Miramistin, Iodinol. It is recommended for young children to treat their tonsils with a gauze swab, since they do not yet know how to gargle properly.

The rinsing procedure can be done with saline solution. The finished drug can be purchased at pharmacies. At home, you can prepare it by dissolving a teaspoon of salt, preferably sea salt, with boiling, cooled water. You can rinse the oropharynx with a solution with the addition of essential oils or infusions of medicinal herbs, for example, calendula, chamomile, marshmallow, sage, St. John's wort. You can treat the disease by gargling with beet juice.

Inhalations are considered an effective method of treatment for tonsillitis.

It is better for children to do them using a special device that can be purchased at pharmaceutical institutions. This device is called a nebulizer.

Inhalations are carried out using various medicinal solutions. Procedures using herbal decoctions are also considered safe and effective for children. For these inhalations, you can use the following plants, which have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties:

  • Sage
  • Eucalyptus
  • Calendula
  • Pine needles
  • Oak bark
  • Coltsfoot
  • Chamomile

It is useful to perform inhalations using aromatic oils. For tonsillitis, mint, peach, eucalyptus, rose and sage oils are considered effective.

Acute form

Treatment of acute tonsillitis (depending on the pathogen that caused it) is carried out with drugs that are active against a specific microorganism.

That is why a sore throat should never be treated independently at home. Such “treatment” in 90% of cases leads to tonsillitis becoming a persistent chronic form.

For bacterial sore throat, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. It is best if the medicine is as effective as possible against a specific microbe. But in small towns and villages, where medical institutions often do not have bacteriological laboratories at all, it is sometimes very difficult to determine whether staphylococcus or streptococcus is to blame for the disease. The doctor determines bacterial infection literally “by eye” - and in this case prescribes broad-spectrum antibiotics.

As a rule, treatment begins with the penicillin group of antibacterial drugs. Amoxicillin and Amosin have proven themselves well. For young children, it is acceptable to take medications in the form of syrups.

In parallel with this, the child is prescribed local therapy - washing the tonsils with a special device "Tonsilor", rinsing with a solution of furatsilin, and treating with antiseptics.

For this purpose, Miramistin spray and Tonzilgon herbal antiseptic are most often prescribed.

In case of viral infection of the tonsils, antibiotics are completely and categorically contraindicated. Taking them in this case cannot reduce the risk of complications. Moreover, these risks increase by 6-8 times.

Sometimes doctors recommend taking antiviral drugs. It is up to the parents to decide whether to buy them or not, since the clinical effectiveness of most of these products has not been officially proven. "Anaferon" or "Ergoferon" in no way affect the speed of the child's recovery.

More hope for local treatment. Affected tonsils are treated with the use of Vinilin balm, gargling with a solution of furatsilin, and treatment with antiseptics are prescribed.

Fungal sore throats are considered one of the most difficult to treat. They are prescribed a course of antifungal therapy, which includes both taking appropriate medications orally and local treatment with antifungal sprays and ointments. The course is quite long - from 14 days, after a short break it is repeated.

To reduce fever in acute tonsillitis, antipyretic drugs are allowed - Paracetamol, Cefekon (suppositories for children), and the anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drug Ibuprofen. They not only relieve fever, but also moderately relieve pain.

You should not treat your throat with a sore throat with Lugol's solution. This drug contains a large amount of iodine, which is perfectly absorbed and absorbed by the child's body. The more extensively the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils is affected, the faster and more aggressively the iodine acts. This is fraught with serious overdose and iodine poisoning.

At the recovery stage, the child is prescribed physiotherapeutic treatment - warming, ultrasound treatment of the tonsils, light therapy.

How the disease is treated

Treatment of acute tonsillitis in children can be divided into general and local.

General treatment involves eliminating, first of all, the causative agent of the infection and alleviating various symptoms.
Medicines to combat microflora
The doctor, having examined the child, can determine what type of tonsillitis the baby suffers from and what pathogen caused the disease.

