Is thuja oil good for a runny nose?

What is thuja oil

This remedy is obtained from the cones of an evergreen plant that grows mostly in North America and East Asia.
Thuja, which means tree of life in Greek, belongs to the cypress family. The plant is often a shrub, but in rare cases it can grow to a more impressive size. Thuja oil is a homeopathic pharmaceutical preparation and is rightfully considered one of the most toxic esters, which, in fact, does not detract from its unique pharmacological effects. The product is extracted exclusively by simple steam distillation without lengthy post-processing. Any other method of producing ether is considered unacceptable due to the high toxicity of the starting material. At the same time, some manufacturers carefully clean the aromatic oil from toxic components. It must be said that such esters do not have the full range of beneficial properties characteristic of a regular product.


According to reviews, thuja oil in a child’s nose is used not only as drops, but also for inhalation. This procedure allows you not only to get rid of inflammation and swelling of the nasal mucosa, but also to eliminate the symptoms of cough, clear the airways, and remove congestion.

The procedure will require 1-2 drops of oil per 1 glass of water. Perform sessions for no more than 5-7 minutes, 3 times a day. Inhalations are performed for children if they have reached the age of 5 years and only after a sensitivity test. Only steam inhalers should be used. You cannot use a nebulizer, as this procedure will damage the device.

Beneficial features

The range of healing qualities of thuja is very wide. The ether obtained from this coniferous evergreen plant is able to relieve various types of allergic reactions, as well as alleviate their symptoms. Infusions and extracts of thuja are used for the prevention of cancer . According to some reports, the healing composition is recommended for use in rheumatism. In addition, the use of ether from thuja cones is indicated for women with menstrual irregularities caused by hormonal imbalance. In addition to the above, the aroma oil of the tree of life has the following beneficial properties:

  • eliminates congestion in the lungs and bronchi;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • increases potency;
  • stabilizes hormonal levels;
  • has a healing, astringent effect;
  • dilates blood vessels;
  • has diuretic, diaphoretic effects;
  • eliminates pathogenic microflora in the body.

Thuja oil for sinusitis

Sinusitis can occur in acute or chronic form. Often this disease is a complication of an advanced runny nose. With the infectious component of the disease, sinusitis can occur in mild, moderate and severe forms.

Three stages of treatment of sinusitis:

  1. Impact on infection. Thuja oil, which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, helps normalize the microflora of the nasal cavity.
  2. The second point is the removal of pus from the maxillary sinuses; Thuja copes with this very well. The oil has a gentle effect, without irritating the mucous membrane, while eliminating accumulated pus and preventing the formation of new clots.
  3. The final stage of treatment is the reduction or complete elimination of swelling of the mucous membrane. Here Thuja oil can manifest itself as a vasoconstrictor that reduces tissue swelling. The patient's feeling of pressure in the nasal cavity decreases.

Also, if you use thuja oil for sinusitis, you can relieve the patient of unpleasant pain and restore the sense of smell.

Thuja oil preparations

Concentrated oil cannot be used to affect adenoids. Only a 15% concentration of medicine is suitable for use. Pharmacies sell two products that have some differences. Both drugs are produced by Moscow pharmacological enterprises:

  • “Thuja Edas 801” is used for the treatment of adenoids, rhinitis, otitis, stomatitis, acne, nasal polyps, periodontal disease, that is, it has a fairly wide range of effects. The instructions for use of the drug do not contain information about contraindications or side effects;
  • “Thuja DN” – suitable for children with inflamed adenoids and chronic rhinitis. Do not use for acute rhinitis or hypersensitivity to the drug. Allergies may occur as side effects.

The drug for treatment is selected by the doctor based on the severity of the underlying disease, the presence of concomitant ailments and the general condition of the child.

Adenoids and their degrees

Every person has adenoids. They are located in the nasopharynx and protect the body from viruses and bacteria entering the mucous membrane. In adults and adolescents after 15 years of age, adenoids are small in size, in children before puberty they are slightly larger. This is due to the fact that babies are more often attacked by pathogens and are in greater need of protection due to weak immunity.

