Otrivin for pregnant women is possible or not

Features of the medicine

The active ingredient of Otrivin is xylometazoline. It does not irritate the mucous membranes, but in a short time it helps eliminate all the troubles associated with nasal congestion and other manifestations of rhinitis. The effect of the drug lasts for 8 hours.

Partial elements of the medicine enter the bloodstream, but this is not contraindicated even for children. Moreover, a drug with a lower concentration of the active substance is produced for children. This is Otrivin 0.05%. These drops can be used from one year onwards. While for adults Otrivin 0.1% is used.

In addition to the active ingredient, Otrivin contains good moisturizers. They prevent dry mucous membranes, as well as frequent symptoms of a runny nose:

  • Burning sensation;
  • Itching in the sinuses.

Manufacturers produce varieties of Otrivin with essential oils of eucalyptus tree and mint extract. This drug has a targeted effect on the mucous membranes, giving a cooling effect. Its duration of action is at least 12 hours.

Otrivin for children during pregnancy

Otrivin for children is a nasal spray for the effective treatment of a runny nose. The drug is colorless and odorless, but has a bitter taste, which is clearly felt when the active ingredients pass through the nasopharynx. It is sold in any pharmacy and is often used for other purposes.

Thus, some expectant mothers believe that with the help of Otrivin for children they can fight a runny nose during the gestational period. At the same time, they refer to the fact that the medicine is indicated for use in young children. But is it worth treating with this nasal spray while pregnant?

Otrivin for children in various trimesters of pregnancy

The annotation for the nasal spray states that it can be used during pregnancy in exceptional cases, that is, if the potential benefit to the mother outweighs the likely risk to the fetus. However, there is no indication of the admissibility of therapy in different trimesters of gestation. It is prohibited to exceed the dosage prescribed in the instructions. In any case, only a specialist can assess the possibility of using the drug.

Why is it undesirable for expectant mothers to use Otrivin for children? The fact is that the active component of the drug constricts blood vessels, thereby making breathing easier. The use of any vasoconstrictors during pregnancy is not recommended, since the substances contained in them penetrate the placental barrier and can cause disruption of blood flow, leading to intrauterine hypoxia and pathologies of fetal development.

In addition, nasal sprays that act like Otrivin for children can cause addiction, as well as nosebleeds, so some doctors do not recommend using them in any trimester of gestation for more than 5 days in a row. By the way, expectant mothers become accustomed to many drugs that relieve the runny nose faster than ordinary people. Another argument against the use of vasoconstrictor drops during pregnancy is the fact that they dry out the nasal mucosa.

At the same time, sinus congestion in various trimesters of pregnancy poses a serious threat to the woman and her baby. A hormonal runny nose does not pose any danger to the health and development of the child, but an advanced cold symptom can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus and the development of hypertension in the mother. This is why nasal congestion caused by respiratory diseases cannot be ignored.

Otrivin during pregnancy: indications and contraindications

The drug is available in 10 ml bottles with different concentrations of the active substance (0.05% and 1%). The spray contains auxiliary components: water, benzalkonium chloride, disodium edetate, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, and its active substance is xylometazoline.

Otrivin for children promotes vasoconstriction, which facilitates nasal breathing. In addition, it has an anti-congestive effect, that is, it helps relieve swelling of the nasal cavity. Thanks to the double action, a runny nose goes away very quickly, and breathing becomes much easier.

Indications for the use of nasal spray are:

  • The spray is used in preparation for rhinoscopy
    ; preparation for rhinoscopy;
  • complex therapy for otitis media;
  • insufficient secretion in case of diseases of the paranasal sinuses;
  • hay fever;
  • sinusitis;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • hay fever;
  • Eustachitis.

Otrivin for children should not be used if you are hypersensitive to its components. In addition, you should refrain from using the drug if you have the following diseases and pathologies:

  • glaucoma;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • increased heart rate;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • obvious atherosclerosis;
  • diabetes.

Side effects and contraindications to the use of the drug

If the patient suffers from diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, excessive sensitivity to adrenergic medications, dizziness, difficulty falling asleep, tremor, arrhythmia, then Otrivin for children is prescribed with caution.

