Which throat spray is better and more effective?


The main active component of the spray belongs to the antimicrobial agents of the aminoglycoside group. “Isofra” has a bactericidal effect against a huge number of different pathogenic bacteria, including gram-positive and gram-negative pathogens that provoke otorhinolaryngological diseases.

The bactericidal effect is carried out due to disruption of the cytoplasmic membrane of the bacterial cell and damage to the intracellular protein junction.

When used externally, the active components of the Isofra spray are not absorbed into the general bloodstream.


Differences between spray and other methods

A spray is a liquid dosage form in the form of a sealed vacuum package with a sprayer, which contains components that inhibit the development of pathogenic bacteria. Unlike medicines with a similar effect, the spray has the following advantages:

  • simplicity, accessibility, safety of use;
  • possibility of precise dosing due to the presence of a valve;
  • ensuring the sterility of the drug through hermetically sealed packaging;
  • efficiency of impact directly on the localization of inflammation;
  • high degree of bioavailability and pharmacological activity of the drug;
  • speed of onset of therapeutic effect.

Among the disadvantages, it is necessary to mention contraindications for use in the event of allergic reactions and hypersensitivity to components, obstructive diseases (asthma), atrophic pharyngitis.

It is more difficult to give a child a lozenge that doesn’t taste very good than to spray his throat with a spray. It is much safer in terms of the risk of suffocation from a foreign object (tablet) entering the upper respiratory tract and burns from inhalation. The spray includes an anesthetic for pain relief, an antiseptic for disinfection, an antibiotic to inhibit pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses, so its use helps to minimize the number of drugs used to treat the underlying disease.

Unlike an aerosol, the spray does not contain a propellant, which in an aerosol pushes the active components out of the package, but can cause laryngospasm and allergic reactions.

What is the most effective spray for treating a throat in adults?

The choice of aerosol should not be based on the price category of the drug. The high cost of the drug often does not determine the effectiveness of therapy. Often a product sold at a lower price is more effective and of higher quality.

The effectiveness of individual drugs in the fight against diseases:

  1. A viral infection that causes pain in the larynx requires treatment with anesthetics and analgesics.
  2. In case of a bacterial infection, sprays containing antimicrobial components are prescribed.
  3. Chronic inflammation can be cured thanks to enveloping and moisturizing agents.


How to choose the right drug

Pharmacy chains today offer a huge number of different products in the form of sprays or aerosols. You should not choose based only on the cost of the drug. Before purchasing, it is better to familiarize yourself with the composition and compare several medications.

Even a doctor cannot say for sure which one is the best. Each person has their own personal sensitivity to drugs

In addition, it is important to know what infection caused the inflammatory process

There is one more point in choosing a drug. Bacteria are able to adapt very quickly to antibacterial substances. As a result, even after a long course of use, the desired effect does not occur.

During a viral infection, the composition must contain antiviral and anti-inflammatory substances. If the process is chronic, then aerosols should have a moisturizing, softening and enveloping effect.

In any case, before purchasing an antibiotic throat spray, you should talk to your doctor about making the right choice. A very important point is the possibility of developing allergies. It is antibacterial agents that cause a strong reaction.

Age groupNumber of inhalations
Children from 2.5 years old3 inhalations into the mouth and 1 inhalation into the nasal passages 4 times a day
Adults4 doses in the mouth and 2 doses in the nasal passages 4 times a day

The drug is used in the form of inhalations, which are administered into the mouth or nose

To achieve maximum effectiveness, it is important to use Bioparox strictly according to the instructions, choosing the necessary nozzle (sold in combination with a spray)

Typically, young children are prescribed pacifier irrigation, while older babies should be sprayed on the inside of the cheek. Inhalation through the mouth is not recommended directly onto the throat, so that the child does not inhale the medicine due to the inability to hold his breath.

Before inhalation, it is important to thoroughly clean your nose and throat.

As shown in the photo and video in this article, before using the drug, it is important to clean the child’s throat and nasal passages with saline solution to remove excess mucus. An antibiotic is more effective when it can quickly penetrate the damaged surface of the nose or throat

The following contraindications are identified:

  • renal failure;
  • age up to 2.5 years;
  • period of pregnancy or lactation;
  • increased sensitivity of the patient to the components of the spray;
  • viral infection.

Side effects

Any antibiotic throat spray may cause side effects (such as nausea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness, or diarrhea). If at least one of the listed side effects occurs, immediately consult a doctor to prescribe another treatment.

