At what age do adenoids stop growing?

Causes and symptoms

Why do adenoids grow?

This process occurs for various reasons:

  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Frequent colds;
  • Congenital anomalies of the constitution.

Adenoids and infancy - in this case, the main cause is some kind of developmental disorder in the prenatal period. Then the amygdala begins to enlarge from birth and interferes with the normal development of the child.


An enlarged tonsil blocks the airway and makes it difficult for air to pass through. The child cannot breathe normally.

There are three degrees of tonsil enlargement:

  1. In the first degree,
    the tonsil covers one third of the vomer (the bone in the nasal passages, where they pass into the pharynx).
  2. cover two thirds of the opener.
  3. In the third degree,
    the choanae, the openings leading from the nasal passages to the pharynx, are completely closed. Breathing through the nose in this case is almost impossible.

A child with adenoids has a typical appearance (photo). Impaired breathing leads to insufficient oxygen supply to brain cells. This affects the child's mental abilities.

Until what age do adenoids grow? This process is individual for everyone. On average, the amygdala begins to shrink between 12 and 14 years of age. In some children it may return to normal size at age 10, and in some it persists until age 18.

Adenoids can exist on their own, causing only breathing problems. But with reduced immunity and frequent contact with sources of infection - for example, in kindergarten - a condition such as adenoiditis can develop.

At what age does it appear? This is also individual and depends on the child’s lifestyle and the characteristics of his body. For some, it may never occur, and for some, inflammation of the enlarged nasopharyngeal tonsil occurs every six months.

Symptoms of enlarged adenoids (adenoiditis): when should a doctor be sent to…

Diagnosis of adenoids

The tonsils located in the back of the throat are clearly visible, but you will not see the adenoids without a special device, so you will have to judge the scale of the pathology by the accompanying signs.

Pathologically enlarged adenoids manifest themselves as follows:

  • constant difficulty breathing through the nose, so the child breathes through the mouth;
  • nasality: the voice sounds as if the nostrils are pinched (speaks through the nose);
  • breathes noisily during exercise and snores during sleep;
  • there may be pauses in breathing for several seconds during sleep (obstructive breathing, apnea)
  • the child has a practically persistent runny nose or mucous discharge from the nose, the throat and ears often hurt, the doctor may detect fluid in the middle ear of a school-age child.

Conclusion : The disease exhausts the child, the weakened body faces serious complications, so if you are told that everything will pass and nothing needs to be treated, send such a doctor... well, you get the idea.

Principles of treatment

To accelerate the reverse development of the nasopharyngeal tonsil, the child is prescribed certain treatment. The issue of treating adenoids is controversial. Some doctors prefer a wait-and-see approach and recommend using only symptomatic treatments. Some people prefer to remove the adenoids immediately (see).

Table 1. Types of treatment for adenoids:

Various physiotherapeutic procedures are used:
  • Quartzization;
  • Inhalations;
  • Magnet.
Symptomatic remedies and drugs aimed at reducing the nasopharyngeal tonsil are used:
  • Vasoconstrictor nasal drops;
  • Antihistamines;
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • Immunostimulating drugs;
  • To reduce the size of the tonsil - protargol in the nose, sprays Euphorbium, Lymphomyosot, thuja oil.
The nasopharyngeal tonsil is surgically removed. The operation is called adenotomy.

The price of drugs for conservative treatment is quite high. The course of treatment is at least a month. The instructions for the drugs explain the method of use.

There are remedies that you can prepare yourself. For example, put aloe juice diluted with honey and water into your nose. However, the effectiveness of such agents has not been proven.

At what age can adenoids be removed? Doctors recommend surgery at the age of 5-7 years. However, this age may vary depending on the condition of the child.

If the adenoids are enlarged to the first degree, the general condition suffers slightly, and conservative treatment is successful - surgery, as a rule, is not required. However, if treatment does not bring results, the child begins to get sick often - even with the first degree of adenoids, adenotomy is recommended.

Second and third degree adenoids, with constant breathing problems, are a direct indication for surgical intervention. Adenotomy is performed on an outpatient basis. Before the operation you will need to undergo a standard examination.

