How to treat sinusitis correctly and effectively?

Most patients with sinusitis are afraid of a puncture. This operation is not complicated and is well tolerated by patients, however, various complications may appear after it, such as meningitis, bleeding, and swelling. If you build the right tactics, treating sinusitis without a puncture is quite feasible.

In order to accurately determine that the patient is worried about sinusitis, he needs to consult his clinic. Usually, treatment of acute sinusitis is carried out very effectively and without a puncture. After diagnosing chronic sinusitis, you must first determine the causes of its formation, and then begin to eliminate it. In this article we will look at how to treat sinusitis without a puncture, using classical and folk methods at home.


Since inflammation in the nasopharynx develops mainly due to the ingress of bacteria or fungi, the use of antibacterial agents is effective. Most often, medications from the penicillin group, as well as protected penicillins with added clavulanic acids, are prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis. Sinusitis diagnosed in children is mainly treated with penicillins.

If individual intolerance to antibiotics is determined, you can take macrolide drugs or cephalosporins. The recommended duration of taking antibacterial agents is 10-14 days. When treating purulent sinusitis, taking antibiotics is inevitable.

During exacerbations of a chronic disease, one should be guided by the results of microbial cultures from the nasal cavities. It is necessary to take into account that taking antibiotics is not effective in every case, since pathogens can adapt over time and become resistant to one or another type of drug.

Suprastin for the treatment of sinusitis

Other therapeutic agents are also quite effective:

  1. Drugs with antihistamine action that reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and enhance the effect of antibiotics - Loratadine, Tavegil, Suprastin.
  2. Mucolytics that thin purulent mucus and promote its removal from the nasopharynx - Guafenizin, Fluditec. Such drugs are mainly used in conjunction with antibiotics at home.

Read: The effectiveness of homeopathy for sinusitis

Treatment with drops

Drips are used to reduce swelling of the mucous membranes and remove mucus located in the sinuses. Basically, agents are used whose action is aimed at narrowing blood vessels. The most common vasoconstrictors are Vibrocil, Naphthyzin, Galazolin, Xylometazoline. It is recommended to instill 3-4 drops into each nostril. You can also install turundas soaked in any of these products.

When using vasoconstrictors, it is recommended to follow the following algorithm. The patient should lie down on the right side and instill the drug into the right nostril, then lie still for several minutes. Next, a similar procedure is carried out on the left side. Upon completion of such manipulations, the patient should carefully blow the liquid from each nostril one by one. At the end of the instillation process, you need to pinch your nose with your fingers and, with your mouth closed, take as deep a breath as possible. This exercise can be repeated 8-10 times.


At home, in order to get rid of a chronic disease, you can rinse the nasal cavity.

Nasal rinsing for sinusitis

For this purpose, it is necessary to make one of the following solutions in advance:

  1. One teaspoon of salt, preferably sea salt, is dissolved in 200 ml of lukewarm water.
  2. Diluted herbal remedies, for example, Phytodent or Rotokan in the amount of one teaspoon in 200 ml of water.
  3. Green tea infusion.
  4. One gram of mumiyo dissolved in half a liter of water.
  5. Decoctions of medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, chamomile, string, calendula). Preparing decoctions can be done by pouring boiling water over a spoonful of dry herbs and infusing it for half an hour.
  6. Solutions of potassium permanganate or furatsilin.

Read Using propolis tincture for sinusitis

To flush the sinuses at home, no more than 100-250 ml of solutions are needed. The manipulations are repeated every day 2-4 times, the water should not be hot or cold - its temperature should be around 38°C.

After the first procedure, the patient usually feels significant relief. Before treating sinusitis without a puncture, these procedures are carried out at home for more than two weeks.

In order to rinse your nose and remove sinusitis, you can also use a syringe filled with a disinfection solution. It is also convenient to use a tube inserted into the nose through which you need to draw in water.

