Is Erespal possible for sore throat and loss of voice?

Erespal for sinusitis

During sinusitis, it is important to stop the inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses as soon as possible, otherwise you risk encountering even more serious diseases when the infection penetrates the blood or brain of a person.
Various anti-inflammatory medications are used specifically for this purpose, among which Erespal occupies a special place for sinusitis. This drug stops inflammation, has an antihistamine effect and promotes the outflow of purulent contents of the maxillary sinuses. It is prescribed not only to adults, but also to children, only in syrup form, which allows you to count on a quick positive result with proper treatment. You should consider in detail the properties and characteristics of the product, and also find out how they should treat sinusitis to achieve maximum positive results. Erespal promotes the outflow of purulent contents from the sinuses during sinusitis


If, in addition to Erespal, patients also take antibiotics or other drugs, then no undesirable interactions are observed.
Tablets should not be used by people who have an individual intolerance to the main or auxiliary components. The syrup is not recommended for use by diabetics and people prone to developing allergic reactions. All forms of the drug are prohibited for children under 2 years of age.

The product should not be used by pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding. In principle, there is no information about its undesirable effect on them, but this is because such studies simply have not been carried out.

It is very carefully recommended to drink Erespal in the form of syrup for those who have:

  • fructose intolerance;
  • sucrase deficiency;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Erespal: description of the product, its action

Erespal is available in tablets and syrup form for children. Each tablet contains 80 mg of the main active ingredient fenspiride hydrochloride, as well as many excipients necessary to provide a therapeutic effect.

Erespal is an anti-inflammatory drug, but it also has other additional properties. It is prescribed for the following health problems:

  1. Allergic rhinitis.
  2. Acute and chronic inflammatory processes occurring in the ENT organs and respiratory tract.
  3. Colds, flu.
  4. Measles, whooping cough.
  5. Bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma.

Erespal is used not only for sinusitis, but also for bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases

Another indication for the use of the product is the postoperative period after surgical puncture of the maxillary sinus. The medicine promotes rapid healing of damaged tissues, relieves tissue swelling and shortens the recovery period.

Erespal is prescribed by your attending physician, be it a therapist or an otolaryngologist, but the medicine should not be taken on your own, because it may be contraindicated in your particular case.

The active ingredient fenspiride hydrochloride reduces the negative effects of pathogenic bacteria and microbes, making it possible to prevent the inflammatory process. In addition, it blocks H1-histamine receptors, providing an antihistamine effect - the outflow of mucus is facilitated, bronchospasm is relieved, etc.

The excipients of the drug also have a beneficial effect, exhibiting an antispasmodic effect. This includes calcium hydrogen phosphate, potassium sorbate, licorice extract and other components that are contained in some other drugs for the treatment of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses.

Description of the drug

Erespal is a drug produced by the French pharmaceutical company Laboratoires Servier Industrie. There are 2 dosage forms of Erespal: tablets and syrup. Each tablet contains 80 mg of the active substance, and 1 ml of syrup contains 2 mg.

The active component of these drugs is fenspiride hydrochloride. Additional components of the tablets: anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, povidone, hypromellose, macrogol 6000, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, glycerin.

Auxiliary ingredients of the solution are: licorice extract, honey flavored composition, glycerin, propyl parahydroxobenzoate, potassium sorbate, vanilla tincture, sucrose, water, saccharin, methyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Inflammation with sinusitis

There are many people who are interested in the following question: is it really impossible to stop inflammation at an early stage of the disease without the use of anti-inflammatory drugs? It is worth considering this issue in detail.

Of course, inflammation can be prevented at an early stage, but few people seek medical help at the first symptoms of the disease, believing that it is a common cold. Initially, sinusitis is accompanied by standard symptoms: severe runny nose, headaches, fatigue, etc. However, with a large accumulation of mucus in the maxillary sinuses, the inflammatory process begins when the mucus is converted into purulent contents.

In such situations, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed. ENT specialists prescribe antibiotics, antiseptics, and anti-inflammatory drugs to patients, one of which is Erespal. Timely treatment with these and many other medications will prevent complications from occurring, so be sure to listen to the recommendations of experienced doctors.

