Using a nebulizer for inhalation for pneumonia

The principle of the effect of inhalation on the respiratory tract

For the most part, inhalers are used to treat children. Constant children's runny noses and colds require high-quality, but gentle medicinal intervention. This is where an inhaler comes to the rescue.

Three types of devices are used for treatment: steam, compressor and ultrasonic.

Steam is not used so often lately, due to the fact that during the procedure the airways are heated, and there is a high probability that they will get cold again. An ultrasonic inhaler during operation breaks down the drug using ultrasound, in the process some of the properties of the drug are lost. The best option is a nebulizer.

The main advantage of compressor inhalers – nebulizers – is the process of converting medicine into vapor not using temperature, but by creating air pressure. Under its action, the drug is converted into an aerosol and expelled through a mouthpiece or mask for inhalation. And a special chamber that holds the dose of medication as much as required, thereby eliminating the possibility of overdose during treatment. This conversion method allows for various types of medications: antibiotics, antiseptics, hormonal agents and others.

The only drawback of a compressor inhaler is the noise it makes when operating. Therefore, manufacturers make children's nebulizers in the form of various toys, so as not to be afraid of them.

During inhalation, the drug, which is sprayed under pressure and resembles steam, penetrates to the farthest parts of the respiratory system. Also, the drug does not settle on the larynx or oral cavity. Due to this, when the medicine enters the body in this way, it acts more effectively than an aerosol sprayed from a can.

The inhalation procedure is best carried out in a calm and relaxed state to increase the absorption effect.

Inhalation via nebulizer

Inhalations are carried out by the patient with a runny nose using a nebulizer or special models of inhalers powered by steam. What is the difference between inhalations that are typical for dry coughs, and why is it important to follow the rules for using this device:

  • The unit is capable of converting funds into a special aerosol, then delivering them in proportion to the patient’s respiratory tract obstructed by coughing;
  • Due to the simplicity of the device, inhalations that occur during dry cough using a nebulizer can be performed in the offices of special institutions and the device can be used just as easily at home, so familiar to the average person;
  • The patient can carry out inhalations using a nebulizer even with a dry cough at home, which is done to speed up the process of expulsion of formed sputum (if a diagnosis has been made of the presence of acute diseases related to the respiratory type);
  • When comparing with other methods, it should be noted that inhalation for diagnosed dry cough with a nebulizer is modern and comfortable for the body.

The device ensures the supply of the necessary oils and healing agents, eliminating the need to regularly exhale and inhale.

Inhalations that take place for dry cough using nebulizers have the following set of advantages:

  • The supply of the medicinal solution and other natural components is carried out purposefully, bypassing all internal organs, which ensures instant absorption and prompt initiation of the effect itself;
  • If a person follows all the prescribed rules, such aerosol and other forms have the most beneficial effect on the organs affected by the infection, and the risk of side effects is significantly reduced;
  • A current advantage is the possibility of providing comprehensive support. For this purpose, appropriate antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drug kits are used, which will give the patient a chance to eliminate the need to separately introduce these drugs into the body as injections.

Why is it not recommended to go outside after the procedure?

Inhaling a medicinal aerosol weakens inflammatory processes, makes the mucous membrane moist and helps the body fight viruses. If you immediately go outside after inhalation, dry, cold air mixed with dust will make the procedure useless. Before leaving, you should wait at least one hour for the medicine to start working and for the body to adapt to the medicine. In addition, during inhalation the airways warm up, and cold air can chill them.

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“Don’t go outside without a reason”

The coronavirus pandemic continues - Central and Eastern Europe have rapidly entered the risk zone. As soon as the first patients appeared in these countries, the Czech authorities, focusing on WHO recommendations and the situation in Italy, where several hundred people die a day, began to introduce emergency measures. In less than a week, the country was almost completely closed, both externally and internally.

The first, back on March 10, banned all events, for starters, with more than a hundred people. Classes in schools and universities have also been canceled - they are gradually being moved online, and there are no plans to cancel or shorten the summer holidays.

