How to use Chlorophyllipt spray to treat a throat

Description of throat spray Chlorophyllipt Vialine

The drug is essentially an opalescent liquid of light green or green color with a herbaceous odor. The taste is bitter. The medication is classified as a disinfectant and antiseptic. Another effective remedy is Nazivin spray for children.


Chlorophyllipt is created from a mixture of chlorophylls isolated from eucalyptus leaves. It also contains triclosan. Together, these substances have a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, destroying bacteria and inhibiting their growth and activity. In parallel, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects also appear. Nettle extract allows you to influence the circulatory system, improving blood circulation.

Due to the presence of herbal components in the product, it is not possible to track pharmacokinetics. It is known that a small part of the substances enters the systemic circulation. Presumably excreted by the kidneys.

The link describes the symptoms of a sore throat in an adult with a fever.

Forms of release of chlorophyllipt for gums

Chlorophyllipt for gums

This antimicrobial agent is produced by many pharmaceutical companies from natural raw materials. In the pharmacy you can find several forms of packaging, each of which is suitable for certain procedures:

  • tablets for lozenges or preparation of water compresses;
  • special thick concentrate (used in the preparation of complex ointments and lotions);
  • spray for throat and nasopharynx;
  • ethanol based solution;
  • oil preparation without alcohol.

Chlorophyllipt tablets

In dentistry, Chlorophyllipt for gums is most often used to rinse inflamed areas and the liquid form is best suited. But the final choice is made by the dentist, based on the condition of the mucous membranes in the mouth and the correct diagnosis:

  • An oil-based solution is more concentrated and safer for gums. It does not contain alcohol components, so it does not dry out wounds and ulcers, and does not burn when it comes into contact with injured areas. It is recommended for use after surgery, for adolescents and other patients who are allergic to alcohol.
  • Chlorophyllipt on ethanol more effectively fights bacteria and microorganisms, better prevents the proliferation of staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other dangerous pathogens. This is an excellent disinfection option for purulent fistulas, inflamed gum pockets, and stomatitis in adults.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with purulent sore throat without fever: signs and treatment

The medicine in the form of a solution has a dark green, rich color and a pleasant smell of pine needles.

It is available in plastic or glass bottles made of darkened material, which should transmit minimal light. The oil form is more viscous and thick in appearance.

Each package is supplemented with detailed instructions describing how to dilute and use the drug, and how long to store after opening.

Indications for use, is it possible in the nose?

The use of the drug as a monotherapy medication is contraindicated. This antiseptic and antibacterial agent can only be used in complex therapy:

  • Infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract caused by staphylococci resistant to the action of other drugs;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • Sore throat (read how Chlorophyllipt is used for sore throat);
  • Burns and ulcers on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Stomatitis.

As a prophylactic agent, the drug is used after and before surgical interventions in the affected area. The spray is intended for treating the oral cavity and pharynx as a whole. The drug is not intended for intranasal use (that is, for irrigation of the nasal cavities).

If, while using the drug, severe side effects have developed that impede respiratory function, then you should call an ambulance. Giving drugs of any kind in this state is strictly prohibited. The exception is injectable antihistamines, if available.

You may also be interested in information about how Pinosol spray is used and what instructions exist for its use.

Is it possible for pregnant women

The drug Chlorophyllipt in the form of a spray contains an antibacterial element such as triclosan. At the same time, according to many studies, it has become clear that when a component enters the body, it begins not only to actively destroy pathogens and reduce their productivity, but also to influence hormones.

The result of this was a deterioration in the blood supply to the fetus during pregnancy. Such exposure can significantly affect the development and condition of the child inside the womb. Considering its composition, when combined with other antiseptics, this medication can enhance their effect.

Accordingly, the use of this drug in pregnant and breastfeeding women, even in spray form, is prohibited. This is explained by the fact that the pattern and degree of penetration of the active substances of the composition into the tissues and bloodstream has not been fully clarified. Therefore, theoretically, the drug can harm the baby if it gets into the systemic bloodstream or breast milk.

Chlorophyllipt or inhalipt which is better

The drug "Chlorophyllipt" is an antiseptic natural remedy, the main active component of which is an extract made from eucalyptus leaves. The spray “Chlorophyllipt” is gaining great popularity among people, which is actively used to treat purulent lesions of the tonsils, tonsillitis, sore throat and cough.

Pharmacological properties

The medication has antimicrobial, bacteriostatic and bactericidal activity, effectively affects staphylococci that exhibit resistance to antibiotics, and has anti-inflammatory properties. The drug is produced in the form of an alcohol and oil solution, tablets, and spray.


The product received its name due to the inclusion in its composition of chlorophyll extract, which is extracted from eucalyptus. The beneficial properties of the leaves of the plant have long been known.

Essential oils and decoctions of leaves obtained from eucalyptus are widely used to treat throat lesions.

The auxiliary components used are ethyl alcohol, distilled glycerol, purified water and Tween 80.

The antimicrobial components contained in the Chlorophyllipt spray, unlike antibiotics, do not affect all microorganisms, but only cocci, among which the most common are staphylococci.

However, not a single bacteria belonging to this group can resist the action of the drug or develop resistance to it.

Thanks to these properties, the medicine effectively fights pharyngitis, tonsillitis and sore throat.

Efficiency of the drug

Chlorophyllipt spray, alcohol or oil solution will help you quickly get rid of a sore throat. All dosage forms are used for irrigation, gargling or lubricating the throat. Still, the most convenient is a spray. This drug can be used at any time; a small bottle of medicine can always be taken with you.

