How to quickly and effectively treat a throat

What to do if your throat hurts

The throat can hurt due to various diseases. It can be not only tonsillitis or tonsillitis. Pharyngitis, laryngitis, and mononucleosis cause pain and soreness in the larynx, and scarlet fever or measles can cause trouble for a child.

The use of improper treatment can cause complications in the kidneys, liver, heart, and joints. To avoid this, you need to pay attention to your condition, whether other signs of the disease have appeared: rash, fever and cough. If you notice symptoms of other diseases in yourself or your children, call a doctor at home.

But it also happens that a sore throat is a sign of ordinary hypothermia, as a result of which you have caught a little cold, because the cold season will not end.

It is easier to catch an infection and fever in the midst of spring than in winter. At above-zero temperatures, viruses are activated, infecting the body, which by spring experiences vitamin deficiency and decreased immunity. For throat treatment methods to be effective in this case, a whole range of measures is needed.

What measures should we take to alleviate the condition at home?

  1. Maintain bed rest;
  2. Strengthen the immune system with vitamins;
  3. Drink as much fluid as possible per day (at least 2 liters);
  4. Use rinse;
  5. Use inhalations;
  6. Make compresses;
  7. Use aromatherapy methods.

If you have a sore throat, following all measures will help you get rid of the disease in 1 day.

Treatment of a sore throat with pharmaceuticals

When a sore throat occurs, a person faces enormous discomfort. We suggest learning how to treat a painful condition at home.

No. 1. "Strepsils"

A fast-acting drug that is dispensed in the form of lozenges for resorption. Quickly restores local immunity and destroys pathogenic microorganisms. Adults are recommended to dissolve 1 lozenge every 2.5-3.5 hours.

No. 2. "Grammidin"

Inhibits infection, quickly moisturizes mucous membranes and treats suppuration. Prescribed for treatment and prophylactic therapy for tonsillitis and sore throat. When taking, you should start from the daily norm, dissolving 1 tablet every 3 hours.

No. 3. "Septolete"

Widely used for the treatment of ENT diseases of various etiologies. The base includes esters, which are endowed with bactericidal properties. The daily norm for persons over 10 years of age is 5-8 pieces. After dissolving the lozenges, you should not eat or drink for an hour.

No. 4. "Falimint"

Helps both quickly cure a sore throat and prevent sore throat at home. Improves regeneration processes, disinfects the oral cavity, suppresses inflammatory processes. For painful sensations, you need to take 1 tablet every 2 hours. The daily dosage is 10 tablets.

No. 5. "Faringosept"

In the shortest possible time, it relieves unpleasant symptoms and soreness, making it easier for the patient to swallow. It is acceptable to give to children over 3 years old. The tablets are dissolved taking into account 1 piece every 4 hours.

Why bed rest is important

Common colds, acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, flu, runny nose and red throat can lead to serious complications if not treated correctly. The virus attacks the heart muscles, nervous tissue, and almost all organs, because microorganisms are spread throughout the body along with the blood. An infection that is not fully treated can lurk in any tissue.

To avoid complications such as myocarditis, pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis, myositis, arthritis, it is important to lie in bed during colds. On the first day, you can even refuse food. The body should spend its energy fighting viruses, not digesting food. For the same reason, we must refuse any loads when moving.

If you have a sore throat, spend at least a couple of days in bed. There is no need to walk, do household chores, and especially not go to work. Call your loved ones, your relatives, friends, girlfriends for help to help look after your children and take care of you. In this case, you will get rid of unpleasant symptoms faster.

Irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat

Often the cause of a sore throat is allergic reactions, the influence of polluted or too dry air, as well as tobacco smoke.


• sore and sore throat;

• general condition is normal, temperature is normal.

Other, optional signs: with allergies, a sore throat may be accompanied by itching, watery eyes, sneezing and runny nose, and at times a dry cough.

How to cure a throat in 1 day if you have allergies:

• eliminate the allergen or irritant;

• gargle with a solution of salt or soda, or any of the above gargles;

• increase the indoor humidity level to approximately 60%.