Throat spray for children with sore throat

In pediatric practice, medications are prescribed with greater caution. Not everything that is used for adults can safely help a child

Self-prescribing any medications to a baby is fraught with serious complications, so it is better not to neglect the consultation of a pediatrician.

There are only a few drugs that are safe and effective for use in children with sore throat.


It has an antiseptic effect due to two active substances - iodine and polyvinyl alcohol. Indicated for tonsillitis of bacterial etiology, and is prescribed 3-4 times a day with an interval of at least 2 days. Cannot be used for thyroid pathologies. There are no side effects if you follow the doctor's recommendations.


A drug with an antiseptic effect, with iodine as an active ingredient. It is prescribed 3-4 times a day, one spray, during which you need to hold your breath. It is not advisable to use preparations with iodine simultaneously with inhalations based on essential oils.


Antiseptic with a very wide spectrum of action. It has a detrimental effect on most pathogenic microorganisms, including hospital strains with resistance to antibiotics. It is also active against complex viruses, including the human immunodeficiency virus. There are no side effects or contraindications. Can be used 5-6 times a day.


Octenidine dihydrochloride and phenoxyethanol, which are part of the drug, determine its antiseptic effect. Can be used without any age restrictions, but simultaneous use with iodine-based drugs is not recommended. Spray 2-4 times a day.

Tantum Verde

Contains benzydamine hydrochloride, which has anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects. Penetrates well into inflamed tissues, which provides a quick healing effect

Up to 12 years of age, the drug is used with caution. This throat spray for children with sore throat can be prescribed at intervals of 1.5-3 hours, up to 8 times a day

During use, you may experience dry mouth, a burning sensation or numbness.

Throat sprays for children

All aerosols can be divided into those that are contraindicated for children due to their composition, and those that are permitted. Approved drugs, despite the restrictions specified in the instructions for them, can be used at any age. Pediatricians and ENT doctors often prescribe medications based on this rule.

The main requirement is that the child must:

  • Understand the meaning of the procedure;
  • be able to hold your breath;
  • do not be afraid of inserting the spray tube into your mouth;
  • Spraying of the drug is well tolerated.

List of children's throat sprays (approved for use by children):

  • Hexoral;
  • Derinat;
  • Kameton;
  • Lugol;
  • Miramistin;
  • Octenisept;
  • Propolis spray, Proposol;
  • Tantum Verde;
  • Chlorophyllipt (oil solution).

Spray in the throat for sore throat in adults

It is advisable to entrust the choice of drugs that are highly effective to your doctor.
This is due to the fact that each pathogen has different sensitivity to antibiotics and not every spray can have the desired therapeutic effect. The question - which throat spray is better for a sore throat - is unlikely to ever receive a definite answer, but the following sprays are most effective for sore throats.


The active ingredient of this drug - hexetidine - has an antiseptic, antifungal and mild analgesic effect. In addition, it is worth noting its hemostatic and enveloping effect. With a single use, it lasts up to 12 hours, so it is enough to use it 2 times a day, after meals. In severe forms of acute tonsillitis, the dosage may be increased. The drug is contraindicated:

  • in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • children under 8 years old;
  • with atrophic pharyngitis.

While spraying, you should hold your breath, since inhaling the drug is undesirable.


The effectiveness is due to the complex included in the drug - allantoin + povidone-iodine. Contact of the product with the mucous membrane causes the release of iodine, which causes antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Yox is active against protozoa, viruses, bacteria and fungi. Apply topically, with an interval of at least 4 hours. Inhalation or ingestion of the drug is not allowed. This throat spray for sore throat in adults or children should not be combined with other local medications.

Maxicold Lore

No less popular on the domestic market is a spray whose active ingredient is hexethidine. The scope of application, dosage and contraindications are identical to the drug Hexoral.

Novosept Forte

The main active ingredient of the drug is cetylpyridinium chloride, which has pronounced activity against gram-positive bacteria. Prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 5 days. This spray is contraindicated:

  • expectant and nursing mothers;
  • in childhood;
  • with severe dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.

Septolete Plus

Contains benzocaine and cetylpyridinium chloride. The spray is active against bacteria, viruses and fungi. Use for sore throat is especially important, since benzocaine has an anesthetic effect, instantly relieving pain when swallowing. The drug is not prescribed:

  • children;
  • patients with alcohol dependence.

Pregnant women are allowed to use only as prescribed by a doctor. Apply up to 8 times a day, 2 sprays. Inhaling the product is not recommended. During the course of treatment, you should limit the consumption of milk - it reduces the antimicrobial activity of the drug.