Drug treatment of sinusitis

When retracting, your head should be tilted forward slightly.

What medications are used to treat sinusitis, the most effective remedies for sinusitis

Since the times of zemstvo medicine, when there was one doctor for the entire district, whose primary specialization was surgery, the treatment of sinusitis was reduced to the principle “where there is pus, open wider.”

The wall of the maxillary sinus was pierced under local anesthesia with a wide needle or trocar, after which it was drained and the purulent contents were pumped out.

This practice lasted until the eighties of the last century, leading to successful relief from acute sinusitis, but increasing the risk of relapses, which led to subsequent punctures and the formation of a chronic fistulous tract between the maxillary sinus and the nasal cavity.

With the advent of a large number of different antiseptics and antibacterial agents in the pharmacological range, the treatment of sinusitis has moved to a new qualitative level and is now carried out conservatively in most cases.

To the credit of modern otolaryngology, it should be noted that abandoning the surgical route has led to very decent results, both in the immediate treatment of the disease and in terms of long-term results. There are much fewer chronic processes, the patient experiences much less stress, freed from the need for a painful and scary surgical puncture procedure.

What are the real possibilities for medicinal treatment of sinusitis today, and how to choose the least expensive and effective medicinal set (they have not yet learned how to treat sinusitis with one drug)?

What medications are used for sinusitis?

Since the basis of the inflammatory (catarrhal or purulent) process in the maxillary paranasal sinus is an infection (usually microbial, less often viral or fungal), when treating sinusitis, the drugs chosen are antimicrobial, antiviral or antifungal.


Antibiotics are the favorite child of 20th century medicine, however, they are not the best cure for sinusitis.
If treatment is carried out in a clinic equipped with a decent bacteriological laboratory, and before treatment begins, the sinus secretions are cultured to determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to the antibiotic - it’s a small matter. It remains to choose the drug that shows the greatest activity against the microbe. In this case, it is necessary to take into account that the result of the analysis (in vitro sensitivity) may not coincide with the actual operating conditions of the antibiotic in the body.

Therefore, they immediately choose the strongest drug (in the absence of contraindications and, first of all, allergic reactions to it). Most often, antibiotics are prescribed empirically, that is, experimentally, based on indications (presence of yellow or green discharge from the nose, temperature reaction of the body). In this case, a broad-spectrum drug is selected that is active against most potential pathogens of sinusitis.


Today they have already lost the fight to most microorganisms. And especially staphylococci, which are in third place among the causative agents of acute or chronic sinusitis (after streptococci and Haemophilus influenzae). However, often in the absence of cultures, therapy begins with inhibitor-protected penicillins, which contain additional additives that prevent bacteria from destroying the drug. In addition, penicillins are still an effective remedy in the fight against streptococcus, which can cause severe complications in the kidneys and joints, as well as secondary rheumatic valvular heart disease.

The most popular tablets are: Amoxicillin clavulonate under the trade names Panklav, Amoxiclav, Flemoklav and powder for suspensions Augmentin. Sulbactam Ampicillin with the names Ampiksid in tablets and injections, Unazin, Sultamicillin in injections.

Amoxiclav is a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, active against Staphylococcus aureus, pyogenic and pneumoniae streptococci, Escherichia coli, Enterobacteriaceae, Moraxella and Klebsiella. Thus, it covers most of the spectrum of potential pathogens of sinusitis. In tablets, the drug is taken in children at the rate of 40 mg per kg of body weight in three doses per day. For persons over 12 years of age, 1 tablet (125 mg + 250 mg) every 8 hours or a tablet (125 + 500 mg) every 12 hours. The course of therapy is 7 days.


Due to their widespread use, cephalosporins of the second (Cefaclor) and third (Ceftibuten, Cefixime) generations have now given way to macrolides. However, in the context of a budget deficit and rising prices for medicines, they have not yet left the scene.