Against the background of frequent acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, and in the presence of pathologies in the development of children of kindergarten or school age, the adenoids become inflamed and close the passage for air.

In this case, the adenoids themselves become a source of disease. Lack of oxygen provokes a lag in mental and intellectual development. With difficulty breathing, the child sleeps poorly, gets sick more often, and becomes physically weaker.

Inflammation of the adenoids is a reason to seek help from an otolaryngologist. After examination and laboratory tests, the stage of development of the disease is determined and a course of treatment is prescribed.

The classification of tonsil hypertrophy is presented in the table (Important! The table can be scrolled left and right on mobile devices):

DegreeSymptomsConsequences of lack of treatment
1st degreeInsomnia, restlessness at night.
2nd degree
3rd degree

Lack of treatment for adenoids in childhood and adolescence affects the quality of life in the future. For this reason, parents of constantly ill children resort to classical medicinal methods of therapy and use traditional methods.

Homeopathy, for example, is recommended by doctors who have noticed the positive effects of herbs and oils on the body.
Thuja oil for adenoids in children is recognized as an effective treatment method. It is combined with pills and physiotherapy. Prescribed from early kindergarten age. For what degree of adenoids does your child have, do you use Thuja oil?

Homeopathic Thuja Oil, or Vaseline Oil at Ten Times the Price

But Thuja Oil, also called EDAS-801, Thuja GF or Thuja DN, are typical homeopathic preparations. The thuja oil itself is diluted in them in a ratio of 1: 1,000,000 (the so-called D6) or 1: 200. That is, the entire 25 ml bottle of EDAS-801 contains only 25 nanoliters of thuja oil itself - one millionth of the total contents, and 100 grams of Thuja-GF ointment contains only half a gram of thuja oil itself. Everything else is either Vaseline or olive oil, depending on the preparation. It is obvious that in principle this remedy cannot have a pronounced therapeutic effect in such quantities, and therefore homeopathic thuja oil for a runny nose in children and adults is taken only at the peril and risk of the patients themselves or their parents.

EDAS 801. From the thuja here is only the name.

In fact, the active ingredient of EDAS-801 is the solvent itself - Vaseline or olive oil. In the quantities in which the product contains thuja oil, it cannot have any effect on a runny nose.


“I don’t know what kind of homeopathy this is, but I wanted to drip thuja oil for a runny nose, I bought EDAS 801, but it doesn’t smell like thuja in any place. It was necessary to dilute the product so that the essential oil did not smell. I dipped it in, of course, but didn’t notice much of an effect, and I don’t trust this product.”

Olga, Novosibirsk

It is known that any natural oil - be it olive, thuja or Vaseline - can be useful for a runny nose, when the mucus in the nose is completely dry and hardened, covered with crusts and cracks and wounds form on it. The purpose of the oil in this case is to soften the mucous membrane for a long time, for example, while the patient is sleeping, so that the crust does not crack during this time and the runny nose is not complicated by nosebleeds.

Vaseline oil, which is called EDAS-801, is sold at ten times the price

That's it, the base of the product does not have any other therapeutic effects. In the same way, EDAS-801, as well as its analogues - Thuja DN and Thuja GF, will not have any other effects.

Now imagine a millionth part of a drop of thuja oil. This is the amount of true thuja oil that is dropped into the nose. The composition of the product indicates the content of thuja oil in a concentration of D6 and in an amount of 5 grams. In homeopathic terminology, dilution D6 means that 5 grams of thuja oil itself were diluted 6 times in a solvent (olive or vaseline oil) in a concentration of 1:10. In fact, this means that 5 grams of the active ingredient of thuja oil contains only a millionth part.

Do you think that a millionth part of a drop can have any effect on bacteria or viral particles? Obviously, it cannot - any infection in the nose will not notice this action.

Manufacturers of EDAS-801 know this. And therefore, among the indications for the remedy, they indicated not bacterial and viral runny nose, for which undiluted thuja preparation can really help, but chronic atrophic rhinitis.

