Chlorophyllipt oil solution: instructions
This liquid of plant origin is an extract from the leaves and fruits of eucalyptus, infused with oil. It contains chlorophylls A and B, obtained from eucalyptus leaves. The drug has proven itself to be an excellent antiseptic and has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
Prescribed for:
- Purulent wounds and abrasions
- Inflammatory processes of the skin
- Burns
- Acne
- Non-healing ulcers
- Hemorrhoids
- Sphincteritis
- Erysipelas
According to the instructions, oil Chlorophyllipt is mainly used for external treatment of the skin, in the form of bandages and compresses. Every other day you can alternate the manipulation with applying bandages soaked in a diluted alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt (1:10).
For sphincteritis and hemorrhoids, lubricate the tips of enemas with oily liquid before the procedure.
The remedy has also proven itself well in the treatment of gastroenterological ailments - it is prescribed orally (5 ml, four times a day, course of two to three weeks). The liquid actively affects pathogenic microorganisms (staphylococci) and does not disturb the balance of beneficial flora.
At the first signs of a cold, chlorophyllipt is instilled into the nose - apply 3-4 drops into each nostril every six hours, and also lubricate inflamed tonsils with sore throat with tampons soaked in it. Manipulations are carried out twice a day, in a three-day course.
Chlorophyllipt gives good effect in the treatment of acne. Before applying the oil solution to the skin, you need to clean it. Next, use a cotton swab dipped in oil to lubricate problem areas. Carry out the procedure twice a day.
In dentistry, gums are treated with chlorophyllipt oil, and in gynecology, tampons with oily liquid are used to treat cervical erosion (placed overnight for 3-4 weeks).
Breastfeeding women are recommended to lubricate their nipples with the solution to prevent cracks.
According to the instructions, contraindications to the use of Chlorophyllipt oil are individual intolerance and allergic reactions. Therefore, before use, it is recommended to do a sensitivity test: lubricate a small area of skin and watch its reaction for 10 hours. The absence of itching and redness indicates good tolerability of the drug. Or dilute 10 drops of the solution in a tablespoon of water and drink. If after 6-8 hours allergy symptoms (swelling of the mucous membranes, etc.) do not appear, then the product can be used.
The oil solution is stored in a dark place at room temperature. It is unacceptable to store it in the refrigerator or in a place exposed to direct sunlight - this way it quickly loses its beneficial properties.
More interesting things
How to dilute Chlorophyllipt for gargling and use for sore throat and staphylococcus
How to rinse your nose with chlorophyllipt
There is no way to rinse your nose with an oil composition; for this you need an alcohol composition. It should be used in the same way as when treating a throat, that is, dilute one tablespoon in one glass of water. You need to rinse your nose like this:
- Take a syringe
- Dial a warm composition
- Lean over the bath
- Pour the mixture into one nostril and it will flow out of the other.
Naturally, this method is only suitable for older children and, of course, adults in children should be rinsed only with saline solution and then lubricated with an oil composition.
From the article we learned how to use the oil composition and alcohol composition of the medicine. How to lubricate the nose of children and adults, how to properly instill the drug into the nasal passages. Now you will know that this is truly a universal remedy for the treatment of sore throat, tonsillitis and many other inflammatory diseases.
Chlorophyllipt alcohol solution: instructions
An alcohol solution of chlorophyllipt is an extract from the fruits and leaves of eucalyptus infused with alcohol. Used externally to treat:
- Burns
- Trophic and long-term non-healing ulcers.
The drug is diluted in a solution of procaine 0.25% (1:5), lubricated on damaged areas of the skin.
In gynecology it is used for vaginal douching. The solution (1%, 15 ml) is diluted in a liter of water, the douching procedure is carried out once a day for a week. In case of erosion of the cervix, an alcohol solution (1%) is used to lubricate its canal, having previously dried all the folds of the vagina with a sterile swab.
