Should I take Stodal for cough?


Stodal syrup is a homeopathic medicine that contains a number of active substances. The composition of the drug is as follows: Pulsatilla , Bryonia , Rumex Crispus , Ipecac , Coccus cacti , Spongia toasta , Stikta pulmonaria , Antimonium tartaricum , Drosera .
Stodal also contains additional substances: Tolu syrup, Polygal syrup, sucrose syrup, caramel, benzoic acid, ethanol 96%.

Stodal cough syrup for children - application, instructions

The main rule for the safe use of any drug is compliance with the instructions and supervision of therapy by an experienced doctor. Stodal syrup is a homeopathic cough remedy, so it rarely causes side effects and has a minimal list of contraindications. But even such a relatively safe medicine must be approved by a pediatrician if used to combat dry spasms in a child.

pharmachologic effect

Stodal is a complex homeopathic remedy, which contains mainly herbal components as active ingredients. Considering that the product contains a large number of components, Stodal has a positive effect on the body for all types of cough.

Under the influence of the drug, a dry cough gradually turns into a wet one. The drug has an expectorant, bronchodilator effect. The Bryonia component helps reduce the viscosity of sputum and dilute it. As a result, the airways are gradually cleared.

The components Rumex Crispus and Pulsatilla are an effective cough suppressant if the patient is bothered by a dry spasmodic cough. Under their influence, the urge to cough decreases.

The components Spongia toast and Ipecac contain alkaloids that effectively reduce the manifestations of bronchospasm in the patient.

Stykta pulmonaria is effective in the treatment of debilitating cough, in which the patient also experiences other symptoms ( headache , sneezing

tearfulness ).
Antimonium tartaricum effectively relieves cough in children; this component is also indicated for lung diseases that develop against the background of severe drowsiness.

Coccus kakti eliminates chronic manifestations of cough, which, as a rule, worsens in the cold season, and which produces copious mucus.

Indications for use

Dry and wet cough

Indication for use is dry or wet cough in children and adults. The syrup softens the throat, relieves sensations of irritation, itching, and inflammation.

Many parents use it to treat their children without consulting a doctor. Stodal for cough can be taken if there are no other cold symptoms. If you have a runny nose, fever and other signs of illness, it is better to consult a doctor for comprehensive treatment of the patient. The natural composition of the drug guarantees safety for the child’s body, as well as good compatibility with other medications.

special instructions

If, when taking Stodal syrup, the patient does not notice an improvement in the condition for several days, it is necessary to additionally consult a doctor. People who suffer from diabetes should take into account that one tablespoon of the product contains 0.94 XE. During the treatment process, it follows that one tablespoon of the product contains 206 mg of ethanol.

Taking syrup does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or operate precision machinery.

With caution, Stodal is prescribed to people who have alcohol dependence, as well as liver dysfunction and epilepsy .

Side effects, overdose and contraindications

To exclude the negative effect of the drug on the body, you need to consult with your doctor about the possibility of taking it, since the medicine has contraindications:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the syrup;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • history of alcohol dependence treatment.

Patients with diabetes need to take the medicine very carefully. The risk group also includes people who suffer from epilepsy, alcoholism or liver disease.

In case of overdose, the patient needs to rinse the stomach, give activated carbon or other enterosorbents and adjust the drinking regime.

Like any medicine, syrup may have side effects, but there is no information about them yet. Persons with high sensitivity to the active ingredients of the drug may experience allergic skin reactions. If unpleasant symptoms occur, you should stop taking it and consult a specialist.

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Stodal during pregnancy and lactation

Stodal is prescribed with caution during pregnancy and lactation. This drug can only be used with clear recommendations from your doctor. When prescribing Stodal syrup during pregnancy, the specialist must take into account that it contains ethanol . Therefore, in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, it is undesirable to practice prolonged treatment with syrup. In addition, in later stages (2nd trimester, 3rd trimester), as a result of taking this multicomponent drug, a woman may develop unwanted allergic reactions.

However, reviews of Stodal during pregnancy indicate that treatment with the drug significantly alleviates the symptoms of cough. But the doctor must prescribe the dosage to the expectant mother on an individual basis.

Stodal for cough for children, analogues

The unique composition of Stodal has no analogues similar in components, but for a lower cost it is quite possible to purchase products that have the same effect as the syrup and have many common characteristics. The manufacturer of the drug is France, but there are drugs from domestic manufacturers that are no worse.

If Stodal for cough for children has not managed to cope with the disease, you can choose analogues (or rather, similar remedies) yourself or ask a doctor for advice. The French drug can be replaced with the following medications:

  1. Pulsatilla compositum;
  2. Barberry Comp;
  3. Sinecode syrup;
  4. Ambroxol;
  5. Suprima broncho;
  6. Erespal;
  7. Bromhexine.

Each of these syrups has a lot in common, but there are also differences, especially in dosage, duration of use, features of use, and indications for different age categories. To avoid mistakes in treating a child, you need to study the instructions carefully, or even better, go to the doctor and ask about the features of the chosen medicine.

Some drugs are not recommended for complex therapy. This issue should also be discussed with your doctor. If necessary, you can temporarily abandon the pre-prescribed course of treatment and take only an antitussive medicine.