It is important to treat sinusitis at an early stage of the disease

Erespal for sinusitis

Swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose, observed with sinusitis, significantly complicates the treatment of the disease. Mucus stagnates in the maxillary sinuses, which leads to the creation of a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria. To reduce this probability to a minimum, as well as to get rid of inflammation, Erespal is prescribed, which performs the following functions for this ailment:

  • Promotes the outflow of mucus.
  • Clears the maxillary sinuses of purulent contents.
  • Relieves swelling and prevents the development of the inflammatory process.
  • Creates an unfavorable environment for the spread of viral infection.
  • Makes breathing easier by enhancing secretion drainage.

It should be remembered that the drug is used in conjunction with other medications: antibiotics, antipyretics, antiseptics, all this is necessary to achieve maximum effect. Such complex therapy will allow you to get rid of an unpleasant disease in the shortest possible time.

Characteristics of action

The active substance of the drug exhibits anti-inflammatory and antibronchoconstrictor properties. The drug simultaneously has 3 interconnected mechanisms of action:

  • helps reduce the production of various inflammatory factors, in particular prostaglandins, cytokines and others, thereby eliminating inflammation;
  • blocks H1-histamine receptors, due to which an antihistamine effect is manifested, spasm of the bronchi and smooth muscles is eliminated, the amount of mucus secreted is reduced, and swelling of the mucous membranes is eliminated;
  • inhibits alpha1-adrenergic receptors, which reduces the amount of mucus produced.

How to use the product?

Erespal for sinusitis can be used by both adults and children. For adults, the average dosage is:

  • 1 tablet morning and evening.
  • In case of acute inflammatory process, the dose is increased to 3 tablets per day.
  • The duration of treatment is determined by an otolaryngologist on an individual basis.

Before use, be sure to read the instructions; you may independently discover any important information about contraindications or information that you should reduce the dose of the drug.

Only the attending physician can prescribe the drug

For children, the drug is prescribed in the form of syrup, which is convenient for further use of the medicine. The dosage is determined according to the age and body weight of the child:

  • Up to 12 months with body weight less than 10 kg – 2 tsp. drink 2 r. in a day.
  • After 1 year with a body weight of more than 10 kg - 2 tbsp. l. syrup 2 r. per day.

Be sure to check with your doctor about how to take this medicine, because for each patient the medicine is prescribed individually. Also, do not forget that Erespal is not the main medication for the treatment of sinusitis, it only helps to reduce the symptoms of the disease and facilitate nasal breathing.

Instructions for use


Can only be prescribed to adults. During treatment, you must strictly adhere to the instructions that come with the drug.

Erespal in tablet form is taken immediately before meals. In the case of treatment of a chronic disease, the dosage is 2 tablets per day (one in the morning and one in the evening).

As a rule, adult Erespal patients need to take a dosage of 80 milligrams. However, only a qualified specialist should set the exact dose and duration of treatment based on the patient’s individual characteristics.

If you drink the drug before meals, it will help the patient recover from:

  • Acute inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract;
  • Flu;
  • Corey;
  • Whooping cough;
  • Obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • Allergic attacks.

Also, Erespal is actively used during the rehabilitation period after undergoing surgical procedures on the nose or pharynx. The drug quickly and accurately reduces swelling, stabilizes respiratory processes and protects the ENT organs from possible diseases.

In such situations, the drug is also taken before meals.

At our request, doctors talk about the results of using this medicine for various diagnoses, for men and women, elderly and young patients, for treatment at home and in the hospital.

Patients also spoke about the peculiarities of the action. We ask guests to tell us about specific facts known to them about the use of this drug to treat the illnesses of their loved ones.

In your personal opinion, are there more effective remedies for your disease? What are their comparative advantages and disadvantages? Your personal experience can help other patients recover effectively.

Les Laboratoires Servier (France) Drug with anti-inflammatory and antibronchoconstrictor activity

Erespal - has an anti-inflammatory effect, inhibits exudation, prevents bronchoconstriction.

The anti-inflammatory effect of fenspiride is due to inhibition of arachidonic acid metabolism, and the antibronchoconstrictor effect is achieved by reducing the production of biologically active substances: serotonin, histamine (at the level of blockade of H1 receptors), bradykinin.