Important to know: Is chronic tonsillitis contagious or not?

If acute tonsillitis is bacterial in nature, then antibiotics cannot be avoided. Most often, the pediatrician prescribes the following drugs: Flemoklav Salutab, Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Azithromycin, Sumamed, Azithro-Sandoz, Clarithromycin, Cefadroxil, etc.

Medicines are prescribed taking into account the severity of the disease, the type of pathological microflora, and the physiological and age characteristics of the child.

Therefore, parents should never prescribe antibiotics to their child on their own!

For viral acute tonsillitis in children, the pediatrician prescribes antiviral, immunostimulating drugs “Interferon Leukocyte” (can be used from 6 months of age), “Viferon” (prescribed even to newborns).

Antipyretic drugs

Pediatricians recommend not giving antipyretic medications if the child’s temperature is below 38 0C.

Antipyretic drug

At higher temperatures, Nurofen, Paracetamol or other drugs based on them should be given.


To reduce swelling of the tonsils and palatine arch and to prevent allergic reactions to medications, Diazolin, Suprastin, Claritin, Cetril, Terfest can be prescribed.


Treatment of abdominal pain and restoration of digestion is carried out with the help of drugs “Ecoflor”, “Linex”, “Bifiform”, “Hilak Forte”.

Local treatment is aimed at relieving painful sensations in the throat and clearing the tonsils of pathogenic microflora.


For throat irrigation, local antiseptics “Gexoral”, “Gexasprey”, “Tantum-Verde”, “Cameton”, “Miramistin”, “Ingalipt” in the form of sprays and “Faringosept”, “Sebedin”, “Gramicidin” in the form of tablets are used for resorption.


Establishing the true origin of tonsillitis is not so difficult, the disease is well studied, and the most common causes of its occurrence are known to doctors literally “by sight”:

  • Bacteria. These are staphylococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, moraxella, and pneumococci, which are widespread in the environment.
  • Viruses. This is a whole family of adenoviruses that are very common among people, some herpes viruses - for example, Epstein-Barr virus, Coxsackie viruses, influenza viruses.
  • Fungi, chlamydia and mycoplasma.
  • Allergens.

Pathogenic microorganisms entering a child’s body do not always act destructively. They cause tonsillitis in some children and not in others.

It is believed that the disease is most likely to develop in children with weakened immune systems who have recently suffered from an infectious disease or are currently suffering from it.

Other risk factors:

  • Sources of infection in the mouth or throat. These include diseased, untreated teeth and stomatitis.
  • Prolonged runny nose and nasopharyngeal diseases. If a child’s nasal breathing is difficult, he begins to reflexively breathe through his mouth, as a result of which he inhales practically unpurified, unheated air, often too dry. The mucous membranes of the oropharynx dry out and cease to perform immune functions, which contributes to the proliferation of bacterial microflora.

Often, the development of tonsillitis is “helped” by the adenoids that the child suffers from, chronic rhinitis, and sinusitis.

  • Unfavorable climate. If a child inhales air that is too dry or too humid, too gassy or polluted, the risk of developing tonsillitis increases significantly.
  • Hypothermia or overheating.
  • Poor nutrition, which led to metabolic disorders.
  • Constant stress. If a child is in an environment of constant scandals or in a situation of parental divorce, if he has difficulties communicating with peers in a children's group, the likelihood of developing tonsillitis increases. This is a completely reasonable medical conclusion, which was drawn up from the experience of observing and treating hundreds of thousands of children with tonsillitis.

Causes of tonsillitis in children

Throughout life, a person constantly comes into contact with many microorganisms - fungi, viruses, bacteria. But in most cases, such meetings pass unnoticed, without affecting the well-being of either the adult or the child. This means that insemination took place in a small amount (which is the norm if body hygiene is observed) and the body’s defenses are working normally.