Diabetes is a contraindication to the use of Otrivin

The drug should not be used frequently and for a long time, as this is fraught with side effects, for example, allergic reactions (burning, tingling in the sinuses), hypersecretion, dryness of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and its swelling. The following may appear: nausea, arrhythmia, hypertension, difficulty falling asleep, vomiting, lack of clarity of vision, migraine, depression, increased heart rate.

It is not advisable to exceed the dosage prescribed in the instructions. Otherwise, side effects from the use of the drug may increase (heart rate, blood pressure increase), and confusion may occur. In case of overdose, symptomatic treatment should be carried out.

The maximum duration of therapy is 1.5 weeks. It is prohibited to combine nasal spray with MAO inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants.

Otrivin for children: rules of use

Before using Otrivin for children, you must thoroughly clean your nasal passages using an aspirator to remove mucus. Otherwise, the nasal spray will not have the desired effect. An aspirator can be used to prepare for drug therapy.

Treatment with Otrivin for children cannot be carried out at your own discretion. For babies under 1 year of age, the doctor prescribes the drug in a minimum dosage of 1 or 2 drops per day. The use of a nasal spray for children from 1 to 6 years of age is allowed after medical consultation in the amount of: 2 drops in each nasal passage 1-2 times a day.

Usually, side effects occur with prolonged or too frequent use of Otrivin for children, so you should not irrigate the nasal mucosa more than 3 times a day. A runny nose in children over 6 years of age and adults can be treated with a 0.1% spray. The maximum dosage of the drug is: 1-3 drops in each nasal passage, but no more than 4 times a day. For the treatment of infants, it is recommended to use a spray of 0.05% (one injection into each nasal passage 1-2 times every 24 hours).

An alternative to the drug in various trimesters of pregnancy

It turns out that there are other means to combat the runny nose in different trimesters of gestation. They can be used without fear of harm to the fetus. These preparations include sea water and ionized saline solution, which are excellent for nasal congestion, but do not eliminate the causative agents of the disease (viruses and bacteria).

Aqualor as an alternative to Otrivin

During pregnancy, AquaMaris can be used to moisturize the nasal mucosa (according to indications). The medicine is based on the water of the Adriatic Sea. It helps get rid of pathogenic microorganisms in the nasal passages and makes breathing easier.

A popular remedy for the treatment of runny nose is Aqualor, which contains purified sea water from the Atlantic Ocean. Due to its use, the nasal mucosa is moisturized. The drug is an antiseptic and does not cause allergies. It is recommended to be used for preventive purposes.

Salin drops, based on ionized salt water, help normalize breathing and moisturize the nasal mucosa. They can be used after prior medical consultation. Under the influence of the drug, the swelling of the nasal sinuses decreases and the composition of the discharge from them is normalized.

Thus, therapy with otrivin in various trimesters of pregnancy is allowed, but only in exceptional cases. There are many other drugs approved for use during the gestational period. However, self-medication is not recommended for expectant mothers. Before using any nasal drops, you should always consult your doctor.


When are drops prescribed?

Very often, with a cold or runny nose, patients spend a long time choosing what to put in their nose. There is no point in refusing Otrivin. Its effect is quite long-lasting, it works not only on the common cold, but also relieves the symptoms of more serious diseases. Among them:

  1. Allergic reactions to the flowering of harmful plants (quinoa, ragweed).
  2. Hay fever.
  3. Sinusitis.
  4. Otitis with and without nasal congestion. Drops are needed to eliminate swelling of the nasopharynx.
  5. Otrivin can be used before procedures for examining the nasal passages.
  6. Deviation of the nasal septum to relieve existing swelling and facilitate breathing.

Otrivin drops are prescribed by an ENT doctor. A therapist (pediatrician) can also do this.

Alternative nasal medications

Otrivin is available in the following forms:

  • Otrivin spray or drops for adults;
  • Otrivin spray for children differs from adults in its reduced content of active substance;
  • Otrivin spray with menthol, eucalyptus;
  • spray Otrivin Extra (or Otrivin Complex);
  • spray Otrivin More Eco;
  • spray Otrivin More Forte.

You can choose from different options for drops or sprays, the one that will cause less harm to the body of a pregnant woman.