Removal of adenoids is carried out with a special instrument - an adenotom (video). After the operation, the child is observed for two hours, the throat is examined and sent home. For the first two days, it is recommended to feed the child semi-liquid food at room temperature.

It is important to remember that the operation is not performed against the background of infectious diseases, blood clotting pathologies, or heart diseases.

Can adenoids grow back after removal? The rate of adenoid recurrence after surgery is approximately 20%. This is most often observed in preschool children. This is why it is recommended that older children undergo surgery before entering school. In this case, the adenoids grow very rarely after removal.

Although this disease seems simple, with the third degree of enlargement of the tonsil, it is even possible to develop asphyxia. If there are such adenoids, it doesn’t matter to what age they grow. The sooner the operation is performed, the better the child will develop.

I’ll tell you about adenoids, our history and what I know without terms, in Russian. So that those who are not in the know, like I once was, take note.

Nowadays there is such a time that before the child learns to walk, the mother grabs his armpit and runs to the developmental activities. Not because the child is behind in development, but because in fact she is just bored at home, she’s already tired. And now there’s a lot of choice, go or not.

If the group is not large, and the child does not start sniffing 3 times there, but there is nothing to worry about. But if a child begins to get sick more often than usual, it’s worth thinking about... Isn’t it too early?

We started going to the CIPR at the kindergarten when we were 1.5 years old. There were about 10 people in the group. We got sick once... twice... well, that’s understandable, it happens. I don’t want to miss much, the child likes it, the classes are interesting. They recovered and left immediately.

When we turned 2.3 years old, we went to the police station. And then things started to go... There were 15-20 people in the group. The GKP did not differ in any way in the health of children from the general group. The same snotty and coughing ones. We started to get sick. Then at some point the snot got longer and we treated it for more than a month. Homeopathy did not help as usual. ENT diagnosis: stage 2 adenoids, stage 2 tonsil swelling.

where? Why? how so?!

What are adenoids? This is the tissue located at the top behind the uvula and tonsils. Every person has them and are designed to protect against disease. The child inhales the infection through his nose, it hits the first barrier - the adenoids, where lymphocytes are formed that fight various microorganisms and help us not get sick.

It happened that the child got sick, the adenoids became inflamed, then the child recovered and the adenoids returned to normal. This is a normal chain in the body. It takes at least 10 days for the adenoids to return to their normal, calm state.

But how does it usually happen? The child recovered after a week of illness, and they took a certificate and went to kindergarten. What about sitting? I need to go to work or my child is bored at home. And old-school educators/certain categories of doctors/mothers/grandmothers/neighbors only egg on, they say, take him to the garden, let him get used to the bacteria, adapt to them... if he doesn’t get sick now, he will get sick later! I would strap such people to a radiator near the sickest people and force them to adapt to their bacteria for months... This is such nonsense! As if every child in the world is allotted to get sick 20 times, and if he doesn’t get sick in kindergarten, then he will get sick these 20 times at school!

That's bullshit! By the time a child reaches school, he will outgrow all these diseases, his immunity will become stronger, and therefore he will get sick less, or won’t get sick at all. It depends on your health. This is individual and is not related to the number of diseases in the garden. The body cannot adapt to SARS, there are a million of them, it is impossible to get used to them!

But mothers listen, are led... and take their children to the garden....

One day the adenoids did not have time to return to normal, and we went back to the garden... we were discharged... 2-3 days and again the pace, snot... a new infection. And then again in the same sequence... And then the irreparable happens... The adenoids do not have time to shrink and begin to grow in size. An ordinary runny nose no longer goes away after a week, homeopathy and other medications do not help, but only a local antibiotic. This is depressing for especially attentive parents; a trip to a competent ENT specialist puts everything in its place.