But in some situations, infection (the introduction of microorganisms and their reproduction) is inevitable. This occurs with a temporary decrease in immune strength:

  • With local hypothermia (cold drinks, ice cream);
  • With general hypothermia;
  • In case of a long-term psycho-traumatic situation;
  • After a recent illness;
  • Against the backdrop of an unfavorable environment;
  • In contact with a person with purulent tonsillitis (bacterial form) or when sharing household and personal items with him (dishes, toothbrush, etc.).

In these cases, bacteria or viruses attack the body, primarily the mucous membranes, which leads to the development of inflammatory processes, in particular to diseases such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis. Serious medical attention is often required to eliminate these diseases. Viruses in most cases cause a simple (catarrhal) form of tonsillitis, while bacteria (mainly staphylococcus) cause purulent tonsillitis (follicular and lacunar form of tonsillitis in children).

The incubation period for bacterial tonsillitis is two to five days after exposure. However, if the patient with whom contact occurred took antibiotics, then he was not infectious. 24 hours after starting antibiotics, the patient becomes non-infectious.

Washing the tonsils

Washing the tonsils is one of the most important stages in the treatment of inflammation. It is this procedure that allows you to effectively wash the crypts and lacunae of the tonsils from purulent plugs and accumulations of bacterial waste products that support inflammation. It is necessary to do rinsing, especially for a child, only in the office of an otolaryngologist. There are several washing methods.

The first of them is rinsing with a syringe. But due to the risk of injury to the surface of the tonsils and the inability to fully wash the tonsils with this method, it is used quite rarely: if the patient has a pronounced gag reflex and is intolerant of the attachment of the Tonsillor device. It is this method of vacuum rinsing using the Tonsillor apparatus that is considered the most effective.

The device comes with a special vacuum attachment, which the ENT doctor brings to the inflamed tonsils. Under the influence of vacuum, the washing antiseptic solution, passing through all the lacunae and crypts of the tonsils, is drawn out along with the purulent contents into the nozzle cup.

This method copes much better with purulent plugs in the tonsils, but it is not without its drawbacks. The edges of the nozzle in contact with the tonsils can injure their surface. And the opaque cup of the nozzle does not allow the ENT doctor to see whether all the pathogenic contents of the tonsils have been completely released. As a result, the doctor has to act at random and do several extra rinses for prevention.

Many parents, having heard about the “side” effects of washing, begin to doubt: “Is it worth treating the child in this way?” Of course it's worth it!

The ENT Clinic of Doctor Zaitsev solved this problem a long time ago. The chief physician of the clinic, Vladimir Mikhailovich Zaitsev, together with his colleagues, improved the nozzle of the Tonzillor device. This is how a modified vacuum nozzle was born, which was ahead of its predecessor in everything. Our improved nozzle has four significant advantages:

  • the edges of the nozzle do not injure the surface of the tonsils;
  • the negative pressure it creates is much higher, which makes it possible to better wash the lacunae of the tonsils;
  • the cup of the new nozzle is absolutely transparent, and the ENT doctor sees at what point the procedure can be completed;
  • The improved handpiece is smaller in size than its predecessor, allowing even small patients to be treated gently and painlessly.

You will not find this attachment in any of the Moscow clinics. We are rightfully proud of our development and successfully apply it in practice.


Before answering the question of how and with what to treat chronic tonsillitis in a child, it is necessary to understand its particular symptoms. The general picture was discussed earlier, now it remains to pay attention to the local symptomatic elements.