Probably, kindergartens would also be closed, but this would be too much of a burden on the budget. According to Czech rules, the parent of a child under 10 years old receives sick leave, and therefore compensation for caring for him at the rate of 75% of the average salary. At school, this only applies to the lower grades, but if kindergartens are closed, there simply won’t be enough workers in production and the service sector.

For example, Czech grocery stores are already experiencing a huge shortage of sellers. More precisely, saleswomen, since this is a predominantly female profession. Some got sick, but almost every second one sits at home with the child and is not eager to go to work.


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Moreover, this is one of the most dangerous professions during an epidemic. You have to come into contact with customers who either have a cold or are infected, and if you are standing at the checkout, you have to constantly count money, which are also carriers of the infection. Moreover, coins are even more dangerous than banknotes, because the coronavirus is reported to live on metal for up to 12 hours. So, after money, door handles, handrails in public transport, and so on begin to pose a danger.

In general, a seller in a grocery store in the Czech Republic can now earn one and a half to two times more than before. If you agree, of course, to do this work, which, in addition, for a week or even more, requires constantly updating the assortment on the shelves or brushing off indignant customers who are by no means immediately accustomed to the fact that a variety of antibacterial and antiseptic agents, and often and banal liquid soap, you can only buy it in the morning and not in every store. Just like “under the communists,” as the Czechs say.

For example, in Prague, where there are many sex shops, these retail outlets were the main source of various antibacterial gels for a couple of days, and both young and old purchased there. Until, of course, the goods ran out.

It’s a little easier with shelf-stable food products. Starting from the first day of the fight against the virus, when schools were dismissed, citizens began to pour into stores in waves, taking out mainly toilet paper, flour, yeast, stewed meat, pasta and rice. Czechs, unlike Russians, hardly eat buckwheat, but that too quickly disappeared, because more than 300 thousand people from Ukraine alone lived and worked in the country (before the introduction of quarantine).


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By the end of the week, people began to calm down, and the assortment in stores was restored. But the Czech government has come to the conclusion that the number of cases in the country is growing exponentially, which means that the measures already taken are not enough. So the next step was the introduction of a state of emergency on March 12. All potentially infected people were ordered to stay at home under threat of a fine of approximately 120 thousand euros (for spreading the epidemic).

They stopped issuing visas to foreigners, and announced the abolition of the ability to leave or enter the Czech Republic without serious reasons starting March 16. The authorities allowed only those who work in neighboring countries, for example, Austria or Germany, to travel to work abroad, and no further than 50 km from the Czech borders. The permissible number of participants in public events has been reduced to 30 people. And again they recommended making supplies in case of forced quarantine.

However, this need not have been mentioned. The Czechs had already made a new raid on stores, emptying their shelves. True, not all. For example, in the alcohol departments they used to take mostly strong alcohol, but did not touch wine and beer, because there is a belief, unconfirmed by WHO, that vodka or “Czech rum” helps against the virus.

But in the second wave they also brought out beer. The fact is that the authorities, who had previously limited the opening hours of shops, pubs, cafes and restaurants from 6 am to 8 pm, this time decided to close them completely. It became possible to sell food only for takeaway, through the window. Booze, in theory, cannot be sold at all, but establishments, it must be said, have begun to ignore this en masse. Finally, almost all stores were closed, except grocery stores, and trading was allowed only in the format of online ordering and delivery, when paying for goods online, so that there was no physical contact between the seller and the buyer.


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After this decision, the streets of Prague quickly became empty, and the remaining tourists left. Swans and nutria on the Vltava began to rush to the rare passers-by for food.

The workshops of many enterprises where immigrants from Ukraine worked under seasonal schemes (often illegally) were also empty. Considering that there are hundreds of small enterprises around the Czech capital, where mainly migrants worked, the wish of Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis “not to stop production for a day” turned out to be unrealistic for many.

However, not everyone left. An explanation from the Czech Ministry of Internal Affairs states that anyone who was in the country legally at the time of quarantine has the right not to leave the country until it is lifted and no sanctions should be applied to him.

But the matter did not end there. On the eve of the closure of the borders, the number of cases in the Czech Republic was already approaching 300 people; no one had yet died from the new virus, but two taxi drivers were in critical condition. The authorities concluded that the measures taken were not enough.