As a result of ongoing diseases and “not having time” to shrink, the adenoids began to grow and even after complete recovery they no longer return to normal. Now, instead of functioning as a filter for microbes and an assistant, the adenoids become our heavy burden... a place that now attracts all the sores and gives them progress. Now everything is happening the other way around due to their constant hypertrophy. Adenoids are given stages 1,2,3,4 depending on the severity of the situation, because often parents do not pay attention to the signs of adenoids for a long time, they do not go to the ENT, or not all of the ENTs are adequate. After all, when do they take their child to the doctor? When he is sick, which means the adenoids will be inflamed this way and that. But in order to diagnose adenoids, you need to go to an ENT specialist 3-4 weeks after recovery. Sometimes the doctor identifies them by examining them with mirrors (the picture is not completely visible), the picture is not informative these days, so I don’t recommend wasting time on it.

The most accurate, complete and painless method is endoscopy. A thin needle with a camera is placed in the child’s mouth, and the doctor sees everything on the monitor.

We did it three times without any discomfort.

Signs of adenoids:

A child in the kindergarten gets sick after 2-5 days of walking.

A common runny nose cannot be cured in 7 days.

The child breathes more often through his mouth, especially at night. There is no snot, but there is a feeling of swelling in the nose. Snore.

Complications after acute respiratory viral infections include frequent otitis media and bronchitis.

The child began to hear poorly.

All of this individually or several points at once indicates the possible existence of hypertopic adenoid tissue.

By the way, there is also information that they are inherited. Our dad had his adenoids removed, so maybe I’m not the only one to blame for this? I won't be able to find out...

When illnesses continue, the child is not taken from the kindergarten and his immune system, already destroyed by illnesses, will endlessly come under fire from ARVI and other more serious diseases, complications, etc. The adenoids grow to such an extent that it becomes impossible to live with them. Hearing loss (hearing loss), constant snoring appears, the child stops breathing through the nose, speech impairment, oxygen starvation, and complications occur in internal organs. Then doctors offer adenotomy, that is, removal of the adenoids.

It is better to try to detect Adeinodes as early as possible and maintain them in the initial stage, not to lead to the above symptoms, so as not to have to remove them. Because after removal there is a very high probability that they will grow again, and then they will have to be removed again. Because the child will grow up (this age is different for everyone) and at some point will outgrow them. At some point, a jump occurs in the child’s body and the tonsils and adenoids decrease in size. We can only send him to sports and maintain a healthy lifestyle so that the child is tempered and exposed to physical activity, then, as statistics show, the likelihood that the child will outgrow adenoids faster increases.

And then the adenoids will again become a barrier for the child, a filter from various infections at school, and so on. By removing them, we deprive the child of this barrier and it is not at all necessary that he will become sick less. It is possible that you will get sick more often, but most likely the same until you grow up and your immune system gets stronger. But even in adulthood, people with adenoids removed usually get sick more often and with complications.

And finally, adenotomy is an operation under anesthesia, which children do not tolerate well (the smaller the child, the worse), this means a hospital, doctors, medications, etc... It’s not very pleasant, you must admit. Therefore, if possible, you should try to protect the adenoids until they go away….

And a few words about treatment. Adenoids cannot be treated and no such cases have been recorded in medicine. They are just being outgrown. If you think that you have cured your child’s adenoids, I hasten to disappoint you, you have simply outgrown them. The age, I repeat, of “overgrowth” of adenoids varies from person to person.

There are different schemes and methods for treating adenoids, starting with protorgol, lymphomyazot, thuja oil, euphorbium, etc., ending with laser sessions and quartz treatment. We went through ALL of these treatments and saw for ourselves. With the help of all these methods, it is possible to shrink the adenoids, relieve inflammation from them, “calm” them, but not cure them, do not return them to their previous normal healthy state.

The main healer of adenoids is time and the absence of infections, that is, diseases are kept to a minimum.

Our task is to strengthen the immune system: eat right, send your child to sports, try to strengthen it.

If I had known all this when I was a new young mother, if I had not listened to would-be advisers, then perhaps I could have prevented this diagnosis in my child.

To begin with, I would take the child to kindergarten no earlier than 3 years old, so that the baby’s immunity at this age gains at least some “points”, and does not begin to lose them from 1.5-2 years in a nursery, child care center, etc. Then, upon exit to kindergarten from the age of 3, I would stay at home for at least another week after the child’s complete recovery, this would help the body fully recover from the disease and the adenoids to shrink to normal. Well, a child does not recover within a week from the onset of the illness, that’s a fact.

