Polydex for nasal congestion

I. Kalinina 3 years ago / 7314 reads

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The drug that will be discussed in this article has proven itself in otolaryngology and is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. However, it will be useful for an ordinary patient to find out whether it is possible to replace Polydex drops with others that are no less effective, without compromising their health, and also save money.

Instructions for use

It contains a combination of glucocorticoid hormone (dexamethasone), two antibiotics (neomycin + polymyxin B), and phenylephrine (a vasoconstrictor component). Available in a 15 ml bottle with a spray tip

Properties of the drug

Due to the combination of a powerful anti-inflammatory agent (hormone) and two well-combined antibiotics, the use of Polydexa allows you to quickly stop the source of inflammation, reduce pain and cure the very cause of the disease (the growth of bacteria is inhibited); the phenylephrine component reduces swelling of the nasal mucosa and makes breathing easier for the patient.

Used in the treatment of acute and chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis. Also effective for sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses).


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 2.5 years;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • presence of an allergy to any of the components of the drug;
  • viral diseases.

Use with caution in patients with arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease.

Mode of application

One injection into each nostril 3-5 times a day, in children under 2.5 years old - one injection up to 3 times a day. Duration of use – no more than 10 days.

Cost in pharmacies

Prices vary significantly throughout Russia. On average, the cost of one bottle is about 310 Russian rubles.

Composition, indications for use and contraindications

Pharmacists offer the following types of medicine depending on its use:

  • Nasal Polydexa in the form of a bottle with a spray for ease of use;
  • Ear drops in a package with the same picture as on the spray. Used for otitis media.

The composition of the drug depends on the method of its use. The active ingredient is a combination, so this medicine is more effective than many other drugs.

The nasal spray includes:

  • Dexamethasone has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Neomycin is an antibiotic and therefore has an antibacterial effect;
  • Polymyxin B is also an antibiotic;
  • Phenylephrine is a vasoconstrictor.

Phenylephrine is not included in the ear drop solution.

Phenylephrine Dexamethasone Neomycin Polymyxin B

When a question arises about a drug: is it an antibiotic or not, its composition gives an accurate answer.

The instructions list the indications for use for the nasal spray:

  1. Purulent rhinitis, including in children;
  2. Sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis;
  3. Rhinopharyngitis;
  4. Chronic adenoiditis;
  5. After surgical operations on the nasopharynx.

If you have congestion or allergic rhinitis, nasal drops should not be used.

Polydexa has contraindications, the main of which are:

  • Sensitivity to substances included in the medicine (allergies);
  • Angle-closure glaucoma;
  • Concomitant use of MAO inhibitors;
  • Kidney diseases, for example, patients with pyelonephritis.

Instructions for use of Polydex contain instructions from what age a child should use the medicine, as well as the recommended dosage for a runny nose.

Possible side effects are listed, manifested in the form of cough, skin itching, rashes, which are somewhat less for drops in the ears due to the different content of active substances.

It is recommended to comply with the storage conditions and location.

The drug should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25°C, in a dark place, away from children. The shelf life is 3 years from the date of its production.

to the antibiotic content in the drug, use is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation

Overdose in patients using Polydexa was not observed due to poor absorption of drugs into the blood.

The price of a package of the drug depends on the type of its action. Nasal Polydex with phenylephrine costs about 400 rubles. The price of ear drops is lower and amounts to 300 rubles per package.


Comparison of Polydex analogs with phenylephrine

There are no 100% analogues of the drug. In the pharmacy chain there are Polydex ear drops with the closest possible composition, and Maxitrol eye drops. They do not contain the vasoconstrictor component phenylephrine, plus the area of ​​their use is somewhat different (diseases of the ear, eye).

However, there are other antibacterial drugs for the treatment of nasal infections that have proven themselves to be effective among doctors. Among analogues of Polydex for children, Isofra, preparations with protargol and sea water are often used.


Nasal spray containing the antibiotic framycetin. Produced by the same plant as Polydexa.

Area of ​​application: infections of the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses.

Frequency of administration: one injection 4-6 times a day into each nostril. The drug can also be prescribed to children over 2 years of age.


  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • intolerance to the components of the spray.

Cost of the drug: from 250 rubles per bottle.

This nasal spray has a much smaller spectrum of action against the entire variety of pathogenic bacteria in diseases of the nasal cavity; it is often necessary to replace it with others, since it “does not hit the target” (in comparison with Polydex). Also, Isofra does not contain a hormonal component (dexamethasone) and a vasoconstrictor (phenylephrine) , therefore, this spray will not relieve swelling of inflamed mucous membranes so quickly and well.

What analogues exist for Isofra herself, see the link.


Eye/ear drops. It contains two antibiotics (framycetin, gramicidin C) and the hormonal component dexamethasone.

Used for bacterial infections of the eyes and outer ear.

Price – about 320 rubles.

However, sometimes you can find the use of this drug as a nasal drop, which is inappropriate. It is better to use the above-listed Polydex or Isofra.

Spraying in the nasal cavity is many times more effective than using just drops.

An alternative option for replacing Polydex is taking tableted antibacterial drugs. Most often, otolaryngologists use amoxicillin with clavulanic acid (Augmentin, Amclave), azithromycin (Sumamed), midecamycin (Macropen) in their arsenal. It is especially effective to combine them with vasoconstrictor sprays and herbal preparations.

But always remember that the risk of taking systemic antibiotics is also higher than the topical spray. When taking oral antibiotics, there is a high risk of stomach upset, exacerbation of gastritis, and the addition of a fungal infection.

This replacement option should be agreed upon with the attending physician, after weighing all the pros and cons.

