For what type of cough should Erespal be used?

General information about the drug

The drug Erespal belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group of anti-inflammatory, antibronchoconstrictor drugs:

Best before dateThe syrup retains its properties for three years from the date of manufacture; tablets are stored for two years
Storage conditionsThe drug should be stored at room temperature; no special storage conditions are required
Conditions for dispensing from pharmaciesTo purchase the drug at a pharmacy, you need a doctor's prescription
Drug interactionsNo instructions to conduct relevant studies have been registered.

Description of dosage forms

The active ingredient of this drug is the drug Fenspiride (in the form of hydrochloride). The drug Erespal is presented on the pharmaceutical market in the form of two dosage forms:

Dosage formRelease form
Cough tablets ErespalThe tablets are packed in 30 pieces in a cardboard package, have a white shell
Erespal syrupThe syrup goes on sale placed in bottles made of plastic and having a volume of 150 milliliters. It is an orange-colored mass in which the formation of a small amount of sediment is permissible. When you shake the bottle, the sediment disappears. The bottle is placed in a cardboard box

Description of dosage forms

Types of cough

Doctors classify coughs according to several characteristics, which helps make a more accurate diagnosis and choose the right treatment.
The following cough classifications are distinguished:

  • by intensity - a slight cough or a hysterical painful cough;
  • by duration – short-term (acute), protracted, chronic;
  • by nature – wet (productive or moist), dry;
  • in terms of volume and sound - silent, barking, hoarse, booming chest;
  • by time of appearance - in the morning, in the evenings, at night, seasonally.

To specify what type of cough Erespal syrup is for, it is necessary to clearly distinguish between dry and wet coughs and determine their main symptoms.

A non-productive (aka dry) cough is characterized by the fact that there is no sputum production during coughing.

If the cause of such a cough is a disease of the nasopharynx (rhinopharyngitis, tonsillitis and others), then it is a natural reaction of the body to soreness and dryness of the throat mucosa.

When a dry cough is accompanied by chest pain, you should take the identification of the causes that provoke it as seriously as possible in order to prevent possible complications: tears and even bloody discharge when coughing.

A wet (aka wet) cough gets its name from the fact that phlegm is produced when the cough is cleared. This type of cough is considered productive, since it indicates a clear active fight of the body against viruses and bacteria.

Different types of cough require different treatments. For example, if you make a mistake and drink syrups for dry cough when there is active sputum formation, you can develop serious problems with the lungs and bronchi, because

all the mucus will accumulate in them and will not be coughed out.

A medicine that is effective for wet coughs, taken against the background of a dry cough, can significantly complicate the patient’s condition, provoking painful attacks of unproductive coughing.

Therefore, it is so important to know the answer to the question: what cough does Erespal help with? Detailed properties and scope of use of the drug Erespal are given below.

Pharmacological action of Erespal

Erespal in therapeutic dosages has the following effects:

  • antispasmodic;
  • antihistamine;
  • anti-inflammatory.

The anti-inflammatory activity of Erespal is due to its inhibitory effect on the metabolism of arachidonic acid.

The antibronchoconstrictor effect is due to inhibition of the synthesis and release of the mediators histamine, serotonin and bradykinin.

In addition to these effects, this drug also has an alpha-adrenergic blocking effect, which reduces the amount of pathological bronchial secretion

In high dosages, Erespal is able to reduce the production of various inflammatory mediators and prevent bronchospasm.

Three effects of tablets and erespal syrup

If antitussives act on the consequences of a dry or wet cough, then Erespal affects its root cause, namely inflammation. At the same time, it works in several directions simultaneously.

Firstly, the drug Erespal blocks the so-called H1-histamine receptors. Due to their binding to the allergy mediator histamine, which is released during inflammation, swelling of the mucous membrane quickly develops. Erespal “neutralizes” these receptors, making them insensitive to histamine.

Secondly, the cough medicine Erespal reduces the production of special biologically active substances that “feed”, that is, support the inflammatory reaction and are responsible for its manifestations. Their names are often mentioned in the instructions for drugs, including Erespal, but most often they don’t mean anything to the average consumer.

  • cytokines;
  • tumor necrosis factor-α;
  • arachidonic acid derivatives;
  • prostaglandins;
  • leukotrienes;
  • thromboxane;
  • free radicals.

Pro-inflammatory factors not only stimulate inflammation, but also contribute to the narrowing of the bronchi. This disrupts the flow of air through the respiratory tract and contributes to decreased oxygen levels and increased carbon dioxide levels in the blood. The patient feels short of breath and shortness of breath appears.

And thirdly, Erespal also blocks alpha-adrenergic receptors. They take part in a chain of biochemical reactions, the final stage of which is the production of thick, viscous mucus. Inhibition of alpha-adrenergic receptors leads to a decrease in the amount of difficult-to-clear sputum in the respiratory tract.