Also blocks? – adrenergic receptors, the stimulation of which causes an increase in the production of bronchial secretions.

– CLD: bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, including symptoms of bronchial obstruction,

– diseases of ENT organs: rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, otitis, sinusitis,

– reduction of respiratory syndromes in acute respiratory infections, whooping cough, measles,

– allergic rhinitis.

The drug in tablets is used only for the treatment of adult patients. During treatment, the instructions for use of tablets and syrup must be strictly followed.

The instructions for Erespal tablets are as follows.

The medicine should be taken before meals. For chronic inflammatory diseases, it is recommended to take two 80 mg tablets per day - morning and evening.

In the acute course of the disease, the doctor may prescribe a course of treatment that involves taking three tablets - morning, afternoon and evening. The doctor can prescribe an individual plan for how to take the pills.

The duration of therapy is also determined individually.

The instructions for Erespal cough syrup are as follows. The syrup can be taken by adults; it is also prescribed for children after the age of twelve. You can take from 3 to 6 tablespoons of the product (45–90 ml) per day. The course of treatment for children and adults lasts as many days as prescribed by the attending physician.

The medicine in syrup form is not prescribed to children under 2 years of age.

Erespal for children is prescribed taking into account how old the child is and how much he weighs.

In this case, the dosage of the syrup is carried out so that the daily dose of cough suppressant is not exceeded.

The instructions for syrup for children stipulate that the daily dose is divided into 2 or 3 doses. The syrup should be drunk before meals.

It is recommended to consume 4 mg of the drug per 1 kg of child’s body weight per day.

Children weighing less than 10 kg are prescribed 2-4 teaspoons of the product per day (10–20 ml). Children weighing more than 10 kg are prescribed 2-4 tablespoons of the product per day (20–60 ml).

How many days a child takes this remedy depends on the disease and the doctor’s recommendations. Reviews of the syrup indicate that an improvement in the condition is noted after 2-3 days of such treatment.

If Eurespal syrup or tablets cause any side effects, you should definitely consult a doctor and inform him in detail about what is happening.

Indications for the use of the drug are diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract of humans:

  • laryngitis, nasopharyngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma (as part of complex treatment);
  • hoarseness, cough, tickling, disturbing patients with whooping cough, influenza, measles;
  • infectious respiratory tract diseases, the symptom of which is cough;
  • sinusitis, otitis media

Thus, the indications for the use of Erespal are diseases accompanied by cough and other symptoms of respiratory tract diseases. Indications for the use of syrup are the same as for the use of the drug in tablets.

When prescribing a treatment complex, the doctor determines which form of the drug is preferable. What Erespal tablets are for can be found out in detail from the instructions included with the drug.

It is also described in detail what the medicine helps with in the annotation for the syrup.

The medicine should be taken before meals. For chronic inflammatory diseases, it is recommended to take two 80 mg tablets per day - morning and evening.

In the acute course of the disease, the doctor may prescribe a course of treatment that involves taking three tablets - morning, afternoon and evening. The doctor can prescribe an individual plan for how to take the pills.

The duration of therapy is also determined individually.

Erespal for children is prescribed taking into account how old the child is and how much he weighs. In this case, the dosage of the syrup is carried out so that the daily dose of cough suppressant is not exceeded.

The instructions for syrup for children stipulate that the daily dose is divided into 2 or 3 doses. The syrup should be drunk before meals.

The drug is not prescribed for children under 2 years of age. If treatment of respiratory diseases is required for children under one year of age, the doctor prescribes safe analogues for children of this age.

Contraindications and side effects

Erespal is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, and therefore there are some contraindications to its use:

  1. Intolerance to one or more substances of the drug.
  2. Allergic reactions to components of the product, for example, fenspiride hydrochloride.
  3. Pregnancy. In this situation, you should consult your doctor and get permission to use the medicine, otherwise it is better not to use it.
  4. Breastfeeding period.
  5. Children's age up to 1 year. It is allowed to use the product only in the form of syrup, and then not in all medical cases.

