How to choose a runny nose spray for children

Types of sprays

It is better to use the medicine in the form of a spray, as it is very convenient with the presence of a dispenser. In this form, the medicine evenly reaches the affected area and is distributed throughout the nasal mucosa with sufficient savings. Using the spray, you can reach hard-to-reach places in the nasal cavity. These factors are usually decisive when choosing a remedy for the common cold. It is well accepted by young children without causing irritation.

Doctors prescribe a spray for children after the cause of the disease has been established. Treatment should be started without delay. The choice of drug must be discussed with specialists. You need to be aware of contraindications and the possible occurrence of an allergic reaction to a component of the drug. It is best to contact an experienced pediatrician. He will be able to advise which spray is best for you and what the effect will be during treatment.

If rhinitis was caused by an allergic irritant, you should use medications that contain sea water. For acute rhinitis caused by a virus, your doctor may recommend taking antibiotics. Making decisions on your own about treatment can lead to negative consequences.

Doctors usually recommend using sprays for different purposes. Some are designed to cleanse and rinse the nasal mucosa of children from microorganisms and irritants that have entered the respiratory tract. They are used mainly for mild cases of runny nose, allergies, or to thin the mucus on the mucous membrane.

Another type of spray has antibacterial properties that relieve inflammation in the nose in children under 1 year of age and older. And vasoconstrictor drugs that are prescribed to make a small child’s breathing easier. They help relieve congestion in the respiratory tract, but do not have obvious medicinal properties.

Any type of spray can be purchased at a pharmacy after consulting with a pediatrician.

The best spray recommended for a child over 1 year old is a combination spray. It has a wide range of effects on the children's body. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, vasoconstrictor, and also clears the sinuses.

When choosing a remedy for the common cold, you should consider how old your child is. First of all, you need to carefully read the instructions for the drug, and not pay attention to how it is advertised. All information on the medicine can be obtained from the pharmacist.

The principle of the effect of all sprays is simple, they improve the functioning of blood vessels and remove swelling from the mucous membrane. Since the drugs relieve the symptoms of a disease (for example, a cold), complex treatment with other medications is necessary along with them.

Nasal sprays have also been created that are made from herbal ingredients. They are used during a runny nose to relieve inflammation in children, as they have a mild effect on the mucous membrane (excluding an allergic reaction and individual intolerance).

For rinsing

Such sprays are widely used and can have a positive effect on the nasal mucosa of children. Such sprays are used to eliminate a runny nose at the stage of occurrence and spread. It cleanses the paranasal sinuses well from allergens, dust, accumulated infections, and also eliminates dryness and improves breathing after use. It is made from sea water enriched with microelements (magnesium, sodium and calcium). Very suitable even for children under one year old.

Aquamaris. This drug is widely used and has a mild effect when a child has a runny nose. Aquamaris is very effective in treatment and is safe for children. Used to flush the respiratory tract and moisturize the nasal mucosa. Eliminates drying out, washes away small dust particles, foreign microorganisms, allergens. It can be used by children under one year of age and older, as well as by pregnant women. Use no more than 4 times a day. It has an affordable price and is easy to use.

Aqualor. Very similar in its properties to Aquamaris. Produced specifically for small children. It is based on sea water with trace elements. Cleanses the respiratory tract, moisturizes the nasal mucosa. After the liquid has been introduced into the nose, it must be blown out. This is how you rinse your nose. It is preferable to use this drug for children over 2 years of age (but earlier is possible).


This category of sprays contains a decongestant. They are considered common due to the fact that they can have the most desirable effect on the nasal mucosa of children. Stops the development of infection in the body, gradually reduces the frequency of sneezing and mucus discharge from the nose. Relieves swelling in the respiratory tract, makes breathing easier and improves general condition. Using this spray before bed will eliminate restless rest.

If there is an overdose of the drug, children may experience nausea and general weakness, so it is always necessary to follow the instructions for use of the drug

Almost all vasoconstrictor drugs become addictive. And after regular use of them for their intended purpose, the body will gradually stop reacting. Typically, the use of such sprays is limited to one week. Due to the fact that they can have such an effect on the body, doctors recommend using them for treatment when absolutely necessary.

Medicines with vasoconstrictor properties do not treat the disease as a whole, but only help alleviate the ongoing symptoms of the disease. Doctors recommend such drugs for children at least 1 year old.