  1. Purulent plugs in the area of ​​almond lacunae. They contain mucus, epithelial cells, microbial particles, which contributes to the occurrence of the inflammatory process. In place of the rejected cellular structures, an entrance gate appears for bacteria that are present in the lacunae. Due to traffic jams, the nerve endings are irritated, which entails cough syndrome, moderate shortness of breath, increased heart rate, and pain in the hearing organs.
  2. Pus-like discharge from lacunae when pressing on the tonsils. The determination of this fact should be entrusted to a competent physician who will competently and carefully carry out a set of diagnostic measures.
  3. The occurrence of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, which is associated with the presence of pus plugs.
  4. The formation of adhesions (adhesions) with the palatine arches, as well as redness of these arches in front, which is accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms.
  5. An increase in the size of the lymph nodes of the submandibular type; during palpation, they may seem dense and sensitive, and not fused to each other.
  6. Prolonged stay in a state of fever, heat, chills. But over time, this condition passes, and the temperature of 37.5 degrees lasts for a long period.
  7. If the picture worsens, the child immediately becomes tired, tired, capricious and irritable; if he already knows how to speak, then he will complain of a headache.

Since symptoms and treatment are related, it is necessary to pay special attention to these nuances. If a child feels unwell, cries or complains about something, this is a reason to show him to a doctor.

Traditional medicine recipes

Recipes for useful drugs are given in the table.

Form and actionCompoundPreparationApplication
Antiseptic infusion - cleansing mucous membranesChamomile (flowers), boiling water1 – 2 tsp. dried raw materials, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave in a warm place (under cover) for 30 - 60 minutes, filter Gargle with the solution 2-3 times a day.
It is preferable to use freshly prepared infusion each time
General strengthening infusion - increasing the body's resistanceRose hips (berries), boiling water, honey2 tbsp. l. fresh berries or 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for several hours (overnight) Drink as a fortified drink throughout the day. If desired, dilute with water or tea, add honey
Cleansing decoction - disinfection of the oral cavitySage (herb and flowers), eucalyptus (leaves), mint (herb)1 tsp. dry raw materials of each component are poured with boiling water and cooked under the lid for 5 - 10 minutes. Leave to cool, strain Gargle the throat and nasal mucous membranes with a warm decoction 2 times a day. Especially useful for a runny nose.
Tanning broth - strengthening mucous membranesOak (bark or leaves), water, lemon juiceRaw oak is brewed with boiling water (1 tbsp per glass), boiled for 10 - 20 minutes, filtered. Before use, add lemon juice - optional - or water: the baby's medicine should be translucent, not cloudy Rinse the mouth during seasonal epidemics 3 times a day

Thus, tonsillitis, both acute and chronic, is a serious disease of childhood. Properly organized treatment gives a chance to get rid of the disease before entering adulthood. It's worth trying for this.

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Remember that only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis; do not self-medicate without consultation and diagnosis by a qualified doctor.

Be healthy!

The nature of tonsillitis

The disease manifests itself, first of all, in pathological changes in the oropharynx, in particular in the tonsils (tonsils).

Tonsils are lymphoid formations deep in the oral cavity. Their function is to create an insurmountable barrier to germs, viruses and other microorganisms on their way to the lower respiratory tract.

When an infectious agent hits the surface of the tonsils, an immediate response is triggered: the tonsils secrete a hormonal secretion that suppresses the activity of pathogenic agents.

A properly functioning immune system gives an adequate response and copes with infection at one or another stage of acute tonsillitis. If the body's resistance is insufficient, it is not possible to completely suppress the infection, the manifestations of the disease cease to be tolerable, and severe forms of the disease develop.

Important! Tonsillitis in a child tends to be chronic, so treatment of its acute manifestations should be taken very seriously in order to avoid the development of the disease into chronic tonsillitis in a child.

The disease itself can be simple or complicated.

If a child often simply has a sore or sore throat, or has difficulty swallowing, then we are talking about a simple form. If, in addition to a sore throat when swallowing, there is a regular concomitant enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck and under the jaw, fever, and pathologies of some internal organs, for example, the heart, ear, sinuses, then we can talk about a complicated form - toxic-allergic.

Various pathogens can cause the disease:

  • bacteria (pneumococci, moraxella, streptococci, staphylococci, hemophilus influenzae);
  • viruses (adenoviruses, Coxsackie virus, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes virus);
  • fungi, chlamydia, mycoplasma.