Overdose and improper use of Erespal can cause certain side effects: drowsiness, nausea, general weakness, gastrointestinal disorders, allergic reactions. If any of these symptoms occur, you should seek medical help.

Overdose may cause excessive drowsiness and fatigue

Judging by the reviews of Erespal for sinusitis, such side effects appear extremely rarely, mainly due to overdose and hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. But you should always be treated under the supervision of a specialist so as not to suffer from the use of certain medications, and also not to encounter unpleasant consequences of the disease.

In what cases is it prohibited to take Erespal?

Erespal is a fairly safe drug, but there are still conditions in which its use is prohibited:

  • hypersensitivity to fenspiride or any other component of the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • children under 2 years of age.

People suffering from diabetes should avoid taking syrup, as this form of medication contains sugar. In addition, the syrup is not suitable for the treatment of patients who are intolerant to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs due to the risk of developing bronchospasm.

Analogues of the product

In modern pharmacies you can find medications that have a similar composition to Erespal. These include:

  • Bronchomax.
  • Amispiron IC.
  • Fosidal.
  • Sinuspal.
  • Inspiron et al.

They differ not only in cost, but also in their effect, although the composition is similar, because a lot depends on the manufacturer of the drugs. In any case, it is necessary to obtain advice from an ENT specialist before starting drug treatment for sinusitis.

Bronchomax is one of Erespal’s analogues

Reviews about the drug

Reviews of Erespal for sinusitis allow us to form an objective opinion about this drug. Of course, on the Internet you can find many reviews about the product, both positive and neutral, and even sometimes negative, but you should not blindly trust all the people who speak out about any medications. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the human body, the correct use of medications, the duration of treatment and other important factors.

  • Sergey, 29 years old

“I bought Erespal tablets to speed up the treatment of sinusitis. My doctor prescribed me to take tablets 2 times a day - morning and evening. The effect came soon - the inflammation began to gradually decrease, the runny nose almost went away. Although I won’t hide it, I took other medications and even went to physical therapy. Complex therapy is the key to a quick recovery.”

“Now my sinusitis has worsened, mucus began to accumulate in the sinuses, turning into pus, no drops really helped me. I went to my ENT specialist and he recommended Erespal tablets. The medicine really helped, as it has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, but I don’t think it will completely cure my sinusitis. We will have to continue treatment with antibiotics and other more powerful drugs.”

Erespal promotes speedy recovery from sinusitis

Erespal for sinusitis is an effective and fairly safe medicine that prevents complications and dangerous health conditions. In the shortest possible time, breathing through the nose is restored, and purulent contents are removed from the maxillary sinuses. But before using the product, you must visit an ENT specialist and undergo a full medical examination in order to find out an accurate diagnosis and identify the cause of the disease, and then receive detailed doctor’s instructions regarding which treatment will be most effective.

How does the drug work?

The medicine Erespal is prescribed to both children and adults for colds. Up to 14 years of age, parents are recommended to give their children the product in the form of syrup. Older children can freely switch to tablets. The principle of action of Erespal depends on the components that are included in its composition.

The medicine contains fenspiride hydrochloride, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Erespal is used not only for the treatment of sinusitis. It has a beneficial effect on the body if included in therapy for various respiratory diseases. Prevents the development of bronchitis.

Efficiency of application

If swelling appears on the mucous membrane, this complicates the treatment process. Due to the presence of a focus of inflammation, the maxillary sinuses cannot be saturated with air. The secretion that forms in the nasal cavity cannot leave the paranasal sinuses on its own. This leads to stagnation of exudate and the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. If there is stagnation of mucus, quite quickly this condition can cause the development of dangerous complications.

Erespal relieves patients from nasal congestion, eliminating swelling and inflammation. For sinusitis, the medicine reduces the formation of mucus. As a result of treatment, the contents of the paranasal sinuses are released, and the person can breathe fully. The maxillary sinuses are gradually cleared, bacteria die and the body recovers.

It is important to understand that sinusitis is a complex disease that requires an integrated approach to treatment.

The high effectiveness of Erespal cannot save a person from the disease. In order to eliminate the disease, it is necessary to use antibacterial agents, vasoconstrictors, antiseptics, antifungal and mucolytic drugs. Each medicine is selected individually for the patient, depending on the severity of sinusitis and its type.