Nazivin. A spray designed to make breathing easier for children over 1 year old with a runny nose. A vasoconstrictor drug based on oxymetazoline hydrochloride. Removes swelling of the nasal mucosa and reduces the amount of mucous discharge from the nose. The effect of the medicine begins almost immediately. It is not advisable to use Nazivin more than 3 times a day. The substance is injected into the nose no more than 2 times. It is not recommended to use Nazivin for longer than 10 days.

Vibrocil. This drug is used for children at least 6 years of age. A drug with antiallergic properties - has a fast-acting effect and immediately eliminates swelling in the nose. Vibrosil can be used during any runny nose, as the effect is mild. The composition includes phenylephrine and dimethindene. The effect of the spray is local and it does not affect neighboring organs. Injected into the nasal mucosa.

Xymelin. Vasoconstrictor drug against runny nose. Contains xylometazoline, which removes swelling from the respiratory tract. A fast-acting remedy whose effect can last about 10 hours. Not recommended for use by children under 6 years of age. Inject into the nose no more than 3 times a day. Doctors warn that it should not be used for more than 1 week.

Otrivin. The spray constricts the blood vessels, allowing the respiratory system to return to normal and remove swelling in the nasal mucosa. The drug is mild, well tolerated and can maintain its effect for 10 hours. Moisturizes the nasal mucosa. Intended for children over 6 years old, and for those younger, a separate version of the drug has been released. You can use it for no more than 10 days, otherwise side effects may occur.

Review of drugs for the common cold

The following is a description of the most popular modern aerosols.

Preparations with sea water and saline solution

They are practically safe and most effective.
The main task is to moisturize the mucous membrane and remove secretions. 1. Aquamaris. Contains purified sea water with trace elements (sodium, magnesium, calcium). Used for treatment and hygiene procedures in children. Packaging: 50 ml glass bottle with a special nozzle. Metal balloon (shower for nasal irrigation), volume 125 ml. Application regimen: 1-2 injections 2-3 times a day. Cost: about 250-300 rubles. Restrictions on use: no, completely safe.

2. Aqualor Soft shower. Contains an isotonic solution, without preservatives and dyes. Packaging: metal bottle (shower for nasal irrigation and rinsing), volume 50, 125 ml. How to use: hygienic care - 1-3 times a day, in combination with medical procedures - 4-6 times a day. Washing is carried out in a lying position. Price: approximately 300-400 rubles Restrictions: safe for children and adults.

3. Otrivin Baby. Contains an isotonic solution of natural sea salt. Hygiene product for the care of the nasal cavity for children from 3 months. Also suitable for frontal irrigation. Packaging: 20 ml glass bottle. Usage regimen: 1-2 doses 2-4 times a day. Cost: approximately 200-250 rubles. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the components.

4. Quix. Contains water from the Atlantic Ocean. Quickly thins mucus in the nasal cavity. Packaged in a 30 ml bottle. Application regimen: 1-3 irrigations several times a day. Cost: 210-250 rubles. Careful use after surgery is recommended.

These drugs can be replaced with an ordinary aqueous solution of table salt. You need bottled water, heated to 37-38 degrees.

Proportion: 1 tsp. (9 grams) salt per 1 liter. warm water. The solution can be used for 24 hours. A fresh solution is prepared for each use.

The prepared solution is poured into a bottle with a sprayer or into a device for rinsing the nasal sinuses.

Despite the ease of preparing such a remedy, many mothers prefer to use a purchased children's runny nose spray to treat children's runny nose, because the original packaging guarantees sterility and is easy to use.

Vasoconstrictor drugs

They constrict blood vessels and reduce the amount of mucus.
They have contraindications. 1. Rinofluimucil. Decongestant in the form of a nasal spray. Quickly removes purulent formations from the nose. Intended for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and sinuses. It has a mucolytic and vasoconstrictor effect. Packaging: 10 ml glass bottle Regimen: 1-3 irrigations several times a day. Cost: varies within 280 rubles. Cannot be used by children under 3 years of age, intolerance to individual components, thyrotoxicosis, extrasystole, bronchial asthma, glaucoma, cardiovascular disorders.

2. Vibrocil. Spray with vasoconstrictor and antihistamine action, contains phenylephrine and dimentedine. Suitable for children from 6 years old, adults. Release form: bottle with dispenser, volume 10 ml. Dose of the drug: 1-2 sprays into the nose 3-4 times a day. Cost: 290-320 rubles Contraindications: heart disease, thyroid disease, etc.