The likelihood of developing the disease increases if the child has a constant source of infection in the body, such as: long-standing inflammation in the oral cavity, caries, inflammation in the sinuses, frequent difficulty breathing. Chronic tonsillitis often develops in children who are exposed to intoxication and inhale strong allergens and chemicals. Breathing dusty and polluted air also increases the likelihood of illness.

The state of the immune system also plays a role - if it is strong enough, then the likelihood of developing chronic tonsillitis is lower. If a child often suffers from viral respiratory diseases, the disease becomes more likely. Also, if a child sits on cold surfaces and becomes hypothermic, then he again falls into the risk group.

Exacerbations of chronic tonsillitis, according to Evgeniy Komarovsky, occur when local immunity is weakened, when a child becomes ill with a viral infection and the protective properties of the mucous membranes are impaired. If there is not enough saliva, or it has a thick consistency, then its protective functions are disrupted, which means that pathogenic microbes and viruses can calmly do their “dirty deed”.

Parents and doctors can suspect chronic tonsillitis in a child not only by the frequency of complaints of a sore throat, but also by characteristic signs. Usually, 2-3 symptoms from the list below are enough for such a diagnosis to be included in the baby’s medical record:

  • the palatal arches increase in size and thicken. In this state, they can be not only in the acute stage, when the throat really hurts, but also in a state of remission;
  • adhesions appear between the tonsils and palatine arches. This can be easily noticed by any pediatrician who looks down the child’s throat;
  • The tonsils themselves may have a loose appearance. The second option is scars on the tonsils;
  • in the area of ​​the tonsils, caseous purulent plugs may form, which look like white or yellowish-gray round spots, often filled with liquid pus;
  • the lymph nodes under the jaw and on the neck, which are responsible for draining lymph from the source of inflammation, are enlarged and painful when pressed slightly.

Medicine knows more than a hundred different diseases, which “owe” their appearance to chronic tonsillitis. These concomitant ailments have their own specific signs and symptoms. “Gifts” from existing tonsillitis include nephritis, hyperthyroidism, psoriasis, eczema, scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus, and rheumatism.

Cure chronic tonsillitis is difficult, but possible. The main rule is that therapy must be systematic, consistent and persistent.

Most often, conservative treatment is indicated for the child. This includes various rinses and irrigation of the tonsils. If the culprit of tonsillitis is a bacteria, your child may be prescribed antibiotics.

True, this should happen strictly after tests for bacterial culture from a sore throat are ready.

Only by knowing which microbe is “to blame” for the disease will the doctor be able to select an antibacterial drug that will act on this particular pathogen.

Courses of treatment for the baby are prescribed twice a year, most often in spring and autumn. If he has complicated chronic tonsillitis, then up to 4 courses of therapy can be carried out per year.

Among antiseptics, doctors quite often recommend Lugol's solution.

Evgeny Komarovsky urges parents to stop using this drug, since it is ineffective, like most other antiseptics for chronic tonsillitis.

In addition, Lugol's solution can be extremely dangerous for a child's body, since iodine, which it contains in large quantities, can cause disturbances in the function of the thyroid gland.

Evgeniy Komarovsky claims that all the antiseptics that may be recommended for treating the tonsils do not have any significant effect on the healing process. If the source of inflammation is found and it is bacterial, then it must be treated with antibiotics. If viruses are to blame, then specific treatment with medications is not required.

In any case, parents should devote every effort to strengthening local immunity, because there is no better medicine for a child with chronic tonsillitis than their own saliva. To prevent saliva from drying out, Komarovsky recommends:

  • sanitize the oral cavity by visiting a dentist;
  • monitor the drinking regime - a child with such an illness should drink warm drinks a lot and often;
  • tidy up the microclimate in the apartment. Local immunity will work as it should, and saliva will not dry out if the baby does not breathe dry air and sleeps in a room with three heaters and a tightly closed window. The best conditions are air temperature - 18-20 degrees, relative air humidity - 50-70%;
  • walk in the fresh air more often, remove from the house all things that can accumulate dust and pollute the air - soft toys, carpets, books that are not stored behind tightly closed cabinet doors;
  • Do not use household chemicals containing chlorine.