It should be remembered that not all types of rhinitis require medications containing antibiotics. Most often, it is quite enough to use other types of medicines, for example:


Herbal remedy in the form of dragees, drops for oral administration. Used to reduce inflammation in diseases of the ear, nose, and sinusitis.

Vasoconstrictor nasal sprays

For example, Sanorin or Tizin. Reduce the phenomena of exudation of mucous membranes and nasal congestion. Continuous use should not exceed a week. This group of sprays belongs to the category of symptomatic remedies (does not treat the underlying cause of the disease).


A spray based on cyclamen plant extract thins thick mucus that accumulates in the sinuses of the nasal cavities during chronic and prolonged inflammation. Combines well with antibiotics.

Sprays that moisturize the mucous membranes

These include Morenazal and similar drugs. Gently thins mucus in the nasal cavities and has an excellent cleansing effect. It is well tolerated by very young children and has no contraindications.

Preparations based on silver colloids

In the Russian pharmacy chain it can be found under the trade name Sialor.

The active ingredient protargol is an antiseptic, has a good astringent effect, reduces the formation of mucus. Silver preparations have been used for decades both in ENT practice and in surgery.

To start using it, you need to prepare a solution from the contents of the bottle, which has a limited shelf life. The official instructions recommend conducting an allergy test in the elbow area before starting to take protargol. Silver-based drops and sprays are also suitable for children.

Analogues in the nose


Manufacturer: FZ Immunolex, Russia

Release form: solution

Active ingredient: sodium deoxyribonucleate

Derinat is a domestic analogue of Polydex nasal spray. Available in bottles, the cost depends on the additional nozzle of drops or spray. The medicine is an immunomodulatory drug and helps to activate the body’s own forces to fight viral, fungal, and bacterial infections.

In otolaryngology, Derinat is used as an auxiliary measure for rhinitis, sinusitis, and sinusitis. The advantage of the analogue is that it is cheaper than Polydex spray, it is safe, there are no contraindications (except for reactions of individual intolerance).


Manufacturer: Novartis, Switzerland

Release form: nasal drops

Active ingredient: phenylephrine, dimethindene

The drug Vibrocil combines the properties of its constituent components - it fights allergic reactions, eliminates swelling of the mucous membrane, redness, nasal discharge, constricts blood vessels, and normalizes breathing. In pediatrics, Vibrocil has been used since one year.

Indications for the use of this Polydex analogue are rhinitis (acute, allergic, chronic), sinusitis, as an adjuvant for otitis media to restore breathing.


Manufacturer: Bionorica, Germany

Release form: drops, tablets

Active ingredient: extracts of medicinal plants

The drug Sinupret is used in pediatrics from 2 years of age and for the treatment of adults with sinusitis. Helps reduce inflammation in the sinuses, liquefy and drain exudate.

The drops contain alcohol, so they are used with caution for diseases of the liver, brain, head injury and alcoholism.

Reviews from experts about the drug Polydexa

Most pediatricians, otolaryngologists, and general practitioners encourage the use of this combination spray for many reasons. There are many advantages, for example:

  • wide spectrum of action on pathogenic microorganisms;
  • replaces three different bottles of drugs, thereby simplifying the treatment regimen, patients use this medicine more willingly;
  • well calculated dosages of all active substances of the drug;
  • quick effect from the start of administration.

General practitioner at one of the private clinics in Smolensk

When I prescribe Polydex with phenylephrine to my patient, I am sure that at a follow-up appointment I will see a person who is on the mend. I am especially attracted by the simplicity of treatment, as well as the fact that there is no need to prescribe two or three additional drugs in addition to the main one. This increases the patient’s adherence to treatment, and, therefore, recovery will come quickly, which is especially pleasant for me as a doctor.

In conclusion of this article, it should be noted that self-medication sometimes only leads to disastrous results. And if you nevertheless risk starting to take any medicine on your own, and there is no effect, we strongly recommend that you stop self-medication and consult a doctor.

A competent specialist will prescribe what suits your specific case of illness, saving time and money. Be healthy!

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sinusitis, infectious rhinitis, frontal sinusitis

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Polydexa or Isofra - which is better?

Manufacturer: Sofartex, France

Release form: nasal spray

Active ingredient: framycetin

Synonym: Tramicent

Isofra is an analogue of Polydex nasal spray, containing one component - framycetin. Refers to antibacterial drugs, affects pathogenic sensitive microflora - gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The medicine is used for sinusitis (sinusitis), nasopharyngitis, rhinitis, green snot, and adenoids. The price of the medicine is slightly lower than Polydex - 330–440 rubles.

Polydexa contains two antibiotics that enhance each other, and a glucocorticosteroid with pronounced anti-inflammatory properties. The composition of the drug is more effective and stronger. An additional substance is phenylephrine, which normalizes breathing by constricting blood vessels and eliminating redness and swelling of the nasal mucosa.

What is best for a child is individual. Both drugs are prescribed by a doctor and are available with a prescription.

Difference between drugs:

  • composition – Isofra has only an antibacterial effect, Polydexa has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor effect;
  • due to its composition, Isofra is used in pediatrics from the age of 1 year, Polydexa - from 2.5 years, strictly as prescribed by the doctor;
  • an analogue of Polydex spray with Phenylephrine Isofra is slightly cheaper - up to 50 rubles;
  • Polydex has more contraindications for use than its analogue.

Both medicines are effective, imported, and of high quality. The choice in favor of one or the other is made by the doctor based on medical history. The undoubted advantage of the medicines is that they are original. This means that they have been sufficiently studied, there is clinical research data on the safety and effectiveness of using nasal spray in adults and children.

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