Nasal congestion and sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammatory disease that often causes serious complications in the form of other diseases and inflammatory processes. This disease can be successfully treated, but this does not guarantee that after recovery you will not encounter some consequences. As a result of the illness, difficulty breathing, nasal discharge, and even pain in the forehead may continue for some time. What to do if your nose is stuffy after treatment for sinusitis? Should I be concerned when these signs appear? How long to treat inflammation of the maxillary sinuses?

What should you do if, after treating sinusitis, your nose is still stuffy and it’s difficult to breathe?

Sinusitis and its treatment

Inflammation occurs in the maxillary sinuses, but it can affect both the oral cavity and the organs of vision, causing conjunctivitis and blurred vision. This once again confirms the fact that the disease is extremely dangerous and needs urgent treatment. At the same time, it cannot be said that drug therapy will 100% help get rid of the disease, especially since a prolonged course leads to the development of a chronic stage.

Nasal congestion during sinusitis is one of the main symptoms of the disease, but if the runny nose continues after recovery, you should pay close attention to it. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of an ENT specialist; sinusitis must be treated until complete recovery, otherwise there will certainly be complications and negative consequences.

Nasal congestion is one of the main symptoms of sinusitis, which sometimes remains for some time even after treatment of the disease.

For effective treatment, different methods are used:

  1. Drug therapy: antiseptics, antibiotics, bacteriophage solutions, nasal drops.
  2. Physiotherapy: UHF and microwave, electrophoresis, inhalations, treatment with paraffin and ozokerite.
  3. Surgical intervention: puncture (puncture).
  4. Folk remedies: washing with herbal decoctions, using essential oils, a mixture of honey, soda and sunflower oil, etc.

But if the patient neglects his health, he may encounter the following complications: bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis, pharyngitis, meningitis, etc. All these diseases pose a threat not only to human health, but also to his life, so you need to be careful about treating the disease.

This problem manifests itself most acutely in children, because, not having time to fully recover, they go outside again, are in a draft or cold, which increases the chances of contracting the infection again.

UHF therapy and other modern methods are used to treat sinusitis.

Nasal congestion does not go away after sinusitis: why and how to relieve it?

With the onset of cold weather, many people begin to suffer from nasal congestion. Often after sinusitis, nasal congestion does not go away for a long period of time. The main thing in this case is to understand exactly why the runny nose does not go away. By starting therapy in a timely manner, the disease can be quickly cured.

What complications may arise?

Long-term congestion indicates serious diseases that began to develop against its background.

For what reasons can a runny nose last longer?

  • A residual symptom that goes away on its own after a few days without treatment.
  • The transition of sinusitis to the chronic stage (occurs if the inflammatory process was not cured in a timely manner).
  • A runny nose after sinusitis may continue if the patient is not fully treated. Even if the disease seems to have subsided for some time, you should continue to take your medications. If this is not done, congestion may return again.
  • The development of complications such as bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media and sinusitis.
  • The most dangerous complication after sinusitis is meningitis.
  • Neoplasms in the nasal cavity.

It is not recommended to delay diagnosis and identifying the cause of nasal congestion. You need to go to the doctor for examination as soon as possible, then it will be easier to cure the pathology.

But under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Otherwise, you can harm your health.

Treatment of congestion with sinusitis

As soon as cold symptoms begin, treatment should be started immediately. On the one hand, every second person with sinusitis symptoms seems to think that this is not a serious illness that can be cured on their own. But without proper treatment, the pathology leads to serious health problems.

What to do if the disease has already begun:

  • Antibiotics. First of all, if the cause of prolonged nasal congestion is an infectious disease, then the doctor prescribes antibiotics. They are prescribed in the form of drops or tablets. You can’t take antibiotics for a long time once your sinusitis has gone away. The maximum course of therapy is from 5 to 7 days.
  • Vasoconstrictor drops. In order to relieve congestion, vasoconstrictor drops are used. Like antibiotics, they cannot be taken for a long time. Otherwise, the body begins to get used to their action and in the future it will not be possible to relieve congestion without drops. Popular drops are Xylene, Tizin or Rinostop.
  • Plant drops. The composition of plant drops includes only natural extracts and essential oils. They act on the sinuses and mucous membranes more gently than vasoconstrictor drops. Drops relieve inflammation, moisturize the mucous membrane and eliminate nasal congestion. You can use them longer.
  • Mucolytics. Mucolytics are prescribed when difficulty breathing remains after sinusitis. The tablets help to liquefy purulent mucus and remove accumulated mucus from the maxillary sinuses. Mucodin or Fluimucil are prescribed for therapy.
  • Antiviral and immunostimulating drugs. Doctors prescribe immunostimulants regardless of the nature of the disease. They are aimed at increasing immunity and maintaining the body during illness. Effective drugs - Interferon, echinacea extract, ginseng tincture.
  • Decongestants. Relieves swelling due to sinusitis, as well as if rhinitis has been diagnosed.
  • Electrophoresis. For a deeper effect on inflammation, doctors prescribe electrophoresis.
  • Puncture. If the snot does not go away for a long time, and the patient’s health only worsens, a puncture is prescribed. The puncture is performed in a hospital by a doctor. The procedure is simple but painful. After this, the nose may hurt for several days while the puncture heals. If the pain does not go away for a long time, then it is recommended to see a doctor again.
  • Washing. If a runny nose begins and congestion does not go away for a long time, nasal rinsing will be effective. Cleansers are not medications. Aquamaris, Salin or Humer are used. The solutions include purified sea water, which not only removes mucus from the body, but also washes away germs from the nasal mucosa.