The use of the drug "Chlophyllipt" in the form of a spray for throat therapy leads to a rapid improvement in the patient's condition: pain symptoms disappear, tonsil plugs disappear, and the patient begins to feel better. After several injections of the solution, the annoying cough and sore throat completely disappear.

Additionally, you can drip the medicine into your nose in the form of an oil solution. This measure will significantly reduce the volume of mucus secreted during rhinitis and relieve swelling. The medicine successfully copes with sinusitis.

For more effective treatment of infections, it is necessary to gargle at least twice a day with an alcohol solution of the drug.

Indications for the use of Chlorophyllipt drugs are the following diseases:

  • laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • erosion (including cervical);
  • ulcerative and aphthous stomatitis;
  • boils and carbuncles;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • sphincteritis and hemorrhoids;
  • trophic ulcers, difficult-to-heal skin lesions;
  • listeriosis, erysipelas, tuberculosis.

"Chlorophyllipt" spray: instructions for use

Therapy with a spray is carried out by pressing the valve of the bottle, thus irrigating the throat. The procedure is performed four times a day. The duration of treatment is 4-5 days. The medication can be used by both adults and children.

However, children under 12 years of age should inject the solution only after consulting a pediatrician. Chlorophyllipt spray has a natural composition and, unlike its analogues, does not contain harmful components and is highly effective.

But before using it, it is necessary to check the degree of susceptibility to the components by performing a test spraying.

Side effects

Chlorophyllipt throat spray is well tolerated by patients and only in rare cases causes negative reactions of the body, manifested by swelling of the throat and nasal mucosa, as well as allergic reactions, rashes and itching. Such side effects occur only in patients with individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

If the patient is at risk, then before using the spray, a single injection of the solution into the throat should be performed. If after eight hours no side effects are observed, then the product can be used to its fullest extent. Otherwise, another suitable medicine must be taken.

Contraindications, price

Chlorophyllipt spray cannot be used in all cases. The use of the drug by nursing mothers, idiosyncrasies and allergies is prohibited. It is not recommended to take the product in childhood (under 12 years) and during pregnancy (this is indicated in the instructions). In practice, the spray is not prescribed to these groups of patients. The cost of the drug is about 50 rubles.



Direct contraindications for use are hypersensitivity, as well as atrophic processes in the nasopharynx (for example, atrophic rhinitis). The medication is not used as monotherapy, or in children under 3 years of age, if the spray form is chosen.

With frequent use there is a risk of overdose. In this case, an allergic reaction may develop in the form of swelling of the mucous tissues, as well as rashes. In this case, the use of the drug is suspended and symptomatic therapy is carried out.

If the airway is blocked due to a swollen throat or spasm, you must call an ambulance. Giving any medications orally is strictly prohibited.

How to use

After removing the balloon from the packaging, you need to place the nozzle on the tip and make 3-4 injections into the air to eliminate the air and carry out further procedures for irrigating the pharynx in full. In the case of modern type scrolling nozzles, it is enough to open the nozzle all the way and also press the cap several times. If we talk directly about the moment of use, then it is necessary:

  1. Shake the canister and point it vertically, bottom down, inserting the spray tube into your mouth.
  2. Next, inhale and hold your breath.
  3. The spray nozzle is pressed two times: the first by turning it on the left tonsil, and the second on the right.
  4. Exhale and continue to breathe normally.

The drug can be used up to 5 times a day, unless there are any restrictions. The instructions list the drug as a product used for oral hygiene.

Holding your breath is very important during irrigation. A fine mixture in the respiratory tract can cause spasm. This is especially true for children and those who have any problems with the respiratory system such as asthma and so on. Spasm of the respiratory tract can lead to asphyxia and death!


In general, the drug received positive reviews from both doctors and patients. There was a rapid improvement in the condition of the mucous membranes if the drug was used from the onset of the disease. But it was also noted that prolonged and excessively frequent use resulted in addiction. That is why doctors recommend periodically, in case of recurring cases of illness, changing the drug to any other analogue with a similar effect.

In terms of side effects, minor manifestations were observed in the form of rashes, swelling and burning sensation. After stopping the use of the medication, the symptoms went away on their own without the use of antihistamines. Also read the instructions for using Ingalipt.

How does chlorophyllipt work for gums?

Antiseptic properties allow Chlorophyllipt to be used for gum inflammation to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

Typically, the drug is prescribed for the treatment of diseases associated with infection with streptococci, staphylococci and other dangerous microbes.

It relieves swelling and redness, improves tissue regeneration, slows down the process of pus formation, and nourishes tissues with oxygen. In dentistry, Chlorophyllipt is used for gum disease in the following cases:

  • treatment of gingivitis;
  • accelerating the healing process of ulcers that appear during stomatitis;
  • relieving inflammation between the gums;
  • recovery after dental operations;
  • the use of prostheses or installation of implants for the purpose of faster adaptation and minimal trauma to the mucous membranes;
  • relieving inflammation during staphylococcal infection;
  • treatment of fungal infections;
  • relieving inflammation as a result of alveolitis that occurs after tooth extraction;
  • healing of injuries and scratches on the mucous membrane.

Chlorophyllipt can be used not only for the gums during the main treatment - it can also be used for preventive purposes.

Unlike Chlorhexidine, this drug does not harm the mucous membranes even when the tissues are bleeding. The composition of the product includes vitamins A and E for maximum surface hydration.

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