Cefixime (Suprax, Pancef, Cemidexor) - tablets that inhibit the growth of Haemophilus influenzae, streptococci, Moraxella, Klebsiella). Half is excreted by the liver and kidneys. 400 mg of the drug is taken once a day or in half the dosage twice (in adults and children over 12 years of age). Side effects include: skin allergies, dry mouth, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, pseudomembranous colitis, increased liver transaminases, dizziness, headaches, a drop in white blood cells and platelets, and rarely, interstitial nephritis. The drug is contraindicated if you are allergic to penicillins and cephalosporins.


Macrolides (Azithromycin, Josamycin, Clarithromycin) are used in tablets and suspensions in children and adults in courses of 3-5 days. They exhibit activity similar to inhibitor-protected peniillins with less resistance of microorganisms.

Azithromycin (Azitral, Sumamed, Hemomycin) tablets of 500 or 250 mg are used in a dosage of 500 mg once a day. Side effects are similar to cephalosporins. The drugs are undesirable if you are allergic to macrolides; they are questionable when used in pregnant and lactating women.


These drugs are exclusively for adult practice, since they still belong to reserve means and should be used in extreme cases, so that cross-insensitivity of bacteria to them does not develop. They have the property of killing bacteria by blocking their DNA. Lomefloxacin (Lomeflox, Lomacin, Xenaquin), Ciprofloxacin (Inficipro, Quintor, Zindolin), Ofloxacin (Glaufos, Zanotsin, Quiroll), Norfloxacin (Negaflox, Loxon), Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, Sparfloxacin (Sparflo).

Local antibiotics

Local antibiotics are sprayed in the form of a nasal spray: Framycetin (from the group of aminogliosides, Isofra). The medicine is used 4-6 times a day for 7-10 days.


These are the drugs of choice for the treatment of viral sinusitis. Since most viral sinusitis is expensive and useless to treat with antiviral drugs (most remedies do not have a solid evidence base), the main goal for viral sinusitis is to ensure a decent outflow from the sinuses and try to sanitize the nasal cavity:

  • Dioxidin in 1% solution. It is taken from the ampoule into a 10 ml syringe. From which it is instilled into the nasal passages, which can also be washed with the drug. The product, in fact, is a powerful antiseptic that kills most viruses and bacteria, which is not advisable to swallow “so as not to harm the stomach.” Not used in pediatric practice due to toxicity. For the same reasons, it is not used in pregnant and lactating women.
  • Miramistin is a chlorine-containing antiseptic with a wide spectrum of action. It is colorless, odorless and virtually tasteless. In adults it is used for rinsing, and in children for instillation into the nose. May cause local allergies. Not contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. Read more here.
  • Furacillin in 0.02% solutions is used to rinse the sinuses. At home, the solution is prepared from two tablets and a glass of water. For rinsing, use a baby syringe or a 20 gram syringe. An ENT doctor uses a device consisting of an adductor tube through which a solution is pumped into the nasal passage and suction is used to pump it out. A course of rinsing consists of 3-10 procedures and may be complicated by otitis media. Furacillin is quite bitter, but swallowing it in small quantities (which usually happens during rinsing) is not dangerous.
  • Protorgol is a silver solution that is very effective against bacterial infections in the sinuses, especially in children. 2-3 drops are instilled into each nasal passage for 7-10 days. Today it is used infrequently under the pretext of the accumulation of silver ions in the body and its chronic poisoning, which, according to the fair opinion of otolaryngologists of the Soviet school, is complete nonsense. The product has worked, is working and will continue to work as long as it is prepared in pharmacies. The product is good for 2 weeks if stored in the refrigerator.

Bacteriophage solutions

Again, a Soviet development, forgotten and clogged by the antibiotic lobby of the pharmaceutical industry. For staphylococcal or klebsiella sinusitis in pediatric practice and stable microflora, worthy preparations for topical use in the form of rinses or nasal drops.