  • In all varieties of Otrivin except Otrivin-more and Otrivin more-forte, the active drug is xylometazoline hydrochloride; in children's Otrivin it is only 0.05%.
  • Otrivin with menthol, eucalyptus contains menthol and eucalyptus, respectively, which help narrow the capillaries and reduce nasal swelling.
  • Otrivin Extra (or Otrivin Complex) additionally contains ipratropium bromide. Strengthened medications should be avoided during pregnancy.
  • Otrivin Sea Eco spray does not contain xylometozoline as an active ingredient, but sea water (hypertonic solution) and is used for irrigation, rinsing the nose, is not addictive, it is better than other types of Otrivin and is suitable for pregnant women and infants.
  • The Otrivin More Forte spray additionally contains eucalyptus essential oil, menthol, sorbitol, arlasilk, polylysine (moisturizing formula). Pregnant women are better off using less complex dosage forms; essential oils can cause allergic reactions.

Otrivin, like other vasoconstrictors, is used for:

  1. Relief of symptoms of colds accompanied by nasal congestion, as well as sinusitis, hay fever, allergic rhinitis.
  2. In the treatment of otitis media as part of complex therapy.
  3. For diseases of the paranasal sinuses.
  4. When performing rhinoscopy and other ENT procedures.

A pregnant woman may need to treat sinusitis in a timely manner so as not to lead to sinusitis, or to alleviate her condition with an allergic rhinitis.

To reduce the risk to the developing fetus, doctors are seeking to prescribe safer medications for the common cold (Table 2). Table 2 - Cold medicines recommended during pregnancy

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Name (active substance)IndicationsContraindications
Aqua Maris (sea water)Rhinitis, infection prevention, adenoidsIndividual intolerance
Salin (sodium chloride solution)Rhinitis – atrophic, infectious, allergic, constant dryness of the nose, postoperative periodEdema of the brain or lungs, renal or heart failure, decreased potassium concentration, excess chlorine levels
Pinosol (oils – Scots pine, eucalyptus, peppermint, α-tocopherol acetate, guaiazulene)Rhinitis - acute, chronic atrophic, increased dryness of the nasal mucous surfaces due to the development of inflammatory processesAllergic rhinitis, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug

The prescription of any type of nasal medication during pregnancy is preceded by an analysis of all possible consequences. Only if there is no danger to the fetus, the doctor gives permission to use the effective vasoconstrictor drug Otrivin. In other situations, he will recommend safer analogues.

When the drug is not prescribed

Most often, no problems arise when using Otrivin. But in 1% of a thousand cases, the drug can still cause an allergy. Reactions usually occur to the components of the drug.

The use of drops is contraindicated for:

  • high blood pressure;
  • disorders of the cardiac system;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • recent brain surgery.

The drug is available separately in pediatric and adult dosages. It is necessary to pay very close attention to this fact and use Otrivin in accordance with the doctor’s prescriptions. Only in this case the risks of side effects are reduced to zero.

There are diseases for which drops can be used, but with caution, under the strict supervision of the treating specialist. These are diabetes, tachycardia, prostate hyperplasia. The same applies to people experiencing nervous disorders, insomnia, and dizziness.

Otrivin should not be used by asthmatics, as well as by patients who experience immediate allergic reactions to any drugs, expressed in the form of swelling, rash, and urticaria. Only a doctor has the right to recommend and give valuable advice on the use of drops, since a specialist can adequately assess the patient’s condition, weighing all the pros and cons of using Otrivin.


, continuous recording and analysis of data that allows obtaining quantitative economic information about the activities of business and other organizations. Decision makers inside and outside the organization use such information to evaluate the organization's performance, efficiency in the use of resources, and prospects for revenues and payments. Accounting information is needed to make countless, wide-ranging decisions. Based on such information, managers evaluate and control the current activities of enterprises, develop strategic plans, weigh production programs and compare alternative prices. When evaluating investment and lending opportunities, investors and lenders also rely on the information contained in the financial statements. Finally, accounting information is used by various regulatory agencies and other government agencies in their control over the day-to-day activities of organizations and the assessment of taxes.


The practice of accounting can be traced back to ancient times; managed to find “accounting books” dating back to 3500 BC. In Babylonia and Sumer, scribes were responsible for recording trade transactions by recording the details of transactions on clay tablets.