When treating staphylococcal intestinal infections, alcohol Chlorophyllipt is drunk according to the instructions: three times a day 40 minutes before meals. Five milliliters of alcohol solution (1%) are diluted in a tablespoon of water. The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor.
Enemas are also made with this remedy (20 ml per liter of water), once a day after two days. The course of treatment is 10 procedures.
In complex therapy, alcohol chlorophyllipt is used for sepsis (in the postoperative, postpartum periods, etc.), pneumonia. It is prescribed orally, in the form of droppers.
Contraindications are:
- Allergic reactions
- Individual intolerance
- Children's age up to 12 years.
Store the alcohol solution in a dark place at room temperature.
Directions for use and dosage
Any type of Chlorophyllipt, if the instructions for use for gargling are followed, can very quickly alleviate the patient’s condition, even with severe forms of sore throat.
After gargling, the pain in the throat becomes noticeably weaker and gradually disappears completely, while purulent formations disappear in the inflamed tonsils, due to which the person’s general condition significantly improves.
Symptoms of sore throat noticeably decrease after two or three proper rinses, the feeling of sore throat gradually disappears and the cough goes away.
Oily Chlorophyllipt can be used for a runny nose, which shows high effectiveness in eliminating rhinitis. Instillation of Chlorphyllipt into the nose can significantly reduce swelling of the nasal cavity and reduce the secretion of mucus, which allows the product to be used in the treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis.
Before gargling with Chlorophyllipt, it must be diluted with water in the correct proportions. For rinsing, an alcohol solution is usually taken at a concentration of 1%.
This procedure has an excellent therapeutic effect for sore throat caused by staphylococcal infection and various forms of purulent tonsillitis.
Before diluting Chlorophyllipt for gargling, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test to the components of the drug and identify the presence of a possible allergic reaction, following the instructions in the instructions.
Rinsing cannot be done on an empty stomach, so the procedure should occur approximately an hour and a half after the sick person has eaten. After treatment, you should not drink or eat food for half an hour.
For sore throat of any form, to treat the inflamed tonsils, the patient must reproduce a drawn-out sound “s” while rinsing.
Chlorophyllipt for the throat of children can replace the use of many types of antibiotics and provide the necessary therapeutic effect without causing disturbances in the intestinal microflora and various side effects that occur when using antibiotics.
It is necessary to dilute the drug immediately before use, using the solution 4 times a day, rinsing for at least 4-5 minutes each time.
According to the instructions, Chlorphilippt for gargling is diluted in the same way for both adults and children. To prepare the solution, one teaspoon of the drug is diluted in 100 ml of warm water.
The mucous membrane of the inflamed tonsils is treated with an oil solution, using gauze swabs soaked in the preparation for lubrication. If a child has an aversion to the smell of the product, then there is no need to treat his mouth with it.
An aversion to the smell may indicate an allergy to the components of the drug and worsen the baby’s condition. It is not worthwhile to carry out treatment by force, since there are other methods of therapy using this remedy that do not cause fear and rejection in the child.
These methods include inhalations with Chlorphilippet, which all children perceive without tears and with pleasure, but to carry out the procedures a special device is required, for example, a nebulizer.
For inhalation, take the alcohol version of the drug in an amount of 1 ml, which must be diluted in 10 ml of pharmaceutical saline solution. You can use non-carbonated mineral water as a solvent, for example Borjomi or Narzan.
Spray for the throat
Chlorophyllipt spray is a thick alcohol extract that has a pronounced antimicrobial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The range of its application is quite wide:
- Sore throats
- acute respiratory infections
- Erosion
- Trophic ulcers
- Burns
For tonsillitis and acute respiratory infections, the throat is irrigated with a spray (three times a day, double pressing, course - 3-4 days).
For skin pathologies, moisten a sterile gauze cloth with the product and apply it to problem areas for 20 minutes. The course of treatment is 10 days, the procedure is performed twice a day.