Nasal rinsing solutions

Dolphin, Aquamaris, Salin, Aqualor - a cunning advertising trick that sells saline solution (0.9% NaCL, that is, table salt solution) at the price of decent antibiotics. It is not harmful to rinse your nose if you have sinusitis; it is harmful to pay exorbitant amounts of money for a solution of table salt. So for a bottle of sterile saline solution with a volume of 20 ml you will have to pay no more than 40 rubles.

At the same time, a 10 ml bottle of Aquamaris already costs more than 110 rubles, Salin 30 ml - from 137 rubles, and 30 Dolphin bags with a gram of powder each will cost 190 rubles.

The same audience for whom patented versions of saline solution are recommended as less safe (it is not clear why), that is, children, are generally not subject to nasal rinsing at home due to the high risks of secondary inflammation of the middle ear.

A few words about how to rinse your nose correctly. Before rinsing, you need to stand over the sink, leaning forward at a right angle. After a deep breath, the breath is held. The rinsing container is placed tightly against the nostril. Then it is slowly raised so that the solution flows out of the opposite nostril. One half of the nasal passages and, if possible, the sinuses are washed. The remaining solution is removed from the nasal passages by actively blowing your nose.

GeloMyrtol and GeloMyrtol Forte

This is an alternative to antibiotics in the fight against sinusitis. This homeopathic remedy, oddly enough, works. This effective medicine for sinusitis in combination with dioxidin can cure acute, unadvanced sinusitis in a week. It is based on myrtol, supplemented with cineole, limonene, pinem, and rapeseed oil.

The entire mixture is enclosed in a gelatin capsule that dissolves in the intestines. The drug has a weak antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect, and also improves the outflow of secretions from the sinuses and nose. Contraindicated in case of allergies to the components of the drug, bronchial asthma, cholelithiasis, in the first trimester of pregnancy and in children under 6 years of age.

Nasal drops

Drops may drip during sinusitis, but they should not be just any drops, but the right drops:

  • It is not advisable to drip pure vasoconstrictors for sinusitis. The duration of their use (for severe nasal congestion that interferes with sleep) should be limited to five days. Drugs in this group: Xylometazoline (Otrivin, Galazolin, Ximelin), Naphazolin (Sanorin, Naphthyzin), Oxymetazoline (Nazivin, Nazol).
  • Much preferable is a mixture of essential oils (Sinupert, Pinosol, Sinuforte) or combined drops: the vasoconstrictor phenylephrine in combination with the antiallergic fenistil (Vibrocil) or Rinoflumicil (acetylcysteine, which improves outflow and vasoconstrictor thiaminoheptane sulfate).
  • Polydexa (vasoconstrictor with antibiotic and corticosteroid), Rhinopront (antihistamine and vasoconstrictor), Dr. Theiss Nazolin (eucalyptus oil and vasoconstrictor xylometazoline) are also possible.
  • Sinuforte is a cyclamen for sinusitis in the form of a lyophilized extract and tuber juice, 2-3 drops are sprayed into each nasal passage once a day for two weeks. The drug is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women. It can cause local allergies and is therefore contraindicated for allergy sufferers. It should also not be used for nasal polyps and unregulated hypertension.

Auxiliary medications

These are antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs (Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol), as well as antiallergic drugs of the 2nd and 3rd generations that reduce swelling of the sinus and nasal mucosa (Loratadine, Desloratadine, Cetrin, Zinnerit, Claritin, Clarisens).

Thus, treatment of sinusitis with antibiotics is not a prerequisite for successful conservative therapy. It is much more important that the swelling is eliminated, the outflow of sinus contents is established, and local sanitation of the source of inflammation is carried out.>

Treatment with traditional methods

To get rid of sinusitis, you can also use traditional methods of treatment. But at the same time, you need to know that in some cases these methods can not only have no effect on the disease, but also cause harm to health and aggravate the course of the disease.