Although the invention of paper and the transition to a commodity-money economy greatly facilitated the recording of transactions, accounting practices in the Middle Ages underwent little change. In the collection of taxes and fees and in the management of estates during the era of feudalism, various accounting methods were used. In addition, the economic records of the estate were periodically reviewed by the master or a person specially appointed by him, which led to the development of the practice of audits as a method of monitoring the activities of estate managers. The main objectives of accounting were to ensure the safety and regular reconciliation of assets. No attempt was made to measure income or calculate the efficiency of productive use of assets.

Historians consider the invention of the double entry method to be a turning point in the development of accounting. The oldest documents showing widespread use of the double entry method in accounting date back to 1340 and were compiled by the treasurers of Genoa. The method itself was described in detail in 1494 by the Italian scientist Luca Pacioli, who is often called the father of double-entry accounting.

The entire double entry system is based on a simple equation according to which the assets (economic resources) (A) of an organization are equal to the sum of its liabilities (debts) (O) and the owners' equity (K), i.e. A = O + K. The equation shows that the enterprise's resources come from two sources: from creditors and from the owners of the enterprise. If we present this equation in the form K = A - O, it will show that the owners' share in the capital of the enterprise is equal to the assets of the enterprise minus the claims on these assets. Therefore, it is customary to say that the owner has a “residual interest” in the assets of the enterprise.

Double-entry accounting assumes that in order to maintain balance, changes in any one item must be offset by an equal change in another item (or an equal and opposite change in the same item). This method has two advantages. Firstly, it makes it possible to check the accuracy of the accounting, since after each accounting entry the balance between assets and liabilities must be maintained. Secondly, and more importantly, separate recording of income and expenses as temporary elements that change the equity capital of the owners of the enterprise during a certain period allows us to establish the amount of profit or loss for a given period. Thus, the role of accounting is no longer limited to ensuring the safety and reconciliation of assets entrusted to the agent. Accounting has become a means of determining the efficiency of economic activity.


There is a significant difference between accounting and book keeping. Bookkeeping generally refers to the actual process of recording business transactions, either manually or using computer systems. Accounting is a much more complex function, the implementation of which requires both thorough special training and the ability to make professional assessments. Accounting covers all aspects of information provision, from the development of a data collection system to the analysis and interpretation of the results obtained.


Accounting can be divided into several types, each of which requires special knowledge and is regulated by special rules, and the people involved in it are united in special professional associations. These varieties are: 1) financial accounting, 2) management accounting, 3) tax accounting and 4) auditing. Of these, financial accounting is of greatest importance, since all other types of accounting activities are based on the principles and concepts used in financial accounting.

Financial Accounting

This is information about current expenses in the main areas of these expenses, the company’s income, the state of receivables and payables, the size of financial investments and income from them, the state of sources of financing, etc.

Designed to provide information to interested parties external to the enterprise. Those who use financial accounting data include actual and potential investors, creditors, government agencies, employees and competitors. Because the information obtained through financial accounting is intended for people who do not have access to detailed information about the resources and operations of an enterprise, the practice of financial accounting has some fundamental principles and rules that guarantee objectivity, verifiability and impartiality.

Accounting results are communicated to users in the form of a basic financial report, which is usually part of the enterprise's annual report to shareholders and is often supplemented by a report from the company's president, a management analysis of the enterprise's activities and prospects, and a financial audit report.

A financial statement usually includes: 1) a balance sheet, 2) a profit and loss account, 3) a cash flow account. Each element differently reflects the functioning and financial condition of the organization. Studying them together and taking into account the notes that usually accompany the reports and complement the information presented in them, allows you to extract information that helps stakeholders assess the financial position and performance of the enterprise. To facilitate comparisons, data for the previous year should be presented in reports along with current year information. Public companies are required to present profit and loss accounts and cash flow accounts for the current and two preceding years and a balance sheet for the current and preceding years.

The balance sheet contains information about the volume and structure of the company's assets, liabilities and capital at a certain point in time. As a rule, assets are ordered by the degree of their liquidity and are divided into two categories - current (current) and fixed assets. Current assets include those resources that must be converted into cash or fully consumed within the next accounting period. Liabilities (obligations) are usually grouped according to the timing of their payment and are also divided into two categories - current and long-term. It is expected that current liabilities will be paid before the end of the upcoming reporting period.