Erespal for sinusitis and runny nose: when and how to take

Erespal for sinusitis effectively copes with the disease. Sinusitis is a serious disease that is characterized by the appearance of secretions in the paranasal sinuses.

The exudate is so dense that it is not able to leave the nasal cavities, lying tightly in them. Leakage is also prevented by swelling and the presence of a focus of inflammation.

At the same time, not a single treatment regimen can do without a medicine that will relieve inflammation and thin nasal mucus.

How does the drug work?

The medicine Erespal is prescribed to both children and adults for colds. Up to 14 years of age, parents are recommended to give their children the product in the form of syrup. Older children can freely switch to tablets. The principle of action of Erespal depends on the components that are included in its composition.

The medicine contains fenspiride hydrochloride, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Erespal is used not only for the treatment of sinusitis. It has a beneficial effect on the body if included in therapy for various respiratory diseases. Prevents the development of bronchitis.

In what cases should it be taken?

Erespal is a drug that is part of the complex treatment of the respiratory system. It is prescribed for:

  • rhinitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis.

The medicine is indicated for influenza and measles, which are also accompanied by a runny nose. Erespal copes well with seasonal and year-round rhinitis.

Efficiency of application

If swelling appears on the mucous membrane, this complicates the treatment process. Due to the presence of a focus of inflammation, the maxillary sinuses cannot be saturated with air.

The secretion that forms in the nasal cavity cannot leave the paranasal sinuses on its own. This leads to stagnation of exudate and the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

If there is stagnation of mucus, quite quickly this condition can cause the development of dangerous complications.

Erespal relieves patients from nasal congestion, eliminating swelling and inflammation. For sinusitis, the medicine reduces the formation of mucus. As a result of treatment, the contents of the paranasal sinuses are released, and the person can breathe fully. The maxillary sinuses are gradually cleared, bacteria die and the body recovers.

It is important to understand that sinusitis is a complex disease that requires an integrated approach to treatment.

The high effectiveness of Erespal cannot save a person from the disease. In order to eliminate the disease, it is necessary to use antibacterial agents, vasoconstrictors, antiseptics, antifungal and mucolytic drugs. Each medicine is selected individually for the patient, depending on the severity of sinusitis and its type.

Treatment and its features

To get rid of nasal congestion, you must follow the general recommendations for use:

  1. Before starting treatment, read the instructions. Pay attention to contraindications and the possibility of side effects.
  2. Erespal for sinusitis should be taken before meals. Drink no more than 2-3 capsules per day.
  3. Take the medicine only with plain water.
  4. If a dose is missed, continue taking the medicine at the indicated time. Do not take a double dose at one time to compensate for a missed pill.
  5. You cannot take Erespal and sedatives at the same time.
  6. At the time of treatment, avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.
  7. Due to the fact that the medication causes drowsiness, you should not drive during treatment. Working with complex mechanisms also requires increased concentration.

Erespal is a medicine, so it is forbidden to take it on your own. It is prescribed only by the attending physician. The specialist will assess the patient’s condition and select the required dosage. The duration of therapy and frequency of administration differ for each patient.

Contraindications for use

The active ingredient of the drug is safe for the body; this is also evidenced by the fact that it can be given to a small child. Despite this, there are some contraindications for use. The list must be considered before starting treatment:

  • 2 years of age;
  • dysfunction of sucrose and glucose absorption;
  • intolerance to individual components;
  • diabetes.

If the product contains flavoring additives, the drug may not be suitable for the patient. This is especially true for syrup. If you have a runny nose, it is not recommended to take Erespal. But the drug can be prescribed in minimal doses.

Even if a person has no contraindications for use, the drug is taken strictly according to the instructions of a specialist. The treatment regimen involves taking the medication before or after meals. The dosage and duration of therapy are selected by the doctor based on the patient’s condition. The age of the patient is also taken into account.

Every doctor encounters patients who want to speed up the duration of therapy. To do this, they may take double the dose at one time. This should under no circumstances be done. As a result of taking high doses of Erespal, overdose symptoms may occur in children and adults. Instead of effectively getting rid of sinusitis, the patient begins to be treated for a number of other diseases.