Now I can at least try to stay at stage 2 and not go to the third stage, i.e. to complications and removal. The only way is not to go to the garden or, at the first sniffle, immediately sit at home and sit until complete recovery, and this is at least 2-3 weeks. In total, there will be no more than a week of kindergarten a month, the rest is sick leave. You can try to carry it on your feet and in the garden, but as experience shows, infection after infection still leads to complications and eventually antibiotics. Whether such a garden is needed, whether she goes there or not, and how often to go, each mother decides for herself, depending on her life circumstances.

I have a younger daughter, she is 2 years old and before 3 years old we will not even move towards the garden, and perhaps longer. Everything will be different with her. I will make every effort not to fall into this circle of eternal pain due to adenoids. (unless of course they are passed on again by inheritance...?!)

Moms, be attentive to your children, don’t chase fashion and your friends. Remember, your child has his whole life ahead of him! He will have time to communicate a million times with peers, go to a matinee, do creative work... But health, you can’t buy it and you won’t get it back, it’s the most important thing!

Health to your children!

Greetings, dear parents! Katya Ivanova is with you again. Today I want to raise a very interesting and important topic for you - when adenoids stop growing.

“After we removed the adenoids, they grew back!” Common situation? I am sure that there is no one who wants to re-traumatize the child’s psyche and undergo surgery.

It may be worth waiting until they stop growing and giving preference to loyal methods of treatment and prevention. Let's find out right now!

Adenoids (pharyngeal tonsil) are an immune organ that is present in every person from birth. Its activity phase begins when the child reaches 1 year of age. It is during this period that the young body begins to develop immunity and the growth of pharyngeal tonsils.

They perform a protective function for the body against various viruses and bacteria that penetrate through the oropharynx and nasopharynx.

It is at this moment that the immune organ takes the “main blow”!

Neutralizing pathogenic microflora, lymphoid tissue begins to become inflamed and grow.

In this state of vegetation, vegetation is especially dangerous. They can cause many additional complications - sinusitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media, laryngitis, etc.

A swollen and enlarged pharyngeal tonsil completely blocks nasal breathing, which negatively affects the general condition of the child. In this case, medication or surgical treatment is required.

At what age can adenoids be removed?

Due to the inability to sleep comfortably, children develop insomnia.
The inflammatory process that affects the adenoids does not develop unnoticed. The pathology is accompanied by a characteristic clinical picture. If it appears, you should immediately contact a specialist. We are talking about the following symptoms:

  • Troubled breathing through the nose that is not caused by a cold or injury.
  • Snorting during sleep when the patient is in a horizontal position.
  • Night snoring and mouth breathing.
  • Sleep disturbance due to frequent awakenings at night.
  • Irritability and moodiness.
  • Smoothing of nasolabial folds.
  • Dropping of the lower jaw.
  • Nasal voice.

At a late stage of development of the pathology, the addition of an infection that affects the middle ear cannot be ruled out. As a result, the child begins to hear poorly. He complains of constant headaches and a sore throat.

It is extremely rare for doctors to diagnose inflamed adenoids in adult patients. Manifestations of pathology most often turn out to be minor and almost invisible. Because of this, the characteristic symptoms of adenoids may be perceived by doctors as signs of other diseases, for example, the common cold.

Parents must understand that the child may well outgrow the pathology. Then the adenoids will go away on their own. From about the age of seven, these formations in the throat begin to decrease.

A competent specialist can answer the question of at what age is it best to remove adenoids for children.

Specialists do not perform such operations on children under 3 years of age. This is because at this age the nasopharyngeal tonsils take an active part in protecting the body from harmful agents.

If a child has indications for surgery, it can be performed at any time.

Parents are interested in having their child's adenoids removed by a qualified specialist. He must be familiar with the procedure and have experience in performing it. If there are indications for surgery, children are sent to modern clinics that have suitable medical equipment.