Question: why does the manufacturer of EDAS-801 advise treating atrophic rhinitis with it, if thuja oil is known for its antiviral and antibacterial effects and should be used for bacterial and viral rhinitis?

Answer: because there is practically no thuja oil itself in the product, and only Vaseline or olive oil works. It is this that helps moisturize the mucous membrane during atrophic rhinitis.

Analogue of EDAS-801 - Tuya DN

And the instructions for using Thuja Oil fully comply with the rules for using simple oils - olive or vaseline - for a runny nose.


“I clearly decided for myself - if the disease is such that it definitely does not spoil life, then homeopathy is the only remedy. When I have a runny nose, for example, I drop either Euphorbium or Thuja Oil, and I’m happy with everything. The runny nose always goes away, I have never had any sinusitis, everything ends very quickly. There are no side effects, no dependence. No vasoconstrictor drops can compare with these remedies.”

Tatiana, Kirov

Thuja oil itself is used in the drug only as an advertising ploy and to increase the price of the product. Compare: 25 ml of Vaseline oil costs 12 rubles. Price of Thuja oil for runny nose, the same 25 ml - 12. Exactly ten times more. Agree, it’s worth renaming the same oil in order to sell it in a different bottle at ten times the price.

It is also useful to read: Choosing a suitable folk method for treating a runny nose

On a note

Pure thuja essential oil costs 195 rubles. EDAS-801 is a typical counterfeit of a natural product.

The real price of EDAS-801 is 12 rubles

If you still have homeopathic Thuja GF or EDAS-801 in your hands, you should not throw them away. Still, both Vaseline oil and olive oil can be useful in the household. It works well as a laxative, and when you have a runny nose, you can very carefully put it in your nose if the mucus in it is completely dry and you need to avoid cracking it.

This is interesting

Homeopathic remedies Thuja-GF and Thuja-DN differ only in the manufacturer. GF is an abbreviation for Homeopathic Pharmacy LLC, DN is the same for Doctor N LLC. The composition and effect of the products are identical. Thuja GF oil and Thuja DN remedy have the same effect against a runny nose as plain olive oil.


The method of using thuja oil depends on the nature of the disease that it is supposed to treat. In this case, the healing composition can be used as one of the components of complex therapy or act as the main means of combating respiratory syndromes. Thus, doctors often recommend using thuja oil for a runny nose instead of other chemical pharmacological drugs.

The natural components of this product, unique in its properties, have pronounced antimicrobial activity, so they can easily cope with almost any infection . To treat snot in children and adults, drop oil into the nasal passages. The procedure must be repeated twice a day. The daily dosage should not exceed 4 drops. In addition, inhalations with thuja aroma oil help relieve chronic runny nose. A similar method of using the drug is also indicated for inflammation of the adenoids and polyps.

As a rule, the solution for inhalation is prepared at the rate of 3 drops of oil per glass of hot water. You should inhale the steam for half an hour without covering your head with a cloth. Thuja oil is used slightly differently for sinusitis. For this purpose, prepare an aroma lamp, to which 3 drops of ether are added. As a rule, this procedure helps to avoid unpleasant rinsing of the sinuses. For diseases of the oral cavity, it is recommended to lubricate the nasopharyngeal mucosa with oil. Otitis and other ear pathologies are treated by introducing cotton turundas soaked in thuja ether into the ear canal.

Instructions for using thuja oil for a runny nose

Thuja oil is used for a runny nose only if the mucus in the nose has completely dried out, crusts have formed and dry pieces of snot are often pouring out of the nose.

It is recommended to instill the product at night as an alternative to moisturizing the nose with saline solution. For children with a runny nose, 2-3 drops of the product are instilled into each nostril, for adults - 3-4 drops.

Sometimes traditional healers recommend doing inhalations using steam inhalers with saline solution, 3-4 drops of thuja oil are added per 1 ml. However, there is no point in carrying out such inhalations: they cannot be done with bacterial rhinitis, and in other cases, thuja is useless for a runny nose.