Overdose symptoms:

  • apathy;
  • drowsy state;
  • urge to vomit;
  • sinus tachycardia;
  • nausea.

If you have these symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help. This is the only way a person can alleviate the condition. You can’t sit at home and hope that your symptoms will go away and your condition will improve. Since there is no specific antidote, symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Side effects

When taking the drug, the side effect manifests itself with the same symptoms as with an overdose. But some more are being added to them. The cardiovascular system suffers, causing the pulse to increase. Malfunctions of the nervous system are manifested by dizziness and drowsiness.

Children and adults begin to experience stomach pain. Diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disorders are common. The human body is covered with a small rash. Unpleasant pimples begin to itch. In rare cases, angioedema may occur.

Erespal successfully treats allergic rhinitis, but can provoke symptoms of rhinitis. If this happens during therapy, you should definitely inform your doctor.

Erespal for the treatment of sinusitis is a remedy that is highly effective. Eliminates the inflammatory process in the nasal sinus. Prevents the development of complications. Helps get rid of snot in the shortest possible time.

Before use, consultation with a specialist is required. The doctor will examine the patient, which will help to accurately determine the diagnosis and determine the cause of the disease. Only after this the patient will be prescribed effective treatment.

Yulia Kalashnik


Erespal for sinusitis

Erespal syrup for children and adults with anti-inflammatory activity is characterized by a good anti-exudative effect and prevents the formation of bronchospasm.

Erespal for sinusitis

Irina » Oct 28, 2014, 3:02 pm

Name of medicine:



Lab. Servier Industry, France (SERVIER)

Active substance:

Fenspiride hydrochloride


Respiratory agents (R03DX03)

It was prescribed to me as part of complex therapy. There probably was an anti-inflammatory effect, since I no longer took antibiotics, and the residual effects of inflammation went away. It did not cause any negative effects; I took it for 10 days. It was prescribed to me by an ENT specialist.

Re: Erespal for sinusitis

Irinna » Oct 28, 2014, 3:03 pm

Re: Erespal for sinusitis

Larisa » Oct 28, 2014, 09:07 pm

Re: Erespal for sinusitis

Anna » 28 Oct 2014, 21:41

Re: Erespal for sinusitis

Ira » Oct 28, 2014, 10:40 pm

Re: Erespal for sinusitis

Fraulian Angelika » 06 Nov 2014, 17:25

Re: Erespal for sinusitis

Nata82 » 11 Nov 2014, 02:15

Re: Erespal for sinusitis

by Lola » 11 Nov 2014, 13:19

Re: Erespal for sinusitis

Anna » 12 Nov 2014, 13:30

Re: Erespal for sinusitis

Marianna K. » 12 Nov 2014, 16:43

Its active element is fenspiride hydrochloride. The drug is produced at the French company Servier. Sold in pharmaceutical networks according to medical prescriptions. Analogs of Erespal syrup include Fenspiride hydrochloride and Fosidal.

Indications for use

The medication is prescribed in cases of diagnosis:

  • respiratory manifestations of whooping cough, influenza, measles;
  • bronchitis, bronchial asthma;
  • rhinopharyngitis, laryngitis;
  • acute otitis, sinusitis of various etiologies;
  • allergic rhinitis.

Based on reviews of Erespal tablets, it becomes clear that their use is limited in cases of hypersensitivity to the composition.

Presence of negative effects

The use of an anti-inflammatory drug can cause various side effects. Patients describe cases:

  • moderate tachycardia, hypotension;
  • epigastric pain, sudden nausea, diarrhea;
  • dizziness, drowsiness, asthenia;
  • erythema pigmentosa, skin itching.

Children's use of Erespal is approved by pediatricians from 2 years of age.


How does the drug work?

The medicine Erespal is prescribed to both children and adults for colds. Up to 14 years of age, parents are recommended to give their children the product in the form of syrup. Older children can freely switch to tablets. The principle of action of Erespal depends on the components that are included in its composition.

The medicine contains fenspiride hydrochloride, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Erespal is used not only for the treatment of sinusitis. It has a beneficial effect on the body if included in therapy for various respiratory diseases. Prevents the development of bronchitis.

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