Due to its complex effect on the respiratory tract, the mechanism of mucus formation and inflammation, Erespal also has an antispasmodic effect, and its use helps to relax the bronchi, and, therefore, their expansion.

In addition, Erespal also exhibits antitussive properties that help cope with dry cough. Moreover, unlike traditional antitussive drugs (for example, codeine and others), the drug does not affect the cough center in the brain.


The use of various dosage forms of Erespal is advisable in the treatment of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, accompanied by a wet (“wet”) cough. In addition, for dry coughs, the product has an anti-inflammatory effect and eliminates bronchospasm.

The list of diseases for which Erespal is effective is quite long:

  • Laryngitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Rhinopharyngitis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Tracheobronchitis.
  • Bronchial asthma (Erespal is not used as an independent treatment for this disease; it is applicable only as a component of complex therapy).
  • Conditions accompanied by hoarseness and sore throat.
  • Whooping cough.
  • Flu.
  • Measles.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Otitis.

For infectious diseases, along with taking Erespal, it is necessary to use etiotropic therapy.

The optimal dosage form suitable for each individual patient is determined by the treating specialist.

Erespal: for which cough should I take it?

Erespal as a cough treatment is prescribed by doctors for ENT diseases, such as rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis, but also for allergic rhinitis, chronic bronchitis, and bronchial asthma. It is well known that erespal helps relieve respiratory syndromes with whooping cough, measles and acute respiratory infections.

Erespal has no contraindications for use, except for individual intolerance to any of the components included in the product. Carefully conducted clinical studies have proven the fact that the components of erespal do not have any significant negative effects on the body of pregnant women when treating cough. The child does not suffer either. However, it is not recommended to take Erespal during pregnancy. Moreover, when taking it, it is recommended to interrupt breastfeeding, due to the likelihood of its components being released along with breast milk.

Erespal cough syrup is recommended for use in cases of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract due to its good anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator properties. This means that it is indicated for rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis, otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, laryngitis, measles, tracheobronchitis. Erespal is recommended for use in the treatment of dry and wet cough.

Erespal for dry cough

Erespal cough syrup is orange in color and has a vanilla flavor. It is recommended to shake it immediately before use. Despite the fact that its use requires a doctor's recommendation, it is sold in pharmacies without any problems. For dry cough, it is recommended to take one teaspoon three times a day, half an hour before meals. If the patient is in advanced condition, on the recommendation of a doctor, 320 mg of syrup is allowed. This amount of medication should be divided into several doses.

If we are talking about such a pharmacological form of the drug as tablets, for a dry cough, Erespal should be taken in the amount of one tablet in the morning and in the evening.

Erespal for wet cough

For wet coughs, it is recommended to use a drug that has a liquid consistency. If it is endowed with liquid sediment, it is recommended to shake it to eliminate it. The dosage is calculated based on the patient’s body weight. The most effective ratio is considered to be a dosage of 4 mg per kilogram of body weight. Take two teaspoons half an hour before meals. If we are talking about children weighing more than ten kilograms, their dosage is two tablespoons twice a day. It is also recommended to take it before meals.

Erespal is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is highly effective and whose safety has been proven. It has a significant impact on the main links of pathogenesis, thereby reducing the severity of the inflammatory process in the lungs and blood vessels and interrupting the unfavorable process that occurs if the chronic phase occurs. The consequence of all of the above is a reduction in edema and hypersection of mucus, and an improvement in mucociliary clearance. Erespal affects the main clinical symptom - cough, by stopping the course of the pathological inflammatory process in the respiratory tract.

To clearly demonstrate the clinical effectiveness of erespal, examinations were carried out on 114 children undergoing treatment in the pulmonology department of the State Academy of Pediatrics of St. Petersburg. The main group consisted of 68 children aged from 2 months to 15 years, 20 were diagnosed with acute respiratory infections of various forms, 28 children suffered from community-acquired pneumonia, 12 from chronic bronchitis, 8 from post-pneumonic pneumosclerosis and 18 from chronic nonspecific lung diseases. A number of patients complained of combinations of these diseases. The diagnosis was made according to generally accepted standardization. The patients' condition was assessed based on their complaints and test results. Indicators such as the nature and duration of cough, the volume of expectorated sputum, were determined subjectively, based on the complaints of the patient himself and his parents, and were assessed using a special scale. The patients were prescribed antibacterial therapy and bronchospasmolytics. Erespal was prescribed at a dose of 4 mg per kg of live weight twice a day. Children aged fifteen years received it in the form of syrup, children over the above age - in tablets.

A comparison group was also organized, which included children aged from one to fifteen years, with a total of 46 people. For medicinal purposes, they received all kinds of mucoactive drugs without erespal. The duration of treatment with erespal was up to two weeks for acute respiratory infections, from three weeks to a month for pneumonia and from one month to three for COPD.