It includes three active substances at once - benzocaine, hexethidine and tyrothricine, which determines a wide range of application and effectiveness of the product. The product is used up to 4 times a day, preferably after meals

With caution in childhood and pregnancy

Strepsils Plus

Amylmetacresol, dichlorobenzyl alcohol and lidocaine, which are part of the spray, provide it with a complex effect, which consists of the following:

  • reduction of swelling;
  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • bactericidal effect;
  • antimycotic effect.

The drug is not used in childhood and pregnancy. In other cases, it is used up to 6 times a day. Side effects include allergic reactions and possible loss of tongue sensitivity.

Theraflu LAR

It has a local anesthetic and antiseptic effect due to the composition of the product - benzoxonium chloride and lidocaine hydrochloride.
Despite the fact that the drug has virtually no systemic effect, it is not recommended to use it during pregnancy and childhood. Prescribed 3 sprays from 3 to 6 times a day. Local allergic reactions may occur.

Effective throat aerosols for children

In pediatrics, cheap and effective throat sprays have become unexpectedly widespread, because it is easier to spray a child in the mouth than to force him to gargle.

Sprays are prescribed for sore throat when the initial signs of the disease appear: sore throat, hoarseness, pain when swallowing.

You also need to take into account that in addition to combination sprays, there are sprays with narrowly targeted action: some will help in the treatment of bacterial infections, others - viral ones.

The following drugs are most often used to treat children :

  • Hexoral;
  • Tandum Verde;
  • Bioparox;
  • TeraFlu Lar;
  • Ambulance;
  • Stopangin;
  • Inhalipt.

Some of the sprays can be used for babies:

  1. Oracept is good for relieving sore throat, which can cause the baby to be capricious. Oracept can be used for children from 2 years of age. The dosage must be prescribed by a doctor.
  2. Aqualor can be used from 6 months. The decongestant drug helps reduce redness, purulent plaque and inflammation, restore the mucous membrane, and increase local immunity. Aqualor is absolutely safe for children - it contains only natural ingredients: aloe extract, chamomile and sea water. The pharyngeal cavity is irrigated with Aqualor up to 4 times a day.
  3. From 3 years of age, children can be treated with Hexoral. It should be sprayed onto a sore throat 2 times. per day after meals.
  4. From 4 years old, you can use the cheap and effective Tantum Verde for the throat. The dosage should be calculated based on the child’s weight: one injection per 4 kg of weight. Manipulation should be carried out every 3 hours.
  5. Also, from 4 years old you can use Tera Flu Lar. The throat can be irrigated 3 to 6 times a day, 2 sprays.
  6. From the age of 5, children can be treated with Kameton. 2-3 irrigations up to 4 times daily.
  7. From the age of 8 years, you can treat a child with Stopangin. Dosage – 2 sprays 3 times a day.

Aerosols are also used to eliminate the inflammatory process in children:

  1. Bioparox with fusafungine - with a local antibiotic. The drug remains on the mucous membrane for a long time, destroying diseased microflora.
  2. Cheap and effective for the throat, the Ambulance aerosol contains exclusively natural ingredients: propolis, calamus, chamomile, elecampane, calendula. Active substances effectively fight pathogens, relieve inflammation, redness and swelling.

When treating a child, it is very difficult for a non-specialist to foresee all the factors that may influence the choice of medication. Therefore, it is important to contact your pediatrician for a prescription.

When treating children, you should not exceed the dosage recommended by the doctor - the effectiveness of the effect will not increase, and the likelihood of an allergic reaction will increase.

Antibiotic sprays

Modern medicine can boast a wide range of drugs intended for local use in diseases of the ENT organs. They can alleviate the condition and help even in the most severe cases if combined with oral administration of systemic antibiotics.

There are many effective sprays for sore throats with antibiotics.


A potent composition containing the polypeptide antibiotic Fusafungin. The drug boasts antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Widely used to treat infectious pathologies of the throat. The positive therapeutic effect will be felt within 5 days.

The best option is to use the healing solution in the first stages of the pathology.


The solution contains Framycetin, classified as an aminoglycoside. This spray copes well with purulent tonsillitis, sinusitis, and nasopharyngitis of a bacterial nature. Capable of destroying even persistent hospital strains of pathogens.

Cametone (chlorobutanol)

It contains streptocide and sodium norsulfazole, thanks to which the healing agent has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Before using the healing composition, it is advisable to rinse the mouth with clean water. Irrigate the oral cavity 3-4 times a day. The drug has no side effects.

Sore throat

An effective remedy with an antibiotic that has a local effect and can cope with pathology in 5-7 days. If the aerosol product gets on the mucous membrane of the tonsils, the inflamed surface is cleared of harmful microorganisms, and sputum is removed better.