For example, excessive use of garlic or onions can lead to a burn of the mucous membrane, and the patient will lose his sense of smell for some time.

Read Why does sinusitis happen and when is it called bilateral?

Treatment of children with folk remedies without the approval of a doctor is not allowed!

Nasal drops for sinusitis

Before considering the issue of drops for the treatment of sinusitis, you need to find out what it is – sinusitis, why it occurs, what its main signs and symptoms are.

Sinusitis is an inflammatory process of the mucous membranes of the maxillary or maxillary sinuses, inflammation of which occurs when bacteria and viruses, fungi, chlamydia, Haemophilus influenzae, mycoplasma, coccal infection penetrate into them, as well as as a result of allergic diseases. The disease sinusitis occurs when inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus begins, during which its swelling begins, blocking the opening between the nasal cavity and the maxillary sinus. At this time, mucus accumulates in the inflamed sinus, in which bacteria begin to multiply, causing the appearance of pus.

The appearance of sinusitis can also be caused by a deviated nasal septum, which interferes with the outflow of fluid. Sinusitis can develop with allergic and non-allergic rhinitis, during scuba diving, and smoking and lack of vitamins in the body are especially often provocateurs for the development of sinusitis.

In young children, the cause of sinusitis can be the adenoids, which contribute to a change in the passage of air in the nasal cavity, which leads to the penetration of microorganisms into the maxillary sinuses.

Acute sinusitis can also develop after measles, scarlet fever, influenza and other infectious diseases. This disease can also occur after inflammation of the teeth. Additional factors that provoke inflammation of the maxillary sinuses are hypothermia with weakened immunity.

The acute form of sinusitis passes very quickly and, if not treated, becomes chronic. This contributes to the thickening of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses, and when the nasal septum is deviated, the outlet openings narrow even more, and this narrowing leads to stagnation of mucous and purulent secretions in the sinus itself. Chronic sinusitis is very difficult to treat. Its main symptoms are a fairly long runny nose, constant nasal congestion, the appearance of headaches, as well as pain inside the eye sockets. These symptoms may intensify when blinking, but you can breathe through your nose while lying down.

A particularly pronounced symptom of chronic sinusitis is swelling of the eyelids in the morning, as well as the development of conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes), and this indicates that inflammation of the wall of the orbit has begun. Sinusitis is extremely dangerous due to its complications. And its main danger is that the maxillary sinus is located very close to the eyes and brain, and purulent discharge, accumulating on the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses, can enter the blood, and with it the brain, which can trigger the occurrence of neuritis trigeminal nerve or meningitis.

In order to prevent this, it is necessary to undergo a full diagnosis and begin treatment for sinusitis. To do this, you should contact an ENT doctor, who will conduct a full examination of all sinuses, and especially the maxillary sinuses, and then prescribe a computer, magnetic resonance imaging, X-ray examination, ultrasound of the paranasal sinuses, and after all the studies, establishing an accurate diagnosis and degree inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, prescribe effective treatment.

You can treat sinusitis with antibiotics, but you can also rinse the maxillary sinus from pus with a solution containing antibiotics, after making a puncture in it. But first, in order to enlarge the hole in the nasal septum, vasoconstrictor drops, such as Nazivin, Dlyanos, Naphthyzin, Otilin, Galazolin, and Ephedrine, are instilled into the nose. All these drops play an important role in the treatment of sinusitis, as they constrict blood vessels and, therefore, relieve swelling of the mucous membrane both in the nasal cavity and in the maxillary sinuses. Removing swelling helps to open the passage between the maxillary sinus and the nasal septum wider, mucus and pus are removed, swelling decreases, and the healing process begins. But it should be remembered that naphthyzin and galazolin nasal drops can be used for 5 days, as they are addictive; due to this fact, doctors advise first instilling these drops, and after 5-6 minutes - drops with antibiotics. Antibiotic drops are an excellent way to prevent the formation of pus in the maxillary sinuses. Due to the fact that the concentration of antibiotics in the drops, although small, in the treatment of sinusitis they provide a good therapeutic effect and do not affect the condition of the entire body. Nasal drops containing antibiotics are isofra and polydex, which very well kill bacterial flora, thereby stopping all inflammatory processes in the maxillary sinuses, giving a person the opportunity to breathe freely and get rid of sinusitis.