In order to ensure the opportunity to fully study the effect of erespal on the duration and nature of cough in acute respiratory infections and community-acquired pneumonia, patients with these diseases were divided into two groups: those admitted with a dry cough and those with a wet cough. The group taking Erespal identified approximately two-fifths of the total number of children whose dry cough stopped a week after starting treatment. For all the others, the dry cough underwent a transformation into a wet cough four days after the start of treatment and completely stopped by the tenth day. As for the comparison group, the majority of its dry cough transformed into a wet cough by the tenth day and completely disappeared only after two weeks.

From all of the above, we can conclude that this study confirmed the effectiveness of erespal as a treatment for cough in children, as well as all forms of pathology of the bronchopulmonary system. The result of the inclusion of erespal in therapy was a significant reduction in the duration of the cough period and the rapid transformation of a dry cough into a wet one. At the same time, the cough became more productive, there was an improvement in the sanitation of the tracheobronchial tree, which suggests that the drug is able to improve mucociliary clearance and reduce the effect of congestion in the terminal areas of the respiratory tract. Erespal contributed to a significant reduction in the course of illness in acute respiratory infections and acute pneumonia, since cough was a symptom that persisted longer than any other in respiratory diseases. Erespal can be recommended as a treatment for cough in children, both on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting.

Erespal for dry cough in a child

For dry cough in children, Erespal is taken in a daily dose of three doses. Take it before meals, shake the bottle before taking it. If there is a dry cough in infants, you can add syrup to their drink or mixture. In order to determine the daily dosage for an infant, you should consult your doctor. This is due to the fact that the duration of treatment with the drug depends on the nature of the disease and is subject to individual determination.

If parents decide to take Erespal to treat a dry cough in their child, they should be fully aware that side effects may occur as a result of taking the drug. These may include gastrointestinal disorders, drowsiness, all kinds of rashes, as well as moderate fever.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications to the use of Erespal tablets and syrup are the following conditions:

  • hypersensitivity to the active substance or other components of dosage forms;
  • belonging to patients in the age group under two years.

It should be noted that special caution is required when prescribing this drug to patients who have or have had a history of fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption, as well as patients with diabetes mellitus, sucrase or isomaltase deficiency.

Side effects

During the course of treatment with Erespal, the following side effects may be recorded:

Organ systemManifestations of adverse reactions
The cardiovascular systemIncreased heart rate. Tachycardia in this case is dose-dependent: this unpleasant symptom reduces intensity or disappears when the dose of the drug is reduced
Gastrointestinal tractGastrointestinal disorders, epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, loose stools
central nervous systemState of increased drowsiness, feeling of dizziness, instability, increased fatigue, weakness, asthenia
SkinManifestations in the form of urticaria, erythema, multiform skin rashes, skin itching

If side effects occur during Erespal therapy, consultation with a specialist is necessary to decide on further treatment.

Dosage and course of treatment

Erespal should be used according to the following scheme. Adults - 2-3 tablets of 80 g 2-3 times a day (the frequency depends on the activity of the pathological process and is determined by the attending physician individually for each patient). The maximum permissible daily dose is 240 mg. Children weighing less than 10 kg - 10-20 ml. Children weighing more than 10 kg - 20-60 ml. Children over 12 years old and adults - 45-90 ml. The frequency of administration for children is 2-3 times a day.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the severity of the manifestations of the disease and the dynamics of symptoms during the therapy.

Instructions for use

The drug Erespal is produced in tablets and syrup form. The tablets are intended for adult patients and children over 14 years of age. Tablet dosage regimen for adults and children over 14 years of age:

  • It is recommended to take the tablets only before meals,
  • in chronic forms of the disease you need to take 2 tablets in the morning and evening,
  • with acute pathology, the attending physician may increase the dosage to 3 tablets per day.

Depending on the disease and its form, the doctor determines the treatment regimen. The duration of treatment will depend on this.

Erespal syrup is prescribed to adults and children over 2 years of age . Adult patients and children over 12 years old can drink syrup 3-6 tablespoons per day. It is recommended that children over two years old be given cough syrup only as prescribed by a pediatrician. The dose of syrup for children depends on body weight:

  • Children weighing up to 10 kg are allowed to drink 2-4 teaspoons throughout the day,
  • babies weighing more than 10 kg are allowed to consume 2-4 tablespoons within 24 hours.

special instructions

Given the presence of some sedative effect, it is not recommended to take Erespal together with sedative medications.

The development of an overdose of this drug, manifested by drowsiness, agitation, tachycardia, nausea and vomiting, requires seeking medical help.

For infectious diseases, the use of this drug does not replace antibiotic therapy.

For diabetes mellitus and other forms of sugar intolerance, the drug is prescribed only in tablets.

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