The Czech government met again for an extraordinary meeting on Sunday evening. By that time, all neighboring countries, including Germany, had “closed” (or were about to do so). The single visa-free Schengen area in the EU has ceased to exist. As did the public, by the way, because bans on gatherings were introduced everywhere, and museums, cinemas, and clubs were closed. It’s the same with churches, but almost no one noticed this in the deeply atheistic Czech Republic.


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Having met from 16.00 instead of a couple of hours until almost midnight, the Czech authorities announced a nationwide quarantine in the country from March 16. In theory, now citizens of the country can go out only with some clear purpose - to a store, pharmacy or bank. Just for a walk - only to the park or the forest. As everyone jokes, those who have previously acquired a dog have an advantage. They always have a reason to go for a walk and do not need to travel far to do this.

Along the way, Czech lobbyists took advantage of the situation and banned the services of Uber and Airbnb, but against the backdrop of other changes, few people noticed this.

So the Czechs are now staying at home and taking care of their health, which is what they advise everyone to do. Doctors, unlike Russia, in Europe almost never visit patients. So, if symptoms similar to coronavirus infection appear, you must either call an ambulance or go to the hospital yourself.

However, the main thing is that in the Czech Republic, unlike many countries to the east, the authorities are at least concerned about what is happening. They found the determination and strength to completely rebuild life in the state in less than a week. They were not afraid to close even the main Czech churches - beer halls.

Everyone understands that after the quarantine is lifted, a lot of economic problems will have to be solved. Bankruptcies are inevitable, even if large-scale economic assistance is provided from the state. However, the Czech authorities are already discussing these measures and are even beginning to provide interest-free loans. Private business is also slowly making concessions and some banks, for example, are reducing or postponing mortgage payments. In general, life is somehow settling down, stores are filling up, and people are waiting for the peak of the crisis to pass.

Ivan Preobrazhensky, Prague

Is it possible to walk with a child after inhalation?

During illness, it is advisable to take walks in the fresh air. This is beneficial for the healing body. Doctors strongly recommend not to sit at home and go for a walk once a day. The benefits of taking air baths are enormous:

  • immune status is normalized;
  • the transport functions of the mucociliary apparatus are improved;
  • blood flow in the bronchi increases;
  • the productivity of the secretory glands improves;
  • dry cough turns into wet;

During walks, try to reduce your child's activity on playgrounds. During outdoor games, the baby can get steamy and freeze.

When inhaling four times a day or more, it is better to avoid exposure to air until complete recovery. There is also a ban on walking in inclement weather, at which time there is a high risk of contracting infections again.

If the child begins to recover, you can do inhalations before bedtime, and during the day you can calmly go for walks in the fresh air.

How to restore the body after suffering from coronavirus July 29, 2020, 14:30

There are more and more people who have suffered coronavirus infection every day. The virus is new, many questions about it remain open. But it is already known that it has a significant effect on lung tissue.

Unfortunately, special medications or technologies that allow complete restoration of the lungs have not yet been created. Lung tissue must repair itself, and our task is to help it do this. Therefore, rehabilitation after treatment is very important.

First of all, this is breathing exercises, which allows you to strengthen the respiratory muscles and increase the mobility of the lungs and chest.

“At home, if there is no pneumonia, but there was coronavirus, it is better to do breathing exercises according to Strelnikova, these are quick, loud breaths. For pneumonia, the main thing is to take a deep breath, hold your breath for three seconds or more, then exhale for at least four seconds - a slow, long exhalation. It is good to accompany such breathing with a simple exercise - raising and lowering your arms while inhaling and exhaling, moving your body. This exercise can be done both during illness and after it,” said Murat Amanbaev, resuscitator at MMC No. 1 of the Center for Phthisiopulmonology.

Dosed physical activity is also important. For example, in the first month after an illness, walking in the fresh air will help you recover. Do not forget about healthy sleep and good nutrition, which should contain a sufficient amount of protein, this is necessary for the normal restoration of body tissues.

And lastly, inhalations with mineral water. They are useful for moisturizing the respiratory tract and normalizing lung function after an illness.