The doctor helps determine the optimal period for surgery. He also decides which method of removal to choose in order to achieve the optimal result of the operation.

During classical surgery, the Beckmann adenotomy instrument is used. During the procedure, the patient takes a sitting position. The device is inserted directly into the tonsil through the oral cavity. At this time, the laryngeal mirror lifts the soft palate. The adenoids must be completely contained within the device ring.

The surgical intervention takes only a few minutes. It is performed under local anesthesia. Additionally, it may be necessary to use a sedative for the child.

After the operation, the patient is sent to the ward. If his condition does not worsen within 24 hours, the patient is discharged.

When answering the question of which method of adenoid excision has more significant disadvantages, the classic operation is called. This is because the specialist does not see what actions he is performing, so he risks leaving behind particles of formations that may become inflamed in the future. In addition, the development of complications cannot be ruled out if tissue accidentally ends up in the respiratory tract.

The endoscope allows the surgeon to see all the details of the procedure

Adenoid endoscopy has more advantages than classic surgery. The main difference is that during the procedure the specialist can observe the correctness of his actions.

During the operation, an endoscope is used, which allows you to carefully examine the affected tissue and remove it completely.

Endoscopy is performed under general anesthesia. This is a painless procedure that is performed in a hospital setting. The patient does not have any fears about medical procedures, thanks to which the surgeon removes inflamed organs without interference.

One of the safest operations to remove adenoids in patients. During the procedure, the overgrown tissue is excised using a laser. At the same time, cauterization of the resulting wounds occurs.

Laser therapy requires a short anesthesia, after which the patient can easily awaken. Due to this, the rehabilitation period and the risk of complications due to the administered anesthesia are reduced.

Unfortunately, even during such an operation complications can arise. They are associated with the inability to control the depth of laser exposure. This increases the likelihood of injury to healthy tissue.


During cryotherapy, the child's inflamed adenoids are exposed to liquid nitrogen. As a result of this influence, a decrease in the size of the tonsil and a decrease in the severity of the inflammatory process are observed. Low temperatures during surgery only affect the affected tissue. Healthy areas do not take any part in the procedure.

Cryotherapy is actively used to remove overgrown tissue of the nasopharyngeal tonsils. Along with this, it has a pronounced immunostimulating effect on the mucous membrane of the throat.

This surgical treatment option is painless and there is no need for anesthesia of the affected area.

Age characteristics

Did you know that adenoids grow during the period of active development and growth of the child’s organs? The peak of growth and inflammation is dangerous at the age of:

From 3 to 5 years old and from 7 to 11 years old. It is during this period that the internal systems of the body develop and the pharyngeal tonsil actively grows. Therefore, at this age, you especially need to monitor your child’s health and regularly visit an ENT doctor.

Children's ages from 3 to 7 years are considered the most dangerous. At this stage of life, the child’s pharyngeal tonsils may become inflamed, becoming chronic. Often, from the age of 3, a child begins to attend kindergarten, then school, i.e., public places where there is a high probability of “catching” an infection.

When do adenoids stop growing? The process of atrophy occurs at the age of 11-13 years. Therefore, experts urge parents to refrain from surgery by all means and prescribe loyal methods of treatment and prevention.

Doctors recognize 6-7 years of age as the most optimal age for removing an inflamed pharyngeal tonsil. If it is removed at 3-4 years of age, the likelihood of relapse is very high.


Surgery is recommended if there are problems with the hearing organs

A child's adenoids can only be removed if indicated. Without urgent need, doctors strongly recommend refusing such manipulations.

Important! If there are indications, it is better not to delay the operation. Removing tonsils will prevent the formation of an infectious focus, which over time becomes chronic.