Sometimes, fortunately, quite rarely, surgical treatment is indicated for a child. In case of severe overgrowth of the palatine tonsils, they can be removed promptly. This procedure is called tonsillotomy or tonsillectomy. During the operation, the surgeon completely or partially removes the affected tonsils, which are the source of infection.

Indications for surgery are few: serious complications from internal organs, complete cessation of the protective functions of the tonsils. The operation is not classified as complex; the recovery period goes quite quickly. The prognosis after it is most often favorable.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you more about the removal of tonsils in children with tonsillitis and about the disease itself in the next video.

Evgeny Komarovsky advises parents of children not to forbid their child to eat cold food or drink water from the refrigerator, since ice cream is a tasty and healthy medicine for increasing the local immunity of the larynx and tonsils. They can not only pamper the child, but also harden the throat. In children who drink warm drinks and eat pureed foods all the time, chronic tonsillitis is much more common.

During a period of mass incidence of viral respiratory infections, it is worth protecting the child from visiting places where large numbers of people gather, especially if the meetings take place indoors. You should not take your child to large shopping centers at this time, or take them on public transport unless absolutely necessary, but walking in the park, away from the crowds, is welcome.

Viral infections, once a child has become infected with them, cannot be treated with antibiotics - this increases the likelihood of developing chronic tonsillitis, and if the baby has a sore throat, it needs to be treated with a doctor, correctly, and not on the Internet according to the recipes of traditional healers.

The best prevention of chronic tonsillitis, which is easier to prevent than to cure, is to harden the child from a very early age, to follow the rules of a balanced and proper diet, rich in vitamins and microelements. Runny noses, even the most minor ones, need to be treated quickly and correctly, and caries, stomatitis and any other inflammatory processes in the mouth should be eliminated as soon as possible.

Removal of tonsils for tonsillitis

A doctor can prescribe tonsil removal if necessary!

In advanced cases or when treatment is not effective, the specialist suggests removing the tonsils. This surgery is called a tonsillectomy and is performed in an otolaryngology office. The following conditions are considered indications for tonsil removal:

  • Frequent occurrence of sore throats (more than four times a year).
  • Toxic-allergic tonsillitis.
  • Poor breathing through the nose.
  • Tonsillogenic sepsis.
  • Proliferation of lymphoid tissue in the tonsils.

Surgical treatment is carried out when the tonsils are completely damaged and their functions are impossible.

Previously, tonsils were removed with a scalpel. Nowadays, the operation is performed using several more effective and newer methods:

  1. Using a laser. This method of removing tonsils is considered less traumatic and painless. The likelihood of relapses and complications after this procedure is minimized.
  2. Ultrasonic method.
  3. Liquid nitrogen.

There are some restrictions to removing tonsils. Such contraindications include diabetes mellitus, acute infectious and inflammatory diseases, blood diseases, menstruation, and acute tuberculosis.

To prevent the development of tonsillitis in children, it is recommended to follow the rules for preventing the disease.

These include the following recommendations:

  1. It is important to teach your child to rinse his mouth after eating food.
  2. Treat dental diseases in a timely manner.
  3. Provide a balanced and rational diet.
  4. Maintain a daily and sleep schedule.
  5. Do not allow the child to become hypothermic.
  6. Stay outdoors every day.
  7. Maintain cleanliness in the areas where the child is most often present.
  8. Carry out hardening procedures.
  9. Harden the tonsils (gradually get used to drinking cold liquids from childhood, gradually lowering the temperature and increasing the amount of drink).
  10. Massage the tonsils.
  11. Visit an otolaryngologist twice a year for examination.