Not only do you have a sore throat, but you also cough like a dog? This is an inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis) that spreads to the vocal cords. The most common causes of laryngitis are viral infections or overstrain of the vocal cords, loud screaming, for example. Laryngitis is most dangerous for children: due to the narrow and long larynx and significant reactivity of the respiratory tract, the disease is fraught with attacks of suffocation. It is called false croup, and our ancestors considered it a fatal disease. Modern medicine has learned to cope with croup, so you shouldn’t risk your child’s health and treat a sore throat at home; if you have such symptoms, seeing a doctor is a must!


• the voice becomes hoarse;

• with laryngitis of viral origin, general health worsens, fatigue increases;

• difficult to talk.

What to do if you have laryngitis:

• speak only when necessary - the vocal cords should rest;

• if possible, do not smoke or be around smokers.

• drink more fluids to avoid dehydration.

• do inhalations with moist hot air: with a pan of hot water or using an inhaler. It is a good idea to add essential oils (a few drops each) of fir, pine, eucalyptus, spruce and others recommended for such procedures to the inhalation solution.

• take antiviral drugs.

We activate the immune system

You can get a cold or an annual virus not only in spring and winter; almost all 365 days a year we can be attacked by microorganisms, and the speed of recovery depends on the state of our immunity. How to boost immunity with folk remedies?

To do this, we need vitamins that are found in vegetables, fruits, herbs, and root vegetables, but since it hurts to swallow, we use the following recipes:

  1. Vitamin C - it is useful for the immune system; in addition, for a sore throat, ascorbic acid kills infection in the nasopharynx. You can simply chew the lemon along with the crust, sprinkle it with a little sugar or dip it in honey;
  2. Ginger root - if you have a sore throat, you can chew ginger in the same way as lemon along with honey or sugar;
  3. Brew lemon and ginger with boiling water, leave, add honey or sugar, then drink in small sips all day long;
  4. Rose hips - you need to prepare it in a thermos, make an infusion of rose hips and take it throughout the day;
  5. Freshly squeezed juices can be made from any fruits and vegetables. Juice not only from fruits and berries is beneficial for the immune system. You can use carrots and apples or carrots and beets.

Herbal teas can also easily boost immunity and help your body cope with the disease quickly and effectively. For this we use mint, lemon balm, echinacea, basil, anise, ginseng root, and ginger.

We take herbs and root vegetables in arbitrary proportions, prepare an infusion or decoction from them, you can use a thermos. If you add honey to the prepared tea, it will only be healthier.

Drink more fluid

Here it should be clear to everyone that drinking plenty of fluids helps remove viruses from the body that we are fighting and their waste products, that is, toxins.

To prepare teas, we use all the herbs and berries that we harvested in the summer and autumn: St. John's wort, fireweed, tarragon, thyme, linden blossom. You can add dried and frozen raspberries and strawberries to tea. In addition, plant leaves are also used.

Few people know that the leaves of raspberries, black currants, cherries, and strawberries are no less beneficial than the berries of these plants. For vitamin teas, you can even use dried carrot tops, which are usually thrown away. Using a green pharmacy will help in treatment and enrich the body with vitamins.

What else to drink if your throat hurts

  • milk – it is advisable to drink this product hot; add honey, ginger, butter to the milk, which can be replaced with cocoa butter or natural coconut oil. When a child has a sore throat, this product becomes indispensable;
  • cranberries - you can make a fruit drink from the berries. To do this, knead them with a blender and squeeze out the juice. Boil the squeezed berries with water for 5 minutes, adding sugar. After this, mix the broth with the previously squeezed juice. We drink the resulting fruit drink in small sips several times a day.

By combining healthy ingredients in different ways, you will get teas with a unique taste that you will never get tired of. For lovers of this drink, herbal teas can be prepared all winter and drunk to prevent colds, as well as to strengthen the immune system.


Why do you need to gargle for viral infections? With this simple procedure we moisturize the nasopharynx area and get rid of mucus. The main thing in this method is the effect of the liquid; it doesn’t matter what you add to the water; any rinsing will help improve the condition.