The capital structure depends on the type of business organization. Sole proprietorships and partnerships record the owners' capital on the balance sheet. The equity capital of corporations usually consists of two main components: invested, or paid-in, share capital - the amount received from the sale of shares; and retained earnings, i.e. the total accumulated profit received by the enterprise over the entire period of its existence, minus the amount of dividends distributed to shareholders.

The profit and loss account summarizes the results of the main business activities of an organization for a certain period of time. It provides data on income, expenses, profits and losses, on the basis of which net profit (or loss) for the reporting period is calculated. Income includes an increase in the value of assets or a decrease in the value of liabilities as a result of the supply or production of goods, the provision of services or other actions that are part of the main economic activities of the organization. Expenses respectively mean a decrease in the value of assets or an increase in the value of liabilities as a result of this activity. Profits and losses are changes in the value of assets and liabilities caused by transactions and events outside the scope of the organization's primary business activities. The information presented in the profit and loss account is intended not only to evaluate the past performance of the enterprise, but also to predict its future results.

The cash flow account is intended to serve two purposes. The main task is to explain the reasons for the increase or decrease in the amount of funds of the enterprise over a certain period of time. To solve this problem, the main sources of funds and items of their expenditure are indicated, indicating the corresponding amounts for the reporting period. Specific receipts and payments are classified into different categories depending on whether they are related to the main business, investing or financing activities, and through this the account serves its second purpose - it provides an opportunity to judge the impact of each of the activities on the cash flow of the enterprise . Accordingly, the account allows you to assess the liquidity and solvency of the enterprise, as well as its ability to cover unexpected expenses and take advantage of unexpected opportunities.

Accounting Standards.

The set of rules that govern the accounting of business transactions and the preparation of financial statements is called “generally accepted accounting principles” (GAAP – Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the United States. These principles determine when and how income, expenses, assets and liabilities should be accounted for and how they should be measured or valued. In addition, they establish the form and content of notes (explanations) to the main financial statements. These principles include both the formal provisions and standards established by the authorities that have the power to impose financial reporting requirements, as well as certain accounting rules that have become generally accepted over time.

Various private and public organizations take part in the development and implementation of accounting standards in the United States. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), an independent federal agency created in 1934, oversees companies whose securities are listed on stock exchanges. Companies subject to the jurisdiction of the Securities and Exchange Commission are required to file registrations for new issues of securities and periodically file certain reports, including quarterly and annual audited financial statements. Although the Securities and Exchange Commission has the power to set accounting and reporting rules for companies listed on the country's official exchanges, it has traditionally delegated this function to the private sector. In the mid-1990s, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), a non-profit, independent organization, assumed responsibility for developing new rules. The council, to which experienced accountants from industry and specialists from academic institutions are elected for a five-year term, is greatly assisted by expert panels on specific issues.

Management Accounting.

An orderly system for identifying, measuring, collecting, recording, interpreting, summarizing, preparing and providing information and indicators important for making decisions on the organization’s activities for the management level of the organization (internal users - managers). The main task of management accounting is to answer the question of what state the organization is in and how it is necessary to distribute available resources in order to increase operational efficiency.

The purpose of such accounting is to obtain the information necessary for managers in the process of planning, assessing the activities of the enterprise and controlling it. Managers' requirements for information differ significantly from those of external users. Managers need much more detailed and up-to-date information than what is contained in financial statements - information necessary to make certain management decisions. There are no generally accepted principles and rules of management accounting. The content and quantity of information provided directly depends only on the cost of obtaining it and the benefits (in the sense of improving the decision-making process) that it brings. The most common uses of management accounting data are in setting prices for goods and services, selecting production strategies, evaluating alternative investments in fixed assets such as plant and equipment, and evaluating the performance of individual product lines and divisions and accepting relevant decisions, for example, to discontinue production of goods in one of the lines or to close a division.

Tax accounting.

Tax accountants assist individuals and corporations in completing a variety of tax forms and returns for federal and local tax authorities. In addition, tax accountants often advise clients on methods to legally reduce taxes. Although tax accounting is generally based on information that is collected for financial and management accounting purposes, tax requirements often require the use of specific calculations and information. In the United States, tax accountants are required to have detailed knowledge of the US Internal Revenue Code as well as state tax laws.