Surgery on adenoids in children is performed for the following indications:

  • acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. The outflow of mucus is hampered by the adenoids in the throat, which act as a barrier. The mucus itself protects the body from viruses, but due to difficult movement, it fails to perform its function. This also leads to the active proliferation of pathogenic microflora, which increases inflammation.
  • Impaired hearing function. The adenoid is able to close the Eustachian tube, which complicates the process of air passing through the ear. As a result of this change, the mobility of the eardrum, which takes part in the auditory sensation, is lost.
  • Chronic inflammation of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. Affected organs become a breeding ground for pathogenic agents. Harmful bacteria and viruses begin to appear in the tonsil, which aggravate the course of the disease.
  • Multiple otitis media. Rapid growth of the tonsil leads to dysfunction of the middle ear. For this reason, infectious agents begin to form at the site of the lesion.
  • Respiratory tract diseases. With pharyngitis, bronchitis, laryngitis and other similar pathologies, chronic inflammation and an increase in lymphoid tissue are observed. These changes lead to an increase in the amount of pus and mucus, which act as lesions.
  • Adenoid cough. Doctors may mistakenly confuse it with a regular cough and prescribe ineffective treatment to the patient. To cope with it, it is enough to cure the adenoids themselves.

Experts also include frequent headaches, cramps and malocclusion as indications. Doctors also insist on removing tonsils if conservative therapy does not produce a positive result.

Need to know! Indications for surgical intervention for a child are determined by an ENT doctor. Additionally, consultation with a surgeon is required.

Surgeons with inflammation of the adenoids recommend agreeing to their removal in children aged 5 to 7 years. But this should be a last resort.

Surgery is not prescribed for heart patients

Not every child who has indications for surgery can have their adenoids removed. Experts identify a number of prohibitions under which radical treatment cannot be carried out.

Contraindications include the following conditions:

  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • ORZ.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system.
  • Chronic runny nose.
  • Serious illness on the eve of surgery.
  • Congenital defect of the facial skeleton.
  • Acute infection.
  • Vaccination of a child less than a month ago.
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Problems with blood clotting.

Age under 2 years can also be considered a contraindication for adenoid removal.

What promotes growth

After we have figured out when adenoids grow and at what age they “subside”, I consider it advisable to consider the reasons for the development of such a pathology.

By excluding them, you will be able to avoid repeated surgery, and thereby protect the child from psychological trauma.

There are several reasons for the development of childhood pathology:

Systematic colds;

Frequent hypothermia;

Genetic predisposition;

Allergic reactions;

Poor nutrition and sleep;

Lack of proper social and living conditions.

Almost all factors that provoke such a phenomenon as adenoid vegetations can be excluded. Everything depends, first of all, on your desire, aspirations and actions.

Now let’s look at preventive measures that are aimed at strengthening the immune system of a young body and increasing its resistance to viral and bacterial infections.

Possible complications

Removal of adenoids for a runny nose usually goes well, only in rare cases there may be complications . Parents should know the symptoms when they urgently need to see a doctor. Signs of complications after adenoid removal include:

  • Increased nasal discharge and persistent nasal congestion for two weeks after surgery. Normally, all these symptoms should gradually decrease.
  • The appearance of foul odor from the mouth.
  • Severe weakness and increased body temperature.
  • Lack of positive dynamics for 10 days.

In addition, parents should be wary if, after removal of the adenoids, the child develops green snot. All these symptoms may indicate a secondary bacterial infection, viral pathology, or a severe allergic disease. Parents should carefully monitor the condition of a child who has undergone surgery to remove adenoids, and if there is the slightest deterioration in health, go to the hospital.

In this case, you cannot self-medicate, nor can you wait until all these symptoms go away on their own.

How to prevent regrowth

After removal of the pharyngeal tonsil, doctors warn parents about the possibility of their regrowth. Many of you have heard this! How to avoid this?

Experts advise to strictly adhere to fairly simple preventive measures that are accessible to everyone:

Normalizing sleep and eating patterns, as well as creating a balanced diet;

Avoid hypothermia;

Fresh air will have a positive effect on your baby's health;

Visiting health centers;

Hardening and active lifestyle;

Taking vitamins and minerals;

Timely suppression of allergic reactions, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza and other pathologies caused by viruses and bacteria;

Timely visit to the ENT doctor and dentist.

Consequences of inflamed adenoids

The requirements are pretty simple, right? Although, unfortunately, not all parents try to comply with them.