According to the instructions, chlorophyllipt spray is contraindicated for allergic reactions, pregnancy and children under 7 years of age (pregnant women and small children still use the drug, but strictly as prescribed by the doctor). You need to make sure in advance that there are no allergies to the components of the spray. To do this, they make a test - spray the oral cavity with one press of the bottle. If after 8 hours no unusual reactions occur, the spray is indicated for use.
More interesting things
The Chlorophyllipt solution cures everything: from sore throat to foot fungus!
In case of any side effects, the drug should be discontinued for a while and consult with your doctor about the advisability of its further use.
Composition, release forms - oil and alcohol solutions
For various uses, chlorophyllipt is available in the following dosage forms:
- in the form of a 2% oil solution, which is sold in glass bottles of 20 ml;
- in the form of an alcohol solution (1%) in bottles of 100 g;
- alcohol solution (0.25%) 2 ml in glass ampoules;
- tablets containing a thick extract of eucalyptus leaves and excipients in the form of sucrose, cellulose, etc.;
- spray 15 ml.
The oil solution is widely used in home and professional medicine. As for alcohol solutions, they are widely used in clinics and hospitals, including surgical interventions.
Chlorophyllipt - lozenges: instructions
For diseases of the upper respiratory tract (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis), stomatitis, chlorophyllipt lozenges, which are taken strictly according to the instructions for the drug, have a good effect. They must be kept in the mouth, slowly dissolving (do not swallow or chew).
The dose and frequency of administration are selected by the doctor individually; the recommended dose for adults is 1 tablet 5 times a day for a weekly course.
Green tablets with a specific mint odor. They can cause allergies in people prone to allergic reactions, which should be taken into account when prescribing. It is recommended to take a break for 8 hours after taking the first tablet in order to timely monitor the body’s reaction to the active substance – Eucalyptus globulus extract.
Chlorophyllipt: instructions for use for children's throats
For throat diseases (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, etc.) in children, chlorophyllipt preparations should be used with caution. For children under 12 years of age and those who are prone to allergic reactions, consultation with a doctor is required before starting treatment.
According to the instructions, children use a diluted alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt 1% to gargle (a teaspoon of the drug in a glass of water, gargle twice a day). Inflamed tonsils are lubricated with chlorophyllipt oil once a day.
Pediatricians sometimes recommend that infants put 1 drop of Chlorophyllipt oil on the tongue 2-3 times a day for sore throat and cough.
Attention. Instructions for the use of Chlorophyllipt alcohol, oil, spray and tablets for children are for informational purposes only and are presented in an abbreviated version without medical terms.
How to dilute Chlorophyllipt alcohol
The use of the drug eliminates the causative agent of the disease, accelerates the process of regeneration of the damaged mucous membrane of the throat. After just two rinses, the pain syndrome is significantly reduced, and recovery is accelerated. In order for Chlorophyllipt to help with a sore throat faster and more effectively, you need to dilute it correctly. Different concentrates are diluted according to their own rules.
To rinse your mouth, take a tablespoon of Chlorophyllipt into a glass of warm boiled (not mineral) water. You need to prepare the solution before the procedure; you should not do this in advance due to the rapid loss of the liquid’s medicinal properties. To disinfect the mouth, add less product - for mild sore throat, tracheitis, laryngitis and viral infectious inflammation, take only one teaspoon of the drug per glass. For severe sore throat with a purulent palatal process, take a dessert spoon of the medicine per 200 ml of water.
How to breed for children
Doctors allow children to use Chlorophyllipt for the throat, but when carrying out the procedure, parents need to ensure that it is performed correctly. Restrictions: the baby should not swallow the medicine. The solution is diluted in the same proportion - a tablespoon per glass of water, but the child applies 100 ml of the resulting liquid at a time. You can rinse 3-4 times a day or once every three hours with a break at night. After rinsing, do not let your child eat for half an hour.
It is not advisable for children under three years of age to gargle because they may swallow the solution or choke on it. Children at this age are advised to lubricate the mucous membranes with an oil solution of Chlorophyllipt. You must first consult a doctor. In childhood, the use of the drug can replace a course of antibiotics.