Accounting in government and non-profit (non-profit) organizations.

Although the activities of such organizations are not aimed at making a profit, financial reporting is no less important for them than for private entrepreneurs. However, the specific characteristics, goals and objectives of state and non-profit organizations determine a number of significant differences in their financial reporting systems. First of all, decisions made here are assessed in the light of certain social or political objectives and constraints. As a result, the financial reporting of government and non-profit organizations concentrates on the receipt and expenditure of funds and on the compliance of the organization's activities with the requirements and restrictions established by law.

In the United States, the organization empowered to set financial reporting standards for state and local governments is the Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB); Standards for other not-for-profit organizations are set by its counterpart, the Financial Accounting Standards Board.


This is what is called checking an organization’s reporting. Audit can be divided into independent and internal. The purpose of an independent audit is to confirm the reliability of the financial statements presented by the organization and their compliance with generally accepted accounting principles. After assessing the quality of the information system for obtaining reporting data and selectively checking individual amounts and information, the independent auditor expresses his professional opinion on the financial statements presented. In the USA, the procedure for auditing financial statements (Generally Accepted Auditing Standards) was developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

Some companies or organizations employ internal auditors. Their responsibilities include ensuring that the organization's data collection and asset protection practices comply with government regulations. In the course of their work, the internal auditor uses many of the techniques of independent auditors, and independent auditors often rely on work done by internal auditors.



  • krugosvet.ru - accounting;
  • uchet24.ru - financial accounting;
  • ru.wikipedia.org - management accounting.

How to use for pregnant women

No matter how safe the vasoconstrictor drug is, if it is necessary to eliminate a runny nose in an expectant mother or a nursing mother, Otrivin is contraindicated. Sometimes doctors confidently prescribe this drug. Such specialists take into account the patient’s condition and, if they understand that there will be no harm, they allow the use of these drops.

Features of the appointment of drops:

  1. It is important to assess the possible risk to the fetus and the health of the pregnant woman.
  2. An overdose of medication should not be allowed.
  3. The drug should be used only in extreme cases, if congestion cannot be tolerated and breathing is not restored.

Possible complications

A runny nose in the first trimester is dangerous due to possible complications and side effects of medications. Incorrect behavior at the beginning of pregnancy can harm the fetus and the expectant mother. That is why every pregnant woman should be well aware of the possible negative consequences of inattentive treatment of a runny nose:

  1. A runny nose can cause any cold, because the nasal passages are blocked, cold air enters directly into the respiratory organs and supercools them. Find out about quick treatment for a runny nose in this material;
  2. A constantly stuffy nose opens the way for viral infections directly into the lungs and further to the fetus. After all, the nasal mucosa, in addition to warming, also traps pathogenic microbes, processing them into mucus. A viral infection of the fetus is a direct path to miscarriage or premature birth;
  3. When the nasal passages are blocked, all nearby organs are at risk of inflammation, which can cause a sore throat, sinusitis, and otitis media;
  4. If a pregnant woman is unable to fully breathe through her nose, there may be a risk of fetal hypoxia, which can lead to abnormalities in the development of the fetus;
  5. The transition of a runny nose from the acute stage to the chronic stage, when treatment will no longer be so quick and effective;
  6. If a runny nose lasts throughout pregnancy, there is a risk of infecting other pregnant women in the delivery room. Here the question may arise about the safety of staying in the general ward.

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The main risk during this period is the inability to use most medications due to the vulnerability of the fetus. Any medicine has contraindications, and at the beginning of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), the unborn child is still developing, and the placenta along with it. Only by the 13th week does the growth of the child's place finish, and then the child receives full protection.

How to use Otrivin 0.05%

Drops are introduced into each nostril. The dosage of 0.05% is intended for children over 2 years of age. But some pediatricians also prescribe the drug to infants. One injection is enough. Otrivin can be used no more than once a day, maximum 3 times.

Children under 12 years of age are allowed to take up to a couple of injections at a time. You can do this 3-4 times a day. It is important to constantly monitor the child’s condition after instillation. If you experience drowsiness, lethargy, sneezing, or swelling of the larynx, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Recommendations for use:

  1. It is important to maintain an interval between instillations. This is about 6-8 hours.
  2. It is good to do the procedure at night so that the baby can breathe normally during sleep.
  3. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days, but more often doctors advise limiting it to five days.

