How to use Pulmicort and Berodual together for inhalation

Bronchopulmonary pathologies include a number of diseases that may be accompanied by an obstructive component or obstruction. This phenomenon is a spasm of the bronchi. Sometimes the obstruction affects only the small bronchi, and the obstructive syndrome manifests itself only as minor difficulty breathing. When the medium and small bronchi are involved in the pathological process, this is a sign of severe obstruction that requires competent and serious treatment.

In bronchial asthma, obstruction is reversible, i.e. under the influence of bronchodilators, the bronchi expand, and the patient breathes freely.

In chronic obstructive bronchitis, the obstruction is almost irreversible.

By using bronchodilators, forced expiration can be improved by a maximum of 8–10% (this value is determined during spirometry).

Of course, all types of obstruction are subject to careful analysis. This is done in order to carry out all the necessary measures to improve the quality of life of patients. Our article will discuss the possibility of using Pulmicort with Berodual for inhalation.

These drugs have long been used in pulmonology to relieve bronchospasm, relieve inflammation, and eliminate an attack of suffocation. Competent therapy can reduce the frequency of potential exacerbations. When Pulmicort and Berodual are used sequentially, the effect of such therapy appears instantly, immediately after inhalation, the effect lasts up to 4 hours.

Both drugs complement each other, because have different composition, mechanism of action, and belong to different pharmacological groups. Berodual and Pulmicort are potent drugs, their prescription is carried out exclusively by a pulmonologist. In most cases, both solutions in the form of solutions are used for nebulizer therapy.

Now let's move on to a brief introduction to each drug separately.


Ipratropium bromide and fenoterol hydrobromide are the active components of Berodual, acting on the smooth muscles of the bronchi.
Due to their action, bronchospasm is relieved. The release form of Berodual for inhalation using a nebulizer is a solution (20 or 47 ml bottles with a dropper). 1 ml of solution contains 20 drops of berodual.


Berodual for inhalation is prescribed for the preventive or therapeutic treatment of bronchial asthma, laryngitis, laryngotracheobronchitis, chronic obstructive bronchitis and emphysema, as well as their combinations.
Long-term therapy of these pathologies is necessarily accompanied by anti-inflammatory correction, i.e. additional medications are prescribed.

Berodual is widely used in pediatrics. Until the age of six, special monitoring of treatment with Berodual and its analogues is required.


The drug is discontinued in case of intolerance to ipratropium bromide and fenoterol hydrobromide, as well as their excipients.

Also, the drug is not recommended for tachyarrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, and other pathologies.

Adverse reactions

In the official instructions, the list of possible “side effects” is quite impressive. Most often, the following negative symptoms were observed during the use of Berodual: tremor, cough, dry oral mucosa, tachycardia, nervousness, nausea, pharyngitis, and others.

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How to use it correctly

For proper irrigation of the upper respiratory tract, several rules should be followed:

  • maintain a calm sitting position when inhaling;
  • Gently shake the capsule with the suspension and open it, smoothly pouring the contents into the nebulizer container;
  • It is recommended to dilute the drug sodium with chlorine (saline) at the rate of 2 ml per 1 ml of pulmicort;
  • an open container can be stored for 12 hours until the next inhalation.

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After each procedure, all parts of the nebulizer that came into contact with the patient and the drug are washed in warm water.

For treatment

The drug is prescribed individually in accordance with medical indications. Liquid inhaler formulas are widely used in therapy. The adult dose in this case in the initial stages should not exceed 1-2 mg per day. Moreover, it can be administered once, and in large dosages it can be distributed into 2 doses. Maintenance dosage is from 0.5 to 4 mg per day.

For children over 6 months of age, the dose of medication is 0.25-0.5 mg per day, and the maintenance rate is 0.25-2 mg per day. The drug for inhalation is diluted with two milliliters of saline before use. Aerosol spraying using a nebulizer is considered more effective due to the low risk of systemic effects.

The diluted suspension retains its therapeutic effect for half an hour.