The active components of the spray are streptocide, sodium salt of norsulfazole from the sulfonamide group, thymol, as well as eucalyptus and mint oil. Thanks to sulfonamides in the base of the drug, it is possible to suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora, relieve inflammation, and relieve pain. The composition also helps to liquefy mucus.

Important! The antibiotic must be used for at least 7 days

An antibiotic throat spray for a sore throat should be taken with caution. If the patient does not get better during treatment, then it is necessary to reconsider the doctor’s prescriptions and undergo additional examination to clarify the diagnosis.

If the patient does not get better during treatment, then it is necessary to reconsider the doctor’s prescriptions and undergo additional examination to clarify the diagnosis.

An antibiotic throat spray for a sore throat should be taken with caution. If the patient does not get better during treatment, then it is necessary to reconsider the doctor’s prescriptions and undergo additional examination to clarify the diagnosis.

How to choose the right spray for the treatment of sore throat with an antibiotic for children.

When the first symptoms of throat diseases appear - burning, dryness, pain when swallowing - most patients go to the pharmacy and independently choose a remedy for treatment. When choosing, they are guided by the advice of friends or comments on the Internet.

Doctors recommend purchasing aerosols that effectively eliminate pain and alleviate the course of the disease. Those people whose throat often gets inflamed should always have a spray on hand.

A few years ago, only one Kameton could be found in pharmacies. Today the pharmacological market is rich in topical medicinal aerosols

When choosing a remedy, you need to focus not on the price and popularity of the drug, but take into account the symptoms that you will have to fight with the medicinal drug

Be sure to pay attention to the expiration dates of medications. Before using an already opened spray, you need to make sure that it has not expired, and also pay attention to whether the storage conditions of the medicine corresponded to those stated in the instructions

A good product doesn’t have to be expensive

It is necessary to take into account that there are no universal rules for choosing a drug, everything is purely individual

Throat spray with lidocaine

A sore throat spray with lidocaine as an adjuvant is the best solution for complex throat therapy. Most sprays of this type contain not only an anesthetic (actually lidocaine), but also antiseptic active ingredients.

The use of an aerosol form of administering drugs to the source of infection greatly facilitates and speeds up the treatment of throat diseases. Which pain relief throat spray with lidocaine should you choose?

TeraFlu Lar

The best antiseptic for the throat with a local anesthetic effect is considered to be the Swiss-made TeraFlu Lar spray. The active ingredients of the drug are:

  • antiseptic benzoxonium chloride (0.2%);
  • anesthetic lidocaine hydrochloride (0.15%).

Thanks to auxiliary ingredients such as menthol and peppermint oil, the product has a pleasant and refreshing mint flavor. And the presence of glycerin in the composition of the drug, known for its enveloping and emollient properties, allows you to prolong the effect of its active substances. TheraFlu Lar is prescribed as a primary or adjuvant remedy for the following infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pharynx:

  • chronic tonsillitis;
  • catarrhal sore throat;
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis.

The use of the spray is also indicated for dental diseases.

Features of application

The aerosol bottle is equipped with a sprayer that allows you to inject a dosed amount of the active substance (about 0.5 ml). The number of procedures for adults ranges from 3 to 6 times a day, 4 injections. Children from 4 years of age - from 3 to 6 times a day, 2-3 sprays. The list of contraindications, in addition to individual intolerance to the components of the drug, includes:

  • age up to 4 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period.

Restrictions were introduced due to insufficient clinical studies with these groups of patients.

You cannot eat or drink for 30 minutes after this.

Side effects

Side effects from the use of TheraFlu Lar spray are represented by isolated cases, however, it is worth warning about them:

  • occasionally - the occurrence of allergic reactions from the immune system (swelling of the larynx or face, urticaria);
  • sometimes there is local irritation of the mucous membranes of a temporary nature (disappears after discontinuation of the spray);
  • with long-term use of the throat spray with lidocaine TheraFlu Lar (more than 14 days), the teeth and tongue may turn brown, which is also a reversible phenomenon.

TheraFlu Lar spray should not be used after the expiration date (5 years).

Strepsils Plus

Another combined drug that combines disinfectant and analgesic substances is Strepsils Plus throat spray with lidocaine, produced in the UK. In addition to lidocaine, the main components of the drug are:

  • 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol;
  • amylmetacresol.

Among the excipients are citric acid, 70% sorbitol solution, anise seed and peppermint oils, as well as saccharin. Strepsils Plus spray is indicated for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mouth, throat and larynx:

  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • hoarseness of various etiologies.