Stodal for cough for children is expensive, but, as reviews from parents indicate, it is a very effective and safe medicine for children. There is no need to save on children's health; purchasing a French product is one of the rare cases when the quality fully corresponds to the price. You can learn more about treatment with different drugs on the forum or share your opinion there.

Reviews of Stodal

There are different reviews about Stodal syrup - both positive and indicating the lack of effect from treatment with the drug. Parents who used Stodal syrup for children left mostly positive reviews of the drug. There are no reports of any side effects. When using the syrup for children, the product helps eliminate a painful cough after a few days. Patients indicate that a quick effect on the body should not be expected with this treatment, since relief of the condition is observed after a relatively long period of taking the medicine. For those who note that this cough syrup did not have the expected effect, analogues of the product were selected.

Stodal for cough for children, analogues

The unique composition of Stodal has no analogues similar in components, but for a lower cost it is quite possible to purchase products that have the same effect as the syrup and have many common characteristics. The manufacturer of the drug is France, but there are drugs from domestic manufacturers that are no worse.

If Stodal for cough for children has not managed to cope with the disease, you can choose analogues (or rather, similar remedies) yourself or ask a doctor for advice. The French drug can be replaced with the following medications:

  1. Pulsatilla compositum;
  2. Barberry Comp;
  3. Sinecode syrup;
  4. Ambroxol;
  5. Suprima broncho;
  6. Erespal;
  7. Bromhexine.

Each of these syrups has a lot in common, but there are also differences, especially in dosage, duration of use, features of use, and indications for different age categories. To avoid mistakes in treating a child, you need to study the instructions carefully, or even better, go to the doctor and ask about the features of the chosen medicine.

Some drugs are not recommended for complex therapy. This issue should also be discussed with your doctor. If necessary, you can temporarily abandon the pre-prescribed course of treatment and take only an antitussive medicine.

Stodal for cough for children is expensive, but, as reviews from parents indicate, it is a very effective and safe medicine for children. There is no need to save on children's health; purchasing a French product is one of the rare cases when the quality fully corresponds to the price. You can learn more about treatment with different drugs on the forum or share your opinion there.

Stodal price, where to buy

The price of Stodal syrup averages 200-230 rubles per 200 ml bottle.

In Ukraine, cough syrup can be bought for 70-80 hryvnia.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


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Stodal for children: reviews

I would thank the producers. In general, my daughter is strong and rarely gets sick. However, when I started attending kindergarten, all sorts of sores sometimes began to cling to me. For example, just recently she started coughing. I didn’t find any runny nose or fever. Therefore, we did not go to see a therapist, but went to the pharmacy. There they advised us an excellent homeopathic remedy. We took it one teaspoon three times a day for five days. Everything is over. The child is no longer sick. Elena, 37 years old

My two year old son was a little sick. The doctor prescribed a different syrup. But it was not in our pharmacy. The pharmacist offered several options to choose from, we took Stodal. Not a bad remedy. It had to be given three times a day, but we mostly gave it 2 times. At the same time, they were cured in 4 days. The cough, by the way, was dry. But the drug is also suitable for wet conditions. My son didn’t wince when I gave him the medicine. Although he makes a dissatisfied grimace at almost everything. Peter, 31 years old

I gave this drug to my one year old baby. Everything is fine. There are no side effects. We were cured within a week. It became easier on the second day and every day his condition improved. Before giving the syrup to my child, I tried it myself. The drug tastes good. The smell is also not disgusting. In terms of cost, I think it’s not expensive. Although there are cheaper ones, they are bitter, children wince and cry when they eat them. We were sick for the fourth time in a year, I have something to compare with. Evgeniya, 27 years old

My daughter is one and a half years old. I started to suffer from a dry cough. A doctor friend of mine said that Stodal is suitable for children over one year old. Local therapists do not prescribe such syrups, since they are homeopathic. On the contrary, I prefer medications of this nature. Gave it according to instructions. One teaspoon three to five times a day. Less than a week passed before we recovered. I treated myself with it later. Adults need a larger dose. The remedy helped me in 5 days. Allah, 35 years old

The drug didn't help us at all. Not me, not my husband, not my child. Maybe it was getting a little easier. However, recovery never happened. I didn’t throw away the medicine. We started adding it to inhalations. Then I also noticed some effect from its use. That being said, my family and I will not recommend it to our friends and family. Buying it is throwing money away. And not small ones, in my opinion. If such a remedy helped someone, then it seems to me that self-hypnosis plays more of a role here. Tatyana, 42 years old

Directions for use and dosage

It is recommended to carefully adhere to the instructions established in the instructions regarding the dosage regimen of the drug, since the components contained in the homeopathic remedy are extremely dangerous if used incorrectly. Stodal is taken orally, that is, by swallowing the syrup. For adults, the dosage of the drug is fifteen milliliters of syrup at a time, taken every eight hours.

It is permissible to increase the dose of the drug to five per day. For children, the single dose should be reduced to five milligrams of syrup. The dosage regimen is convenient to follow thanks to the measuring cap with divisions on it. The course of treatment and its duration are determined by the doctor depending on the symptoms of the disease and how they will manifest themselves during the course of the disease.

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