You cannot use thuja oil for a runny nose in an ultrasonic inhaler or nebulizer . This can lead to pneumonia.

It is also useful to read: Getting rid of a runny nose using traditional medicine In general, thuja oil for a runny nose is prescribed to children only by a doctor. Dripping it yourself on your own initiative can be dangerous.

On a note

Thuja is somewhat more effective for the common cold when used not in the form of oil, but in the form of a decoction of its needles. This decoction can be instilled into the nose even when the mucous membrane is in normal condition. Simply blow your nose to remove excess snot from your nose and drip 3-4 drops of the decoction into each nostril. This decoction is prepared simply: a tablespoon of green or dried thuja branches is poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water, left for an hour and filtered.

Thuja needles are used both to obtain oil and to prepare other dosage forms

Treatment of adenoids with thuja oil

The healing properties of thuja have been known since ancient times; back in the 16th century, French kings called thuja the tree of life. Thuja oil was used to treat bronchitis, tracheitis, used for the common cold, otitis, stomatitis, arthritis, and was used to raise general tone, relieve fatigue and quickly restore strength. Beneficial properties of thuja oil for adenoids:

  • This essential oil has powerful antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties, as well as a vasoconstrictor effect, which is why it helps restore nasal breathing.
  • In addition, thuja oil is considered an excellent immunostimulant, equating its effect to the properties of the well-known echinacea. This is especially important these days, when unfavorable external environmental factors reduce immunity in both adults and children.
  • Thuja essential oil contains a huge amount of resins, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, aromadendrin, tuin, pinin, pinipicrin, pilene, toxifolin. This gives the medicinal natural drug the ability to have a unique metabolic effect. Thuja oil for adenoids helps quickly restore epithelial tissue, normalizes local chemical processes occurring in the cells of the nasopharynx.

To treat adenoids with thuja oil, you should not use pure 100% essential oil, but 15% homeopathic oil, which can only be purchased in a pharmacy chain - Thuja Edas-801 or Thuja DN oil.

Basic principles of treatment:

  • Treatment of adenoids with thuja oil should be carried out for a long time, at least 6 weeks, repeating the course every month. This wonderful remedy should be instilled 2-4 drops 2-3 times a day into each nasal passage.
  • Before use, you should first rinse the spout; for this you can use any spray with sea water - Quix, Aquamaris, Aqualor, Goodvada, Dolphin, Atrivin-Sea, Marimer, Physiomer, Allergol Dr. Theis.
  • Perhaps the doctor will recommend using this treatment regimen - before using thuja oil for adenoids, first drip 2 drops of Protorgol, it will clean the nose and have its anti-inflammatory effect. Then, after 15-20 minutes, drip thuja oil, also 2 drops, into each nostril, and so on for a week. Then, over the next week, also start with Protorgol, and then drip 2 drops 2-3 times a day Argolife is an antimicrobial hygiene product based on colloidal silver. And so alternate for 6 weeks. Then you can take a week break and instill only thuja oil 3 times a day, 2 drops.
  • You can also use the following instillation scheme - rinse with sea water spray for 2 weeks and instill thuja oil 4 drops 3 times a day, then take a 2-week break and repeat the course.

Treatment of runny nose with thuja oil

To successfully treat a runny nose with thuja oil in children, doctors recommend following the following rules:

  • instill oil for a long time (ideally – 1.5 months of treatment, then a month break);
  • Before instilling the oil, rinse the nose with saline preparations: Marimer, Quix, Physiomer, saline;
  • the oil should be at room temperature;
  • after instillation, sit for a minute with your head thrown back.

When treating a runny nose complicated by adenoids, the following treatment regimen can be carried out:

  • rinse the nose with saline solution - pour 1 ml of solution into each nostril;
  • after 5 minutes, instill protargol into each nostril (2 drops);
  • After 15 minutes, inject 2 drops of thuja oil into the nose.

We continue this treatment for a week. Perform the procedures three times a day.

Next week we replace Protargol with Argolife and continue treatment for another week. Then we return again to the first week of treatment. Continue this rotation for 6–8 weeks.