“Please note that inhalations during illness, that is, with pneumonia, are ineffective, since in this case fluid accumulates, which aggravates the situation. Inhalation is best done after complete recovery or if there is no pneumonia,” noted Murat Amanbaev.

When carrying out inhalations at home, you need to choose the right active substance, which should have a therapeutic effect. If your doctor has not prescribed a specific medication, then the method of choice may be the use of mineral water. When choosing mineral water for inhalation, you need to take into account what active elements are present in mineral water and what effects they have. In particular, magnesium compounds are important for the bronchopulmonary system, especially magnesium sulfate, calcium and chlorine. Magnesium takes part in regulating the function of external respiration. Magnesium compounds have a bronchodilator effect and localize attacks of suffocation, increase the force of contraction of the respiratory muscles. Inhalations of magnesium sulfate have a beneficial effect on the function of the bronchopulmonary tree. Calcium plays an important role in the regulation of bronchial conductivity and has an expectorant effect, which will be especially pronounced if mineral water contains calcium and chlorine compounds.

After suffering from pneumonia, including that caused by the COVID-19 virus, QULAGER-BURABAY mineral medicinal table water is well suited, which contains all the mineral substances necessary for the restoration of the lungs. In addition, this is Kazakh water, produced in the north of Kazakhstan at the Kulager-Arasan field and is more affordable.

Kulager-Arasan field

Remember, when carrying out inhalations with mineral water at home, you need to follow simple rules:

1. Water for inhalation should be warm, it should be heated in a water bath to a temperature of 30-45 degrees. Hot inhalations are not recommended, as you can burn the respiratory tract. 2. The water must be opened in advance and, shaking the bottle, remove gases from it. 3. Inhalations should be carried out in a calm state, without being distracted by talking or reading, clothing should be loose. 4. Inhalations are carried out 1-1.5 hours after meals or physical activity. 5. Do not take medications 2 hours before and after inhalation. 6. After inhalation there should be a rest for 15-30 minutes. It is recommended to avoid talking and eating for 1 hour after inhalation.

Be healthy!

How long after the procedure can I go for a walk?

Try not to perform the treatment procedure before walking or eating. After inhalation, it is advisable to remain silent for half an hour; you should not take food or liquids for an hour and a half. After two hours, walks are possible in warm, sunny times. If the weather is cool enough outside, cover the child’s mouth with a scarf to prevent the cold air from chilling the throat and lungs again.

When you do procedures for bronchitis to get rid of mucus, wait until the child's mucus has cleared before going for a walk.

Walking outside, according to doctors, is the same treatment procedure as taking medication. The main thing is to follow the basic rules:

  • Before going for a walk, you need to wait for one and a half to two hours after inhalation;
  • Dress warmly before going out, and prevent cold air from entering the child’s nasopharynx;
  • Limit the baby’s mobility when playing outside;
  • You can't go out in bad weather.

Following these tips, your child will recover faster after walking in the fresh air.

Girls, has anyone vomited after inhaling saline?...

— I didn’t read the comments above, maybe there is already such an answer. My daughter was vomiting so much, the doctor said not from inhalation, but from the fact that sputum comes out like that in babies

— @kirschwasser we signed up for the evening with the ENT specialist. She immediately took a smear in the evening. And they donated blood in the morning at 8.

— @nadya_pavl Thank you! I think that’s what we’ll do if it doesn’t get better tomorrow. Do they immediately take tests on the spot? I'm so afraid to carry him around when he's sick in the cold((

— @kirschwasser we went to the ENT specialist, we were prescribed tests: a detailed blood test and a nasal smear. And at the same time she prescribed treatment after the examination. By day 3 we felt better. Try going to an ENT specialist.

— @nadya_pavl as I understand, he’s sleeping now, I’m sitting 30 cm away, on guard... I’m not doing anything around the house

— @kirschwasser I’ve barely slept at night for 3 weeks, I just start coughing and I jump out. I turn it over so I don’t choke on vomit. I still have panic fear after this, I don’t leave me alone in the room sleepy.

— @nadya_pavl thank God

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