For prevention

The active ingredient of Pulmicort, budesonide, has shown high effectiveness in preventing bronchospasms and reducing the severity of symptoms. To do this, it is enough to prevent the patient with a drug 1-2 times a day. However, interaction with other drugs that inhibit the bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effects of Pulmicort should be taken into account.

Many patients are interested in whether pulmicort can be used for coronavirus, for example, for preventive purposes. Experts recommend improving the condition of the mucous membranes in various ways to increase local immunity, including using medications. But, first of all, it is necessary to comply with quarantine conditions in order to reduce the pace of development of the pandemic.


Budesonide is the active component of Pulmicort.
Release form – suspension for spraying (dosage 0.25 or 0.5 mg). Pulmicort is a glucocorticoid with a pronounced anti-inflammatory local effect.


Pulmicort is prescribed for laryngitis, laryngotracheobronchitis and bronchial asthma. Approved for use from six months of age.


The drug is not used in case of individual intolerance to the entire composition.

Possible negative reactions

Sometimes the following negative reactions occur with the use of budesonide: bronchospasm, candidiasis of the pharynx and oral cavity, hoarseness, cough, anxiety, and others.

Analogues of Pulmicort

Today there are similar drugs (analogues of Pulmicort), which are made on the same active ingredients, intended for inhalation and having an effective effect on the body:

  1. Budesonide (manufactured in Spain).
  2. Benacort (manufacturer Russia).
  3. Tafen Novolizer (manufacturer: Slovenia).
  4. Novopulmon E novolyzer (manufacturer Germany).
  5. Symbicort Turbuhaler (manufacturer: Sweden).

The above analogues are a worthy replacement for the drug Pulmicort. They can be used for similar symptoms and diseases, after consulting with your doctor. The doctor will prescribe the correct dosage and period of use, since these points are determined individually. If you need the most optimal and inexpensive analogue of Pulmicort, then you can use Benacort from a domestic manufacturer.

There are several forms of this drug:

  • capsules;
  • powder;
  • suspension;
  • solution for inhalation.

You can additionally list drugs that contain budesonide. These drugs differ in forms and, accordingly, indications for use.

We list these drugs:

  1. Buderin (nasal spray).
  2. Budekort (aerosol).
  3. Benarin (nasal drops).
  4. Budenofalk (capsules for oral administration).

Berodual and Pulmicort - what is the difference?

Let's start with pharmacological affiliation. Berodual is a bronchodilator, Pulmicort is a glucocorticosteroid.

Berodual quickly relieves bronchospasm by relaxing the smooth muscles of the bronchi and expanding the lumen of the respiratory system.

The product also has a weak anti-inflammatory effect.

Pulmicort, unlike Berodual, does not relieve bronchospasm. But budesonide has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiallergic properties. Budesonide eliminates swelling, increased production of pathogenic mucous secretions, and hyperreactivity of the respiratory system. Berodual has a more powerful effect, because it is used to eliminate asthma attacks.

Comparing the release form, it is easy to notice the advantage of berodual. In addition to the solution, it is available in the form of an inhaler, which can always be at hand for the patient. If there is a need to relieve an attack of bronchial asthma, Berodual will solve this problem.

Difference between drugs

In the vast majority of cases, pulmonologists recommend inhalations with Berodual and Pulmicort for those people who have one of the following diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • pneumonia of various etiologies;
  • laryngitis.

Instructions for use allow you to learn how therapy with these medications is carried out for various diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. This only applies to the use of special drugs - nebulizers. They allow medications to be delivered to the desired part of the respiratory system. This cannot be achieved with steam inhalations, since they do not allow the active substance to be dispersed into microns.

In order to ultimately understand what the differences between medications are, it is worth understanding how their mechanism of action occurs. First of all, it is worth noting that each of them belongs to its own independent pharmacological group. This is the answer to the question whether Berodual and Pulmicort can be used in one inhalation.

Important! A remedy such as Berodual is a bronchodilator that can significantly help in the fight against bronchospasms. Its main active ingredient is called Fenoterol Hydrobromide. It is what relieves acute paroxysmal obstructions well, while expanding the respiratory lumen and relieving muscle spasms. Among other things, this use of this drug helps reduce the level of inflammation.