Reduces the risk of tonsillitis, as well as exacerbation of its chronic form, by staying on the seashore.

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Symptoms and signs

Acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis) and attacks of chronic tonsillitis always occur with an increase in temperature. Moreover, the fever can be very pronounced, the temperature can rise to 39.0-40.0 degrees - in some forms of sore throat. The temperature usually lasts 3-5 days, depending on how quickly and how correctly the throat was treated.

The sore throat is intense, and the child sometimes cannot eat, drink, or even swallow his own saliva. With catarrhal tonsillitis, most often the tonsils simply turn red and look swollen. With follicular, yellowish purulent dots appear on the tonsils, which increase in size, merge and turn into rather large purulent formations.

With lacunar angina, with the naked eye you can see the accumulation of liquid purulent contents in the lacunae, as well as the appearance of purulent-caseous plugs on the tonsils.

A child with any sore throat has a very unpleasant odor coming from his mouth. The stronger the purulent manifestations, the stronger it is. Regional lymph nodes (under the jaw, in the occipital region, behind the ears) become inflamed and increase in size.

If a child is allergic, during this period his allergies may worsen; if there are problems with the joints, then an increase in joint pain is noted.

Chronic tonsillitis in remission does not give any special symptoms, the child leads a normal lifestyle, does not complain about anything, and is not contagious. However, in the acute stage, the symptoms become very similar to classic tonsillitis, except that the course of the disease is slightly less acute.

Parents can suspect chronic tonsillitis in a child based on a number of signs:

  • After eating cold food or drinks, temporary discomfort appears in the throat, associated with sensations of soreness, difficulty swallowing, and minor pain.
  • Body temperature rises to 37.0-37.9 and lasts for a long time. Most often it rises in the evenings, before bed.
  • An unpleasant odor appears from the mouth, which is especially noticeable in the morning - after a night's sleep.
  • The child's sleep is disturbed, he sleeps restlessly, and often wakes up.
  • Fatigue increases, the child becomes distracted and inattentive.
  • Exacerbations can occur up to 10-12 times a year - almost every month.

Symptoms of tonsillitis in children

In the vast majority of cases, acute tonsillitis in children first occurs at an early age. Acute tonsillitis in a child begins quite brightly - without warning signs and in a short time the following signs appear:

  • Sore throat, which is felt constantly and worsens when swallowing, sometimes radiates to the ear;
  • Swollen tonsils and visible redness;
  • Labored breathing;
  • Hoarse voice and pain when speaking;
  • The color of the throat is gray-yellow;
  • Enlarged jaw and cervical lymph nodes;
  • Increase in temperature (depending on the type of sore throat) - from low-grade to high (39°C), which is difficult to break down;
  • Deterioration in general health – weakness, irritability, lethargy, lack of appetite, headache, nausea or vomiting.

Symptoms of tonsillitis in infants and young children

In addition to high temperature, the following symptoms indicate the presence of tonsillitis (tonsillitis) in infants:

  • Refusal to eat;
  • Excess saliva due to inability to swallow;
  • unusual fussiness or tiredness;
  • Labored breathing.

Visible changes, obvious even when examining the oral cavity with the naked eye, occur in the tonsils. The tonsils increase in volume, their surface loosens, the folds of the lacunae are smoothed out. The mucous membrane shows obvious signs of disease:

  • Redness (from mild to bright) is the catarrhal form, the most harmless and easiest to treat. In the vast majority of cases, the causative agent is a virus;
  • Yellowish-white dotted formations are a follicular form that requires intensive local treatment. In more than 90% of cases, the causative agent is staphylococcus;
  • Purulent plaque - the spread of pus from the folds where colonies of the infectious agent have settled - lacunar form. In more than 90% of cases, the causative agent is staphylococcus.

The classification of acute tonsillitis is not limited to these forms, but they are the most common. In any case, the main symptom and focus of the disease is a sore throat.

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