Otrivin during pregnancy

For women who are happily awaiting the birth of their baby, a huge number of medications are contraindicated, including those that girls successfully used before pregnancy. At the same time, expectant mothers are susceptible to colds and other diseases even more often than others, since their immunity during this period of time is significantly reduced.

Including, almost all women during the entire period of pregnancy more than once encounter such unpleasant symptoms as a severe runny nose and nasal congestion. I want to get rid of these signs of various ailments as soon as possible, because they significantly worsen the quality of life and often cause sleep disturbances, which can have a very adverse effect on the health and functioning of the baby and the pregnant woman herself.

One of the most popular and effective drugs for getting rid of runny nose and nasal congestion is Otrivin, and some forms of this drug are successfully used in newborns from the first days of life. That is why many girls are interested in whether Otrivin can be used by pregnant women.

Can Otrivin be dangerous for pregnant women?

According to the instructions for use, the drug Otrivin during pregnancy is contraindicated in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester. This medicine belongs to the category of vasoconstrictors and contains the active adrenaline component - xylometazoline.

Any drugs in this category act throughout the body of a pregnant woman, and not just locally, which can have an extremely negative impact on the nutrition of the unborn child. In addition, in some cases, taking Otrivin and other similar medications during pregnancy causes serious consequences. The action of the ingredients included in its composition can provoke a significant increase in the tone of the uterus, which often causes the onset of premature labor or spontaneous abortion.

Due to the incredibly high danger that the use of vasoconstrictor drops and sprays may entail during the first 2 trimesters of pregnancy, they should be strictly prohibited for expectant mothers during this period of time. In the last 3 months of expecting a baby, you can use such drugs, but this should be done extremely carefully - no more than 1 time a day and no longer than a week.

In addition, even in the later stages, it is better for pregnant women to give preference to drugs with the lowest possible concentration of active adrenaline components. Thus, in the last 3 months during pregnancy, the use of children's Otrivin is allowed, the concentration of xylometazoline in which is only 0.05%.

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How to use Otrivin with 0.1% composition

This drug is suitable for patients over 18 years of age. Rules of application:

  1. It is enough to spray once into each nostril no more than three times a day.
  2. The course of treatment should not exceed a decade, and it is better if it is no more than a week.

It is not recommended to exceed dosages. This is especially true for patients with chronic diseases and those of advanced age. With very long-term use of Otrivin or exceeding the dosage, a reverse reaction is possible. This is increased swelling of the nasal mucosa and congestion.

Instructions for use of Otrivin drops

Otrivin is a vasoconstrictor (decongestant) with a local effect. The active ingredient of the drug is xylometazoline hydrochloride, the inactive ingredients are menthol and eucalyptus with a cooling effect on the mucous membrane, as well as substances with a moisturizing effect.

The complex effect of the drug includes:

  • Constriction of the blood vessels of the nasal mucosa, helping to relieve swelling of the mucous membrane
  • Moisturizing, reducing irritation and dry mucous membranes caused by xylometazoline
  • Cooling effect for a feeling of freshness

Otrivin drops help ease breathing, are well tolerated, the effect appears very quickly and lasts quite a long time (up to 12 hours).

The drug is used in the following cases:

  • Rhinitis (runny nose) in acute respiratory diseases
  • Allergic rhinitis, hay fever, sinusitis
  • Otitis media – to relieve swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa
  • Various manipulations to diagnose diseases in the nasal cavity

The prescribed dose varies and depends on the age of the patient, but should not exceed three drops in each nostril, no more than four instillations during the day. The duration of treatment should not be more than 10 days.

The drug has contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance to any of the ingredients of the drug
  • Problems of the cardiovascular system (high blood pressure, tachycardia, atherosclerosis)
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Glaucoma
  • Young children (up to 12 years old)
  • Diabetes, pregnant and breastfeeding women - under medical supervision

Side effects of Otrivin have been noted: headache, insomnia, vomiting, nausea, dry nasal cavity, irritation, sneezing, and rarely - increased blood pressure, tachycardia.