  1. The classic way to irrigate the nasopharynx and tonsils is with a solution that is close in composition to sea water. To prepare it, you need to take a teaspoon of salt and soda, add 250 ml of water and drop 2 drops of regular iodine tincture into the solution, which we use to lubricate wounds;
  2. You can rinse the nasopharynx with decoctions of chamomile, coltsfoot, eucalyptus, elderflower, sage, calendula;
  3. Use a decoction of onion peels - prepare a concentrated burgundy solution and gargle with it several times a day;
  4. Solutions with vitamins are well suited for rinsing; you can make such a solution from lemon, cranberries, black currants: brew with hot water, leave, add a teaspoon of soda to alkalize.

Do not forget that rinsing for inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and larynx (pharyngitis, laryngitis) does not have a therapeutic effect. They only help alleviate the condition and relieve pain when swallowing. And one more rule for rinsing: before lunch, the nasopharynx is irrigated every half hour, and after lunch, before bedtime, every hour.

Gargles for quick treatment of a sore throat

Before gargling, it is worth making a special solution. Of course, for a sore throat, you can also use pharmaceutical preparations suitable for use at home. However, the compositions prepared with your own hands are natural and effective. Preference is given to the following options:

No. 1. Salt solution

Warm up 0.2 l. filtered water. Add 7 g. soda, 7 gr. salt, 5 drops of iodine. Stir and wait for the grains to dissolve. When the mixture becomes barely warm, gargle. Repeat the manipulations every 3.5 hours.

No. 2. Ginger-lemon drink

Since you can quickly cure your throat with more “tasty” remedies, we suggest making a ginger drink at home. Combine 1 tbsp. l. grated ginger root with 0.2 l. boiling water Pour in 30 ml. lemon juice, add 20 g. honey. Rinse your mouth 3 times daily.

No. 3. Beet juice and vinegar

Rinse the beets, then wipe to a paste. Pour in 30 ml. apple cider vinegar, leave for half an hour. Squeeze out the vegetable puree, only the liquid is needed. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 2 to 1. Rinse. Repeat on a regular basis once every 1-2 hours.

No. 4. Licorice syrup solution

If your throat hurts and you don’t know what to gargle with, make a solution at home. Buy syrup at the pharmacy. Measure out 1 tbsp. l., combine with 0.2 l. warm water. Stir and use as directed. Gargle once every 4 hours.

No. 5. Raspberry tea

You will need 3 tbsp raspberry leaves. l. Grind them, combine with 0.3 l. water temperature 90 degrees. Infuse, covering the teapot with a towel. When the composition becomes warm, use it to gargle. Manipulations are carried out 5 times a day.

No. 6. Propolis tincture solution

We tell you how to quickly cure a sore throat. Buy propolis tincture with a concentration of 10% and use it for rinsing at home. Make a solution from 0.1 l. warm water and 45 drops of the drug. Rinse your throat and tonsils, repeat twice a day.

No. 7. Citric acid solution

A very effective composition that suppresses pathogens without damaging local immunity. So, for the preparation, measure 5 pinches of lemon per 0.1 liter. barely warm water. Use for rinsing 3 times daily.

No. 8. Medicinal decoction

Plants with medicinal properties are used everywhere, especially in the treatment of ENT diseases. You will need sage, eucalyptus leaves, calendula inflorescences. Measure out herbs 1 tbsp. l. based on 0.5 l. water. Add 1 g. lemons and simmer on the stove for 12 minutes. After cooling and straining, use the product 5 times a day.

Inhalations and compresses

These procedures cannot be used at elevated body temperature, which occurs with inflammation of the respiratory tract. Inflammation is caused by bacteria and is treated with antibiotics. Thermal methods are used only after the inflammatory process is suppressed and the temperature is reduced.

  1. We do inhalations for the larynx using a water container and a large towel or blanket, or you can use a steam inhaler. If you have a sore throat, inhalation with potato peelings will help;
  2. An adult can make a vodka or semi-alcohol compress: to do this, moisten a piece of cloth with vodka, apply it to the neck area, put cellophane or parchment paper on top, then cotton wool. Each subsequent layer should be larger than the previous one, secure the compress with a bandage and keep it on all night.