The components of the drug have both analgesic and antiseptic, and decongestant properties.

Recommendations for use

Treating the throat with Strepsils Plus spray should be done after eating and pre-rinsing the mouth with clean water. Dosage for adults and children over 12 years of age – 2 clicks on the bottle nozzle per irrigation procedure. For severe pain, it is permissible to use the drug every 3 hours, the maximum number of procedures is 6 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 5 days. If there is no therapeutic effect, you should consult a doctor to adjust the therapeutic regimen.

Side effects and contraindications

Strepsils Plus throat spray with lidocaine has almost no side effects. Its use may cause allergic reactions or loss of sensitivity of the tongue, which is restored after discontinuation of the drug. In general, this drug is well tolerated by patients who have no contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

Shelf life – 3 years. There is no information about the interaction of the drug with other drugs.

List of popular and effective sprays


Antibiotic throat spray - Hexoral - is produced by a French manufacturer. Peculiarities:

  • The active ingredient – ​​hecatidine – is effective against bacteria, fungi and viruses;
  • comfortable long nozzle;
  • allowed for use during pregnancy (with caution in the 1st trimester);
  • safe for children.

An important advantage of the drug: due to the enveloping effect, the effect lasts for a long time, which allows you to take the medicine no more than 2 times a day.

sprays ingalipt and hexoral


A domestically produced drug based on a sulfonamide antibiotic – streptocide. Indicated for sore throat, laryngitis, bacterial pharyngitis. Streptocide is a very old antibiotic. During its use, some bacterial strains have become resistant to it.

The advantages of Inhalipt include, first of all, its low cost.


A Russian-made immunomodulatory drug based on sodium deoxyribonucleate.

Derinat stimulates the immune system:

  • Increases the body's resistance to infections;
  • the immune response to viral, bacterial and fungal antigens improves;

In addition to immunostimulating, the drug has a complex effect:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • antitumor;
  • antiallergic;
  • detoxifying;
  • antioxidant.

Like all immunomodulators, Derinat is a fairly expensive medicine.


Traditionally, iodine is used as an antiseptic. And although, as a rule, its main purpose is external treatment of the skin, local application on the throat mucosa also shows itself to be no less effective than modern antibacterial substances.

The undoubted advantage of Iodinol is the safety of its use (with a short course in compliance with the dosage) in contrast to other antiseptics, the side effects of which are not yet fully known.

There are also disadvantages: restrictions on use in children, pregnant and lactating women, and thyroid diseases. Before use, consult a doctor.


A little-known Czech-made drug. Has a complex effect:

  • Antiseptic (iodine, alcohol);
  • anti-inflammatory (allantoin).

Contains a mild analgesic component - levomenthol.

Active against bacteria, fungi, viruses.


A drug based on chlorobutanol is well known to Russian patients. Also includes:

  • Eucalyptus oil;
  • camphor;
  • levomenthol.

The last two components give the preparation a specific minty-bitter taste.

In addition, the spray has an anesthetic and refreshing effect.

Cameton is one of the most affordable aerosol remedies for the treatment of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, and laryngitis.


Lugol's spray is another throat spray with iodine. Main characteristics:

  • Has a specific iodine odor;
  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • effective against fungi;
  • contraindicated during pregnancy.

The undoubted advantage of Lugol is its moderate price, which, when compared with iodine-containing Yox, is 3 times lower.

Spray Maxicold Lore

A Russian-made drug that competes with the French Hexoral and the Czech Stopangin.

Advantages of Maxicold spray:

  • effective antiseptic based on hexethidine;
  • has an enveloping effect, due to which the active substance remains on the mucous membrane for a long time
  • reasonable price compared to similar products.


Miramistin, perhaps, can be considered one of the best antiseptic throat sprays. Has activity against:

  • Bacteria, including resistant strains;
  • fungi, including those resistant to chemotherapy;
  • viruses, including influenza, herpes, HIV, etc.

Positive aspects of the drug:

  • There is no taste or smell;
  • well tolerated by patients;
  • approved for use in pregnant, lactating women and children;
  • very reasonable cost.

Review of the pharmacological action of the drug “Miramistin”. Recommendations for use.


A unique drug from a Dutch pharmaceutical company that has no analogues in composition. Contains 3 active ingredients that have a complex effect:

  • Broad-spectrum antiseptic;
  • anesthetic;
  • immunomodulatory.

Novosept is an effective throat spray with an antibiotic. However, it also has consumer disadvantages:

  • Contraindicated in certain categories of patients;
  • interacts with a number of drugs, incl. with some – incompatible;
  • must be applied every 2 hours;
  • often causes irritation of the mucous membrane.