3. Xymelin. This medicine is used for respiratory and allergic rhinitis, hay fever, sinusitis, otitis media. Release form: dark glass bottle, volume 10 ml. Dosage: 1 spray 1-2 times a day. Cost: 250-300 rubles. Contraindications: atrophic rhinitis, children under 2 years of age (for Xymelin 0.05%), children under 6 years of age (for Xymelin 0.1%), reaction to individual components of the solution.

4. Tizin-xylo. The active ingredient is tetrizoline. Reduces the level of swelling of the nasal cavity, constricts blood vessels. Used for rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis. Release form: glass bottle with a 10 ml spray nozzle. Directions for use: one portion in each nostril, no more than once every four hours. If necessary, the procedure is repeated immediately before bedtime. Cost: 210 rubles. Not recommended for allergies to components, children under 2 years of age and dry rhinitis.

Antiviral sprays

1. Derinat Antiviral drug - immunomodulator.
It is well absorbed by the body and fights viruses in the nasal cavity. Release form: glass bottle of 10 ml. Application: spray into each nostril three times a day. Do not take during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or if there is an individual intolerance. 2. Interferon – Genferon Light The active ingredient is interferon. It counteracts viruses and improves immunity. Available in the form of a glass bottle with a dispenser, volume 50,000 IU. Application: one spray into each nostril. Risk factors: allergies, pregnancy, seizures.

Oil based sprays

Pinosol Anti-inflammatory oil essence. The drug is intended to liquefy the mucous membrane. Contains a complex of essential oils + tocopherol acetate Release form: glass container with a 10 ml nozzle. Dosage regimen: one dose in each nostril 3 times a day. Cost: approximately 200-250 rubles. Contraindications: allergies.


If treatment for an infectious disease is not carried out properly or is delayed, the discharge from the child’s nose may become thick and dark in color. This indicates that inflammation and decay are occurring in the nose. This is caused by a virus and bacteria that settle on the mucous membrane of your baby’s nose.

At this point, you should already visit a doctor, as he will be able to prescribe a spray appropriate for this form of runny nose. Antibiotics are prescribed for acute illness, and they mainly act against a specific type of microorganism. It is imperative to monitor the use of antiviral sprays and prevent their long-term use in children.

Pinosol. A spray that should be injected into the nose onto the mucous membrane. It is based on pine oil and eucalyptus (also a characteristic smell). After use, you feel a feeling of freshness and coolness in your nose. The main task of the drug is to relieve inflammatory processes and eliminate microbes settled in the respiratory tract. The medicine is intended for children over 2 years of age. It has no special contraindications or side effects, except for the possibility of causing allergies individually. Use up to 4 times a day and no longer than 2 weeks in a row to prevent overdose. This drug can be produced in the form of an ointment, which will allow you to choose a drug with similar properties.

Grippferon. A product with a complex effect on the applied area. It has an antiviral effect and restores breathing in a patient with a runny nose. This spray is not recommended for use together with vasoconstrictor medications (they can severely dry out the nasal mucosa). The dosage is set individually, depending on the age, severity and nature of the disease, as well as for what purpose it is used: for treatment or preventive measures. The medicine is safe and can be used by pregnant women.

Isofra. Antibacterial spray. It is very effective thanks to framycitin in its composition. It is necessary to determine the sensitivity of microorganisms to the drug and individual tolerance. It is considered a very good drug among antibiotics. Recommended for children over 6 years of age, but in some situations it is possible earlier (at the discretion of the doctor).

Biopax. Antibiotic spray for children over 3 years old. It is advisable not to use for those prone to allergies. The action of Biopax prevents the growth and development of many microorganisms in the nasal mucosa. Injected into the nose to prevent inflammation.

Classification of vasoconstrictor drugs for children

Vasoconstrictor nasal drops for children are divided into 3 main types:

Short-spectrum agents (4-6) hoursThis group includes a drug with the following active ingredients: naphazoline, phenylephrine and tetrizoline. With prolonged use, these drugs can cause a drug-induced runny nose. Therefore, they need to be used as carefully as possible. The best option for children from birth to 6 years of age are drugs based on phenylephrine.
Medium-spectrum agents (6-10 hours)These medications include medications based on xylometazoline or tramazoline. Drugs from this group are recommended for use during emergency care, for example, when there is severe ear pain or allergies, due to the fact that they act very quickly.
Long-spectrum agents (up to 12 hours)Drops of this group are created on the basis of oxymetazoline. This species does not cause a medical runny nose and is completely safe for children and adults.

The pediatrician must select drops for the child after a complete examination of the patient and identification of the cause of the runny nose.

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