As a result, the child’s immunity weakens, he often gets sick, and the main “filters,” i.e., tissues that are designed to destroy microbes, are not able to cope with them and begin to swell.

The symptoms of this disease are as follows:

Difficulty in nasal breathing, especially during sleep, as a result of which the child may choke, sleep restlessly and wake up frequently at night;

Chronic runny nose;

Pressing cough in the morning;

Copious nasal discharge;


Lethargy, fatigue and apathy;

Hearing gets worse.

Causes of a runny nose after adenoid removal

A runny nose after adenoid removal can occur for various reasons. In most cases, it is normal, but sometimes it can indicate the development of a pathological process. Therefore, it is necessary to take this seriously. If the discharge causes discomfort and is observed for a long time, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Removal of adenoids is prescribed as a last resort if there are indications for this process. Typically, the procedure is performed if the patient has been experiencing mucopurulent discharge from the nose, night snoring, bad breath, and difficulty in nasal breathing for a long time.


After removal of the adenoids, all symptoms should disappear, which indicates the effectiveness of the procedure. But normally, mucous discharge after the procedure can be observed for 5-7 days. Moreover, they can appear not only from the nose, but also from the oral cavity. During the removal of tonsils, the mucous membrane of the pharynx is injured, and during its healing process mucus is produced.

Also, after surgery, swelling in the nose appears. This may cause a nasal voice, but the patient’s well-being is quite normal. Gradually, these symptoms should begin to decrease until they disappear completely.

Another cause of a runny nose after adenoid removal may be an increased outflow of accumulated fluid. The mucus that has stagnated in the paranasal sinuses begins to be intensely secreted, flowing out of the nasal passages. But over time, its amount should decrease and then disappear.

Therefore, if snot is observed after removal of the adenoids in the form of clear mucus, this is not dangerous. But they should not be observed for more than a week - a prolonged runny nose can indicate various complications. If greenish-purulent discharge appears from the nasal cavity, you should immediately see a specialist. Such a symptom may indicate the addition of an infectious process.


A runny nose after adenoid removal in children may indicate the development of complications. The following manifestations may indicate that a pathological process is beginning:

  • Rhinitis does not go away within 10 days after surgery. And after this period, nasal discharge may become even more pronounced.
  • Bad breath. It can be purulent and very sharp. The patient may also notice an unpleasant taste in the mouth.
  • The appearance of green snot. They are usually thick, viscous, and may have a mucopurulent structure.
  • Changes in the child’s general well-being – weakness, lethargy, drowsiness. It is possible to increase body temperature, and to fairly high values.

Weakness, lethargy - accompanying symptoms of snot after removal of the adenoids.
Such symptoms may indicate that an additional disease is developing - bacterial, viral or infectious-allergic. In this case, you cannot self-medicate. If such signs occur, you must immediately show the child to a doctor. Therefore, it is important to monitor his well-being after the operation and, if unpleasant symptoms appear, go for a consultation with an otolaryngologist.

In addition, a runny nose after adenoid removal in children can be caused by the following pathological reasons:

  • Development of hypertrophic processes in the pharynx. This pathology is characterized by the presence of pain and foul odor from the oral cavity.
  • Deformation of the nasal septum during surgery.
  • The beginning of the infectious process in the bronchopulmonary system.
  • Decreased immunity, which is caused by the removal of tonsils.

Thus, snot after adenoid removal may be normal, but often it indicates the development of serious complications. It is recommended to remove tonsils only in extreme cases, as they are a protective barrier for the entire body. After the procedure, the child’s condition must be monitored not only at home - the baby must be regularly shown to a pediatrician and otolaryngologist. Due to this, it will be possible to detect the development of complications in time and select the optimal treatment tactics.


Despite the fact that adenoids perform a vital protective function of the body against various infections, they cause many problems and discomfort in childhood. Therefore, you should not wait until they stop growing, but you need to act!

By eliminating all causes of their growth and inflammation, observing preventive measures, you will make life easier for your child and will be able to avoid surgical intervention. Dear parents, everything is in your hands!

I hope you have figured out what you need to do to prevent your child from encountering this disease! See you soon!

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