Novosept is a spray for treating the throat in adults; it is contraindicated in children.


Close to Novosept in its pharmacological properties is another Dutch-made spray - Anti-angina. It contains not 3, but 2 active ingredients that have:

  • antiseptic effect (chlorhexidine);
  • anesthetic effect (tetracaine).

Unlike Novosept, Antiangin does not have a local immunomodulatory effect, which is why it may be somewhat less effective in some patients. However, the cost of Antiangin is lower, which makes it more accessible.


An Italian-made drug based on ketoprofen. When applied topically, it has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Does not contain antiseptics: it does not fight the cause of respiratory disease, but only relieves painful symptoms: sore throat, swelling of the mucous membrane. Like all anti-inflammatory drugs, it masks the infectious process. For this reason, it is not the drug of choice for infectious diseases of the throat and can only be used as an additional remedy.

The medicine has numerous contraindications, incl. periods of pregnancy and lactation.


Antibacterial throat spray Octenisept is produced by a German pharmaceutical company in the form of a solution for topical use. The bottle is equipped with a spray nozzle. The antiseptic effect is caused by two substances:

  • Octenidine;
  • phenoxyethanol.

It has good antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity. Can be used by all groups of patients without restrictions.


Propolis spray is a Russian-made homeopathic remedy based on the waste product of bees. Has wound-healing and antimicrobial effects. Propolis contains microelements and amino acids: it has a slight immunostimulating effect.

Bee products, incl. propolis may be allergens.


Another product based on propolis. It contains a standard that gives the spray antiseptic properties. The main effect of Proposol is regenerative. The main area of ​​application is diseases of the oral mucosa, accompanied by violations of its integrity (wounds, ulcers, bleeding). For throat diseases, it is not the drug of choice, but can be used as an additional remedy.


Aerosol Stopangin is a direct analogue of Hexoral discussed above. Belongs to the list of effective sprays for sore throats with an antibiotic. Also effective as a spray for laryngitis in adults and children. It has no special contraindications. Can be used at any age, provided that the child can hold his breath when spraying the product.

Strepsils Plus

Strepsils Plus anesthetic throat spray is produced by Dutch and British manufacturers.

Composition and action:

  • The antiseptic complex amylmetacresol + dichlorobenzyl alcohol has good activity against bacteria, viruses and fungi;
  • lidocaine provides a pronounced anesthetic effect;
  • levomenthol and mint oil help prolong the analgesic effect.

The drug is contraindicated in children, pregnant women and during breastfeeding.

Tantum Verde

An Italian-made drug based on benzydamine (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). Has an antiseptic effect, incl. prevents the reproduction of fungi. Indicated for inflammatory diseases of the throat, including children over 3 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.


The French antiseptic Hexasprey, despite containing ethyl alcohol, has proven itself in the treatment of both children and adults. The secret of this medication is its constituent biclotymol, which, in addition to the direct antimicrobial effect characteristic of all throat antiseptics, has an additional effect:

  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory.

The complex effect of Hexasprey makes it one of the best and effective drugs for the treatment of pharyngitis, along with such a favorite spray as Tantum Verde.

Theraflu LAR

The Swiss-made aerosol contains:

  • Antiseptic – benzoxonium chloride;
  • anesthetic - lidocaine.

Theraflu LAR destroys the microbial wall, causing the death of bacteria, viruses and fungi. The spray has a pronounced analgesic effect, supported by menthol and mint oil included in its composition.

The anesthetic component is adsorbed from the mucous membrane, metabolized, passes through the placenta and enters breast milk. Like all similar drugs, Theraflu LAR is contraindicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Chlorophyllipt spray is produced in Ukraine. Its active ingredient is eucalyptus extract. Demonstrates highly targeted antimicrobial activity: destroys staphylococci. The mechanism of action on microbes is not completely clear, but the instructions for use indicate that even antibiotic-resistant species of staphylococci are sensitive to Chlorophyllipt.

Chlorophyllipt alcohol spray is not recommended for those with liver disease, children, pregnant or lactating women, or those driving a vehicle.


Eucalyptus (as Eucalyptus rodentum leaf extract or oil) is contained as a main or excipient in some of the sprays discussed above:

  • Inhalipt;
  • Kameton;
  • Chlorophyllipt.


Spray made in Greece based on phenol. This drug is not registered in the Russian Federation, but is sold, for example, in Ukraine and in many other countries.