Traditional treatment recipes

You can also try traditional recipes as therapy. You need to use only proven and safe methods. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use. Popular methods:

  • Washing. They rinse their nose not only with ready-made solutions that can be purchased at the pharmacy. You can prepare the washing liquid at home yourself. To do this you will need table salt and warm water. Sea salt is suitable for cooking, but it must have a natural composition without dyes or flavors. Dissolve salt in warm water and rinse each nostril in turn with the solution. Table salt has a disinfecting effect on the nasal mucosa, makes breathing easier and removes accumulated mucus.
  • Inhalations. Potato broth has a positive effect on nasal congestion if it does not go away for a long time. Peel and boil a few potatoes. While the broth has not cooled down, you need to cover yourself with a towel and breathe over it. 10–15 minutes is enough.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn oil perfectly relieves congestion. The oil should be instilled 2 drops into each nostril several times a day.
  • Kalanchoe juice. Kalanchoe juice is instilled into the nose during the treatment of sinusitis. Cut off the Kalanchoe leaf and grate it. Squeeze out the juice and put it into a pipette. Place 2 drops into each nostril. After this, the person begins to sneeze frequently. This is a normal reaction of the body.

Before using any traditional method, you need to test for an allergic reaction. If no redness, rash or itching appears, then treatment can begin.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent sinusitis from starting again after a while, it is necessary to follow a number of recommendations for maintaining normal health.

What to do to prevent nasal congestion due to sinusitis from reappearing:

  • Strengthening the immune system. Take vitamin complexes regularly, eat more fruits and vegetables. Rosehip decoction, which contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements, is useful for immunity.
  • Walk in the fresh air as often as possible, play sports, and lead an active lifestyle.
  • Maintain personal hygiene. You only need to use your own towel, toothbrush or handkerchief. Especially if someone in the family is sick or has recently had an infectious disease.
  • Take a contrast shower.
  • Dress for the weather.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap after coming home from the street.

By following all the recommendations, you can protect yourself from all viruses. It is important to remember that relapses of sinusitis after treatment are not uncommon and often lead to the development of a chronic form of pathology that is difficult to treat.

Yulia Kalashnik

(3 5,00 out of 5)


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Runny nose after sinusitis

There are several explanations for why the nose becomes stuffy after sinusitis:

  • A residual symptom that goes away on its own after a few days.
  • A runny nose can remain even when the disease is not completely cured. Purulent mucus begins to accumulate again, profuse nasal discharge is observed, and headaches resume.
  • Serious complications of sinusitis. Under the most unfavorable circumstances, certain complications develop. These can be bronchitis or pneumonia, adenoids and tonsillitis, sinusitis and otitis media. In almost all these situations, nasal congestion may occur, which does not go away for a long time.

How to treat a runny nose after sinusitis?

If nasal congestion is a consequence of the development of complications, then it is necessary to treat this complication directly, be it bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. In this situation, you should not focus on eliminating a runny nose, since this is only a concomitant symptom of another serious disease.

It is imperative to treat a runny nose, especially if it does not go away for a long time after getting rid of sinusitis.

If a runny nose is a residual phenomenon after sinusitis, you should pay attention to the following ways to get rid of it:

  • The use of immunomodulatory, hormonal and herbal nasal drops. It is strongly not recommended to use vasoconstrictor drops, which are addictive and will not allow nasal breathing to fully recover.
  • Inhalations based on folk remedies. Such procedures reduce the severity of the inflammatory reaction and help to liquefy the purulent accumulations remaining after the disease. Folk remedies are used for treatment: honey, essential oil, infusions of chamomile, sea buckthorn, etc.
  • It is also important to know how to blow your nose correctly if you have a residual runny nose after sinusitis. You can't blow your nose with effort. It is necessary to ensure that the discharge comes out through the nose and not through the mouth, because there is a possibility of infection entering the oral cavity.