Pulmicort for inhalation is used for completely different purposes. This is primarily due to the fact that this drug belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids. That is why its main effect is to reduce the inflammatory and allergic effects on the human body. This effect is based on the presence in the component composition of the medication of a substance such as Budesonide. It is this that can reduce swelling of the mucous membranes, reduce the degree of mucus secretion in the bronchioles, reduce the increased level of activity of the respiratory tract, and also prevent the frequent intensity of attacks.

Important! Berodual and Pulmicort cannot be used together in a nebulizer. They can be prescribed to children, despite the fact that the first drug is considered quite strong. This is their main advantage in the field of pediatrics.

Pulmicort or Berodual - which drug is better?

As for these two means, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer.
Each action has its own specificity, therefore, each of these means performs the task in its own way. Pulmicort and Berodual are used both individually and together (sequentially, one after the other).

Of course, there is also individual sensitivity. For example, if a drug causes significant adverse reactions, then for a particular patient it will be “bad”. You should also consider the dose and frequency of administration. If used incorrectly, adverse reactions may again occur, and the drug will be undeservedly included in the “bad” list.

Berodual and Pulmicort are two worthy drugs that can be combined in the combined treatment of bronchopulmonary pathologies with a tendency to bronchial spasms. The drugs in question combine well with antibacterial, expectorant, antitussive, antihistamine and other drugs.

When a complex treatment regimen is prescribed, it is important to strictly follow the dosage. In the first days of treatment, patients must pay attention to all negative symptoms that were not present before the prescribed medications.

For uncomplicated forms of the disease, doctors recommend prescribing monotherapy, and which is better to choose - Berodual or Pulmicort will tell you the symptoms of bronchopulmonary disease.

Inhalations with Berodual and Pulmicort significantly improve the patient's condition.

First, berodual “works” - it expands the bronchi and relieves spasms. Then pulmicort gets down to business.

It relieves tissue swelling, eliminates chains of allergic reactions, and relieves inflammation.

Consequently, experts do not single out one drug over another. Pulmicort performs some tasks, Berodual, respectively, performs others.

Despite this, the following statement is still often heard from patients, saying that berodual helps me more. This is not surprising, because... Berodual is a fast-acting drug, and Pulmicort is a cumulative drug that does not relieve bronchospasm attacks.

But, be that as it may, the maximum therapeutic effect in moderate and complicated disease is achieved precisely with the sequential use of Berodual and Pulmicort.

In what order should the inhalations be taken individually?

There is nothing difficult in remembering the order in which Berodual and Pulmicort are used. They start with a bronchodilator, followed by a glucocorticosteroid. It is not advisable to administer Pulmicort with Berodual simultaneously, even in different containers, since there is no mutual enhancement of the therapeutic effect.

In the treatment of respiratory canal pathology, it is correct to say not that inhalations with Berodual and Pulmicort are used simultaneously, but that the combination is used in a clear sequence.

What to breathe first?

As shown above, Berodual is first administered, since it is necessary to quickly eliminate the spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchial tree so that a larger amount of the drug reaches the surface of the mucous membrane.

The second stage is the introduction of Pulmicort. Glucocorticoid reduces the severity of inflammatory and allergic reactions, which contributes to a more rapid restoration of respiratory patency and the patient’s recovery.

A child, just like an adult, first needs to breathe Berodual. Regardless of the patient’s age, medications should be used in the sequence described above.

How soon should I take the next medicine?

The next common patient question is: how long after Pulmicort is administered after Berodual. Regardless of the dosage: usually an interval of 20-25 minutes is sufficient to move on to the next inhalation. Berodual is already beginning to act, its biological effect can and should be supplemented with Pulmicort.

Compressor inhaler

When is the combined use of Pulmicort and Berodual justified?

Together, these drugs are used for laryngitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, and other pathologies accompanied by severe obstruction.
Patients often ask: “Is it possible to mix Pulmicort and Berodual before filling the nebulizer?”