Whether to be treated with phenol or not is a matter of individual choice. However, it should be borne in mind that this substance is toxic not only to bacteria, but also to humans. Phenol is absorbed by the mucous membrane and enters the systemic circulation.

However, judging by the reviews, Opasept spray is effective in suppressing the bacterial microflora of the pharynx and oral cavity and can be used for all infectious respiratory diseases.

Commonly Prescribed Sprays

The selection of sprays in pharmacies is very large. The medicine must be chosen depending on the nature of the disease. If a sore throat is caused by bacteria, then for treatment you need to choose a drug containing an antiseptic or an antibiotic (often both forms are needed).

Modern nasal and throat sprays are popular among young people. In case of viral infection of the pharynx, an antiseptic and antiviral aerosol will also be required. To treat the fungus, the doctor will prescribe an antiseptic with the appropriate spectrum of action.


Hexoral - has antiseptic and antifungal properties, prescribed for all forms of acute infection.

Stopangin - used for tonsillitis, pharyngitis, with the exception of the atrophic form:

  • effectively fights fungus,
  • is an antiseptic
  • relieves pain.

The drug is actively used in pediatric and dental practice. The essential oils contained in the drug envelop the mucous membrane, promoting rapid healing.

Tantum Verde:

  • allowed for children
  • contains benzydamine hydrochloride, which kills bacteria and viruses,
  • has an analgesic effect,
  • has a small number of side effects,
  • an allergic reaction to the components of the drug is possible.

Ingalipt – has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect. Envelops the pharyngeal mucosa and prevents laryngeal stenosis. The drug helps remove pus, reduces discomfort in the throat, and attracts patients with its low price. Indicated for children with tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis, laryngitis.

Additional funds

Medicine knows other methods and means.

Eucalyptus is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug.

Proposol - made on the basis of propolis, reduces inflammation and has an antimicrobial effect, contains alcohol and glycerin. It is not prescribed for atrophic pharyngitis. It is prohibited for children under 12 years of age, as there is a high probability of allergies to propolis; it is used for caries and stomatitis.

Yox - has antiseptic properties. Effective against bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa. Iodine is included in the drug; it is indicated for sore throat, tonsillitis, and stomatitis. Yox is able to suppress the effect of antibiotics.

Lugol's solution with glycerin:

  • contains iodine, glycerin,
  • envelops the oral mucosa,
  • Contraindicated in cases of kidney or liver pathology, as well as in case of an allergy to iodine.

Givalex is an antimicrobial and analgesic drug that eliminates hyperemia and sore throat.

Oracept fights viruses and bacteria and is used in pediatrics.

Anti-angin is approved for children from 10 years of age, has an antiseptic, analgesic, bacteriostatic effect, is prescribed for severe pain, and is contraindicated in cases of damage to the mucous membrane, especially the oral cavity.

Miramistin is an antiseptic, effective for purulent inflammation, sometimes prescribed in pediatrics and gynecology.

Throat sprays: benefits and properties

Throat sprays: benefits and propertiesAerosols for sore throat are deservedly popular due to their effectiveness and ease of use.
Compared to other forms of drugs (tablets, lozenges), they act much faster, since when sprayed they immediately reach the affected area and exert their therapeutic effect. Throat sprays are produced in compact bottles. They contain medicine in aerosol form under pressure. When you press the sprayer, a stream of the drug is sprayed over the surface of the palate, tonsils and pharynx, completely covering the inflamed part of the throat. The active substances of the drug quickly penetrate the mucous membranes and instantly begin to act, creating high therapeutic concentrations that can destroy pathogenic microflora. Most sprays, in addition to analgesic, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effects, have a softening, enveloping effect and help quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Another important advantage of sprays is that the active substances of the drugs practically do not penetrate into the bloodstream and do not have a negative effect on the functions of internal organs and body systems. Therefore, medicines in the form of sprays have a minimum number of contraindications and side effects. What therapeutic results can be expected from the use of such drugs?

important advantage of sprays

  • Antiseptic and antibacterial . Aerosols quickly destroy infection on the surface of mucous membranes and cope well with most pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, bacteria). The most effective throat sprays have a combined composition that combines antiseptic, antibacterial and natural ingredients (essential oils, phytoextracts).
  • Anti-inflammatory. The use of throat remedies in the form of aerosols helps relieve unpleasant symptoms (itching, soreness, redness) and reduce the production of inflammatory mediators. This allows you to improve your well-being and make it easier to endure the disease even with severe lesions of the throat (for example, with purulent sore throat).
  • Cleansing, moisturizing and softening. Throat sprays based on natural ingredients (sea water, plant extracts) eliminate excessive dryness of the mucous membrane. Having a softening effect, they prevent sore and burning throat, pain, irritation, and dry cough. Preparations in aerosol form wash the throat and quickly remove infectious agents, speeding up recovery.