Rinsing the nose with decoctions of medicinal herbs, inhalations based on herbal remedies - all this will help get rid of nasal congestion

If your runny nose continues and you don't see any improvement, seek medical help immediately. You may have another condition caused by sinusitis, so appropriate measures will need to be taken.

What to do if your nose is stuffy after treatment for sinusitis

Therapeutic manipulations determine the causes of nasal congestion. Regardless of the etiology of the disease, the therapeutic treatment regimen is aimed at suppressing the infectious process, eliminating stagnation of fluid in the sinuses - diluting muconasal mucus, purulent exudate, and removing them.

to achieve an improvement in the patient’s condition through complex measures , including the use of pharmacological products, physiotherapy and traditional medicine recipes.

Conservative treatment options

The clinical picture of the disease may imply the use of certain groups of pharmacological products:

  • antihistamines , which relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and restore natural breathing. Experts opt for second and third generation antihistamines, the advantages of which are minimal side effects, absence of tachyphylaxis, and long-lasting therapeutic effect. Representatives of the pharmacological series - “Cetrin”, “Zodak”, “Claritin”, “Eden”, “Erius”;
  • broad-spectrum bactericidal agents (for example, Ceftriaxone, Amoxicillin). To increase the therapeutic effect, local antibiotics (Isofra spray, Polidexa) can be prescribed. The daily rate and duration of treatment are determined based on the pathogenesis of the disease;
  • mucolytic drugs that help thin mucus and allow unimpeded outflow (“Fluimucil”, “Mukaltin”, “Rinofluimucil”);
  • analgesics , the action of which is aimed at eliminating pain and normalizing body temperature. Pronounced anti-inflammatory effect of Ibuprofen and Aspirin. On average, the course of therapy does not exceed seven days, with 2-3 times a day ;
  • antiseptic solutions for sanitizing the nasal cavity . Representatives of this group of drugs are “Dioxidin”, “Furacilin”, “Miramistin”;
  • steroid hormones - corticosteroids . These drugs are quite effective due to their pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. In ENT practice, drugs such as Nasonex and Flixonase are more in demand. The dosage of the drugs is determined by the doctor taking into account the severity of the disease.

Important! To restore local immunodeficiency, medications with an immunomodulatory effect (IRS 19, Interferon) are included in the therapeutic treatment regimen.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

To restore the drainage function of the nose and alleviate the patient’s condition, physiotherapy procedures are prescribed, including in their list:

  1. UHF therapy;
  2. Currents Bernard;
  3. Electrophoresis;
  4. Ultrasound procedures.

The duration of a standard course of treatment can vary from 10 to 15 manipulations .

Traditional therapy for nasal congestion

These methods of influence can be used if the patient’s condition is satisfactory, and included in therapy as an additional treatment .

The following manipulations effectively deal with nasal congestion:

  • hot and cold inhalation procedures . To restore natural breathing by inhaling hot steam, you can use potato decoction or eucalyptus tincture ( 40 ml of eucalyptus infusion per 1 liter of liquid ). The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, three times a day . For cold inhalations, you can use onion and garlic gruel, the duration of the procedure is 3-7 minutes ;
  • lavage of the nasal passages with a decoction of medicinal herbs (St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula). For 250 ml. water brought to a boil - 5 g. herbs . Allow to cool to a comfortable temperature (36-37 degrees) and begin rinsing your nose;
  • instillation of nasal passages with sea buckthorn oil and aloe juice . Sea buckthorn oil can be injected into the nostrils in its pure form, 1-2 drops, three times a day . Aloe must be diluted with water in equal proportions .

Important! The optimal temperature for hot inhalations should not exceed 50-60 degrees. Compliance with the specified temperature regime eliminates burns to the mucous membrane.

Relapse Prevention

If, after treatment of sinusitis, the nose is stuffy, there is a possibility of relapse, so everything possible must be done to prevent the recurrence of the inflammatory process.

After treatment of sinusitis, the runny nose should go away; if this does not happen, there is a high probability of relapse of the disease

  1. Strengthening the immune system with special vitamin complexes and foods rich in minerals and trace elements.
  2. Increasing physical activity, walking in the fresh air.
  3. Compliance with normal hygiene rules: using only your own personal hygiene items, wearing a medical mask during an epidemic, wearing clothes according to the season, etc.
  4. Perform water procedures (contrast showers, hot baths), which help remove harmful substances and restore blood circulation.
  5. Protecting yourself from those factors that provoke the reappearance of signs of sinusitis.

As you can see, prevention does not include the use of medications; in this case, it is important to simply prevent relapses by strengthening your immune system.

It is important to perform water procedures to strengthen your own immunity

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