According to otolaryngologists, clinical trials have shown the high effectiveness of thuja oil for grade 1 and 2 adenoids, sinusitis, and chronic rhinitis. The homeopathic method restores normal secretion of the mucous membranes, eliminates foci of inflammation and cures rhinitis completely.

In the lion's share of cases (80%), with timely treatment, operations to remove grade 1–2 adenoids are not performed. Under the influence of thuja, adenoid vegetations decrease in volume or completely disappear. Lymphoid tissue is restored, bacteria die, nasal breathing is completely normalized.

For the effectiveness of treatment, and to avoid a negative reaction to thuja, when using the drug for the first time, perform a control instillation: 1 drop in one nostril. If allergies and unpleasant symptoms do not appear within 30 minutes, thuja oil is recommended for use.

In conclusion, check out a few reviews from parents who have successfully cured runny noses with thuja oil in their children.

Articles on the topic - treatment regimen for adenoids in children with thuja oil.


This homeopathic drug is widely used in folk and traditional medicine as a universal remedy for treating respiratory diseases. Edas-801 is a green (sometimes yellowish) solution, packaged in dark glass bottles of 15 or 25 ml. The active ingredient of the drug is Thuja Occidentalis. An additional component is olive oil. Thanks to its unique composition, Edas-801 helps to effectively restore nasal breathing and get rid of inflammation of the mucous tissues of the ears and throat .

pharmachologic effect

The use of thuja aroma oil helps eliminate many negative symptoms of respiratory infection and more. The healing composition is characterized by a metabolic immunomodulatory effect on the body. In addition, one of the most important pharmacological actions of this homeopathic drug can be considered the restoration of the biochemical composition of the mucous membranes. In addition, thuja aroma oil has a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect, which helps relieve swelling from the epithelial tissue of the nasal cavities.

Instructions for use Edas-801

The concentration of pure essential oil in medicinal preparations and homeopathic remedies is strictly limited. However, thuja oil Edas-801 should be used with caution. The manufacturer of the product states in the instructions that it can be used both intranasally and externally. In the first case, a small amount of oil is applied to the affected areas of the dermis for various skin diseases at intervals of 2-3 times a day.

Adenoids, chronic sinusitis, runny nose are indications for intranasal use of Edas-801. For this purpose, it is necessary to inject 3-4 drops of thuja into each nasal passage twice a day. If the pathological focus is located in the mouth, it is recommended to lubricate the damaged mucous membrane several times throughout the day until a lasting therapeutic effect appears.

Instructions for use for children

Treatment of young patients with Edas aroma oil should be carried out only after confirmation of the suspected diagnosis. As a rule, a course of treatment for ENT diseases in children is carried out with a 15% composition. If ether is used, it must be diluted with any other vegetable oil, for example, olive, in a ratio of 1:6. The pure product cannot be used: it can cause allergies .

Thuja oil for adenoids for children is instilled 2 drops into each nasal passage twice a day. For diseases of the mouth and throat, a child from six to twelve years old can lubricate the mucous membranes with this composition. Before the procedure, it is recommended to rinse your throat first. In order to improve the functioning of the nervous system, the instructions for the drug advise adding 5 drops of oil to a warm bath, which should be taken for fifteen minutes.

Treatment regimen for adenoids

Doctors recommend long-term therapy for this disease. So, on average, thuja oil should be used for the treatment of adenoids for about 4-6 weeks. At the end of this period, you should take a month's break. During this period, instead of thuja ether, it is allowed to use sea buckthorn oil. The latter has pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, so it is quite capable of temporarily replacing thuja aroma oil. Meanwhile, the instructions for the drug Edas-801 provide the following scheme for its use for the treatment of adenoids:

  1. Rinse your nose with saline solution.
  2. Inject 2 drops of Protargol into each nostril.
  3. After 20 minutes, drop 2 drops of thuja oil into each nasal passage.