You can buy Otrivin drops at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

When purchasing a drug for use, it is advisable to consult a doctor and thoroughly read the instructions for use included in the package of the drug.

Learn about the use of Otrivin Baby drops, which help clear the nasal passages of a child, from the proposed video.

How to use the drug


  1. First, mucus should be removed from each nostril.
  2. Afterwards, you need to throw your head back and make injections into each nasal cavity.
  3. Next, you need to keep your head in this position for a couple more minutes and return to its original state so that dizziness does not occur. During this time, Otrivin will fill the nasal cavities and begin to act.

The spout of the container with drops must be disinfected after each use of the drug, even if they are used exclusively by one patient. To do this, wipe the pipette with an alcohol solution applied to a piece of bandage.

Operating principle

Otrivin is an effective drug with a rapid vasoconstrictor effect. On average, within 10 minutes after use, swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavities is reduced and breathing is restored. This effect is facilitated by the inclusion of xylometazoline in the structural formula as the main active ingredient.

  • sorbitol – food sorbitol;
  • eucalyptus and menthol extract;
  • sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate;
  • purified water;
  • disodium edetate – Trilon B;
  • benzalkonium chloride, which provides an antimicrobial effect;
  • sodium chloride is a detoxifying substance.

The drug has several dosage forms (Table 1), the main difference of which is the concentration of the basic active substance. Table 1 - Otrivin. Release forms

Standard concentration of xylometazoline, %Types of dosage forms
0,05Drops intended for children
0,05Nasal spray for ages 6 – 12 years
0,1Drops for adults
0,1Dosed spray, approved for use from 12 years of age
0,1Spray for adults with the addition of eucalyptus and menthol

The advantage of the spray is its uniform distribution over the mucous membranes of the nasal cavities. When irrigating, one press ensures that the required dose of medication is delivered, which guarantees the expected therapeutic effect. This form of the drug is convenient to use in various situations. Drops allow dosage changes.

This allows you to accurately follow the doctor's instructions regarding the amount of drug administered into each nostril. Caution should be exercised as the medicine may enter the nasopharynx. It is mandatory to follow a short course of using this vasoconstrictor drug, since addiction may occur to it.

Recommendations for using the medicine

Doctors advise you to adhere to the following rules:

  • It is not advisable to use Otrivin for the treatment of infants. If this is justified, it is necessary to constantly monitor the child's condition.
  • If undesirable reactions occur, use Otrivin should immediately stop treatment and consult a doctor.
  • To avoid a back reaction to the drug, it should not be used longer than the indicated course.
  • More than 10 days are prescribed only in extreme cases. It is important to constantly monitor the correct dosage.

How does Otrivin work with other medications?

Features of drop interaction:

  1. Under no circumstances should drops be instilled if the patient is being treated with inhibitors. Otherwise, you can bring the patient to severe hypertension. As soon as MAOs are cancelled, Otrivin is allowed to be used a couple of weeks from this date.
  2. Some antibiotics in combination with the drug can cause allergic reactions. The tetracycline series is often contraindicated.
  3. Use with beta blockers can worsen the condition of asthmatics.

It is advisable to talk to the treating ENT specialist about all medications that you have to use. And he will already be able to make a decision whether to prescribe Otrivin or not.

Using an overdose of medication

In case of overdose, the following reactions are observed:

  1. Drowsiness.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Tremor.
  4. Increased sweating.
  5. A sharp decrease in body temperature.
  6. My head starts to hurt.

Your heart rate may increase, your blood pressure may increase, and your breathing may become difficult. Children are most sensitive to the effects of Otrivin. Since absorption into the blood is very small, in case of overdose the above conditions are observed very rarely.

Reviews about the use of drops

All patients, without exception, notice the expected effect of Otrivin:

  • It instantly constricts blood vessels and relieves swelling and congestion.
  • Side effects occur quite rarely and are more typical for patients with chronic respiratory diseases and sinusitis.

Consider patient reviews:

  1. Anna, 33 years old: “I use Otrivin from time to time when I get sick during the cold season. These are fairly safe drops.
  2. Aton , 43 years old. When applied, the drops do not cause itching or burning. Since they act quickly, a runny nose goes away faster. I am glad that there is no time for redness and chafing to appear around the nose.

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