In addition, sinuforte drops containing cyclomen tuber extract and juice lyophilisate, as well as distilled water as a solvent, are used to treat sinusitis. These drops stimulate the secretion of mucous secretions, and this promotes better outflow of mucus from the maxillary sinuses into the nasal cavity. Neonex nasal drops with extracts of cyclomen, rhinofluimucil, and sinupret have an excellent therapeutic effect. Drops with cyclomen extract are unique for the treatment of sinusitis. They enhance protection against the penetration of viruses into the maxillary sinus, protect the human body from viral infections, do not have an addictive effect, and therefore can be used for a long time.

Sinupret drops contain verbena and sorrel herbs, elderberry and primrose flowers, gentian root, and also contain lactose, sucrose, sorbitol, glucose syrup, calcium carbonate, dextrin, castor oil, stearic acid, titanium dioxide, shellac, talc. Thanks to their composition, these drops provide an excellent therapeutic effect, especially for acute sinusitis, and are not addictive.

All these drops will help cure sinusitis. The only exceptions are naphthyzin and suprastin, which are quickly addictive. Therefore, it is recommended to use drops made from natural plant materials or based on them, these include drops with cyclomen extract, Sinupret, Rinofluimucil, Neonex.

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Modern methods of treatment

The doctor may also suggest using the most progressive method of therapy - treatment of sinusitis without a puncture using a special YAMIK device, which helps to quickly get rid of the problem.

A YAMIK catheter is a special tube, to the ends of which small rubber balloons are attached, and is installed in one of the cavities. When inflated, the balloons completely block the exit from the cavities both outside and inside the pharynx. When inflated, a sealed space is formed, and pus is pumped out of it without much difficulty. Then, using a syringe, the drug is injected into the cavity.

Rinsing the nose using the YAMIK apparatus must be carried out until the liquid used for rinsing is completely clean.

It should be noted that after using YAMIK, nasal discharge increases significantly, which indicates the beginning of restoration of the ciliated epithelium. The use of such a device allows you to avoid piercing the maxillary sinuses. Procedures, as a rule, need to be repeated 7-10 times, depending on the severity of the disease.

The YAMIK device is recommended for the treatment of children, but the child must first be prepared psychologically.

Sinusitis - types

Before delving into questions of how to treat sinusitis, it would be better to understand the essence of the problem. Inflammation in the disease is caused by infection.

Depending on the specific type of disease, different types of disease are distinguished:

  1. Viral sinusitis
    in most cases is bilateral and resolves without suppuration. The disease develops due to influenza or other viruses.
  2. Bacterial.
    It is caused by bacteria. Often this type of sinusitis develops into a viral form of the disease. In addition, patients suffering from periodontal inflammation may experience bacterial inflammation.
  3. Fungal.
    Occurs due to damage to the mucous membrane by fungi.

If you do not deal with chronic allergic rhinitis, you may also encounter the problem of how to treat sinusitis. The disease also sometimes becomes a consequence of injuries - nasal fractures, head contusions, concussions. Due to such damage, blood stagnation can occur, and under such conditions it will be much easier for pathogenic microorganisms to develop.

The classification of diseases is influenced not only by the causes of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, but also by the extent of the damage. Thus, medicine distinguishes unilateral and bilateral sinusitis. Depending on the form of the disease, the diseases are purulent and catarrhal. The latter are accompanied by copious colorless discharge, which, if not treated carefully, thickens and acquires a very unpleasant odor. Such symptoms indicate that the disease has become purulent.

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