Contraindications and side effects

As a rule, Edas-801 does not cause any negative conditions. However, some people may experience individual intolerance to the components of the product, so before using it it is recommended to conduct a skin test for allergies. In addition, patients with acute rhinitis will have to interrupt the treatment course. Due to the fact that the substances contained in thuja aroma oil have a pronounced immunomodulatory effect, the product should not be used by women during pregnancy.

Instructions and treatment regimens

Many parents who are faced with the problem under consideration are interested in the opinion of the famous pediatrician Komarovsky, who is a professional in his field, because he has helped many children with dangerous diagnoses. The doctor has his own point of view regarding whether thuja oil is effective for adenoids.

Komarovsky speaks positively about the treatment with the drug in question, but not as the main therapy, but as an auxiliary one and subject to the timeliness of treatment. In addition, it is useful information that you should not immediately think about surgical intervention, which is prescribed only if there are difficulties in the functioning of the respiratory system due to enlarged adenoids.

Depending on the child’s condition, the necessary treatment is prescribed that will eliminate the painful manifestations of the disease, taking into account the choice of the correct dosages and course duration. The most lasting effect of treatment is achieved with a long course, ranging from 30 days to six months. Treatment regimens (medical instructions) using the components of the tree in question are different.

The main ones:

  1. Treatment regimen for adenoids with “Protargol” and thuja oil. The first remedy is instilled into the nose, and then the oil in question should be instilled in the same amount. After 20 minutes, the procedure is repeated, but only with one oil. Course duration – 1 week. In the second week, you need to start with “protargol”, combined with a hygienic antimicrobial drug called “Argolife” (the dosage is similar). According to these instructions, therapy should be carried out for about 2 months, alternating the drugs used. Break – 1 week with further instillation of oil 3 times a day.
  1. Treatment instructions involve rinsing the nose with Tuya Edas 801 saline solution. Duration – 14 days with a break of similar duration (5 drops each).
  1. Another scheme consists of 2 stages of treatment, where the main remedy is thuja oil for adenoids for children. Komarovsky recommends combining a natural component with natural sea water. At the first stage, the preparations “Aqualor”, “Aquamaris” or “Quix”, etc. are used. Accordingly, the next stage involves the use of thuja components. The course of treatment is no more than 2 months with breaks of 30 days.

It is important to learn how to correctly use the components of thuja, regardless of the chosen instructions and therapy. After each procedure of instilling the drug, the child should not get out of bed for 10–15 minutes. This is done to achieve the maximum effect of treatment - during this time the medicine covers a large area of ​​​​the tonsils with inflamed tissue.

Fighting the disease using traditional means is a long and labor-intensive process, however, using thuja oil for adenoids for children along with drug therapy, you can avoid extreme measures, which in some cases may not be necessary.


You can buy Edas-801 at any pharmacy. As a rule, the drug has a mild effect on pathological foci, so it is prescribed without any fear, which cannot be said about pure ether. The latter may only be used under the supervision of a specialist. The average cost of thuja aroma oil from virtual sellers varies from 70 to 100 rubles. per bottle of 15 ml. In Moscow pharmacies you can purchase Edas-801 at the following prices:

Pharmacy Price per bottle (r.)
15 ml 25 ml
ElissirPharm 100 157
Samson-Pharma 107 158
Mosfilmovskaya 80 120
healthy 89 130
Key 102 152
Green Avenue 104 159

Treatment of grade 1-2 adenoids in children

Let's talk more specifically about the first two stages of the disease and methods of treating them. The initial stage of the disease is not as acute and noticeable as subsequent stages. This is why it is so difficult to recognize the first degree, which makes it possible for the ailment to develop into more serious forms.

Symptoms of grade 1 adenoids

  • frequent runny nose ;
  • short-term increase in temperature;
  • voice due to constant nasal congestion ;
  • difficulty breathing at night or during periods of daytime sleep when the child assumes a horizontal body position;
  • cough when lying down;
  • headaches , lethargy and apathy due to lack of oxygen;
  • hyperemia (redness) of the tonsils;

At this stage of the development of the disease, the most important thing is to diagnose it and select competent treatment, which may include both drug therapy and physical therapy.

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