Throat spraysThroat sprays are usually prescribed for inflammatory or infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, occurring in acute or chronic form.
Such drugs are especially effective in treating sore throat or exacerbation of chronic pathologies (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis). Currently, the pharmaceutical industry produces a wide range of drugs in the form of aerosols. They can be divided into several main groups:

  1. Antibiotic sprays (have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects);
  2. Antiseptic sprays (disinfect, fight germs, viruses and fungi, have a cooling and analgesic effect);
  3. Sprays with anesthetic (exhibit pronounced analgesic properties);
  4. Sprays with natural ingredients (based on sea water, plant extracts, propolis). They have an anti-inflammatory, softening and cleansing effect.

iodine based sprays
Additionally, iodine-based sprays and aerosol preparations with an immunomodulatory effect are produced that help strengthen the body's defenses.

The choice of the appropriate medication is made by a doctor, who will take into account the degree of damage and the characteristics of the course of the disease. Thus, for a bacterial infection, drugs with antimicrobial properties are included in the treatment regimen. For viral lesions of the larynx and respiratory tract, aerosols with anesthetics and antiseptics, supplemented with antiviral components, are used. For chronic inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the larynx and tonsils, drugs with enveloping, cleansing and moisturizing properties are prescribed.

Antibiotics and antibacterial substances: is there a difference?

To understand the difference between antibiotics and antiseptic antibacterial drugs, let's understand the origin and therapeutic effect of both.


Antibiotics are a group of substances that are produced by special bacteria or fungi and act on harmful microorganisms. This is a small group because the number of beneficial bacteria that produce antibiotics is limited in nature. A significant disadvantage of antibiotics is that pathogenic bacteria have the ability to adapt to their effects and exhibit resistance to them.

Almost all antibiotics act on microbes that have penetrated human tissues and internal organs and created foci of inflammation there. Antibacterial agents are designed to provide an antiseptic effect at the level of internal organs and tissues and are divided into groups according to the method of exposure. The action of some is based on the destruction of microbes by destroying their cell membranes, while the action of others is aimed at preventing the proliferation of bacteria. These substances are introduced into the body in various ways - from intravenous to rectal.

The most famous and oldest antibacterial agent discovered by medical science is penicillin. Thanks to him, it was possible to increase human life expectancy by about 30 years.

Antibacterial antiseptics

Antiseptics are chemically synthesized antibacterial substances. Microorganisms practically do not develop resistance to them or resistance to them is insignificant.

Antiseptic agents are characterized by disinfecting properties, which usually manifest themselves in direct contact with the source of the inflammatory process, that is, with open wounds and superficial tissue lesions. Therefore, antiseptics are most often used:

  • in wound treatment;
  • for disinfection of medical instruments;
  • for disinfecting the hands of doctors and similar purposes.

Boric acid, all kinds of alcohols, phenolic compounds, iodine solutions, hydrogen peroxide, and complex synthetic substances are used as antiseptics.

Thus, antibiotics and antibacterial antiseptics are substances that differ in their pharmacological classification. However, at the level of everyday communication, outside the professional medical environment, these concepts are used interchangeably.

In accordance with this trend, in this article we will use the concepts “antibiotic”, “antibacterial substance”, “antimicrobial antiseptic” interchangeably.

Benzocaine throat spray

In some painkiller sprays with an antiseptic effect, the role of anesthetic is performed by another painkiller - benzocaine.

Septolete Plus

A combined antiseptic and local anesthetic throat spray containing benzocaine, Septolete Plus is designed to deal a decisive blow to bacteria, viruses or fungi that cause throat disease. Active ingredients:

  • antiseptic cetylpyridinium chloride monohydrate;
  • anesthetic benzocaine.

Auxiliary components - glycerol, peppermint oil, sodium saccharinate and others. The spray is indicated for the treatment of all of the above pathologies of the throat and oral cavity, one of the few that also has antiviral properties.

Features of use

A single press on the bottle's sprayer injects approximately 0.15 ml of the drug, and to obtain a therapeutic effect, a spray of 0.3 ml of the substance is required. One irrigation procedure requires 2 clicks on the spray device. For severe pain, it is permissible to use every 2 hours, but no more than 8 times a day. Duration of therapy is no more than 1 week. A new or long-unused bottle of medicine should be shaken before use and a certain amount of contents should be sprayed into the air until a uniform spray is formed.

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