The answer is simple: sequential use of these drugs is recommended. The compatibility of these funds, when used consistently, has been proven, both scientifically and practically.

Despite the good tolerability of the drugs in question, the required dosage for a particular patient is determined only by a doctor. The combined action of Berodual and Pulmicort has a double effect. Bronchospasm, inflammation and other negative symptoms are quickly eliminated.

In some cases, the combined use of these solutions (literally two or three inhalations) can also be used for other bronchopulmonary pathologies in which obstructive disorders are not observed.

For example, when a patient has viscous sputum “sitting” in the bronchi, and against this background there are problems with breathing, but there are no functional or organic disorders during diagnosis. Here, again, we should not forget that only the doctor decides the appropriateness of such prescriptions.

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Bottom line

Inhalations with Pulmicort or Berodual for children and adults are done with one dosed composition. For example, to 2 ml of Berodual, 2 mo of saline solution is added. Pulmicort is diluted in the same way (2 ml of medicine and 2 ml of saline solution).

A more accurate determination of the dosage is calculated by the attending physician; you need to pay special attention to inhalations of Berodual and Pulmicort for children. Each case is considered individually. The main aspect of using both drugs is maintaining time between procedures. The therapeutic effect after inhalation treatment is noticeable almost immediately. Patients note an improvement in their health, and disturbing symptoms are eliminated.

If patients follow all the rules and recommendations during the treatment of the pathological process, then recovery occurs very quickly.

Inhalations using Berodual and Pulmicort, how to perform?

First, let's determine the sequence, which drug will come first.
To obtain maximum effect, first inhale with Berodual.

Thanks to the bronchodilator effect of this drug, the respiratory system is, as it were, prepared for taking other medications.

No earlier than 30 minutes later, it is recommended to carry out a second inhalation of a glucocorticoid, in our case pulmicort. Before starting inhalation, solutions should be properly prepared. A cheap solution is used as a solvent - saline solution (9% sodium chloride solution). It can be purchased at any pharmacy in ampoules or bottles.

The dose for each patient is strictly individual. If we consider the most common dosages, the following mixture is used: 2 ml of Berodual or Pulmicort solution is mixed with 2 ml of saline solution.

In pediatrics, doses and dilution proportions depend on the age and body weight of the child.
For the youngest patients, for one inhalation, it is recommended to use a dilution in a ratio of 1:2, where 1 is the medicinal substance.

In some cases, Berodual is used up to six months of age. Then the calculation of the drug is based on 1 drop of Berodual per 2 kg of baby’s weight. Under medical supervision, this dose may be increased (for emergency cases only). Berodual is diluted with 2-3 drops of saline solution.

The inhalation time ranges from 4 to 10 minutes. The duration of the procedure depends on the patient’s age, individual tolerance, and doctor’s prescription. The number of inhalations per day should not exceed more than four procedures.

Important! Patients should be aware that a mixture of Berodual and Pulmicort may increase the risk of possible adverse reactions. Sometimes there is a sharp drop in blood glucose (hypoglycemia). This condition is life-threatening for the patient. Therefore, during treatment, patients are required to strictly observe the interval between inhalation of Berodual and Pulmicort (30–60 minutes).

Carrying out the procedure

Very often, patients are interested in the question of whether it is possible to mix Pulmicort and Berodual in inhalations. Doctors warn patients about adhering to the sequence of drug use. Pulmicort and Berodual are not used simultaneously for inhalation, since the procedure will not have the expected effectiveness.

Important! Between sessions of two medicinal compositions there should be a break of about an hour, but no less.

The usual dosage of maintaining the proportions is 2 ml of the drug and 2 ml of saline solution.

The dosage for children is always different from that for adults; prescriptions are carried out on an individual basis.

Inhalations are carried out up to four times a day. The duration of sessions is from 3 to 10 minutes. This is due to the patient’s age, body weight, and the severity of the pathological process. There is no difference in which drug to use first. The main thing is to maintain an hour interval between procedures.

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