It is better not to apply alcohol compresses to a one-year-old child and children under 12 years of age, as their skin is very delicate. To avoid getting burned, such methods should be abandoned. If the child is 2 years old, you can make an oil compress from any type of oil (eucalyptus, fir, olive). Apply this compress to the neck warm and hold for 15-20 minutes.

Other methods

Aroma therapy will help alleviate the condition of a viral infection. For this, onions, garlic, eucalyptus, fir or pine oil are used. The phytoncides contained in these plants are useful to inhale for colds, sore throat and runny nose.

Chop the onion and garlic with a knife and place it on a plate in the room. Their aromas have a beneficial effect on the nasopharyngeal mucosa. They do the same with oils; they are dripped into water and the container is left open in the room where the sick person is.

Bitter radish

When symptoms of the disease appear in a pregnant woman, she can be helped by infusion of radish with honey. To do this, you need to take a black radish, wash it, place it firmly on a saucer, cut out the middle of it without removing the peel. Then fill the cut out space with honey and leave to infuse.

Very soon you will see that the radish has mixed with honey and a syrup has formed. It should be taken a teaspoon 3-4 times a day. As you take the syrup one teaspoon at a time, new juice will be released in the radish; honey can be added.

If during pregnancy you need to quickly get rid of the symptoms of a sore nasopharynx, then grate the radish, squeeze out the juice, then mix it with honey. This miraculous method can also be used for children. If the child is 3 years old, you can give radish juice infused with honey several times a day. In addition, the method relieves children from coughing.

Horseradish, onion, mustard

How else can you treat the larynx in order to rid yourself or your child of discomfort, sore throat and sore throat in one day?

  1. Grate the peeled horseradish root, add a glass of water, a teaspoon of honey, a little cloves or cinnamon. Drink the drink in small sips at a time;
  2. Onion syrup – finely chop the onion, add honey, leave for 3-4 hours. Then squeeze the juice through cheesecloth or a sieve, add lemon juice, take 3 times a day;
  3. If the child is 4 years old, you can use the onion differently. Cut the vegetable into half rings, put the onion in thin socks, dress the child with warm socks on top, it’s good to do the procedure at night, but you can also do it during the day;
  4. Dry mustard - you can also put it in the socks of children and adults; you can use dry mustard plasters for this.

In addition, this product is well suited for soaring your feet. Pour mustard into a bowl of hot water or put several mustard plasters there; you need to steam your feet for 15-20 minutes, adding hot water when it cools (do not use the method at elevated temperatures).

Inhalations to treat sore throat

When thinking about how to quickly cure your throat, resort to steam inhalation at home. Give them 12 minutes twice a day to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

No. 1. Chamomile infusion

In 0.25 l. water at a temperature of 95 degrees, add 2 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers. Leave in a closed container for half an hour. Pour in another 1 liter. boiling water Breathe in steam with a blanket draped over your head.

No. 2. Garlic and onion solution

Since curing a sore throat is not much of an effort at home, mix equal amounts of chopped onion and garlic. Fill with water heated to 95 degrees in a ratio of 1 to 10. After the procedure, swelling of the larynx disappears and inflammation goes away.

No. 3. Potato

Boil the potatoes in their jackets. Take out the root vegetable. Add 1 tsp to the broth. table soda and 7 drops of iodine. Then proceed according to the standard procedure.

No. 4. Honey

Warm the water to 90 degrees, dissolve the flower honey. Calculate the proportions 5 to 1. After 2-4 steam inhalations with the solution, noticeable relief occurs.

Drawing conclusions

At home, you can quickly and effectively get rid of pain and soreness in the larynx if the illness is caused by common seasonal viruses. When a bacterial infection occurs, inflammation of the tonsils, larynx, and nasopharynx appears. Home treatment will not be effective and may even be harmful.

You shouldn’t figure out on your own whether your infection is viral or bacterial; it’s better to consult a specialist. And please do not forget that if your body temperature rises, you cannot do any warming procedures.

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